THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Published Ever Friday At 117 West Burlington Street. DY A. W. MARKLE TnR Rkvirw Is entered nt post office In Saint Johns, Oregon, as mall matter of the second dims under the Act of Con grass of March 3, 1879. CH&dU Mswipspsr of lbs Olty f St. John, Joi Prtntln sifeuUd la flrit-lau slrl. tUlli lor Jab Vlnllof caib on dtllTtrr. Subscription prlos $1.00 par ysar. After "scuttling theship," watch the ones responsible for the net leave the sinking v "sel. It is n wonder that the world docs not cease to move. Teddy has not spoken for nt least fifteen minutes. It would rnthcr surprise some of the "wise guys If the proposed new union depot would be located on the cast side. Yet it is n possi bility. City Attorney Collier's opinion ns to the legality of the recent an nexation election was as could only be expected. He drew up the pe tition for the "nnncxcr.s nud could scarcely now consistently decide that he was wrong in the first in stance, With President Hurlbert, Secrc tnryCook, Chief High Priest A. T. Holdeu of the Portland nud St. Johns Annexation club and W. h. Plummcr leaving the city, nnd J. S. Downey, big stnudnrd bearer, medi tating leaving for Mexico ns soon ns he can dispose of his property, it would be n splendid time to hold another election upon annexation. Strange how some folks tell of the glorious paradise that will spread it. self out upon annexation, nud then pack up nud leave before their ilrwmis materialize. Doesn't it make those who remain suspicion that there is n "nigger in the woodpile" somewhere? - 1 Since the annexation proposition will take a back sent for some time yet nt least, would it not be well to turn our attention to seeming a public park for St. Johns? The proposition of purchasing part of the Copies and Harris tracts for this purpose has been ctltioucd for and will come up nt n special elec tion or terhaps lie over until the April election next year. In the meantime, the subject should be given considerable thought so that nil may be prepared to vote intelli gently when the time comes for so doing. A roadway to the Swift territory is another feature that From the Telegram Will the liquor interests attempt to increase the number of saloons in this city by going to St. Johns and obtaining saloon licenses before that municipality officially becomes a part of the city of Portland next July? This question is being discussed in city hall circles because many in quirks arc being made in regard to saloon licenses in St. Johns, antl be cause of the probability that there will be no opposition to the vote of the residents of that district for an ncxation to Portland, which was taken nt the recent election. The law provides that St. Johns must become a part of the city of Port laud with nil its appurtenances, which will mean that all the ex- istinc saloon licenses as well as other existing concessions nnd obli gntious must be ncccptcd by this city. There is now nothing in the wny for St. Johns to issue nny nit m bcr of saloon licenses it is said, be fore July 1, 191 1, when it will be come n part of Portland, and these licenses will continue to exist. After the annexation hns been complete, these licenses enn then be transfer red to locations nt nnv noint in Portland where the liquor interests desire to establish saloons. At present the saloons in this city nre limited to their present number, or until the Government census shows that there is one saloon for each 500 inhabitants. When the population exceeds 500 for each saloon, nil additional li cense may be granted for each ad ditional 500 people. Au ordinance is now finding hcfqro the council to limit the saloons to their present number until such time ns there are one for each 1000 inhabitants nnd it is probable that the measure will pass nt the next meeting of the council. Tliis would shut out the liquor interests from obtaining nny more saloons from the council of this city, but it would be nu easy matter to obtain licenses in St. Johns before annexation shall take effect nnd they then could be transferred to any place where it is desired by the liquor interests to locnte saloons. The situation is causing much conjecture, nnd it is said thnt nu effort will be made Ijy ollicials of this city to block any movement of the liquor interests to increase the number of saloons in Portland by such a coup. .Q-- Local and Otherwise ordinance no. 33s. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Fresh milk, buttermilk and cream for sale at Frank Clark's. Harry F,. Wagoner is building two cottages on Willis boulevard. Subscribe for the- St. Johns Hovlow and koop pentad' on tho doings of the cttr. You got full weight and quality at tho Control markot. try awhile. first Just An Ordinance Dcoiaring the Cost of Improving Tyler Street from the Southerly Side Line of Jersey -Street to the Southerly Side Line of Crawford Street in the Citv of St. Johns, and ns- sessine the Property Bene fited Thereby, Declaring Such Assessment and Di recting the Entry of the Same in the Docket of City Liens. r Paid in Capital . . . $25,000.00 Additional Stockholders' Liability under National Banking Laws - 25,000.00 Surplus and Profits . . 5,000.00 ST. JOHNS OREGON All the stores arc putting on holi day attire. Christmas novelties arc to be seen in fine display. 0 Dr. A. S. Douglass has moved with his family from St. Johns to 338 Union avenue, Portland. 0 Miss Lillian S. Perkins, teacher of vocal music and elocution. 402 Crcsliam, corner Charleston. 0 For plain sewing and children's clothes call on Mrs. South, No. 1 819 Willamette Boulevard. There is hardly n house vacant in St. Johns at present. New peo ple arc pouring in here continually. o The City of St, follows: Johns docs onlalu as SUCTION 1. That the council has considered the pro posed assessment for improving Tyler street from Tcrscv street to thesouth line of Crawford street in the city of St.Johns, nud nlloblectlotis umdc thereto. mid here by nsccrtalns.dc tenuities niul declares the whole cost of said Improvement in the manlier provided by ordinance JOo to be the sum of 6o67.6o and that the special and peculiar benefits accruing to each lot. or part thereof or parcel of laud within the assessment district, by reason of said Improvement and in just propor tion o such benefits, arc in the respect ive amounts set opposite the number or description of each lot, or part thereof or parcel 01 land, in trie lonowing an nexed assessment roll, and said assess ment roll, which Is numbered 34i is hercbv adopted and approved as the as sessment for said Improvement, nud the recorder ol the city of St. Johns Is direct ed to enter n statement of the assessment T, . . 1 , hereby made In the docket of city Ileus I have customers to buy houses L,i ...,. nrr thereof to he published and lots 011 installments. What as provided by charter, which have you to list? S. L. Doblc, no "'cut is at follows: Home Furnishings Should be ns neat aud graceful as possible but they should uot cost too much. Our Prices Are Right Wc have some bargains iu Second Haud Furniture. CHARTER OAK Heaters Bargnius iu Second Haud Ranges. St. Johns Furniture Company "CASH or CREDIT." N. Jersey street. The drlvcrsof different vehicles, Ins well as others, arc grateful for the street improvements that St. Johns is1 continually getting. - 0 M. Roland, who formerly lived here and conducted a blacksmith shop, has returned and is working nt the woolen mills at his trade. Lot 7 block 31 11 f 11 I, I n I , .11 II II II II " 13 3 M 11 it 11 11 11 1 W. P. Shepard has taken control of the Central hotel, and promises to conduct it iu first class style iu every way. Mr. Shepard has had considerable experience in the busi ness nud will 110 doubt make n suc cess of his new undertaking. HEATERS HEATERS New Perfection oil heaters. Air tight wood heaters from 55.75 to $8.35. Cast lined wood heaters from $10 to $13.35. Combination wood nud coal heaters from $10 to $1.1.50. Stove boards from 65c to $1.50. Florentine design. We will be pleased to show you our Hue. Knamcl ware and high grade tools. l'Mtik btodenmcier sintered n fnltiful bruise on his hand last week at the woolen mill nud has not been able to work since the ac cident occurred. 17 " 18 t.7s ncrcs Lot 7 block 26 a. " Hendricks Hardware Co. Regular services at First Baptist church next Sunday. Sun day school ion. m.; I). V. P. U. 6:30 I p. m, Sermons 11 and 7:30 p. in. Sec nd. for subjects. 0 Wauled To borrow $500, at I eight per cent. Security, first mort gage on desirable Whitwood Court property valued at 1500.' Address "R" this office. 9 to 11 13 13 14 : 11 11 . . . .... . . . . For sale by Any Real Estate Dealer in St. Johns 50x100 foot lots for $5 cash and $5 monthly Water mains now laid to every lot in 1910 Addition. School house and carline only two blocks from plat. All streets graded at Company's ex pense. There are now 13 houses building on 1910 Addition. You can arrange for building material on motnhly terms. Why pay rent any longer when you can own your home and pay for it out of your monthly earnings? For further information, phone Columbia 80. There is a time nnd a place for all thiugs. Now is the time aud you will find the place at 1 1 1 South Jersey street to hare your clothing cleaned and pressed. it you want to buy, rent, sell or exchange property sec Wolcott, (The Rent Man.) St. Johns Office, 401 South Jersey. Portland Office, 345 Washington Street. Phouc Marshall 1556. 0 " Sidewalks iu which washed ma terial is used are the kind that never have to be takeu up. They have the lasting qualities. Put down by the St. Johns Sand & Gravel Co. Phone Richmond 1571. Lot 1 block if Miner's mldllIou...f 8.33 315 .... 4.13 . . . . J .09 .... 30.03 .... 35.05 .... 40.11 .... 50.15 .... 03. 10 .... 80.38 .... 78.14 .... 63.49 . . 4. I .... 39.07 .... 34.10 30.30 18.69 31.07 35-47 .... 39.14 .... 3&.5 J .... 47'3b .... 58.31 .... 66.57 .... 54oi .... 41.61 .... 33.34 .... 39.03 .... 3S.77 .... 16.93 .... 19.7a .... 33.55 .... 38.37 y... 36.63 :::: S .... 45.65 .... 35.15 .... 38.10 .... 34.57 .... 31.08 14.87 .... 71.81 .... 57-14 .... 43.07 .... 44-39 .... 5905 .... 73.80 ....118, No. 200. Lot 11 block 33 9 10 11. 13 3 M l l 13 14 3 11 1 11 11 11 11 11 if 11 ii 11 11 1 .1 Kejwit of the condition ot the Peninsula Bank at St.Johns U the State of Oreiron. nt the cloic of business Nov. 10, 1910: Kitsotmciis Loans mill discounts Il60.818.4t Overdrafts, secured A uusee'd 374.31 Ilomls, securities, etc ' 5,316,73 Hanking home, furniture ami iixturcs ,. 3,318.93 Due from approval reserve bnnk....fi6.7Q4.ol Checks ami other cash items 633.36 Exchanges forclcnr- in); iioum; 1,910.03 Cash on hand 15.876,91 46.315.31, Total $315,743.68 LiAiiir.mits. Capital stock jmIiI hi 50,000.00 Surplus fund 6,000.00 undivided proms, less expen se ami taxes paid 3,063,40. Dividends unpaid 164.00 Individual deposits subject toclicck 135,473.90 Demand ceitlficntea of depot t 1.848.16 iimecertiucaiesoi detoslt su.oo Certified Checks 3,050.00 Outlier's checks out. . , . standing r.6( savings deposit,.. 35,554.57 Lot 1 block 18 St. Johns II'tsAil'n 39 3 7 " 7. !? 8 " 9 10 II 13 Block U T 11 11 11 1 11 1 11 ii i. I should have iiumedintc attention. Nuilhur should the free ferrv prop osition be allowed to slumber. Whuthur we couiolidntv with Port laud or not next July, these things nre uuvdud nud we cnu help our selves just ns well ns others enn do it for us. Albinn bonded htTM-df heavily before consolidation, nud there is no reason why we should not do likewise. Mot of us will remain iu St. John for years to come, and while we may differ with one another aw to the virtue of con solidation, there should be 110 differ ence of opinion iu regard to secur ing the things we need and should haw. Whether the vote stands ns recorded Inst week, or whether it i eventually thrown out by the courts, we should still work hur mouiously to secure those things wluch would inure to our bene fit. According to City Attorney Col lier's opinion regarding the legality oi the vote upon annexation, this city will become n part of Portland the first day of next July, lie also stated that it might be difficult to sell bonds on a jmrk, sidetrack to the dock, etc., on that account. If this is true, St. Johns cnu expect little along the line of public im provement for years to come. Mayor bimou is now advocating economy iu public improvements, nnd the ones petitioned for will rightfully receive attention before St. Johns can expect anything. We under stand, however, that Albinn bonded herself heavily after a vote ii)oh annexation had been takeu in the affirmative aud before annexation really took place, if this is true, why should we not take u chuiice on it? It is rumored that KuUky, the fugitive forger, has been captured iu Michigan". A Quiet Wedding A very pleasant wedding oc curred nt the home of Mrs. Myrtle Weeks on Willamette boulevard last Monday nt 4:30 p. 111. The con tracting partie. were Mr. Charles W. Wakefield of Dryad, Wash., and Mrs. Kosaliiia 1,. Trnsk, who bus made her home with Mis. Weeks for some time' past. In the presence of a number of guests, friends of the bride, the ceremony was informed nud the twain became liitfabntid nud wife. After congratulations the bridal party took their departure by auto mobile for Portland, whence they intend to go to their new home nt Dryad, Wash. V, N. Saudifer offi-cinted. Bids Wanted The building committee of school district No. 2 will receive bids un til November 10, 1010, for grading, erecting retaining wall nud walks for the high school grounds. Plans and specifications may be .seen at the clerk's oflico. Per order Hoard of Directors. J. K. TANCH, Clerk. For Exchange. I,os Angeles 5-room cottage for St. Johns property, either improved or vacant. 6-room house at Rodoudo beach ueur I.os Angeles, for Portland vicinity projerty. See S. W. ROGKRS, Phone Jersey 94 1 309 No. Jersey 25 DISCOUNT On all Millinery Goods at the VOGUE A splendid line of the choicest Up-To-Date hats to select from Also a well selected line of Fur Muffs and Shawls. Eiler Pianos for sale. Prize checks can be used on all Pi anos. MRS. A.. STUCKER 41 8 Jersey St. AU our moats nre- government ln pcte1 p id the best that money can jr are neatly and careful ...u.'.. Co mo in and leave your ordor for free delivery. Ward's Control Market Lot ii 11 S R Q V J K h M N U 6 block 5 " 4' " 11 11 1 ii 11 11 ii Proach tho gospel of BU Johns. Nervous Troubles of all kinds yield quickly to Chiropractic Methods Consultation and iuation free. exam- DR. H. 0. BROWN CHIROPRACTOR Office nud Residence, 415 Kellogg Street. 1 block East of Postoffice Hours 1:30 to 7:00 p. in. Lady Assistant 1 3 i 1 3 3 4 I 7 30 31 33 35 34 35 36 I 3 5 4 7 30 31 33 33 4 35 36 I II 35 Miner's Add'n , 34 11 ii it ii 11 11 11 11 n 11 1 i M II II II II II II II II tl II II It II II tl II II II II II 34.33 , 34.91 31. 16 , 19.33 14.94 7.33 31.18 30.51 34.37 43.37 384.37 313.66 30I.&4 3JM4 315.83 301,04 358.57 333.66 313.57 350.35 320.34 335.6X IO.38 0.45 . it'M 6-53 11.97 54.06 46.45 33.81 38.71 36,19 30.39 9.91 1&.93 34.36 31.31 34.34 40.48 5545 64.6a 40.53 34.77 35.34 31.51 19.64 15.19 7.41 9.69 I9.SJ 35.55 38.04 33.94 45.33 53.77 !57i68l.8 Total lm.7Jv63 State of Oregon, I Lounty 01 .Muittiomali, " I. Clmrtrs A. Wood, raililer nf tlir sIkjvc named hunk, do solemnly swear Hint the above statement Is true to the best of 111 knowledge ami lllef. tuanesA. wood, Cashier. RtllrtCrlltcd ami sworn to hrfore me. this the 17th day of Nov., 1910. uco. J. rcrkins, Notary Public, Multnomah county, Ore. l'eter Autien. Correct Attest: M. I,. Holbrook, Kooert Treat I'latt, Directors, No. 8047. Report of the condition of the First National Bank st St. Johns, in the state of Oreeon. at thcclokcot business Nov. 10, 1910: Husouucns. Loans and discounts tiii.8.f Overdrafts, secured & unsec'tl 78.47 U.b. bonds to sccurecirculatioii 35,000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 750.00 Ilonds, Securities, etc 16.033.31 Bankinj; house, furn(ture and fixtures vojo.oo Due from State and Private Hanks, and Hankers, Trust Com pa 11 lei and Savings Ranks M.6S7.6 Due from approved re serve agents,., 33.37i.67 Checks and other cash Items 027.10 Notes of other Na. tionsl Dank qk.oo rracuonai paper cur-rency.iickels.ceuts Lawful money reserve in bank. vU: Specie . . Keuetnptlon fund witti u. &. treasurer (S perct, of circulation) 37.73 9.419.9 Total of assessment I6.067.60 or Subscrlbo for owning paper ou Ed Stockton. the Telegram best tiia coast. See How Is Your Title? Have your ubstracts made, con- timtetl or examined at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co Accurnte work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, Muuager, 120 North Jersey street. tflttfc There will be work in dp' the initiatory degree next Monday night aud we would like to have all the boys come out. There will be a good time aud you can't afford to miss it. C. P. Gates, R. S. NOTICE. I will offer for sale to the right cash bidder on Saturday, December 10, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the St. Johns Furniture Co. at bt. joims, Oregon, one cottage organ 10 sausty storage charges. R. Wilcox. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 11 A. M. The Kind of a Revival We Need Conrad L. Owen, Pastor 7:30 P. M. ' Attention, Please Ladies who wish plaiu sewinir done at very reasonable rates, call on Maggie Undefhill, 229 West Mohawk. The Scribe who was Desciple. im EVERY SUNDAY Cor. Chicago 4 Laonard Sti. A. M. ESSON, Recorder Passed by the council this l lth day of novemoer, 1910. Approved by the mayor this 15th day 10 novemoer. 1910, J. V. HENDRICKS, Mavor. Attest; A. M. ESSON, Recorder. Published iu the St. lohns Review November 18, igio, DOCTOR DOUGLASS Th Chiropractor 308 Ablngton Bldg. Office Hours: 9 to 12 m., 1 t.05 p.m. and treatments at residence. 118 union Ave., evenings. Phones: Office. Main u8: Resi dence, Hast 4092. Proach the gospel ot St. Johns. 1,350.00 49.513.95 Total 118,147.46 LlAUILITIKS. Capital stock paid in..,., 35,000.00 unuivioeti pronts, less expen ses and taxes naid 6.068.01 National bank notes outstand'g 35,000.00 Individual deposits subject to check... io.6o8.87 Demand certificates of deposit Ii.d07.t6 Time deposits 38,383.91 Ceitified checks iio.oo Cashier' checks out- sianuing 4.I4&.J3 '6'.'7gt-53- Total 318,147.46 State ot Oregon, I . County of Multnomah M - . j . I, P. P. Drinker, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly su-rar that th above statement is true to the best of ray knowledge and belief. . I'. I'. Drinker, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn' to Ix-fnr'p me this 17th day of Nov., 1910. Henry Henderson, Notary Public, Multnomah county, Ore. Sylvester Peterson. correct Attest: A. K. lobes, R.M ta: 4 Work for t Greater 8t Jobu.