THE GRACEFUL ANTELOPE. He 8smi Dorn of f.lflht and Nursed In the Lap of the Wind. For mu tliero Imvu Itocn no falivr dnys tlmu when tlm nntelupc sklinniei! ttio plain Willi Icki nebulous with apood on tliat low, Kcntlo enntor whose deceptive motion left the best nlim-il bullet far behind. For the nutelupe Is the only lnrj;o nulinnl Unit la wholly plrltuellc. (Jrnct-fnl ns he limy neeui when npurnltiK the ground mill hwIiik lng high over rocks ntiil brush, to re bound like n ball nl the next touch of earth, there Is still Honictlilii earthly nbout the doer. Hut the nntolopc "coins born of llirlit mid nursed In the lap of the wind. All his niovcnieiitu show that he wns meant for the nlr rather than the earth. Thoimh Nature made n HlUrht eliiuiKe In kIvIiik him less Itmtcnd of wIiiks, Hhe made no mistake, nnd her work has nlways been the wonder and love of the hunt er. When troubles the deer taken to the harbor of the hills, but the antelopo steers for the open sea Hie farther the plain aweeps wide mid free the more this j;a.v rover loven Us mifcty, mid n run that to the dee would mean death Is to him only "breather" that warms him up to the race. Whether IIIiiiiiIiiIiik the horizon like a hIiooIImk Htar In the clear morn tin; nlr of the j,'roiit plain or looming lilKh, Ilka n stilted ghost the inlrnp of rIowIiir midday, ho Is the most ohiirmliiK of nil things that run. nnd his passing has left n great void that nothing can till. The few that tire left protected ns they are, give no Idea of the effect produced on n lover of the open by one of tho great hands or tli days that were, Mrung out In u film nlmost like vapor with dlHtnnce mid upeed, and vanishing us If In nlr over the In lid's outlying verge. T. H. Vim Dyke In liferent Ion, THE NUMBER SEVEN. It (tartly Occurs In the Science Weights and Measures. How would you dellne "seven?" Tin Htandnrd Dictionary wiys It Is "one more than nix." Webster's eulls It "otic mo' than six or one limn than eight.' The nhrldged Webster wiys It Is "live nnd two," unit the Century's tleilulihm runs "one more than six; the sum of three am four." In metrology that Is, the science o weights mid inciiHiires-Hcvcii Is com pnrntlvely rare. The seven days of the week form u striking example of Its use, however. Kcholars have found, loo, that tin1 Kgyptlan cubit contained eveii baud breadths. "Cubit" Is from the l.ntln "cubltum," the elbow, or the distance from the etlstw to the end of the mid die linger. The Itoiimn culill wns one mid n half Human feet or 17.1 Kugllsh Inches, but the royal Kgypllan culill. used In the building of the pyrmuhls of (lUeh, perhaps HUM It. C, has been learned from mciimirlng sticks found In the tombs to have been WMW Kug llsh Inches. The ordinary cubit wns divided Into six palms or handhrentlis, nnd the use of Ncveu In the Kgyptlan cubit Is ascribed by Nome luvillgiitorri to a probable custom of placing the hand behind the ellsiw when meiisur lug along walls with Hie forearm nnd leaving It on Hie wall until the arm was laid down ngaln. It should ho ndded that there are many other cubits or widely different values, both ancient mid modern.- Itochestcr Democrat and Chronicle. Hough on the Architect. "When I gut tho order (o iIunIkii a big whnhwmle hoiimi for h linn tlmt hits Nttires In live cities IxMldnri Now York naturally I was elated," wild mi nrohllwt. "'I'll plan h building tlmt Is bound to be witlsfaetory,' I said to myself, 'and then they will give me the iHMiimliwlou for Uhwo new stores they uxpei't to put tip In tin we other live ultliw.' "Well, I did turn out u splendid store a store that wns aditilivd by every body In the wholemilo trtide. My m Irons were ilettcd, Imi. but luslisld of giving me hii order for ilnst other hulhlliigii limy Dimply used the swine PIhim over Mud over twain ami built a U tlwlr Utmutm Milk Tlwl's wImi I cull 4M)lng h low dtiHti iikk imi n M lew." NVw York UMh. Perfectly Heekltte. The inmiihorM of the ihuivh voted that their dearly belovul ami dcuuo.1 pastor should have a mchIIuh, nnd mi he iltH'lilcd tlmt he would Wall m ImitU tir worker lit the iicIkIiImiiIuk vUlnge This hihh! brother, ret'ogiilaliiK his M low worker In the Uwl way Imck among the cougretiHtUiii on HiiimIu morning mid wlkhlug to show every courtesy, uslcd him to Icsul In pwjer. Hut the visitor calmly reIWtl: "You'll have to excuse nu, tluttr brother. I'm on my vnv'Mllou." Fartlohttd. "I kept my IiiikIwiiiI on h hIHiik live ycara before 1 cmiKouled to mnrry html" "Why bo hint;r "Well, you are, I waited until 1 could Mini hit way clear tliMinclnllyl" I.lpplu. cott'a. Force of Habit, Nell I'm afraid Mr. (iiiasler had (00 muah drink at the dinner last iiIhIiI. lUdle What imtkiw you think mi? Nell- When the clwrlotto russo wua uervcil he tried tn blow the froth 01T. Philadelphia rteeord. Including Hvrsolf, Arthur Askem-llow did you like KuropeT llerthu Illnthar)Niit very well. Why, actually every pkice we vtalted won overrun with forelunein. UIiIcmko Newa. Wipe out the past, trust the future nnd live In u kIoHoum now. Towne. Hicks 1911 Almanac The Rev. Irl K. Hicks Alumnae for 191 1, tluil Kiiuriliaii ungcl in u hundred thoiibund homes, is now ready. Not ninny re now will ing to he without it nnd the Rev. Irl R. Hicks Mugnziue, Word nnd Works. The two are only one dol lar a year. The Altnande is 35c prepaid. ISO name or ollice should fall to send for them, to Word and Works Publishing Company, St. Ivouis, Mo LINCOLN HOUSE. An Occasion When He Did Not Recog nlxe It at First Sight, "Mrs. Lincoln played a good Joke on her husband when hu wns practicing law nnd Journeyed nbout from court to court on horseback," nays Major Hlttlngcr. "Those trips often took several weeks nt n time. "On one of those trips Lincoln wns gone for nbout four weeks, lie re turned late one night. Stopping his horse, he dismounted nt the usual place. He turned to go Into the house and then stopped. Although he wns n man of temperance, hu thought he must have been Imbibing on the sly Nome time that day, for before him stood n building he had never seen before. He thought It over for n min ute nnd then went across the street and knocked nt n friend's door. They were In bed, nnd some ono sang out: "Who Is itr " 'Abo Lincoln,' wns the reply. 'I've been looking for my house. Can you tell me whero It Is? Guess I must have I ecu lost. I thought It was Just neross the way. When I went nwny the building wns ono story high, and now It Is two.' "It wns explained to him that dur ing his absence Mrs. Lincoln had add ed another story. Mo laughed mid went back to the strange house." He used to tell the Joke on himself many times, nccordlug to the intijor.- Nattonnl Magazine. CONTINUOUS SHOWS. They Were Started by D. F. Keith In a Boston Store. It wns In the month of January, 1883, that Mr. II. P. Keith, who had been studying the hIiow business with far seeing eyes for many yenrs, presented, In n More Hint he had leased In Hos ton, the 11 rut continuous show ever seen on any stage, lie paid his per formers .'() u week for 11 single turn nnd $10 for double mid rcmilrcd them to give eight nr nine turns n day. His "top liner" or chief nttrnctlon wns 11 pound mid 11 half baby. The doors of his playhouse were thrown 1 onen nt noon, mid from Hint time until half iast 10 ut night the tsrformnure went on without Interruption, Patrons were allowed to spend the entire day In the theater, mid nt first mi many availed themselves of this op porluulty to get a hiiIhIiiiiIIhI tilling of umiiseinriit nt 11 small cost that Mr. Keith realized that he must either iilmmbui the Idea of a continuous en lerlnlnmeiit or else Invent somu metli oil by which the audience could be driven out of the building mid place made for those outside who were wait lug for ndiulttuuce. Necessity Is the mother of Intention, imperially when It Is mated with sharp Yankee wit, mid It wns thus that what Is known us "the chaser" came Into the world. James L. Ford In Mct'lure's Mngnxlne A Qhost In a Clock. ItiiNliiKNtoke provider 11 renuirkablc Nlory of 11 nbout In the form of a clock At the upproueh of mldnleht each 1 1 Ik ! t the nthcrwlHo peaceful "Krand W,,r'i;ri,,l fltlliOr llfWMIIIII.M llllltllllll.,1 III fl HIUMlIf The tleklnu cIciiiuch lulo n deen nnd ........ ............ ... ., , peculiar thiimplmr. the vUvk IncreiiHcs " " In nuiion, mini' 11 iiiir 01 Ktuf icei lintlriido from beiitHilli IIh lmie. I'iish I liiK throiiKh traiiMltlonnl HtHKe the IhiiiupliiK It replaced by 11 Npamuodlc brenlliliiK'. mid upon the htroko of I'.'l the Hudiiluui iliHir opeiis, rovenlliiK nil cnorniouH nahy Kniy hand with mill- shaped flUKen. Tho clock face ilU a PI 'cam, dUplayliiK' 11 frUhlful Krayj hed, lare and round, with abnormal ly lontr. little blue eyen. Ileyond 11 pile! Nlroll, which ciiiifch weird lap pliiKN umnj; the lauilliiKM diirlui; tlicl nlKht. the appurlthm Im luurfemdve and li wild to prove of tfrenl nervlec In M'lidliiK every one curly to bed. don Tlt-llllx. -Iiii' Ona Vltw of 8avlna, Ik Marvel, nuthor of the "ltovcrlca of 11 ItHchelor," wux till Ida life opjumctl to the modern commercial uplrlt. A youui; dlHclple from the wont once vU Itisl the mkciI writer In hU New Uiij; land home. The youth, a poet, Mnld he thounlit lie wnuld put away Ida verses Hit write iiMKHilue love atone, mi na to able to wive money. Hill Mr Mitchell frowned and tdinok hU head KiliiK." he wild, li the mania for dcprlWiiK .xouiiH'lf of thliijtN which you uHiit lutu fur f.wir v.ui 11111 v mil linv. I ... . ... " I nitijw wiiteit )ou won't posfillily want ..nt- v.w.r- ii.. ,... orij .mum heme. 1 Fransa and Dollars. We like to t'Jd I'reiwh storlixi, but U'fy time frsnvea are mentioned wc Mop t turn thiHii Into diillurx. "Sim IimiI 17.IMHI fmncH per J ear In the funds," the alory ulll wiy, wticrciiHin we atop to divide aeventeen by the to turn the franca Into dollar and ilud out how much money the heroine hnd - Atehlwin Ulobe. The Occasional Hero. "lie woke up one moruliiK to tlud himself famous." "Welir "ltut people had forgotten all nbout him by the time the I o'clock extma were out." l.oulvllle t'ourler-Jeurmil. Worse Off. "The iMiehelor U worse off thnu the luarrlctl nuuif How do you make that out?" "The luarrlisl limn U afraid of only one woman; the bachelor U afraid of all of (hem. "-Houston Post. Didn't Cst a Chanc. Sho Wlmt did impii wty when you naked lor my hand? Ile-Why, hf iHiuldu't any n wonl. She Ho couldn'tl He No; your number wna thcn'l Von- kera Sluteanmn. How is Your Title? Uave your uhstrocts made, con tinned or examined at the Peuitisu la Title, Abstract mid Realty Co Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, Manager, 120 North Jersey street. Accurate work. Reasonable fi Subscribe for the Telegram best uvonliiK wer ou thu coast. Sou Kor Rent Kour-roQin furuUhed Kd Stockton. house. V. v VniJ Osteopathy Will Cure You First Treatment FREE. If Sick, This Means You. Dr. H. 0. Office and Residence, 415 Kellogg Street. 1 block East of Postoffice Hours 1:30 to 7:00 p. in. Lady Assistant Fast Train Service VIA SPOKANE, PORTLAND & SEAT TLE RAILWAY Tlllt NORTH HANK KOAI) " TO Spokane, Montana Points, St. Paul, Chicago, Denver, Kan sas City. Omaha, St. Louis and East Portland and Gal tornla. You can 1cmII money with me and ' Xi: ?. ". , "AT. " I ' l""1?""" V ".."":,,,, mm nnIPI 1 n j. W. E. COM AN, G. P. A. Treasurer's Sale of Delinquent Assessments Notice it hereby given tlmt I will 011 Monday, the Jfith day of Dcccmbcr.iuio, nl the hour ot n o'clock, a. 111., sell at the front door of the city hall of the city of St. John, Oregon, at public auction to the Highest Didder, cash tit immi, the nmiM'rtv iltMUrllifHl lu.lmt. ivnnt utifli nit in. iv be ledccmcil by owners prior to the date of sale, or so much thereof at will be nccuMMrv to txty iiKseHtmeiits, interest and iHtH levied against said property. nlanoo Du oswitno STUUItr ...... . ,. ., lT!:!rWUIIT,'M 2V' 7'3 ..M.... lrt,, IHJKI.I.M. UJ.-s tijKlW'.l la. a . M i.s . " 5 jl "', . .tjmuii nil 31.15 " i lll'KU STKIUCT hllock 7 Lot 3 So. St. Johns add'n 14.71 4 ' 11.04 14.00 j;.4i 11.04 in " 11 19 " 4 VHT VOI.K .STKIln, lllock u l.ot N A. I,. Minor's ad'n I H. 1 7 M I J 05.10 ' 14 " 5J.H9 Said proju'ity to be sold tn xtv dr iimpieut nscmenu theieou unit the iiiiereai nun cost 01 aiucrtlsliiK uud Wlt' W.SCDTT KHI.I.Ot'.t;. City Tntiurcr. 1'ublli.he.l In the St. lolius Kcview DiTeuilwr 3, 9, 16 ami JJ, 1910. NOTlCli TO CRlsDITORS. Kstate of Wayne Holcomb ile- ceastsl. Notice Is hereby uiven that I. Katie II Ilnlcomh, lmc been aiiuxuted nd- miuutnitrix of the estate of U'ayno VV. Holcomb, ilccciiked. by the county court of Multnomah county, Oregon, ami have ipiHlitieil as such. All persons liavliiK claiuiH neainst Mid estate utr hetcby no titled to present the same to me cither at s,t- Johns, (vo. J. IV t (Ut'Kou, or nt the ollice ot kins, attorney for ettutco.Vj I ....U I...II.II.... i.... 1 1 t... ...... ...ill. "' ...., h . , J proiHT voucher and duly verilled within u nmuXht fnm (lltte ,u.m,f I'riday, the jsth day of November. 1910, is the date of first publication. Prlilay, the Mil day of December, will Iki the last date of publication. Katie II. Iloleouib, Administratrix J. Perkins, attorney. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "The Hcst Christmas Gift." Conrad L. Owen, Pastor 'Tuiversul l'ence." EVERY SUNDAY Cor, Chicago & Leonard Sts. DOCTOR DOUGLASS The Chiropractor 308 Abington Bldg. Ollice Hours: 0 to 12 m. , 1 to s P.m. and treatments at restdeuce. tt8 union Ave., evenings. . . . . . Phones: Office, Main 1485; Resi deuce, hast .1092. NOTICE. I will offer for sale to the ritiht cash bidder on Saturday, December! to, at 10 o clock a. tn., at the front lloor of ,he Jolins iJMrnlUlre Co nt St. Johns. Oiegon, one cottuge oran to satisfy storage charges. R. Wilcox. Brown NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment Notice In hereby given apportion, inciitof the cost of Itnnrovlug IMison street irom PcsjcimIoii street to St. J of 7.J4t.7p ohm nvenuc. nnd total lm I been apportioned mid it now oil tile in 0IICC 01 "e unucMigiieii, snnjcci to ex miiiuntioii Assessment diitrict extends back to the center of lot, blocks or tracks of land nbuttllng on sitid street at provided by the city charter and resolution, ltcinonstrunce against snld nportioii. incut may be made ill writing and filed with the undersigned till j o'clock p. in. December j6, 1910. A. M. I'.SSON, Recorder. 11..1.11.1...1 1.. i. u, r. t) iu n nl,,i ,r. - . - .. . MnTlfC rC 1 vr t 1 w s- v n . . . rrUIJUbCU VbaCbblUCIIl I Notice It hereby kIvcii that apportion mcnt of the cost of improvm! Portlum lmulevnrd from I'liirliavcu street to the cast line of Point View addition, nnd total cost of Jl ,370,3s hat been apjxir- tloncil and It now on tile In tnc ollice ot ,e iIeIltnc.l. subject to cxmulii tion. Assestmeiit district extends to the center of lots, blocks or tracts of laud Lw,tK Md street at provided by rr utr in nun. iiiikki nr irucn in ibiiii me ciiy cnsrier nnu rcsoiunoii. Keiuonstrancei arnlust sild aiiiHirtlon mcnt may lie mude in writing and filed Kith the uiiilerslKued till 5 o'clock, p. m. December 36, l)o. A. M. HSSON, Recorder. Ptibllihcd in the St. Johns Review lcc. 9 anil if), AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS Whon you pur chnso n coraot you vant ono tlmt has STYLE It In equally Im portant that tho eamo corset be COMFORTABLE nnd If you can al so havo one that WEARS WELL nnd that corset can bo bought at a REASONABLE PRICE ONE DOLLAR UP you have all tho requisites of a splendid corset. AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS have every one of these excel isni features and many more. livery improvement as exacted by fashion Is combined tn these dainty garments Couch & Co. THE PALM CAFE Thos. Glavar, Prop. Pure California Port Wine $1.25 to $2.00 per gallon (Finest ever brought to' St Johns. Choice liquors of all kinds a prices most reasonable. REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The following list of legal blanks are kept for sale at tuts olhce and others will be added as the detnaud arises; Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages, Contracts fot Sale of Realty, Dills ot bale, Leases. All these blanks ut the uniform price of 30c per dozen. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a changa of ad vertisement the copy for auch change should reach this office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please remember this and save the printer Note the label on your paper. ctml ille 1 Pr' DOLLS, OUIvD you make the heart your cousin or your youngest sister happy this Christmas time? We placed in our stock a fine assortment of Dolls. They are dressed in dainty fabrics; they have sweet faces and pretty curls. In fact they arc just they have not sold as we expected up to now, so for the rest of this week the prices will be reduced like this: $ .50 Dolls $ ,38 $2.00 " $1.73 1. 00 " 83 3.00 " 2.37 -5 " 1.32 3'5 " 2-85 Can you resist the temptation? Just sec the Dolls and you will buy. Wc also anticipated a large sale on hair ribbons. We still have a large assortment and the prices have been reduced to about two-thirds of the regular prices. Hair ribbons arc practicable too. BONHAM & CURRIER Dear Hciuy: Dot Merry Krismns comes tier day behind tomorrow yet. Ilnf you got dot bresent for der pretty brntilieu? Or maybe it vas der mutter or some odder body iu der fambly. Veil den yttst you come by ns, ve got ytist vot you vnnt. Uud ve wishes you 11 Merry Kris mas , all der while. Dcre vus vun bright spot mil nit our adversities unci dot vas Muck Mercantile Co. Dot house alvays, yttst alvays getting 0 liddle belter already, Uud yttst now ve huf a flue lot of china goods for Krismns tind tlrcss goods of der latest fabrics vot is made. Vcolsohnfder ruiuliiits for children uud oder folks vot vill make dem put der thumb by der nose uud vlggle der fingers ns dey gifsold Jupiter Plttvitis n laughing' fest ven he tries to sprinkle deir beds der vasser on. Uud der best shoes effer. Uud hundreds of oder things yttst right for Krismns. Dot prices vas der best, Aunt Katrina he say it vas ghecper than shtealiinr uud Mr. Muck sed he better likes de quick sales mit a liddle profit dot alvays keeps nice, fresh, new goods hii store in. Oh I you yust ought to come uud trade mit me. I am vat you calls "It" at der Muck Mercantile Company Phone, Richmond 821 A Christmas Warming is impossible where there is no heat. If your heating isn't suffi-l cient or satisfactory, see us and get i an estimate on either a hot water system or a furnace. .Make your nome so it can be comfortably heat eu at ail times. a .... . w EDMONDSON CO. joj S. Jersey St. Phone Columbia 93 McKINNEY & DAVIS We Buy and Sell nstalhnent Property, Real Estate Bargains Electric Bldg., St. Johns, Ore. Office Phone Woodlawn 70S Res. Phone Woodlawn 16S5 D. E. HOPKINS DENTIST Ofic. IIourstFrw t to UoL.ltolp.aa. t to I p. m. 682 Dawson street. University Park RIBBONS of your little daughter, your niece, as pretty as dolls arc made. But Spokane, Cortland & Seattle Railway, I.HAV1NI1 nr. JOHNS. t.ylt I's.ntniitr tor t.ylf , (Sotilriulsle snd loos I lioliits 7:51 , m, Iiilsmt ltniitt( lliprtn,9:i a, m. t (or ClilrsKO, HI. Paul. Oiiuhs. KsnMiclly.Kt. I.uuls, Walls Wslts, I'ssco, Kuunivett. (IrsnililsUts, (loMtn- usie, wiine asiiniin.sna vancouer. Nottli llsnk Limited, ?. 11 m.. lor Clitesao fl I'sul. ilmshs. KstiMsCllr, SI. Inils, Hpnksur, Hprncur, KltsnUK, Mml, 1'sko, Hootevell. ami Vancouver. Columbia Klvr t.ocl.6il p in ; lor Vancouver. warns, wiuie mutton, i.yie.iiiaiiiinsiies.tniis snd sll liilernieillste slsllons, AKMIVINO AT HT JOHNS tulsiiil Itmnlre HsmeM.7 44 ti, 111.. dotti Cities no. SI, Paul. Oinslis. ksiisns Cllv. HI, I.011U, hpoksne, KirsKue. Mlttvllle 1.1ml, l'sco, Kooeveii,itsniidsie,. wiine iinioii,aiii vau couvtr. Noitli llsnk l.lmlleil, ;.j;a. in.: Iroiu Chkaao, SI Paul Omslis, Kshm City. HI. I.uuls, Vslls Wslls. Pssco, Hoiievelt. ami Vancouver. CotumliU Kiver Local i'uar m , liuin Cllf(, Ilisutlilsllcs, lliilileimsle, l.yle Willie Halmoii Csniss, Vancouver ami all Intermediate sts lions. Lyle rsttengei M.ij p, in (turn t.y'.i, (toldcndsle HUH llKil Hlllll. All tislnsatuii (or patenters. Office open an mum, 1 icseis 011 wte lor an points, I), M Cornell, Agent Northern Pacific Railway MtAVI.NU ST. JOHNS Not III Cost Limited vis riiRrl Hound 10.31 a, 111 Noitli Cimi Limited vis Nnilli lUnk 7.11 p, m. aiisiiiic itspres vis i-uiiei miiinii 1 jijj a, 111 Atlantic llmress vis N01II1 nsiik....uiit. m. Tnlu Cltv l!itie vis Puml hound j.vtn. m. TwitiCltr llspiess via Not III llsnk 7.IJ p in, lUslern Id press via Pugtt Sound. iioj, Mviern lupressvis mhiii lunn v'JSS. 111. jio. Ktter nspicss vu Mottii usuk 7.13 p, in I'oitlsnd, Tsiiitns (k Hesllle Itsiirest. l.o a. in.. lor drays llaitwr, Olyinpia slid South llcnd Puitel Sound Llmllcd 3 50 p, m., flrsys llsitior firniKiirK. Vscolt l-Kiii(rr 3134 p. m, riiii mmin iirnu iiiHiiciirs. AKUIVINd AT ST. JOHNS Norm Cost! Limited vis Not III llsnk tut 11. 111 North CimvI Limited vis Puiiet hound 6.33 a, 111 No. Pacific l!sprc via Noilh I snk 7,1; a, 111 no, I'scinc itspress via Pugel hound.. 6:41 p, scin ipre vis norm iwns. T IT II. I'scllic Ksnress via Puntt Cmind 4 ms. Wc.ttin lisnresi via Norm lisnk 7:4711.111 we.lern llspress vis Pueel hound nwoj p. ru aiu. Kivrr iiipie.. vis ..unn iiaitK 7 1; Vscolt Pssseuiitr . .......... 3 y, p, in is, si inrnrn. aaeni St. Johns Sand and Grave! Co. JACKSON A MU GIIOVC, Propi. Ccncrul Contractors. We ar prepnrod to do any and all kinds of excavating for street work and other juirposcs. Wo also haiulitt sidewalk and build Ing material. Nowton and Fcssenden Streets, St, Jolins, Oro. Phono Uii hinond 1571. ROOSEVELT'S Own Book The Most Popular Book h CJ-.V Stnm4t'4 Stmt By The Most Popular Man African aasassasasaaasiaassiai SSameTrais Gives In beeX form by Roosevelt's own hand the sole account of bis African Hunt. AGENTS WANTED NOW tn cvtrr City, Town and Village ta bsndl. Colonel Roosevelt's Great Book CHARLES SCRIBNCR'S SONS 1S3 Filth Avenue New York! Xmas is comiujr, so briue in that old suit aud have us fix it up for you. it win toon nice new again. We make a specialty of ladies' work. Work called for and de livered. St. Johns Cleanintr. Press ing aud Dye Works, 111 South Jersey, next to Princess Theatre. T a, 111 aiu, niter iiipress via rukiei miunu ..313s p, in Porllsnd, racoma ft healllc lsiress ..3 S p, 111 Irom OI)inpla. Hmilh llcnd ami tlrais llsilxjr Punrt Sound Limited , 1 11 u. 111 l it DR. W. E. HARTEL DENTIST Phono Richmond 201 Holbrook Block - St. Jahna rD DAIIDA Ul. IAIV1DI DENTIST Ortlea Phono Richmond 61 First National Dank bulldln . ST. JOHNS, ORCGON. Phono Joraoy 021 Holbrook Block DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evenings nnd Sundays by polnttncnt. JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Day & Night Oftlco In NcChcaney blk. I'ksna J.rr Kt. St. Johns, - Oregon. tu. Istst Jrmj 1571. Met IW Jsr fl, ALBERT CAREY, M. D. IIOLUROOK BLOCK IImUmis. Kt rdn Str4t Oltle. Ilourti 10 a. m. I 1 a. m., I U t p. as. ' ST. JOHNS, ORCGON. DR. R. A. JAYNE f Physician and Surgeon, Office over the First National Batik St. Johns, Oregon Daniel O. Webster, A. B. M. D, Residence, C07 Dawson Street Omce, Filter DIeck. University Park, Partlana, Oregon. , Perry C. Stroud, LAWYER First National Bank Building ST. JOHNS - OREGON J. R. WCIMER Transfer anil Strag Wa deliver vour roods te and fMa all parts of Portland, Vancetirer. Lkajs ton. Portland and Suburban Iiism I Co., city dock and all points acaatMo vj "Mijuii, I l'iw mum iwmiuvmtm. tm aj pjj a anecialty. 109 E. BurllrurWa.: Wse Richmond CI. iiolmcj toner no. it KNIOMTS or PYTrttAI UU.vrr Trstsr ausht si lJ.lB SI I. O. , ft M H.ll. Vsttm sl-srs WA. .ni. W. CAtOrit'ON. c, c. a. w.nchlr. k. R. s LAUREL LODGE No. 1'8S I. O. O. r. ST. JOHNS, OREGON Meets each Monday evening In Odd Fel lows' I. all, at 8:U0. Visiters- welcomed 1. 1 WrijU. H. C C r. Ciiss. Iai CAMP 773 W. O. VV. Meets y. ery Wel. n e a d a j even lat in Blok. ner'a Hall W. E. Coon, a C. W. Scot; K-iHoirtr, Clerk. DORIC lODGC NO. 132 r. and A. M. KetruUr communication on first and third Wed nesdays of each month in Odd Fellows' h.ll ' Visitors welcome. El S. Harrington, Allen R. Jobea, Secretary. yf. M. Central Market! HOLBROOK BLOCK See us for the Choicest Cuts 61 the Best Meats Obtainable. Order Filed and ranuly Trade SoHdUst. 5 A T. P. WARD, Propdelar.