St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 14, 1910, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 Wont Burlington Street.
THK Rxvibw la entered at po
In Saint Johns, Oneon, as mail matter
of tho second class wudej the Act of Con
grttt of March J, 1879.
OXMtl HrvnP" t Ottr of Bt. Jena.
r fiMaUd In flrttcliii ttjrl
rrinunc n on am
Jtt PrtnUn
3tut lor rt
Subiorlptlon prlc $1.00 par year.
In another column will be found
nu article from the pen of H. C.
Hurlbcrt in which two features of
the annexation question is taken
up and construed as arguments in
favor of annexation. We desire to
take issue with Mr. Hurlbcrt and
attempt to show where he is wrong
in his deductions. In the first
place he states and endeavors to
prove that St. Johns has no "indiv
iduality," because two or three in
dtistrial plants have seen fit to in
corporate under the initial title of
"Portland." Let us sec. The
first he cites is the Portland Manu
facturing Co., and the next the
Portland Woolen Mills. Doth these
industries were established when
St. Johns was NOT on the map
nnd its population was scarcely 300
souls; in fact, a small village that
was utterly unknown outside of the
county. Today how different. St.
Johns is ON the map and is known
in most every state of the union.
We arc willing to admit that St.
Johns at that time HAD no iden
tity, and it is our impression that
the Portland Manufacturing plant
was established here when St.
was a part of Portland. As to the
Jobcs Milling Co. the reason they
use the style "St. Johns, Portland,"
is because there is n town in Wash
ington state named "St. John" and
much of their mail matter was lia
ble to and in some cases did go to
that point. Hence the "Portland"
attachment. Isn't it just as reasona
ble to claim that St. Johns should
be called "Host on" because n cer
tain bakery here styles itself the
"IJoston" Uakery? No one will
pretend that St. Johns has as much
publicity as Portland, but it has
vastly more than University Park,
Mt. Scott, Scllwood or Albiiia. If
any one has any doubt on this point
he should take n trip around the
country and ask the coplc if they
over heard of any of these places,
and men asK tiiein it tliey ever
heard of St. Johns. While Mr.
Hurlbcrt is u good fellow and hns
done much for St. Johns, yet we
believe this jvoint is illy taken.
So much for point No. 1. Let
us now look at his other proposi
tion. He estimates that we have
1600 houses in St. Johns. This is
about 500 too high, but for argu
ment sake we shall call It 1C00, On
yards at a saving of 65 cents per
yard means a total saving of $26,
000 or $400 more than Mr. Hurl
bert's estimate, to snv nothing of
the 2 1-2 ccuts royalty. Mr. Neasc's
contract holds good and is made
with the city of St. Johns, not with
the city of Portland. He can throw
his contract up any time after an
ucxation takes place.
Now, Mr. Hurlbcrt, if your
statement is made in good faitu,
with this proposition before you
would it be expectiug too much to
presume that from this time for
ward you will "fight annexation?"
Knights of Pythias Fair
The affair will
Johns rink and
The Knights of Pythias will hold
a three-day fair November 2, 3 and
I he dates were oricinally set
tor tins month, but the time was
found to be too short to do the oc
casion justice. The object of the
fair is to aid in raising funds for
the erection of the Pythian Hall,
which it is proposed to make
credit to the city.
be held in the St.
music will be furnished each even
ing by Succd's orchestra. The
Male Chorus of the Grace M. E.
church, Portland, composed of Co
trained voices, will hold forth the
first night, which will be inter
spcrscd with short sketches. A
general vaudeville and musical en
tcrtaitimcnt with n barrel of fun
will provide the second evening's
entertainment, while a good, old
fashioned country fair will con
clude the three-night scries. The
affair throughout promises to be 0
highly interesting and entertaining
llellcvlug it to he tothc licit Interests
of nil concerned Hint both utiles of all
the Issue llkuly to be affected by the
annexation of .St. Johni by the City of
Portland be dlscimcd from the Mime
platform, the .St. John and Portland
Annexation Club offer to take the affirm
ative on the following (pirstlon:
"Keftolved, Unit It U to the Hunt Inter
est of the Majority of .St John Chilean
that SI. Johns Should be Annexed to the
City of Portland," mid meet any local
speaker or speaker at n public meeting
to beheld at any date satisfactory to the
eakeron the negative,
The Ht.johnsiind Portland Annexation
Club, by It.C. HUUUIHIIT, President.
KOV A. COOK, Secretary.
7 Uki
jmmw' bank
Council Proceedings - Local and Otherwise
Continued from first
pagO. mn,lr Mm . TJ. Imnnllft to.
against the removal of 100 feet ot tilcht. Go.
!.! II T- I - . . ...!.!!. "
smtwuin un ressenueu sutci wiiiuu 1 ..... ,.ii. t...M.ii.. -tn
. .. ... ' uv Rtrirt is ncptintcti nv a tea store.
atro. out as the time tor retnon- ' 1
stranccs had cxolred on this street. A false fire alarm called the fire
council felt that thev had no richt department to North Grcsham on
to interfere. Sunday.
Kcprescntativcs ot botli the gas vtnUtnrA nm. hVi. ntvMiprt tin
t l ! . I a ...... --,
mm i-n-vmi: toiuiiuuiea wtic yiratm nd cnr(1 room j Ule
and presented plans and costivity
for placing iron posts on Jersey
street. The lowest price either of
Jower building 011 Jersey street.
Wanted To let a contract for
fercd for posts was $50 each. The cutting 1000 cords of body fir wood
electric company would furnish near cicctnc station. oec
light, five lights to the post, 300 c. Hurlbcrt, 224 Fesseuden street, tot.
p. for $3.00 from dusk to midnight, Johns.
or ?s.oo for all night. The gas . nrcnarcd for the main chance.
representative agreed to furnish Have nionev in the Bank. The
600 c. p. per post for $4.00 to mid- wirst National flank helns voti pre
night, two lights to post. Matter parc by issuing Time Certificates of
wus uciu over ior itiiiirc aiscussion. nctinsit. It
Henry H. Rogers, the oil king, drove a
grocery wagon when he was a boy. He saved
part of his weekly earnings and put it in the
bank and is today many times a millionaire.
Wo will pay you three per cent Interest
on the money you put in our bank and com
pound the interest every six months.
Dills to the amount of $36.20
were allowed on motion of Air.
K. u. lJiirkc, because he was
leaving the city for a period, de
Mined to serve as viewer on the
widening of St. Johns avenue, and
IT. II. Cochran was substituted,
provided he will serve.
J. a. Downey showed a lack of
faith in what St. Johns would get
after annexation (which he claims
is sure to happen) by making a
motion that bids be asked for two
fire engines for the city. Motion
carried unanimously.
Council decided to investigate
I the Tyler street improvement as a
St. Johns, Oregon
There is
nil things.
n time nnd a place for
Now Is the time and
you will find the placa at 1 1 1 South
Jers?y street to have your clothing
cleaned and pressed.
New Perfection oil heaters. Air tight wood heaters from
?5-75 o S8.35- Cast lined wood heaters from $10 to $13.35.
Combination wood and coal heaters from $10 to $14.50.
Stove boards from 65c to $1.50. Plorcntinc design.
We will be pleased to show you our line. Knaincl ware and
high grade tools.
A Very Low Bid
P. J. Peterson, who received the
contract for sidewalk and grade of
I'csscudcu street, registered the
lowest bid made in recent years
cither in Portland or St. Johns.
x lie sidewalk, for instance, was
taken at 95 cents per lineal foot,
whereas Lombard street in Port'
laud, of similar length, was recent
ly awarded at $1.10 per lineal foot.
Chas. Ii, l'ottagc, a Portland con
tractor, who had the next lowest
bid on I'cssciidcu, states that he
made his bid as low as he could
safely make it, and he cannot pos
sibly sec now Air. l'cterson can
even break even. "Pete," how
ever, generally knows what he is
about, and would not have taken
the contract unless he could see his
way out. Portland contractors
usually give us a wide birth when
street work is bid upon.
Hendricks Hardware Co.
At the opening of the
of the M. I. Church.
For sale by Any Real Estate Dealer in St. Johns
50x100 foot lots for $5 cash and $5 monthly
Water mains now laid to every lot in 1910 Addition. School house and
carline only two blocks from plat. All streets graded at Company's ex
pense. There are now 13 houses building on 1910 Addition. ' You can
arrange for building material on monthly terms.
Why pay rent any longer when you can own your home and pay for it out of
your monthly earnings? For further information, phone Columbia 80.
Sam Cochran Dead
new partouage
this basis he estimate the saving of
water rates to be twelve dollars H.r
year to each bouse. According to
the books of the water company
only about one house in every
eleven is paying more than twelve
dollars jkt year for water. So even
if we could secure Hull Utiti water
(which by the way we cannot) only
one-eleventh of the eople would be
linemen uy reduction in price, un
the gas proposition less than one
eleventh of the eople of St. Julius
urc using gas, we understand, ami
only about one-eleventh of these are
using more than the minimum of
one dollar, which is also the mini
mum in Portland, So Mr, Hum
bert's estimate uiiitit needs be con
siderably reduced, or in other words
lie divided by at least eleven in these
two instances. We believe he is
correct as to the difference in in
suratice rates, but whether this dif
ference would remain after annexa
tion is difficult to foresee because it
would require better fire protection
than we now have to reduce it. Thus
it can be seen that one iersoii in
every eleven might be benefited IP
things would come to pass as Mr,
Hurlbcrt has outlined.
Mr. Hurlbert states; "If there
were other things we would lose to
offset the gain, I would be the first
to fight annexation." I,ct us sub
mit a proposition: The city of St.
Johns has a contract with M. O.
Nease to furnish the city of St.
Johus with crushed rock at 35 cents
per yard at the crusher and out of
this pay the city as royalty for use
of quarry aud utilities 2 1-2 cents
per yard. We have been reliably
informed that the best price the
city of Portland can get crushed
rock for is $ 1.50 per yard and up
ward. The city engineer has esti
mated that it will require 40,000
yards of crushed rock to supply
what is needed for streets planned
for improvement next year. The
difference between 85 cents and
$1.50 is 65 cents. Take .o,ooo
Samuel Cochran was born
I.ooster county, Maine, October
1852, and died October 8, 1910,
hence was 58 years, 11 mouths and
27 days of age. The deceased hud
not been in good health for over a
year, but his departure was doubt
less hastened by an accident he met
with some five weeks ago at Smith's
Crossing. As he was driving along
the road his horse became fright
ened at an automobile, and making
a sudden turn, upset the cart, which
tell upon lilui in sttcli a way as to
severely crush him about the chest
Prom this accident it seems he
never fully recovered, and as heart
fuilure was the cause of his death,
it is likely that this accident hast'
cued it to quite an extent,
Prom Maine he moved to Wis
cousin and 111 both states he and
his brother, Thomas, were partners
in the lumber business. He came
to Oregon eight years ago last May
and had been a partner with his
brother, Thomas, in the contracting
business, to whom lie soul out scv
eral years ago, and had since been
in tue saioon business, lie never
married, utid since his brother
Thomas' marriage has made his
home with him and family. "Sam."
as he was familiarly called, was a
quiet, modest and truthful man. He
was generous to a taint, xno one
in need, of whatever class, ever ap
pealed to him in vain for aid. The
chidren and young people were fre
quently matte happy by him through
gifts of money, which he took de
light in bestowing upon them. He
was even tempered, cool headed
aud never addicted to profanity.
He was one of a family of twelve
children five boys aud seven girls
and leaves to mourn his depart
ure four brothers and two sisters,
five sisters having preceded him to
the great beyond. Those who sur
vive him are David and Albert
Cochran of Grand Kaptds, Minn.;
George Cochran of Ikrmidge.Minn.,
Thomas H, Cochran of St. Johns,
Oregon; Mrs, Nancy Dockeudoff of
Ivverett, Wash., aud Mrs. Mary
Andrews of Portsmouth. Hesides
these brothers aud sisters, he leaves
a large number of nephews aud
nieces aud a hast of devoted friends,
I'uuerul services were held Mon
day at 10 a. in. at the residence of
Ilk hrntWr Tlintttiw d r
Nelson, of the Congregational
church conducting the services. A
large concourse of relatives and
menus assembled at the home to
pay their last sad respects to all
that was mortal of Samuel Cochran.
Interment took place in the Coltiui
biau Cemetery.
A Pretty Wedding
A very pretty wedding occurred
at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. G. I,.
Perritie, 618 N. liaison street, at
8 o clock p, m. October 10th, 1910,
when their eldest son, Gail Van
I'ernue, was tiuitea in marriage
with Miss Larne M,, cutest daugh
ter of Mr, aud Mrs. J. A. Hyde of
fat. joints. Kev, C. P. Gates othci
ating. 1 he event occurred at the
groom's home as it also commemo
rated the silver anniversary of his
parents' marriage.
The home was tastefttllv decor
ated with evergreeus and chrysan
themums. The best man aud the
bridesmaid were brother and sister
of the groom Mr. "Dick" aud
Georgiu Perrine. The bride look
ed shy aud sweet in a plain dress in
cream wool batiste and wore no or
naments save an arm bouquet of
white carnations. The groom wore
the conventional black, while the
bridesmaid looked pretty in a silver
gray albatross dress, her only orna
ment being a goldeu uecklace with
topaz setting and pink carnation
bouquet. Miss I,aura Gatton pre
sided at the piano,
Led by Pastor Gates the bridal
party niorched into position under
un arch of evergreens to the strains
of the time honored Mendelsohn.
The impressive ring service was
used. After the ceremony dainty
refreshments were served and mu
sic, songs and mirth were indulged
in until a late hour.
Those present from arotiud town
were: Mr. aud Mrs. J. A. Hvde
aim sons, Albert, fester, Howard
and Warren, and daughter, Pink;
Mr. and Mts. G. I,. Perrine, Dick
and Georgia Perrine, Misses Merta
and Laura Gattou, Miss Luella
Wilkinson, Miss Ida Fassett, Miss
Susie Davis, T. A. Glover and
wife, Jack Galloway, Clyde Rogers.
Those from out of town were Mr.
and Mrs. Will Thomas and daugh
ter Alice, Miss Ford aud Charles
Thomas of Portlaud, and Mr. and
Mrs. F, M, Hobart of Beaverton.
The presents were beautiful.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Perriue take
7M5 to 8:30 Reception of gucsti nt
8:30 Ilatimict In the church, icrveil by
me muict 01 111c ciiurcu.
ToastniMter, I)r. W. T. Kl'.RR
9:15 Song: "lllct be the Tie that Hindi'
.Selection by 51. H, Church Choir.
Tot Our City' Intcrcit in the
Urectlon of the new M.K. Parsonage.
Vocaltolo-Mri. U.S. Miller.
Toait The Attitude of St. John' lltul
uci .Men toward lint I'.nitrptue.
Vocal tolo I. R. Kinder
Toast The Public Schoolt in Relation to
a ProereMlve Church.
1'rof. CHAS. II. I10VD
Vocal duet Dr. aud Mr. II.O. Drown.
Toatt The Interest of the Sitter Church
et of bt. Joliiit In this Huternrite.
Rev. C. h. OWKN
l'luaucial Statement from the Hoard of
Presentation of partonaee Keys to the
Selectlon-M. It. Church Choir.
Benediction Rev. W, T. Kerr.
Miss Nellie Cochran left this week
for Minnesota, where she will visit
with her uncle and family, and will
not return to St. Johns until Christ
mas. Harris Mathews, a cousin,
accompanied Miss Cochran.
Success comes to the man who
saves a part of his earnings. YOU
CAN'T I-OSIi if you put SOMIi
of your money in the bank. The
First National Dank issues Time
Certificates of Deposit. tt
Meeting of the W. P T. U. will
convene at the Congregational
church, corner of Richmond aud
Ivauhoc streets, at 2:30 Monday
afternoou. All come. I he dele
gates will have returned from Salem
and will doubtless have much of
interest to tell. Press Cor.
The Telegram contained an Inter
crstiug article Saturday evening
concerning the churches Of St.
Johns. The article was written by
lid I. Stockton and was embel
lished with cuts of the various
churches, together with cuts of
Win. Gattou and Mrs. Agues
M. J. Laudrum, the blackface
comedian, who will appear at the
hlcctric Theatre tonight and to
morrow is a brother of Mrs. G. D.
Fassett of Decatur street, whom he
is visiting for a couple of weeks,
Mr. Land rum bus played nil the
big eastern circuits and has bctn
with some of the largest
productions, having just closed
with the big musical pro
duction, "The Candy Girl." This
is his first upcarancc west of Oma
ha, Nebraska.
The undersigned desire to express
thus publicly their sincere thanks
for the kindness aud sympathy ten
dered by neighbors anil friends at
the death nnd burial of Samuel
Cochran. Also for the many beau
tiful floral offerings.
A Witness
Know all men, that our
furniture nnd houscfurnish
ings have n "knack" of ap
pealing to thrifty house
wives. Take one of our
dressers for instance. Docs
not a handsome French
plate mirror surmounting
a nicely polished Golden
Oak or Wax finished dress
er appeal to you?
We make some very at
tractive bargains by taking
old furniture and stoves in
St. Johns Furniture
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Multnomah County.
I.utltln King, l'lalutlfl
Oregon 1'lnkc I'ood Company, n corpora
tion; Pacific Northwctt Milling Com
pmy, n corporation, Defcndanti:
Ily virtue of an execution, judgment
order, decree and order or talc iMucd out
of the nlovc entitled Court In the above
entitled caiuc, to me directed and dated
the 8lh day of October, 1910, upon a
judgment rendered and entered In tald
court on the 17th day of Scplctnbcr.taio,
in favor of I.utltln King, plaintiff, and
agaluit Oregon l'lnke Pood Company,
a corporation and Pacific Northwctt Mil
ling Company, n corporporation, de
femlaiitt, fur the turn of f! 350.00
with Interctt at the rate of 7 per
cent. Icr annum from the loth day
of January, 1910, and the further turn of
f 104.15 with lutcrctt at the rate of 6 per
cent, per annum from the 37th day of
i)cpicmicr, 1910, conn, iiiiiiurtciiiciiii
and the cottt 01 ami uikiii una writ, com
manding me to make Micof the follow
ing dctcrllcd real property, to-wlt:
All of lota thirteen lis) and four
(14) of the tulKlivlilon of tract one (1),
Ii both an ornament and an economy.
Gllttening tile and glittering metal work
turelv make an attractive combination.
The cleanlineu and sanitary or ranee.
incut mean the uvlncof manv a doctor'
303 S. Jersey 8t, Phone Jersey 91
two (3) aud three (t), of Northern Hill
Acrct. in Multnomah County, Oregon,
according to the plat thereof on file In
the office of the County Clerk of tald
County and State, with the appurtenan
ces, etc., In Multnomah County, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of tald exe
cution, judgment, order, decree aud or
der of tale and In compliance with the
commands of tald writ, I will, on Mou-
.day, the Mtlwlay of November, 1910, at
10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of
the County Court House in Portland,
I Multnomah County, Oregon, tell at pub
' lie auction, (subject to redemption) to
, the highest bidder for cash in hand, alt
the right, title and Interest which the
within named defendants, or either of
them, had on the loth day of April, 1908,
the date of the mortgage herein fore
closed, or since that date had in and to
I the above described property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order and decree, interest, costs
aud accruing costs,
Sheriff of Multnomuh County, Oregon,
Dated thin nth day of October, 1910.
Published In the St. Johus Review for
five consecutive issues; Date of first is
sue, October 14, 1910, Date of last issue
November 11, 1910.
Another week begun, Did you
save last week? Begin this week
to save. The First National Bank
will help savers. 3 per cent, it
Preach the gospel ot St Johns.
For Exchange.
I.03 Angeles 5-room cottage for
St. Johns property, either improved
or vacant.
6-room house at Rodondo beach
near 1.0s Angeles, ior t'ortlanu or
viciuity property. See
Phone Jersey 941 309 No. Jersey.
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts matte, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co'
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
II. Henderson, Manager, 130 North
Jersey street,
Rev. R. Joues of Portland will
preach at the Congregational church
Sunday at 11 a. in. He will be
assisted hv the nnstnr wlm will
tins opportunity ot expressing their preach at 7:30 p. ui. Sunday school
Pleasure ior 1 ue iniunigiu musicaie convenes at 10. a. ra. aud the Y.
furnished by the Bachelor Club on
Tuesday night,
Oue who was there.
New Chinese Laundry
t . u. is,, at 0:30 p. m. All are
invited to attend. G. W. Nelson
Mayor J. F. Heudricks may be
found at the mayor's office in the
city hall hereafter between the
hours of 9 and 10 a. m. each day,
except Sunday, where he will be at
Something New In
Kitchen Ware
The "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware is rapidly
coming: into uso for cooking purposes. It is taking
the place of agate and enamel ware because while I La
first cost ia a trifle more than ordinary ware, it is
really much cheaper in the long run, as it is guaran
teed for twenty-five years and will last practically
a life time.
The genulno "1892" Ware, made only from pure
SPUN (not cast) Aluminum, will not crack, scale, peel,
break, scorch or burn.
It looks like silver but weighs only about one
quarter as much, is easily cleaned and handled, and
will not mst. corrode or tarnish. Absolutely pure,
non-poisonous and wholesome ; eaves money, time and
doctor's bills.
Dcsur ou gtt lh original and gen.
uin wf lumped wiUi Un Utile
Cruts. At wir UJr.
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Has opened up in the old P. J.
Peterson cigar factory on the corner liberty to discuss anything relating
of Iyonhoe ami Taconaa streets, to the city government.
miff IC nranifAl r 1 r timehiMnF
and is prepared to do Washiug and
ironing of all kinds in a first class
tuauner at prices most reasonable.
A share of the local patronage is
solicited. Woug Lee, Prop.
The Kintergarten class, conduct
ed under the auspices of the W. C.
T. U. of University Park, has
opened again for the year in the
Pleiter block. Mrs. Myers, the
teacher, is verv canable. havinc
ray nay comes once eacu week, nau years ot experience in the east.
- .... 1 - . . . .
Lwoes u mean an opportunity to The work is given in a very enler-
you? You can save today. The taining and instructive manner, af-
First National Bank will show you fording au excellent opportunity for
now oy coiupounuiug mieresi every emmren at a very small expense.
six mouths. Y it i Class hours from 9 to 12 a, m.
Business Propositions and Homes, Ail Prices
Building Lots, Houses for Rent, Miuiug Stocks
Mohawk Mining Co., Capital Stock 1100,000-50 cents per share
Gold Creek Miuing Co., " 45,000,000 25
I have for sale 7000 shares of Gold Creek stock at 10c a share.
Will trade 3 Swinton lots for Gold Creek stock.
204 North Jersey street