THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Published Every Friday At 117 West Burlington Stroot. DY A. W. MARKLE THrt Rkvirw is entered at post office In Balnt Johns, Oragon, as mall matter of th xond class wider the Act of Con- grtM of March 3, 18fq. OBti lrrnpr tt lbs City of It. J that. Adftrtlilnt riUt, (1.00 per Inch tr month. lit Frtotinf iimUd la flrit-oJtti itjria. OtUi Mr ok rrlnllnf cub on dturtrr. lubsorlatlon prlo $1.00 par year. The oflicinl population of Port land lias been placed at a little more tlinn 207 thousand, while Se nttlc is credited with nbout fifteen per cent more. It is generally be licved that neither census is cor red. In both cities ninny names were thrown out. nud Portlaud claims to have gotten the worst of the deal. Doth cities arc open to censure. It was the duty of the regularly appointed enumerators to take the census, but over zealous individuals, fearful that some names would be overlooked or would not be completed within the specified time, voluntarily went out nud so licitcd names. No wonder chaos resulted nud names were thrown out by the wholesale. It is the first time within our knowledge that nuy city ever took matters in its own hand and "balled up" the census takers. It would have oc casioned no surprise if all the regu lars had immediately quit work when the meddlers began to inter fere. If the time was too short it would have readily been extended. Doth cities were entitled to n care ful count, nud they would have gotten it if it had taken nil year. It would, of course, been nil right to call a census taker's attention to nny omissions that might have been made, but it was nil wrong for in dividuals to get out with pencil nud paper and write names themselves An it is none know the true popu latiou of either city, necntise no true census was taken. People in other states will ever look upon the oflicinl censuses of these cities with n great deal of suspicion. And who can blame them for so doing? It is quite ossible that we shall be charged with both bad taste nud judgment if we do not go into rapt ures over the character of the late Count Tolstoi. It may be that through a misunderstanding of the facts we do not appreciate his real worth; we can only judge him through the glimpses of him that have come to us. Hut despite his masterful nat ural abilities, we cannot see why his life work should be n theme for extravagant eulogy. In his youth was n soldier, n race horse man, n gambler and libertine. With the Jack Johnson, world's champion heavy weight pugilist, wno was arrested yesterday charged with as sntilt on Annette Cooper, n show trirl, and with disorderly conduct, was discharged from cutody in New York city today. Miss Cooper did not appear. Instead she scut a let ter enclosing a physician's certifi cate that she had been ill in bed for the last ten days, and was in no condition to leave her home, and requested that Johnson be kept custody for two weeks, when she would be able to appear against him. Magistrate Frcschi refused to put the case over, nud discharg ed the prisoner. The above press dispatch was published in all the big dailies dur ing the past week. The nature of the assault is not given, but the fact is made manifest that this ccr tain magistrate has little regard for justice. Because n young woman is injured so badly that she is una ble to nppcar ngninst her nssailant the case is dismissed. Had the latter been just a plain, every day negro instead of tlic world s cliam pion pugilist, it is likely he would have been held for years if ncces ssry. It serves another indication that justice is blind in dealing with the powerful. The poor cirl mav spend weeks in bed, pay for mcdi cal attendance, lose her time and struggle through it nil ns best she mny, while the one responsible for tier condition escapes scot free hap .... . . . . . py in me Knowledge that lie may with impunity assault auv other girl so long as he injures her so badly that she is unable to leave her bed to testify onaltist him. Verily "cnual richts to nil nnd snc- cinl privileges to none" in many instances mean nothing but empty worus. t A wisely conducted newspaper is ike n banquet, says an exchange. Iiverythiug is served up with n view to charity. Help yourself to what you want, do not condemn the entire spread because pickles nnd onions may be included. If you do not relish them, somebody may find them palatable. He gen erous nud broad enough to select gracefully such reading matter from newspapers as will be ngreenble to your mental taste. You, ns an in dividual, nre not compelled to swnl low everything. We do not nil think alike 011 every subject, nud it is a good thing, ns it makes variety and variety is the spice of exist ence. PIRST NATIONAL BANK Local and Otherwise 'A Treat" December 9-10. Look pleasant and keep smiling. Merchants arc for the holidays. getting in shape Art School Exhibit Paid in Capital . . . $25,000.00 Additional Stockholders' ' Liability under National J. J. Karr is erecting a modern habitation on Seneca street. The Electric theatre is still at tracting large crowds nightly. o now is tlic time to order your la... - ' hob printing for the new year. o Suitable Christmas gifts in the Recognizing tlic educational advan tages to be derived from opportunities to see j;ood nrt, tlic schools nave arranged with the A. W. Elson Co. of Boston for an art exhibition of 200 pictures to bs held In the Central school building, Dei ember 9 and 10. This collection, consisting In large Sort of cartxins and photogravures made Irectly from the masterpieces, Is se lected by art experts and should attract large crowds of persons. A small ad mission will be charged, the entire pro ceeds of which, after deducting the ex pense nf the exhibit, will be used In the purchase of pictures for wall decoration for the public schools. The purpose of (he pilillilllnn In thuaclearlv two-fold: l'lrst To cive neonle an opportunity to sec n ollcctlon of the world's famous mniternleces of nalntine. sculpture and - - -1 1 p ' architecture. That Wrinkled Coat and those baggy trousers arc entirely unnecessary. Send them here and have us make them shapely ns when they were new. t . i ri . K-mml-Tn tt tomIIiIc for the YC i-ICOn tHlll f rt: nubile to own a few of these pictures 111 : line of furs at the Vogue Millinery. o Good home cooking nnd clean beds at the Central Hotel, 5 a week 0 Banking Laws Surplus and Profits 25,000.00 5,000.00 John Hetiinen is erecting little residence on Buchanan a neat street. ST. JOHNS OREGON Why should this exhibit Interest you? Because, turougnoui tne country, jicu pic arc awakening to the Importance and value of good art as creative of a refin ing Influence and Inspiring atmosphere and lust so surely as people become familiar with the best in art, ust so quickly will tlic crude In art be displaced tmougli appreciation of something better. It is, of course, idle to suppose that one shall become a competent Judge of art simply through studying for a time pho topranhs of mints. One of the leading art critics of our own Inhn C. Van Dvkc. savs! "You must look at the pictures studl ouslv. earnestly, honestly. It will take years before you can come to a full ap nrcciation of It, but when at last you iiave you will be possessed of one of the purest, loftiest and most ennobling pleasures that the world can offer you." This collection has been made br ex- netts. ltvcrv artist who knows how to to draw at all has something to give of two dwellings In ihn Hntbrnnlf nil. pleasure and profit, but the greatest ever in men's and women's apparel so that It looks as If it had never been worn. Ourseviccs give you twice the wear you get from your apparel and more than twice the satisfaction of wearing it. JOHN NOCE & CO. TAILORS Phono Columbia 22 Clean beds at the Central Hotel 1 25 cents to $ 1. It to $x by the week. 0 E. S. Wright nud family spent a couple of days iu Grcsham last week. IJnrry E. Wagoner is erecting vo dv ditiou. A young son came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. I,. M. Oihus last week. 0 Frank L. Smith was arrested and fined last week for selling de cayiug meat. o have the most and best to trivc. One creat oh cct of picture study Is that of opening the eyes to the beauty all around which nu artist's trained eve perceives, while it Is missed by others. This is the essential service of all great men to draw us up In sonic measure to their own level of Insight, enjoyment and Inspiration. These nicturcs arc of Interest to both vaunt? and old. and thev arc expected to attract nnd Instruct large numbers of neonle. ltvcrvonc should come. in connection wiiu 111c cxiiiumou a Rev. C. P. Gates left for Ikulah where he will revival services. fittnlnt.lln llrtt lleftl firptuirntl tvlllrll trivra Monday n number of important facts concerning conduct Pictures mm their painters, ami inesc will be on sale at the Central school dur ing the exhibition. Hattling Nelson has auaiu demon strated that it is impossible to "come back," but it Is hard to make him believe it. Nothing to equal that "Art Kx libit" this side of the mountains. STI LLETTO Just received a nice line of Stilletto Tools for all purposes, Machinist Hammers, Saws, Kdgc Tools, Hit Braces and squares. KVBRY TOOL GUARANTIED. Wc also have n nice assortment of 1847 Rogers Bros.' silver ware for the holidays. Come iu and sec our stock before buying. engage- 208. Hendricks Hardware Co. Phone Columbia 129 A trained nurse wishes nicnt. Phone Columbia Mrs. Griffith, Calef Block. 0 central Hotel under new man agement, clean home cooked meals, 25 cents. Meal tickets $4. o For Sale Lot 102x150, close iu, cheap house, 1500, half cash. Sec il.A.Obcrg, 426 Willis Boul. note Have- your property Insured In tho St. Paul or Northern flro insurnnco companion. Thuy nro tba bast. tj, Doblo, agent. Pianos for sale nt the Vogue Mil llncry. Kasy terms, prices ns low as any iu Portland. Sec us before buying. 0 time to stocks. Merchants, now is the advertise your holiday Don't be tardy nud let Portlaud get the cream of the trade by hiding your "caudle under n uusliel. Advertise. For sale by Any Real Estate Dealer in St. Jehns 50x100 foot lots for $5 cash and $5 monthly Water mains now laid to every lot in 1910 Addition. School house and carline only two blocks from plat. All streets graded at Company's ex pense. There are now 13 houses building' on 1910 Addition. You can arrange for building material on motnhly terms. Why pay rent any longer when you can own your home and pay for it out of your monthly earnings? For further information, phone Columbia 80. I have customers to buy houses and lots on installments. What have you to list? S. L. Doblc, no N. Jersey street. o Read in December uumber of Why not get your Sunset Magazine, ' 'San Fraucisco Plnno or Christmas i -The Imposition City," superbly ,aKC " possioic. Rockers!! Rockers!! Rockers!!! Wc have just received a ship ment of new and up to date rockers from the cast, and have some exceptional values and beautiful dpsigns to choose from Select a Rocker early for a Christmas gift and make a small deposit and wc will deliver it when you wish. Don't over look our display of Hand Painted nud Decorated China, Table Silver nud Carving Sets. St. Johns Furniture Company "CASH or CREDIT." I illustrated in four colors. Persons desiring to subscribe for the Youth's Companion can leave their orders at this office. There is only one price, 11.75 per year. Select a picture from the "Art Exhibit" and present it to the school. Your name will be placed upon the frame on a copper plate. 9 W. L. Pluitiiiier returned from Boise, Idaho, last week to assist in removing his family to that place, where they will make their future home. daughter a We want to Come in and see the class of pianos wc have in store. Vogue Millinery. 1 U 1 - For Sale Library table, oak rocker, drop head Singer sewing machine, oil heater, folding bench wriuger, high chair, plate rack, set painter s tools and step ladders. Iu quire Room 12, Leo Building, op posite postottice, or puone Colummu 208. NOTICE. intolerance which nttaches to the' Fresh milk, buttermilk and cream Russian nobility he wns impatient for snle nt Frank Clark's. of nuy restraint, he followed his Bubscrlbu for tho St. Johns Hoy low and koop pestod on tho doings of thu clt. first Just wlitms, His impulses nnd liis nppc tltes. Suddenly there cume 11 levtil sion aguiiiKt the life he was leading; he had cxhnusted the vices which had been sweet to him until they 0 ' became ns Dead Sen npplets that ou BOt ruU wc,ht nnd turned to ashes on his lips. Then gu,,,Ujr Bl tho Central market, his nature changed. To nil iip-i" nwh,1- caraucus he became n literary tramp. He wanted to give nwiiy all that he had, he wanted his coun try to dissolve its armies, to dis mantle its navy, nud if attacked to resent nothing. Iu the midst of n great war that had been sprung up on his country he wanted nil the armies recalled; what he udvoanted simply meant chaos to his native laud. At the same time became im patient with the great lady who was his countess; who had borne him 16 children, who had heljal him in his literary work, ami who had been obliged to look after their shattered esttite when Tolstoi ceased to attend to it nud wandered away to die, because, as he jer mitted the story to go abroad, of the harshness nud injustice of his life at home. If all this does not indicate a shattered mental balance, then what would? Goodwin's Weekly. The "anncxers" and seem to have buried the "antis" hatchet, and peace once more reigns supreme. Uoth factious seem to be satisfied, nud why not ? Hiram I). Daman of St. Johns nnd Miss Ruby M. llis of Port laud were united iu marriage 011 Thanksgiving Day nt the Kvan gelical church by Rev. Chester P. Gates. 0 Mexico has been having u rather lively little time all by its lonesome. Miss Lillian S. Perkins, teacher of vocal music and elocutiou. 402 urcsuam, corner uiiirlcstou, 1 here is n time nnd a place for all things. Now is the time and you will find the place at 1 1 1 South Jersey street to have your clothing cleaned ana pressed, ir . . u you wain 10 ouy, rent, sell or exchange property see Wolcott, (The Rent Man.) St. Johns Office, 401 south jersey. Portland Office, 2-l5a Washington Street, Phoue Marshall 1556. o-i Sidewalks iu which washed ma terial is used ure the kind that never have to be taken up. They have the lasting qualities. Put down by the St. Johns Saud & (.travel Co. Phone Richniotid 1571 p had and sometimes at ordinary wages uud others to be schooled and cared for iu return for slight services rendered. For particulars address T. Gardner, Sttpt. Hoys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, Portland, Oregon. 0 Hoys! Girlsl Free Columbia Hi cycles for n little easy spare-time work for Hampton's Magazine. Send postal for wouderful . Free Ilicvcle Offer. Address "llicvcle Club." Room 538. 66 West rsth Street, New York. Hoys may be girls. The older ones Airs. Lcnn Frlzzell. Mrs. Lena Frizzell, only daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. K. H. Parker, of St. Johns, died at her home in Yrekn, Cal., Tuesday, aged 30 years. Mrs. Frizzell was born iu Yum hill county, but spent her cirlhooi in Forest Grove, where she attend ed the public schools and Pacific University. Harly in life she gave evidence of unusual talent as an elo cutionist, and gained a stutcwide reputation ns n public speaker. She won the state prize in the Demorest medal contest, besides n number of other prizes, atnotig them the dia mond medal given for the best speaker nt the Gladstone Chautau qua. Mrs. Frizzell taught elocu tion iu Portland for several years, ami nve years ago was married to Dr. J. P. Frizzell, of Yreka. She is survived by her husband and twin daughters, the latter but two weeks old; her father and mother, nnd six urotliers Arthur, of Forest Grove, Thaddeus, Scott, Roscoe aud Her bert of Willamina, and Baruev. of bpokaue. Mrs. Frizzell's last visit to St Johns was on the occasion of the reunion of the family with her parents, lust whiter, when she met many old friends who w ill most sincerely sympathize with the be reaved (amines. How is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con- tiuued or exauiitied at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract aud Realtv Co- Accurate work. Reasonable fees. H. Henderson, Manager. 120 North Jersey street, See F. W. Yaleutiue for real cs- tate aud insurance. 204 N. Jersey. o - I'roach Uia gospel of 8b Jotina. City Attorney Collier has sold Mrs. M. E. Perkins of Carlton, uu. ionic on oiauoru street and this Oregon, who had been ween moved to Portland, where he children and friends In St. Johns Is associated with his brother, John for the past week, has returned to n in me law Business in tne her home bpauldmg block. He may, how M,V 1 7j ,y" ror Sale 100x100 south east ?.-? n1. -ha,r er Pr,0VA that corncr Decatur and Tacoinn, near f' ."i" " 7i " U4 aiu" mills, will grow in value. uiumin uiiu h rcaiucui 01 I will offer for sale to the right cash bidder on Saturday, December 10, at 10 o'clock a. tn., at the front door of the St. Johns Furniture Co. at St. Tonus. Oretron. one cottaee visiting ner I organ to satisfy storage charges. K. Wilcox. Nervous Troubles of all kinds yield quickly to Chiropractic Methods Consultation illation free. aud exam- DR. H. 0. BROWN CHIROPRACTOR Office aud Residence, 415 Kellogg Street. 1 block East of Postoffice Hours 1:30 to 7:00 p. in. Lady Assistant Very owner. easy terms. Telephone Main 6399. o M. K. Church Sunday school. 10 a. ni.; preaching.n a, ra.; topic: ...V .lv.Vt M HI I Chance." Junior League, 3:00 p. ru. upwortn league 0:30 p. ra.: evening service 7:30 p. m.; theme: "Keugton, wiiat it means iu our Everyday Lives." Every body welcome. v rank bandifer, pastor. o the City of St. Johns for nlnetv days prior to election, nnd also must be a free holder nt the time, but no provision is made in case tlie attorney removes from the city during his term of office. The iuference, of course is, that he must remain a citizen of St. lobns during his term of office, but the charter does not say so. By virtue ui mi ordinance passett last week A 1 . uie attorney was emnowered to sublet the "yob" if he so desired. Baptist Church Sunday School Mrs. Overstreet. resid uc on Burr 10 n m u 7:30 p. in.; strcet.received n wire Sunday even- ntorntug service u a. nr. Subject; . 2 C T m . . .11 nCIIO S ' C tn I Jnl a VI 1 1 . . ihk luiormmc ner ot the death of jwv.mi mc uuuuh, wv. her son, Frank, of Clay Center, en!"B worship' 7530 p m' "The Neb. Wesley, another son. well Jy of Soul Wiuniug." Professor known in St. Johns, has been with Peterson's children's orchestra will his brother for over a year.engaged Klve a selection at the evening ser- IU Uie lumber hlisinrcs fJilfvrr vitc. who remained here with his mother uuu siMcr, Aiua.oueot our instruct- The St. Johns Rod and Gun ors 111 uie central school, was on club were disappointed in the do- ins way oacK to visit witli his broth- rnaitr they proposed to lease near I " " . - I yo. 1 jic message announcing nis scappoose. A band of mighty death was the first intimation the hunters made a trip thither last luiiiuy nau 01 crank's illness and Sunday, after tell ne their friends we nave nau no onnortunitv tolnf Hie lnrce nnmlr nf itA I Irtnru r. I r i.f .. I ... . . r I .v.M ttu.u.ura 01 ma ucaiu, were goiug 10 onng home with T he mother aud sister, who are them. After thmht . . . I O wbM 1 greatiy oveu oy their large circle the preserves all day long, four 01 meuus auu acquaintances here, raeaslv little ducks was nil th tr. mvc uie raosi profound sympathy tv cou d batr. It is sa d that tl- preserve is overrun with hunters and was uot as represented. There- tore the club has decided to seek shooting grounds elsewhere. o- Uood home board and rooms at I 115 Mohawk and South Ivanhoe streets. Attention, Please Ladies who wish plain sewing done at very reasonable rates, call on waggle underbill, 339 west Mohawk. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1 1 A. M. of all in their bereavement. Congregational church Corner of Ivouhoe and Richmond streets. The usual services will be conducted Sunday by the pastor.and th? pub lic is cordially invited. O. W. Nelsou, Pastor. StopPain T Headache T, NEURALGIA one r i . Dr. Ajui- of tin Littla ru ru ur to m4 kr m for itm- Mima uj (U I tU U4 and Am ,ld' " m nn rot tkty m pcrtca rJ" Hr Coot, RHEUMATISM .d SCIATICA 25 Hi Doses 25 Cents "Jesus Christ, the Prophet." Conrad L. Owen, Pastor 7:30 P. M. "The Joy of Soul Winning." EVERY SUNDAY Cor. Chicago 4 Leonard Sta, Bids Wanted Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the cltv recorder until t o'clock p. m., Tuesday, Dec. 13th, 1910, for the lease of the city rock quarry and utilities now located at Whitwood Court. subject to the cancellation of the exist ing contract on said property, Further information rceanlinir the same mav he I obtained at any time at the city bail. The right to reject any and all bids is reservcu. Dated this 36th day of November, I,IO. A.3I.BSSON, City Recorder. Published in the St. Tohns Review December 3 and 9, 1910. For Sale A fifty dollar course in the Scranton International Cor respondence School, any depart ment, at so per cent discouut, at rate of I5.00 down, $5.00 per month; further discount for cash. Address "B," this office. o For plain sewing and children's clothes call on Mrs. South, No. '819 Willamette Boulevard.