St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 14, 1910, Image 4

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Measures to be Voted On Local and Otherwise
Th Tortura That Entuei
Dsalh Brings Relief.
When a single dose of arsenic In auf-
flclent quantity to bo felt has been
taken colicky pains, bowel disorder
nnd perhaps nausea result. In the
courso of an hour after a poisonous
dose has been taken an intense burn
lng pnln Is felt In the esophagus ami
stomach. This spreads to tho entire
anterior portion of tho lower part of
tho trunk. A senso of constriction nt
tho throat and an acrid, metallic tiisU
accompany tho pain. Then vomiting
nnd relaxation of the bowels Ih'hIii.
As tho caso progresses tho symptoms
Increase In IntotiBlly. Then comes n
thirst that water will not allay, al
though It apparently Increases tho
stomach disturbance. Tho victim
groans and writhes.
Now ho Implored tho doctor to savo
him. Then ho begs to bo hilled nnd put
out of pain. Tho extremities become
Icy. Tho pulso Is small, feeble and fre
quent, and tho brcnthlng Is labored,
embarrassed and painful because of
abdominal tenderness. Tho surface of
tho body becomes dark and of Hint
bluish color that medical men call cy-
nnosed. Violent cramps add their tor
ture, oxhaustlon becomes collapse, con
vulsions or coma ensues, nnd dentil
ends tho agony. The torture lasts
sometimes from flvo to twenty hours.
In somo cases theso symptoms occur,
but in a modified form, nnd tho doctor
will apparently get the better of the
disease. Tho remission will be but for
n day or two. Then tho abdomen will
swell, nnd Icy coldness will pervade
tho frame. Shivering will becomo pro
nounced trembling, then cm in lis. con
vulsions and death.
An English Vlsw of the Common Pso
pi In Thli Country.
In nil I spent four months traveling
nnd lecturing In tho eastern cities of
tho United Htntes nnd met ninny men
of varied classes. In my wildest
dreams of tho race I hnd never foro
seen such wealth, such freedom, such
equality. America Is the land of tho
common people, ns Knglatnl It the laud
of tho classes, ir I were u young
worklngmnn I would go to the States
as sootl ni I could earn n piiNsnge, bo
cnuso onco on her soil I should cense
to bo n laborer nnd become u man.
which Is n very different thing.
Itetter than (ho boundless wealth of
America, lienor tiian any material ien
cllt she can bestow, Is this sense of
manhood nnd equality that Is as nil
pervading as (ho nlr. Worse than the
earthen floor of our pennant's hovel.
still found In I.nglnud'H southern nulli
ties, nnd ntiirvntluu wirges on
which ho lives Is tho slavish spirit
that drags tho cap from his head be
fore tho squire or crowds htm Into tlx
ditch as tho cnrrlngu passes by. llv Is
not n man, only n laborer, one step
nbovo tho serf.-Joseph llurtt of Ixin-
dou In Ia'sIIo's.
Trapping Muskrats,
Numbers of mechanical trapi to
cntch muslcrnts have been Invented
nnd tried, but none gives more satis.
faction than tho old Homing barrel
trap that has been In uno for many
years, notli ends are left closed, nnd u
hole about eight by twelve Inchon
square Is an wed In tho side. A strong
cleat Is nailed across each ond. tho
cleats projecting six or eight Inches
beyond tho Imrrel, nnd upon the cleats
nro milled two Imnnls, one on each side
of tho bnrrol nnd no vera I Inrlion longer,
Water then Is placed In the Imrrel no
that It will tlont with the board plat
forms nttotit on n level with the sur
face of the pond or Htruuin. Alxiut
ono'thtrd of tho barrel remains nhovu
water. Apples, carrots and other dell
cncies mat I no iniukmt likes nro
placed In tho barrel. In their iiltumpls
to get tho bait tho animals full Into the
barrel and nro uuablo to get out. -Hi
Proving Hit Authority,
J here was mi irlli roreumn of n
gang of laborers who went to any
lengtns to hiiow Ills men that lie wns
tho real boas. Olio morning this fore
man round mat his gang had put n
handcar on tho track without his or
"Who put that Iniu'carrr oil tho
(brack T" ho naked.
"Wo did, sor," ono or tiio mon nil
wcred respectfully.
"Well." ho said hhortly, "tako It off
Tho laborers did so with some dllll
"Now," said tho foreman, "put It on
Orsat 8chma,
"What do you no." nuked tho one
whs hnd been married only a few
months, "when your litislmiul comes
homo lato at night?"
"I pretend not to notice that It's late.
and pretty soou he asks mo If I
svouldu't llko to go to tho theater or
somewhero tomorrow afternoon."
Startling Encouragomant.
"Was Amelia's father encouraging
when you went to htm to imk him for
her baud)"
"Not very. Ilo nsketl mo to put the
proposal In writing, bo I couldn't back
out, as all tho others did."
Mutloal Not.
llrst Young Thing (during tho so
nata-l just lovo llnilnus, don't you?
Second young Thlng-What are
Hrahtns? Musical Courier.
Necessity, my friend, Is tho mother
of courage, as of Invention. -Sir Wal
ter Beott.
For the benefit of the voters we
publish a list of the official ballot
titles of each of the 32 initiative
nnd referendum measures to be
voted on November 8th. There
nrc enough of them to keep the
voter busy from now until election
trying to digest them:
(Continued from last week).
A bill tor a lnw to annex n por
tiou of the northern part of CInckn
inns county, Oregon, to Multnomah
county, Oregon, nnd providing for
transcribing and transferring the
records of the territory proposed to
be annexed, and for adjustment of
finances between the two counties.
322 Yes.
323 No.
A bill for nn net to create the
county of Williams out of n portion
of Lane and Douglas counties, Ore
gon; providing for its organization;
(mug the salaries of the ollicers
thereof; and for adjustment of
nuances between the three counties,
324 Yes.
325 No.
For constitutional amendment
providing for the people of each
county to regulate taxation and ex
emption within the county, regard
less of constitutional restrictions or
state statutes, and abolishing poll or
head tax.
326 Yes.
327 No.
Ior constitutional amendment
giving to cities and towns exclusive
power to license, regulate, control,
suppress or prohibit the sale of in
toxicating liquors within the inn
328 Yes.
329 -No.
A bill for n law rcmiirinii protec
tion for persons engaged in hazar
dous employment, defining nnd ex
tending the liability of employers,
and providing that contributory
negligence uliall not be n defense.
330 -Yes.
33 1 No.
A bill for nn act to create the
county of Clark out of the northern
portion of Grant county, Oregon;
providing Tor its organization; fix
ing the salaries of the officers there
of; mid for adjustment of finances
between the two counties.
331 Ves.
335 No.
A bill for it law providing for the
permanent support and maintenance
ol the hasten! Oregon blnte Norma
school ut Weston, IJinullllii county,
Oregon, by levying an iiuiitial tax
of 1-25 of a mill 011 the dollar upon
nil the tnxable proiierty within the
state of Oregon.
330 Yes.
337 No.
t did tor n law to nutiex n nor
tiou of the territory in the eastern
part of Washington county, Ore
gon, to Multnomah county, Oregon,
nnd providing for a transcript of
the iccords of the territory annexed
to tie made mid recorded in Mult
iiouinh county.
338 Yes.
339 No.
A bill for n law providing for the
ixjriiiunuiit support and mainte
nance of the southern Oregon .state
normal school at Ashland, Jackson
county, Oregon, by levying 105 of
a mill on the dollar 011 all taxable
property in the state of Oregon.
therefor, nnd limiting instructions
therein to those subjects promotiiii!
etneteiicy in the art of teaching.
340 - Yes.
34 1 No.
An amendment of section 15, of
article 1 of the constitution of the
state of Oregon, prohibiting the
sale of intoxicating liquors and the
trntlic therein within the state of
Oregon, on and after the first day
of July, A, I). 1911, excepting for
medicinal, scicutilic, sacramental
and mechanical purposes,
34 a Yes.
313 No.
A bill for a law to prohibit, pre
vent and suppress the manufacture,
sale, possession, exchange or giv
ng away of intoxicating Honor;
witmti the state of Oregon, except
forsjiecific purposes; to govern the
siiipmcut ot tile same. t ecliirinir
what is intoxicating liquor within
the state of Oregon and providing
lenaiiy tor violations of the net.
344 Ves.
315 No.
A bill for uu act creating a board
of commissioners of nine members
to examine the subject of employes'
indemnity for injuries sustained in
the course of their employment.
nnd to prepare a measure to be
prevented to the legislature govern
iug the same, and rejiort to the
governor of the state on or before
the 1st day of 1'cbruary, ion, and
appropriating $1000 for purposes of
tne act.
346 Yes,
347 No.
A bill for an act prohibitum the
taking ot tisit irom the waters of
Kogue River, or any of its tribu
tarius, by any means except with
hook and line, commonly called
(Continued next week).
Shoe repairing nt in South Jer
sey street, J. T. Brooks & Son.
For Rent Modern 6 room house,
fine river view. See K. C. Couch.
A St. Johns Range for $38.00,
iruarantecd for ten years, at Calcf
The ladies of the Congregational
church will serve dinner and sup
per on election day, November 8th.
The law firm of Collier & Collier
have removed their offices to the
Spaulding building rooms 601-2.
Havo your proporty Insured In tho
St. Paul or Northern flro lnsuranco
companlos, Thoy nro tho best. S.
L. Doblo, agont.
All our moats aro govornmont In
spected nnd tho boat that money enn
buj Thoy aro noatly and careful
ly handled, Como In and lonvo your
ordor for frco dollvory. Ward's
Contrnl Market,
Sidewalks in which washed ma
terial is used arc the kind that
never have to be taken up. They
have the lasting qualities. Put
down by the St. Johns Sand &
Gravel Co. Phone Richmond 1571
For Sale A fifty dollar course
it the Scranton International Cor
respondence School, any depart-
mctit, at 20 per cent discount, at
rate of $5.00 down, 55.00 per
month; further discount for cash.
Addresn "U, this office.
All of our stocks are chosen and our store
planned for the needs of our own community. That
is why we are confident we can supply you as well the
large stores in Portland. Our shoe purchases contemplate
supplying the entire family with shoes that wear well and
are comfortable. Those broad toe Scuff ers for children
are the most sensible shoe made. The Strootman shoes for Ladies are as
good as any extensively advertised line and you pay nothing for the advertis
ing. The Star Brand and Huistcamp shoes for men are making us more
friends season after season. And now we are showing fall and winter suits
for men, made by W. S. Peck& Co., guaranteed all wool. Prices $15, $18
and These are entirely new cuts and patterns. We can ht you
and you will look as well as a tailor made man at half the cost.
At our store you are treated as we would like to be
were circumstances
A word to the wise Is sufficient.
mat pocket cliaugc will make a
start. Put your money in the bank
where it will grow. The First Na
tional Hank welcomes pocket change
as a start for that sayings account.
All kinds of laundry work done
promptly. Itoup'i dry washing 0
cents por pound, Calls inado for
laundry at any plnco. King u up
Phono Itlch, 091, St. Johns Laun.
dry. Churchill I)rosMproprlotors.
For Rent Furnished housekeep
ing rooms nnd transients. Rest
mid cheapest in St. Johns. Leo
building, over Calif's furniture
Whereas, It has pleased the
Divine Ruler of nil things to call
from our midst our esteemed Neigh-
Dor, II. u. unrlitig, lc it
Resolved, That his wife nnd
family have our heartfelt sympathy
in nieir sad bereavement.
Resolved, That these resolutions
be spread iijwn the records of this
camp, a copy be sent to the family
and a copy published in the St.
Johns Review.
W. K. Coon, C, a,
W. Scott Kellogg, Clerk.
Camp 773, W. O. W.
It Is resolved by the city of St. Johns:
Thnt It deems it expedient nnd necessary
to improve Philadelphia street from the
westerly line of Jersey street to the east
erly side Hue of Ivauhoe street In
the city of St. Johns in the following
manner, 'to-wlt:
lly sldcwalking same on cither side
with iH-foot cement sidewalks, i8-foot
curb, placing a curb nnnle Iron full
length of Improvement. All work to bo
done according to the plans nnd specifica
tions of the city engineer on file in
the office ot the city recorder relative
thereto, which said liliun and sncclfica-
cations and estimates are satisfactory and
nrc hereby approved. Said improve
ments to be iimdc in accordance with
the charter and ordinances of the city of
St. lohus, under the supervision and di
rection oi tneciiy engineer.
That the cost ol wild Improvement to
be assessed as provided by the city char
tcr uion the property csiieclally and iwr
ticularly benefited thereby, nnd which Is
hereby declared to le all lots, juris of
lots, blocks nod parrels ol inml between
tlic termini oi sucu improvements auui-
tine utHiii. ad lucent or iiroxlmate to said
I'hiiatlcliilila street (rout the marginal
lluesof said street back to the center of the
biock or blocks or tracts of laud abut-
iIiil- thereon or nroximate thereto.
. . . t t
Tiint all nroperiv l ie mien in ssui im-
.... .
provemeut district aiorcsaiu is ucrcuy
declared to lx) local Improvement district
No. 49.
Thnt the cltv engineer's estimate of
the probable total cost of said improve
ment of I'hiladeltmln street Is 1314.74.
That the cost of said I'hiladelplila street
to he assessed against tiio property in
said local aMMsment district as provided
by the city charter of the City of ht.
Atiomeu uie iiii nay oi uciuucr, ivio,
1 I V IMfcS
It over.
Cltv Recorder.
I'ublUhed In the St. John's Review
Oct. 7 mid 1 1, 1910.
'!!.. II . . 0 a a
1 ue louowiug list 01 legal manks
nre kept for sale ut this office and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, batisfactiou of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty. Hills
of Sale, Leases.
All these blanks ut the uniform
price of joe per dozen.
Dear Cousin Hans: Vacationing
days vas ofer vouce.O uouuervettcr
The school days bnf earned again
IJcr saddest by der year
No more ve drink dcr saticr kraut
Nor cadt dcr lager beer.
To school vc vent most cfry day
v aider it be siitnc or rain
Uud veil sometimes I hookey play,
My ladder gifs we pain.
So der boct singed, but vol's der
use? Vy must ve go by der school
mid cfry day study by:
Mary hat a liddle lamb
Mit voolso soft und vite.
It vouldn't study vort a tain
rVttit Kit Into rf ttttiMt itit11 ttt4
SStTSRfi ,lis."ed troubles mit der
nun le a survey in Uie propocu wiiicnine,
opcuiug and changing of St. Johns ave
nue Irom Willis uouicvaru 10 jamcs
street, and made a plat of the proposed
choline and a written report coutainin
u full nnd comnletc description of sue
chaiiL-e and the boundaries thereof, and
of the ixnllons of each lot and tract of
ami to lc appropriated incrcior, aim
Whervas the said report. I'hlt and sur
vevof Mid cneincer in the matter of
aid street was examined by the Council
nnd approved, and by ordinance adopted
uie reiuri 01 sain cueinecr 111 miu iimi
tcr; ami
Whereas, it is now necessary to ap
ikj nt viewers for the purpose ol assess-
It Is resolved by the city of St. John
That It douma It oxpodlout
MM 1 1...
We wish to express our gratitude ) " L"i t "
to many friends, also Portland h'1-" ' V"vc
Nationul Hank will help you take
Woolen Mills and Woodmen of
World for their sympathy and as
sistance. We also wish to state our
appreciation of beautiful floral of
ferings at the funeral of our be
loved husband and father.
Mrs. I). II, Darling,
Geo. H, Darling,
' Pearl G. Darling.
advantage of
save today.
opportunity if you
lime Certificates of
Get prices at Calef Uros. before
you buy. A good liuoleuut nt ,s.c
aim uueu to your uoor.
oxpodlout and
uecctarv to improve ItiirlliiL'ton strrei
fiom the vtt curb line of Ivauhoe street
10 uie oust curb line of llayw .street
In tlie city of St. lohus in the follow.
Iiik manner, to-wlt;
lly sidewalkiiii; Mine on soutlierlv side
thereof hv nlaciue a 1 3-foot cement uuiw
and curb 011 said southerly side only and
uy piueniK angle irons as snowu Iti plan
ill work to Uo nccord ue tn tho
pinna and spocltlcntlous of tho cltv
oiiBiuoor on ruo in tiio offleo of tho
city recorder relative thoroto, which
plans iiiul spocltlcntlous and eati
mutea nro sntlafactory and aro here
by approved. Sld Improvomftiita to
ho mndo In nccordanco wilt tho
chnrtor mid ordluancos of tho city of
a. jonus, ana uuaor tho suporvl
sum una direction of tho city onglu
00 r.
That 'io cost of said Improvement
to bo assessed as provided by tho
city chnrtor upon tho property espec
ially uud particularly beuofited there-
oy, ana wiiicn is Hereby declared to
be all of lots, parts of lots, blocks
and parcels of land botweou tho ter-
lulul ot such Improvements abutting
upon, udjacont or proximate to said
lmrliuutoii ktreet. from the marginal
.1 , . . . . " : -
noes 01 s-iiu sueet imck to Uie
comer or tuo iuock or blocks or
tracts of land abutting thereon or
proxlmnto thereto.
Hint all tho property Included In
said Improvomont district aforesaU
is hereby declared tol),'I,ocal Improve
went District No. 50."
That tho city englnoer'a assess
nu'lit of tho Probable total cost ni
said tmpro'-cmeiit of sa id Hurl nctoti
street is f435.ia.
That the cost of said llurllncton street
tobe assessed aKaiust theproertv in said
loc4l assessment district as provided by
the charter of the City of St. Johns.
Auopieu me mil nay ot uct., 1910.
Published lu tho St. Johns Itovlew,
October 7 ami 14, 1910,
lng benefits anil damages to be caused by
the nroiwscd wiileuini;, opeuiut; ami
cliniiL'im.' of said street;
There ore. be It resoiveu, mai k, j.
llurke. N. A. Gee and 1', II
Hrodahl, three disinterested freeholders
of the Citv of St. Johns, and by us de-
termiued to each possess the qualifici
tious sf lurors of the circuit court of
Multnomah county, Oregon, be, and they
and each of them are hereby oppolnted
as viewers to view said promised change
and to make an assessment ot ilamaues
and Iwnefit caused thereby, as provided
in sections Nos. Hi anil 02 01 tne cnartcr
of the Citv of St. lohns.
Adopted this 4th day of October,
A. At. uu;n,
Published in the St. Jahns Review
Oct, 7 and 14, 1910,
Thos. Glovar, Prop.
kids uud der teacher uud Mary?
Rut ve must go, und ve liaf to
vear der best uud stoutest shoes as
is made. Vc got 'cm at our store.
Der Ralston School Shoe don't rip
down der heel nor run up der side
uud vlll make your Iccts run like
vater runs der hill down uud don't
hurt a bit. They vas der cheapest
yet for der price, Und ven mutter
liaf u headache mit her back und is
not able to get quick up in der
morning to get breakfast, vehaf der
finest breakfast foods yet vonce.
Muck Mercantile
The Most Papular Book
Crfjrtfkt O OUr Stninn'l in I
By The Most Popular Man
Gives In book form by Roosevelt's
own hand tha solo account of his
Alrloan Hunt,
In vi try
City, Town and VCUco
la liana!
Colonel Roosevelt's
Great Dock
103 Filth Avenuo New York
Proposals for Slreel Work
Phone, Richmond 821
Proposals fer Street Work
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the recorder of the city of
St. Johns until Nov. 1, 1910, at 8 o'clock
p. ui, for the Improvement of Fesseuden
street from the westerly line of Hdison
street to the southeasterly limits of the
city of St. Johns in the manner provided
by ordinance No. 331, subject to the
provisions of the charter and ordinances
of the city of St. Johns, and the estimate
01 tne city enctneer, on rile.
This bid is for cross walks and box
gutters only, according to the plans and
spscincatlons lor said Improvement
Pure California Port Wine to $2.00 per Ration
Finest ever broneht to St. j
prtnteil blanks wuicn will be turn
(shed on application at the office of the
Choice liquors of all kinds at
prices most reasonable.
Urlnn In your Job printing whllo
you think of lU Don't wait unUl you
are entirely out. wa aro equippeo.
to turn out neat aud tasty printing
promptly at Portland prices or leas.
Pure blooded Rhode Island Reds
ami Ruff Orpincton chicks. Apply
at this office or 315 Y. Richmond,
Bids must be strictly in accordance with
s whic
recorder of the city of St. Johns. And
said improvement must be completed on
or before 130 days from October 11, 1910.
No proposals or bids will be considered
unless accompanied by a certified check
payaoie 10 tne mayor 01 tne city 01 tit.
Johns, certified by a responsible bank
tor an amount equal to teu per cent, of
the aggregate proposal.
The right to reiect any and all bids is
uereoy reserved.
lly order of the city council.
A. 31. UssuN,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review
Oct, 14, at and 30, 1910.
Subscribe" for, the St Johns Review
and. keep peaU4 oa the dol&ts of
tho city.
In order to Insure a change ef ad
vertisement the copy for such change
sheuld reach this offtee net later than
Wednesday, at S o'cleek p. m. Please
remember this and save Uie printer
Sealed proposals will be received at the
lice of the Recorder of the Citv of
Johns until October 35, 1910, at H o'clock
P. m., for the Improvement of Mohawk
street from the westerly Hue of Ivauhoe
street to tne easterly line 01 Willamette
boulevard, In the manner provided by
ordinance No. .135. sublect to the nrovis.
Ions of the charter aud ordinances of the
Utyot bt. Johns, aud the est mate of
the City emtlneer, on file.
isngiueer a estimate of cost M580.33.
Ilids mutt be strictly in accordance
with printed blanks, which will be furn
isheil 011 npjillcation at the office of the
Kccorucr ot tlic cuy ot bt. onus. Ami
said improvement must be completed on
or before 60 days from October 35. 1910.
No proposals or bids will be considered
unless acconipauleil by a certified check
payable to the onler of the Mayor of the
Citv of St. Johns, certified by a respon
sible bank lor an amount equal to ten
percent, of the aggregate proposal.
The right to reiect any and all bids la
hereby reserved,
uy orueroi tne Lity council.
A, M. I'.SSON.
Published In the St. lohus Review.
uciouer 7, 14 aim 31, 1910,
Notice of Assessment
Iven that appor-
notice is uerebv e
tlonment of cost of relavitu; aud extend
lng Philadelphia street sewer comprising
sewer district no, 1, total cost M038.53
has been apportioned aud is now on file
in office of the undersigned, subject to
District assessed; Ilecluning at the
northwest comer of lot 1 .block a8. Tames
jonns uuuuion, run nortueateriy along
center line of blocks 38 and 39 in said
addition to a point opposite center of
block 5.P.T. Smith's addition, thence
soumeaaieny parallel wltu and loo feet
distant from Jersey street to a point.
lilcli point is the Intersection of said
ne with the westerly line of lota 1 and
8 block 1. P. T. Smith's addition extend
ed; thence westerly along said line to the
southwest coruer of lot 8 block 33 Jamcs
John ami addition: thence westerly ir-
... . .... .
auei wiiu aim 100 ieet utstam irom Ivan-
hoe street to the center of Burlington
street; thence along the said burlingtou
street to the northwest line of Hayes
street; thence along the northwest line
of Hayes street to the placeof beginning,
Remonstrance against said apportion-
ment may be made in writinc and filed
witn tne uuuersignea tin 5 o'clock p. m.
October 34, 1910.
Published in the St. Johus Review.
October 7 and 14, 1910.
Physician and Surgeon
Office over the First National Bank
St, Johns, Oregon
You set full weight and first
quality at the Central market. Just
try awhile.
The popularCOI.CNISTl'ARHS
will again be In eflcct between
September 15, and October 13,
During which period tickets to
PORTLAND will be on sale dal
ly from Chloago at - $30.00
ST. LOUIS ...... 32.00
OMAHA 25.00
ST. PAUL 20.00
nnd from othercltlcscorretpond
ingly low. These are Westbound
oneway fares only, but anyone
here can prepay for relatives or
friends In the Hast If desired.
Consult your local railroadagcnt
I To let the world know of your vast re
sources and splendid opiwrtunltles for
Write to everyone you know In tho Iast.
Scud them good instructive printed mat
ter, and tell them that the cost of net.
ting here is little more than half the
usual cost, aud to call 011 a represents,
live of the O. R. & N. Ry. Co.
for all desired Information or address
Wm. McMURRAY, Gen. Pass. hit.
Portland, Oregon
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway."
Inland Kinplrc ItiprtM, 91 a, m.ifor Chicago,
ht. Caul, Omaha. KsnuaCtty, . LouU. Walla
Walla, raaco, Uouacvclt, (IraiiUJalln, Coldcn.
uaic. nnuc Damon, nievtuton, vsnrouvt r sua
Intrriurtllate station a,
North Uank UoiIIkI, j.jj p m. lor Chicago Rl.
i-aui, umiiia, Kinut city, ht. luU, Hpuiast ,
uaiiT. n ,.itv M,iinuu.nirvTuuu ana Vancouver,
Columbia HWtr Local, 415a p, m , lor Vancouver,
wuii, none paimon, iotic, urauuaauc,vlias
and all Intcrwtdlale taltont.
Inland Kmplie l!iprM.74j p, m , (ram Chic.
Kv, ni. raui, uinana, mhui Vlly, 01, ll,
npokant, Bpiague. Hltivillc Und, raaco,
KooKTtlt. Oranddallci, White Balraoo, but
cnaon. Vancouver.
Notth Uank Limited, ya. in., Irom Chk-aro.
bt raul, Omaha. Kansas City. Bl, Loult, Walla
Walla, laaco, Mootcvclt, Uianddallcs. While
Salmon, Btevcnaon, Vancouver and Interme
diate stations.
Columbia Klver Local it o'clock noon; IromCllffi,
.,a.uua...a. UWIUCUUII,, -fie tvnilC bimOU,
Camas, Vancouver and all Intermediate sta
All trains stoo lor naaaeopera. nffir okm
all night. Tickets ou aale lor all poluls.
O. M. Cornell, Agent.
Northern Pacific Railway
Noith Coast Limited via Fuget Bound o.yi a. m
North Coast Limited via North Uank .. );j n,mt
Atlantic Kiorcss via hint Bound... li.-i.I
Atlantic KiDiess via Noilh lUnW ...... .
Twin City KspreM via rVgtt bound "iyp. .
Twin City Ijaprrss via North bank ... j: jj p. ui.
Kastern Kspicssvla IMget Bound.... iijj a.m.
Kastern Kipresavia North Bank ....cum a, ta.
Mo. Klver llipiess via North Uank ... t.-jjp, m.
I'ortUnd. Tacoma & Beattle Ki press. jj a: ni..
ju. uu), iiariwr, uiympia anq pouth Bend
Puev Sound Limited. j:yj p. tn ; Grays Harbor
aud bouth Bend Uranchea.
Yacolt Iassengcr a:k p.m.
North Coast Limited via North Bank -. my pi ra
North Coast Limited via IMcrt Sound .lil .
No. Pacific Kspress via North Bank . -yaj a, m
No. Pacific Kspress via Puget Bound 6:ii p, m
Pacific Kspress via North Lank --.-717 p, m
Pacific Kxpteas via Puget Sound 6m IT m
Western liaprcss via North Bank...- 7:470, m
Western lixprcss via puget Sound- ioaip. m
Mo. Kivrr Kspresavla North Bank -. 7:17 a. m
Mo. Klver Kspress via Puget Bound -.jijS p, m
i-uriianu. 1 acoma ct beatllc Kzpresa - . vjS P. ra
Irom Olviunia. South uml ami r.r... ti..k.
Puget Sound Limited 6:4$ p, m
Yacolt Passenger 1.45 i. u
O, M, Cornell, Agent,
(raid Advertisement.)
Settle It Now
Settle It Right
For constitutional amendm&nt
giving to cities and towns
exclusive power to license,
regulate, control, suppress,
or prohibit the sale of Intox
icating liquors within the
328 X Yes
Greater Orecon Home Rule Association.
618 Biectric Building, Portland, Oregon
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