St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 10, 1911, Image 2

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Published Everr Friday
At 117 West Burlington Street.
County Institute
, pos
Tim Rrvirw
In Saint Johns, Oregon, as mall matter
of the second claw nndcr the Act of Con-
great of March 3, 1870,
OOcUl Smpuper of lh City cf St. Jaans.
AdTrttBlo nlM, 11.00 par Inch per month.
fob VrlaUnji tztcntoS In flrst'OU'S siyls.
Bills lor Job Printing eatb on dtllverr.
All eotnmnnlattlont should bt addrsued to
Xn rirrlaw; BL Johm, Oregon.
All kdiirtltlnf bills pyllt first of etch
Subaerlptlon prlco $1.00 par yonr.
R.W. McKcon mid Pnsclml Hill,
who were selected by the Jersey
street property owners to investi
gate hard surface conditions in
Hastens cities, have returned to St.
Johns. They made it very thor
ough examination of all kinds of
paving, talked with property own
ers, officials and secured testimoni
als, so that they arc in a position to
have full knowledge of the subject.
Both arc strongly in favor of Wcs-
trinnitc paving as a result of their
investigations. They found it to
The Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union of Multnomah county
will hold an all day institute at St.
Johns next Tuesday in the Ilnptist
church. The following program
will be rendered beginning prompt
ly at 10 o'clock:
Led by Mrs. M. K. Fttllilovc,
State Uvaugclist.
Paper,' "Temperance Teaching in
the Sunday schools".. Mrs. Klane
Quiz: What? How? Why?
Paper: "How to Make the Most of
Our Literature Department" ....
Mrs. Kilo Mines
Quiz: Discussion.
Noontide Prayer
Mrs. Jane Donaldson
12:15 Adjourn for lunch.
Afternoon session beginuingprotnpt
ly at 1 130.
IJible Hour
Mrs. Ksther IJnnkliatiscr
Paper: "Work Among Foreign
speaking People"
First National Bank
St. Johns, Oregon
Sylvester Peterson, President
A. R. Jobes, Vice President
F. P. Drinker, Cashier
C. B. Russell, Ass't. Cashier
Leaves St. Johns
beau that it was represented to be, Mrs. I. M. Walker
and more. It is lasting, noiseless, Discussion
smoothc and easily repaired. The quz. iC(,ni( Congressional
two will make their formal report g00
before n meeting of the prop- Address: "Temperance and Labor"
crty owners scheduled lor February I,ticiti I Additou
33, in tltc city nan
We are fully satisfied with the re
port, and to the best of our ability will
advocate the laying of Westruuiite
paving. Having been intimately
associated with Mr. McKcon fo't
several years, we have no hesitancy
in accepting his testimony on thh
subject. His word is as good nt
Ills bond so far as we arc concerned.
He is a man whose convictions
would not be altered by any. influ
ence brought to bear upon it. Pas'
clinl Hill is also so well known to St
Johns folks that his word will be
accepted without question Ilcfort
he saw Westruuiite he favored Hit
ulitliic, and since he lias investigat
ed Westrumitc, he favors it, which
makes it all the stronger for the
Therefore since the representa
tives, whose testimony the great
majority of the people at least an
willing to accept, believe Westru
uiite to be the best hard surfacing
in existence, let us have Westru
mite. The best is what we want
Then it is better to lend than tr
follow. Hitullthic is good, Westru
mite is better. We trust the prop
crty owners will unanimously favor
Westruuiite which will place St.
Johns in the lead and also aid n
home institution.
A very grave responsibility rests
Department Symposium
"What One Thing is the Most Im
portant to do Just Now in My
Department?" Thrcc-minute an
swers from county superintend
ent of departments.
Adjourn for evening.
livening Program
Matrons Gold Medal Contest, also
good singing.
This is the first county institute
and gold medal contest ever Jield
111 St. Johns and those who do not
attend wilt miss a rare treat.
Perfection Oil Healers, No. 120, special price, $2.85. No. 160,
Special Price, $3.85.
Also a reduction on all wood and coal heaters. Come in and let
us quote you prices, Buy now aud save money.
Hendricks Hardware Co.
Phone Columbia 129
Mrs. Alice Stucker, proprietress
of the Vogue Millinery, has sold a
Halt interest in Her establishment to
Miss Flossie Gatchcl, of Lebanon,
Oregon, aud has moved her store
to that enterprising little city. Mrs.
Stucker has been conducting her
establishment in St. Johns for a
little more than three aud a half
years and has made hundreds of
friends by her kitidly, gentle ways,
her bright, cheering disposition and
consistent, faithful Christian life.
Among the vouimer members of
society she is especially a favorite,
entering whole hcartedly into their
work and play as one of them. The
church here will lose one of its
most faithful members, society one
its most delightful entertainers and
the business world of St. Johns one
its most energetic and upright
workers. Iu fact, we may all wear
crepe iu our buttonholes for "Ma"
btiickcr, as the young folks love to
call her, for she was a friend to all
aud had for each a bright smile . or
hearty hand clasp nud always a
helping baud for those iu need. So,
as wc take off our hats to bow
"Ma" Stucker out of St. John's
circles, with just a bit of envy in
in our hearts, we congratulate Leb
anon on capturing one of our best
loved and most desirable citizens.
We understand Miss Oracc will re
main with us until the end of the
school year.
I T. Y. Lang & Co, ::
Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods
Latest Styles and most fashionable Goods at very
reasonable prices. 'Call and inspect -goods
and prices.
101 Burlington Street, near Jersey
Any article of
in our window
Ennmcl Ware
for 25 cents
Undertaker and Funeral Director
The Same Old Things
Five gallons of Kerosene and Can for $1.50
St. Johns Hardware Company
Phone Columbia 283
East Burlington Slteet, Si. John, Oregon
Who Stole That Ham
8ul)Bcrlbo for tlio Tologrntn boat
uvunltiK pnpi-r on thu const. 800
Kd Stockton.
with Mayor Hendricks in regard t
Maple street sewer. The ordinance
providing for 1111 exchange of n stub
of Maple street for nil casement
over the Weyerhaeuser laud for tin
laying of the sewer is up to him foi
his .signature or veto. If he vctoi
it, prospects for the hard surfacing
of Jersey street go glimmering foi
this year. A blind sewer might be
built 011 Jersey street, but it would
take valuable lime to go over nil
the proceedings again, aud'theii wt
do not believe property owuer.s
could be couielled to pay until nu
outlet had been provided. Is nu
cud of n street thnt may not be o(
any vnlue to the city for years to
come of sufficient importance to in
definitely stay the progress on Jer
sey street? Surely not. If thU
street, which lends nowhere, h
ever wanted for street pur
K)Sus it cnu lte secured by con
demnation proceedings at any
time. Il reverts upon vnoutlon to
the adjoining property owners,
nud nuy land iu the city can be
condemned for street purpose
when it is deemed expedient aud
uecowMiry, we believe. What
would it profit the city if the Wey
erhauuser I.und Co. had offered nu
easement for sewer purposes over
n strip of laud 50 or too feet wide
instead of 6 feet ? A right of way
for sewer is all we want, nud six
feet is plenty at this time. If more
is needed later on, more can be con
demned. What the people want is
u sewer nud Jersey street improved,
sud why hesitate aud haggle over n
small matter that cnu be adjusted
nt nuy time? the city ndvnuce
instead of retrograde. Wen re con
fident thnt Mr. Hendricks will do
what he believes to be best for the
city, as he has done iu the past.
Who stole the pig ment? That's
the question that is agitating the
dome of cogitation ol our genial
friend iMiuoiulsoii, the plumber.
Wednesday evening Urother I'M-
moiidsou sent a fine, fat, juicy ham
down home and his mouth was nil
puckered up for "Ham nnd" foi
breakfast. Mrs. Kdmoiidsou, likt
the good wife she is, hung the ham
up iu the commissary where they
keep the good things to eat that
give Ilrotber Kdmoiidsou thnt con
tented, satisfied look when he come;
to work mornings. This room is
reached through n door leading off
the porch. Mrs. IMiuoiulsoii, just
before retiring for the night went,
about y o'clock, to the couiniissiin
to open that new ham. Ininginc
her surprise when she ojcned the
door to find the ham, wrnpjier, nud
even the nppctiziug odor of the pig
ment nnd dimpe(ired. mother
Hdmoiidsou nte n liainlass breakfast
yeMcrdny morning, aud what lie
wants most of nil is to know who
stole thnt ham!
For Sale Furniture of all kinds
iu first class condition, Will be
sold very reasonable. Call tit this
for Kent A lame six room
house, newly knlsomiiied, close iu,
on South Jersey street; ?t2ri month.
Call Columbia 397. Qtf
For sale Modern 8-rooin house,
lot IO.JX226J4, 60 assorted fruit
trees 5 years old, iiood stable nud
chicken ynrd. For particulars, call
at 338 Tyler street, St Johns, la-jtp
Died At her home on Oswego
street, St. Johns, Mrs. S. T. Clark,
yesterday morning nt 10 o'clock
nftcr nu illness of more than two
years of diabetes. She leaves u
husband nud five children,
The Owls Entertain
By wny of criticism it might be
stated that the Oregotiiau, iu its
splendid special edition last Satur
day, failed to give St. Johns its full
meed of publicity. It did attest,
however, that St. Johns possesses
a saw mill and stove works. A
few more of our leading industries
might have been mentioned without
any harm resulting. But for the
good it will accomplish for the
state at large it will be foriiiven for
the discrepancy this time.
Hon. K. C, Couch, our well
kuowu aud enterprising townsman,
is deserviug of a large slice of cred
it for his effective work iu gettinir
the free ferry bill through the house
and senate. The insight he gained
by being n member of the last leg
islature served him iu good stead,
and he left nothing done to have
the bill passed. It would be im
possible to pick a man iu St. Johns
so well qualified to cuact such a
mission as Mr. Couch, aud his
splendid efforts are fully appreciat
ed by the, general publlic.
The local nest of Owl gave n splendid
entertainment to frluuds nt the Order
VYodiiesdny night. An iiutuiully inter
esting imulcal program was rendered
und 11 rcpist served Hint would tickle the
pdntu a( n king. St. John' famous f
fee mixer, W. 8. llawy, fairly outdid
1.1 If I - ! - .
iiiiiiMjii mm recuivtHi many compliment.
IMuclug wtu Indulged in by those who
eared to, while others engaged In social
discourse. AIkuiI two hundred were in
attendance- and tdl were greatly pleased
with the treatment accorded them. The
Owls Is practically a now Order In St.
Johns, Imt judging from the rapidity of
its growth, bids fair to outdistance tdl
others iu this city within u short time,
Following is the program:
Music by the orchestra.
Song by the Owl Quartet.
Short address by I'ust President J. 1'.
Cornet solo by Chester Vincent, ac
companied by Miss Georgia I'erriue,
Trombone solo by Dick Perrlne. ac
companied by Miss I.aura Gallon,
Song by the quartet.
Cornet solo by Chus. O. Churchill, ac
companied by Miss I'erriue,
Song by the quartet, which was recall
ed three times,
llouutiful banquet, during which mu
sic was rendered.
Dancing and social discourse.
A short business K-ssiou preceded the
program, which adjourned until Sunday
That Oregqu will double its pres'
cut population during the next ten
years ol her history is the
prediction of Dr. Joseph Shafer,
iicatt 01 the department ot History
nt the University of Oregon. He
draws interesting parallels between
tlie agricultural states of the Mid
tile West and Oregon, which he
says is now facing a period similar
to that marking the periods of
heaviest settlement iu the Missis
sippi valley. He finds that Illi
nois, Iowa, Indiana aud others dou
bled their population in ten year
periods when people sought the
cheap agricultural lauds to be had
there. lie exccts history to re
pent itself in Oregon.
Sec F. W. Valentine for real es
tate and insurance. 204 N. Jersey.
You got full weight and
quality nt tho Control mnrkot.
try nwhlto.
The housewife, tired of the beast
ly grind, turned loose some thoughts
that were iu her mind when her
husband came from his toil at night;
She said the world didn't treat her
right. "I'm always 'doing the
same old chores, I'm always sweep
ing the same old floors, I'm always
washing tltc same old frocks, aud
darning the holes in the same old
socks. I'm sick aud tired of this
wretched life! There is no joy for
the poor man's wife." The wife
of the rich man sighed and said.
"Gee whi.l A dame might as well
be dead! I'm always doing my fo
cial chores, I'm always wearied by
stately bores; I'm always choosing
the proper gown. I'm always mo-
lorlm' tlirnni'li ilw inuml I'm nl.
registered ways doing 'the saulc old things!
DariV al-l wish, I wlsh.I hud ten-foot wines!
order to uwnv ,0 8ome ,ow,y co,i n,(1
Attend to "r.1,1" ra. ' 2?
Mil IVMV lltllt Ut HIV WWIK WC (ill,
and fligh nnd rant till the air is
blue. But it docs 110 good, and it
The Pcnsvlvanla Railroad has dc- P,a,ea no ' W. nim. ,e wlsc "!?"
cided to: install moving picture C".C.VUC" ,0URw "way. 111c
shows at Uie large dt pot in Pittsburg wor,u.,mI'rovcs w," cii iw"R
for tliefrce benefit ot patrons. JtK , """" "--will
be a continuous performance fV,1."?' ,a,kes ofI. .,,i8 Jket and
and the tedious 'wait at the denot u gs, auu Keeps on doing
wrm. v. k .w k.
n. nCNUtKMJIN 122 Jersey St.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed
I have customers to buy houses
aud lots 611 installments. What
have you to list? S. L. Dobic, no
N. Jersey street.
All voters who have
and Tailed to name their
filiations must do so in
vote at the primary.
this at once. Don't nedlect it.
-O' --
will le greatly mitigated iu conse
quence. Now if the barber shops
would adopt the same idea it would
be very much appreciated by the
bearded ones.
The double tracking of the O-W., N.Iiue down the Columbia riv
er from Kcho to Portland, as au
thorized this week by the Ilarriman
directors in New York, will be of
great benefit to the whole state.
Improved transportation facilities
will be provided, but, perhaps best
of all, is the confidence shown in
authorizing this heavy investment.
Have your property Insured In the
St, Paul or Northern fire Insuraucv'l
companies. They era the best, 8.
h, Doblo, BKont
the same old things. Walt Mason.
Pythian Sisters Meet
l he district convention of the
Pythian Sisters will be held iu Odd
Fellows hail Saturday, April 15th,
and there will be a great gathering
ot Kingnts aud Undies of the Py thiau
trateruity. Our good Sisters are
already bestirring themselves in
the intesest of the convocation. Wei
wish them abundant success iu the
work. Mrs. Hannah Vincent,
destrict deputy, is in charge of the
forces and will be pleased to see
every member aud friend of the or
der and secure all the assistance pos-
biuic 10 entertain uie guests on
that day, There are seven temples
in uie district and it is estimated
there will be several hundred iu attendance,
Advantages of a
Checking Account
Over ninety per cent of trans
. i i
i lers 01 iimcis m ousmess are
made through the medium of
bank cheeks, thus avoiding the
dangers incident to carrying large
sums about, and the risk of mak
ing the wrong change.
This method enables the busi
ness man or individual to keep his
money safely in the bank, instead
of on the premises or about the
person, where it would be sub
ject to hazard.
A checking account at this bank
is a great convenience and costs
the depositors absolutely nothing.
The Peninsula Bank
St. Johns, Oregon
Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $7,000.00
The executive committee' met
Wednesday evening this week and
piauncti uieir woric tor the new
year. One of the most important
tilings planned lor is to Install
free library iu the Glory Class
room. Refreshments consisting of
canes, cocoa and chocolate crenniesl
were served by Mrs. Lewis Roots.
at whose delightful home we met.
We, the committee, in behalf of
the class take pleasure in extendi
ing a mast hearty invitation to all
attend our class Sunday at to a. in,
and B. Y. P. U. nt 6:30 Sunday
Pny your aulincrlptlnn.
Delinquent Assessments
An Attractive Room
i one that Is furnidied with substantia!
urnccful furniture. Wo can make every J
room in your home attractive, if you
wilt make your
Furniture Selections
from our diiplays.
Furniture of quality of ours, Is not to
bo found everywhere, even nt much
higher prices than we charge.
An Ordinance Provldlner the
Time and Manner of Im
proving New York Street
From Hayes Street to Wil
lis Boulevard in the City of
St. Johns, Oregon.
The city or St. Johns docs ordain ns
The council of the city of St. Johns,
having ascertained the cost of improv
lug New York street from the mttcrly
side Hue of Hayes street to the westerly
side line of Willis boulevard In the city
of St. Johns, us shown by lte resolution
of the council of said city iluttil on the
ajlii sy 01 October, 1910, ami recorded
In the ofllce of the recorder of said cltv,
aud notice thereof lmvliif been publish
eil in the St. Johns Kevlcw. a weekly
newspaper of general circulation, on the
38th duy of October nnd the 4th day of
November, 1910, as shown by the ufudtt.
vit of the foreman of said paper, which
said affidavit Is on file in the ofllce of
the city recorder; and legal posting of
notices of such improvement, as shown
by the affidavit of the city engineer on
me 111 111c oiuce 01 meetly reconler, ami
been I
as provided
filed, and,
no remonstrances liavlnir
rovldcd by said resolution, the eiu-l.
ncer's preliminary estimate of the cost of
St. Johns Furniture
"Cash or Credit"
Proposals for Street Work
Notice is hereby given that I will on
Wednesday, the jrd day of March, 1911,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in,, sell at
the front door of the city hall of the city
of St, Johns. Orecon. at nubile auction
to the highest bidder, cash iu hand, the
property described below, excent such as
I may be redeemed by owners prior to the
date of sale, or so much thereof as will
be accessary to pav assessments. Interest
and costs levied against said property,
Portland llouievard.
Addition Illoclc Lot Amount
Point View 14 5 aud 6
" 36 ix and id
Oak Park 6 33 and 34
Hurr Street.
South St, Johns 7 3 and 4
11. ,1
19 4
South Jersey Street.
Severance 3 1
3 a
Polk Street.
A.L.Miner's 30 13 and 14 117,00
Kellogg Street.
Court Place 1 7 and 8
Mohawk Street.
Caples s 38
in anil
Sealed proposals will lie received at the
of the Reconler of the City
Johns until I'eb. 38, 1911. at B o'clock
ecorder of the City of St.
$ 7.31
p. tn.. for the improvement ol New York
street from the northerly line of Hayes
street to boutherly line of Willis boul
evard, In the manner provided by
ordinance No, 351, subject to the provis
ions of the charter aud ordinances of the
City of St- Johns, and the estimate of
the City engineer. 011 file, which plans
require the laying of 6-foot cement
walks and 13 feet of macadam,
linglnetfr'a estimate of cost 4,856.43,
lllils must be strictly in accordance
with printed blanks, which will be furn
ished on application at the office of the
Recorder of the City of St. Johns, And
said improvement Is f4.836.43, but shall
be more accurately determined by said
Now. therefore. It Is herebv nnlereil
that said street be Improved and the time
tor uie comprction of said. Improvement
is hereby fixed at sixty davs from the
last publication of notice of proposals of
said work, which said proposals must be
filed with the recorder of said city on or
before the 38th day of l'ebruary, 1911, at
eight o'clock p. m, of said day.
Tlmt said street shall be improved a
follows; Jly grading same to the esUb
lished tirade bv cut and fill and bv stile.
walking same on either side with sir
foot cement sidewalks, twelve foot curbs
entire length, together with all the nec
essary wooden cross walks and box gut
ters, aud by placing a strip of macadam
13 feet wide in the center of said street,
said macadam to be 8 inches deep in the
ituitr aim o incucs uecp on etiuer side;
said walk and curb to have expansion
joints as directed by the city engineer;
curb to have four Inch drain tile every
fifty feet; hitch rings to be placed In the
curb as directed by the city engineer.
The city recorder shall give uotlec by
publication for not less tiian three pub.
Ilcations iu the St. Johns Review, the of
octal newspaper, inviting proposals for
uiukiuu sain improvement.
Said improvement shall In all respects
be done and completed In conformity
with the provisions of Ordinances Noa,
192 and 160, except as otherwise provid
td in this ordinance; all work to be done
under the direction and supervision of
mc my engineer.
said imnrovement must be cotnnleteil on
or before 60 days from Peb. 38,1911. , .vl1 tuc ' wid Improvement
No proposals or bids will be considered ?'. assessed against the property Iu
unless accompanied by a certified check iaR '?? ituprovement district as des.
payable to the order of the Mayor of the cnueu in saicl resolution and designated
City of St. Johns, certified by a respon. M afmi,d,ef,a'd t0 06 Improve-
stole uanic tor an amount equal tn
percent, of the aggregate proposal.
The right to reject any and all bids is.
hereby reserved.
By order of the City Council.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
Peb. 10, 17 and 34, 1911.
February 7,
c , "ur,i"Kton f ,reet- . North Fessenden, corner Charles-
r.T.bmltUs 5 SR 1.3 of 3 34.45 Thnrmirrlil v pnninrvfl for nil I ton. Also dnv vvnrtr nnrt mnanl
Thompson Street. kinds laundrv work and housework wanted by party at same
S S 1-3 Of t HUD ml.J.U I '"tH
Philadelphia Sewer.
St. Johns Laundry
went District No. si.
Passed by the council
Approved by Uie mayor February 7,
Attest: A. M. ESSON,
... City Recorder.
Published In the St. Johns Review,
Feb. 10, joi 1,
Oak Park
K, T. I'latt. President
C. A. Wood, Cashier
Is C Knapp, Vice President
J. N. Kdlefsen, Asst. Cashier
P. T, Smith's 5 SE i-a of 3
, Eenanl Street.
Court Place 1 5 and 6
Tyler Street.
8 and 9
City Treasurer.
Published In the St. Johns Review on
Feb, 3, to, 17 aud 34, 1911,
1 . .
Miner a 33
. 3i
" 33
" 3J
St. Johns Heights 19
lmmtr nnri nthoitifr CAnrma Tr & " ai you warn 10 Duy. rent, sen or
guaranteed. Your patronage ?ch8BRe ProPrty see Wolcott,
snlirMterl b (The Rent Man.) St. Johns Office,
SOllClieU. .ni,tti W T '.I , ra- ..
442 Washington Street, Phase
Marshall 1556.
How is Your. Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at tlie Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees,
H. Hendersou, Manager, 120 North
Jersey street.
Sidewalks in which washed ma
terial is used are the kind that
never have to be takea up. They
have the lasting qualities. Put
down by the St. John Sad &
Gravel Co. Phose Richwoad 1571,