St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 07, 1910, Image 1

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    Historical Society
jlisirj ST. JOHNSi RjEVIEV if
l,,,-,.--.,,. ff - - 1 ff j nd)ro'IlinrrrtTtll. Be- I'
m . I .la lonctndkprliht II i
' Devoted to tbe Inltrcili of the Penlmula,' the Menfacturln. Center of the Northwest " Immmwm; (
1 ' y NO. 48
I IT.. I I I i " I
I- " -
The Annexer's Dream
lie was a citizen of St. Johns and
for long he hud advocated annexing
with Portland. He had depicted in
' glowing colors the many benefits
that would accrue therefrom j how
the streets would be better improv
cd and with greater rapidity, how
arc lights would be placed on every
street corner, how Dull Ruu water
would flow through the streets free
iy aim unstintedly, now tnc new
city dock would be immediately
used in an extensive manner, how
free mail delivery would be at once
installed, how taxes would be low
ered and the price of property large
ly enhanced, and how the place
wouiu latriy reek with milk and
noncy. utese and many more
things he had portrayed in vivid
colors, whether he believed they
would be obtained or not. Tired
out with voicing such
argument all duy, one evening
sat down upon a sofa ond fell
asleep. And sleeping he dreamed
In his vision it seemed he had
strolled into the council chamber of
tho city of Portland wh.'ii the body
was in session. Ah St. Johns had
rather recently been annexed tn
Portland, he decided to listen and
learn if any of the things he had
promised would be taken up and
noted upon. After a uist of busi
ucsb of more or less importance had
been taken up and disposed of, the
clerk stated that a petition for a
street light in the new addition of
St. Johns was prayed for. The
mayor asked the councilman from
he. solemnly exclaimed:
just as I expected."
The dreaming aunexer stirred un
easily and finally awoke with the
impression that he had been sitting
upon something extremely uncom
fortable, and reaching down he
pulled from under him a lartre. int.
yellow juicy lemon.
Measures to be Voted On
Catholic Mission
On October 16th, beginning with
high mass at 10:30 a. m.. a mission
will begin at St. Clement's Catholic
Church on Portland boulevard,
between Buchanan and Burr streets.
for the benefit of the people of St.
Johns. The mission will continue
two weeks. Lectures will be de
livered every evenimr at 8 o'clock
and in tnc early morning at the
early mass.
1 he first week's lectures or ser
mons will be for the special benefit
For the benefit of the voters we
publish a list of the official hnttnt
titles of each of the i Itittintlve
and referendum measures to be
voted ou November 8th. There
are enough of them to keep the
voter ousy from now until election
trying to digest them:
Women's taxpaying suffrage
amendment, granting to all tax
payers regardless of sex. the ritrht
01 suiirage.
300 Yes.
301 No.
An act authorizimr the purchase
01 a sue tor the construction and
maintenance of a branch insane
asylum to be located, in the discre
tion of the board of trustees of the
Oregon state Insane asylum, at or
within five miles of cither of the
following cities, to wit: Baker City,
Pendleton or Union, hi Eastern
W. W. Shultz
conviticln'tr " ' 3 wl" u.c Ior lllc special benefit Pcnd
ivenimr he ., ' , , "a , "e par,SM' mu Oregon, to be called "The Eastern
uisu ik ui iiucrcsi in nn n. rrrrnn Kfni iinnn i. n
cordially In-
a hearty wcl-
uatnoiics, wno arc
vitcd and assured of
The Kecond week ol the series
will be devoted to the Interests of
the tum-Cathollcs ot St. Johns and
Vicinity, to liive them nn onnnr.
..... f... 't . .. .
uniuy or acquainting
wmi tnc truth concern
trincs of the Catholic Church.
There will be no controversy in
these lectures. They will consist,
principally, of an exposition of
Catholic doctrine und practice, with
Apecial reference to tiie objections
ireuncnuy urougut, against the
302 Yes.
303 No.
An act to elect on the first Mon-
.1 .. T .
uuy in junc, ign, delegates to a
constitutional convention, to be
Held on the second Monday in
October, 191 1, for revising the con-
The demise of W. W. Shultz
came as a trrcat shock to 'his nmtiv
incuus 111 at. jonns. He was taken
seriously ill only a week before his
death, with what seemed tn lie
Pleurisy, but which developed later
into acute pneumonia. lie called
a physician and seemed lo be re
covering until Friday evening
about eicht o'clock, whe II lie still.
dculy grew worse but nothing
could be done to relieve him. ami
he passed awav at nnont twn
o'clock Saturday morning Besides
111s lamiiy lie leaves a father, moth-
cr, a brother and sister In Kansas
and a brother. G. F. Sliult. In
Washington. Funeral services were
conducted in Holman's chanel Sim.
d.lV hv lift' Tnlmcni. tile ...........
atteuded bv a lame number nf li!clsurcly uc
w o - w
st. Johns friends.
Mr. Shultz was born in Lonorie
county, Indiana, 33 years ago and
went witli his parents to Kansas.
where he grew to manhood on his
tamers tarm. lie married Mf
Council Proceedings
Council convened as nstinl Tties.
day evening, all members being
present with the exception of Conn.
cumnn jouuson.
Lighting Business Distric
The Iightitltr of the business .lie.
irict ot bt. Johns from R chtnnn
to ressendcu street on Jersey and
r J
mill Tin t T . .
..j - ..w... .u.. .mu oiiti- aircci 111 i-nrtintwi tuna .iieiiu,.,i
Illnil HvMrn 1 1 .. " .U30Mt 111
-. www. .luii itLiL 11:1111 111111 rn. 1 run ........ I..... m. . , .
rred to the license committee". ffi It deddeS to InvL "iffi
i couimnnication trom t ne Wev- trom both the ens nnrf f.wrt tti.
nut.ii.i i iiuuu v.u. sininii inni I cuniTuiiiies inr nrnwiMiMcr iim n..
. . . . m . . f I ty iiaiiiu.
owing to the moving of their Port- Since Jersey and Burlington streets
land olTtcc from one building to are to be adorned with wide cement
another and the absence frmn Hie sldcwnlks t Ilia twin fnr on1 1m-.l
city of one or two of the officials, faced in the spring, there is no
the petition for vacation of n stub micstimi but tlmr It aimni.t u.
of St. Johns avenue in exchange The unsightly electric light poles
fnr riirlit nf wmi r.r it... xr....i .. i l...i r ... ..."
- "j in., i.muiL an iei i inni iiul wurK 01 wires wnniti iw nn.
sewer was not in readiness for pre- tirely out of place with this sei,nmn
A Distressing Accident
uessie I'ersyn live years
idth of this month, and thev
blessed with two children, U-ora, a
ot improvement. Iron posts with
clusters of lights ou each street cor
ner would prove of great attraction.
Ut is higu time that St. Johns take
lovely little girl of four years, ami
icsicy, past two years of age. Mr.
sentation this week, but t would
ready by next Tucsdav
A rejwrt of the season's work at
the rock crusher bv M. G. Nense.
lessee, togciiicr
i53.63 as the city's royalty on vision should be made accordingly,
rock turned out was received mid The elecirle tiro lltrttial nn
ago the Fcfcrr,;(l l? t,lc strccl. co"5cc for the streets could easily be removed
icy were il,vcstign s to its correctness, to other points in thi city. A
at night
B. II, Darlliu' met win, n r.-t
lu!?? a.1 the Portland Woolen
flulls Monday afternoon. We
engaged in mnklmr
the shafting and In some manner
His clotliintr became rtitnnTi,t ...i.t.
the nullcys and he was carried on
tnc belt to the drive slmft
ceiling. Before he could be ex
tracted from his perilous nnsltlm,
ie was horribly injured. Many of
lis bones were broken nml t,. ct,a.
taincd severe gashes in the head.
He was taken to the nnorf Snmnrl.
tan hospital In Portia lid. but sue.
climbed to his injuries
day morning.
Deceased was aged about 58
years and resided with his family at
824 North Fillmore. He was a
contractor and builder bv nrofes-
DllUS take aim, o..,l .....11.1 1.. r , '.. .
OU metronol tan n rs. Tlmt ,'"' 7.7 ""fi-- ujni who
with a check foHlnltsnroBreufcnf Tnc funeral was held
1 1 vrau :i 1111 v nirnriintwt
Bids for improvement bonds were stranger coining here
received from the Peninsula and
; tlienisclvcs stitution of the state, and providing Shultz and his little family came to 1 ,0 takc n portion of them at par
iug the doc- for submission of the proposed con- St. Johns nbout two years oko and nml accrued Interest. There were
revised, to the leuiil
state for adoption or
the first Monday in
inujul hiik'ai uiv i:uiiiiLiiiiiiiii iruni 1 Ol. I... ...ll ... I 1 . ,
the tenth ward if he kncwanvthiiiL' i . '... . M7?n,nK b,,t un,n'
.1.-. .1... c .1.- r. it luimwi uuu-iauio ics.
MWWM IW lltflta U sum iviitivm nv
promptly stated that he did not.
that he had only visited St. Johns
once or twice in his life, but he be
Keyed that once flourishing city
now nay more ugms limn it was
entitled to, therefore, he moved
that tho petition bo laid upon the
. tabic indefinitely, which motion
f curried unanimously.
A petition for the Improvement
of a certain street in St. Johns was
then taken up. But it was found
that the engineering corps had more
work thau they could attend to
properly for months to come, and
4 alic.8tatc of, the IrcKsury did not
, permit of adding to that force, the
, ? petition was duly tabled. A peti
Hon, numerously signed, asking
mat t. joints be supplied with
Bull Run water wus takeu up next.
This aroused the Ire of the entire
council. Several members stated
that St. Joints now had better water
and more of it than any suburb of
the city, that the city had troubles
enough without trying to give St
Jqhns something that It already
possessed, that had been
preyed fnr the purpose, tfiat the
people of S. Johns were alwqys
wanting something apd were never
satisfied and it was time to close
down on, their demands until the
wants of the city proper could be
taken care of. The clerk then
stated that one bid had been re
ceived for the sale of the city dock
at St. Johns. It was an offer by
the U. K. ci N. R. R. Co. of Stoo,
000. The mayor stated that the
city treasury was sadly depleted
that the dock was so far away from
tue ousiuess interests of the city
uiai its retention would do more
harm than good to the heavy busi
uess interests ot t'ortland, au
therefore, he recptnmended that the
hlfl ie apcpped. 0 malign of que
9 the pounpilnien jo this, effect,
HI? Hi4 W?s tjecepted.
The drpgmer bepame bewildered
at t)e yqy things were gojngf, b,tit
yP, away dgwn jn, h heart )c
pPHld not Jiejp but fpel jp the same
frmnc oi mm w me preacuer tn
Mlohigaii who had told his flock of
the many glories of tbe next world,
and how happy they would all be,
that none would go to perdition if
they followed his advice, and then
wound up by declaritig that the
world would come to an end on a
certain day the following week. He
strongly urged that In order to be
saved, all the members should meet,
with him in a large meadow near
the tgwn on the morn ng of that
WY 9PH M'.eY waula aspend to
Heaven together. Bght, and; eajly
1 n ine qijy speciiiea ae preapiier.
mm j? vfv Hip mea4?.w.
HPflflarPYlgUiere he was nricv.
ptfiily duappoiuted to find none of
his followers on hand. After wait
ing a little while he began to feel
rather fatigued, and spying a con
venient hay stack in the field he
crawled upon it and lying down
finally fell asleep. A mischievous
youngster came along and spied
the man on the hay cock and he de
cided to have a Ijttje (itn. S he.
lit a match a,ud appjied t o ' the
hay. Volumes of flame (aid smoke
arose aqd finally ar'pused the sjutn,
berer, ' Jumping ip, arjd. Iftoking
wildly about him, he saw nothing
but fire aud smoke on every side.
' After gazing about a second or two,
hverybodv will have the nrlvi-
lege of nsklng questions of the
lecturer by writing same on a slln
of paper and placing them In a box
provided for that purpose aud
known as the "Question Box."
These questions will be iratliered
up ond answered on the followlntr
evening, before the lecture Itself
During the second week of the
mission the lectures will be heard
In the evehimr onlw at 8 o'clock.
There will be good slnclntr. Kverv
opportunity afforded visitors to see
and learn at first hand what the
Catholic Churclrf.fantrdoes.
No admission fee. There will be
no abuse nor r d cu e of the rell-
glous beliefs of any person.
stitution, so
voters of the
rejection ou
April, 191a.
304 Yc.i.
305 No.
For amendment of sections 6 and
7, Article 4, of the constitution of
thin state, to provide a separate dis
trict tor tnc election of each state
senator aud each state representa
tive. 306 Yes.
307 No.
For an amendment of section 3a,
article 1, of the constitution of
Oregon, by omitting the words,
"and all taxation shall be cotial
they have all endeared themselves twelve bonds of $500 to be sold and
to every one who learned to know u wns decided to sell six
them, by their genial, lovable dls
positions, christian living and kind
ly, neighborly conduct' to those
about them. Mr. Shultz from his
youtn up lias been an obedient and
affectionate son and since his mar
riage a loving, careful husband.
tV. 1. 1.. i... . . . . .
curing ma unless uts only care
during his lucid moments was for
the welfare of his wife and little
ones, for whom he often ex
iircsscu uts iovc and ins anxiety at
leaving the little ones so early in
each institution.
wuuiti realize uiai mere was some
thing to St. Johns If the strings of
iiguis were installed, and lie would
at once become impressed with the
idea that he had arrived at n metm.
bonds to polllan city Instead of a village still
111 us swautu inr clothes. Wi. nn.
Building Permits
No. 135 To D. W. Sorbcr to
erect dwelling on Nlckllu street be
tween Oswego and Charleston; cost
No. 136 To Peter Wclncr to
erect dwelling 011 Burr street be-
Report of Chief of Police McKIn- Mcrstand that the gas company will tween Portland boulevard and Sen-
..... r t . . 1 . . a .
ney irom juiy 1 10 UClODcr I WHS
received and may be found else
where in this issue.
The petition for a public park by
the purchase of the Caples nnd
Harris laud, mid which was re
ferred to the city nttorncy last
week, was found to be Inckhnr In
detail, aud therefore the recorder
was directed to
make tlie rate most reasonable If cca street: cost rtnn.
. . , r.
pian is carried out and gas No. 137 To W. A. Simpson to
used. Ibis comnauv tins ilnne erect dwelling nn,,. ..,,..
a f l C -" "0 "J W V
has asked between Banks and Hendricks
much for St. Johns and
I... in. 1. 1.. .....
liu 1 mui: in return, itverv urn.
vision in Its franchise lms been fi!r.
iy met and much more has been
done in the way of extending its
pipes than the franchise requires.
ii i.t entitled to sometliing, and it is
avenue; cost J65,
No. 138 To B. F. Belleti to
erect dwelling oil Mears street be
tween Orcgonlau avenue and Mid
way for M. It. Taylor; cost f 1000.
xno. 130 I o Kerr & Son to enn.
Bonded Debt Luxuries
request the owners
to furnish the necessary description only fitting that the citv nlmnt,t In struct Htornee pnlleru n 1...
life. He seemed to entertain no ex- f the tracts they desired to sell for some manner show its appreciation, tween Chicago aud New York for
pcciiuiou 01 recover nir after he be. purpose. course, since bis from bot 1 L'alef Uros.t cost ino.
III .... a " I HI 1 l ,.. . t .... .1 '
cuuic no 111. iim nan no iiiiensimxta 'ii- mayor aimoiuicu k. i.. ikuiuiNiiiics nave ucen inviteii. tin.
nnd uniform," mid Inserting in lieu as to his welfare declaring tliat the ,,lrk nnd N. A. Gee as viewers on "! making the lowest offer will wet
thereof, the words, "taxes shall be Lord would take care of him. the widening of St. Johns avenue the contract, nnd should this be
vice b. w. Rogers and Murion tnc gas company It will be entirely
Tl. ........ I.-. I. r .1. . .. . . I ....!. .1-. .. .
jijiiiimiii, Hum 01 wnoiu declined to n""B,ciory 10 tue people of St.
serve 111 mis capacity. A resolution
to tuts ciiect was duly adopted.
A resolution to sidewalk Burling
ton street from Jersey to Ivnnhoe
on both hides of the street with 18
foot cement walks, aud also Bur
lington street from Ivnnhoe to
Hayes with 13 foot cement side
walks were ndoptcd.
levied and collected for public pur
poses only and tnc power of taxa-
tion shall never be surrendered, sus
pended or contracted away."
308 Yes.
309 No.
For amendment of article 9 of
the constitution, nuthorUlug the
crcatlou of railroad districts, and
the purchase and construction of
railroads, or other highways, by
the state, counties, municipalities,
and railroad districts, creation of
Mrs Shultz will remain here 1111.
til her affairs arc settled. Her
father lias come and will assist her.
When her arranuements ore com-
plcted she will take thediody of her
husband back to the old Kansas
home where she will remain with
her little ones. While she is heart-
broken over the loss of her beloved
iiiiauiiiju, auc noes not mourn as
those who have no hope, for she
knows that all things work to-
gether for the good of those who
A whist partv was elven at the
Hoover home Sept. a8 in honor of
Ben S. The first prize was won bv
Johns. The electric company Is ?io1 V Cormony and the booby by
getting n nice thing out of this city Mnnc '"'"nan. The affair was a
as it is. ost pleasing one and dainty r-
Fcw, If any, citizens could rcn. rcsuiets served at the midnight
Citizens of Portland desire many
a 5' Jul lo m -v 1eU "ffi IV''" h xemlon
each project will cost money. tion of propr y used for
neoruVp cry case taxpayers ae 5 . 'V,!6
foot the bills. In other words, the
peoplo want expensive conveniences B",Tnc' , 0i",e,r ,mf
at expense of taxpayers. Koch pro. "cUon.1 .of 8ai(1. nr lcI
ject is supported by strong argu
ment and would certainly be useful,
iu ways, to the public.
The bonded debt of this citv for
parks, bridges, ferries and water
system aud other things, already
authorized, will soon exceed ia,-
000,000. To this total It la now
proposed to add 13,500,000 for
docks (this sum will but Iwgin the
work) aud If ,000,000 for a conven
tion hall. More river bridges arc
needed and a cry has cone un for n
sub river tube. Tljere sX he
more park land and park, improve
inputs; qlsq fireproof schopJ,,hQu,Bea.
Crematories. mtis,t lip built. will
be posy to pise the bonded, debt p
Portland tq f aqooqq jrj hp next
two pr three years, MQre than
qoo.qqq addhlpq to the lwwled debt
Of the city was, anihorined in the
last two city elections.
Portland Is a growing city, a
large city, and destined to be a
great one, It will need to add to
its d,ebt for public utilities and Im
provements, as its size luereases.
But it will need to cuard Its credit
aud Its taxpaying property.
demands tor debt
and manner of iuiprovltnr Mohawk
Hens upon property or levvlucr taxes love the Lord and are called neennl. street from Willamette boulevard to
for the payment of the same, nnd fug to his purpose, and that it will Ivanhoe street by gradimr. macad
from taxa- be but n little while until they shall ainuiug and cement sidewalks was
municipal, again be reunited, where sad nnrt. passed.
sclent fie. re- int:s never come und where nil tenr Ordinances Cbtablisbluir the
llgious or charitable purposes, are wiped away by the lovlmr Krdes on Bradford street from
(Note: Another amendment oM Father, whom both she and her Richmond to Burlington; Decatur
e 0 Is nend- husband so trulv worshinned ben. "Oin Kichmoiid to IlurliiiL'ton: Kdt-
... ' . 1.. . - ,-4 . - ;.. .-. .
is not tn Harmony here- Mr. bhtiltz confessed his Savior and
obeyed him iu baptism a
each propel ty owner and the tnn,
An ordinance providing the time and dignity It would lend to the
city would lor more than offset its
mably object to this system nf "."Mr "cipcu to make it more so.
latluir the nrlnclDfll business M.hosc present were Georgie Per-
The difference It would K: s''.s,u I)n, Maud Wolllford.
In taxation would be small tn .WnrIc Uitirman, hcho Moak, Mol
ing and
310 Yes.
3ii No.
For an amendment of section : of
article 9 of the constitution of the
state of Oregon, directing a uui
form rule of taxation "except on
propertyspccifically taxed, "author
izing the levy and collection of
taxes for state purposes, upon dif
ferent classes of property, and ap
propriating stue taxes among the
Several counties as county obllga
Hons. (Natei Another amend-
went is pending which also amends
little over
a year ago and has lived as nearly
a perfect christian lire since as it Is
possible for mortals to do. Always
faithful in the discharge of his
duty, there is for him certainly
uwtiiiuig uie rewnrq mat is proni'
isext 10 tue tatlltini and true.
thfe section, aud is not iu harmony Us.
Police Report
Total number taken into custody
from June 1st to October 1st, 1910,
sou from Richmond to Phlladel
phia; Oresham from Mohawk to
Burlington, nnd Ivanhoe from Mo.
hawk to Richmond were iw.ssed.
Iron lump posts for Jersey mid
Burlington streets instead of arc
lights, broached by Councilman
Downey, wus discussed, and it was
decided to Invite bids from both the
electric and gas companies for sup
plying me same.
On motion of Alderman Windle
I .l..t 1. 1 . .
u vur ucciucu 10 install an nrr
David M. Campbell
David M. Campbell, after an 111-
ness of two months with Brights
disease, passed oway Friday even
Sept. 30, 1910. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev.
G. W. Nelson at his home ou 936
Willamette boulevard Sunday, nt
a p. in. Miss Plaskett, Miss Call,
Dr. Scott and Mr. sang three
limn; selections, mere was n
large attendance of sympathizing
neighbors nnd friends. The Mod
ern Woodmen of America, of which
the deceased was a member, nt.
lie LOrmailV. Civile Kmrers. Iten, Dick Webster, Davis,
Walter Coon, Ray Wright nnd Ben
The St. Johns Athletic nsHneln.
tion has booked another fistic ex
hlbltlou to be uiveu in tbe rlntz
October 37th. At tills time Ace
Clement, who defeated the colored
boxer here a few weeks ago, will
go against Jack Dtirate of San
Francisco iu n ten-round affair.
Durate has recently fought FritK
Holland of Spokane. Teddv Brooks
of Seattle and Johnny 6'Kee of
Denver, and has confidence to be
lieve he can defeat Clement. Good
preliminaries are being arranged
The trolley people ore still slow
about cutting out that dangerous
curve on this side of the cut and
passing over the bridge below. If
a car should happen to jump the
track on the curve the disaster
31a Yen,
313 No,
An act providing for the paymeut
of if 1, 000 annually to the judge of
the eighth judicial district by Baker
county, in addition to the annual
salary of 3,000 received by hint
from the state.
3 1 4 Yes.
315 No.
A bill for an act tn ere.iie Hip
These C0Unty f oi a portion
litrlit at the enmer of lii-i,.,,.! ended ill it body, furnished the nal
U " - - - - wa I W m 1 AAAIAA 111 I ..
ond Hayes streets. wearers mid laid the remains to rest
11 n V.U111111UIU cemetery, using
their beautiful burial service. Mr
With this Issue of the Review M-ampiicii was not quite 37 years of would be nppallluir. As the brldee
the ready priut service will be dls- a&e' ;,.waiia quiet, conscientious Is completed and a crew of men
continued, and the paper hereafter a"(fl amful man. He leaves a could make the change iu a few
will be all home print as formerly. w'if t0 whom he was married less days, the danger should be ellinl-
we nave found the proposition mi .,,,J" n Jcar nBOi father, sister, four nated without delay.
Drunks, 33.
Assault and batter, 4.
Vagrancy, 6.
Peddling without license. 1.
. ... ii u nu vc Kiiiiiii 1 nr- iiriirinvn mn nil k. vs iuiiiiti . niMifr. iniir
Automobiles exceeding the speed unprofitable one after six mwiths brol,,e nd tlie Fas.sett family to
lebt aud taxation pari 01 uougias
come too fast. All should not fc f u,e s?umern part o
.j 1 .. .1 m ! 11.UUC conniv: nrnvuiinrr inr its nr.
Kruiucu oy voters 01 iue ciiv. uuivi1-1. v ?r
.i. n
he bes atitl, tiscea'rY' es:s
gauizati,onl fains t'satiw c4 tlie
. 1 .i 1 e n-iTi sv.w.l-. ntb-rc tlirr.f o.l lnr ...I
e allowed, iyvm ivm ujnium
This 9 time for sober reflection wiww, m ,,,ree counties.
on these matters. Na comrauuitw 3?? X"'
tpo'mucli Uste anAoo'nWtax e permanent support and malnte-
p am tea nmon tax
U5 HRbut d pg. Portlatid is com-
ortaulo because it has been, for the
most part prudent, But this city
could easily exceed the rational
speed limit, if its citizens should
forget their prudence.
A community like an individual,
must pay for tts luxuries. And
each is ever compelled deny
itself some lxurs1.' --Sunday's
limit, 4,
Violating swpaundlug ordlnan
tea, I.
Trespassing, 8.
Violating saloon license, 1.
Minors in saloons, 1.
Disorderly conduct, is
Violating dog ordinanoe, I.
v.arrymg concealed weajwns,
Yiojatmg bicycle ordinance, 3.
Men given lodgings, 1,
Number of meals given, 41,
Number of jail days served, 10.
Number of dogs killed and
buried, 8.
Number of cattle eiiipouudejl, a.
R. McKlnney, Chief, oi Police.
trial. From what we can learn few "urn uts early departure. Thev
subscribers ever read the inside "ave the sympathy of the comum.
pages. In a fanning community ,my 1,1 u,clr ereavemeiit.
where the inhabitants have more
tit.ue (or reading aud where city
wtpers uo not circu ate so freely it
might have proven a success, but
not so here. The chances are, Haw-
ever, mat the paper will soon be
enlarged, but if so it will be all
home print. The priee of the Re
view will be ono dollar per year, as
Surprise Party
Funny how some auuexers are
advising the citizens of St. Johns to
'get all we can" before election
next mouth. If, as they claim, we
can get anything we need or desire
after annexation, why the unseem
ly haste? Read the Annexer's
Dream" iu this issue and you may
find the solution.
A remarkable telescope that en.
ntetl Stationed at Pnrt St
a mill on the dollar upon all taia Q lctecl the approach of an enemy the amaz.ioy progress the city has
ble property within the state 0f while they are still more than 33 nia.wUunng his absence and said
' L 111 I IIV " - I II rr . . . . 1 k. k Kn.l . i . 4 . . 1 ... ... I.T .
stalled there. Rv Its aU th ranee, past three years, but nowhere had
of the apprp.a9hi.UK fleet ?an be oh- Ml?.see ,m,cn building being done
a law
liu. tivtl . . . . 1 .
W. K.Godsey, who three vears " 5 "J18. aml Ule
ago conducted ti blacksmith slbp at S. X
n .wl I . . I w"
A delightful surprise party was
tendered Miss Blanche Udlefsen ou
the evening of Oct. i. The nffnlr
was gotten nn to celebrate Miss I'd- M8- C. C, Tonner, who has
lef sen's birthday, and the surprise uce residing at Red Oak, Iowa,
whs complete. Uacli member nf
the corner of Charleston
hoe streets, is iu St. Johns this
week. He was. fireatlv surprised at
- -
A bill for
county of Otis,
creating the V1"."? aM twcbi'miii, is. so, a4-
Orecon. out of ter. JfStea. mat rt overcomes, the etfecta
ntory now includecl in, the couuUes w.u.e the earth on au
ley, UgayteiK ao firqt, W.Mary telescppe.
a&m bt. Johns.
probable that he
once more.
It is more than
will locate Uere
! Harney,
prpviding for t& 9,rga.i?atl9;t anx
VtF W aayimeiH ot na.ncs t
Vhen ypu get 3 p?r cent ou your
Tour mopey is wpnme , jus fa nV records WiweVn h
VmVeTr? ffi ffiWoS;; Vral9Wnttes affected by the pro
ipH h.aY?- ile FtfSt National jRW 1
flan.. s glad to show you how to 320 Yes.
You plant seed in the spritnr: vou to be nlneed on ivnir r,t..c l
.v-r ... ,u me tan. rium eaten any "ueorts that niiiht tie
now. In found lu the water, stnte thnt Hull
were nlaved nnd
tlie evening was passed iu a delight
ful manner by all. Those present
were: Alice Autzen, Iura Bol
ton, Mary Palb, Anna Falb,
Gretchen Cormany, Lillian Hall,
Florence Carlson, Nellie Cochran,
Mary King, Hazel Carlson, Tom
Autzen, C. C. Stewart, Jay Bleak
ney, Dr. J. V. Scott, Dr. Fred
Peterson, Charley Bailey, Karl
Crottchley, Paul Cochran, Arthur
-ing, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rice.
for some time, Is a guest at the
home of her mother, Mrs. J. M.
Gillsplc, at present. As soon as he
can settle some busiuess affairs in
Red Oak her husband will follow
her here, where they expect to
make their future home.
F. K. Bement aud wife of Long
Beach, Wash., were guests at the
home of Charley Foss Sunday
where a big chlckett dinuer was
served iu their honor. Mr. Bement
is foreman of a crew of men prepar
ing ground for cranberry planting
uear Long Beach.
save by compounding interest
every six months, it
330 Yes.
33 r No,
(Continued next week).
the seed of your savings
your old age the First National
Bank will have vour harvest ready
it . .
tor you oy paying you 3 pe cent.
Run water contains almost four
times as much sediment as St.
Johns water. Ask him about it
wueu, be calls at you home.
O. W, Allen and Mrs. Jennie
Glover were united iu marriage
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
the home of the bride, 313 Burliug"
ton street, Rev. C. P. Gates offi-ciated.
Peter Weiucr has begun construc
tion of a substantial residence on
Burr street.
D. W. Sqrber is erectitig a
little home on Nlckllu street.