0 : ' (jret Ready For Christmas The first thing you know the Holidays will be here and you will rush about to find suitable presents. What you wanted will be all sold' A small . deposit will hold your selection at our stores Rogers A fine selection of Hand Painted China, Cake Sets, Salad Bowls Tea Set Fruit Sets Cups and Saucers Bojdoir Sets Etc. Etc. A Good Solid Oak Morris Chair, with Oood Grade Cusliion for $7.40 Be sure to make your selections carl'. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, ST. JOHNS Electric Cook Book Containing many new recipes novor beforo published. Complied especi ally for use with Electric Cooking Devices but suitable for any kitchen. ELECTRIC STORE Alder Street, at Seventh KDOOOOCOOOOO (30000000000 Things Vou Need Thanks giving Day Wc arc tiiowiog a complete line of Carver. Roaster, Meat ..irYE' J Cutters, etc. We have a few f!si B icmU for onc wcek 'JjKcTTNX-ai food chopper Ji.oo ISlB ftxxl choppers 1.35 TBH Kei'tilar tilt Sflvorv W rLm ter. . ........ 1 .00 Regular 75c Granite Kound roaster 50 Ask to we Heeds Granite Roaster, l'u My warranted. St. Johns Furniture Co. liOOOOOOOOOOOOO QOC 8 m s mm ' V oooooooooooc lumber: Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish. Slabwood I Prompt Dry, Deliveries. Green, Quality Blocks, Guaranteed. Trimmings - 4- 4- ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 19 I U. IltlNUtKMJN 122 JcrseyM. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance ..Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. I HEMSTOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Full lln. of Rob, Cask.ts, ate., kept In stock UVDY ASSISTANT . SXTh&'jio UNIVERSITV PARK, OREGON Bh E. B. Holcotnb has moyed to his new home at Northern Hill. The Peterson house on North Jcr sey, near Fessendcn street, is being treated to a new dress of paint. The W. C. T. U. business meet ing will be held nt the Advent church Monday, Nov. 21st, at 2:30 p. m. All members are earnestly solicited to attend. Press Cor. I,. Richl hn just completed a five-room cottage near the high school building. It presents a hand some appearance. W. II. Haskius has purchased .1 lot on North Jersey street and will build himself a fine home thereon next snritiK. The sale was made through the agency of S. h. Dobie. Let's give the annexation ques tion a well deserved rest now and unite our energies toward improv ing conditions in St. Johns while she is St. Johns without Portland being attached to her name, It is said that an engineering corps has been busy taking field notes of the Western Cooperage property adjacent to the dry docks. What it portends we nave been un able to find out. Mr. and Mrs. George Slopcr were visitors at the home of K. A. Sim mons, 726 Oswego street, last wcek. Mr. Sloper is engaged in tlie nop business at Independence. I hey arc botli very mucn aiiractcu 10 our little city. They think it it very Ivcly place. V. H. Greeorv of St. Johns and tils brother, V. N. Gregory of Sis- son. Calif., nave returned lrom Lynchburg. Va., where they were called by the illness and death of ' their mother, W. N. Gregory is, spending a few days visiting his brother before comu to his Cali fornia home. Tlii InvIiKT nf this Tcrsev street sidewalk is proving quite an iucou- veuieucc to 111c traveling ptimic ami the business houses during the iiinrlilv ifivi tlier. There Is lrmicrnl satisfaction, however, over the fact , that the street will present a splen did apiearar.cc when the work is completed. Hullding permits since October 24th have been less than for the; same lenirth of time auv tcrioI of .1.!.. ..., '!. ...ll.n ...l.n ! una iui. 1 nwav wuiiika tv.iu claimed they would nt once com mence to build residences if St. oIiiih voted to annex with Port- and have so far failed to make their promises good. Local News. vacant nouses in St. Johns arc There wiii be n Thanksgiving service at .the Baptist church next Thursday at 10:30 a. in. livery body invited to attend. John Earlywine has purchased of' house arid lot on North FillmofeJ and with his family has taken yo session ot the same. He formerly resided in Portland. Mrs. P. W. Valentine is'dfttend- ing a family reunion at Spokane this wcek with her mother, brother and sisters. She will take in the big apple fair there before return ing to St. Johns. A social afternoon, a devotional service and 5 o'clock lunch will be given in honor of the old people of St. Johns at the Pirst Baptist church Thursday, from 3 to 5 p. in. livery person over C.s years old living in St. Johns is invited to come and remain for the lunch at 5 o'clock. At the M. E. church. Sutulnv. Nov. 2. Sunday school at 9:50 n. 111. rrcacuing at it a. m. Dr. J. W. MrDnticnll. the new District Supt., will preach and administer j the Lord's Supper. Junior League 1 3 p. m.; lipworth League 6:30 p. m.; evening service 7:30 p. tit. At this service he will preach and con duct an evangelistic service. All arc cordially invited. P. N. Saudi fcr, pastor. NORTH BANK PHARMACY How About Clothes for Thanksgiving? You will want to be well dressed. We can dress you better and at less cost than anybody. Our Specialty, Full Dress and Dinner Jacket Suits, Don't delay ordering. Drop in ud look over our new ar rivals in Pull and Winter Novelties. No trouble to show goods. Special Sale Overcoats to Order for the Cost of Material In making. JOHN NOCE & CO, TAILORS Phone Columbia 22 Turkey Time Those who have been taking advan tage of our cut rates since we inaugu rated them in St. Johns will, of course, be able to eat turkey at forty; cents per, since we are practically paying for t. So, dear trade, let others know :hat if you don't have turkey, it's not because you can't arrord it, but be cause you prefer something else. $1.00 Goods Cut to 71c Miles' Antlpain Pills, Ige. Quaker Herbs. Pyramid Pile Cure. St s s Wine of Cardui Hobson's Constipation Rem Muuyou's Paw Paw Oregon Blood Purifier Nyal's Celery Nervine 75c Goods Cut to 59c Hall's Cataarh Cure Marmoln Tublets Imperial Grantim Gtiun's Bipod-Nerve Tonic Nyal's Beef, Iron and Wiiie Pint Cod Liver Oil Hobson's Couip. Ext. B. August Plower Ther-ox 50c Goods Cut to 36c Hinckley's Bone Liniment Nyal's Fig Syrup Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Swamp Root Murine Eye Remedy Borden's Malted Milk Capillaris . Antiphlogistine Pope's Diuretic 25c Goods Cut to 18c Beecham's Pills Karl's Clover Root Tea Cuticura Soap Colgate's Rapid Shave Po. Hill's Cascara Quinine Nyal's Liniment Menuen's Talcum Powder Bromo Seltzer Booth's Pills Scientists have proven that after about the forty-second year of huuiurl life the natural eyesight begins to fail, and one ot these scientists has succeeded in measuring this sight-failure and applying the measure ment to his own secret process of lens grinding, resulting in au eye-glass that, he guarantees to fit all cases of normal sight-failure, scores oi bt. Johns people whom we have fitted will recommend them in the highest terms. Price, one dollar. "Thorj, the new thing in soap, in sifting can. l'rice 10c, 25c and $1.00 caus. Six pieces of Palmolive soap for fifty cents and a fifty-cent jar of Pulmolive cream included, free. Columbia Phonographs sold on installments. Dollar Fountain Pens Dollar Watches Dollar Eye Glasses Dollar Safety Razors Dollar Alarm Clocks ST. JOHNS PHARMACY "THE STORE OF SATISFACTION" HOAiE OF THE PAAOUS.NYALS and A. D. S. REMEDIES. VH D15MVKR HVURYWHHttK l'RKK This is not the largest drug store in the city, neither do wc have the most complete stock in the county. But our goods arc first class and our prices arc right. Goods that we do not have in stock we can get for you at the low est prices. This week wc are offering goods of quality nt the following low prices. $2.25 Hot Water Bottles $1.98 2.75 " " " s?.36 1.50 Fountain Syringe 1.29 .25 Menuen's Talcum 15 .25 Colgates 11 15 1. 00 Lydia Pitikhams Veg. Compound. .67 1. 00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription 67 1. 00 Wiiie of Cardui G7 .50 Billiards Hoarhotind Syrup 33 .50 Bodens Malted Milk 33 .25 Bucklctis Arnica Salvo 15 1 .00 ShoopiV Restornlive 67 .fo Epso'm Salts 05 .10 One pound Max Meal 07 .75 Alcohol Stove for 49 50 " " and 1 pt. Denatured Ale .40 "CURRIN SAYS SO." I'HOXIt COI.UMMA J07 .25 One pt. Denatured Alcohol ... .10 .25 A. D. S Antiseptic Sol. for catarrh and nasal douche, both for 25 Dollar Safety Razors and Dollar" Alarm Clocks 67 .50 Hcrpicidc 34 .50 Nyals Ilirstitouc and 25c talcum both for 50 Wc have n fine line of perfumes. Rci- gcr's, Nyals, A. D. S., Dabrooks and others at prices from 40c oz. up. I Pil? Jhifiite rljcckiiy acciumls, small m Inrijc, as fuell as sailings accounts, mtb offer to both, small mtb large beposiiors "Hat personal" attention mtb "tlat courteous" serfttre fuljicl umlte liaulmn a pleasure. THE PENINSULA BANK Rout. Tmmat Pi.att, President C. A. Wood, Cashier F. C. K.VAi'i', Vice President J. N. Hnuti'Siw, Assistant Cash. I EVERY DAY CLOTHES Arc made attractive when worn over an "AMERICAN BEAUTY" If you are unt already acquainted with this fam ous corset, try one mid you will always wear one. I Wc have some very good values in Missus' and Children's, button, patent leather and gun metal shoes. SAU? AGENTS FOR Ladies Home Journal Patterns New Winter Style Hook now ready Only 20c including one 15 cent pattern COUCH &. COMPANY PIONEER MERCHANTS HI Opposite City Hall Phone Columbia 137 A SACK OF OCCIDENTD Fresh and Select Groceries : It is the constant aim of this store to ever keep only the freshest and most se lect groceries procurable. , No Stale Goods arc Kept in Stock We are well pleased with the generous patronage accorded this, establishment since the same has come into our possession, and it is evidence to us that the peo ple of St. Johns and vicinity appreciate a thoroughly first class grocery store. NORWEGIAN PATRONAGE SOLICITED A. B. LINDBOE Successor to J, F. Hendricks 111 West Burlington Street I crs flj I I 5 5 I JR. I I : : : : : i I -: : ?4