MtorCfl Society ST. JOHNS REVIEW 1Tb INUW UF 1U YUU II GET IN THE HABIT Of 4rrtll0g In THIS Ppw nd you'll nTtrrirt It. Be tin at one add ktp right at II ToiubKrltw for THIS Pptr. All lh nw while II It ntwi It our malic. Call In and tnroll Devoted to the Interest ol the Penlniula, the Manufacturlnj Center of the Northweit VOL. 7 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. igio. NO. a High School Notes J. II. W., Editor A Freshman's Vimv. High School life Is pleasant, High School lire Is great, But life without the Freshmen Would be a monstrous fake, We thank the noble Juniors For their helping hand, And swear that all the High School Will by them always stand. The Sophs boast of taking Iu the dead of night, A pcuuaut from the flag-pole That surpassed tlicir's out of sight. But listcu, all yc Sophies, Listen, while I say That when the Freshmcu do a deed, They do It In the day. That's why wc boast of spirit, That's why wc boast of sand, Wc do our deeds in day time, And by each other stand. Of alt the mysteries those which have occurcd down at the Jas. John High School are the most puzzling. Those artistic hieroglyphics of the Sopht nio es and Juniors painted on the sl cwdks on lust Hallowe'en night, have been more thnueqti.iUd this week by Sophomore and Junior pennants appearing on the flagstaff of the school house as If by magic. When the Juniors gained the first laurels on Hallowe'en night, they thought that the Sophs were van quished, but their victory was of short duration, for the Sophs have come back with double force and with the aid of the Seniors have scored by being the first to hoist their pennant to the flagstaff. They have also kept it there u little longer than the Juniors have. But as the Sophs were before, the Juniors arc not vanquished, so the Sophs must keep n sharp lookout. Watch this space for developments. A I'AKODV. Twinkle! twinklcl What Is that? "Pinky" Smith without his hat, Up above the fog so high, Tacking pennants to the sky. When the Juniors are at rest, Sleeping soundly with the blest, Then you see his top-piece bright, Swaying, swaying, late at night. "Poet Laureate." JUNIOK'S AKSWICK, Rappiiigl Rapping! What is that? Junior Whistler with a slat On which a Junior pennant flies, Which he places iu the skies. While the Sophomores tucked In bed, Think the Juniors surely dead, But when they wake up in the morn, They see the flagstaff of tlieh peu naut shorn. And in its place a Junior's proud, Flaunting gaily above the crowd Of classmates, there below, Whogrowl because they were so slow. "Shakespeare." "Oh, Thosk Sophs!" Ah Ha! there, Loyal Junior, Those Sophs! Are you Biire they're dead? You may have thought them sickly, But 'twas just a trance Instead. They showed the Sophomore spirit, When they climbed the flagpole high, And placed their gallaut pennant, To wave aloft in the sky. Give again three cheers for the Seniors, Who with the good Sophs, too, Tore down the rag of. the Juniors, And pliced their' s up anew. And last, three groans for. the' Juniors, They are slukiug fast to their grave, They're tio match for the Sopho ' mores, My grand old friends so brave. "Poet Laureate." The Frkshiks' Fkiend. Hurrah for the loyal Juniors! They say rtis time you die, But that's not so, for we all know Our pennant floats on high: Then ho, Juniors! Sound the war note! Ho, Freshies! Clear the wayl Our classes stride, in all their pride, Aloug the halls today. Today the flagpole gaily ".Flings our pennant bold, Which goes to show that we'll not lay Within the ground so cold "Shakespeare." Mr. Hughes Speech. ' Last Friday Mr. Hughes of the Council Proceedings All members responded to rol coll at the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday night, with Mayor Ucntlrlcks presiding as usual. The grist of business before the body was unusually light. A remonstrance was received from three property owners on Ty Icr street objecting to the nnpor tioumcnt of cost for improvement of same, but the remonstrance made Its appearance too late for revision. No action was taken in regard to it. Claims against the city to the amount of $284.19 were allowed on motion of Councilman Johnson. An ordinance apportioning the cost for the improvement of Tyler street was passed on motion of Alderman Davis, The attorney was directed to prepare the necessary document for an casement over the Weyerhaeuser laud for the purpose of laying a sewer. The chairman of the street com mlttcc was asked to formulate a plan and make a recommendation for a suitable tip.iroacli to the new citv dock. Councilman Davis urged that work iilm.g the line of the Improve- in nt of Dawson strict be pushed with all possible speed. The en gineering department was instructed to take the matter up at the earliest opportunity. Mr. Davis also made a motion thul tin) recorder be instructed to request Mayor Simon to appoint 11 member from St. Johns on the dock committee, which he is empowered to appoint. The motion was lost for want of u second, the other members of council believing it to be u little early to expect anything from Portland. Councilman Downey stated that he knew of no man iu St. Johns fitted for such a position. Ah requested by council last week, Attorney Collier gave a writ ten opinion as to the legality of the recent vote upon annexation. He believed it was perfectly legal and that the vote would stand as re corded, St. Johns becoming part of Portland the first day of next July. Au ordinance assessing the co.U of Tyler street was passed. A Query Editor Review: The deed re celved from James John regarding the Inch school grounds specifically states that It was deeded to "the city of St. Johns for school pur poses," and "heirs and assigns" are not mentioned. Now the ques tion forces itself to the surface: If the city Is dissolved next July, to whom will the grounds revert to the heirs of James John, or ttic city of Portland? Reader. This Is a nuestlon we are not pre pared to answer, not being familiar . . . at t 1 with ttie strict wording 01 me need. On the face of the proposition it looks as If the heirs might have a "fighting chunce" at least. Ed. Pleasant Evening Spent One of the most enjoyable social events of the season was given last Saturday evening. It was In the nature of a birthday party given by Mrs. A. Stuckerat her home, 116 Mohawk street, in honor of her daughter, Grace, aud Miss Mae Johnson of Portland and was a very successful evening of entertainment. The house was beautifully deco rated for the occasion and the even ing was spent In an enjoyable man ner, games and music being the leading An elegant sup per was served at 1 1 :3o, followed by a number of songs, after which the invited guests, uumbering about thirty, departed to their sev eral hbmes in the best of spirits. P. R. L. & P. Co., and of the Pub lie. Safety League, addressed the students of the James John High on the subject of public safety. He gave-us a very iuterestiug speech, telling us of the various kinds of accidents and the -way to avoid them. Humor was not altogether lacking His account of the un timely end of "Father Knicker bocker," killed by a subway, after escaping submarines, airs nips, steamboats, automobiles, etc., was very amusing. Mr, Hughes is an interesting speaker, holding the at tention of bis hearers all the time. This was shown by the hearty ap plause given him as he left the room, Lost Black and white pointer dog, three large black spots- over hip, black head with stripe, lame left fore leg. Return to 171 .Fourth street, Portland. Reward. Exciting Glove Contests One of the most interesting and exciting glove exhibitions ever pulled off on the peninsula will take place in the skating rink tonight under the auspices of the St. Johns Athletic association. Bud Audcr son and Bobby Evuns, between whom exists au intense rivalry, will furnish the leading attraction in a ten round go. They arc two of the best 133 pound men on the Pacific Coast and the bout will be full of 1IOIII1Y It VANS of life and ginger. Both have dc- fcated a number of good ihcn. Three fast preliminaries have been scheduled: Fred Abcruathy aud Kid Gillcn will meet iu a six-round setto at 128 pounds. Joe Lynch and Fred Miller, 13s pounders, will meet iu a four round bout, aud ack Perry aud Alex Grant will meet in u four round fight at us rounds. Jack Day will referee. Preliminaries start at 8:30. All lovers of good boxing should 11 nowise miss this event tonight. Sold Tobacco to Minors Pitchford Bros, were arrested and convicted before Judge Downs' court last week 011 the charge of selling tobacco to boys under 18 years of age. They were taxed the minimum flue with costs. Judge Downs stated that the "next of fender need not expect to get the minimum" in his court. The following is the law 011 the subject from Bellinger aud Cotton's Code aud Statutes of Oregon: Article 1980: It shall be unlaw ful to sell, barter, trade, give, or in any manner furnish to any minor under the age of eighteen years, any tobacco, cigars, or cigarettes in any form, or any comjiotind in which tobacco forms a component part, without the writteti consent pr order ot sucti minor s parent or guardian; and when such minor has no parent or guardian, then, in that case, consent may be given by the county court, sitting for the transaction of county business, up on proper application in the county in which said minor may have his resideuce. Any persou violating the provisions of this act shall, Upon conviction, oe lined in any sum not les than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Article 1981: It shall be unlaw fill for any minor under the age of eighteen years to smoke or iu any way to use any cigar, cigarette, or tobacco in any form whatsoever in auy public highway, street, place, square, or resort. Auy minor vio lating the provisions oi this act shall, upon conviction, in any sum not less than one nor more thau ten dollars, or by imprisonment at the option of the court, two days for each offence. ' . By reference to a notice published elsewhere in this issue, it will be noted that the school board is ad vertising for bids on the grading of (be school grounds around the new high school building near the city halt, and also for the erection of a retaining wall and walks. This Is something that will meet with the approbation of all. When this work is completed in first class style the appearance of the high-school build ing will be improved 100 per cent. Realty dealers cf the state are to be, asked, to atteud'the annual con vention of the-Oregon Develop ment League at Salem during the last three days of November. It is felt that these t'vo organizations can accomplish a great deal by com ing together and working for the advancement of the whole state. It is expected the realty men will hold tbelr first annual gatberiug at the same time as the Development League convention. Work lor a Greater St John. sip A Place in Your Home Is THERE n place for. YOUR boy in the home? Not long ago was printed in the Ashland News a letter from "A Boy's Friend." The writer said he had asked a certain young fellow why he spent so much time on the streets. "There's no place at home for me," was the answer. Would that be YOUR boy's answer, if asked the same question ? Let this soak Into your thoughts. Isn't it a. fact that In many homes there is no place for the boy ? Isn' t It a fact that iu many homes he is made to feel that he is not clean enough to use the parlor, not care ful enough to be allowed any of the privileges granted his sister? Is it any wonder he takes to the streets, where the open world awards him at least n few rights; where he is of consequence to at least some persons, however un worthy? Think this over! The boy is the biggest thing iu the world. This statement is not intended to reflect iipon the girl. It Is recorded merely as au utterance of fact. He is power in the tuak- utr. aud the power within his active, awkward frame will be right or ruin, according to the guidance given it. The careless ness that brushes a Hand-painted plate off the parlor mantel needs only the gentle grooming of the right sort of mother to recast into the lliouglitfulucss that will make a path to a home of his own. The enthusiasm that now escapes in needless noises can be fitted to such fine purposes and civic responsi bility. Better his hoots should track the carpet with stains that wilt come off, than that the sight of the spotless lloor-coverliig should remind tcar-dimmcd eyes of moral stains on the soul for which that clean carpet Is the price. lo develop gentleness in t lie average boy is not a difficult task. It requires patience and persever ance, out everything worm while demands some measure of these virtues. But aside from the case or difficulty involved, this is -the main oint the boy MUST have a place 1 the home! It must be given him in such a way as to make him feel that the home is incomplete without him: that his absence is as much to be deplored as father's or mother's; that he is a member of the great firm of Home and Family, to which we are indebted for nearly all the best things we have Ex change. Stories nt Less Tlitm Apiece n Cent In the fifty-two issues of a year's volume, the Youth's Companion muts fully two hundred and fifty stories. The subscription price of the paper is but Si. 75, so that the stories are less than n cent apiece, without reckoning iu all the rest of the contents anecdotes, humorous sketches, the doctor's weekly arti cle, papers on popular topics by famous men and women, Although the two hundred aud fifty stories cost so little, they are not cheap stories. In variety of scene, diversity of incident, skill and truth in character-depicting, they cannot be excelled. The Announcement' for 191 1, beautilully illustrated, giving more detailed particulars of these stories and other new features which great ly enlarge the paper, will be sent to any address free with sample copies 01 current issues. Every new subscriber receives free the Companion's Art Calendar for 1911, lithographed in thirteen colors and gold, and If the subscrip tion is received at once, all the is sues for tiie remaining weeks of tYiE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley St. Boston, Mass. New subscriptions received at this office. Come to the taffy pull! There will be music and fun. Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Brown will entertain the members of the Epworth League and their friends at their home, No, 415 Kellogg street, one block east of the postoffice, on Tues day evening, Nov. aid. Come old, middle aged and young and lorget your troubles. Bring ten cents for the benefit of the League treasury. Ashland claims it will have the most beautiful street in Oregon when its new boulevard is com pleted. This thorolighfare will be 100 feet in width, with paving on both sides of a park row in the cen ter that will be beautified with 'trees and shrubbery. The paving will be completed uext spring. Preach the goapel of St. John. "Socialism on the Wane" Editor Review: Feeling some what blue on reading au article in the Orcgouian under the above caption, I took occasion to look up the vote ot the socialist party from Its tirst appearance to date. I find that iu 1892 the Socialist party for the first time nominated a presidential ticket iu the United States. The party had tickets iu six stales and polled n vote of 21,- 512. Aud thereafter ts follows: 1896 36.275 i9o 85,971 1904 442,000 9o 449.379 1910 I,20d,000 (Conceded by Capitalist Press). It will be readily seen that doub ling the vote every four years from 1892 down to the presidential elec tion of 1908, the vote should have been 344,192, whereas the actual vote was over a hundred thousand greater, 449,379. But now in only l'WO YEARS of Republican pros erlty, at a bi-electiou, with noth ing to especially Influence the vote, we nave practically multiplied the vote by two aud three-fourths. Iu 1908 the vote was as follows: 1'aft 71637.676 6,393. L82 419.379 Bryan Debs . Total 14,480,236 There arc three more such two year periods up to 1916. Now get your cucil mid figure what will be the Socialist majority over all other parties iu 1916 at that rate of in crease, remembering 1 alls ri speech iu Boston, Dec. 30,1907, as follows: "Ifthu anuses of monopoly and discrimination cannot be restrained, if the concentration of power made possible by such abuses continue and increases, and it is made mani fest that under the system of in dividualism and private property the tyranny of oppression of an oli garchy of wealth cannot be avoided, then bocialism will triumph, aud the Institution of private property will perish." OI Geel I feel blue. G. L. Perdue. Judge liolcomb Dead Tilts community was startled Sunday morning when it became known that Judge W. W. liolcomb had passed to the great beyond In the early morning hours. The Judge was a native of this state, having been born at West Union, Washington county, April 11, 1853. He was graduated from the Pacific University and was admitted to the bar iu 1879, after which he prac ticed his profession in Oregon and Washington. He went to Los An geles in 1890, where he established au enviable reputation as a criminal lawyer. Poor health, however, caused him to give up his large practice there and come North. His last apearuucc before the bar was In defence of the Finch murder case iu Portland. The first of this year he came to St. Johns, where he made his home until his death. He had recently finished buildiiiir u handsome residence on New York street iu the nature of a surprise for his wife who has been making nu extended visit in California. They had lived iu the new home but one short week when death came. Heart failure was the cause of his demise. Judge liolcomb was a poet of considerable ability, a number of his productions having been pub lished in the Review aud also iu many of the more prominent news papers and periodicals. He leaves wile, residing iu at. Johns; his mother, Mrs, Amanda liolcomb; three brothers, Charles, Abraham aud Frank, and one sister, Mrs. Belle Wilson, all residing at the home farm in West Union, and one brother, Grant liolcomb of Spring field, Oregon. The funeral services took place at the home Thursday morning, attended by a large con course of friends of the deceased. Interment took place at the West Union cemetery. . Judge liolcomb was a man great ly Interested in the welfare aud up building of St. Johns. He had many times remarked that St. Johns was in all respects the most desirable city in which he had ever resided. He was a familiar figure upon our streets, and will be great lv missed. Ever readv to aid and assist all in distress, his pocket pook was also always open to advance auy object tending to promote the welfare of St. Johns. He was a splendid specimen of manhood, tall, massively built aud of robust ap pearance. Of a pleasant, genial disposition, he made friends rapidly, aud kept them, See F. W. Valentine for real es tate and insurance. 204 N. Jersey. Water Consumers Water consumers in Portland hereafter will have to pay for the pipes of landowners. Such Is to be the effect of the new charter amendment. Great many persons votcu tor the amendment, desiriuc to compel tiou-propcrticd consumers thus to case the tax burdens of landowners. The next effort iu this water bltsi iicss will be that of consumers, seeking to shift the burden of lay ing mains 'and maintaining the water system to taxpayers that Is, "free" water for consumers. This Issue will come up iu due time, and the Orcgouian, along with citizens who oppose "free" things for those who use them and benefit from them, will insist that persons aud families that use water shall pay a fair price for it, just as this paper has insisted that landowners who benefit from new mains shall pay fairly for the Improvement. 1 lie one merit of the new amend ment is that it will compel many Persons who nav no taxes and own no responsibility to property and care little or nothing for tax bur dens it will compel them now, as water consumers, to contribute to th benefit aud ease of landowners. It was this consideration o! the question that gave the amendment many votes, perhaps enough to en act it. It is obvious that the new amend ment means. HIGH MONTHLY KATES FOR WATER iu Port- laud. It makes impossible auy sub stantial reduction in those rates. Orcgouian. Farewell Party A farewell party was tendered Mr. aud Mrs. E. C. Hurlbcrt nt the residence of O. E. Learned Monday evening by the Thimble Club. A feast, composed of all that was best in the culinary art, and which was declared by many to be the best they had enjoyed iu many days, was spread at 0:30. The ladles of the club fulrly out did themselves and proved that there are some splendid cooks in St. Johns. A beautiful cake fork was given Mrs. Hurlbcrt as a test! moiiial of the high esteem iu which she is held. The evening was spent iu a pleasant manner, and all tendered their best wishes to Mr. aud Mrs. Hurlbcrt for a pleasant, safe and enjoyable trip, They left yesterday for Howell's Station, New York, where they will remain Indefinitely. Seriously Injured Miss Margaret Van Bogart met with n painful accident Tuesday night ot last week, ihe was hurry ing to catch a street car at the Rich moiKi street stop, aud when near the polling place at Learned' real estate office, she stepped into an unprotected telephone hole. She was badly wrenched and bruised by being violently thrown to the ground, and was picked up by sev eral men who were at the booth at the time. Her injuries arc said to be quite serious, Big Mining Deal The biggest mining deal iu the history of the state took place dur ing the past week when the Rain bow Mine, iu the Mormon Basin, near Baker, was bonded to tlie United States Smelting, Refining & Mining Co, for $1, 050,000. The purchasers have four mouths iu which to look over the property and make a cash payment of $250, 000. At the end of six months the balance of the purchase price is to be paid. This is one of the ist known properties in the state, aud has a gold production of about $200,000 to its credit. Makes His Escape E. C. Hurlbcrt, who made such a strong fight for annexation, aud who pictured iu glowing colors the great benefits to be derived by an nexation, that taxes would be low er and values higher, cheap water, cheap insurance, cheap gas, aud many other desirable things too numerous to mention, showed his faith in his prophecy by selling his home and leaving this week for the East. That is one of the bad fea tures. The "otitis" who want to keep their property and make St. Johns their home, are the ones who have to bear the burden Imposed by those who want to get away. A Great Showing The fruit crop of the Hood River district for 1910 is valued at ap proximately Si, 000,000. One monster log, the biggest ever sawed in the Conuillc Vallev. Coos County, was 9 feet iu diame ter aud made 11.0000 feet of um ber. Eight acres near Eutrenc pro- dticed 103 bales of hops, which is over 2,500 pounds an acre. The Mount Hood Railway & Power company has started a saw mill near Bull Run with a canacitv of 30,000 fect daily. It will saw ties almost exclusively. Much interest is manifested in walnut culture in Orecon. and the fact that trees of bearing age arc loaded with nuts of fine oualitv gives great encouragement to grow ers. Crook county contains one of the argest bodies of irriniblc laud iu the West, having 350,000 acres. Oregon's apple crop is uainimr on the original estimates and the State Board of Horticulture places the 1910 yield at 1,250,000 boxes. Postal receipts for Portland for October show nn increase of 22.65 cr cent over the corresponding month of last year. Morover. the atcst figures are the biggest lu the ilstory of the city. Two great conventions of na tional interest are already scheduled tor l'ortland next year. They are the gathering of the woolnrowcrs of the country next January and the session of the Christian church icrc next July. Lake Countv lauds, n few veurs ago considered worthless, are now producing splendid alfalfa seed sell- ug at 15 cents er pound. Exports from Portland during October totaled 11,511,476 feet of lumber and 1,173,240 bushels of wheat. A Big Industry Down iu Kenton, the fast grow ing manufacturing center near Port laud, there is being erected a plant for the manufacture of asphalt felt roofing and building p.iers, .some thing that has been needed in this section for some time. The com pany is organized under the laws of Oregon with n paid up capital of $50,000, The company has secured a factory site containing nbout six acres adjoining the Nicolai Door Company's plant and east of the Davis Safe & Lock Works. It ex tends from the Columbia Boulevard to the Columbia Slough and Is very advantageously located. Ground for the building was broken last week and u switch is now being graded, which will er mit of the loading of six cars nt a time. The main building will be nearly 200 feet square aud built iu such a manner as to allow of ex tension without interfering with the business. A reinforced con crete building 40x40 feet will be erected aud used for the boiler room aud melting room. The machinery for the new plant is being manufactured iu Philadel phia ami is to arrive iu Portland so that it can be installed and manu facturing of the company's products started by February 1 of next year. This plant will be the only one of its kind within n radius of 700 miles, most of the building paper aud roofing used iu this section of the country being manufactured iu the East, and heavy freight charges are necessarily added, making the cost to the consumer corresponding ly advanced. The raw materials can be pro cured iu Portland just as cheap, if not cheaper, than iu the East, aud the plant here should be able to control the trade of the entire Northwest. The factory will give employment to about 35 men at the start and will probably produce about 150 carloads of the finished material per annum, Abstract. Oregon will have a special day at the Chicago Laud Show, it havimr been fixed on November 30. Ore gon people will be iu charge of the program and special exercises will be held iu the lecture room of the Coliseum in honor of the occasion. Under the direction of the Harri- man Hues iu this territory, a splen did exhibit of Oregon products has been gathered that will be shown at Chicago, excellent space having been secured for it. The products of the state on view there will be explained by competent lecturers iu charge aud the state generally will irofit very largely from the show ng to be made, Note the Ubel on your paper.