J- 4-. : $50 Range For $34.20 MADE IN ST. JOHNS First class in every re spect. A perfect bak er, fuel sav er, quick in service,easy to keep, nickel parts absolutely plain, boiler riveted, tri ple wall body. Asbestos lining "full quarter inch thick, be sides other special fea tures. The Greatest -Range Value Ever Offered Compare it with other $50 ranges and you will agree with us. These are some of the St. Johns users. Ask them Mr. L. E. York Milet McAUitter G. U. BrijtR . Gui Mnnsuion It. M. I Uddow J. S. Slnrr A. H. Barney Nick Lockovick John i'cterton C I'. Jennuon D. N. Ilyerleo R. J. Ualow Louit Treber W. W. Windlo R. 1 1. Ranne These Ranges are sold and W. E. Criffi. Judge I lolcoml) Andrew Ottrum O. C. Could F. M, Satlctleo Frnnk lowering C. Ettermann U. Fuy Mill. C CI luff T. Wnllo O. M. I lowland W. M. Hurley Thoi. Ncl.on Mr. A. Evert J. O. Emmerion Mr. Van De Drook j. Beyer li. O. Bender J. J. McConn A. W. Marklo A. C Calm Frank Meek D. McFcrn Mr. W. B. Shaw Daniel Frrguion Charlie Moy F. L Babcock Roy Wilcox L T. Mathew At a low price and guaranteed by x easy terms ThreelStores Portland St. Johns - Vancouver Local News. Dr. Webster has returned. This hns certainly been n most delightful winter thus far. o Tiic Innocents arc still abroad, but arc expected home most any time. To keep clothes from freezing to the line, put a handful of salt in last rinsing water. P. A. Bredccu has purchased the furniture and fixtures of the Ceu tral hotel and will sublet that lios telry soon. J. J. Karr is erecting a residence on North Hayes, to cost $1000. 0 After peeling apples drop them into cold water. This will prevent llicir becoming discolored. The new planing mill north of Uniiton has started up and the new saw mill will be 111 operation ucxt week. A. Ross of Wirincpcg, Canada has moved to St. Johns during the past week and now resides on North Kellogg Street. Mrs. J. R. Gilliam died nt her home 011 hast Tioga street Monday night, Jan. 30, of Heart trouble She leaves a husband and two young sous. Preparations have been begun for the cement sldcwulkhig of Utirl ington and Philadelphia streets. Chas. E. Pottage of Portland hns the contract. One of the finest signs 111 town has been plnccd in front of John stone's Toggery. When lit up at night it presents a beautiful and at tractive appearance. If you want to spend an hour or so these winter evenings in an cu joyablc fashion, visit the Klcctric The attractions there nrc ever clean wholesome and full of interest. The Rcbckahs and other friends gave Mrs. York n pound party Inst baturday evening. A large minn tlty of the necessities of life were donated to this worthy nnd deserv ing lady. 0 Dandruff is not only annoying and embarrassing it is unhealthy. It robs the hair of nil nutrition. Nynl's Ilirsutone destroy the dnu druff nnd acts as n tonic to the roots of the hair. North Dank Pharmacy. Electrical Supplies Of all kinds for sale at the ELECTRIC STORE . Try an Electric Heater Portland Railway Light and Powor Company 7th and Alder Street COAL! WOOD Welsh Anthracite Rock Springs Mendota Hanaford Over 1500 tons sold by this month of December, 1910. TRY Mill and Cord wood Long or Short Company during the SOME. EDLEFSEN FUEL COMPANY 107 WEST BURLINGTON STRUBT 1MIONK COLUMBIA 315 lumber: Slabwood ! Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish. Prompt Deliveries. Quality Guaranteed. Dry, Green, JLHOCKS, Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 A. B. UKMSTOCK CEO. II. UBUSTOCK 8 HEN1STOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING full Una of Rohaa, Caikata, .to., kaptln atook fcADV ASSISTANT Oft Mr Phone lVoodlawn l74 Si4cncc rnonc WoodUwn 310 UNIVERSITY PARK, OREGON' Here's Your Money Back No Arguments or Conditions to itr-We have nothing to say Dr. Hess & Clark make their Guarantee cover Every thing they make. READ THIS LETTER JACKSON 6c THOMPSON. St. John, Oiegon, Centlemeni To empta.uo more forcibly than ever "Our guarantee'' we authorize you to pott or publi.li thU letter, making plain to everyone who buy Dr. I leu Stock Food, Poultry Panacea, Imtant Lou.o Killer, etc, that their money will be returned to them without argument or quetioni if the good, fail to fulfill to the letter every claim. We authorize you to aupply every one of your cuttomera Dr. He Stock Food ufficient to feed their atock all winter,. ..if after doing o they aro not aatUfied that it haa increated their growth and promoted the general health and condition of the atock refund their money. We authorize you to aupply every one of your cuttomera with aufficient Poultry Panacea to feed their poultry all winter and tpring, and if on the firtt day of Augutt, they are not aatitfied that it haa paid for ittelf many time over in increated egg pro. duction, beiidct keeping poultry in the pink of condition free from diteate, refund their money. We authorize you to refund the money if Inttant Louie Killer fail to detlroy lice on poultry, hortei, cattle, aheep tick, etc Our guarantee cover every preparation that Dr. Hea & Clark make. (Signed) DR. HESS & CLARK, Athland, Ohio. We are ready to follow instructions. Now Is the time to get big profit from feeding "tonics" to make stock thrive and hens lay. Our Weekly Cut Rate List: 100 Steam Wine Cod Liver Oil 73c 25c DeWitt Little Early Riter 17c 50c One Minute Cough Cure 34c 100 Hale Honey,Hoarhound,lron,Tar. .67c Soc Dr. Pierce all healing Salve,,.,.,, 33c 25c Crown Headache Powdera He 100 Sanford Catarrh Cure 69c 25c Hood Vegetable Pill 16c 50c Abbey EcTerveacent Salta 36c IOO Kilmer Female Remedy 72c 5oc Hobb Sparagua Pill 31c 25c Black Draught Stock Food 16c 100 RuttelUEmuUion,,,, ...74c 5oc Chamberlain'a Liniment , . . , , 36c 25c Zymole Trokey. ,16c 50c Tarrant' Seltzer Aperient,,, 36c 75c Marmola ,63c 100 Munyon'a Paw Paw, . , . , 76c 25c Arnica Salve , 1 6c 50c Cooper Pain Relief 34c 100 Ward". Liniment 71c 25c Cunn'a Liver Pill 16c 5oc Sage Catarrh Remedy. .., 31c loo Manola ..a..,...,.,,....,,.,.., -67c 50c Porter'a Antiteptic Healing Oil, , , .33c 100 Extract Red Done Marrow,, 73c 25c Oucklen'a Salve 17c 5oc Glover' Mange Cure. .37c lOOOlit Native Heib ....66c 35c Oxien Tablet 22c 50c Kennedy' Rheumatic Liniment. . . .34c 75cSolgrene, ........ 57c 100 Smith Bro, Catarrh Cure 68c 25c ChamberUin'a Salve , 1 7c 25c Liquozone Ointment, . , . , . 17c 25c Field' Worm Tablet , 16c Fifty St. Johns People last week began to wear "Electro- podes" on a positive guarantee or money back plan. " The Time of Your Life" For 82c We jutt received a cate of alarm clock from the factory, and will offer them for one week for eighty.two cent. THE BEST BARGAIN ever ottered in St. John. We are local agents for FRUITOLA, the new gall-stone and appendicitis cure. Home Phone Pacific Phone Postal Telegraph Branch American Express Money Order Branch St. Johns Pharmacy J. S. McKinncy has purchased the John Nocc building on Jersey street, adjoining the postofllce. Mr. Noce will continue to occupy same. A large hotel is being projected at the ferry lauding on the west side of the river. Portland parties arc said to be behind the proposed venture. John Rcasc of Mount Angel, has purchased n lot on South Ivnnhoc from the Severance estate and will erect n fine residence thereon in the near future. McKinncy & Davis consummated the deal. W. 1 Hull of Pendleton, Oregon has purchased n lot nt the comer of Ivnnhoc and Chicago streets from J. S. Downey for a consideration of $3500 cash. It is Mr. Hull's in tention to erect a lnrgc two-story business structure thereon with the I opening of spring, The city of Linton is now light ed by kerosene lights affixed on poles. While not so modern as electricity or gas, it beats nothing l n Inrrm fi.nr-T.ti JJ .U.f.- ...... J. S. McKinncy has completed uts handsome residence on Willntu cttc boulevard. It is modem throughout and occupies n very de lightful sight overlooking the river. Leslie Peterson an Orcgonian newsboy, fell into the sewer trench at Charleston and Gresham bright and early Wednesday inornmg.sus taming a fracture of his collar bone. Nynl's Ilirsutone for the hair nnd scalp cleanses the scalp of dandruff nnd stimulates the growth of the hair and preserves its natural beauty. Daudruft is unhealthy. Get rid of it. North Bank Phar macy, J II. Swan, a prosperous wheat rancher of Six Prong, Klickitat county, Wash. , and wife arc guests at the home of his brother, M. T. Swan, the contractor. Mr. Swan was here seven years ago and the changes that have occurred here since then nrc bewildering to him. He says all iudicAtions point to a bountiful harvest in old Klickitat county in the fall. For Sale Cheap Remington type writer No. 6. Good as new.Tcrins if wanted. Inquire at this office. . The hair must have nourishment -dandruff should be d est rn veil ntul the pores of the scalp kept open. L ncrc is just one tiling you need to keep the hair follicles from becom ing diseased Nvnl's Ilirstttnne. . North Bank Pharmacy. A Lebanon woman is making chickens pay. Durintr last vnr her 36 hens laid 4804 cues. One of her pullets laid 220 eggs, another 237. Her total net profit for the year from the flock of chickens wn l54.8o and she has 40 hens left. The subject for tonight (Friday) nt the Christian church will be the Jewish Tabernacle, a miniature specimen of whichwill be erected on the platform, showing the utensils used in the old Jewish worship. Two boys will be dressed to repre sent the priests, The St. Johns Luundry installed n new press inncluuc this week. This enterprising plant is keeping fully up to the times all the time and is doing its best to give the peo ple of St. Johns the very best ser vice obtaiunblc. The people in turn seem to appreciate the efforts put forth by their increased patron-ngc. A Clean Scalp and Healthy Hair Mnny of your friends have found thnt n luxuratit growth of hair -soft and glossy- scalp free from dandruff will result from the use of -and n NyaPs ilirsutone This is the procedure Wash the hitir with warm water and n pure sonp rinse thoroughly rub the sculp with n stiff brush apply Hirsu tout. rub it in well nnd dry the hair before combing. Please understand Ilirsutone is not merely a hair-wash it is a tonic -n food. While it thoroughly demises, it also prevents lmo i .- .e.jf-.t. J . II -.? I icniu action nourisiics mm stimulates uie roots 01 the hair removes nil the dandruff- preserves the natural beauty and color of hair Nynl's Ilirsutone should be 011 your dressing table. It sells nt 50 cents nnd $1.00 the bottle, GOOD TONIC EfHTBll NORTH BANK HOAE OP THE FAAIOUS NYALS and A. D. S. REMEDIES. WIS DHI.IVKR UVHRYWIIHRU l'RIUl PHARMACY "CURRIN SAYS SO." l'MONIt COM'MIUA American Beauty Corsets Arc not the most expensive. They nrc moderate ly priced for their value. $1 to $5.00 Wc can fit you perfectly regardless of the style of figure, ns ... i - 1 . . AMERICAN BEAUTY Stl 650 KUam Coutl C., Uiktri r they arc designed for every requirement, Hl "3 Wc have just received a shipment of Last-for-cvcr Hosiery for Ladies, Misses, Men and Boys Having linen heels and toes, each pair is guaranteed for one month without darning. Try a pair of these and you will be satisfied Fink's Detroit Special Overalls Union Made We have a full assortment Agency for Ladies' Home Journal Patterns m x ri - .'.-l m COUCH & COMPANY Pioneer Merchants Opposite City Hall Phone Columbia 137 Fresh and Select Groceries s 3 9 I I I I It is the constant aim of this store to ever keep only the freshest and most se lect groceries procurable. No Stale Goods arc Kept in Stock We are well pleased with the generous patronage accorded this establishment since the same has come into our possession, and it is evidence to us that the peo ple of St. Johns and vicinity appreciate a thoroughly first class grocery store. NORWEGIAN PATRONAGE SOLICITED A. B. LINDBOE Successor to J. F. Hendricks 111 West Burlington Street I- I- : a :