St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 24, 1911, Image 4

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    A Tbor Story.
Count Bovcntn, Mine, Modjcsku'
husband, was nrrangltig with Senator
Tnbor for Modjeskii'a 11 tut apiicaranco
In Denver, and ttic founder of drama
lc art In Denver asked what parts sho
"Well." said the count, "there la
'Mary Stuart.'"
"Who wroto It?" hshed Tnbor.
"Sol k r." snld th.j count.
"Is , a first class" nsk
r.l Tabor.
"Surely, surely," snld tho count
"He Is most Illustrious."
"Humnhl Never heard of him
commented Tabor. "What else does
nhu do?"
"Ah You Mlfe It,' 'Antony nnd CI
oimlni,' '.Macbeth'
"Who wrote them?"
"How's he? Good writer?"
"Hicolletit, excellent."
"Well," said Tabor rumlnatlvely
"those fellows may be alt rllil ns ail
thors, but they ain't well oiioukI
known to suit the people out here,
What wo want Is somothliiR popular,
Romethlue that everybody's heard of,
I tell you what you do you et her to
give us something of Iloyt'sl"
Fearful Pate of FUvalllac.
In these days when executions.
linM at nil. nro tuostlv carried out
nrlvntii. It l dllllelllt for Us to Under
Htnnd the feeling of nnvngery with
which an old time molt witnessed
popular execution. Hero Is Hloundell
Murton's necotint from "The I'ate
Itiinrv of Niivnrrn" of tho soeilo win
Itnvalllar, the assassin of the klnu.
had, after suocklng tortures, been torn
asunder by wild horses: "Hie excel
tinner had begun to dltmcmhcr lilt
anil was about to enst his remains lut
tlm HiM-ond caldron when the vnk
eniwil iiruvented lilm from doluii ho
They each required a portion of tho
body of the king's assassin, nnd hum
of Iliem obtained one. That nluli
innuy boiillreri bla.ed In and around
I'urN, and In their midst were run
niiuied pieces of Itavalllac'H fnitue; on
barn door In other nlaeos were nailed
similar scraps of his body, us hawks
nnd owls and carrion crows were nail
ed as n warning to others of their
Grant and Plokett.
New evidence that the great mei
are the true men- true to themselves
to their country nnd to their friends-
niiiMHirs In a slory told In Colonel Midi
olas Smith's book, "(Irani, the Mini of
While Omul was president (leuera
(1. It. I'lekett, who led tho fatal charge
against the Union fomu the last day
nt (lettysburg, called at the While
House to pay his respects, (Irani knew
that his old comrade at West Point
had been made a Mor man by the
war and ottered him the marslialshli
of Virginia. While sorely needing help,
(leneral I'lekett knew the heavy draft
made upon the president by uillco seek
"You can't afford to do this for me,"
ho said, "mid I can't afford to take It."
"I can afford to do anything I phsisu
that Is right," Grant replied ipilelly
Peppered lee Cream.
"There's pepper hi that," said n res
taiirnnt waiter, pointing to a small
silver shaker he had placed benlde a
heaping iIInIi of lee cream he was car
ring to a guest. "Sure, It's to put on
the lee cream, loo," he replied when
mi Inquirer failed to see the coiiuiv-
(Ion between the two.
"IttM of folks want to put pepper
on their Ices, You see, If a mans
stomach Is sensitive the cold cream
hurts him, hut pepper Is sllmuhitlng
enough to overcome the effects of the
cold. And the funny thing Is that you
don't Inste the pepper nt nil. The lee
cream Is so cold that It kills tho oth
or. If you don't believe It I'll give
you some with pepper, nnd you'll llml
that there's no taste of pepper there
at nil."
There wasn't. Now York Hun.
Mile' Grave.
"Which Is the deepest, the longest,
the broadest and the smallest grave
In the churchyard" said u pcdotrlnii
to hU companion while iiicdltHllug
among tho tombs In the burying ground
nt JMier.
"Why," replied his companion, "It
Is that In which poor Miles Mutton lliw
burled, for It contains Miles Mow the
sod, Miles In length ami Miles In
breadth, and yet, after nil, It U but n
lluttondiole." Ponrson'H w cekly.
Effect of Tlaht Uolno.
"Is tight lacing unwise)'' n teachur
asked a young lady In n physiology
"Yen. It Is very unwise," was the re
"Why Is It unwise?" the toucher pur
sued. "Hecuuse It busts the corset," said
the young lady. Hxchange.
Not nil tho lunatics are behind the
ImrH.-Clmrlustou (H. C.) News and
Quito so. There nro yet n few men
lit large who try to do IiunIiumh with'
out advertlslng.Nov York Herald.
DlitlnQwIelilnu Marki,
Willie How do you manage to tell
those twin sisters apart? Cecil
When you kUs one of thum she
threatens to tell her ma, while the oth
er when kissed says she will toll pa.
Going Too Far.
Maldheaded Man (In the witness
Imjx) The violent disorder was so tor
rlhle that It made my hair stand on
cud. Judge (severely) lie good enough
to remember that you are on oathl
It Is not so much being exempt from
faults as having overcome them that
In un ndvuntuge to us.
The following list of legal blanks
nre kept for sale at this othce ami
others will be udded as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills
of Sale, I.eascs.
All these bluuks at the uniform
price of 30c per dozeu,
A Duttered Book.
How tho Itev. Mr. Johnston, a Scot
tlsli minister find the author of nu
merous books, succeeded In getting
one of his works reviewed by Alex
under Itusscl, tho distinguished editor
of the Scotsman, Is told by tho writer
of "Kninous Kdltors."
A member of Mr. Johnston's cotigro
gallon was nn old nnd valued servant
In Mr. missel's family. When tho
preacher published his now book ho
nsked tills member to bring It under
(he uotlco of her mnster, with tho re
quest to review It In the columns of
the Scotsmun. Glad to bo of servlco
to her master", tho good woman lost
no time In making her wish known to
(he celebrated editor nnd next morn
lug placed "Tho Gospel Itoll" besldo
his breakfast cup.
When nt breakfast Mr. Itussel took
up the book nnd remnrked, with
merry twlnklo In his eye, "Helen, this
Is un nwful dry roll "which you have
given me this morning."
"Perhaps It Is, sir," tho Hcrvant
quickly replied, "but you can butter
It weel on both sides."
Next morning nn excellent rcvlow
np pen red.
Conkllng and Thurmnn.
Senator ltoscou Colliding was onco
addressing the senntu In un Impassion'
cd manner nnd scorned to direct his
remarks to Senator Thurmnii. At
length tho latter got Irritated.
"Does tho senator from Now York,
he roared, "expect mo to answer him
every time ho turns to mo?"
l or n moment Mr, Conkllng hcsltitt
ed, nnd everybody expected n terrlllc
explosion. Then, with nn nlr of ex
qulslto courtesy, ho replied:
"When I speak of the law I turn to
tho senator from Ohio as the MiiHsut
man turns toward Mecca. I turn to
III 111 us I do to the Kngllsh common
law as the wwrld's most copious foitn
of hutunti Jurisprudence."
The usually decorous senate broke
Into a storm of npplnuse, and the
Thurmnii eyu moistened 11 little. The
wo statesmen were the best of
friends and greatly enjoyed each oth
ers society when "off duty."
A Wetter If Not a Detter Man.
A little man In the west of Knglnud
rushed to the river Inst summer, Hwear
lug loudly that ho would drown him
self. When he had waded In to
the depth of his waist his wife, who
had followed him, seized lilm by the
hair, and then, ns 11 local editor do
scribed II, she led him back till he
reached a place where the water was
about two feet deep, where she pulled
him over backward and soused hi:
under unit pulled hN head up again
'Drown yourself (down he wenti
leaving me to father the brills! (An
other plunge.) Gel drunk (aiiothei1
sousei and start for tho river! (An
other dip.) Hotter use the water In
stead of rami (Another dip nnd shake
of the liend.l I'll 1'iirii yo to leave me
11 widow!" After soxxlliig lilm to her
heart's content she led him out 11
wetter If not a better man and escort
cd lilm Into the house and closed tin1
The Gordlan Knot.
The famous (tordlaii knot wns tniid
of leather taken from some part of
the harness belonging to the chariot of
(loidlus, king of Phrygla. It seem
that this knot wns so tied that th.'
ends of the leather thong were not vl
Ihle, hence the dlillciilty In loosening
It. Many must have tiled to untie It,
for Its fume ns n "sticker at last
reached thu great oracle, which declar
ed that the lucky cxHrluicutcr should
bo rewarded by the kingship of Per
sin. Alexander, trying his hand ami
meeting with no bettor siiccomh than
tho others, drew his sword and cut
Into tho knot until ho found the emN
of It.
fMoht to the Point.
When the lord chief Justice visited
Ireland he wns often entertained by
tiiwpllublo gentleman who hud an old
butler, who took the privilege of speak
ing Ids mind freely. On one occasion
the claret did not quite meet the host's
pproval, so he culled the ancient but
ler ami said:
"I told you you were to put the best
claret on the table. Is this the best?"
"No, sorr. It Is not the best claret."
replied the old fellow, "but It's the
best ye've got." London Tlt-lllts.
Knew He Wae Worshiped.
"In Paris Mr. Whistler und hii Hug-
llsh painter got Into a very turbulent
rgumeut alsnit velasquex at 11 studio
tea." said nu artist. "Mr. Whistler nt
one Kilnt In the argument praised him
self extravagantly. The HuglUliuiuu,
listening, sneered nnd snld nt thu end:
"'It'it a good thing wo cnu't nee our
selves as others see us.'
"'Isn't It, though?' said Mr. Whistler.
I know In my caso I should grow In
tolerably conceited.' "
Theology and the Thermometer,
A point of theology Is raised by Sir
Pmucls Yoiiughusband In "India and
Ibet." "An Interesting detail," he
says, speaking of the religion of the
untlvos, "Is that their hell Is not hot,
nit cold. If It were hot the Inhabit
ants of fiiMeu Tibet would all llock
Clever Auntie.
Traveler It seems wonderful that
Jiipauoso dentists can take out teeth
It Ii their lingers. I.lttle Juck-
Auntlo can take out hers with her
flngora-overy one of 'em!
Perfection does not exist. To under-
nnd It Is tho triumph of human In
telligence; to desire to hssoss It U the
most dangerous kind of mildness. -Alfred
do M unset.
Kin every day takes out a patent for
soiuo new Invention. Whipple,
Chiropractor and
415 N. Kellogg Street
One lilock Kast of Postofiice
I.ady Assistant
He Obeyed Ordere.
General Dabney II. Maury In his
"IncIdenU of General T. J. Jackson"
says that when the war between tho
states broke out Jackson was the pro
fessor of mathematics at the Military
College of tho South. He wished
strongly to tuko command of a cadet
corps, but the hands of the Institu
tion woro desirous to liavo lilm con
tinue his teaching. Governor vMso
n o nis tencuing. uovcrnor ihui
' ... I
cn ed out tlio stato troops mm oruereu
that n corps of cadets bo held ready
fnr immniintn servlrn. Jackson, then
major, reported nt onco at the guard
room ns renuy ror duty, uencrni
Smith Raid:
"Major Jackson, ypu will rcmnln ns
you nre until further orders."
Jnckson at that moment wns sitting
on n enmp stool In the guardroom with
his saber ncross his knees. At revclllo
the next morning ho wns found In tho
Hiuno position.
"Why, mnjor, why nro you here?" ex
claimed General Smith.
"Hecnuso last night you ordered mo
to remain whero I wns," was tho reply.
Royal Jewele In Pawn.
Tho ox-Sultan Abdul Aziz pawned nil
his crown Jewels for n million francs
at tho Mont do Plcto nt Paris, nnd
they were only Just redeemed by the
Moorish government In time to pre
vent their being sold among other un
redeemed goods.
Tho sword of state, which Is regard
ed In Servla us n sacred relic, wns also
pawned by n former king, while one
welt known European monarch found
himself In such straitened circum
stances that tho famous house of At-
teuborough onco temporarily had pos
session of nil his old silver.
Queen Isabella was, however, the
most famous royalty who made no
secret of tho fact that she ruined men
cy upon tho security of tho portraits
of her ancestors, which hung on the
walls nt the palace Cat lie, her Part
shin home. The royal lady often de
clared how deeply she was Indebted to
her royal forbears for commit to her
rescuu nnd helping her out of her 11 tin ti
cliil predicaments. London M. A, I
The Road to Succeei.
Just tack this up Hoinowhcro whero
you can see It:
Success consists lit getting out of
yourself everything that's In you. It
does not consist In doing almost qulto
ns much or u llttlo moro than thu oth
er fellow. What thu other fellow does
doesn't amount to a dent In u door
knob so far ns you ore concerned
Tho fact tlint ho succeeds by laying
an Atlantic cable, building nn Eiffel
ower, Inventing wireless telegraphy or
cornering the world's supply of oil
1 esu't make you 11 failure because you
haven't got enough ready money to
i.u t.n automobile. You'ru successful
when you put to noiiio useful purpose
very ounce of energy, every grain of
gray matter, every mite of iiiusclo that
ou've got. You're successful when
you've developed nil there Is to you
and have given that to the world.
Pittsburg Gaxctto-Tlmc.
A Hard Hearted People,
Filial piety finds no place In Tibetan
character, it Is 110 uncommon thing
for u sou to turn his father, when too
old for work, out of doors and to leave
lilm to perish In the cold. The siiperstl
lion that thu souls of the dead can,
If they will, haunt the living drives
their hardened natures to gain by the
exercise of cruelty the promise of tho
lying that they will not return to
earth. Ah death approaches tho dying
person Is asked, "Will you come back
or will you not?" If ho replies thnt
he will they pull a leather bag over
his head mid smother him. If ho says
he will not ho Is allowed to die In
A Lightning Change Artist.
Tho rapidity with which chameleons
liange their color Is marvelous. You
gather one from nu outdoor shrub and
Immediately becomes dark, almost
black, hissing and with Its mouth wide
open, threatening to bite. Meanwhile
It Is never still, hut continues to crawl
upward whenever iwsslblo up you, up
our sleeve, always upward. Hy de
grees the angry black changes into
Imtmer color U nearest. If one's
dress Is of a brownish color ho Is the
The Real Thing.
"This," said thu young benedict who
as Just realizing that ho had caught
tartar, "Is what I call real married
"I'm glad you're satisfied with some.
thing," she snapped.
"Oh, I'm not I I merely meant to In
form you that It Is not Ideal." Phila
delphia Ledger,
Hit Qood Aotlon,
A llttlo Canadian boy went to bed
ml then suddenly recollected that ho
hadn't done ouu good action that day.
Ills conscience was gnawing at lilm.
Ho heard n llttlo squeal In the coruer
of hU room, nnd ho got up and re
leased a mouse thnt had beeu caught
In the trap. Then ho gave It to tho
Expensive Fiction.
"Is that picture really u work of
"I don't know," replied Mr. Cumrox,
hut the story tho dealer told me
bout It surely was." Washlugtou
Enough 8ld.
Thrifty. Is shor
Thrifty! I won't go Into a long
discourse. I merely tell you that sho
bonks money lu December." Wash-
ugtoii Herald.
HU Dilemma.
"For $200 I'll fix your teeth so you
can chow without dltllculty."
"If I was to glvo you $200 I couldn't
get anvuuag to cnew on." uro.
St. Johns Laundry
horoughly equipped for all kinds
of laundry work and
p-to-dats In every respect,
rompt and efficient service guar
anteed, Your patronage solicited.
Fax ae a Qameiter.
Charles James Fox. the English
statesman, was oven more notorious In
tho gaming world than he was famous
in the world of politics. Ho had
squandered J2"0,000 before coming of
age. He became one of the most prolll
gate gamesters of the vlclotn days In
which he lived. Some of his Uncut dis
plays In debate were sandwiched be
tween excitement hucIi ns would un
nnri-ii iniiut limn win. linil nn Mnrlnus
- - - -----
business on hand. Wnlpolo has given
n glimpse of n typical passage In this
extraordinary man's life. Ho had to
take part In the discussion on the
thlrty-nlno articles In parliament on a
certain Thursday. He had snt up play
lug hazard from Tuesdny evening until
C o'clock on Wednesdny afternoon. An
hour before ho had recovered ?itO,000
that he had lost nnd by dinner time,
which was n o'clock, ended losing $55,
000. On Thursday ho spoko In tho
debate, wont to dinner nt past 11 at
night; thenco to 11 club, whero ho
drnnk till 7 tho next morning; thence
to n gambling house, where ho won
$30,000, and between 3 and 4 In tho
nftcnioon ho set out on a Journey to
Pirates and Strategy.
Tho virtuous Island of Sarlt wns not
always ho. When Kdward HI. was
king, Sarlc was 11 haunt of pirates nnd
wreckers. Sir A. Connn Doylo lu "Sir
Nigel" tells how they lived not upon
thu Island, "but from what they can
gather upon the sea around It. They
nro broken folk from nil countries
Justice tilers, prison breakers, reavers,
eseuned bondsmen, murderers ami
staff brenkers who have mado their
way to this otitland place nnd hold It
against nil comers." The incrchnntN
of Ityo nnd Wlnchelscn lltted out un
expedition ngnlnst thosu scourges of
the narrow seas. A landing wns oh-
tnlned by strategy. Lcavo was ob
tallied to bury n supposititious dead
sailor on tho Island, tho burying party
to coma unarmed. Hut that apparent
collln wns filled with weapons, mid so
wns Hark cleansed of Its ovlt Inhabit'
nnts.-London Standard.
A Glory of Mathews.
Charles Mnthows ono day previous
to tho period of his publicly proclaimed
dire bankruptcy Invited n friend to
dluu with lilm. Tho wnlnuts wero
washed down by somo rare sherry.
"That's n delicious wine," his friend
exclaimed. "It mint have cost you a
lot of money."
"It didn't cost mo anything that I
know of," tho lllghty comedian nn
Hwered, with n shrug.
"You had It given to you, then?" tho
friend suggested.
"Oh, no," nnsworeil Mathews; "I
bought It from Kills, In Iloml street."
"Hut ho will charge you something
for It?" the friend exclaimed In aston
ishment. "I hellovo ho does write something
down lu n book," Charles retorted
grnvoly. "U-t's hnvo nnolher glass,
my hoy."
When Tea Was Dear.
Those who grumble nt tho prlco of
tea should turn for consolation to the
records of Its price lu early limes. At
Its llrst Introduction into Knulnnd.
about the middle of tho seventeenth
century, ten fetched anything between
til and 10 n pound, and though u fall
In price quickly took plnco tho Kust
India company still had to pay over
tl for tho two pounds of ten which It
presented tho king. However, oven
thus It Is doubtful If the ten merchants
got very fat. seelim'that the Importa
tion or somo 1,000 iMiumls lu 1078 was
enough to glut tho market for some
ycnrs.-Loinhm Chronicle.
English Inlustloo.
An Australian tourist traveling In
the west of Ireland nsked an old wo
mini how far It wns to tho nearest
town. She sadly looked nt lilm. then
sighed nnd said:
ii was uvo nice miles two yeurn
ago, but some Kugllsh bruto camo over
with chains and mado It seven, and
our hearts nro broko walking It over
since. Had luck to thorn!"
And she disappeared Into tho houso.
leaving him there.-Illustrated Hits.
Cramp In the Leg,
To those who suffer from cramp In
thu leg ut night the following hint
may lx useful: When tho cramp
comes on take u good strong string-
long garter will do-wind It round
tho leg over tho place that Is affected
nnd take an end In each hand nnd
give It 11 sharp pull, ono that will hurt
11 little. Instantly the crump will do
part, and the sufferer can return to
IhhI iiRsured It will not como ou again
that night.
A Mean Question,
"Yes. It was George's Idea to glvo
mo a silver sioou for every birthday."
"Mow many lias ho given your'
"Why, twenty-two."
"Why did ho stopr'-Clevelniul Plain
remnrkablo history" bo
who looked like n possl-
"I have a
gau the lady
no client.
To tell or sell)" Inquired tho law.
yer cautiously. Washington Herald.
A Dubious Saying.
He They say that tho face ts an
Index of the mliid. She I don't know.
It doesn't follow becauso n woman's
face U made up that her mind Is. Hos
ton Transcript.
It Takes Time,
"Has llttlo Mrs, It. consoled herself
over her husband's death yett"
"on, no; 110 yotl You know what
long time these Insuranco couipaules
take to pay!"
Wo must not sit down and look for
miracles. Kllot. .
For Sale Fine I400 piano, I200
cash, balance $5 per mouth. Own
er has moved to Kausas and will
deduct from the price of the piano
$2$ because it would cost her that
much to ship it east, leaviug the
total cost !f7.s. This is a rare bar
gain. D. N. Byerlee, 315 West
Subscribo for the St. Johns Review
and keep pouted on the dolnga of
the cltgr.
Comparatively a new science by
... .f , . .
which iiie cause 01 disease is deter
mined nnd the art of removing the
same by the hands without medicine
or surgery. The spinal column
is the main shaft br support of the
Human body, and is composed of 26
articular joints or movable bones
(Vertebrae) through which the spi
nal cord passes, sending out from
between each of these Vertebrae
nerve filaiuentg to the different or
gans, muscle and tissue of the body.
How vital these nerves to our being:
Destroying those of the finger, arm
or leg, or any other member of our
body, and that member is also des
troyed; or impinge or otherwise in
jure a nerve of any portion of the
body, and trouble begins. Think
how often accidents happen, even
from the moment of birth to that
of old age, such as falls, sprains,
poisons, bad colds, etc., that so of
ten move Vertebrae out of place,
thus impingciug or otherwise inter
fering with the nerves passing
from between them, which may
cause the Asthma, Infant Paralysis,
Heart, Kidney, Stomach and Liver
aud all other troubles, owing to
what organ, tissue or member that
nerve supplies. There is no disease
but that will yield more readily to
this method of cure than to the so-
called best medicine in this great
world of ours. Come in'and'let us
demonstrate, if you arc in any way
afllictcd, and especially if you.lmvc
failed to procure relief elsewhere.
Consultation will cost you nothing.
Chiropractic never injures any one,
never fails to benefit, aud seldom
fails to cure even the most stubborn
The following testimonials arc
from just a few patients I have
treated and cured. They are here
amongst us and can be reached by
telephone or letter. Kindly com
municate with them.
Dr. A. S. Douglass
338 Union Avenue N.,
Portland, Oregon
rhone Cast 0241
Sciatica Cured
Will tntc (or the benefit of those stil
ferine from Sciatica, that I was nflltcted
with it lu Its worst form for over two
years, and after failing to procure relief
uy nu outer rcmciitcs, even to going to
tue laiuous not bluings 01 not i.nke
Kastcrn Urcgou, 1 was crsunilcd to tn
Dr. Douulass (the) Chiropractor) TV
Union avenue N., Tortlaud, Oregon
which I dld.'nml am completely cured
and I most earnestly recommend him to
nil afllictcd as I was, for only thoM! suf
fcrluu as I did have any Idea of the lulu
cmiurcu, KcsiH.-ciiuuy,
(Millwright rcnlusuln Lumber Co.
1711 Portsmouth Ave., Tertland, Ore.
I was helped onto the boat at Cnth
lamct. Waih,, and went to Dr. Douglass
.tine cuiropractor, t'oriiumi, urcgou) to
treat for bclntlca. 111 lour weeks lie
completely freed me of every symptom.
miicc turn time 1 uavc tuatic ami noiucn
my winter' wood, built a I 1-2 story
uoiisc nun icei as wen as a man 01 my
ncc can. which is 7.1 year. I believe he
can cure anything thnt I curable.
know of lilm curing case of stomach,
Heart ami kidney trouuie, aitlima, liead
uche aud neuralgia, all of the severest dc
gree, while I was treated by him.
Mot truly,
Cathlamct, Wash.
Astluno Cured
For three years I had been afflicted
with Asthma so that I could not venture
out into the woods to do my workfcruls
ini! timber) for fear of one of those awful
attacks which none but u sufferer of
asthma knows. Was directed to Dr.
Douglass (The Chiropractor) who com.
plctely cured me four mouths ago.
6604 Whitman avenue, Portland, Ore,
For one year I had wine severe ail
ment that my physicians did not under
stand nor render relief. Itecame so that
I could not retain anything, not even
water, on my stomach, November 15th
I called Dr. Douglass (The Chiropractor)
who soon located the trouble and re
moved the cause so that I am well now
and can eat and assimilate any food I
wish, Most respectfully,
Whltwood Court.
About one year ago Locomotor Ataxia
came upon me so pronounced by sey.
eral leading niiysictans 01 t'ortiand, who
told me my disease was incurable, I lost
control of my limbs; my feet ami legs
became insensible to the prick of a pin
though pushed to the bone; neither could
I leel it wnen mey were oeiug nurneu,
I begau treating with Dr. Douglass (The
Chiropractor, 338 Union Ave. N.) Nov.
ai. 1910. Commenced to Improve at
once, aud have continued to do so ever
since, aud am now able to resume my
work. A corn on one of my feet began
paining me as soon as life begau to re
turn to mv limbs, and for a time the
pain was almost unbearable.
very respeciiuuy,
338 Union Ave. N Portland, Ore.
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Feuinsu
la Title, Abstract aud Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Henderson, Manager, 120 North
Jersey street.
Subacrlbo for the Telegram-
evonlng paper on tho coast.
Ed Stockton.
Brine in your lob printing while
you think of It. Don't wait until you
are entirely out. Wo are equipped
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland price or less.
Indorsed by Horsemen because it
gives horses the best footing.
Indorsed by Automobilists because
it is non-skidding.
Indorsed by Property Owners where
ever laid because it is the most
durable and consequently the
Indorsed by Engineers because it
is constructed on scientific lines
and is sure to give the desired
Indorsed by the Average Man be
cause he sees it is a common
sense, tough and durable pavement.
Suits, Shoes Hats
For Ladies and Men
High Grade Hose 3 pair for 25c
. Y. Lang & Co. t
101 Burlington Street, near Jersey
Electric Washing
Your family washinpfcan be done
perfectly at a cost of i) cents.
The Electric Washing Machine
does the business.
Fill the machine with water, soap,
clothes, etc., turn the switch aud
read the morning paper while it
does the washing. It WRINGS
them too.
It abolishes the "Servant Problem"
nnd snves 75 per cent of your laun
dry bill. Ask at the
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
H 7th and Aider Street
Welsh Anthracite
Rock Springs
Over 1500 tons sold by
month of December, 1910.
Phone Richmond 131
Mill and
Cord wood
Long or
Company during the
Prompt Dry,
Deliveries. Green,
Quality Blocks,