St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 23, 1910, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 Woat Uurllngton Street.
Tub RXV1KW Is entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Oi'on, bs mail lnntler
of the second class nnder the Act ol Con
gress of March J, 1879.
Offloltl Hswipspsr of Ut Oily of St. Johns.
Adrertlilne rstti, 11.00 per Inch pur month
Job Prlnllnr .tnjutfd In flrst-lis iijle
t)liU tor JoV Printing- csib on delltrrr.
Alt commnnlettloni nhould b sddreiied lo
Tht BotUw, Bt. Johnt, Orejon.
All ndnrtlilof bills psjstls Aril of Pfio'
Subirlptlon price $1.00 per your.
Willi what kind of hard surface
shall Jersey be ived is Retting to
ben inticli mooted question. Rep
resentatives of the Hiissnin, Bitu
lithic mid Westrtiinite companies
nre especially active in advancing
the merits of their various products
here. Westruinite seems to In
growing in fnvor right olotig, while
Hitulithic is in the lend so fnr. Hut
those favoring Westriimitenre mak
ing n vigorous fight, nnd if they
cannot convince n majority of the
property owners that it is the liest
from nil points of view it will not
be their fault. While owning no
property on Jersey street nnd view
ing the nintter only ns 11 citien of
St. Johns, we believe the merits of
the Westruinite should be thorough
ly investigated before any particu
lar kind of hard surface is definite
ly decided upon. If it is better
than all others, that is the kind
that should be laid, since the prop
erty owners nre unnnimous in want
ing the best in existence. If it is
inferior, the fact should be discov
ered, so that it will not be contin
ually bobbing up every time 11 hard
surface street is projected. The
company agrees to pay all cxctiH.
us of n representative to Ik selected
by the procrty owners to Chicago
nnd other points where the same is
nnd hits been in use for some time.
On the face of looks liken vrry
fair proposition, and should entitle
the company to cousiderntion. No
kind need be decided upon until
bids nre in from nil hard .surface
concerns that care tocouietc. We
nre of the opinion that a saving of
nt least one-third may be obtained
to the proettv owners if ti decision
is Hindu nfter fair competition than
if some siecinl kind is selected and
decided upon before a call for bids
is ordered. As the Westruinite
jwoplc claim to be willing to guar
antee their work for us long jiviioil
us any other company dare, is pruc
lictilty a home institution and wim
ples of their products show tiuile-1
niuble merit, it is only fair and just
that they be allowed to present a ,
bid for Jeisey street. Ilecuusv it is
.something comparatively new
should be no objection to it. The
May be Representative
There seems to be nn elegant
chance Hint Hon. K. C. Couch will
be returned to the State Legislature
for nuother term. Councilman
Rushlight of Portland, who was
HON. K. I. tnl tll.
elected to the lenislnture, has
notiuced that he will not take his
sent, preferring to remain on the
council. We understand that in
such n case the defeated candidate
having the highest vote is supplied
to fill the vacancy. Mr. Couch was
thirteenth man, the first twelve
being elected, therefore, his chances
look particularly fine. Thirteen is
an unlucky number .sometimes, but
not always. The people of St.
Johns would be greatly pleased if
Mr. Couch secures the seat, lie is
the greatest booster we have for a
free ferry, and if he becomes a
member of the legislature a free
ferry at St. Johns is practically as
sured. At the recent election he
received nearly the unanimous vote
of St. Johns voters regardless of
mrty. A better representative
than Mr. Couch was never sent
from any district to any legislature.
May the toga drop upon his
A real Hible Christmas sermon
by tliu Soci ilist preacher, (Jcorge
I,. I'errine, will lw given in M. W.
A. hall Sunday, Dec. 25, at 2:30 p.
111. All nre invited to attend and
hear how the Socialists would save
the world.
There will be an adjourned meet
ing ol the hoard of directors of dis
trict No. 2 held in the Cent nil school
building December 29, at 7:15 p.
111. to levy 11 sitecial school tax and
to determine if the teachers' salaries
shall be raised. livery patron of
our schools should be present and
iiiirticiimte in the proceedings or
have the grace to not murmur
thereafter if the action of the
board does not meet with his ap
proval. ,
Paid in Capital
Additional Stockholders'
Liability under National
Banking Laws
Surplus and Profits .
J. A. Cole and family arc now
located at Astoria.
The selling out fever seems to
have taken possession of a number
of our business men;
For Rent. Furnished or unfurn
ished, a three-room flat. Calef
Bros. Opposite postofficc.
Holiday Goods - Xmas Offerings
Horry smih f t .50
Salad M.U
Tl'll KHII to,. jo
KiiIvch iiml fork sots. .5.00 to 5.75
Safety niots 1 .011 to 5.00
A few roiiktem left. . . . 1 .75 to j.15
Carving sets.,, 3.75 nml f4,jo
.Silverware 1H17 Hogcr llros.
Cliild'ulndlvliliinlsttsI, 1.7J,
Set of coffee spoons. ... fi.oo
Hatter knives.... ....40c to Hoc
Btigur shells oc, 75c uiul 90c
Hendricks Hardware Co.
l'lione Columbia 129
For sale by Any Real Estate Dealer in St. Johns
50x100 foot lots for $5 cash and $5 monthly
Water mains now laid to every lot in 1910 Addition. School house and
carline only two blocks from plat. All streets graded at Company's ex
pense. There are now 13 houses building on 1910 Addition. You can
arrange for building material on motnhly terms.
Why pay rent any longer when you can own your home and pay for it out of
your monthly earnings? For further information, phone Columbia 80.
world ti. improving nnd advancing
nil the time. New thing tuke the
pluee of old ones and new invent ioiik
me constantly being made. If it
wore not w the woild would tund
Mill. InveutoiK ever ktiive to im
prove on Htticle Mini piewrtioN
that have Iwcu in uw. HuaiueM.
iiiuii constantly iiml new article
coming to hand that aie viint im
piovemenU over old article llu
have on hand. And why nhoiild it
not apply in like maimer to hard
kiufKce Mvemeiit ? Hut it i nee
utswuy to prove the new invention,
hefoiu they are adopted. Theie-
lore, wufctrumitc aiiouw ihj proven
beyond doubt to be all thut could
be dotted before it should be seri
ously considered. The Wcatrumile
comMiiy oilers to supply the pi oof.
Why not take them at their word
and send a dusted reptcticiitativc
to investigate? An offer more fair
could mil lw made.
l'rcsh milk, buttermilk and cream
for sale at Friuk Clark's.
Huusurllw for tlio kit. John ltovlow
and keui putted on the doings of
tilts ally.
Over in Illinois u uisui sued for
divorce because his wife had not
bought a uuw dress in two years.
There's a woman who will be re
ceiving all kimls of matrimonial
offers. As for the man well,
tome iiiuii Mre never satisfied with
existence, no matter how iue.Nen-hive.
The tMfv tux levy for the city of
Portland bus bvu placed nt six
mills, which is i.i mure than the
last luvy.
Marriage can't be n lottery, be
cause in matrimony everybody
wins something. In many' cases
only some thing.
If you don't see what you wnnt,
it may be a mighty good thing for
you thut you don't. Did you over
thiuk of that, you lobster ?
Note th label on your paper.
You gut fall uuIkIU uiul
Ittaltty at the Central market.
ry hwIiIIu.
Misti Lillian S. Perkins, teacher
of vocal iiiusie and elocution. .ios
Gteahum, corner Charleston.
Ilnvo your property Insured In the
Nt. Paul or Northern flro Insurance
companion. Thuy nro tliu bent. 8.
I,. Doblo, nKont,
To give to anybody is a
Pianos for sale nt the Vogue Mil
linery, liasy terms, prices ns low
as any in Portland. See us before
Miss Hilda Unger left Inst night
for an extended visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. Pitasimmoiis, nt Prescott,
A new girl baby arrived at the
home of 1,. H. Wilson Wednesday
nigjit. This makes No. 3 in the
Wilson home, which is now 1100
South Hayes street.
There is n time and a place for
all things. Now is the time arid
you will find the place nt in South
Jersey street to huve your clothing
cleaned and pressed.
If you want to buy, rent, sell or
exchange property see Wolcott,
iTlie Kent Man.) St. Johns Office,
401 South Jersey. Portland Office,
H3 Washington Street, Phone
Marshall 1556.
Savings Bank
Issued by
Capital and Surplus - $56,000.00
We welcome small deposits as
well as large ones.
Three per cent interest paid on
Savings and Time Deposits.
(or the ltovlow and be
R. T. Platt, President C. A.
F. C. Kn.ut, Vice Pres. J. N.
Wood, Cashier
Kdmu'skn, Asst. Cashier
A Seattle athlete has challenged
the winner of the Ely-Arnot bout
to be pulled off in iiickuer hall next
Thursday night to a match for the
championship of the const, so says
the Professor.
L. H. Wilson tin's sold his confec
tionery store on Jersey street to
Jnmes I. Worst, n former business
man of Cody, Wyoming. It is the
intention of the new proprietor to
make several changes so that n
larger and more varied stock may
be carried, and he also expects to
install n confection machine a little
later ou. Mr. Wilson will remain
in St. Johns, where he is so wel
and favorably known.
J. II. Johnstone, n pleasant ant!
genial business man from Salt Lak
City, Utah, has purchased and to
day took possession of Moore'
Toggery on South Jersey. Mr,
Johnstone has been in business for
the past twenty years and comes
highly recommended as a man of
ability and integrity. He expects
to remove his family to St. Johns
in n few days. Mr. Moore and his
estimable wife have made ninny
warm friends in this city who trust
they will decide to remain here,
NOW MSTHN, during
the joyous holiday season
it is essential that the hu
mail system shall hav
something more substau
tial to subsist upon than tid bits nut
boti bons something that will keep
lite inner man satisfied nnd not dis
courage him to such an extent as to
cause him to "go on n strike" or
"throw up his job." The place to
Una this "soinetliing" is at T. I
Ward's meat market, the home of
quality and rcnsounble prices. II
is the man who has stuck to St
Johns while sixteen others in his
line of business quit. Hccnusc he
placed Quality above anything else
the discerning public has stuck to
Wnrd. Old, woriiout, diseased ntu!
withered cows never hnvc found nn
abiding place in his market. "The
best and the best only" has been
his motto, and he means to stick to
it. 1 hcrcfore, if you nre not a pat
rou of his market, give him a tria
of anything in the meat or poultry
line, and it is almost a foregone
conclusion that with the new year
you will resolve to buy your meats
at the very best place in St. Johns
Wunl'.s Meat Mnrket.
Adjourned School Meeting
Notice is licreby given to the local
voters ol hcliool District .No. 3 ol Mult
iionmh county, state ol Oregon, that the
Animal Adloiiriird School Mectini! of
saltl district will be held nt the Central
school house to beelu at the hour of 7M
u ciock u, tue nun inurwuy o
December, belne the 29th day of Decent
uer a. 11. 1910.
Tills itieetliii! Is called lor the rmrnose
of levying u sjxclal tux forgcnerulsehool
iui rposes u tin 11 leacuers' salaries snail
I raieil 70 rer cent. ami the transaction
or uusiiiess usual at sucn iitectltiir.
Dated this 16th tluy of December, 1910
Chairman of Hoard
Attest: J. H.TANCM,
District Clerk.
It is resolved by the City of St. Johns:
iltut It ileems it expedient and neces
sary to terminate the lease on Hrudford
street between rittsbttrj! ami Charleston
streets In said city, which is now held
by the St. Johns Lumber Company a cor
poration, and that said company be itotb
fled in writini! lo vacate said Ilrodford
street between l'tttsbargaud Charleston
streets .within sixty days from the dale
of this notice, and that a cony of said
notice be served forthwith ou said com-
auy by the Chief of Police, and that
te make return of said service and file
the same with the City Recorder.
Adopted this loth day of December,
A. -M. K55UN, Recorder,
Published in the St. Johns Review
December 33 ami 30, 1910.
is the place to visit. Orange groves in
full bloom, tropical (lowers, famous ho
tels, historic Old Missions, attractive
watering places, delightful climate, mak
inj that favored section the Nation's
most popular retreat. You can see it at
its best via the
Shasta Route
Th Road of a Thousand Wondars"
Southern Pacific Co.
1'p-to-date trains, first-class in every res
pect, unexcelled dining car service.quiclt
time and direct connections to all points
Spaclal Round Trip Far of
Portland to Los Anaalas and Raturn
With correspoudinK low fares from all
other sections of the Northwest. Liberal
stop-overs in each direction and long
limit. Interesting and attractive litera
ture on the various resorts and attrac
tions of California can be hud on appli
cation to any S. 1. or O. R. & N, agent,
or from
Gsnaral passangar Agant
Portland, Oragen
ioooooooooooo 000000000000
Useful Gifts
Pocket Knives, 25c to $3.00
Razors. . . from $ r. 00 to 5.00
Shaving Mugs, 25c to 1.00
Razor Strops, 75c to 2.50
Embroidery Shears, 50c to $2
Carving Sets from $2.50 to $5
Chafing Dishes " 5 to $7
Htiiul Painted China 75c to $8
Aluminum Ware, 50c to $5
Give your wife a washing machine
A large stock to select from.
Kxprcss Wagons from 75 to ?4-
Hand Cars
China Tea Sets
" $3-5 t 5 50
" 2.25 to 3.50
" 50 to 1.50
1.50 to 2.00
' 50 to 1.50
Come in and see our new stock
of China Ware.
Clothing, Hats
Get your Clothing cleaned and pressed,
your Hats reblocked and trimmed
New Shoes for sale and your old ones
repaired so as to look like new
St. Johns Cleaning, Press
ing & Dye Works
J. T. Brooks & Son
111 S. Jersey, next to Princess Theatre
"Charter Oak"
"Special Oak" Coal Burners
"Cottage" Coal or Wood
No. 20 "Lenox" Wood
Burning Heater
Kitchen Ranges
Our ranges are simple in de
sign with plain nick led trim
mings, reliable in construction,
economical of fuel and quick,
even bakers. Prices are low for
cash or credit.
St. Johns Furniture
How About Your Clothes
For Christmas?
Stop a minute and consider the
value of having proper clothes,
Clothes that are distinct, snappy,
without being loud; clothes that
look as if they belong to you, and
feel that way, too. Making dis
tinct individual snappy clothes is a
specialty of ours, and at sensible
prices. All the latest designs and
colorings. Drop in and look them
over. No trouble to show goods,
Phona Columbia 22
Dissolution Notice.
For Sale A fifty dollar course
in the Scran ton International Cor
respondence School, any depart
ment, at 20 per cent discount, at
rate of $5.00 down, $5.00 per,
month; further discount for cash. '
Address "B, this office.
Wanted at once Hampton's
Magazine wants a reliable man or
woman in St. Johns to sell the fast
est growing magazine in America.
Uarn 150 to $5.00 a day. Write
immediately for "Salary Plan" and
Free outfit. Address "Vou," Sales
Mgr., Hampton's Magazine, 85
West 32th Street, New York.
Notice is hereby given that the
plumbing firm of Campbell & Mc
Cann is hereby dissolved, J. J.
McCann continuing the business.
collecting all bills and paying all
debts of said firm,
llrlng in your Job printing while
you think or it. Don't wait until you
are entirely out. Wa are equipped
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland price or less.
Work (or a Greater St. Johns.
A BostaeM Director
ionn ana tuun ti
ncu inircior? OX
U4 ITOltNMkUm.
nrv af u.l.
la Orrcon and
ovtttv, nun,