St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 14, 1910, Image 1

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    Historical Society
1 Toiubtcrlbe for THIS Pjr. I I . m W JT JL JL X JL. ,11 d T Jl iM T T I Of dvrtlilnr In THIS i'lptr f
J AUthentwi while It li new It j -" . 2 andyon'llntTtrrtxrtlH. De- S
our motto. Call In and enroll 1 ila utoncotndktiprlthtat II J
It .tn Jm-s4Msw1K
Devoted to (he Interest! of (he Penlniula, (he Manufacturing Center of the Northweit
i 1 1
Judge Holcomb's Views
In ttic article below Judge W. W.
Holcomb gives reasons why he Is
convinced that it. is best for St.
Johns to remain independent of
Portland for the present. Mr. Hoi
comb favored annexation when the
mibiect was first broached, but
after giving the matter deeper
thought is firmly convinced tuai
tlic time for annexation is not ripe.
His impressions follow:
I have been risked by a number
of citizens of St. Johns to write up
tny views on the question of annexa
tion with Portland. Heine a resi
dent of St. Johns, I hnvc given the
subject considerable thought, pro
and con.
The first question to be asked is:
What advantages will we derive, if
nny, from annexation? It is claimed
that by annexation wc would secure
free moil delivery, n free ferry nud
a reduction in the price of water
nud gas. As to free mail delivery,
that can be accomplished without
annexation if the people of St.
Johns will purchase all their stamps
at our postofficc. The ostnl laws
require the postofficc to sell $10,000
worth of stamps p.r y ur in order
to secure free moil delivery The
fact is that many of our renldcnts
nnd large business enterprises have
offices in Portland nnd purchase
their stomps there, thereby depriv
ing us of free mall delivery. Even
in spite of that condition, the citi
zens of St. Johns will this year,
doubtless, purchase the required
amount of stump if each individual
that purchases stamp nt our office
will double his purchase. It is a
great injustice to St. Johns for resi
dents to purchase stamps in Port
land, and when the fact is known
to them nud they ore interested in
St. Johns, the required number of
stamps will be purchased and free
mail delivery assured. The ost
master can have no personal in
terest in the matter, as he has to
turn over to the government all the
rent of boxes, and would surely in
the interest of St. Johns welcome
the free delivery. It is tip to the
people of St. Johns to have n free
mail delivery, and I hope they will
lend a helping hand in securing it.
Second, n free ferry is n necessity,
nud thnt wc can have as noon and
I believe fioouer, without annexa
tion. The state legislature passed
u law requiring Multnomah county
to run uud maintain a ferry if St.
Johns furnished it. The city should
do so, nnd the city attorney nud
Council should immediately attend
to it by joining with Liuutoii in the
purchase of one, to the greater in
terest nud nd vantage of both. A
city without agricultural resources,
surrounding Jt cannot grow like
one that bus. The agricultural re
sources across the river tributary to
St. Johns cannot be excelled in this
wide world, nnd it is now depend
ent upon Portland markets. With
a free ferry St. Johns would be
their market and the cost of living
thus reduced. The cost of street
improvements, badly neeeded and
expensive, would be greatly re
duced. Even the crushed rock up
on them would be reduced 35 cents
per yard. St, Johns would have
the use of the electric railwny on
the- west side of the river with
quicker service to Portland and at
the same cost two electric railways
instead of one, and one more steam
railway advantages of great im
portance. As to the gas and water, even if
annexation would in time reduce
them, they cannot by annexation
be' reduced now, and reasoniug
from the experience of the suburbs
of the great city of Portland that
have been poorly supplied, we
could not afford to be put on the
same basis. Again, St. Johns will
doubtless grow and populate so
that the reduction will be given by
the companies now supplying us,
and I must say that the St. Johns
water and gas are A;.
I am informed, that the city char
ter of' Portland provides for only
ten wards, and that number they
now lmve. Should St; Johns joiu
vijb Portland she would of neces
sity be joiued with the adjoining
ward, and that would be Albina.
Is there any sensible man in St.
Johns who would desire that? In
ray judgment, that is enough for
the residents of St. Johus to vote
against annexation. We would no
more be known as St. Johns, one
. of the most prosperous and thriv
ing cities in the United States, but
by the name of "The Slough."
Where is the loyal citizen of St.
Johns who would trade her name,
inherited from its old pioneer set
tler, James John, for that of
"Slough," or ever adjunct to the
teuth ward of Portland?
Now, if one wishes to investi
gate, as I had occasion to this day,
the municipal records of streets,
which was accomplished in a few
minutes with the assistance of com
petent and gentlemanly officials, we
would have to go to Portland nt
the sacrifice of n day's time, which
I consider of no little importance to
the residents of St. Johns.
Our city taxes are less nnd will
be still less without annexation.
The restrictions that will naturally
be placed on the bridges over the
navigable water of the Willamette
will surely cause large factories to
locate below them, nnd St. Johus is
a natural place for their location,
and will soon have them.
I have mode inquiry among the
business men of St. Johns nud find
that they arc perfectly satisfied
with the present state of affairs,
only asking for n free ferry. I see
no immediate necessity for joining
with Portland. Wc arc an inde
pendent city, and with n free ferry
can feel proud of the advantages
that St. Johus possesses.
I have seen old St. Johus fifty
years ago,
And its death knell will not now be
sung I know;
The Inst few years its growth has
been far from slow,
It shall still live in pride nnd pros
per nnd grow.
Home Rule Meeting
The Home Rule association held
a meeting in the rink last Friday
evening. The baud was out on the
streets and quite a crowd was at
tracted to the discussion. Captain
Morgan Smith of Chicago was the
principal speaker nud he espoused
the cause in which he Is enlisted in
n brilliant manner. His chief con
tention was that prohibition does
not prohibit, never did nor never
will, that it causes the dive keeper
to flourish nud the respectable
saloon men arc forced out of busi
ness. As an instance that prohibi
tion, even when enforced to the
limit, does not cure nil the ills flesh
is heir to, he cited Turkey, where
liquor has been prohibited for 1400
years, the most benighted, murder
ous, superstitious nud immoral
country on the face of the globe.
He then told of Germany where
beer is sold to nil from the cradle
to the grave, nnd yet an intoxi
cated man is n curiosity, nnd Ger
many has the reputation of being
one of the most enlightened nud
orderly countries in the world. He
claimed that the Scriptures do not
teach prohibition, nnd that it is
only taught by "plnhead" orators
who are kept up by ladles' nid so
cieties and the like. He told of his
personal experiences in Maine,
which has been dry lor sixty
year, and where by paying a dol
or extra for his room he found n
bottle of liquor in the bureau
drawer n spoonful of which if given
to a jack rabbit would cause it to
go out and spit in the eye of a bull
dog. He recited other instances of
how easy it was to secure liquor in
prohibition states and cities, lie
said there were rare instances of
where prohibition did prohibit for
a time, because, he said, we ail
knew that no liquor could be pro
cured in St. Johns when prohibi
tion was in force here, which re
mark caused a broad grin to diffuse
itself through the audience. If
prohibition has proven over and
over to be a failure nnd a farce, he
believed the people of Oregon
would not try to fasten an assured
failure upon the state.
The captain is possessed ot a
pleasing personality, and as a speak
er was most interesting, even though
the trend of his address was uot in
perfect harmony with the idea9 of a
number of his Hearers.
McKiuney & Davis have pur
chased 25 feet of the French block
on the north end and are having it
completely overhauled and put in
fust class condition, mere are
two rooms on the first floor and
three on the second. These are
being handsomely painted and
papered. Mr. James has leased the
lower floor for a period of three
years and will occupy same with a
stock of paluts, oils, etc.
A new paper styled the "Linn
ton Live Wire" has beeti started at
Linnton. It is a six cplumn, four
page paper, and is as yet printed in
Portland. It will likely be quite a
factor In Linnton's development,
which town by a two-thirds vote
has decided to incorporate. Some
of our "annexers" should journey
over and tell the people there how
foolish they are to incorporate in
stead of annexing to Portland.
Every little bit added to what
you've got makes just a little bit
more. Even the minstrel singers
point the way to riches and compe
tence. The First National Bank is
no minstrel but it will help you
save by compounding interest every
six months. . it
Work for Qre&tM- St. Jotuu.
New Phone Exchange
The new exchange of the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph Co. in the
Wolcott building on Jersey street is
now completed, and henceforth bet
ter service may be expected. The
Journal has the following to say
concerning it:
Rapid strides in the settlement of
St. Johus and the lower peninsula
country, and flattering prospects of
further extensions next year,
prompted the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph company to build nnd
equip u new exchange at St. Johns.
This exchange was placed in opera
tion Saturday evening at ten
o'clock nud the patrons of the old
exchange arc beiug served from the
new and up-to-date office.
The peninsula country especially
has been in need of this added ser
vice. The new exchange nt St.
Johns is modern in every respect
nud is planned to serve the district
for the next ten years.
A new reinforced concrete build
ing has been erected nt St. Johns in
which to install the new plant. The
building is modern in every respect
and contains rest rooms for the
operators, a waiting room for
patrons, business offices and cloak
rooms. The ventilation is perfect
and the heating is by an individual
plant. The structure is absolutely
fireproof nnd designed especially
for n telephone exchange. It is
located nt No. 405 South Jersey
The company tins notified all sub
scribers that beginning Saturday
evening nt ten o'clock nil telephone
numbers carrying the name of
"Jersey" and "Richmond" will be
changed to "Columbia." The new
telephone directory will contain
these changes. There were 730 tele
phone lines in the old exchange,
nud 300 were added Saturday even
ing, beven operators arc employed
The plant is known as n common
battery type nud has all the latest
improvements in telephony. The
ultimate capacity is 9600 lines. The
operation of the exchange will be
under the direction of G. E. Mne,
district troffic chief. The wires
enter the building by nu under
ground conduit, nud this conduit
extends for two miles out from the
exchange. No telephone poles are
in sight nud the work has been
done nt on expense of several thou
sand dollars. About 27,000 tele
phones are now accessible over this
company, nud 110 extra tolls ore
A Few Reasons
Following ore n few reasons why
the merchants nnd business men of
St. Johns do not favor free mail de
livery: Because every letter or statement
sent to any resident in St. Johus
through the postoflice would cost
two cents instead of one cent.
Because business letters arc gen
erally wanted as soon as the mail is
distributed, and uot after a mail
man has carried the same five or
six miles before it teaches its desti
nation, 11anitcA lliA etrAta nrA mi mil
livlicr looking when people are com
pelled to make a trip to the post
office. Jersey street constantly
would present almost a deserted ap
pearance if it were not for the post-
The Portland papers are using
the "Big Stick" on the P. R. L. &
P. Co. in an effort to induce them
to change the track at the south
end of the loop so as to get away
from the big cut which has been
caving badly, While there does
not seem to be any immediate dan
ger from the caving, however
should one of the cars jump the
track along where it runs so close
to the edge of the cut, there would
be n most excellent opportunity for
both car and passengers to go to
the bottom of the cut, which would
be about as disastrous as a drop
from one of the famous air -ships.
It would seem good policy for
Brother Josselyn Co have this
change made before the rains make
the work almost impossible. Why
not send him a desk card marked
The increase jn livestock pro
duction throughout the Northwest
following the establishment of a big
market at Portland is shown in re
ceipts at the local packing plants.
Oue day last week receipts at the
stockyards were over 4000 head.
These animals were shipped from
various localities in Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho and Montana and
such deliveries show that the mon
ey formerly going East for large
shipments of livestock is beiug kept
here at home.
Two Annexation Features
Editor of the Review: I accept
your kind invitation to discuss the
question of annexation through the
columns of your valuable paper.
The fundamental principle of gov
ernment from national down to
municipal Is to benefit the greatest
number of people, in giving to them
the way to moke a livelihood, to
make it possible to exist, finan
cially, physicialiy nnd morally.
I contend that to annex to the
sister city Portland will benefit a
greater number of people finan
cially; hence, it will benefit them
physically, aud every one that has
nu outlet of grey matter know.1'
that when one is bettered physi
cally it lias helped him morally.
Those who arc against ntincxn
tlon say we will lose our individ
uality. Let us see if we have an
individuality. If wc have, why did
the Portland Manufacturing Co.
and the Portland Woolen Mill Co.
incorporate with the names they
did (Portland) instead of St. Johns?
Why docs the Jobcs Milling Co.
have their flour sacks marked Port
laud? It is because St. Johns has no in
dividuality, and because the greater
city has prestige over it, aud is
known the world over. Webster
says "Individuality is n distinct ex
istence." If it were possible for n
person, for n family, for n stole, or
for the different states to maintain
n distinct existence there would be
no home life, for the uinu aud
woman would retain their individ
uality. There would be no collec
tion of families, making up munici
palities, county or state govern
ment. It has been found of benefit to
the greatest number of people, to
unite their individualities, nud what
one lacks the other provides. Hence
the prestige bt. Johns lacks Port
land will provide If it is better
for the manufacturing companies to
use the prestige of Portland, in the
same degree it is of benefit to each
person in bt. Johns.
Let us discuss another benefit
financially to the citizens of St.
Johus if we arc aiflrtxcd-to Port-
laud. I have consulted authority
on the Portland Water Board, nnd
I found thnt the same rate for wnter
must obtain in every port of the
city, that the charter provides that
there must be a uniform rate. I am
perfectly satisfied with the quality
of water here in St. Johns uud will
uot be sorry if the city of Portland
takes over the present company's
plant. But if by annexing citizens
can lower their rate, it is a gain
financially. Let us make n com
parison nud show what we pay
over the rate in Portland water,
gas, insurance.
Portland rate lier yenr:
Ordinary house water, 1 12,00
Gas, 1000 ft. per mouth, 12.00
Insurance, $ 1,000
Base rate 35c, 3.50
Total cost for oue year, $275
St. Johns rate per year:
Same house,
Same gas,
Same base rate, 45c,
Total cost for one year
Cost iu Portland,
A net saving of $16.00
For each house iu St. Johns if we
have 1600 houses (estimated) we
will save in hard cash to the citi
zens $25,600 from these three items,
Stop to think what that amount
of money would purchase. If there
were other things we would Jose to
offset the gain, I would be the first
to fight annexation. I have visited
the other suburbs of Portland not
as well located as St, Johns, yet I
found streets improved, aud sewer
ace aud buildings in the course of
construction. I interviewed busi
ness meu of those districts and
found that annexation had been the
best for them,
I will not take up more of your
valuable space this week but will
be glad to discuss taxation aud
other questions pertaining to annex
ation at some future date.'
E. C. Hurlbert.
Prof. Frank Ely greeted his old
friends in St. Johns Monday. The
professor has been rusticating in
North Yamhill for the past few
months, but he says his heart
yearns for St. Johns, and he will
once more establish headquarters
here next month. He will have
charge of Jack Durate who will
meet Ace Clement in a ten round
fistic encounter on the 27th inst.
Mrs. Shepardsou of Cat! in,
Wash., has been a guest of her
daughter, Mrs. E. b. Wright ou
South Hayes, for the past few days.
The Rock Crusher
To set at rest nil misunderstand
ing as to the condition of affairs at
the city rock quarry nt Wliitwood
Court, M. G. Ncnse, lessee, on
Tuesday morning invited the conn
cilmeu, Recorder A. M. Esson, C.
G. Woodhousc, P. II. Edlefscn,
cx-councilmau F. P. Brown nud ye
editor to visit nud inspect the plant.
The trip was made and the crusher
nud appliances were found to far
exceed all expectations. A large
rotary crusher is installed which
"cats 'cm nllve" and has a capacity
of 300 yards ycr day. The machine
weighs 34,000 pounds and is of the
latest approved pattern. T h e
crushed rock Is conveyed by buck
ets attached to belting to uu im
mense screen which separates the
rock into three sizes aud deposits
same into the respective bunkers
below. Much money has been
spent iu improvements and the
scene as presented was n revelation
to the visitors. Twelve or fifteen
employes ore steadily nt work drill-
lug, breaking nud feeding the hun
gry crusher. Everything was mov
ing along just like clock work and
made an interesting picture.
Associated with Mr. Ncasc iu the
operation of the rock crusher is W.
II. Mead, who is modeled after the
Tnft style of "architecture," nnd n
man of wide nud varied experience
iu rock work, who wns found to be
n most capable as well as genial and
entertaining gentleman. W. P. La-
Roche, n prominent Portland attor
ney, is also interested in the crusher.
these gentlemen have extended
many thousands of dollars nud nre
making arrangements to spend
many thousands more iu making
the plant one of the best iu the
Northwest, with a capacity of 1200
yards jcr dny.
After n thorough inspection of
the ocrntious, the guests were in
vited to the Clnremout hotel, where
a lunch fit for ye gods was served
iu the splendid manner for which
that hostelry is noted. Nothing
was lacking to make it the most
appetizing aud satisfying meal
imaginable. After the inner man
wns abundantly taken enre of, short
nud happy speeches were made by
the hosts and guests, with Mayor
Hendricks as tonstmostcr, during
the smoking hour. Those present
were J. P. Hendricks, S. L. Dobie,
P. H. Edlefseu, C. C. Woodhouse,
M. G. Ncnse, W. P. LaRoche, W.
H. Mead, J. E. Ililler, A. W.
Davis, A. M, Esson uud A. W,
Mnrkle. J, S. Downey nud F. P.
Brown were culled uway before
luncheon was served.
Thnt the quarry could uot be iu
better hands than is the case at
present was fully demonstrated,
nud nil felt satisfied that the city of
St. Johus never made n better in
vestment than when it bought the
quarry and then leased the same to
Mr. Ncnse and associates.
Improve Dawson Street
Since the street improvement era
is drawing to n close for this year,
it would be well for the city coun
cil to take up the matter of the im
provement of Dawson street from
the French block to the North
Bank cut. There seems to be sev
eral complications iu the way of
making rapid progress ou this
street's improvement, and these
should be straightened out this
winter so that no hitch would be
found iu the spring to stay or de
lay improvement. With the ex
ception of Fesseuden street, whose
improvement has been provided for,
there is not a street iu St. Johns of
so vast importance iu the way of an
attractive city. Every visitor to
St. Johus ou the trolley Hue must
pass along this street, and at tlte
present time only a mass of jungle
greets the eye. Appearances count
for much to the home seeker and
investor, aud if this street is left iu
its virgin state, even if every other
street iu St. Johns is improved iu
first class style, it wjll remain a
"black eye" to the city. There
seems to be no good reason why
something should not be done to
ward its improvement. The prop
erty ou both sides of the track
is held at a high figure, and wc
believe is assessed high enough to
allow for the street's improvement iu
a thorough manner.
Mrs. Eessie Shultz, whose hus
band died two weeks ago, leaves
this week for her old home iu Kan
sas where she will probably spend
. . 1.1 ... t 1
tne winter anu wen come uacic aim
settle up her estate here. Her many
warm friends here will certainly en
deavor to induce her to remain
when she conies and will regret to
lose her even for the winter.
Proueh the goipel of St. Johni.
Council Proceedings
After many vexatious delays all
summer the contract for the side
walk nnd grading of Fcsscnden
street from Edison to the southeast
city limits was let nt the regular
meeting of the city council Tues
day night to P. J. Peterson.
All members were present when
council convened with Mayor Hen
dricks presiding. Minutes of the
previous meeting were read and ap
proved. A petition for an nrc Unlit nt the
comer of Mohawk and Willis boule
vard was accepted and ordered filed
on motion of S. L. Dobie.
An application for liquor license,
presented by W. S. Bascy to do
business iu the Valentine building,
211 West Burlington, wns referred
to the license committee on motion
of C. L. Johnson.
A petition for the improvement
of New York street, Hayes to Wil
lis bottle vnrd, wns referred back to
petitioners to secure waivers on
property not standing for the pro
posed Improvement upon order of
Mayor Hendricks.
P. J. Peterson ietltioiied for an
extension of 30 days' lime on the
improvement of udisou street, ow
ing to inability to secure material
when needed. On motion of A.
W. Dnvis the request was granted.
A remonstrance against the ac
ceptance of the Tyler street im
provement was lodged by property
owners. Ou motion of Mr. Davis
the matter wos referred to the street
As the protwr time had elapsed
for letting contracts on Oswego,
Nortli Ivauhoe nud Fesseuden
streets, bids were rather plentiful.
Hie first taken up was Oswego
street from Barton s addition to
the county road. Bid of M. T.
Swan read: Cut 30c, fill 20c. bt.
Johns Sand & Grovel Co. bid: Cut
25c, fill 22c. Rector k Dailcy bid:
Cut 27c, fill 19c. Chas. I?. Pottage
bid: Cut 25c, fill 20c. P. J. Peter
sou bid: Cut a6c, fill toe. As the
latter bid was found to be the low
est, P. J. Peterson was awarded
the contract.
North Ivauhoe was next. Bid of
Rector & Dalley: Cut 38c, fill 15c,
walk nnd curb 99c, crosswalks nud
box gutters 43c, crushed rock
$2.90. Bid of Chas. E. Pottage:
Cut 35c, fill ioc, wnlk aud curb
$1.02, cross walk 50c, rock 53.15.
St. Johns Sand & Gravel Co. bid:
Cut 25c, fill 15c, walk nud curb
J i. 02, cross walks and box gutters
tsc, rock 2.50. The latter, being
lowest bidder, received the contract.
Fesseuden street wns then taken
up, there being four bids. P. J.
Peterson bid: cut 2c, nil 10c,
sidewalk 95c. On cross walks
nnd box gutters Mr. Peterson neg
lected to state n price, which he
claimed was entirely forgotten. He
had made out bids for street from
lidisou to Jersey and from Jersey to
city limits separately, and when
he found thnt it should be all iu
one bid he failed to put iu the price
of the ouiiMiiou, which he had
figured out at 45c in each instance.
This caused quite n disunion as
to whether n bid could be given if
nu omission of this untutc had
been made. Uou investigation of
this point iu the charter by the city
attorney, he found that council had
the power to accept or reject any
bid or any portion thereof, although
two contractors present claimed
that Portland charter did not allow
for this. Therefore, the bill wus
decided to be legal. Bid of C. E.
Pottage: Cut 35c, fill 10c, sidewalk
96c, cross walks and box gutters
50c. Bid of T. II. Cochran: Cut
35c, fill 18c, sidewalk 98c, cross
walks and box gutters 45c. Bid of
Rector & Daily: Cut 34c, fill 17c,
walk 99c, crosswalks and box gut
ters 43c. The bid of P. J. Peterson
beiug over 2,000 lower than any
other bid, ns far as it went, on
motion of J. S. Downey the con
tract for grading and sidewalk was
given to Mr. Peterson, with the
agreement that he pay for readver
tisiug for bids 011 cross walks and
box gutters and that he will con
struct same at 45c providing there
is 110 bid received as low, All the
couucilmeu were anxious that work
proceed ou this street, aud while it
was a little unusual, the charter
justified and authorized them to let
the contract iu the manner iu which
it was done.
The engiueer's acceptance ol Dis
trict No. 1, or Philadelphia street
sewer, endorsed by the street com
mittee, was accepted by council on
motion of Mr. Dobie.
The street committee recom
mended a guarantee of two years
be required ou the sidewalk of Mid
way aveuue, placing the contractor
under $500. bonds. Ou motion of
Mr. Dobie matter was referred to
engineer, attorney and street com
mittee for report.
J. II, Crook registered a protest
(Continued ou page 2).
Snow's Eulogy
Editor Review: As n citizen of
O, T-t T t .. 1 e ..
I ji. juiiiis 1 iiuvu remruud irom me
1 burial of Samuel Cochran, nud ns n
neighbor, citizen nud friend of
I Cn nl r.t. ...... T . ...!.(.
fcJUIllllv.1 UIIIIUU, X ICglUb Willi
deep sincerity the loss of 0 man
possessing his rare qualities. I have
known him for years, nnd I know
Hint he was born n cripple and
labored under great disadvantage,
both financial and personal, ns his
physical condition rendered him
unable to compete with mankind,
but Ills noble brnlu rendered him
nblc to compete witli his surround
ings from a financial point of view.
Sam Coclirnu is dead. The follow
ing eulogy I pronounce iu his favor:
No innu ever lived iu the city of
St. Johns that ever did more for
the upbuilding of the great masses
of the citizens of St. Johns than
did Samuel Cochran. He was one
of the great factors of the motor
power that made St. Johns what it
is. True it is that he was n drink
ing man; true it is that he was a
saloon man, uud also true it is that
in my opinion there Is uot a church
Iu the city of Sl.Johus iu which the
name and money of Samuel Cochran
did uot cut n conspicuous figure.
He wos liberal in his church views
and also liberal in his contributions
to all churches. His heart whk
large and sympathetic and no uinu
or woman or child ever nuked of
Samuel Cochran n dollar or a num
ber oi dollars, convincing him thnt
the same would revert to their
personal benefit, thnt they did not
receive the same. Samuel Cochran,
through his financial ability, gath
ered thousands of dollars, nud had
he not been charitable his extnte
would today be Increased thousands
of dollars. Could the- public but
know it, the dollars that Samuel
Coclirnu gave to the poor, if spread
out Iu the sticets of St. John,
would pave any one street rognrd
less of its length iu the city.
A more liberal man than wns Sam
Coclirnu, does uot live, having
known him for years nud been with
him iu the oen sunlight nud in the
forest where it wns so dense thnt
the sunlight of heaven was ex
cluded. Even there I found him
governed by n principle of justice
with n spirit of forgiveuunti UHhixe
who did him wrong; nud (joining
out from the shadow of the deep
forest I have known him to gntep
the hand of him who did him
wrong nud forget the wrong that
the party did him. He intuit lmvc
been governed iu nil hi ncU of life
by the thought of chaiity, friend
ship nud love. We have loet meu
iu the city of St. Johns who were
noble men from n sectarian atiitMl
point, but in my opinion we never
lost n 111:111 who iu fact wns more
charitable, indulgent or forgiving;
nnd if there is nu account kept by
the God who rule the universe
there must be n just account, nimi
must receive credit for nil kind cU
nud be chargeable witli nil unkind
acts. Aud iu my opinion, the bowk
being properly kept, Sam Cochran
must have to hU credit a heavy
balance. This eulogy in prouounoed
and duclared to be the facta ok tlwy
truly existed nud well known to lw
the focts of u friend knowing him
well for the last six year. Believe
me to be honest. B. L. Snow.
Hoi Odd Fellows!! All uiwuUer
of Laurel lodge and visiting nimu
burs of the order iu the city. Tlnjre
will be nn interesting program jhu
011 iu Odd Fellows' ball next Mon
day nighit, Oct. 17, by the famous
old "Bun Committee." ThU
menus "Suinpiu' good to eat," as
Topsy says. Besides Brother Am
prosc II. Johnson of Hathaway
lodge will tell us of his last sum
mer s trip through Italy, where he
visited Naples, Rome, Florence,
Venice, Ponijxii, Mount Vesuvius
and other points of interest. Hid
lecture will be illustrated by numer
ous views taken ou the trip, show
ing Naples, said to be the wickedest
city In the world, just as he saw it.
They also show the beautiful archi
tecture of those cities, the woful
desolation of the stricken city of
Pompeii, and brings out iu strong
contrast with our land of liberty
and enlightenment that country
where ignorance, superstition, tyr
anny ami vice predominates. This
is all free and It Is hoped that every
Odd Fellow who reads this will
take it as a personal invitation
to be present. The hour of meet
ing is uow 7:30.
T. Persyn arrived here last week
from Gypsum, Kansas, to agsUt
his daughter, Mrs. Bossie Shulis,
in arranging her affairs to go bjaok
to the old home,