THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLE Published Every Friday At 117 West Burlington Street. TilR RftviKW is entered at post office In Saint Johns, Oregon, as mall mnttcr ol tho socond class under the Act of Con gTtM of March 3, 1879. OOcUl Mvtpspr ef lbs City of St. Johns. Admitting rultt, 9 1.00 pr Inch pr month. Job Prlntl&c oiteuUd In flritcli njri. 1UI1 lor Job Printing cftib on ilellrer. Subscription price $1.00 par year. That the properly owners of Jer sey street nre unalterably in favor of WtMtrutnitv paving wan demon strated Tnewlay night. Their fnith is so great in this product that intiinntions, suspicions, charges ol inferiority and accusations Hgainst Wwitrtiuiite are cast aside with scorn. A protwrty owner voiced thte sentiment of the others nfter the meeting Tuesday night when he tated that the imving of Jersey street would cost him $200 oroo, yet he was willing to expend this stun to !inr Westriiinitu even if he knew it would hlow away the next morning. lie thought it was worth the price just to sec the ma tcrlal laid on the street, if even A Night With Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities," by Charles Dickens, is the first of a scries of evenings with the world's greatest writers, and the Motion Picture Patent's Co. lias wisely se lected to inaugurate this new de parture in motion picture entertain ments, with one of the best novels ever written by this great English author. The "Talc of Two Cities" is in three reels and each reel being 1000 feet in length, this one picture will make up the show to the length of the program usually run at the lilectric theatre early next week. The Vitagraph company has been working on this scries for half a year. The production re quires every star artist in their ag gregation in the chief roles, and at least fifty additional actors in the smaller parts. The mobs require no less than 1000 supers; the scen ery is by far the most realistic ever seen; the costuming is selected with the most exacting care. The en tire photo play is on a greater scale of magnificence than has even be fore been attempted, and more than all, both the author and the stage to -n- - First National Bank St. Johns, Oregon Sylvester Peterson, President A. R. Jobes, Vice President F. P. Drinker, Cashier C. B. Russell, Ass't. Cashier A. H. BLACKBURN Undertaker and Funeral Director Phone Columbia 283 East Burlington Stteet. St. Johns, Oregon t80n II 1 il aut.v.1, It v.n.11 ivil 1 ... ... , f. 1. 11 . n .t Tin. t... f tnrccior nave laiiiiiuiiy aunereu charges and insinuations that have ' Vlor n ,sct d?w" c,,Inr,f been launched against Westrumite )ic, 1 hcr.e .is "ol sll,Ic adduces ..nihliu.,. tintl.t.ur foot of film wasted every bit means tangible. It is easy to call a man "'"." the whole play s nVi..f 1..1. I. lu ..., ........ kd in a way that grips the it. Until nbsollltc. irrovnenl.!.. nn.l " cannot get enact mind away from tue .iisauiiiiu, 11 w uitiuiv iiiiii . lit . . lisputablc proof is forthcoming strong hol.Ut has over he senses t Westrumite is not what the if uiM'cnls to nil dasses;i tells won tieiiuiiy aim yei norrioiy, 111c 11; justice practiced in the name of lib erty while France trembled in the throes of the "Reign of Terror." The tale begins about the yen 17.S.V in I'rnncc, and in the most graphic and realistic manner shows the hostility of the nobility 01 Prance toward the poorer classes as well as their exaction in the way of taxation and their titter disre gard of the conditions, the stnrva tiousthat then prevailed in tiufortu uatc Prance. The Marquis I) Kv etiuoud utterly ignoring the rights ol humanity, has cruelly killed 1 leasauti and because I Jr. Mimetic a learned and honorable physician refuses to aid in the concealment ol the ciime, the medical man is se cretlv imprisoned in the U.istile that sinkhole of royal iniquity. Meanwhile the doctor's wife dies and a faithful servant, I.nfarge, has taken I.ticy, their daughter, who becomes the cherished ward : 1YI I mmi's Haul; of Kngluiid. The girl grows up to beautiful woman hood and all innocently wins, but till! that properly owners have been lead to believe it is, we shall continue to pin our faith to Westrumite. It is easy to understand why iusinua tious and doubts have been spread broadcast by a competing company. if wustrumite is good, their strong noiti 111 me ftortnwcst iiccomcs a stronghold nevermore. If they have proof, why not produce it? The time is propitious. The question of the substantiality of the base of the street as proposed to be laid by Westrumite has been raised by the engineers, but it seems to us that they will not understand. Mr Lind has made it very plain to or dinary Individuals at least, that rock for the base will be composed 01 crushed rock tliat will pass through 11 three-inch mesh with an inch and a half retainer. Thus any rock or dust or sand smaller than will pass through an inch aiid a naif mesli will be eliminated. Upon this Is placed smaller rock mid crushed into the voids with a heavy roller. Then Westrumite. which is impcrvioiistoiunisturcnnd harder than the rock Itself Is placed '()U!J "ol rc,,,r"' ,'lu , of ,sV)nL'-v on the surface. Suiely this would c"rl 0- y.0UK rrlblcr of disso- make it good street, the engineers to the contrary notwithstanding. Anyhow, we do not blame the proiHirty owners for winning to take a chance upon it. They have as (illicit commence in Mr. I.luil as they have in Westrumite, nud we neiieve mis commence will in 110 wise be abused by Mr. I.ind. We admire the clean and plucky fight the Westrumite company nud the Jersey street projierty owners have put up in St. Johns, and In the lute habits, but who, in reality pus scsses rare nonllityof soul. 1 line rolls on bringing in its train the Preuch Revolution and "Reign of Terror." Por 10 long weary yearn, Or. Mnuvttu -has re uiaiued a secret prisoner in the Hostile. lie at length secures his freedom, leaving behind, however, in his cell n history of his imnris ouuieiit, in which he culls down God's eternal vengeance 011 the Marquis D'Uvcrmoud and nil his .-.. .... ... wi JWI.l.t., .11.11 in V Ilk I 1. . , . ter ubsence of proof to the contrary. fiM,,l,y 7" t,1,,,e J""0 R u.. imv... n ri..i.t m 1...11...... n.nt I, Dr. Ma- their navimr Is iust a. tiood as thev " I tnkeii to lingiand nud there represent it to be. together with his daughter live a iwr.i i.r iMtut Iliw wi iiiriivnr Second Lecture 1 tf.. Ill 4 . a r.vaugeiiKi win. a. iiiiKer, oitlie Iuteriiatioual Iliblc Students' Aso ciatiou will deliver his hccnud lect ure in Illckiier hall, Sunday, Mch 9 t 3 P. Theme " The llirev Ways of the llible," 11 dibcinaion of man's jwht, present and future His last lecture in the series will be Sunday afternoon March 26 on the unusual tonic: "To Hell and Bnck. Who me in Hell nud Why iiwvc nicy any noiK?r a nre invited. Seats are free and no col lection taken. Mr. John Noce unit Miss dusts Ntthiou were united in mnrriagv at 1 ue iiome ot tlie liride's tirnudiNir- tltt, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Madison. 409 W. Richmond street, Saturday, March 11. at 3:30 p. m , Rev. p. N. Sandilur officiating. Lawrence llroiihou ncted as ht man and Mi uim Madison as bridesmaid. Only the Immediate friends of the family wuie jtrviKiit. The groom is one ol our brightest and 1110M tKipular youiHf uusiuess men, while the bride is h handsome and accom plished vouug woman. Theii friends wish them an abundance ol hapiiuctti in their new relation. They nre now at home to theii friends at 511; Columbia boulevard. J. W. Leightou of Uvermore. Iown, has purchastHl the hnrdwatu store of Mayor J. P. Hendricks on I Charleti Darney, n young sou of the Marquise, has renounced his title to nobility, and after giving his property for the benefit of the common eoplc, has settled in Pjig laud and falls in love with I.ticy, who, nfter gently refusing Sidney Carlton, marries the man of her choice. This refusal does not em bitter Carlton, but has n tendency to elevate his character so that thereafter he lives only that he may serve the woman he loves, with life or death if need there be. An old servant of the family I.n- farge, being in daugur of losing his life, can only bo saved by the re turn of Charles Darney to Prance. lie teaches fans at a time when the twonle nre frenzied with a taste of unbridled liceiue nud liberty: they seiie him. and after n mere mockery of it trial, Darney is con demned to the guillotine, merely because in his veins tlows noble blood. Sidney Carlton, nfter learning of Daruey's arrest and the misery which will be entailed upon the woman he worship, goes to Paris, bribe the prison keepers, and sue ceeds in substituting himself for Charles Darney with the terrible consequence that he goes to execu tion in order that I.ucv mav be Leading Ladies and Gents Furnisher -441" The Apex Button A complete showing at $5. Some few styles $6. you have a natural foot, put it in a "Natural Shapej' shoe. There's a Florshcim in our stock that will fit you fine Step in and try it on any time. The sooner the better. SHOE Footwear that jneans comfort and service. A great variety to select from. W4 Ladies' and Gents Furnishings of MERIT for those who care Knyscr Gloves 11 & Ci Corsets For Women Stetson lints Pey Mats For Men The Famous SORORITY SHOES FOR WOAIEN New Undies' Wnlsts, Muslin Underwear, Corset Covers in endless varieties Belter Goods for less Money "ENOUGH SAID" Everybody "GO SOUTH" to 311 South Jersey Street happy with her for uxnet date. huslmnd. Watd NOTICE. niiy iwny wno was on Phllndelnhia street and will flli. Johns wr at 3:10 p. in. on txwsossion next week. Mr I itii. her o, 1010, when Clement ton comes to our city highly recom mondial as a eoiitleiuan In wv.rv r. snoctaml a man of ran. huJm Hvenue Detweeti JJeneh and Pailmg ability. He has been in the hard- slrt'c,s' i(i "eqostwl to communicate the St, Decetn- Dezro. an elderly gentleman, was run over ami killed ut a switch on Union ware business for the mst fifteen years, and is possessed of a pleas ing personality. His son, 1. ,M. Leighton, will be associated with him and will conduct n plumbing aim mining snop in connection, Mr, Hendricks will look nfter his private affairs for awhile beloie again launching into business life. If you want n good buy on Pair Fessenden Street, St. Johns' new est ami fitiost avouue.iiKpiite at 002. You can buy several hundred below actual value if you act at once. i7tf with V. R., care of this oflice, 11 you wain to uuy, rent, sen or exchange property see Wolcott, (The Rent Man.) St. Johns Oflice. 401 South Jersey. Portland Oflice, 442 Washington Street, Phone Marshall Sidewalks in which washed ma terial is used are the kind that never have to be taken lit). Thev have the lasting qualities. Put down by the St. Johns Sand & Gravel Co. Phone Richmond ii. A full line of Matting for the spring house elcai lug season. Many pat terns to choose from, nt 25c to 40c per yard. Washing Machines $4.00 to $12.50 50c down and 50c per week New and Secondhand Purniturc, Stoves and Ranges bought and sold St. Johns Furni- 1 ture Co. "Cash or Credit" No. 0047. Anotner v iewpoint i The accumulation of personal re- I frequently advanced for saving. Systematic saving develops char acter, the greatest of resources, and the corner stone of credit. Character and credit are as essen tial as cash, when the rainy day comes. o A savings account for YOU, at this bank, right now, for build ing character, credit and cash resources. The Peninsula Bank St. Johns, Oregon Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $7,000.00 fixture Une from State ami Private Untile ntul Il.ittkc rs. Trust Cuttt tmnlcs and Suvlng iliukt V. thic f torn npproved re serve uncut,. .... . Checks and other cuili Item Note of other Nil tlotul Il.tuk fractional wcr cur rency, nicKcis, cents 9.50J.J4 10,864.90 5S0.44 1,030.00 ' 101.38 3.940.00 Sealed proposals xv ill be received bv Clerk of School District No. 3 of Mult- noninli county. Oreuon. un to Thumlav. Manh i, iqii. at 7:30 o'clock p. tn.. for seauiiK ,Amoiy Koom vuu jio Ujra Chairs, and lUtoony of the same with 171 Opera Chirs. First to be of the style of No. 51 j, and latter of style No, 9 of the American seating to. or equal In qual ity in every respect. Mils to be for tie. livery at the School Ilou.e and set up acconliiiK to plans. Situ pics to be sub milted to the Hoard of Directors on the above date. Hy onler of Hoard of Directors. J. 15. TANCH, District Clerk. Published in the St, Johns Review on 1 1 .larcn 17, 1911, Snaps in Realty Report ot the condition of the First National Bank I at St. Johns, in the state of Oregon, at line close 01 business .Mnrcli 7, 1911: RKSOUHCIM. Loan nud discount ftu.VVS.q? Ovenlrnfls, secured & unscc'd 367.10 U.S. bonds tonccureclrculntion 35.000.00 t'remiums on U. S. lxjnd 635.00 lioniiH, Securities, etc.. 3g.bjg.ll iianking uousc, lurniturc anil BITULITHIC Indorsed by Horsemen because it gives horses the best footing. Indorsed by Automobilists because it is non-skidding. Indorsed by Property Owners where ever laid because it is the most durable and consequently the cheapest. Indorsed by Engineers because it is constructed on scientific lines and is sure to give the desired results. Indorsed by the Average Man be cause he sees it is a common sense, tough and durable pavement. Lawful money reserve in untile, vi.: Specie..... ... ... 9.3U.40 Redemption itimi wiui u. a. Treasurer 15 pcrct.of circulation) 1,350.00 40.643.t6 Total ,, f 333,890.53 I.IAillUTIltS, Capital stock paid In ,f 35,000.00 nurpiu mini,-. ; .vmrrT rrvT. 3,ouu;oo; undivided proms, less expen se and taxes paid....... i.q34.6i National bank note outstiiud'i; 35,000.00 individual iiciwsit subject to check. ,.io3.37.s.8o Demand certificate , oldetxult 18,076,38 Tlincdeu)its 43.8Ui.o6 Cashier' check out- stanillni! ,..I.6ti.H7 I63.9Q3-9' Total , 133,890.53 State of Orchil, I County of Multnomah ' I. 1'. 1'. Drinker, cashier of the above unmet! bank, do solemnly swear that the auovc statement is true to tuc icst 01 my Knowledge ami iieiici. I', r. Drinker, easii cr. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Mi), day of March, 1911, I'crry U. btrouii. .Notsry rubllc, Multnomah county, Ore, Sylvester I'etcrson, .orreci Atiesu a, k. jones, CI1. Ruscll, Director. Proposals for Seating St. Johns High School Suits, Shoes, Hats For Ladies and Men BLUE LABEL OVERALLS' KABO CORSETS High Grade Hose 3 pair for 25c T. Y. Lang 8c Co. 101 Burlington Street, near Jersey Wall Paper, Lawn Mowers Garden Tools, Garden Seeds If you are contemplating papering or kalsomining your house, we will be pleased to show you our new stock of wall paper. It will soon be time to buy that new lawn mower. Hendricks Hardware Co. Phone Columbia 129 OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO En Get Busy That Eirden of your need t. tenlion these Spring days. Anything in the garden tool line you need, we have it at the right price. St. Johns Hard ware Co. NDOOOOOOOOOOJCKDOOOOOOOOOO O o o 8 o H. F. Clark, The S,arnniturc 402 SOUTH JERSEY STREET i My new store will be open Saturday, March i8th. I shall carry New and Secondhand Furniture aud for one week I shall sell 35c to 50o values in Blue and White Graniteware for 25 cents. Come in and get acquainted. 1 00x100 011 Lively street facine dowu Thompson street. Street im provements in and paid for. iooo, on easy terms, x nese jots are a Dig Bargain. r. , r nMIAnrl . n .i, n . 50x100 with house. I T I ill I lYUIWr KQ9 IV Kflr(T9II10 bath and toilet, fine lawn with fruit r""" v' " wPimb muuiij uui6uinu trees, for few days this cau be sold 113 JefSCV Street for florin onsli. I 100x100 corner. 14 block from t0T Ine uest rgatns in tne city lor postoffice, concrete sidewalk and Houses and Lots on Easv ... -.. 2 1 ! 1 t r I iuvk aucci iu uuu iiaiu tur. for a Unvmonte """1 T,. ',a r" BUUf Business Blocks. River and Rail q best buy in St. Johns, mcrMnney & Davis Sewer and Plumbing road Froutage. Small acre tracts from 5 acres up. A good House to reut and the Furniture for sale nt a bargaiu. I R T. Piatt. President C A. Wood, Cashier F, C Knupp, Vice President J. N. Kdlefsen. Asst. Cashier I Before placing coutracts for con Take HERBINE for indicestion. necung wiut ine sewer, see J, u. it relieves pain in a few minutes I Fletcher, 519 Allegheny street, and forces the fernieuted matter Prices low and work Guaranteed, that causes the nuserv iuto the bow. Also piumoing ot an kluus, I'noue els where it is exne ed. Pr ce oc. m.i.. "1 1 1 n ... . . . v-oiumuia 07. - joia oy at. jotins fllarmacy. at $450; Desirable lots 50x100 1 10 down $s per mouth. 1 lot and a half, 75x100 with a 5-room house on Jersey street for $1600, balance ou contract or mort gage. t lot 50x100, good 3-rcom house, fruit, trees for $1250. if 850 cash on sale. Balance as follows: $20 per month with-7 per cent, interest. I400 insurauce. On Jersey street. I lot 50x100, 5-room house in fair shape for Si 100. S600 cash. balance I50 every three months. W. H. King & Sons 311 No Jersey I I