St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 11, 1910, Image 1

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    Historical Bociity
01 admitting In THIS Paptr
and you'll ntrtrrttrtt It. 0c
In at one and Ittap tUht at II
ToiutiKftU for THIS Piper.
All Iht niwi white It li ntwi ti
our motto. Call In and enroll
Deroted (o the Interest of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 7
NO. 1
A Majority of
About 75 per cent of the voters of St. Johns availed
themselves of the privilege of casting their ballots Tues
day. The election passed off in a quiet and orderly man
ner, and little or no enthusiasm was manifested one way
or another. Most interest centered around the vote on
annexation, although it was generally understood that the
vote would not be a legal one. The question will now, no
doubt, be allowed to rest until next July.
State wide prohibition was, defeated in St. Johns by
40 votes, and Home Rule carried by 6 votes.
West, democratic candidate for governor, carried this
city by 75 votes.
The democrats made great gains throughout the coun-
try. New York. New Jersey. Connecticut. Massachusetts.
(3Ki8f Oklahoma, Colorado, Oregon, Wyoming, Alabama,
South Carolina, Texas and North Dakota have all elected
democratic governors from present indications.
In Portland the amendment providing for the issue
of $2,500,000 worth of bonds for public docks and also the
amendment providing that water mains shall be paid from
the water fund have carried. This means that water rates
in Portland will have to be materially increased to meet
this additional expenditure.
Kelly Butte and Sylvan voted against annexation with
Following was the vote in St. Johns:
Second Congressional. District.
Crawford, soc 80
Lafferty, rep 297
Manning, deni 190
Pratt, prohi.',.., , 79
For Governor
Bowerman, rep .236
Eaton, prohl... 55
Richards, soc..,..., 68
West, dent 311
Secretary of State
Benson, rep. 331
Davis, prohi 79
McDonald soc too
Oliver, dem 135
State Treasurer
Butler, prohl - 130
Kay, rep. 359
Often; soc 137
" Justice Sup. Court, 4-years
Bean', rep 327
Bright, prohi 116
McBride, non-political , .32!
Myers, soc 96
Ryan, soc,, 96
Slater, non-political... 146
Justice Sup. Court 6:years
Burnett, rep 301
Jones, soc 105
King, non-political. 243
Moore, non-political 281
Ramp, soc 92
Attorney General
Brix, soc 149
Crawford, rep , 434
Supt, Public Instruction '
Alderman, rep,..,,. . , 303
Hinsdale, soc ,, 95
Homer, dem, 130
Steel, prohi 106
State Printer
Bykadet, soc........ 97 1
62 Votes Secured at the Mock
Election Tuesday
Vote in St.
Duuuiway, rep 360
Godfrey, dem .'....152
Commissioner of Labor
Curry, soc ,.113
Hoff, rep , ,.355
Houston, dem . . ., 146
. Railroad Commissioner
McLain, dem, ,....,,,.218
Miller, rep 348
State Engiueer
Koob, soc .155
Lewis, rep . 428
Div. Supt of Water, No. 1
Chinnock, rep .456
Judge Circuit Court, Dept. No. i
Kavanaugh, non-political, . . . , .463
Judge Circuit Court, Dept. No. 1
Cleland, non-political 234
McGinn, rep-dem ..312
Judge Circuit Court, Dept No. 5
Ditchburn, rep 183
Gateus, non-political 350
Senator 14th District
Baldwin, prohi 161
Malurkey, rep-dem 369
Representative 7 th District
Chatten, W. H 455
Senator 13th District
Joseph, rep-dem 324
Paget, prohi 107
Robinson, soc ....104
State Senator to fill vacancy
Keating, soc 139
Locke, rep ,..,366
Representative 18th District
Abbott, 302
Ambrose, 298
Amme 288
Bigelow, , . . . , 286
Bryant, 295
Clemeus 301
Clyde, 289
Cole, 7v 277
Collins, , 299
Cottel, '. 272
Fouts,, , 311
Rushlight, v, ...316
Berry 127
Grussi, ,..105
Sleret 111
Steveuson, 137
Stone, .118
Thompson, ............117
Van Diizer, . 124
Verstecg, , .110
Watson ,.,....145
. Prohibition
Amos 96
Barnes, ,,, 86
Clutterhatn,.' , . 84
Eaton, , 86
Fraley, , . . 76
Hubbard, 83
Miller, . 92
Sherman 80
Thompson,....., '., 83
Wisborg 74
Wolverton ,., 96
- 95
.. 89
.. 83
Lloyd, ,
Madison, , 91
Martel, 81
Obermeyer, , , . 81
Ruberg , , , , 80
Salmela, . ,, 80
Streiff, ,.. 81
Sollivan.v.'. 86
County Judge
Clcctou, rep 430
Dabritz, soc 98
De Graff, prohi 86
Comity Commissioner
Harrison, prohi 94
Hart, rep-dem 400
Hiuck, soc 98
County Sheriff
Daggett, dem ti8
Morrow, prohi. 80
Newman, soc 86
Stevens, rep 360
County Clerk
Dorfinan, soc 93
Fields, rep-dem 328
Northrup, prohi 181
Scott, nntl assembly 177
County Treasurer
Barzcc, soc 140
Lewis, rep 439
County Auditor
Lewis, soc 138
Martin, rep . 442
County? Surveyor
Arutjcn, soc 157
Holbrook, rep., j 321
- CouutyiCoroucr
Hall, prohl 83
Newman, soc 101
Norden, rep. 283
Skcwcs. nnti assembly 129
St. Johns, Justice of the Peace
Downs, rep-dem 516
St. Johns Constable
Ashby, rep-dem 318
Perrinc, soc 277
Amendments, Initiatory and Ref
erendum measures.
Foe woman's suffrage
Yes.. 210 No 290
Eastern Oregon state hospital..
Yes 277 No 165
Delegates to revise Constitution of
state. .Yes. .147 No 273
1 u iwuisii it 1 mini: iui ciwuiiuu ui
senators and representatives. . . .
Yes.... IJ7 No 3,3
... .I!...-!-. ........ r t...i r
public puroscs only
Yes.. 209 No 192
Authorizing state, counties and
municipalities 'to build railroads:
Yes.... 195 No 203
For uniform rule of taxation
Yes.... 160 No 184
Increase of salary of Judge of 8th
district from $3,000 to 14,000 the
increase to be paid by Baker Co.
Yes.. . . 66 No.. ..327
AliailllWI lulling , . .
Yes.. 138 No,.. ...200
I XT...,. ..III. ...... ..I..
For pumanetit Normal School at
Monmouth. .Yes.. 264 No.. .167
To create the county of Otis..
Yes..:oi No 221
To annex part of Clackamas coun
ty to Multnomah
Yes, 136 No 268
To create Williams county
Yes.. 93 No 225
To abolish poll tax and place regu
lation of taxation in the hand of
the counties regardless of statutes
Yes,. 2 17 No 187
Home Rule amendment
Yes..22 No...... 256
Employer Liability Bill
Yes.. 325 No .133
To create Orchard county
Yes.. 87 No 233
To create Clark county
Yes.. 98 No 222
For State Normal School at Weston
Yes., 222 No 178
To annex part of Washington Co.
to Multnomah
Yes.. 129 No. 240
For State Normal at Ashland . ,
Yes.. 197 No..,,,, 186
Prohibition amend, to Constitution
Yes.. 245 No 285
Prohibit manufacture and sale, of
intoxicating liquors in Oregon
Yes.. 253 No 293
Creating board of commissioners on
Employers Liability
Yes., 189 No 201
To prevent taking fish from Rogue
River or any of its tributaries
Yes.. 259 No 125
To create county of Deschutes
Yes .112 No 211
To limit action looking to creation
of new towns and counties to the
territory affected by' the change
Yes. . 172 No 165
Good roads amendment
Yes. .277 No ..... 128
To include the nominationof presi
dential candidates in the action
of the direct primaries
Yes. .223 No 162
To provide for inspector of govern
ment ana ine pruning 01 an om
cial state magazine containing a
report of their findings
Yes.. 153 No...... 209
To increase initiative and referen
dum powers of the people, etc
Yes. .196 No 178
Amendment to constitution provid
ing for verdict by three-fourths
of jury in civil cases, etc. ; . .
Yes. 188 No 198
Yes,. 362 No,,,.,, 300
Prohibition Defeated
Stale-wide prohibition has appar
ently been defeated by a majority
that may range from 10,000 up.
The striking feature of returns so
far indicate that the Prohibitionists
have lost at least 13 of their "dry"
counties so far as the state-wide
prohibition vote is concerned, while
they have not gained one "wet
from an indication;) it appears
tnat tnc Home rule bill will carry.
In all probability, Lone Countv.
which rolled up a majority of 770
for the Prohibitionists two years
ago, lias gone "wet" on the state
vote, but turned a majority of more
than 700 against the home rule bill.
Umatilla County, which gave the
"drys" 691 majority and Union
County, which favored the "drys"
by 690, both went into the opposite
column. The "dry" majority in
Douglas County appears to have
been cut by half and Josephine
County switched from 363 "dry"
to n similar majority for the "wets."
The vote on state-wide prohibi
tion and the home rule bill iu cer
tain precincts was almost freakish.
In "dry" precincts, the home rule
bill led the vote against prohibition
and again was defeated, while the
"wet" vote had n big majority.
On the local option vote, Union
County, which has been "dry"
voted "wet" and also cast n vote
against state-wide prohibition and
in favor of the home rule bill.
Clackamas County voted "wet"
on local option, cast n substantial
majority against state wide prohibi
tion and gave the home rule bill a
slight majority.
Counties that voted "wet" were
Baker, Clackamas, Clatsop, Coos,
Crook, Gilliam, Harney, Josephine,
Clamath, Lake, Lane, Malheur,
Marion, Morrow, Polk, Sherman,
1 illamook, Umatilla, Union, Wasco,
Washington and Multnomah.
1 he only couutrs known to have
voted "dry" arc Benton, Douglas,
Linn and Yamhill counties.
J. R. Kuodcll, Superintendent of
the Anti-saloon League, stoutly
maintained last night that state
wide prohibition would carry by
8000, reducing his first prediction
by 2,000, and he also declared that
the home rule bill had been defeated
by 10,000.
II. C. McAllister, General Man
ager of Greater Oregon Home Rule
Association, maintained his opti
mistic attitude, declaring that the
home rule bill had carried by 4000
to 6000 and that statewide prohibi
tion had been defeated by anywhere
from 10,000 to 20,000.
Only three counties, two counties
outside of Multnomah, have re-
portal on all the initiative and
referendum measures and the re
turns arc therefore too meager to
warrant an estimate on the results
of the election aside from that on
the measures heretofore mentioned.
Wednesday's Orcgouiau,
Pay Your Debts man, the boys are telling
around that you forget to pay your
little debts, You borrow a quarter
here and a half there, and forget
to 'make it good. You may not
know it now, but you will some
day, that you are putting up a very
rotten foundation. Others have
tried it long before you, and in
every instance their whole house
tumbled down just at the wrong
time. If you start a foundation
that way there is only one way
you can overcome it. You will
nave to go back over the entire
work and "yank" out every de
fective stone. You will have to
make every quarter and every half-
dollar good before your building
will stand. You may think these
little quarters and half-dollars are
very small pebbles. They are, but
they will grow. You see that poor
fellow over there working hard,
day by day? He has to do it now
to keen from starving. But he had
a glorious opportunity when young
to amount to something. But lie
had iu a bad foundation, and his
house tumbled down and buried his
credit. When he tried to dig out
and get 011 his feet again, there
wasnt a soul around to help him.
You will find yourself in the same
fix, some day, unless you change
your ways. uxchange.
Chas. Bredeson has received word
from the State Railway Commission
stating that his petition asking for
the commission s influence iu secur
ing a side track to the city dock,
estoppage of river boats at dock
and a freight and passenger depot
on the O. R. & N., had been re
ceived and would have careful at
-- o . -W.
S. Basey has opened up his
saloon on West Burlington street.
Will be Fine Building
Plans have been completed, ex
cavation work has been finished
and the foundation, walls and first
floor slab is being put iu place for
the four-story rciuforccd concrete
building, 64x110 feet in size, which
is being erected at the northwest
comer of Lombard street and Ports
mouth avenue on the Peninsula for
the Willutnbla Hall Association.
The building will be practically a
fireproof structure faced with terra
cotta brick and a large Marquise of
ornamental glass will extend around
both of the street sides of the build
ing. The first floor will contain two
store rooms, one to be used for
a general merchandise store, the
other room to be used for bank pur
poses. The second story will be
used for office rooms almost exclus
ively, and the upper floor for audi
torium and lodge purposes. The
auditorium will have a 2i-foot ceil
ing and will scat about 700 trcopl?.
The Peninsula Commercial Club
will occupy quarters iu this build
ing and have n suite of rooms com
prising a beautiful hall, with a
seating capacity of 200 people, a
social hall, reading rooms, writing
rooms, secretary's office and recep
tion hall.
The walls are made of sufficient
strength to support two additional
stories, provided the governing
board ol the Commercial Club con
siders the addition necessary at
some future date.
The building will have a plate
glass front and will be cqtiipcd
with an automatic electric passenger
elevator and a modern steam heat
ing and ventilating plant. It will
be one of the finest business build
ings 011 the entire East Side and
will make n very valuable acqui
sition to the list of new buildings
recently started on the Peninsula.
The building completed is estimated
to cost in the neighborhood of
"lo show what important mut
ters are hinging very largly upon
the settlement of this proposition, I
have no hesitancy In declaring, and
I think that the majority of the
eop!c will accept my word, that
the companies and jieople that I
represent have very far-reaching
plans regarding extension. There
is not n shadow of doubt fn my
mind that within a year or 18
mouths at the furthest, that the
Oregon Electric and the United
Railways combined will show an
additional mileage over that which
they now possess of at least 200 to
250 miles, involving an expendi
ture of from $7,000,000 to $ 10,000,
000. i
"But the investment of this sum
will depend very largely on whether
the company is allowed to unite tlie
two roads iu 11 businesslike manner,
so that it can give first-class ser
vice into and out of the city, which
it cannot at present give, and to be
able to realize iu time to come, to
some extent at least, some return
for its tremendous outlay.
"We all feel that the actual ex
penditure which we huve already
incurred, and which inures directly
to the benefit of the city of Port
laud more than to any other one
point, of more than $60,000,000 the
last four years is, or should be, a
satisfactory guarantee not only as to
our motives, but as to our per
formances in the future. We have
come before the City Council with
a proposition which taking Into
consideration all the conditions and
potentialities which our plans em
brace, we know not a city similarly
situated as is the city of Portland,
but what would gladly embrace the
opportunities presented, in fact, we
feel that the people of Portland and
vicinity, as well as ourselves, will
be the direct and heavy beneficia
ries from our proposed plans."
It was proposed to make an in
vestigation as to whom was the
author and distributors of the
anonymous circular last Saturday
and Monday, with a view to having
them indicted for violating the cor
rupt practice act. But cooler judg
ment prevailed and the matter was
dropped, It was apparently an
oversight on the part of those who
had charge of its publication, and
as there was nothing personal, ma
licious or vicious about it, 110 good
object could be attained by arrest
and conviction. It was certainly
the wisest and best course to pursue.
There should be no pleasure or
gratification in working a hardship
upon a citizen and neighbor. The
only thing we had against it was
that it was responsible for a special
edition of the Review for the pur
pose of refuting and disputing the
statements made iu the circular. It
put us to a little extra trouble, but
a printer's life is ever full of
trouble, so "what's the odds?"
Preach the goep! of St. Jolma.
Big Developments
That great developments may be
looked for along electric railway
lines now seems likely. There Is a
vague rumor afloat to the effect
that Hill proposes to run his lines
down Willamette boulevard and ex
tend over to the Swift territory. At
any rate it is practically assured
that Mr. Hill will spend vast sums
In Oregon iu the near future, as
the following from Tuesday's Tele
gram will attest:
John F, Stevens, chief executive
of the Hill steam and electric rail
way interests iu Oregon, has re
turned to Portland after an extended
absence iu the East, and announces
that the Hill interests will spend
from $7,000,000 to $to, iu
extensions of the United Railways
and the Oregon Electric within the
next year or 18 months. Tills will
mean 1111 addition of from 200 to
250 miles of electric lines tributary
to Portland. It is understood he is
able to make this announcement as
the result of extended conferences
witlt the Hill officials while he was
in the East.
Aside from this statement regard
ing future plans for railroad devel
opment on such an unprecedented
plan, Mr. Stevens declared that he
as well as the Hill forces which he
represents are most vitally con
cerned iu the electric railway situa
tion at tue present time. It is, he
said, his intention to take tip at
once the local situation which has
developed somewhat during his ab
sence, more particularly iu regard
to tue proposed franchise to enable
the Oregon Electric to oerate cars
on Salmon and Tenth streets, iu
connection with the United Rail
ways. When asked as to his nt-
litude and that of his associates on
this point, Mr. Stevens said this
A physical connection will en
able not only cars of the Oregon
Electric to be transferred to the
United Railways, and vice versa.
but will also enable both companies
to tiring tiieir eopie from the sur
rounding country into and take;
them out of the center of the city.
These propositions seem to me to
be so evident that they do not need
"At present the Oregon Electric
docs not reach the center of the
city. Its thousands of passengers,
both city and country, arc put to
the necessity of finding some way
of getting from the Jefferson street
station to the center of the busiuww
district. While the distance is com
paratively short, still it is a waste
of a busy jierson's time to walk,
and as arranged, the street car ac
commodations, while taking the
city as a whole are equally as good
as any, they are not well nrrnnged
to handle the people to and from
the Jefferson stieet station
Saturday's Telegram
Hidden iu a St. Johns sewer
ditch and known by the appellation
"Number 4" to his employer, and
"Slim" to his mateti, n violinist
who is able to pluy the moat diffi
cult classical music with the air of
a master has been discovered. He
plays such pieces as Souvenir De
Moscow by Wicucwski, and Men
delssohn's Concerto iu 1? Minor, as
easily as a 4-year-old child toots his
little tin horn. What make this
more surprising is that iu his work
ing clothes, there is nothing about
his appearance to indicate that he is
other than an ordinary digger in
dirt, but he is seemingly well ac
quainted with all the noted violin
ists aud knows the individual char
acteristics of each as well as all
their family and personal history.
A big kick is being made at the
poor service given by the Portland
Railway, Light Sc. Power Company
to St. Johns. Cars ate continually
turned back at Portsmouth and
Northern Hill, aud it is often 40 to
60 minutes between cars for this
reason. Tab is being kept on the
service by interested residents and
unless things arc changed the citi
zens say the street car jwople will
hear something drop. If a suit is
again started before the Railway
Comission, it will not get off as
easy as it did last winter, they say.
Charles F. Roberts, a professional
beggar, who seems to get his living
by working on the tender feelings
of the ministers iu the towns he
visits, was turned over to Chief of
Police McKIuucy for investigation
by Rev. C. L. Owen, of the Bap
tist Church, Thursday night, but
released yesterday upon the under
standing that he would immediately
leave town. From addresses and
papers found iu his possession it
was thought that he had visited
every minister iu the towns on the
North Bank railroad and also in
most of the statious between Ta
coma aud Portland,