St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 20, 1911, Image 2

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High School Notes
Published Everr Friday
At 117 West Durllngton Stroot.
TitR Rkvirw Is entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, na mall twitter
of the second class under the Act of Con
grcss of March 3, 1879.
o&cui zitwtpspsr th City of flu John.
Adturlliln rstss, 91.00 ptr tneb pt month,
fob Pilnttni rrotd In flnt-olat siyis.
Bills lor Jet Prlatlnf cub on delivery.
All oromanlentlooi should b sddrstMd to
The IUt1, BL Johns, Oreron.
All idTtrtlitng bills pityslU Brit of eseb
Subscription price $1.00 poryonr.
The proposed Improvement of
Dawson street seems for some rcn
son to have rather fallen by the
wavsidc. The matter should not
be allowed to drop. It is impcra
tivu that this street be improved
this year, and no unnecessary ddny
should be brooked. Let the prop
orty owners get together and decide and Woobtirn
J. II. WitiSLKK, Editor.
The St. Johns quintet defeated
the Jefferson High School second
team for the second time last Wed
nesday afternoon by a score of 26
to 12. The game was hard fought
from the start, but our boys were
too much for them. The lineup
was as follows:
Jefferson. Jas. John.
Horzog Camcriug, r f Whistler
Montague, 1 f Uugbce
R. Hcndricson, c Smock
Cook. rg 13. Smith
Cox, 1 g K. Smith
b'leld goals: Jas. John to, Jeffer
son 5. I' on Is shot by Jas. John 6,
Jefferson 2. Meld goals Hugbec 0,
Whisler 4, Montague 1, Cnincrliug
3. Goals from fouls: Montague
1 1 Iloroir 1. liucbcc 6,
Jas. John will play Columbia
University Juniors next Saturday
High on Jan. 28,
First National Bank
St. Johns, Oregon
Sylvester Peterson, President
A. R. Jobes, Vice President .J
F. P. Drinker, Cashier
C. B. Russell, Ass't. Cashier
A corner In the North Bank Pharmacy during the Sweet Pea Show held July of last year
at Woodbtirn.
OitHy, faithful workers
Arc our fnithfut men,
Surely they're not shirkers,
Killing time, not them.
Every practice present
'Tis nn nxtotn true.
Because It Is so plcasnnt
All lire there liy two,
Looking for the Captain,
Longing for the crew,
Institute in St. Johns
upon n width for the thoroughfare
and then push improvement along
as rapidly ns possible.
During last year a new building
was erected in Portland every work'
iug hour of each day of the week,
counting eleven hours to the day.
According to the census report,
rortlamrs population is about 45
times greater than St. Johns'. To
make just as good record in a build'
iug way in proportion to poputn
lion, 76 buildings should have been
erected here in 1010. The fact of
the matter is that almost double
that amount were constructed in
St. Johns, proving conclusively
that we are traveling at n much
faster rate thnn the city of Portland.
Regarding n communication on
first page dealing with council de
ciding the annexation question by
securing n decision of the courts,
there may be something said on
both sides of the fence. The conn-
ciimeu do not icei mat tney arc
warranted at this lime to take the
matter up, and hesitate about do
ing so. They may be forced bv
" .
circumstances to do so. however,
later on. If the legislature shall
pass n law providing for n free the county officers, many of whom
ferry here it will be up to the city "re good strikers, nud it is believed
to call a NiKXlal election to vote mucii can he learned Hint will bene
bonds for purchasing the np. fit our local Union mid the depart-
proaches. If bond buyers then I inctii work. Our worthy president
refuse to purchase the bonds under to very anxious that this work be
the somewhat chaotic condition of I taken up and that stieriutcudcuts
tilings, council may be forced to leach work their departments,
We have just rcceivcu a
full line of white lined en
amel ware, Good quality at a medium price.
We have cut the prices on our stock of wall paper to make room
tor our stock of 19:1 patterns. liny now and save money.
Local and Otherwise
for tho Roviow and be
Hendricks Hardware Co.
Phone Columbia 129
At the regular mothers' meeting
of the W. C. T. U., which was
held at the Advcutist Church Mon
day afternoon, announcements of
importance ami which interest every
worker for the temperance cause,
were to the effect that a County
Institute of the W. C. T. U. will
be held in St. Johns nt the llaptist
uinrcn, Tuesday. lclmiary 7th,
an till day session, All interested
11 the work arc invited to ntteud
and bring lunch. Delegates from
different Unions in the county are
expected to be present ns well ns
Undertaker and Funeral Director
have the matter definitely decided
So long ns there is a question or
shadow 01 dotilit tliat the auuexa
tion vote was illegal they will be
very slow to buy. Any bonding
company's lawyer would first be
sure of the boundaries of aiiv city
before he would advise the purchase
of municipal bonds. This is 11 rule
that is never deviated from. There
fore, if there is any question ns to
the legality of the recent annexa
tion vote the boundary Hues of this
city will be nu uncertainty after
July first. Strnnge ns it may seem
the bonds of the city of St. Johns
sell to better advantage than those
01 the city of Pottland. For the
brandies, ns It were, of the temper-
mice worn, this will give inanv
ladies much work to do. livery
body invited. Come to the llaptist
umircli Tuesday, Feb. 7th. Hrlug
your lunch nud spend the day.
t'ress correspondent.
An Initial Party
A party of more than usual in
terest was held nt the home of Mrs.
A. btucker on Mohnwk street.
I'uesday night. It was termed nn
Initial Party." The uinuiicr in
which it was arntnuod was that
first time hi the history of this city I each guest bring some eatable the
a primary election to nominate city I mime of which commenced with
oihcinhi will beheld next month, the smiie ns that of the guest. The
which must be held 35 days before result was wonderful, nud if there
the city election April 3rd. If it are not a number of dyspeptics in
was certain that this city would St. Johns this week it was in no-
become part of Portland next July wise the fault of the "layout."
we believe both the primary and Imagine n course of apples followed
city election would be unnecessary, by baked beans, cucumbers, dates,
1 lie charter provide that nu elec- eggs, fish, gooseberries, ham. ice
tion shall be held each year on the cream, etc., until the last letter of
first Monday in April. It ulso pro- the alphabet was reached. The
villas that present ofliciuU shall hold occasion was nu exceedingly merrv
office until their successors have one nud the participants euioved
1 M . . '
Philo Christo Entertainment
JANUARY 20, 1911
Overture Orchestra
Reading S. II. Winn
Piano Soto Miss ISdmoiidson
Comedy (1 Act) "Imminent Danger"
Mrs. Geo. Hall nud .Miss Lillian Perkins
Quartette '., "Angels of Kvcutide"
Minnie Plaskcy, lithel Gates, I;, h. Perkins, V, Mlgbells
Reading "The Substitute'
Miss Lillian Perkins
jlnmn ".Iiimhn .fiat"
A. Craik and wife arc spending
a tew weeks in laiitornia.
T. IS. Kwing of Kugcnc has re
moved to 810 Stewart street.
for dressmaking and plain sew
ing call at . 723 Willamette Boule
vard. UP-
Yesterday was an ideal spring
day balmy, sunshiny and delight
Subicrlba for tho Bt. Johns Rovlaw
and koop pcMod on tho dolnga of
tha city.
The Woodhousc block on Phila
delphia btrect is moving nlong very
slowly these days.
No. 0047.
Sylvester Peterson Is now
dent of the First National
nud C. 1). Russell has been
assistant cashier.
Report of the condition of the
First National Bank
at St. Johns, in the state of Oregon, at
the close of business Jan. 7, 1911:
Lonns and discounts f 131,304.74
Overdrafts, secured & iiusec'd 55.44
U.S. bonds to secure circulation
Premiums on U, S. bonds 750.00
llouds, Securities, etc 14,093.82
iMtiklnir house, furniture nud
fixtures 3.9(0.00
Due from State ami
Private Hanks and
Hankers, Trust Coin
panics and Savings
banks 12,359-55
Due from approved re
serve agents 34,649.87
Checks and alher
cash Items......... i,3.86
Notes of other Na- '
tioiial Hunks 615,00
fractional paper cur
rency, nickels, cents 69.46
Lawful money reserve
In bank, vlxi
Specie 7.3sJ"t
Redemption fund with
U. S. Treasurer (5
perct.of circulation) 1,150.00
An Ordinance Declaring the
Cost of Improving Jersey
Street from Chicago Street
to Burlington and Phila
delphia Street in the City of
St. Johns and Assessing the
Property Benefited Thereby,
Declaring such Assessment
and Directing the Entry or
the Same in the Docket of
City I tens.
The cltv of
St. Johnt docs ordain as
Total fu3.673.14
Capital slock mid ill
Surplus fund
That the council has considered the
firoposcd assessment for improving
erscy street from Chicago street to Ilur
inuton ami Philadelphia streets In the
city of St. Johns ami all (he objections
mane iiicrcto,ntid Hereby asccrtniiis,dctcr
mines and declares the whole costof said
Improvement In the manner provided
by Ordinance No, 313 to be the sum of
1 2213,16 and that the special and peculiar
benefits accruing to each lot or part
thereof or parcel of land within the as
sessment district, by reason of said Im
provement and in just proportion to such
licncfils, arc in the respective amounts
set opposite the number or description
01 cacu 101 or pari uicrcoi or
I hnvc customers to buy houses
nud lots on installments, what
have you to list? S. L. Dobic, 110
N. Jersey street.
Attention is called to announce
ment of Philo Christo entertainment
at Uickncr Hall, brldny evening,
found elsewhere in this issue.
Undivided Profits, less cxpcii
ses anil taxes pain 503.14
National lank notes outstaud'g 35,000,00
individual deposits
subject to check., .f112.176.3S
Demand certificates
of deposit 0.160. lo
Time deposits 41,669.51
Cashier's checks out
standing 4,M9ol
tcncfils, arc in the respective amounts
parcel of
i ofi 00 mini nt me following annexed assess
..j.2j,oou.oo ........ ...n ..1 ...1.1 .
5,000,00 I l,v,l (Hull unavitnuicill UI,,VTII lull
approved as the assessment for said im
provement, ami llie recorder of the cltv
of St. Johns Is directed to enter a state-
incni o( tuc assessment Hereby made lu
the docket of cltv liens, and cause notice
thereof to be published as provided by
charter, which assessment It as follows:
I.0I Mock Addition Amount
2 Depot f AJ5.55
t6H.i6 t.fx I 3 " 49.28
"Who Is
dnt, dar, massn?"
"No, sir! I don't
want nuthin' todo with that fellow,
everybody knows bun." See it at
Uickncr Hall tonight.
If you want to buy, rent, sell or
exchange property see wolcott,
(The Reut Man.) St. Johns Ollice,
401 South Jersey. Portland Ollice,
143 Washington Street, Phouc
Marshall 1550,
juiiimi jinn nrinur ftiarcy rnlltliH nt tn,u , u1H mnwr of
Mr. C.obbleton S. II. Winn Hayes and Maple streets through
Mr. Choatcm Homer Plasket the agency of S. I,. Doble, and with
Henrv Merville iTmvnr.l Hni,., the opening of spring will erect
..w, ...... 1 . . ,.,.., .., .......
C.t...ii.. inviiuii 11 niiiiiinuiiiv.- 11 1 ill iiimiwui
Laborers (George West 11
(Dcrt Johnson
Hannah Maude Hull
Adelaide Onedn Plasket
Mrs. Gobbleton.; Nellie Karley
Total f 213,673.14
State of OrcKou,
County of Multnomah
1. 1'. P. Drinker, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly twear that the
aixivc statement is true to tuc oesi 01 my
knowledge nud lieilel.
ir. 1-. DriiiKcr, cnsuier.
Subucrlbcd and tworu to before tuc
this nil. day of Jan., 1911.
Pctrv C. Slroud. Notary Public,
.Miiiinoumn county, urc.
Sylvester Peterson,
correct Attest: a. k.ioocs,
C.H. Hustell.
10. . . .
3....4L... James John's
4, ,,,'
in II
J .... ......
ikx'ii elecled nud iiualifiwl. The
election could go by default if dis
solution was sure in juiy, nud we
believe no special harm would re
suit or any serious objection raised,
It is deplorable that the so-called
niiuexntiou election was not held in
such n manner ns to preclude any
question to illegality, hut since it
is so, it would be best for all con
cerued to have it settled, and tiie
sooner the better. The proper way
to proceed, we believe, would be to
circulate petitions which should be
signed by a large number of voters
asking that council huve the matter
tested, and then present same to
that body. In this way the cltv
dads would have something to work
upon. Sure it is that if St. Johns
becomes jwrt of Portland without a
contest it will take long years to
wipe out the bitterne;, hard feel
lugs and strife that will be eiigou
1 1 . . .
tiered, for tue good 01 the coin-
nuitiity, the matter should be set
tied definitely.
l .
Baptist Church. -Revival Meet
Ings continue with growing interest
and next Sunday we expect a
great day. The subject at the
morning service will be: "Pound
Wonting." At 8:30 o'clock the
pastor will spenk on "Converted
themselves to the full. Stmugo to
stiy all were able to make their way
Homeward without assistance.
Admission 15 and 25 cents
Benefit of Miss Bilycu S f() SAVE
That is the Question
Patrons of the Klcetric Theatre
will remember the numerous times
they have been eutertiiiue.l by the
clever songs snug by Georgia Hil
yeu. Miss JHlyeu has been very
m lor some tune with pneumonia
I o show their appreciation for her
services the Klectrlc will give n six;
cial matinee Saturday afternoon, the
procecus to tie turned over to auss
llilyeit. A siM.'cial program has
been arranged for this matinee
"Tot" will sing, I.illlan Nel
sou will recite, Peterson's Juvenile
Orehestrn will play, anil 3000 feet
oi good pictures will be shown. A
big turnout should ntteud tomor
row afternoon.
Competition in electricity will no I
doubt inure to the benefit of the
consumer. Therefore, the coming
of the Mount Hood Light & Power
Co. will be hailed with pleasure
and satisfaction by many of St.
Johns citizens.
' 0
The demonstration of "Rek-Oil,"
the wonderful new guaranteed shoe
dressing, now leiiig conducted In
the window of the North JJank
Pharmacy, is creating a large de
mand for the dressing for men's,
ladies' and cjiildrens' shoes, Come
in and see a free sample on your
own shoes.
J an
Stockholders" Meeting
Gain of I200 per cent
The official census of St, Johns
lias been given as 4872, Since the
census was taken the population in
tins city lias increased at least 600.
Many new houses have been built
mill iii-nrlv- nil tlir- vnr-nnt linitcnc I
ion toie me to save an me 1
tilts v tt ft II M It W t 1
mineral specimens, aim ti an 1 you that wcrenway workinc at various
. ... 1
. t 1. .. .
say ttcy war stones louua iieatu tue
earth's surface?" Well, I've got
'bout ten cart lomls down there.
Bickner Hall tonight.
Sidewalks in which washed ma
terial is used are the kind that
never have to be taken up. They
have the lasting qualities. Put
down by the St. Johns Sand &
Gravel Co. Phone Richmond 1571,
SceF.W. Valentiue for real es-
points iu the summer are back for
the winter. The city has nothing
to complain of in the way of the
census showing since the figures
given show a guiu iu ten years of
over twelve hundred per cent. Very
few cities of this size Iu the United
States have made as flue gain,
tate and insurance.
Ilrlug in your job prlutliig wtillol
you think of it. Don't watt until you
are entirely out. wo uro cqulnpod
to turn out noat uud tutty printing
204 N, Jersey, promptly at Portland prico or loss.
Whether 'tis better to spend your nil, and suffer
The stings nud arrows of disappointment and failure,
Or to take arms against the small expenses for
Foolish notions that draius the purse, by opposing,
end them?
This bank offers splendid op
portunities to wage earners who
desire to save a portion of their
3 per cent interest paid on Time
Deposits and Savings Accounts.
I The Peninsula Bank
n 1 r . . t rr r i n
The annual stockholders' meeting
of the Peninsula Bank was held on
January 5th. The regular dividend
was declared and $2000 added to
the surplus. The following direc
tors were elected: Peter Autzen,
F, C, Kuapp, M. L. Holbrook, R.
T. Piatt and C. A. Wood. At a
directors' meeting afterward all the
old oiheers were re-elected.
Dining and Sleep
ing Rooms
Do you ever stop to think that
most of your liome pleasure Is
found iu these two rooms.
Extra Special
to make them comfortable
A Golden Oak, Round Intension
Table and six Solid Oak, Gen
uine Leather Seat Dining Chairs,
regular $41.50, now $28,00.
Special Discount on Brass and
Iron Beds.
St. Johns Furniture
94. IS
..Vint Dyne Property.. 94.34
"Total $3333.16
Paucd by the council January 17, 1911.
Approved by the niavor this 17th dav
of January, 1911,
President ot the Council
Attctt: A. M. l'.SSUN.
City Recorder.
Published In the St. lohut Review.
Jan. 30, 1911.
It U resolved by the Cltv of St.
That it ikeiiM it expedient nud neces
sary to Improve Mac rum avenue from
the northerly side Hue of the O. K. & N.
It. K. Tracks to the southerly line of
Columbia Sloueh In the Cltv of Si.
Johns in the tolijwiu manner, to-wit:
liy establishing j;rde thereof and by
KrmJlng a strip in the center of sal, I
street t3-feet wide and by macadamizing
said center strip, except such portions
where plllug will be required, which
portion of said street to bo piled and
planked t6 feet wide md where ttround
will penult, mud sills to be used Instead
of piling, said macadam to be S inches
deep 111 center ana six inches deep 011
either side, to be done according to this
plans and specifications of the Citv Ku.
K'inccr on file in the office of the Citv
Recorder rclat ve thereto, which tal.i
plans and specifications and estimate
are satisfactory and are hereby approved.
Said improvements to be made in accord
ance with the charter and ordinance of
the city of St. Johns, and under the a.
perviston ami direction of the City ln
gineer. That the cost of said Improvement to
be assessed as provided by the city char
ter utwu the property esnecialfv ami
particularly benefitted thereby, and
which is hereby declared to be all of
lots and parts of lots, blocks and
of laud in Junction addition between
tne termini 01 sucu improvements of
Macrutu avenue from the marginal line.
of said street back to the easterly ami
westerly boundaries of said Junction in.
eluding all laud in Junction between
the O. R. & N. R. R. aud the Columbia
that all tue property included in said
district an
declared to be
t aforesaid is hereby
'Local Improvement
In the County Court of the State of Ore
Ron lor tue county 01 .Multnomah
In the matter of the estate of Hlizabeth
J, Waid, deceased.
Notice is Hereby given that tue under
slgued, administrator of the above named
estate, has filed bis final repot t aud uc
count with the clerk of the above named
I court, aud that the judge of the above
named court has fixed upon the 3tit
day of February, 1911, at 10 o'clock a.
nuof said day as the time, aud the
county court room of the county court
house in Portlaud, Multnomah county.
I Oregon, as the place, when aud where
said report and account will be heard,
and wlien and wuere all persons having
any objections or exceptions to anvthiui?
iu said report contained, may file thellems?
Capital and Surplus
- $57,000.00
Have you auy plumbing prob-
If vour nines nre out of nr.
same aud be heard, aud when and where iW nr rm r lint itntr Jvrilt- tuu1e
said estate be finally closed and settled. "7.' "Id..' TV " . ! JC ' ' . .
The first publication of this notice is "l"-m,u" "
011 the 30th day of January; 1911, aud 'iut"fy
the last publication will be on the 17th r-r-v .r.-...,
dayofrebn.ary.,9,.. FDMONnSON TO
U11.1JHKT WARD, " w ' ' w v ' -wv.
Admtuistrator. 1 303 S. Jersey St.
District No. S3.'
That thee tv eniriiieer's assesatnenl nf
the probable total cost of said improve
ment of said Macruui avenue is 55311.38,
That the cost of said Macrum avenue
to be assessed against the property in
said local assessment district as provided
by the charter of the city of J t, Johns.
Adopted by the council Jan. 17. igtt.
A. M. Koaua,
Iublished in the St. Tohns Review.
Jan. 30 aud 37, 1911,
For Sale. 5-rootn modern cot-
Itageon boulevard. Will sell on
easy payment down. Come quick
before the iuw street car line comes
along by it. See S. V. Rogers,
309 No. Jersey,
'Oh! I shall be so bannv when
I'm married, and to tell the truth,
I don't care how soon it Is." Bick
ner Hall tonight.
Phone Columbia 91 Work of QreAtw gL J(Am