St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 24, 1911, Image 3

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    C W, B. M. Convention
Tlfe)istfict Conventibli of the
fedtffatdd C, V. B, M. convened iu
the tabernticle of the Christian
church nt St. Tbhils. Friddv. Mdh
17 fdr riu till ddy session. There
were 54 members and six visitors
tiresent, representing seven out
ten organizations iu the federation
1lie nibf hitlg session was dcvot
id to the routine work of life fed
erntibh. Thb next lrieellnfe of the
body will be held iu Softwood and
n meeting of the executive board
will 'be lidld ill (he Y. W. C. A
building April 10th.
During the noon adjouriiufdilt
rill in attendance enjoyed a most
'bounteous and delicious feast gen
crously prbVld6d'Mr (lib loc-al C
W. B. M. There were very nnlny
wortls ofirlrnise frdtn the Quests bf
our ladies as tb their gracious re
ccntidn and nrovldcrit cafe.
The principal topic considered at
the meeting was "western women
Hud Eastern winds," iu the discus
slori of which was recounted the
grct work thfil hits bceli tttUl
being ddlie by 'the C. W. I), M.
mission fields of the old woild, but
particular cnipliasls was given
the urgent need of means and work
ers for these missions, where the
people are so anxious to bear the
gospel that tribe will all but go to
war With tribe in order tb first lidV
the gospel preached to them. Tllis
eagerness bh (he part bf the heathen
to hear the gospel preached is a se
vcrc fcbtilie to otlf ln'zliiCss mid ill
difference here at home, and would
warn us to bestir ourselves, lest th
condemnation pronounce against
Capernaum and Bcthsaida might
apply to us and that it would be
more tolerable in the day of Jttdg
incut for these heathen lauds than
for our Christian (?) America,
"A Story of Beginnings," by
Mrs. W. V. Warren; "Woman's
Life in the Orient," by Mrs. Llv
'lugstdnc; "Thb New Woman t
thc Orient," by Mrs. Iulgccombc
were among a number bf Very in
tcrcstiug topics discussed. It our
sisters in the churches could but be
brought to realize the great allien
tioiinl effect these meetings have up
bu the attendants, how it brings us in
closer touch with the work of the
Master, closer to him iu heart and
life, gives us a broader, truer view
of the work lie has given tts to do,
nud greater faithfulness and en
'thusiasm in the prosecution of the
same, our church buildings would
not contain (he crowds Who voii Id
Mrs.'Gortiiloy oticnctl the after
'noon session and introduced Mrs
Warren, who took charge of the
meeting, conducting the session in
very graceful and interesting man
ncr. The meeting will long be re
mcmbcrcd as a bright spot iu their
ilves'by all who wcr&'the're. tcx
fliew Whitwood Car Line
Engineer Kyle has completed
Purvey for a street railway from
'the United line just beyond the
'Fair grounds to a point near the
rest of the hills. A Well ktitiwh
Construction firm has been an
rproached 011 the subject of building
Ulie line, and taking bonds on the
tyracts of laud penetrated iu pay
rnieut for the work. All property
cowners affected are declared to be'
"it unit in the matter of giving this
security, and a definite proposition
lf this kind is being prepared
"which will be submitted to the
'builders soon.
In making the survey up the
western hills nt the point named,
JMr. Kyle has endeavored to pre
rve -the value of the route for
fcenic purposes, while serving the
Entire nrosnective residence sectiou
Trlis estimates based on this survey,
-smow the prospective cost of the
Ulue, and it is found to be within
Ube means of those who 'are beiit
Upon populating the great region
Hieyond Macleay park toward Burl
Details as to the plan of oKra
tion on the proposed Hue are not
furnished but it is understood
that -a traffic arrangement will be
'made with the United tracks. Iu
due tittle it Is 'expected to be made
a branch' of the United, if that com
IbanVwill 6terrupou the Work of
developing Its territory immediately
'adjacent to the-city.
In the eveYit that the construc
tion of this branch railway shall
'hot be found feasible under present
'conditions of dev'elbpUieut, an ol-
jernative plan is being considered.
"That is to run a 'short ifue directly
up the hill ou such grade as the
'steep contour normally establishes,
operating two cars on a cable, one
'ascending as the other comes down,
Tfans-ortatlon Is being urged
'for Ibe great district to (he fcbrth-
wesl'atuT the energetic men behind
'Ihe'work' give assurance that if-will
be bad in some form. Portland
Senator Brackett of Saratoga, as
every body "Who 'Has -een him
-knows, has a poll closely
resembling a billiard ball, and, as
"tevery one ksows also, there is
"inuch gray matter beneath that
polished dome. Senator Brackett
waHrtfd 'lulo a barber shop (he
other day, or so -some of his
friends aver, and demanded a hair
fcut. " Hair cui ? ' suor t& a 'frkiid
Vho was waiting. "What you
"Vamt is a shine."
Work tor a llrwittV 1st. Jolmi,
' Playing nt Death.
The tabthcr of Ivan Tdrgdnev., the
Itusslnu novelist, wan a trying person
Cv Uvo With, Irritable, capricious and
unreasonable. On Ivan's blrtlitlny
1SIG. wo rtro told 1H "TWo ltua
Bldti ItefdrUiors," hfter a liny Of fostlv
IUpsj, Mtilc. Turpcuov protended to be
dylftfr. "She sent for her confessor
nild, placing before lief the portntlt tit
her son Irun, exclaimed 'Adletl, Ivan
Adieu, Nicolas! Adieu, my children l1
Then slio ordered her forty servants
and nil the men employed 'tibout tliu
hdu'so to shy gooilby 'to her. When
they had tiled out of the room Mmo
TtlrBciloV ilbelurcil'(lidtsho felt better
and naked for ten. Tho next dny the
following 'order nppcnrcdt
" 'I give orders tlmt tomorrow morn
Ihg tho disobedient tiorvrttits, Nlcolus
Jncotlef, Ivnn Petrof and Egor K011
drhtrltlef, elihll sweep the court
front of my windows.'
"Thoso names Avcro those of scrv
ante who baK hdt appcarcd nt her bed
Bide, possibly because they were n lit
tie Uruiik thrit dvdulnir. 'Good for
ndthlncal Drtinkardsl exclaimed Mmc,
Tur'gcnbv. 'i'liby rojoleo nt tho death
of their mistress!'"
Tho Dank Dat tha Prlnoe.
The Gcntlewotnnn of London recalls
Iho followlhg Story bf tile prhleb re
fccut nnd Coiltts' bank: "When deorgo
IV. wn& n regent ho had a grudge
igalnst CoutU nnd determined to piny
a trick on tho nutlidritlca. In thoso
days even tho great banks kept very
small reserves bf cash, Mnd the playful
prince thought out n plan to close
CoutU'. 80 lie Hcut his enuerry round
from Carlton f Ioimo with n check for
100,000, fohdiy hoplttg thrit tho bank
would not bo able to pay over the
lollrtter. 'iho prlnco's trick, however,
fulled of success, as tho wary old part'
ner of 'tho Strand bank proved equal
to the occasion. He snld nt ouco to
(ho enucrry. 'Hdw will Ills royal high
ncss take tho nmount, Iu gold or notes V
Tho equerry hesitated nnd then said
bo hnd belter go back to CMrlton llouso
to inquire. Bo he departed, nnd Coutts'
had tlmo to send to tho Ilnnk of Kng
land nnd get tho cash required, but It
wbh not needed, ns tho prlnco regent,
seeing that Coutts' had got tho best
of him, did not return tho check In
too That Can't Da FoUnd.
Tho eggs of Homo common birds of
the ifrvsent dny novo never been
found. Thero Is tho robin Htitpe; Us
eggs bnvo never boon seen. An
llsb coologlst kept ti man going up nnd
down tho const df Labrador for wcrlts
purposely to get n robin snlpo's egg,
but It wnn In rnln. Tho bird Is known
by thousnnds of people, but It breed
ho fnr north nnd mo remote from nny
clvlllxntlon that no ftcloiitlnc observer
can over got to its nest vro tho young
nro hatched nnd have taken to wing,
Tho frlgiito bird that Is so coulmonly
Keen nt fn on Iho I'aclllc nnd off Iho
West Indfos Is such it solitary bird
nnd Is ho itcldom Keen In IU nest dur
Ing tho hours of daylight that Its egg
Is rare. It seems strange, but the
eggs of so well known n bird ns tho
8nudpler hnvo 11 over been found nnd
nro almost priceless. London Globe,
rtvrtd tha Proposition
Ilobert Wlckllffo Woolley, tho writer,
found It necessary not long ngo to
take n trip west. Ou tho dirking car
of tho train bo Haw that ho had in his
pocket 10 cents In change, Ids small
est bank nolo being tono for 50. I re
handed this to thu porter, who went
to tho end of tho car for n conference
with tho conductor.
"I'm very Horry about this." Bafd
tho conductor, Htandlug In front of
Woolley nnd toying with tho big bill,
"but wo hnvon't tho chaneo for S30,
We'll Just tko your address and sen'd
you tho change,"
Woolloy calmly reached over and
took possession of tho banknote.
'You've cot nothluir ou me." bo said
"I'll tako tho address of tho rnllrou'd
and Bond tho prlco of tho meal."'
Chicago IteconMIcrnld.
Tho Bathi of Caraoalla.
Tho Itomans appear to Imvo been
well off In tho matter of bathing
placet) In tho 11 rut and second ccutu
rloa. In tho baths of Caracalla 1,000
bathers could be accommodated at ontt
tlmo. Tho Inclosed area was 300
square yii&U. but it Included a courw
for foot racing. Tho bathing estab-
llshment M'as 210 yards In length by
I'-'t wldo. Tho remains of tho walla
nro eight and ten feet thick and Jfl
sowt) places as much as fifty feet high.
A Cumulative Tit
,s tbo'thlu man and tho stout one
were talking of diet and food in gen
eral the thin man said: "You can get
an excellent dinner at Clapbam's, the
restaurant near my offlee, for-25-eenU,
Ever try orio of Ids dinners 7"
"Ono of 'em! Yes, I should say 1
had," said tho stout man. "Why,
ato four of 'em ouo day last week!"
Tha -Bait Thing.
"What do you mean by kissing mo,
nerr IMschr
"My aunt told mo to. Sho told mo to
count and heln myself to the best thing
rcould'flhd-lu Iho kltehbn."-frllegeude
Just Men.
If any ono says that be has seen a
ust wan In want of bread I answer
that It was Iu bouio plate where there
was no other Just -man. St, Clement,
Can Afford It.
"ITaa the doctor a largo practice?"
'iBo largo that when neonlo bave
nothing the mutter with them be tells
them so." Pittsburg Post.
"Tho "Proof.
"You're Tery contradictory, my on.'
"No, I'm not, pa." Upplncott'a.
Salem lays claim to an unique
distinction among the- eapitol cities
of the United States. It has made
"greater net gam In "popula
tion than any other state eapitol.
8alem shows additions to her popu
lation amounting to 231.9 per cent.
dtirlng the ten year period, as giv
en Tu the figures "of th"ecensu"s. No
other state eapitol comes auy where
Two housekeeping rooms for
rents Inquire at 601 Nt Fillmore. i8p
An Ordinance In Relation to
the Improvement of Streets
The City bf St. Johns docs drdalh
Ttml tlih urtnrlnrtnltmid fnr llrept
provement known as Wcslrutulte l'nve
incut slum be as follows:
llrokcli Rock 1'ouudatlon.
.Section 1. Udoii the suln'rnde.
prepared, shall be sprend 0 Inj'crG Inches
thick of broken rock that will pas
lllfoniilt n ritllr of i inches internal ni
This layer shnll be thoroughly rolled
nud compacted Willi n steam rouer
wcli'lilnir not less than ten tons.
U110I1 said laver crushed rock shnll be
spread n sufficient qiullitlty bf screenings
to fill Interstices between the large
stones, nnd support them firmly in place
This laver shnll be rolled and compact
cd to a depth of 4 fi Inches, leaving an
even, nut coarse grained suriacc,
Concrete foundation.
SedtiOlt 1. Upon tile subgrnde, ns
prcpnrcd, shall be laid n beil dt concrete
not less man 4 incites iiuck. xhisiuusi
be tnilwcd to the sntUfnclion of the city
engineer. The ctllicrcte coarse shall
consist bf one baft Of cculcht to three
narts of sand nnd six of urnvcl. Th
quality of cscll must be npproved by the
city engineer.
This concrete foundation laid to Hi
proper grAdc rind thickness shnll have
slightly rough surface.
Wenrlilg Surface 1 7-8 Inches.
Section t, Umjii the broken stone or
Concrete louiuinitou snail uc sprcau n
wcnrliiL' surface which shall be composed
of n layer I 3-1 Inches thick of cnrcfully
selected, sound, hard crushed rock that
will pass 1 i-a men hcrccu.vui uc retain
ed by I Inch tnlxed with a sufficient
quantity of Wcstrututtc Asphalt to well
cont nil surfaces,
Updn the above laVcr. raked level, but
in nowise comincici, sunn uc sprcnu r
layer 3.4 Inch thick of bituuilnou mor
tar. coualttliii! of clean limestone screen
Ingt. nil of which shall pass the I -a inch
screen, and hot less than U tier cent nor
more than 13 per cent 01 which sunn
mts the 1-200 screen. Said screening
to be thoroughly mixed with not less
than 16 per cent nor more thnu 10 per
Cent by weigui 01 wceirumuc Atminu.
This second layer shall lie leveled and
A soon as Wcntrumltc hn begun to
set the above two layers shnll be rolled
with nu niplmlt roller Weighing not less
than five nor more than eight tons, until
tlicv arc thoroughly Compacted and
After which a flush coat. consUtlni! o
a thin lnycrof fine limestone screenings
mixed with a sufficient quantity of Wcs
trumlte, diluted with Its own bulk oi
water to produce a scml-lhilil mixture
shall be applied. This shnll be covered
with thin layer df coarse snml and 111
iiiifscc senln be thoroughly rolled.
This wenrlilg surface shnll have a full
thickness of 1 7.8 Inches, which, when
finished, must be perfectly true to the
required lines, levels nnd grade and
cro sections.
CoultiotUIou of Westruniltc Asphnlt
Seetlou J. The Asiihaltuui III West
rumite Asphalt shall consist of half
Trluldnd Lake Asphnlt and half the best
California Asphalt nud the proper
amount of flux. All these materia!
mutt conform with the requirements of
the specifications for nsphnft pavements
of the city engineer, ami tliu pcrccniug
of bitumen soluble In carbon blsulphhl
shall not Varv btivoud the limits of from
seven 10 utile per cent 01 me loiai mix
Hire of tlie mineral aggregate nun vei:
rumite Asphalt.
Passed by the Couiicil this 16th day of
March, 1911.
Approved by the Mayor, this 16th dny
01 aiarcu, 1911.
J.t', iiitNimiuun,
Attest: A. M. KSSON,
Publitbed In the St. Johns Review
March 14, 1911.
It Is resolvetl by the City of St. Joiins
That It deems It extedlent and neces
sary to improve Kellogg street from the
north side Hue of PesSwudeii slreet to the
south hide line of St. Johns nveiiuelu the
City of St. joiins in tlie loiiownitf man
ner. to wit:
llv erudiui; same to the established
erade or grade to be established by cut
and fill and by sldewalkitig same 011 either
sine with o 1001 cement wanes, is 1001
curb, with all necessary wooden cross,
walks and box cutters. Said walks And
curb to have expansion Joints where dl
reeled by the city engineer, said curb to
have 4 men me drain every 50 reel ami
hitching rings iu curb where directed
by tue city engineer, ami accord
lug to the plans and speelficatioiis
of the city engineer oil file hi the office
01 the city recorder relative tnereto
which said plans and specifications am!
estimates are satisfactory and are hereby
approved. Said Improvements to be
made in accordance with the charter and
ordinances of the city of St. Johns, and
under the supervision and direction of
the city engineer.
That the cost of said improvement to
be assessed as provided by the city char
ter upon mo property especially and
particularly benefitted thereby, ami
which is hereby declared to be all of
lots and parts of lots, blocks and parcels
ol land between tue termini ot such
improvements abutting upon or appro -mate
to Kellogg street, from the
in&nrinal Hue of said street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts
of land abutting thereon or proximate
That all the property included in said
Improvement district uforewid is hereby
aeciareu 10 ue "i-ocai improvement
District No. 56."
That the city engineer's assessment of
the probable total cost ot said improve
ment of laid Kellogg street is
That the cost of said Kellogg street
to be assessed against tue property in
said local 'assessment district as provided
by the charter of the city of St.johus.
Adopted uy the council Warcli Ibtli,
191 1.
Published in the St. Johns Review.
March 24 and 31, 1911,
A pain in the side that catches
when you straighten up calls for a
rubbing application of Ballard's
Snow Liniment. It relaxes the
contracted muscles and permits or
dinary bodily motion without suf
fering or inconvenience. -Price 25c
50c and $1,00 per bottle. Sold by
St. Jolins Pharmacy. j
An Ordinance granting to the Mount
Hood Railway & I'owcr Company, Its
successors and assigns, for a period
of twenty-five years the right and
privilege to erect, construct, maintain
and operate an electric light, heat and
Eower system In the city of St. Johns,
regon, and the right and privilege
to erect poles and stretch wires
thereon and there ovct, through, over
and upon the streets, alleys and pub
lic highways: and to construct under
ground conduits or pipes with nil nec
essary manholes and other appliances
In and under the said streets, alleys
and public highways In the city of M.
Johns for conducting and conveying
electricity for light, neat and power;
to charge rents and tolls therefor,
and to collect the same and to author
ize the said Mount Hood Railway &
Power Company to trim shade and or
namental trees In the said streets,
alleys and public highways, and to
provide for the punlsnmcnt of those
lnuring or interfering with its prop
erly. The city of St. Johns does ordain ns
Section 1. The Mount Hood Rail
way & I'owcr Company, a eorjioratioii
iiuy organized and existing under the
laws of the State of Oregon, and hav
ing its principal office and place of
Inisttuss in the City of Portland, iu
the State of Oregon, nud its succes
sors nnd assigns, is hereby granted, sub
ject to the consideration nud conditions
in this Ordinance contained, the right
nud privilege to erect, construct and
maintain nu electric light, heat and
power system iu tile City of St. Johns,
Oregon, and the tight and privilege to
erect poles nnd stretch wires thereon
nnd thereover, through, over nnd upon
the streets, alleys and public highways,
and to construct underground conduits
or pipes with all necessary manholes
aud other appliances, in and under said
streets, alleys nud public highways in
the City of St. Johns for conducting
and conveying electricity for light, heat
and power nud to charge nnd collect
tolls therefor.
Section !!. All rights and privileges
hereby ptnntcd shall expire nt (lie cud
of iwcntj'five ymrii frvmi the date of
tl c acceptance of the terms and condi
tions of this Oidinaiiee by the said
Mount 1 1 ooi I Hallway & Power Com
pany and III (lie event the said Mount
Hi oil Knit way & Power Company shall
fail or neglect or rcfunc to iierfonn nny
df the nhligtttlnu or requirements im
posed by this Ordinance, fur the twrlod
of thirty (.in) days after notice in writ
ing, this grant and lulvilege by Ordi
nance may be terminated and annulled
by Hie Council of the City of St. Johns.
.Itid the said Mount Hood Railway &
Power Company shall lie dfeiucn lo
have forfeited nil right aim privileges
hereby 'granted.
Sec. ton .1.' All necessary e.nnrctiou
to subscribers' stations and to other
points may be made from such wires
and conductors, and with such means.
apparatus and appliances as may be
requisite. Said grantee, its successor
aud assigns, shall file with the City
Engineer or properly constituted au
thority of the City, before doing any
01 the work under the authority 01 tin
franchise, plans of all conduits, man
holes, distributing' poles, aud all other
constructions proposed wiinm tlie inn
its of the streets, alleys and nubile liish
ways of the city and in such form and
detail, including appropriate map, as
the City Uitginecr or other properly
constituted authorities may demand aud
approve: nnd plans and siieeiftaitlroi
of relocations and cIiriirs shall In? filed
in like form and be approved Wore
the same shall be maile or work begun
The Mount Hood Hallway & Power
Company, its successors or assigns
shall immediately tinon the acceptance
of this franchise, file with the City
Recorder of the City of St. Johns, a
lon(i in the sum. of $.oo.ou, wiiiei
said Imiul will provide that the work-
by the terms of this franchise, he com
mrured withia the City of St. John
within ninety (00) days thereafter and
that said work shall be prosecuted in
good faith aud that the sum o( $13 will Ih- expended in tlie con
strtictinn of Its plant or extensions in
the City of St. Johns, within one year
from the date or said acceptance.
All poles erected by virtue of thi
franchise anil grant shall lie maintained
at such length, and shall lie of audi
Mnd. and tha wires thereon shall be
of such height and placed In such man
ner as shall be satisfactory to the City
nf St- Johns, or its properly conttittittd
auiiioriiics. aiu graiucc, lis socceg
sors or assigns, shall not remove its
poles after once being set, from any
location to another, unless permitted to
do so bv the City nf St. Johns, or its
properly constituted authorities, and the
City of M Johns reserves the right to
cause such poles to lie removed.
Sec. 4. The said craulce. its sue
cessors or assigns, under the direction
of he City of St. Johns or its properly
constituted authorities, may nuke all
necessary excavations iu any stroet, al
ley or public Highway tor the purpose
of erecting, constructing and maintain
ing poles and other supports for its
w res. co innciors. iiki is or are minis.
and for repairing the same, and for
laying, repairing and maintaining its 1111
derground conduits and pines, ami
for placing, repairing, inainiaiuim
and operating its wires and other con
ductors therein. All poles of the siid
grantee, its successors or assigns, shall
be erected at ttlie edge of the sidewalk
unless otherwise directed by the proper
city authorities, 'i he City of ht. Johns
by its properly constituted authorities
shall have the right to cause said
grantee, its successors or assigns, to
move the location of any pole or arc
light whenever the removal thereof
shall be deemed for the public conven
ience and the expense thereof shall It
paid by the said grantee, its successors
or assigns.
Sec. 5. When any excavation shall
be made pursuant to the provisions
of this Ordinance, the said grantee, its
successors or assigns shall restore the
portion of the street, alley or public
1-1 . - . t. I !. f
iiignway. tu me same cuiiuuiuii in wmcr
it was prior to the opening thereof, and
all work snail ne done in strict com
"pliance with the rules, regulations ordi
nances or orders which may be adopted
from time to time during the contin
uance of this franchise, by the Council
of the city, or as may lie otherwise
provided by law. It is further provided
that the city authorities may require
that any opening in any hard surface
pavement in any street, alley or public
highway shall be filled in and tlie pave
ment replaced by the citv authorities
and the costs thereof includiiiL' tlw son
of inspection and supervision slull br
paid -by the grantee, iU successors or
assigns and for the purpose of guar
anteeing such repairs in said streets.
alleys and public highways, the said
grantee shall file with tho City Kc
euiUcr ot tue Lily of bt. Julius, a
good and sufficient annual bond to be
approved by the Mayor, in the sum
m $l,ouu.uu, wnich bond shall, among
oilier tlunga, provide that said streets.
ncii so upuiikd, shall be proteetid, re
paired and reconstructed to the satisfac
tion of the City of St. Johns, at the of said grantee within a specified
time therein to be fixed,
ivc. 0. At all times, the power and
rigiit to reasonably regulate, in the pub
iil unci est,, tlie exercise of the fran
chise and right so granted, including
rates to be collected lor light and pow
er, shall remain aud be vested in the
Council of the City of St. Johns.
bee. ?. The construction aud instal
lation of the plant nud system herein
,ruidvd fur slull begin within ninety
days aud shall be completed to the cx
Unt of at least one thousand horse
power ready for use within the limits
of the City of St. Johns within one
year from the date of acceptance of
this franchise.
Sec. 8. The grantee, its successors
and assigns, arc hereby empowered and'
atuhiiri.ed to cut and trim any and all,
ornamental shade trees iu any of the
streets, alleys Or public highways of
the city, that interfere with any light,
pole, wire, appliance, or apparatus used
111 connection with or as a part of the
electric light, bent, power works or
system, but no such shade tree or or
namental tree shall be so cut or trimmed
to a H)iut below twenty-five feet above
the sidewalk grnde, nor shall nny such
shade tree or ornamental tree be so
cut or trimmed until the grantee, its
successors or assigns shall give writ
ten or printed notice to the owner or
occunaut of the premises iu front of
which said trees arc growing, to trim
such trees within one week after giv
ing said notice at the cost mid expense
of said owner or occupant. If the said
owner or occupant fails, neglects or re
fuses to so cut and trim such trees as
required by said notice, the said grantee
its successors or assigns, may cut or
trim, or cause to be cut and trimmed,
such trees, but said trees to be cut and
trimmed in such a manner so as not to
unnecessarily deform or injure the
same. Said work shall be done at the
eHMise of said grantee, its successor.
ir assigns.
Sec. ti. Nothing iu this Ordinance
shall lie construed as In auy wise to
prevent the City of St. Johns from
cwering. grading, paving, planking,
altering or doing any work that may be
desirable on auy of the streets, alleys or
public highways, hut all such work
sliall U done, if possible, iu such matt
ner as not to obstruct, injure or pre
vent the free use and operation of the
said electric llnht, power and heat sys
tftu of said Kraiitev, Its successors ot
Sec. in. Whenever it shall he uer
essary iu grading nr sewering, or n
making any other improvements in nil)
Mreet, alley or public highway, to re
move any Hile or poles In-longing to
aid grantee, its s u-ccssors or assigns,
or on which any line or lines, win'
or wires nf said grantee, its successors
or assigns shall be stretched or fastened.
the said grantee, its successor or ns
vinos, shall tijHiu receiving ten day
notice from the City of St.' Johns, by
its properly constituted authorities, re
turn e Mich pole or poles, and if falling
neglecting or refusing so to do. the
said City of St. Johns, hv its properly
constituted autuoriiiis. inuy remove llie
same at the expense nf the said grantee,
its successors or nssimis.
Sec. II. Said grantee, its successors
or assigns, hereby agrees and covenant
' indemnify and save harmless the Cit
of St. Johns nud the officers thereof
attains! alt damages, costs and expense
whatsoever to which it nr they may lie
subject iu coiiHMtienee nf the acta nr
neglect of said grantee, its successor
or assigns, its audits or servants, i
niy ninoner arising from the right and
'irivuege iicrcny graumi.
All right, authority and grant herein
contained or conferred arc also condi
tinned upon the understanding and
agreement that the. privileges in the
street and public place are not t
iiMTutr in any way as an enhancement
of the grantees properties or value
or in imp mi nisei irr iieiu in nwnersmr
iu the upraisal thereof In the evcni
that said city shall ever acquire by
purchase, any or all of said grantees
Thi franchise and grant shall tint lie
construed as auy limitations upon tlie
Citv nf St. John through Its proper
officers to grant right, privilege or
autiMtnty to oilier iierswis or corpora
tion similar to or different from tbow
herein set fnrih. in tlie tame streets,
alk-yt or highway.
Sec. IS. It shall be unlawful foi
:ny ihtmni or persons, utile author
iied by the grantiM). it successors or
ntign. nr by the City nf bt. Johns
by ii pritiwHv cnofttiluled authorities
to interfere with, meddle with, injure
or remove any nf the poles, wire or
underground conduit nr piie, or any
insulator, instrument, light or apparatus
used iu nr a a tart nf the electric
light, lieat nr power system herein pro
vided fnr, and any iterant! or person
violating anv nf the provisions nf thi
section shall, oooti conviction thereof
before Municipal Court, be punished by
a tin of not km than rive (a) nor
more than One Hundred (Sinn) l)ol
lar. or by imprisonment in the city
iail not le than three (S) or more
than one hundred " 100) days, or by
both said line and Imprisonment.
Sec. X The rights and privileges
granted by tuts urainanee arc granted
upon the condition herein contained
and iiiHin the following considerations,
to-wit :
First. The laid grantee sliall. within
thirty days, after this Ordinance shall
he in force, file in the office of the
Recorder of IIm City of St. Johns. Its
written acceptance of this Ordinance
granted to and conferred upon said
trrautee, it successors and assigns, sub
iect lo all the terms, obligations, restric
lions and provisions in thi Ordinance
contained, and upon the expiration nf
the thirty dav tune allowed far ac
ceptance of this Ordinance, the same
not Having been accepted imeoiiditinn
ally, this Ordinance shall become wholly
void, inoperative aim in no oueci.
Second. The said grantee, its sue
crsxors or assigns, hereby consents to
and agrees to perform and abide by all
the terms, rerptiromsnts and conditions
reouired or imposed by any provisions
of the city Charter upon the granting
of franchise rights and privileges
whether recited in this Ordinance or
Third. The said erantce. its suecos
sors or assign, tliall iy to the City of
St. Jo Una. on or liefore the istii day
of January of eaelt year and every year
during the life 01 this franchise, 111
gold coin of the United States of Amer
ica, a sum of money emial to two ('it)
of the gross earning of the said
grantee, its successors or assigns, troin
rates or tolls colected within the cor-
norate limits of (lie City of St. John
for tlie preceding year, and no llcfliuee
tax fir tfharRC On the luiiiivess. occu
lta tion nr franchise of the said Mount
Hood Railway St Pwer Company, it
suecascors or aasiiuu. aliali diirinir tlie
existence of the fight granted by this
Ordinance be Imposed, exacted from or
required of the said Mount Hood Rail
,vay & I'owcr Company, Its successors
or assigns, other than the above spe
cified annual payment of money, but
liis provision shall not exempt the
ropetty of the said Mount Hood Rail
way Jfc Power Company, its successors
r assigns, from lawful taxation. Each
f the annual payments of money re
tired by this section, shall be made
y the said Mount Hood Railway &
'ower Company, its successors or as
igm, to the Recorder of the City of
U. Johns 011 or before the 15th day
i f January of each year for the prccctf
' ig yenr. nud snid Recorder shall Ismic
U receipt therefor which shall be a
fill acnuittancc of the said Mount Hood
Railway & Power Company, its suc
i".rtrs or assigns for s'icli payment.
At such lime, the grantee herein, its
-ncccssors or assigns, shall file with the
City Recorder, n certified statement
bowing the gross earnings of the Com-t-any,
transacted iu the City of St.
loluis for the past year and the Re
corder for said city shall have access
to the books of the said company dur
l"g the business hoitrs of anv business
day, for the purpose of verifying said
report. Should said Mount Hood Rail
way it I'owcr Company. Its successors
nr assigns, fall or neglect for thirty
1 IH)) days after the same becomes due
md payable and after written notice
from the City of St. Johns to pay the
same, to pay any of the said annua!
i.iyincnts, provided for in this section
the City of St. Johns, bv its properly
constituted authorities, shall have the
Wght to collect said overdue payments
front the said Mount Hood Railway &
Power Company, its successors or as
signs by a suit or action, and shnll have
a lien itron its property and franchise
hereby granted for the payment of the
Fourth. That upon the expiration of
the period for which this franchise is
granted, the City of St. Johns reserve
the right, at in election and upon pay
ment therefor by a fair valuation there
of, lo be made and determined as here
inafter provided, lo purchase ns an en
tirety and take over to itself all that
portion of the plant and properly of the
said Mount Hood Railway & Power
Company, its successors or assigns,
which tuny be situated in, above nnd
under the streets, avenues, highways
u public plnces nf (he City of St.
Johns, provided, however, that before
the City of St. J0I1111 shall have au
thority to purchase or take over such
plant or property, the question whether
nr not tlie cf'y shall acquire or Inke
over the said plant or property, shall
first be submitted to the voters of tlr
-ity at the regular election for city of
fleers next preceding lite expiration of
'he pel foil for which this franchise i
Tranted, or at .1 special election held
therefor and the affirmative vole of at
least two-thirds of the electors vol hip
it such election shall be necessary lo
nithorhe the acquisition of such plan
nnd property hv the city. In determlu
lug the valuation of such plant and
irnperly, to be purchased and taken
over by the city, there shall be excluded
therefrom anv value nf franchise or
rights of way, derived from the City of
St. Johns to maintain and operate mci
nlniit and properly, but there shall be
Included iu such valuation the value
nf all are limits. Incandescent IMits
iKile. wires, underground conduit
overhead wires, cables and conduit and
material and property which said Mount
Hood Kuilwny rower company, 11
successors or assigns, may have put
Into. upon, over or under the streets
illeys, avenues, highway and public
Mace of the cuv, and the said plant
The price or valuation to be paid by
he Citv of St. lohn for Ibe said prop
rtv shall be fixed and determined bv
hnv nrbltrntors eniUliiitr nf thre-
irciilt Judge nf the Circuit Court of
he Slli nf Orei'ou fnr Mnllnoiiial
"minty, and if said Judge or any of
Item refuse In act a such arbitrator
he city shall select one arbitrator, the
'raulee another and these two siian
elect n third, which arbitrator mi
Heeled shall immih qualifications of
inror In llie Circuit Court nf Oregon
'or the County nf Multnomah, and tho
lrc'loo in writing of the three arm
rator n selected or a nialnriiy n
'hem, made in duplicate and signed by
hem, one to be delivered to the Mayor
'f the City nf St. John and the oilier
n the Mount Hood Railway & Power
'niiiwiiy, its successors nr assigns, th"
said price ami valuation shall be pid
o the said Mount Hood Railway S;
Power Cnnmnnv. lis successors nnd n
duns, liefore the said Mount Hood
'tailwav & Pnwer Company, its succe
or nr assign sliall be deprived of the
ToMsion of the right to maintain,
operate ami ettlny the said plant and
iroperty: and upon the payment bv the
uy to the aid .Mount noon Kaiiwny
V Pnwer Coiupauv. it successors or
signs, of such nrlce and valuation so
eicrmmed as aforesaid, said plant and
rnperly mi valued, purchased, aud paid
for shall become the property of the
"llv nf St. Johns by virtue thereof and
ayment a a foresaid and without th
-xectilinii nt an' instrument ni emivev
nee If the ("by nf St. John shall
"Iect not tn seiHiire the ald plant and
iroperty or shnll not purchase the same
Mid the citv shall elect tn grant a new
r additional fraitchikv in lieu nf I In
spired franchise by thi Orsllnaivee
irauted, on aupl cation liwde by the said
Mount Hood Railway & Power Coni
nv. its ureeior or assigns, for sue1.
new nr additional franchise then and in
that rase, tlie si-Id Mount llnod Rnilwai
Pnwer Company. It successors o'
assign shall nave the nrst and nreier-
eniial riebt to tnke and receive such new
additional fraiuhUe. and if the said Citv
of St- John, or the Mount Hood Rail
way ft Power Conmany. it successor"
or at urns do pot take such new nr ad
ditlniial francliWc, hut the situe is after
their election not tn tako the same.
granted by the city tn any other cor
noration. associations, firm or Individ
iwl or individuals, then, in that case, such
other corporation, association, firm, in
dividual or individuals takng such new
or additional franchise sliall hi addition
tn the compensation to he paid to the
citv for such new nr additional frau
rhise pay to the said Mount Hood
Railway & Power Comtwuy. its succes
sors or assigns, or to the City of St
lohns in trust for llie said Mount Hood
Railway & Power Company, It sue
cessors or assigns, at or before the
time such new or additional franchise
lakes effect, and liefore the said Mount
Hood Railway Power Company, it
successors or assigns, shall be deprived
of the right to possess, maintain and op
crate such plant or pronerty, the fair
and equitable valuation of the said plant
and property of the said Mount Hood
Railway & Power Company, its succes
sor aud assigns, which the city by this
section reserves the right to purchase
and take over, the valuation thereof and
price tn be paid therefor to the Monti
Hood Railway 8: Power Company, its
successors nnd assigns to be fixed and
btermined in the same manner as in
this section aliove provided for fiximr
and determining the price and valuation
of said nlant and property iu case tltf
city sliall purchase and take over the
Pi fih. That the maximum rate to lxv
charged -within the corporatclimits-of
the City of St. Johns for service by
the said grantee, its successors or as
signs, shall be as follows:
For power:
Kilowat hours. Per K W H
100 to 300 or less per month.... Ac
boo to 1000 per month.. ..4c
1000 to S000 per month.... 3c
ftooo to 8000 per month.... 'tc
8000 to 10000 per month.... lc
For light and heat: Twelve (lttc)
cents per kilowat hour.
And It Is agreed that the grantee, its
successors or assigns, sliall furnish the
City of St. Johns, upon request of the
City Council, such electric energy for
the lightning of said city as may be
required, at its sub-station to be es
tablished therein, at the rate of two
cents (Sc) per kilowat hour.
Sixth. The total estimated cost of
that portion of the plant of the grantee,
its successors or assigns, proposed to
be constructed within the City of St.
Johns Is Fifteen Thousand ($lS,0OO.r)O)
Dollars and the estimated yearly ex
penditure for maintenance, operation
and extension of said plant and prop
erty within the City of St. Johns will
be Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollar.
Sec. 14. The City of St. Johns sliall
have the right and privilege of a place
on the top of any poles that may be used
by said grantee, in the City of St. Johns,
for the purpose of Installing Ihercou
fire signals and police signals and shall
also have the right to use said poles
for the purpose of installing thereon
police call stations and telephones there
for. Sec. 15. The franchise hereby grant
ed to the Mount Hood Railway & Pow
er Company shall not be sold, trans
fcrrcd or leased to any other person,
firm or corporation without the con
sent of the Council of the City of St.
Johns first given by Ordinance duly
enacted, and every sale, transfer or lease
of such franchise shall be deemed void
nnd of no effect without the consent of
the Council as almvc provided.
Pnscd by the city council March Ji,
Approved March al, l)il.
President of the Council.
Attest: A.M. Ksmiii, Recorder.
Published by the St.Jolins Review on
March 34, 1911.
An Ordinance Providing the
Time and Alnnncr of Im
proving Olympin Street
from Charleston Street to
Allegheny Street in the
City Of St. Johns, Oregon.
The city of St. Johns does urdaiu as
The council of the city of St. Johns,
having uscertnlned the cost of Improv
ing Olympin street froiu the east side
line ol Charleston streetdo the west-side
line ot Allegheny street hi the city of St.
Johns, u shown by the resolution
of the council of wild city dated on the
jikI tiny nf February, njll, mid reconled
In the ollicc of the recorder of said city,
and notice thereof having been publish
ed iu the St. Julius Review, a weekly
ncwtMper of general circulation, 011 the
24th nf February aud y Of Match, 1911,
n thowu by the iiflidnvlt ot the
foreman of said paper, which said
iiflidnvlt I 011 file iu the ollicc of
the city recorder; nud legal )tlug of
notice of such improvement, as shown
bv the alUduvit of the citv cmrliiecr oil
me Iu the ollicc of the city recorder, utid
no tcmoiiktruuccs having been filed, and,
as piuvhled by said resolution, the eugb
1 filed, and,
lit er's preliminary estimate of the cost of
Mild improvement I f J.45I 5, but shall
be more accurately determined by said
Now. therefore, It I hereby onlered
that wild street lie improved and the time
for the completion of wild improvement
U hereby fixed at (xty day from the
laid publication o! notice of proposal of
said work, which said iroMtl must be
filed with the recorder of said city 011 or
before the nth day of April, lyit , at
eight o'clock p, 111. of suld day.
That Mid street shall be improved as
follow; by grading Mine tn the estab
lished grade by cut and till ami ny side
walking same 011 either side with four
foot cement sldewidk. eight foot curb
entire length, together with all neces
sary wooden cro wains ami mix gut
ters; wild walk and curb to have csmii
klou joints as directed by the city engi
neer: curb to have four inch drain tile
every fifty feet; hitch ring to be placed
tu cum as directed by tue city engineer,
The city it-corder ahull give notice by
Piiblleutiou for not leu than three ill-
Mirtlou in the St. John Review, the of
ficial iiewsixiivr, inviting propoul (or
mukiiig said Improvement,
Said Improvement shall in all respect
be done and completed in conformity
with the provisions ol Ordinances No.
1 60 except as otherwise provided
iu this ordinance: all work to be done
under the direction and supervision of
the city engineer.
That the cost of said improvement
shall bo iiwck!ed agulust the (iroperty III
the local Improvement district as den
crlla'd in said resolution and designated
ns and declared to be Icl Improve
ment DUtriet Mi. 54.
IMskcii by the council oiatcunoiu,
Approved by the mayor Match 16th,
Attest; A.M. USSON,
City Recorder.
Published In the St. Johns Hevlcw,
March 24, 191 1.
An Ordinance Establishing
the Grade of Olympia Street
in the City of St. Johns,
Oregon, from Myers Street
to Allegheny Street.
The city of St. Johns dots ordain as
Tlmt the I'rade of Otvmpia street, be
tween Myers street and Allegheny Street
ti the city 01 hi. jouns, ne ami me-Mnie
s hcr.'bv estnblibhed in accordance to
uid iu conformity with the profile there
nf. which Wiid profile is on file in the of
fice of the city recorder of the city of St.
folios, and has been exumitied by the
council mid is hereby udopted and ap-
pro veil.
Passed by the council 'March Moth,
Approved uy me mayor juurvu u,
9. .,..,rt,.o
j, iv minunihivtii
Attest! A. M. lisbon,
Published by the St. Johns Review
March 34, 1911. 1 1
Noto the labal loniyounpapar.