St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 27, 1911, Image 1

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Historical Society
ST. Johns review
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Devoted to tbe Interest! of the Peninsula, (he Manufacturing Center o! tho Northwest
VOL. 7
NO. 12
The Dumping Ground
Death of I. W. Suitter
To Construct a Tube
Tiie Reason Why
Has Bearing on Streets
Will Hold Jubilee
Council Meeting
. v
How tp dispose of the sewage in
the district of North East Portland
which slopes toward the Columbia
River is a question bothering the
city officials. It originally was
filanncd to construct sewers drafti
ng this so they would have their
outlets in Columbia or Oregon
sloughs, but there has been so much
opposition to this plan that it has
nearly been decided to abandon it.
It is claimed by those opposed to
this plan that the current in the
sloughs is insufficient during the
summer months to carry away the
sewage and tliat unsanitary conut
tions would result.
At n tiipptlinr nf the sewer com
mittcc of the council this morning
theproposition was discussed aim
was suggested that a main, trunk
sewer be constructed skirting the
' northern limits of the city from
Woodlawn to a point on the Ure
gon slough below St. Johns. Lat
eral sewers draining contiguous
territory will then be constructed
ta empty into the main sewer.
.This would necessitate building the
mntn Knwrr tlirntii'll the incomorat-
cd limits of St. Johns, but -its the
city has voted to become a part ot
Portland after July i, It is believed
that little difficulty will be encoun
tered in following out this scheme.
The entire matter, however, was
left to the city engineer to prepare
'plans for the disposal of the sewage
front this territory.
W. T. Vaughan representing the
Vernon district, which will become
11 part of this big newer district, pe
titioned the committee to lay the
hewer in that locality of cement
pipe. He declared that since the
advent of cement sewer pipe in
this city the cost of terra cotta pipe
bos been reduced about 35 per cent
and he believed In fostering compe
tition which has been started. 'I he
committee went on record as favor
ing cement pipe for this sewer.
Turn Them Down
St. Johns seems to be considered
n fair field for exploitation by nu
merous advertising fakirs. Di
rectories, hotel cards, circulars and
other schemes are worked to death
by these traveling artists, who make
big money and give little or noth
' lug in return. The business men
of this city, however, are getting
onto them in pretty fuir shape and
give them the "cold shoulder"
whenever they roll into town.
When the smooth-tongued fellows
desire to work the town they usu
ally call upon some big merchant
at the start, for if such a merchant
puts dowu hls'nume for an adver
tising space it,mnkes the balance of
the canvassing easy. Other busi
ness men seeing the Rig Merchant
Prince has put dowu his name,
therefore endorsing the scheme by
patronizing H.fall Into the open trap
without a murmur, and 99 times
out of 100 are buncoed. The lead
ing business men of a town should
realize their responsibility in such
matters, By subscribing to some
dizzy, wildcat scheme they are not
only putting themselves in the way
of being fleeced but they are
ft-ir tusking it easy for others also to
' be' fleeced.
The safest way for the business
men is to make a hard and fast
agreement to turn down all adver
tising schemes offered by strangers
whether cudo'rsed by Business
Men's Associations or npt. They
will thus save themselves money
and the everlasting annoyance of
being bored by solicitors, and they
will have the satisfaction of doing
somethiug for home industry. The
.newspaper of a town that pays
wages and. taxes and contributes to
the general wellfare is entitled to
all of the local business in tbe way
of advertising. The business men
of many sprightly towns have
agreed to turn down all outside ad-
. vertisiug fake schemes, such as di
rectories and blank books, and
there are more towns that should
fall in line.
Lumber was delivered Saturday
at the St. Johns Shipbuilding plant
for 30 pipe pontoons for the Port of
Portland dredges and work began
this week. The company also has
received an award from the Colum
bia Contract Company to build a
barge and another is under way for
the Albina Fuel Company. The
. dredge boat Columbia U to be
sheathed above the water line at
that plant and repairs are being
made on the steamer J. N. Teal.
A brand new copy of Polk's Or
egon and Washington State Gazet-
eer and Business Directory njay be
,t secured at this office for :$6,oo; reg
' . wkr price $9.x.
.Isaiah W. Suitter died at bis
home in this city after several
months' illness ot Bright s disease.
Mr. Suitter was born in Cary, Me.,
in 1 865 and came to St. Johns in
iqoh. where he resided up to his
death. He leaves 11 mother, Mrs.
Ann Suitter; two brothers, Nathan,
in Bottita, Oregon, and Reuben, in
Cary, Maine; two sisters, Mrs.
Phoebe Victory, of Hodgson, Me.,
and Mrs. Susan Pcllmtn of this city;
four sous and three daughters. Mr.
Suitter was an industrious and mod
el citizen. Left about three years
ago by the death-of his wife with a
large family of young children on
his hands, he cared for them faith
fully and welt as long as he was
able. A few weeks ago he went to
a Portland hospital for treatment,
but the dread disease had made
such inroads on his system that he
was beyond earthly aid, and but
little relief was afforded. He was
a faithful member of the Baptist
church and was well thought of by
all who knew him. Outside of
1 1000. insurance policy he leaves
his family in destitute circumstan
ces. Being of an independent na
ture, it was only until the last few
weeks of his life that he would per
mit the aid of the charitably dis
posed. Being right in the prime of
life, it was hard to die and leave
his orphan children unprovided for.
The funeral services were held in
the Baptist church Saturday nt
1 :jo p. m., Rev". C. L. Owen offi
ciating. Interment took place in
the Columbia cemetery at Kenton.
Still In Business
Vnlle Vista, Ore., Jun. 18, 191 1.
Editor Review: Having not c d
in last week's Review an announce
ment that I had retired from the
real estate business and gone to
farming, I herewith beg permission
to correct the error to this extent:
It true that I have severed my con
nection with . the Smith-Wagoner
Co. . It is nlso true that I am living
on a farm, but in regard to retir
ing from the real estate business, I
wish to say that I have never had
better prospects lit the real estate
line than at the present time and I
wish to further announce to all un
friends and patrons in St. Johns
that I am in a position to supply
them with investments that will
out class anything which we have
ever offered to them in the past,
and will guarantee them a clean,
square deal.
Any of my mends who wish to
look over Washington county will
be most cordially welcomed at Valle
Vista, my new home, our new town
site and suburban acreage. L. H.
New Brick Building
Bickner Bros, have completed
their plans for a solid brick building
to be erected upon the site of Do
ble's real estate office and Mrs,
Martin's millinery store. The
structure will be a story and 4 half
high, 34x90 feet in size and thor
oughly substantial throughout. It
will Ik; constructed especially lor
movimr nictttre shows with balconv
overhead. When completed It will
be occupied by the Electric Theatre
and the room In which this play
house is now located will be occu
pied by Harry Mansfield with a
strictly first class pool and billiard
hall. It is expected the, building
will -be completed by the first of
May. .
The cut of timber bv Orecon
mill during 1910 was the biggest
ever known and reached a total.of
2,000,000,000 feet, according to the
best efforts obtainable. This, too,
despite the fact that trade conditions
were conflicting. The current year
sees a more favorable outlook and
it is probable the cut of 191 1 will
greatly surpass that of 1910.
Twin Falls, Idaho, takes the
palm for the greatest yield of pota
toes in competition with western
states' along the line of the Oregon
Short Line, which offered a prize of
$500 for the best crop. Louis A.
Snyder, "living near Twin Falte,
was awarded the prize, having
grown $640 bushels on one acre. He
irrigated his crop three times and
planted and cultivated the tubers
by machinery.
The Home Telephone Company
of Portland recently installed one
of its pay stations in St, Johns
Pharmacy, 105 No. Jersey street
for the use of all persons desiring to
cotumunicate over the Home sys
tem. ' '
Application for a franchise for
the Portland Subway Company, giv
ing the right to enter into a general
street railway business and to con
struct a tube under the Willamette
river and through a loop aggregat
ing a mile in length under West
Side streets, will be made at' the
next meeting of the city council.
The company which was recently
Incorporated in Oregon, is repre
sented In Portland by A. K.Bcntly,
L. Y. Kcady, A. K. Hammond
and A. Clark, who say they arc
the agents for Eastern and Euro
pean capitalists who intend to in
vest $20,000,000 in the develop
ment of their enterprise in Portland
lit the next four years.
They estimate that it will require
fully a year to secure necessary pre
liminary privileges and contracts
and that the construction will de-
maud three years.
Their plans Include the building
of 150 miles of surface tracks on
hast Side streets in addition to
their tunnel under the river and
under the West side business dis
trict. They do not propose to
bring their cars to the surface on
the West Side, but will operate
through a sub-surface loop, over
four parallel tracks, connected with
convenient stations on the street
The stations will so correstraud
with the sets of tracks that passen
gers will never need to cross any of
the rails to enter the cars. Moving
stairways, inclined walks and ele
vators will be provided.
According to the terms of the
franchise an all night service will
be inaugurated. Tickets will be
sold by cither conductor or agents
of the company at the rate of 6 for
25c and the city will receive a per
centage of the gross proceeds. Mr.
Ready declared yesterday that not
n single share of stock will be offer
ed the Portluud public and that vir
tually all the money to finance the
enterprise already had been sub
scribed in Eastern and foreign cen
"The backers of the plan," he
said, "figure that the population of
Portland will double in the next
seven years and they therefore be
lieve that the city can well accom
modate and support two independ
ent street railway systems. The
tunnel project has been reported up
on by competent engineers and has
been pronounced feasible. We
shall have a north outlet in Sulli
van's gulch and one on the south
near Hawthorne avenue. Journal.
At the Stock Yards
Receipts for the week have been:
cattle, 2490; calves, 94; hogs, 1825;
sheep, 34.54; horses, 69. Under the
influence of a fairly liberal supply
of cattle, prices showed a weaker
undertone, ami while the demand
was active and snappy, it was not
altogether a seller's market as has
been the case for several weeks
previous. The supply of sheep was
moderate and the market was slow
and draggy with lower prices pre
vailing. The mutton market
moves at times in strange circles,
packers load their coolers with mut
ton and the demand falls off for" no
reason that is explainable, when
this is the Case, the market 'sags
and during the week that has just
closed the prices have been anything
but encouraging. The hog market
was lightly supplied and the 'de
mand was active from 8,50 to ?,oo,
D. O. Lively, Gen. Agent.
Members of Laurel Lodge '.No.
186 and vijiting brothers Tiere
are requested "to be in Odd Fellows
Hall promptly at 7:30 next Monday
evening." We are promised a visit
from Laurelwood Rebeccas, .Penin
sula lodge I. O. O. F. and Marietta
Rebeccas that night aud we wish
to give them all that is coming7 to
them. State Evangelist Gregg,
a member of our order, holding
meetings in the Christian church,
sent a special invitation to our
lodge to come, in a body, or indi
vidually as we saw fit, to hear his
addret? Sunday evening at 8 o'clock
on the subject: "FrateVnal orders,
their benefits Which are the best."
The undersigned was to deliver
this invitation in open lodge last
Monday night, but forgot to do so.
D. N. Byerlee, Secretary.
Register, voter. This may
your last opportunity to register
bt. Johns. Next year you may
compelled to go to Portland to-
so. Be glad you are saved the time
and-txpeitsfitkis'year. .
Occasionally some one makes the
pIaint:"Why don't you have more
personal news iu the paper?" For
the benefit of those who believe the
Review docs not contain as ninny
personals as perhaps some other
papers iu the country, we will ad
vance a few reasons. St. Johns
from a newspaper man's point of
view Is situated somewhat peculiar.
In most other towns there is a depot
for the arrival and departure of vis
itors. This is always a prolific
source of news to the reporter. lie
can go there near "train time" and
mingling with the crowd can gain a
number of personals usually. In
St. Johns this is denied. Iu other
places there arc hotel registers to
scan and secure names of visitors
aud from whence they came. Here
this is also not accessible. Nearly
all local people going on a visit get
on the street cars, and visitors come
the same way. It is therefore hard
to fill up the paper with personal
mention. The Portland papers
have reporters here every day look
ing for news, but the Review con
tains more than all combined relat
ing to St. Johns. Keeping count
last week, out of twenty persons we
inquired of for news, two unimport
ant items were all that could be
gleaned. The editor has almost to
sec the news item for himself. Rend
er, when you complain of a lack of
news Items In the paper, just stop
and nsk yourself If you know of
just otic news Item that is not con
tained in a fresh copy of the paper.
Perhaps you have a visitor at your
home and you arc incensed because
the editor has not found it out.
The fact of the matter is that you
have not done our duty when you
failed to tell him of the fact, either
in person or by postal. A live
newspaper Is dependent upon the
co-operation of the public. It is
impossible to make a house to house
canvass each week iu search of the
news. It must be either sent iu or
picked up on the streets or business
places. When news are scarce in a
local newspaper it is generally be
cause little has happened. The ed
ilor nlwnvSr wants to hud out as
much as possible of the happening
of the city, and if he can find but
little it is not because he has
tried to find more.
Polk's Gazeteer
Just Issued for 1911-12 is the
most comnletc work of the kind
published. It contains an accurate
business directory of Portland, Seat
tle, Spokane, Tacoma and every
other city town and village in Ore
gon aud Washington, ami the names
aud addresses of country merchants
aud professional men, lumbermen,
etc., Who are located close to vil
lages; also lists of government and
and comity officers, commissioners
of deeds, state boards, statutory
provisions, terms of courts, names
of postmasters, postoffices, express,
telephone and telegraph offices,
Justices of the Peace, hotels, daily
and weekly newspapers, besides
much other information useful to all
classes of business and professional
men. A descriptive sketch of each
filacc is given, embracing various
terns of interest, such as the loca
tion, population, distance to differ
ent points, the njost convenient
shipping stations, the products that
are marketed, stage communication,
trade statistics, the nearest bank lo
cation, mineral interests, churches,
schools, libraries and societies. An
important feature is the classified
directory, giving every business ar
ranged Under , its special heading,
thus enabling subscribers to obtain
at a glance a list of all houses man
ufacturing or dealing in any partic
ular Hue of goods. The work gen
erally is compiled to meet the wants
of the business community, aud is
so thorough as to deserve liberal
patronage. Price $9.00. R. L.
Polk & Co., Seattle, Wash.
Patrons Take Notice
All parents having" children they
desire to start to school during the
spring term for the first time during
the spring term of the school should
see the principal of the school to
which they 'are to be sent not later
than Monday, January 30. Any
child six years old by April 15,
is eligible for admittance for term
beginning Feb.. 2, 191 1. No new
pupil will be admitted to First
Grade after the second week of the
term. Kindly start them at begin
ning of the terra.
Chas. H. Boyd,Supt.
A handsome hitching post has
been placed iu frout of the Water
company s otiice ou Burlington
Editor Review: In giying several
reasons last week why It would not
be a "monstrous wrong" for the
city council to have the annexation
question decided, there wa3 one
point you seemed to have over
looked. That was if we become a
part of Portland in July, the coutt
cil could go ahead and have all
streets iu St. Johns gotten under
way of improvement. If it was
certain that annexation or consol
idation would take place iu a few
mouths, this could be done away
with. Under the Portland charter
property can be assessed to the full
valuation for street improvement
aud 85 percent of same arc required
to remonstrate before the proposed
improvement can be abandoned.
Therefore, if we arc going to be
come a part of the larger city,
council could get exceedingly busy
nud order all streets improved. The
poor condition of streets seems to
have been the strong point of the
annexationists. If they want bet
ter streets, let them pay for them.
If the matter was settled the street
problem would become easy. There
tore, from many points of view it
would seem the duty of the city
council to have the matter deter
mined definitely as soon as possible.
Says Realty Too High
William Dudley of Spokane was
a visitor to St. Johns the first of the
week. He said that he had looked
well over the ground in nud around
Portland, nud he finds the price of
ralty in St. Johns is much higher
than any other suburb of Portland.
lie admired the site of bt. Johns
immensely, but believed the city
would advance with greater speed
if price of realty was reduced in
proportion to other outlying dis
tricts of Portland. He believed
the price of water frontage to be
prohibitive for manufacturing pur
poses. He stated that the worst
possible tliiug-StrJohuu could do at
this stage of its progress was
to consolidate with Portland. Ken
estate, he said, could not possibly
advance iu value thereby, because
It was too high how, aud he could
conceive of no practical reason why
any one would wish St. Johns n
part of the larger city, as that city
could give the smaller city nothing
that it could not secure lor itsell
and secure It much quicker.
Evangelistic Meetings
Christian church: State Evangel
1st Samuel Gregg, holding meetings
for this body of Christians will
speak tonight, (Frldoy) on "The
Devil and His Angels." The
speaker isn't Sam Jones, nor the
son of Sam Jones, nor yet one of
Iris disciples, he is distinctly and
positively Sam Gregg; but he has
a pleasing personality, ou earnest,
forceful manner of presenting his
facts to his hearers in language that
all can understand. Aud at the
same time there is bubbling to the
surface of his discourses those
bright scintillations of wit and hu
mor that involuntarily come to the
man who is at cacc with God and
man. His subject for Sunday eve
ning is: "Fraternal Orders, their
benefits Which are the Best." All
fraternities are invited to hear this
address. The stereopticou will be
used Friday night on "The Devil
and His Augels." The speaker
did not say, however, whether he
had captured an authentic picture
of Bobbie Burns' "Auld Clutie," or
not, but it will pay you to come aud
see. All are invited. B.
Word From Paschal
Followimr on a nost card received
at this office from Paschal Hill,
one of the investigators of the pav
ing situation iu the Eastern states:
Bloomfield, Iowa, i-8-ii
In the land of vellow com, fat
cattle aud fat hogsjsnow eight inch
es, not cold; sleigh bells jingling.
Will be through with our ' investi
gation in ten days, but am going
out into the country for one day's
old-fashioned rabbit hunt. Am
anxious to get back; never want to
leave home again, Paschal.
Evangelical Morning theme:
An exposition of the book of Es
ther." In the evening union ser
vices will be held, at which time
Rev. C. P. Gates, pastor, will
preach the baccalaureate sermon to
the February - graduating class of
the high school. .
Elaborate preparations arc being
perfected to greet the home coming
of the Innocents from their trip
abroad. The barbecue will be
held on the public square at Burl
ington and Jersey 'streets. The
ground for a short distance will be
paved with alternate strips of Bit'
ulithic'nnd.Westrumite hard stir
facing, ns it is not yet known which
kind the Innocents prefer. As no
tiling is too good for tltc Irish,
great care has been exercised in the
selection of the animal for the bar
becuc. It was finally decided by
the commitcc iu charge that Ash
by's famous aud costly bull would
make the most fitting sacrifice. AI
though a little perverse nud frisky
at times, the selection is conceded
by all to be a wise one. The re
ception committee willmcet the In
nocents at Piedmont aud conduct
them iu triumph to the scene of
festivities. Good speaking has
been arranged for. G. G. Cnrhnrt,
in ills singularly sweet and pathetic
voice, will deliver an address ou
the touching theme: "By George,
How We Missed Them.' He will
tell how sad aud lonely the com
munity has been during the absence
of the Innocents aud what great
pleasure It gives nil to note their
return. This will be responded to
by Paschal Hill, one of tltc Inno
cents, who will. speak upon "Chi
cago After Dark, or the Dangers
that Lurk iu a Large City." He
will tell of the many pitfalls spread
to catch the unwary, nud how unr
rowly they escaped being caught iu
the net: how they entered nt twi
light several innocent looking
amusement halls, nud with what
unspeakable horror they hastily
made their exit after getting nu
Inkling of what wns rcnlly going
011. A number of hair raising an
ecdotes from personal experience
will be given, b. C. Norton will
then enlarge upon the beautiful
theme: "The Wanderers' Return."
He will tell of the many sleepless
nights nud prayerful hours he
passed iu their absence; how he
closely scanned the daily papers
lu fear aud trembling lest he might
read of a horrible accident befalling
them, nud what n great relief it Is
to have them both home safe nud
sound. He will tell how fnin he
wns to accompany them, but how
his heart failed him nt the last niin
tite; that he finally concluded ntiiau
of his age was hardly capable of
looking after a couple of such frisky
young colts. Mr. Norton has
spent many tedious hours over his
perorntlon, nud It will no doubt be
deemed the most masterful nud
sympathetic production ever heard
iu St. Johns. R. W. MeKeou will
respond to this with: "The Story of
tltc Tea Kettle, or How We Did
It." This address will be purely
scientific aud deal particularly aud
especially with street covering. He
will stick close to his text for fear
he might unwittingly tell somethiug
they had decided would be better
to leave unsaid. Geo. Ms Hall, P. A.
Brcdecu, P. J. Peterson aud other
noted speakers will also be called
upon to deliver appropriate aud
stirring addresses. Bewitching
strains of music by the band will
inter.stx.-rso it all with such feeling
.selections as 'There'll be n Hot
Time iu the Old Town Tonight,"
"How Glad I Am." and "The
Devil's Drcnm." That the event
will be one long to be remembered
goes without saying. They are ex
pected home next week,
Five-acre tracts from $75 to $200
per acre according to location.
Lots 50x100 from $85 to $125
right at Valle Vista station.
beveu aud one-half acres, all im
proved, orchard and small fruits of
chicken house, barn, $1100 worth
of fruit annually, The best invest
ment iu Oregon. 1 wo blocks from
station. Any reliable person can
obtain this home on easy payments.
Five-acre tract 325 feet fronting
on R, R. sidetrack near station,
two-thirds in cultivation. Elegant
towusite, price $1500.
First come, first served. Buy of
owner who has no office rent or
other city expenses.
Make some profit for yourself.
Take United Railway at 4th aud
Stark, and get off ut Valle Vista.
Postofhce address, Leroy H. Smith,
Hillshoro, Ore., Route 1,
Gus Johnson of Clatskanic, Wu.,
was the guest of his old time friend,
W,H. King, tills week. Mr. John-
sou is a councilman of his hustling
home town; and paid a fraternal
visit to the local council Tuesday
Work for a Oreatar St. Johni,
All members of tiie council were
present at the regular meeting of
that body Tuesday night, with Ma
yor Hendricks presiding.
L. Seybold asked for an exten
sion of 60 days time on construe
tion of the Burlington street sewer,
granted on motion of Councilman
A petition for an arc light at tltc
intersection of Salem nud Crawford
streets was referred to the water
nud light committee ou motion of
Councilman Cook.
M. T. Swan asked for and wns
granted 60 days cxteutiou of time
ou the improvement of Columbia
boulevard ou motion of Mr. Cook,
The election of C. C. Oihtis to
the chief of the fire department was
recommended by the mayor aud
approved unanimously by ballot by
The Star Sand and Gravel Co,
asked for permission to macadamize
Richmond street from Bradford
street to the river at their own ex
pense; wns granted 011 motion of
Mr. Davis subject to the acceptance
of the city engineer.
A communication from tltc V
crhuettscr Laud Company stated
that the deed for easement of Ma
Ic street sewer had been prcpand
and would be forwarded to the n
cordcr in the near future.
The transfer of the Thomas
Glover liquor license was recom
mended by the liquor license com
miltee nud endorsed by council on
motion of Mr. Davis.
Bills amounting to $7.85 were
Ordinances establishing grades
of Macrum avenue nud Kellogg
street were passed 011 motion of
Mr. Davis.
An ordinance providing for the
sate of improvement bonds to the
amount of 530,000 was passed nu
motion of Councilman Hitler.
Mount Hood Knllwny and Power
Company's franchise wns held oer
another week for further iuvestiga
tion nftcr referring the matter to
the committee of three S. C.Cook.
Si L. Doble and J. 1?. Hiller in
connection with the nttoruey.
The Political Pot
The question of becoming part of
Portland is still agitating the St
Johns eople and tuny be the only
issue iu thecity election next April
Present guesses arc that the tickets
will be about as follows: Aiitt-au
nexntiou ticket: Mnyor, A. W.
Mnrkle; Recorder, Fred C. Couch:
Treasurer, J. E. Tanch; Attorney,
A. M. Essou; Couucilmeu-at-large,
S. L. Doble, S. C. Cook, II. W
Bricc; Cotiucilmcu, hirst Ward,
Fred Valentine aud T. II. Coih
ran; Second Ward, K. C. Couch
aud G. L. Perriue.
Annexation ticket: Mayor, J. S
Downey; Recorder, A. T. BoKlt-u.
Treasurer Paschal Hill; Attorney ,
Perry C. Stroud; Counciltiieu-at
targe, II. S. Hewitt, George M
Hall aud B. Frank Horsiuau,
Coiincilmen first ward. J. 1 1. Fletch
er and P. T, Hanson; second waul,
P. A. Bredecn aud Abort Vvhu
man. A primary election will lie
held February 27, and all mttstrcg
ister for this. Telegram.
I he guess is a wild one so far .in
ye editor is concerned. We have
troubles enough of our own without
attempting to add more thereto.
4 liuuha.
A Good Man .Dies
Mr. D. I. Huff, well aud favoi-
ably known in St. Johns nud sur
rounding country, but living at
Peninsula station died quite sud
denly Friday morning January 13.
He had been complaining tor about
one year, but was alway able to at
tend to his work and business up
to the day of his death. He came
from South Dakota, where he was
greatly loved and respected, nliout
ten years ago, aud settled down m
the Peninsula. He went int farm
ing and fruit raising and dealt
largely with the people of St. Jomis
aud surrounding country. He uu
a conscientious aud upright citizen
and invariably threw his inlhieucc
on the side of order uud good t iti
zeuship. He is survived bv his
widow and two daughters: Mr-
James Mills, of Northern Hill and
Mrs. N, II. Wendell, of Aberdeen.
South Dakota. He was buried at
Riverside cemetery and was fol
lowed to his urave by a large num
ber of his friends and neighbors
who speak of him In tortus ot en
See F. W. Valentine for real es
tate and insurance, 204 N Jersey.
w -. A - v
7 TtHh"