Ulstoiiml Society ST. JOHNS REVIEW 3f" IT'S NOW UP TO YOU j To subscribe for THIS Paper. Jf All the new while It Unewi It tf our molt . Call In and enroll GET IN THE HABIT Of idmtlilnc In THIS Paper and yoa'll never regret It. De tin at once and keep rlfht at II i Deroted to (he Interesti of (he Penlniula, the Maoufaclurlng Center of (he Northweit VOL. 7 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DKCKMIHJR 23. 1910. NO. 7 Improvement Delayed Bennett's Ideas Let AH Bid Seeks Damages Council Meeting ,Thc property owners on Dawson street in St. Johns have about de cided that they will take no further steps toward improving that thor oughfare until the Portland Rail way, Light and Power Company will dedicate and improve its right o'f way in return for a perpetual franchise. Mrs. Caples is perhaps the property owner most affected by the proposed opening and wid ening of this street, as she owns 2400 feet in the district, 1200 feet on each side of the streetcar track, and the strip on the southerly side of car track would be only 75 feet deep ii the street were made the de sired, width of 70 feet. To comply with the wish of the property own crs she would have to donate r st'rlti 20x1200 feet 011 each side of the streetcar line and then pay S6000 or S7000 for improving it. This she is not willing to do but savs she mieht dedicate enough to make a fio-foot street if the street car company would do in part Mrs. Can es has given many acres (rr ulnu.t tin r lumen ninst (if it free- . J I .1.11-.. I'1 1 I ' '', ly, but a strip 42x1000 feet belong itig to her was dedicated as a part of Will s bou evard by the Point View Land Company, which over binned the Canlcs tract, and this was allowed to stand although it meant the loss of practically 10 city lots, with 28x100 feet more dedi cated to complete the 6o-foot'strcet On the other side of the tract Mrs. Copies claims that the St. Johns Heights nddition overlap her prop ertv from 7 to 00 feet and that at the time the plot was made she not ified the Proper turtles but they lirnored her and went ahead, thus clouding the title to 20 lots, inott of which h ive housss on tiiein as this Ins taken up practically 20 more lots, she now fesls that it is too much to ask her to give out right nine or ten more lots and pay for improvements besides. That St. Johns has had a good year Is shpwu by the building per mits issued since January. One hundred ond fifty-one permits ag gregating $169,540 have been issued for the 1 1 indiiths ending .Novem ber 1. These include 89 residences costing over $500 each, and aver aging $1400; 19 other residences costing less than $500 each, and 33 permits to alter and repair, and 1 1 for biisiiiers structures. The sum total exceeds that of last yar by $38,000 Over $50,000 worth of street Improvements' and sewer work has been accepted nnd paid for and there is $150,000 worth Hearing completion. Work planned and authorized for next year already reaches a sum In excess of 1 100,000, with this year not yet finished. Telegram. ' Oregon Activities Oregon's financial condition, as by the state treasurer's report, is in excellent condition. There is on hand 1424.913. with no debts.boud ed or otherwise. Oregon raises the ,best appks This is no idle boast, for not only has , tltjs state wou sweepstakes prize at the Sjwkane National Ari pie Show two successive years but also captured the first prize of fiooo at t.he Chicago Apple show this year. "Oregon City has a paper mill that is the third largest in tiie world. Wallowa has a startling potato story. One vine that grew on nw ground, is said to have attained the height of 6 feet 1 inch in height an.l produced 40 tubers, the total weight of the potatoes being 16 pounds, Four hundred boxes of Cornice pears, grown near Mcdford.'sold in Loudon this season for f 10 a box. Siberia is buying Oregon apples. One hundred boxes of choice Hood River fruit was recently shipped there for sale. Another firm with stores at Vlad ivostok, Mukden and Hardin has been buying and shipping Hood River apples the past two or three or four years, a member of the firm coming to Hood River every fall to attend to the buying and ship ping of the fruit. Rogue River orchardists will plant 1 ,800,000 pear and apple trees this season. This new planting will cover 20,000 acres and bring the total acreage of the valley up to 85,000. The annual report of the Portland Union Stockyards company shows Portland is becoming a great pack ing.center. The value qf the stock shipped, the first year the concern was'frj operation amounted to 18,- 355.0O0- . A large acreage around Herrnts ton is being seeded to alfalfa. This is not only a profitable crop for hay but there is money in raisiug eed, which brings 23 cents per pound. r-.... - - . - -- Following the natural lines of growth, the population of Portland within a generation will be t,ooo,- 000. After making a study of Portland preliminary to fornutlatititr a city plan for the Civic Improve ment league, this is the conclusion of K. II. Dennett, municipal arch itect. A preliminary report of the work done came from Mr. lhntiett yes terday to Dr. J. R. Wcthcrbec, president of the league. It is 0 word picture of the Portland to be. Mr. Dennett deals tentatively with the public dock problem. He is convinced that the Portland har bor is to be below the bridges. He suggests the widening and deepen ing of the original channel of the Willamette river south of Swan is land. The docks, he believes, should be in slack water, hence Mock's bottom is suggested as a possibly desirable location, although it is not mentioned by name by Mr. Dennett. The location for public docks suggested by Mr. Dennett conveys tiie idea lli.it there should not be a dock here and a dock there to sat isfy the enterprise of various local ities, but that there should be a system uniformly built and connect ed with rail, water and vehicle transportation. The harbor for much of the deep sea shipping, he is convinced as a result of his stud ies, will be to the north of St. Johns in the vicinity ol the new uutiutac turiiig district. This manuf.icttir mg district will soon attain first importance as the center of Port land's iudustiial activity, he thinks. The population of Portland will spread nil over the level lauds north and cast and south, Mr. Bennett as serts. The growth is now in that direction. Ultimately the Tualatin valley will be closely built up ami rapid transit connection will b.' made with the heart of the city. 1 he parks and boulevards should be on the hillsides, a background f beauty for the city practical 1 here should be a scries of parks connect ed by boulevards that shall so wind in and out among the curves of the hills that first one and another of the splendid views with which Port laud is richly provided shall burst into view. Mr Dennett speaks of his thought for a number of centers of thecity's life. These are roughly divided into commercial, recreative and transportation. He does not indi cate a belief that the commercial center shall ever be moved from west side, but he does say that as time goes by the bridges will be ess and less used, the people ol the east side providing themselves with the commodities lor which they now come to the west side.- Jour nal. A bunch of St.Johus young folks, earning that it was the anniversary of Wade McLane's birth last Fri day, rounded up the herd and raid ed his residence 011 North nth street between Beech and Fremont, and caught the lad with his boots off toasting his tootsies alter a hard day's drjve on the road. He was uot surprised, ot course, or lie would have had on his best bib and tucker. It beats the baud how many different kinds of pickle the worser half of a fellow can get turn uto. It makes Heiutz look like 30c. wade is a genial khi, wen liked by the boys here, who, as a reminder of their sympathy for him in his beuedictine afflictions carried long one of Calcf Bros, most com fortable rockers to mark this first milestone passed since his present entanglement. It will be remem bered that Wade has been a son-iu-law of St. Johns ever since he mar ried Florence Byerlee about a year ago. The youngsters say they had a good time and kept Wade awake so late lie went to sleep and fell out of his wagon the next day maybe. XXX Oregon may one day have the most b'uutiful scenic highway in the world, for the new road now under construction to Crater Lake from Medford is said by experts to be superior to any on this continent or through the Alps in grandeur of its scenery. Road experts of the government in charge of the work, say the new road will have no su perior any where and they character ize the work as "Forty-five miles of macadamizing through the greatest scenic section of the world." Many people would be frightened to death if the Lord would answer their prayers. Ex. But there is a vastly larger bunch who are putting off their prayers until death comes who will be scared a darned sight worse then. Tonight (Thursday) a meeting ot the Jersey street property own crs is called for the purpose of as certaiuing what kind of hard stir facing the majority favor for that tiiorougiitarc. it will then be up to tiie city council to either accede to the wishes of the majority, or vote according to their own person al views in tnc matter. it seems to us that the proper and most shrewd thing to do would be to cal for bids 011 all kinds of hard surface uot specifying any particular kind, and when the bids arc opened and the cost of each variety is mad known, a decision could be easily ar rived at. I his would.uudoubtcdly be the wisest plan, because it would mean a saving to the prop crty owners. It is understood ful ly that all the various kinds of hard surface .companies arc more than anxious to place the first hard surface ever put down in St. Johns, because tucy are aware that many otticr streets will soon follow suit, and thu chances ure that in order to be uniform the same kind of hard surface as is laid on Jersey will be adopted for the other streets.Thcrc fore there is keen cotupetion, and why uot take advuutagc of this fact and give all 11 chance to bid ? To decide upon what kind of hard surface would be used before bids are received would necessarily give tiie lortuuate company 1111 opporlu uity to ask his own price, practic ally. Take Hassam paving for in stutice. We understand there is only one company in Portland mak ing Hassam streets. Therefore if Hassain is selected before bids were asked for, why could this company not ask what it chose, since Has sam and none other could be laid ? The city charter ultows for making the decision after the bids are in, at least wc can fiud nothing to the contrary therein. Therefore, no decision should be rendered by the council until ull have had 11 chance to put in a bid. To Circulate Petitions A ferry meeting was held in Hen dricks Hardware store Monday evening by n number of our citizens who arc heartily interested in se curing a free ferry for St. Johns. The purpose of the meeting was to draw up suitable petitions for circu lation among the residents of the Peninsula, Portland and the west side, asking the state legislature to enact a law authorizing and re quiring the county commissioners to build, operate and maintain 11 free ferry boat here, provided the city of St. Johns secure suitable landings and approaches leading thereto. It was the general be lief that such petitions would have a very favorable effect utwn the legislator:! and that the request would be granted provided a res pectable showing in the way of sig natures could be secured. A peti tion will also be circulated to secure funds to defray the expense in volved in circulating the petitions and presenting same before the leg islature. At the Stock Yards Receipts for the week were 1524 cattle, 12 calves, 930 hogs and 2108 sheep. The range of the values of all lines was higher. There was a demand for some extra cattle for the Christmas trade, and this ac counts for the higher prices. The quality of the offerings was much better than usual and buyers were eager for everything that came to the market. The sale of one hay fed steer at $10 per hundred pounds was due to phenomenal quality. It was a thoroughbred shorthorn of nearly perfect beef type. Cows sold at good prices auc there was an extra good demand for bulls. Lambs were in good demand and one lot brought I7 per hundred pounds. They were better than anything that has been on the mar ket for some time. The liog market took an upward shoot, one load having brought 8.85. The market at the end of the week closed at 8.50 with eager takers for every thing that was .offered. D. O. Lively, General Agent. How about your clothes? Are they in good condition? We clean, press and repair your clothes on short notice. Work called for in any part of the city. St. Johns Cleaning, Pressing and Dye Works, 1 1 1 South Jersey, street, next to the Princess Theatre. Calef Bros, will be open evenings until Xmas. from the Telegram. The temperament of a Jersey bull, whether kindly or otherwise, is the controlling question in an action being tried before Circuit Judge Hamilton without n jury today. W. 15. Ashby, of St. Johns, owner of the animal, is contending stren uously that it is tame and gentle, while Lida C. Greene, who issuing the owner for damages sustained while trying to escape from it the night of March 19, says it is vicious, cvilmiiuled and bloodthirs ty. Mrs. Greene says she lives "under the hill" at the loot of Fesseuden street, St. Johns. At 0:30 on the night in question she was returning from a picture show with three young girls. Suddenly, she says, the air became vibrant witli the bellowing of the said bull. moment later the animal charged out of the brush and came for them witli its head down and looking particularly ugly in the moonlight. The witness says the three girls cs caped by running down the hill, but that she was driven to take rcf uge behind a tree. The bull but ted his head into the opposite side of the tree as she reached n place of safety. 1 hen he looked around one side, and she banged his nose with her umbrella. He drew back and looked around the other way, and received another blow. By this time, Mrs. Greene says, one of the girls returned with their collie log, mid the hull turned his atteu tions to trying to throw Bruno over the moon. Mrs. Green's troubles were not ended, however. She says that as she started to run she tripped on a berry vine and buried her knees and head in the mud. She then tried to climb over the fence and caught her skirt 011 a picket, being .siisjended for several minutes in mid air. When icr daughter tore away the cloth and got her loose, she fell into an old hole from which the stump of a tree had been removed. Her in juries are a strained left shoulder and a bothersome strain of the muscles ot the back. She ..wants $100 to repay her for expenditures for incd- cities and doctor's hills mid 710,000 for general damages, The defend ant declares that her fright at the animal was needless; that he was as tame as an old sheep and that he followed them for company and without tiny ulterior motive. I'niiii the Oregon Jmitiml, Testimony that Mrs. Lida Greuiie wife of a St. Johns lawyer, offered $1000 to a witness in a suit against W P.. Ashbv and wife was given in Judge Hamilton's department of the circuit court today. Mrs. Green issuing for $10,000 damages because she was chased by a Jersey bull and fell over a picket fence while scurrying for safety. Miss Anna Dohrer was the wit ness who testified to the olloged of fer of n bribe and her testimony was corroborated by Mrs, Addie Bohrer, her mother. She did not wait to see what Mis. Greene want ed her to testify to, she said, as she indignantly rejected the offer. Miss Bohrer said Mrs. Greene first offered $250, raising to $500 and then to $1000. Mrs. Bohrer testified to hearing the $500 1 1 000 offers made. Mrs. Greene said she expected to get $2000 soon, the witness stated. A man ou the car had told her about it and she would give $1000 of it to Miss Bohrer, was the alleged statement. Mrs. Bohrer says when they spurned the offer Mrs, Greene re marked: "As poor as you are, I should think you would take mon ey for any old thing." "That's insult enough for me for 1000 years," Mrs. Bohrer says she retorted. That closed the in terview. She said she asked the name of the man on the car referred to and was told that it was John Ditchbtirn, Mrs. Greene's attorney. Testimony was clo.ed this fore noon and Judge Hamilton took his decision under advisement. Wit nesses were brought forward by the Ashbys to show that the bull they owned was a kind, gentle ani mal, always well behaved. Mrs. Hanson of Portland bought thro the firm of McKinney & Da vis, the house and lot at 411 Tioga street and will make her home in St. Johns. The sales of this firm amount to$to,ooo so far this mouth and is a pretty good showing for the dull season. They credit the Review with briuging them in touch of some of the deals. This is is a word to tiie wise. Go thou and make a noise like an advertiser. ,. "We can fill your prescriptions 110 matter whose blanks thuy are written upon. North Bank Pharmacy. Council met in regular session as usual Tuesday night with all mem bers and the mayor present. The first matter taken up was n petition signed by i6propertv own ers asking for the improvement of Kellogg street from Fesseuden to St. Johns avenue. On motion of Councilman Davis the engineer was instructed to prepare the necessary plans, profile and estimates for the improvement as prayed for. Contractors Majeski and Hahu asked for an extension of 90 days time ou the improvement of North Jersey street. On motion of Coun cilman Dobic the extension was granted. A communication from the county clerk stated that the assessed valu ation of St. Johns for 1910 is $4, 036,205. On motion of Mr. Dobie the same was accepted and ordered filed. At a conference of Mr. Nease, lessee of the rock quarry, and the street committee, the former agreed to start up the crusher and provide the 50 odd yards of rock stilt lack ing upon the improvement of Kdi son street. Uoii suggestion of Mr. Davis, council decided to make the tax levy next week, which will likely be in the neighborhood of five mills, Upon motion of Councilman Johnson, the lease of the rock quar ry was to be awarded by ordinance to M. G. Nease for n period of five years, with 1111 option of five ttddi tional years. Bills to the amount of $51.25 were allowed 011 motion of Mr. Davis. F. II. Brodahl, N. A. Gee mid l'lins. Cochran, viewers ou the open ing and widening of St. Johns ave nue, presented report ou same mid the recorder was directed to notify the property owners affected that the matter would be taken up by the council January 10, 191 1. Ou suggest Ion of Mr. Davis it was decided that a representative of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. be nvited to meet with council next Tuesday night for the purpose of settling definitely the sewer contro versy, that has been agitating the city dads for many moons. A resolution terminating the lease of the Sc. Johns Lumber Co. on Bradford street was adopted. A notice was ordered delivered to chief of police directing the St. Johns Lumber Co. to vacate Brad ford street within Co days. The proposition of giving the O. R. & N. Ry. Co. a franchise to lay a sidetrack to connect with I. anth ers warehouse 011 uradioni street was then broached once more. Mr. Downey stated that he was. not in favor of granting this at the pres ent time, that the street should first be cleared of all obstructions, that le wanted to see a sidewalk 011 the easterly side of the street, und was in favor of giving 110 franchise to lay a sidetrack that would occupy ground that should be used for the siuewulk. He had 110 objections, however, to n raUed sidewalk in front of warehouses and manufact uring plants so that freight could be transferred to and from cars. Mr. Davis believed Bradford street was practically dedicated to ware houses and industrial plants, and therefore 110 sidewalks would be uecesMiry. No further action was taken. Dull Season Pick-ups Six-room bungalow, lot 9(1x100, with alley, too feet from car line. Price $1500: $200 cash, balance $12.50 per mouth. This is anoth er dull season offering, 2 lots close to Veneer works, high and sightly. All cleared and ready for building cheapest lots in Miner's addition. Price $400 cash. 2 lots 100x100 ou sidewalk in No. St. Johns tfoo. Half cash. This is a snap. Come over and talk trade of any kind with us. We can trade you a farm for city projwrty. McKINNEY &. DAVIS James J. Hill played Santa Claus this week by visiting Oregon und promising new railroads. Inten sions of the Oregon Trunk Line from the present proposed termi nus at Bend, south through Interior Oregon, the pushing of the United Railways westward through to Til lamook and the building of an inde pendent Hill passenger station in Portland were some of the things the Umpire Builder outlined. "Get your family medicines in an orange and black package." Be sure that "Nyals" is on the pack, age then you will be right. Currin says so. 7V " & 3Jtt ivctcuMttu the ,3ltt extcubutg t(c jieasim's feelings hi our frtritio Cue btaxte in mil JtHeutioit in llc ninlc iiiltfity, Iiifu fttlrrciit (iHuiiJmy, Jlrcriultrr 2d, mtit ttiinniqi, 3Jmut!irn, 2 In ill he (c 11 ill Ipiliiuino Ellis peninsula JUanlt ,t. 3ultt, rrtrrjjoii 1 The Limit Reached The preacher mounts unto his place and bids us all be brothers; the socialist declares what's mine, is also one anothers. The editors throughout the laud have preached the gospel cheer: philosophers on every hand, scout at the goblin fear. 1 he optimist demands wc laugh when we would rather cry. ami hopes a song is on our lips when we lie down to die. I've heard quite oft that worry is a fatal mind disease, and tears are more disgust ing than a great and mighty suee.e. They tell us wc must grin whene'er the tax assessor comes, mid to cele brate a sorrow with a hammering of drums; that trouble should be mugucd to scorn, and weary cares forsook, by reading something fun ny from an entertaining book. But blood is on my hands today; there's auger in my breast; the wearied worm has turned at last, and patience was impressed. An optimist approached me when my troubles reached a mile, and in a calm, sardonic voice entreated me to smile. And when Pin arraigned and looking rather tearful.tlie court may crack 11 little joke, suggesting 1 lie cneeriui, as sure as l am writing this without a single grudge, if such a thing should happen then, b'goshl I'll swat the judge. Fx. Let our a (11 ic ted brother not for get that in this vale of woe, such things as these will come to us whichever way we go; but in that day of glad surprise, when all with us is well, mid reach our mansions in thu skies, the other go to - well ! The Oregon Agricultural College will commence its annual special short coursus for farmers 011 Janu ary 3 mid th': instruction to be of fered this year is probably the best since these courses were started several years ago. Kxx.Tts in the various branchus taught have been secured already mid the special course will extend over u period of six weeks. S. W. Childers and family of Spriugwater, Oregon, have taken posseskiou of their new ho(,ie ou Hayes street, which they took in part payment for their farm uwir Hstacada. purchased by George and Hubert Simmons. Mr. Chil ders is much pleased with St. Johns. 0 The sidewalk has been completed on PefcKeudcu slrtwt from Iblisou to Jersey, with the exception of one hundred feet of wooduu siduwalk in front of J. II. Crook's property. This will be torn up and be re placed with cement befoie the street is finished. Thu work that has al ready been done on PuhMjnduii street make a marked improvement. Sunday was a lovely day. The sun was as warm almost as in June. In fact the greater wirt of Decem ber has been iikM delightful IoU of sunshine and very little rain, little frost and no cold winds, The !eop!c of Oregon certainly have reason to congratulate thuuuulvus upon residing in such a delightful clime. We have been informed that the Kastcru Oregon Oil it Gas Co. has purchased the drilling outfit of Driller Hunt, and will hereafter op erate same on "their own hook." Work will proceed as rapidly as conditions and weather will per mit. Prof, Guy K. Stockton is a guest of his brother, F.d. L. Stockton, of this city. Mr. Stockton is princi pal of the public schools at Fugeue, Oregon. The two brothers have uot seen each other for more than eight years. Work (or Oreater St. Johni. Scasmt's feeiimts Local and Otherwise Calef Bros, eve. will deliver Xmas Suitable Christmas gifts in the line of furs at the Vogue Millinery. The store that gave St. Johns cheaper and better things. "Currin says so." Christmas cards, books, toys, at W. C. Roe's. Ollice of 'Well's hargo Lxpross. Get your wife a set of 1847 Rog ers Bros. Silverware at Calef Bros, opposite postofllce. Xmas turkey carved with a Stil letto carving set will taste buttur. Hendricks Hardware Co. Services will be held at 5:00, 8:00 and 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning in St. Clements Catholic Church. o Frank Chipmaii has taken the agency for the Bankers' Reserve Life Iusurauc company, and id hus tling in great shape in his uuw vo cation. The fact that "Currin wiys so" doesn't make Nyal Remedied tint bust, but the fact that Nyul Rtm dien are the hunt is why "Currin says so." Miss Brodahl, thu efficient ami obliging HMiistunt at the city re corder's office, has been coufinud to her home for several day with n severe cold this week. County Clerk Fields has ndvisud the city council that thu aod valuation of property in St. Johns is $4,030,205. Last year's valua tion was $3,681, 145. Thu Bachelor.' club their December dance in will glv tint rink Wednesday uveuing, Ducumbur att. An unusually good time in untied Hited by those foititimte eue-iifch to secure invitations. The theme to Iw diciitd Sun day morning at thu KvNuuliQnl chinch by thu pastor, Rev. C. P. (lute, will be: "The Bright ami Morning Stitr." In tint viiiug Chriitmus Mirvic will bu huld. A. D. S. Puroxide pnqMmtiouii ure the best. A. D. S. Pttroxtd Cream, A. D. S. Proxidt Tooth Powder ami Paste. A D. S. Pmox idu Talcum Powder, A. D. S. Pir oxidu Soap and A. D. S. Peroxide. North Bank Pharmacy. Purry C. Stroud, as will Iw iiqUmI by a card eUuwheru in this isgmt, has fitted up offices in the Firftt National Bank building for tH practice of law. Mr. Stroud llfti been helping with muuieiiwl court affairs at the city hall lately. The public school teacher of St. Johns have asked for an in cruae of 20 per cunt in their aula ries. If this were granted it wquhl make an average of about fJ5 Ir mouth for the 26 teacher now em ployed. The school board has the: matter under advisement. School Clerk J. 15. Taueli has just completed thu school cuiiaiifi for St. Johns, and finds 1425 children of school age in this city. This is a marked increase over last yenr. The census for the past eight yuars reads as follows and is a lair indica tion of St. John's vigorous growth: i903-4i 39: I94'5. 559; 90$'6i 737 i 1906-7. XM W-S, HQtfJ 1908-9, 1098; 1909-10, 1247; tgtoi 11,1425.