THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLE Published Everr Friday At 117 West Burlington Stroet. Tna Rkvikw is entered at pos In Saint Johni, Orofton, as mail matter of the second class nuder tho Act of Con- greM of March 3, 1870. OBeUl Hsvspspsr ef tbt Oltjr of at, Johns. Free Ferry As we go to press we learn the free ferry bill has pass ed the senate and will become a law when signed by the " r2.-i77"vrv-v TTvi-r tq Tt, o !., nf M.n fnllinru urn vis t- v ' v " 1 upon the children la nliout the gar(Jing the Same same ratio ns the sins of the children 0 .,, , 0 , ,. , arc visited upon paterfamilias. In Will be PUDilSneCl next week. Adrrtlih rats, 91.00 pr loch par month. fob JMntbi siMnUd In nrtt-elasa siI. Bill lor Job Printing cth on dsUrerr. Atl e onmnnlettlons should bs Jdreid to Ti TltTlew. BL Johns, Ortron. All dertlln bllli prtl Ant of eh tnomn. Subscription prloo $1.00 por yoor. other words It's horse and horse. --- First National Bank St. Johns, Oregon Sylvester Peterson, President A. R. Jobes, Vice President P. P. Drinker, Cashier C. B. Russell, Ass't. Cashier 1 HitLABOR LOSTl wm-r Dr. Cook, the North Pole faker, threatens to deliver free lectures, exnlalnimr his rmrt in the alleged pole discovery. We predict small audiences. The public would rath er pay to hear a lie than to hear the truth free of charuc. If this were not so. more men would attend church. Kxchaticc. Some people doubt very much If Dr. Cook could tell the truth if he tried. 1 In reply to n number of inquiries as to what will likely be done in re gard to testing the legality ot tnc recent annexation vote, believe we nre safe in saying the present council will take no steps toward having the matter settled one way or another. The councllmcn really have nothing before them to work upon and naturally they feel that it is not their place to take the nulla- live under the circumstances. If anything is done about the innttcr it will have to be done by individ uals and not by the city council. The arrest and conviction of Fred I). Warren, editor of the "Appeal to Reason," for mlssuse of the mails in stretching justice pretty far. I lis olieuse was no greater than is committed every day. and it looks like n case of ikt- sedition In this instance. While we are not in accord with Mr. Warren's views, he lins shown him sell to he a man of strong convic tions with the power to express them in a way that pleases a large number of people. This case is somewhat similar to that of Ilciiarr Mcl'addcii, the great apostle of physical culture and editor of a publication of that title, who was convicted also for abuse of the pos tal laws. It is our opinion that neither should have been convicted. I I Bubscrlbo happy. for tho Hovlow and be Milton Uiiircr left this week for Phoenix, Arizona, to join his sisters who arc now located at that place. For Sate Furniture of all kinds in first class condition. Will be sold very reasonable. Call at this office. For Kent A large six room house, newly kulsotnincd, close in, on South Jersey street; $12 a month. Call Columbia 397. otf THISTLE-WARE we have just received a full Hue of white lined en amel ware, Good quality at a medium price. WALL PAPER we have cut the prices on our stock of wall paper to make room ior our stock of 191 1 patterns. Buy now and save money. Hendricks Hardware Co. Phone Columbia 129 An Attractive Room is one that is furnished with substantial graceful furniture. We can make every room in your home attractive, if you will make your Furniture Selections from our displays. Furniture of quality of ours, is not to he found everywhere, even at much higher prices than we charge. St. Johns Furniture Company "Cash or Credit" Is that labor spent in handling Coal, Kindlings, Dust and Dirt, when by using Gas for Cooking and Heating those disagreeable features are dis pensed with. Cooker sells for $12,00. A Gas Range sells for $20.00 and upwards, Information on this matter or for the better lighting of the home, store or factory cheer fully given at our office. St. Johns Gas Co. St Remember that all petitions of I candidates for the primary election must be filed with the recorder by otic week from tomorrow night. Dr. W. H. Hartcl has opened up n dental parlor at 1.12 "4 killings- worth u venue, which he will conduct 11 conjunction with his St. Johns ollice. A. H. BLACKBURN Undertaker and Funeral Director HAST UURMNGTON STREET, ST. JOHNS i lie name ot tj. I,. Johnson was inadvertently omitted from the list of probable candidates on first page as Councilman at I,argc. Mr. Jonhsoii is one of the best of city dads. The St. Johns Cleaning, Press ing M uye works have moved their establishment from South Jersey street and will occupy the building vacated by the Fashion Pressing Parlor on West Philadelphia street. This city has been deluged with alleged cripples ol one nature or another the past few weeks. While some may be worthy of the charity they solicit, so tunny fakirs nre in the business that it is best to turn a "cold shoulder" to all unless their case is known to be worthy. A county home has been provided for nil whom arc tumble to earn n liv lug, and titer is one nr two chnrita ble Institutions in Portland that makes 11 siHX'inlty of looking after the maimed, It is surely more honorable to go to n county home or similar institution than it is to beg for 11 living. There is gener ally enough needy in almost every town to absorb nil the charitably inclined can spare without extend lug aid to strangers, who might be mid often arc fakes, pure ami slm pie. Charity begins at home and should stay there in most enses, Sidewalks In which washed ma terial is used arc the kind that never have to be taken up. They mvc the lasting qualities. Put down by the St. Johns Sand Gravel Co. Phone Richmond The Realty Hoard is becoming quite active and nre making plans for a strenuous advertising cam palgn. 0 I have customers to buy houses and lots on installments. What have you to list? S. L. Doblc, 110 N. Jersey street. It seems ns if almost anybody could bake nu apple so that it would be nice eating; but here is a way that Is extra good: With n narrow hladcd knife take out the core, fill the hole with sugar, set the apple into the oven in n dish that will hold water and keep plenty of wa ter around it until it is soft, nud it will be fit for anybody to eat, fann er or king. S,S What Have You How nbout your clothes? Are they In good condition? We clean, press mm repair your clothes on short notice. Work culled for in any part or the city. bt. Johns Cleaning, Pressing iVt Dye Works, 303 West Philadelphia street. Bubscrlbo for tho St. Johns Ilovlow mill koon licstod on tho doings ot th city. TREASURER'S SALE OP Delinquent Assessments W. I I. ,... f 41.-. 111 ,uiivc i. iiriciiy Kivill mill t will nil 1 Weduewlay, the jnldaynl March, 1011. guaranteed. ni ute nour 01 10 o'ciock a. 111. , ten nt Cnln..1 frnlil iliinr nf llin .-ll u I nf III.. ilu I MMIlllCU, '( till IIMII IIIK of St. Johns, Oregon, at public miction to the highest bidder, cash in hand, the properly described below, except such as tuny be redeemed by owners prior to the time 01 Mie, or fco iiiucn tuereoi a will be necessary to tuy usH'ssiiieuts. interest ami cost levied against said property, Portland Boulevard, Additiou Block I,ot Anion lit l'olnt View 14 5 nud 6 f 30 i mid U Oak Park 6 33 uml 34 llnrr .Street. South St. Johns 7 3 and 4 19 4 South Jerssy Street, Severance 3 1 3 3 Polk Street. i. h, Miner's 30 13 nud 14 117.09 Kellogg Street. Court Plsce a 7 nud 3 Mohawk Street, Caples s 38 3 10 and 11 Severance 3 1 3 a Burlington Street, P. T. Smith's 5 SH 1-3 of 3 Thompson Street. Oak Park 4 4 " 5 S i.j of 3 Philadelphia Sew er, P. T, Smith's 5 Sit 10 of 3 Leonard Street. Court Place I 5 and 6 Tyler Street. Washing lump chliuule.4 by im mersing them in water often makes them brittle, A safer way to clean them is to Hold them lor a tew 1110 itieuts over n .steaming tea kettle. Then iKJitsit them unsKiy wttii a soft cloth. Troubled with dandruff? It may be light and fluffy nud not np lcur dangerous at the present time but if neglected will become matted that will mean loss of hair Ny nl's Ilirsutouc will prevent it. North Dank Pharmacy. ' ' O"- ' Yes, the ground-hog saw his shadow and has hiked back into Ills deu for six waeks more winter: but where was Paschal Hill? If the old spoil had been here with his trusty blunderbuss, he might have killed the pig nud saved us the weather. Raw potatoes are better for fry ing than cooked ones. Slice them into cold water; have a frying pan well covered with boiling-hot fat throw the potatoes in with all the water that will adhere to them it lightens and puffs them. Season nud turn over them another frying pan. Lift it often and turn the bottom ones 011 top, When nearly done takeoff the covering uud let them brown. I got in St. Johns that is worth look ing after for cash, acreage, invest ment or interest paying city proper ty. In answering address, Mrs. J. Bailey .03 Tiogo Street, St. Johns St. Johns Laundry Thoroughly equipped for all kinds of laundry work nnd uptodnte in every respect. Prompt and efficient service Your patronage i'or dressmaking nud plain cw lug call at 733 Willamette Ilotile- vard. i4p. 0 Ior sale Modern 8-room house, lot io.X336r, Co assorted fruit trees 5 years old, good stable and chicken yard. Por particulars, call nt 338 Tyler street, St Johns. i3-3tp ORDINANCE NO. 350 i An Ordinance Appointing" the Judges and Clerks of Elec tion for the Purposes of I Nominating Candidates for the Respective Offices for the City of St. Johns, and Declaring An Emergency to Exist. The hospitable doors of the M.K. parsonage were uirowti open on last 1 hursday to welcome the mem bers of the Dtt-bon-air club nt their regular banquet. A large number of members and many guests were present. Theitable as well as the )eople fairly .groaned under the load of good things to cat. The library of the club has grown to be of good size, and in it are to be found some of the latest ami best of books. The next meeting will be held at the" home of Mrs. J. N. kceler, 814 Portland boulevard. Reporter. ADAIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Jacob I). iicpp, deceased. Notice is hrrcbv given that the under- signed, waiter W. llcpp, has been ap pointed uj inc county court 01 tnc state 01 uregon, ior aiuitnotuau county, as administrator of the estate of Jacob II, Ilepp, deceased, and has qualified as such. All pertous bavins claims against said estate ure hereby notified to present the sains duly verified according to law to said administrator at the office of his attorneys, Johnson & Van .ante, 314 AiMuiauig building, in the cltyol Tort- bind, Okoh, 011 or before six months from the date of the first publication of mis nonce, wnicu is rcu. 3, 191 1. WALTKR W. HKPP. Administrator of the Itstateof Jocob II. llenp, deceased. Johnson & Van Zaatc, Attorneys, The citv of St. Johns does ordain as lonows: Thnt the lollowhiir named iuriccs nnd clerks of the primary nominating elec tion of the citv of St. Johns, to be held In said city on the 37th day of l'cbruary. 101 1, be nud they nre hereby apiioluted as loilowti! Iiniues ior the I'lrst wnrd to serve from twelve o'clock M, to seven o'clock p. 111. ni follows: Henry silicic, V. T. llnnsau. 1'. II. Ilrodahl. Clerks for the I'lrst ward to serve from twelve o'clock M to seven o'clock p. m. ns follows: utis i.cnrneti. Marlon Johnston. Judees Tor the Second Hoard of the I'lrst ward io serve from seven o'clock p. 111, ns follows: A, w. aiarkie. I. II. Martin. Randolph Grnden. Clerks for the Second Hoard of the I'lrst Ward to serve from seven o'clock p. 111. an follows: j. rs, Kdicikcu. Uco. M. Hall. Judges for the I'lrst Hoard of the Sec ond ward to serve from twelve o'clock M. to seven o'clock p. 111. as follows: T. . Lang 8c Co. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods Latest Styles and most fashionable Goods at very reasonable prices. Call and inspect goods and prices. 101 Burlington Street, near Jersey ST. JOHNS, OREGON 8 Aluminum Ware J.J. llurlbcit. 1.. II. CI 314 Spaulding building. i kit rL i: a I Clilpumu. I'. I.. Itmmeisoii. Clerks for the I'irst Hoard of the Sec oud Ward to serve from twelve o'clock M to seven o'clock p. 111. as follows: w. u. w nuer. V.W. Mason. Judircs for the Second Hoard of the Second Ward to serve from seven o'clock p, in, as follows: to, w, Kogcrs. A. T. Holdoii. C. K. Bailey. Clerks for the Second Hoard of the Second Wnrd to serve from seven o'clock p, ui, as follows: u. I'ratiK iiorsmaii, A. D. McDonald. That said Judges and Clerks be forth with notified by the Recorder of said city, and that notices be posted anil pub. lislicd as by law required, Section 2: That the polling place of the same is here- ooooooooooocoo 000000000000 o o o o o The only sanitary cooking utensil, We have n complete line Q EXTRA SPECIAL 9 35c Sauce Pan for 10 cents I The supply Is limited. Sec window display ! St. Johns Hardware Company OOOOOOOOOOOOiOOOOOOOOOOOOO H. HENDERSON 122 Jersey St. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurute Work Guaranteed. the I'irst Ward be and 731 H.JJ 75-37 35-75 14.00 30.40 11.04 106.39 101,69 3SS.14 3.6 167 35 6.81 6.49 34.15 397.15 113.40 33.61 309-45 Miner's M. li. Church Sunday school 10:00 a, in., preaching, 1 1:00 a. in. ana 7:30 p. m.; junior League, 3 p. iu., Upwortli League 6:30 p. in. This will be the first of a scries of sermons 011 the general topic: "A Young Christian's Battle Grotitid." The topic for Sunday evening is: Self Mastery or Slavery." Good music will be one feature, A cor dial welcome is extended to all who can attend these services. Rev, lf, NrSaudifer, pastor, 33 33 33 33 33 3t St. Johns Heights 19 W. it 16.93 1973 3-55 38.37 36.63 4S.M 39-66 9 IO II 13 8 and 9 SCOTT KHM.OGG. City Treasurer. Published in the St. Johns Review on 1'cb. 3, 10, 17 and 34, 1911. Ollice Phono Woodlawn 708 lies. Phono Woodlawn 1655 D. E. HOPKINS DENTIST Offlc Uaurs: From I to UnL.ltotp.ia. t ta I p. sa. 682 Dawsou street, University Park 1 The checking account at a good bank is a necessity with every one who wants to put system, safety and stability into his money mat ters. It records accurately every money transaction. It prevents the necessity of carrying a large amount of cash on hand. It provides, in the returned can celed check, a receipt for every payment. You can open a checking ac- o count here at any time, with any sum trom a dollar up. The Peninsula Bank St. Johns, Oregon Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $7,000.00 by affixed at No. 303 South Jersey street. mat the pollute place 01 me tecomi Ward be aud is hereby affixed at Council Room iu the City Hall. hectlon 3: That Inasmuch a it is necessary that a primary nominating election be held on the 37th day of l'cbruary, 1911, as by law provided; and as the time is such as It will of a delay in appoint! clerks to act at said elect Kcncy is declared to exist nance Is to become operative and be of full force and effect uiou beiut; signed PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS CITY OF ST. JOHNS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OP PINAL SHTTLKMKNT Iu the County Court of the State of Ore- t'on Ior the county ot .Multnomah In the matter of the estate of I'.lliabeth J, Ward, deceased. Notice is nereuy Ktven mat tue under. signed, administrator of the above named Mctali. tin lil.l lll iinnl r.fwt, , an. I r. I count with the cleric of the above named .. 1 proposals will be received by k . .. ... I lilt lltlllHHllllll 4 IT" . t - court, ami mat tnc juuoe 01 tue above ( ,T,,o ,"" "l a" u,"cc ininecuy named court has fixed upon the 31st ' btJ0"ns, Oregon, until Monday, day of l'cbruary, 1911, at 10 o'clock a, I February 37, 1911, at 4 o'clock p. m. for in. of said day as the time, and the , M,c "ol ,eM t!'n par value audoc county court room of the county court f1rue,i.'",e,r"t of Improvement Bonds of me same rdinance ' nart nf !" 1 ,!.! iwt.,,1. T.J 1 uc tint rmilt I , 1 : W,,M,.., M,.WU,U. J , w . . o " 1 v K luuecs Himi,, ..i.. ...1. uemir issued Uv aullmriiu r Ion, an tmer-1 ,i ', ,m (v. i,r,, (No. 349) for the whole or m ..... ..... w, , ...1. .n ...(...u a.UK.n..a I. ..(. IIIUIIMlllll IHIII IIMII llll IBM 1 mm nucu niiit nni.iv ui i ljki-uu. tiatiui; . r . . . -1 j by the mayor. by liersous any dbiections or exceptions to anything iu said report contained, way file the The fiist publication of the council Jauusry 31 by the mayor January 31, J Pas.ed 1911 Appro veil , HHNUKICKa, Mayor. Attest: A. M. I'.SSON, City Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review. I'eo. 3, 1911 same and be heard, and wheu and where ' i9l! pajou'e ten years from date, and said estate be finally cloied and settled. nuc rate 01 this notice is on Ute 20th day of January; 1911, aud tlie last publication will be on tue 17111 day of February, 191 1. ui musk 1 WAKU, Administrator. SBBsCZ.lsSBBBBBBBVsBlBiSBHsBBBBBsfij 11 mm M NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment bain bonds will be Issunl in .lnnn.l. nations of Uoo each, datctl Novemter 1. 6 ner cent .. a. ... .. .. I.I , . 1 ., """" pv"""" ssnii-annuaiiy. and .subject to all the conditions Imposed, ! directed and stipulated bv ulvTf I. known as "The Bancroft Bonding Act;' under which act, as amended, said bonds are issued. ..T.h,e,rlKUt U served to reject any and all bids, ' A. M. KSSON, Recorder, Published In the St. Tohna U January 37 and Pebruary 3, 1911, St. JOHNS PEOPLE I R. T. Piatt, President C. A. Wood, Cashier If. C Kuapp, Vice President J. N. Iullefsen, Asst. Cashier I Have you any pltitnbincr prob- lemsr it your pipes are out ot or der or your hot water boiler needs attention send for us, phone if in a hurry. EDMONDSON CO. 303 S, Jersey St. Phone Columbia 92 See F. W. Valentine for real es tate aud iusurauce. 304 N. Jersey. Por completed portion of Sewer dis trict No, 3: Couiuiencint! at Haves I street, on either ride of Burlington to Moliavtk, Crawford street Burlington to Richmond street and all property east of Richmond street and south of Willam ette boulevard to the east line of G. P. Cranraer tract, thence on the south line of Decatur street to the east line of lot 5 block 33. A. I.. Miner's addition, thence I south on said line extended to the south east corner of lot s. block do. A. L. Miner's additiou, thence westerly along IU. .l.. r.i . .U ...1 ... to Richmond: also all property in James lB1,u"K. u upon Mrs. unu, 108 Johns addition bounded by Pittsburg 1 North l'essendeti, corner Charles- What have you to sell right? River frontage, iucotne property or acre age, If you want money and show value. Iu answering address "V" care of Scammon, St. Charles Hotel Portland, Oregon For fashionable dressmaking and anu Uurltngton streets and a line 100 feet southerly from Urailloril street. That the cost ot said sewer has beeu apportioned to all of said property and proposed assessment is on file in the office of the undersigned and remon strance may be filed to said apportion ment until 5 o'clock p. m. Pebruary 13. 1911. A, M. ESSON, Citv Recorder. Published iu the St. Johns Review Jan. 37 aud Feb, 3, 1911. tou. Also day work and general housework wanted by party at same address. MP If you want to buy, rent, sell or exchange property see Wolcott, (The Rent Man.) St. Johns Office, 401 South Jersey. Portland Office, 442 Washington Street, Phone Marshall 1556.