"J, ArT. SCOTT, BROTHER OF LAKE COMO VICTIM Hia uotcrrainca flffnrta t n bring to justice tho Lnke Como murderer litis kept Cnpt H. II, Scott more or Icbs In iho foreground of Into. It was his sister. Mrs. Mnry Scott Chnrlton, who wns slain by hor husbnud, Por ter Chnrlton. In their villa on tho shoro of the beautl lul Itnllnn lake, tho body aftorward being found In a trunk In tho Inko, fho murderer flod to America nnd was arroslod on arrival. Thon aroso the quostlon of his punlshmont. Itnlr hnv tng refused to oxtradlto sovornl of hor subjects who had commlttod tnurdor lu tho Unltod States nnd escaped to tho mother country, tho Washington government declined to send Charlton back to Italy for trial. As tho crlmo was committed abroad. Charlton could not bo trlod here. It Is this mis- cnrrlngo of Justlco that Capt. Scott has fought against inpi. hcou nas a vory nno army record. Ho was ono of tho four army officers sent to tho city of San Fran cisco at tho tlmo of tho onrthqunko nnd ho workod there so successfully in on ouurnu unng oruor oui or ennos that ho oarnod tho Commendation of all those who woro nctlvoly Interested In tho work of rescuo nnd roorganlxn- tlon. 110 has n groat many lottors from Han t-Tnnciscnns praising nis woricnnd wanning uuu. An interesting story concerning the oravory oi wipu ucou ons just como fo light. Homo yonrs ago tlio news papers woro full of tho story of nn explosion at Lafnyotto Islnnd, Now York, nnd tho killing of seven men. Lafnyotto Islnnd Is n storngo plnco for navy explosives. Tho explosion oc curred ono wlntor day when a work man wns drawing tno ruso from nn olght-lnch sholl landed nt tho Islnnd by tho Brooklyn, Tho nuws carno to tho outstdo world through tho tolo- phono whon n watchman tho ono man on tho Island not Injured by tho ox plosion telephoned tho news to Fort Hamilton. Whon tho news enmo, two officers voluntercd to ro to tlio rescue of tho Injured mon. It wns porllous Vlotlvci nnd n flro wm rnKln which is Ttw mi. liiunn wnsi rim nr ... might communlcnto with thorn nt nny jtlnuto. Tno voiunteors wero Cnpt. Scott nnd MnJ. Wobb, now on tho re tired list. Thoio two tnnnnod a stonm launch and broko thotr way throuch tho Ico from I'ort Hamilton to I-nfsy-tto Island which was n small pleco of land almost ontlroly covorod by forti fications. Tho Intorlor of tho fort was mass of flames nnd In tho midst of tho ro lay eight mnnglod bodies. One man's hond bad blown to the roof nnd lodged thorn. Hut tho othor men wero allvo, though foarfully mangled and helpless. Cnpt. Scott and MnJ, Webb workod with feverish hasto to drag tho torn bodies of tho men to their launch whllo tho old watchman played a boso on tho burning magazine. Hut the flro had not oaten its way to tho rnagnxlno when the last of the bodies wna nllml Intn Ih. 1nl,.,l, onri Mm l was piled Into tho launch nnd tho two bravo officers and tho old watchman followed and put out through the Ico toward Fort Hamilton. Iloforo they reached that destination they saw Iafayetto Island blown up by tho ox plosion of tho magaxlne, Tho bravo conduct of the two otfl cors nover became known. Nor was their bravery rewarded In great meas ure by the result of their work of res cue. Only ono of tho men thoy araggea from the flames on Lafayette island survived. .ROCKEFELLER AND HIS DCI ATlXic Usui- uinr I RELATIVE HAVE MADE UP lOHND.nOCKB- J feller has won a victory over him self greater per haps than any ho has won over his business rivals. Tho New Testa ment tells us Uiat a person who has aught against bis brother should first be reconciled to that brother before offering his gift at tho altar; out many men find It difficult and eomo ovon Impossible to carry out this clear Injunction of the Master. Evidently John D. Rockefeller was ono of those who found the tank of re. I conciliation a hard one. For yesrs to, and It was arranged to have two of "tripe. Sprinkle thickly with powder he and his brother, Frank Rockefeller, their best cows sent In advance to the ea iUr and 8et In a cold place till Old not speak, nnd an enmity, deep appointed place, with an export milk- "i"10 onra Jhen carefully drain and bitter, was entertained by tho lat- or -well versed ln all the sterilizing "e Blrup nnd arrange the strips, ter against the oil king. Frank claims stunts connected with furnishing milk ,deP; ,n a log-cabin fashion on that John D. wronged him and ho to millionaire babies. Tho whole out- ""f ch,n,a Plates. Sprinkle lightly had registered a vow not to sDeak to lit was ready and waiting for tho fara- w,tb .Powdered sugar and freshly him until that wrnnir w. Just what the specific injury was Is not publicly known, but it keDt the brothers anart until recently, when Frank and John D. met buried the hatchet, and exchanged the brotherly Itlss. Just as it is not known what Frank's specific grievance was, so it la not known what were the terms of reconciliation. Dut they must have been satisfactory to Frank; and now John D.'a Sunday school In Cleveland may expect to hear a discourse In due time upon the beauty ot brotherly love. Frank Rockefeller Is little known to the public, and is of such paltry jeone'ern to the biographer that his name Is not even mentioned ln Who's Who. He wa.s at one time Interested in ore mines in the Lake Superior re gion and was associated with Jams Corrlgaa, a former business ally of John D. Rockefeller. But ln the panto kf Frank and Corrlgan went un Aer, and the power that submerged usm was exerted by John D. Pos tjhly, that BBay have been the griev Igga et wbUh Jrra&k complained. Any- how- ,ho Bfievanco is now removed, school boyl This0 ought to "bo " SOOd tltriR in airlkn .tnhn T for n Innn PHILANTHROPIC DONOR OF THE NOBEL PRIS FUND Alfred F Uornnrd No bel died In Snn Homo, Italy, somo ...... . t a substantial fund which Instigates our great sclent- statesmen to their i.i. - .1 mightiest ondenv- ors a groat deal .i. it., mere plaudits of world Alfred Uornnrd Nobol wns nn oil king second only to tho prosont- day magnate, John D. Rockcfolior, and In being nn oil king second only to tho great John D. ho .ccumutntod an Immonso fortune ns oil kings gonornl IV hnvn n hflhlt nf ilntnrt tlnntt Ma 0f W,ch mn egftclos woro given to his nlready wealthy relatives nnd tho Intorcst on tho romalndor which no cumulntod during n yenr was then dl- vlded Into flvo oqunl parts nnd Is an- nunlly awarded ns prlxes to tho per- Dili who linll linvn mniln fit thn I most Important discovery or Invontlon m tho domain of physics, (2) In I rhrmlntrr. m In nhvalnWv nr mn1l. cine, (4) who ahall hnvo producod In the field of lltcrnturo tho most dls- tlnrtllahivi work nf nn lilnnll.tln (nn. dency, nnd (B who shnll hnvo most or bcsl promoted tho frntorn tv nf no- tlons. thn nhnllulunnnt nr .llmlnnttnn 0f standing nrmlos and tho formnt on nnd Incrcnso of pcaco congresses. Tho nwnrds for theso prlxes nro con- trolled entirely by Swedish courts, Tho winners of (1) nnd (2) rrn so- lectr-d by tho Itoynl Academy of Sctonco In Stockholm; (3) by tho Cap olino Medlcnldilrurglcnl Instttuto In Stockholm: (4) by tho Swedish Acad cmy In Stockholm, nnd (5) by tho Norwegian storthing (pnrllnmcnt). Tho Nobol prim fund Is n flno phll nnthrnpy, bringing out Iho vory best then Ico with a liberal coating of con In tho man who Is making nn effort foctlonors' sugar, flavored with nlmond for the prlxo nnd gives tho people tho nnu rubbed smooth with boiling wntor bonoflts of his mnstorploco In sclonco, nrt or lltornturn MISS BULA EDMONDSON. TYPE OF INDIAN BEAUTY liriiiiN ono thinks of In dian beauty, es pecially after n visit to n wild west show, his tenso of tho nos- thetto Is horribly shocked great guff mon, broad- noiod. ugly-fsn- lured and homely appearing wom en, possessors of every feature which does not tend to beautify a human countonnnce. Hut If one ontoru Into a chance conversa ,"d," ,i,;, ho will soon bo UOnS H1UIHII UhlKIOHS 110 Villi SOOn 09 I tlon with an Oklahoman and men told thnt In Oklahoma they hnvo In dian bonuty. nnd If need bo thn west- oroor will clto well-known examples. Ono of Iho best-known types of In dian beauty Is Miss Hula Denton Kd- mondpon, principal of the publlo schools at Tahloqunh, Okm. Miss ICd- M...., W 0 1 ... .., I classlo boauty, graco and surpassing accomplishments, Her picture ndorned the walls of the Oregon building at tho Alaaka-Yukon-I'aclflo exposition and for months It was tho center of marked attention from thousands of visitors who found in the classic fen- .tudy which aroused the keen- est inieresi. jnienmu, uvauiuui, nom- ng tho highest position which the cltl- xens of her community can glvo her Oklahoma points with prldo to her rmimo whnsB iinDaca la linked with tho Cberokees. as tho highest typo of Indian clvlllratlon and bsauty In tho world. Youngsters Well Cared For, Hero's tho very top notch of Infan tile luxury, snld a New York physi cian, "A wealthy family with two I'inii. a. n ijuilu v iMiuiii nrM t, w v a young children recently spent several .n fr from New York that the milk from a certain dairy could ..ot Aak tlh a.m In trrrt nri ri I f Inn Irft- vtous to their departure this milk prob- l.tUU M BUWM wwswtsw. tw-S Hera presented Itself, and tho mother was nearly distracted nt tho thought . of her babies drinking foreign milk. Suddenly the horlxon cleared sho bad IM Tnn tabllBhment was teleDhoned V n lla rriml and these TOunB. stern so far as I know bold tbe reo- ord of having a couple of cows and a BDeclal milker travel several hun- dred miles rather than have their special brand ot milk subject to any change. Responsibility. Friend Haven't you named tho baby yetT . Proud Mother No; we must bo very careful to give him a nice one, because there will be so many named after him when he is president Open, "My life," he boasted, "Is an open book." "Yes," replied one of tbe men to whom be owed money, "an open ac count book." Ownership Denied. In rour advertisement you stated that you have no mosquitoes." "So I ain't Those pesiry cruiera you see nyin arouna nere uuu uv W t ma, hT bAkl" LlpplnCOtt'S. WAY TO MAKE ANGEL FOOD Flavor With Almond and Rub Icing Smooth With Dolling Water Dif ference In Sugar Used. This Is an original recipe, nnd If all directions In regard to quantity, and combining of mntorlal, as woll ns di rections for baking nro followed, suc cess la assured (uso ungrcasod tubo mold, modlum slxo, nnd n graded measuring cup); nil measurements nro lovol,' do not pack down flour when measuring, Just fill cup lightly nnd lovol off top with knlfo. Ingredients Ono cupful of whites of eggs, three fourths cupfuls each of granulated nnd powdorod sugnr; ono nnd one-fourth cupful of finest pastry Dour; ono tea spoonful ench of cream of tartar, va nilla and nlmond oxtmct; a pinch of salt Method Sift sugar nnd flour flvo ,m"'al0,y. ?ro moM.u,r,nB' ?b 00 .nn.d ". tWo m.ro Umo!' "u ZVl. 10 '"T ub,",m? i - ""huu ui l'kkb iu ruuuu UUWI ll??0"80 ?.,low f.?r ln nT, U, . . B ,lu ? 1U B 1nt ,cgg wh,D bcB,n with 8nt' ven slrokos; when thor boKln to froth add .C"nm of whlp unin 80 ,Uff , " " up on wnip uuu rovorsea inoy will stana up in n point; thon add tho flavoring, whip in lightly, then sift sugar and flour over ovonly nnd. with n light dipping motion fold in until nil IngrodlonU are woll mlxod. Fill carefully Into tho mold, soolng that mixture roaches tho sldM thm P'aco moderately hot oron watch carefully; tho cake BUOUla nao w ,0P of mola and r,fl0 "moto nnd slightly roundod, without showing moro than a goldon tlngo; If nt nny tlmo tho ovon bocomos too hot Open tho OVOn door nnd lot tho hot ftlr 0cnDfll this may bo dono at any tlmo wunoui anngor of tho cako falling, but Hover moVO tho enko or nr Btovn whon opening tho door, or place a kottlo of coll ator on stovo whllo baking. Whon tho enkn hiui hnnn In nlmnt 2 mimitoe tho hoat may bo slightly incroasou; whon dono tho enkn will I Shrink slljthtlv. nnd to teat nrnia with lingers; If cako rebounds without mak MnS n hissing sound It Is dono; It should thon bo a dotlcnto goldon brown color; tako from ovon and Invert can until enko Is cold. (This process of In verting pnn Insures n light cako. as It cannot sog whllo cooling, nnd whon ready to Ico romovo tho slides on sides I of pan, dip a long, floxlblo knlfo In cold water and cut cako from mold. Invurt cako on a pinto, rub off nny looso furry particles that aro on sides and bottom. (noto tho dlfforunco; uso powdered confectioners' sugnr for cako, but sugar for Icing.) K rmnll quantity of vinegar boiled on the range will counteract tho odor of M'611 cnbbe or vegetables, . ...... , In darning curtains If tho rent Is large, tako a ploco of an old curtain and patch tho holo with It and tho damage will scarcely bo noticed. A crust of bread Is best to clean a sticky broad or cako pan. Never uso a knlfo or anything that will scratch . - .. . ,HreR8r- wsnu n ""f cn 100 n,18 " rBnse .U8 n"'DK mado ' equal ot wood "hea nnd common salt moistened with water. This will prove " u"d 8tlnK. . The bet way to extract the Julco rm odiod. wtan: neoded for flavor- - en(1 ot tbe onion, removo tho outer "" "uu, 'fV uulon " coarso Kra,tr '"'"K R tary motion, When the boiled mutton has servod ,u purposo as a dinner meat In ono '"mlly It Invariably returns at luncheon or supper as a salad, and always with sandwiches -filled with mayonnaise mixed with chopped capers. Dainty Desserts, Take flvo large peaches, pare, stone YB ,'lr"P C,'ear- then P,aco botween two halves a thlok ..... ,B'or www. a pint or rea maphornoa and add thorn to the . . . . ,oac" B'ruP- n P"r ver and ful .oervo ai once. ' 'c.,." caoin. aeioct a npo pineapple, pare, eye nnd " ""S08 ono-iounn or an inch lu,CK - vul lU8g0 across into Half-Inch KrateO COCOanUt, Fill the Center With nn8. "P8 raspDerries and pour "er mem tne sirup, which has been pralned from the pineapple, Maple Sugar Fudge. Ono pound of maple sugar, one pint ot cream, a few drops of vanilla, a small lump of butter. Dreak tbo sugar Into small pieces. add cream and let it cook until It forms a soft ball In water, or sugars on the edges of a pan. Stir constant ly. Pour thickly Into buttered tins after beating lightly on removal from stove. This is nice with nuts added. Dut- ternuts or chopped cream nuts glvo a delicious flavor. Pear Salad. Peel aid allco Into halvos. length wise, some Arm, rlpo pears. Soak them for Two hours In a little lemon Julco and servo on lettuce leayes with may onnalso. Never glvo this to a man who knows what good eating Is, for no man of taste likes anything cob. talalug oil on fruit, though many vo- UaP 4 mi LARGE DOCTOR BILL Undo Sam's Financial Diagnosis Is Costly. Ouslness 8urgeons Amputating Anti quated Methods In Effort to Re duce Expanses Safeguarding the Trenury. Washington. Undo Snm has n mil lion dollars In doctor bills nnd his case Is not yot fully dlgnosod. With scores of buslnoss doctors nt work on ovory nno of his financial nrtorlcs; professional nnd nmntour diagnos ticians hammering nwny nt his body It Is Indeed n busy tlmo for poor old uticlo Sam, who hns boon accused of being $300,000,000 too corpulent and of living a most riotously oxponslvo llfo. In practically ovory branch of tho govornmont organisation, buslnoss doctors aro working In tho nttempt to discover surplus tlssuo, to clenn out useless and ngod mntorlal, and to train Undo Snm down to a condition thnt will satisfy tho pooplo. For sovornl months thoro has been such nativity nmong tho olTlclal rucords nnd operating systems of tho groat departments of tho government as has not boen known slnco federal business affairs wero first set In mo tion. Treasury systoms which hnvo bcon faithfully "roformod" with ovory now treasury administration nro be ing completely rnado ovor. Tho next administration may ralso tho same cry of 'antiquated methods, -but Undo Sam will at least hnvo n comploto new outfit of clothos end n full stock of modern remedies boforo this con sultation of buslnoss physicians and surgeons Is finished. "How much does It costt" and "How much can bo savodT are tho Chsrles D, Norton. querlos being propounded In ovory branch of tho government service. To nnswor thorn, business exports hnvo given tho tronsury department nn overhauling that has already cost over f 1 60,000, and will cost a great deal more, Tho prcsldort has boen given $100,- 000 for tho solo purposo of hiring ox- pert business Investigators to outllno economy systoms, Tho postofflco de partment has conducted n mlnutn In quiry Into tho cost of ovory branch of tho postal sorvlco. Tho working ca pacity of ovory clork In soma nf tho departments nt Washington has been nceuratoly measured and filed away. Tho navy department Is spending closo to 1 50,000 to reorganise business methods nnd cost systems nt tho navy ..! ..lr.n. 'Pl. yards and stations, Tho government printing offlco spent over 1100.000 for a business system. Thn Interior de partment is carrying out extensive plnns of reorganization based on a 120,000 doctor bill. And finally congress Is holding up Its sleovo, nil ready to bring It Into action when tho tlmo la propitious, the legislative Investigation of tho government service, which will cost fully $300,000 simply to determine "where we are at" Almost all of these Inquiries are producing results of one kind or another, but they can not keep tho government expenses from climbing steadily upward With the advent of Charles Dyer Norton as assistant secretary of the treasury, mow secretary to rreaident Tain tne ousiness or mo Dullness doctors "lookod up" In that depart ment Mr. Norton bad been raised In the midst of system, modorn methods were to him as marbles to the small boy. Experts camo Into the treasury building and literally tore that oft reformed department to ploces, The eust side of the building must be remodeled, and the high stops pulled down, because tho business ox- porta say It stands In tho way of economical progress, Tho ground floor must be turned Into a typical banking floor, with the rooney handllug opera tions concentrated there. Tbe business doctors have bean re- morseloss in their demands. A mill ion dollars spont In securing a diag nosis and tho suggestion of remedies muBt bring many radical recommen dations for the cutting off of branches of tho government service and tbe performance of other distasteful operations. SAFEGUARDING THE TREASURY. Wonder frequently has ben ex pressed by those visiting the treasury building, wnero millions or dollars In gold and silver coins, besides paper money and other evidences of value, are stored, that tho strong box of Uncle Sam has nrvor been robbed. Tbe answer Is that tbo treasury Is guarded night and day by both men and tho moat modern mocbanlsm. Every vault Is connected with an elec tric alarm, so sensitive that tbo slight est toucn 01 tne nana win sound a warning at tho office of the guards and In the police stations of the city of Washington, A signal, long contin ued, would sufflco to bring out the troops at Fort Myer, throo miles away. Besides these mechanical safeguards there is a large force of men engaged In watching tbo treasury. rne Secro- . I wry mmseir could not get into bis own room after offlco hours unless by tbe authority of the captain of tho watch, to whom all the ordinary keys whon you meet her. It may Interest of tbe building are turned over at the her to know of your expectations, your close of tbe business day, Tbe vaults ambitions to make your way ahead; are protected by the most Ingenious but too much ot It Is liable to be ta ct time locks. dlov ino papor money of tho government Is brought In Iron-bound chests, locked nnd sealed, from tho bureau of engrav ing nnd printing. Thoy nro doltvored nt tho cash room to tho chlof of tho division of Issuo In shoots of four bills each. Thoy aro comploto with signa ture and numbor, oxcopt for tho boM, which Is printed upon them with power presses In n small apartment undor tho cash room. Those presses nro operated by two persons, usunlly a pressman and ft An Expsrt Currency Counter. (Copyright, by Wsldon I'awc.tL) woman, who nets ns foodor or assist ant When tho seal has boon Imprint Cd unon tho lillU tlmv nr rmintnit mi tomntlcollr. bound In tvmldKrnn nf counl numbor br band of tmnor. marked, signed by tho persons who" raor auring uio winior season, 11 havo handled thorn, and passod Into only n "mnrtlngalo" or "brldlo" fen- an adjoining room, whoro tho shoots are cut. and the bills nro recounted and Inspected. In ordor thnt tho im - porfoct ones may bo thrown out Tho next stop Is to bind them Into pack ngos of oqunl amounts nnd to tnko them to tho drying vault to Ho upon tho sholves for sovornl wcoks until tho Ink shnll bocomo perfectly dry. The utmost ingenuity Is exorcised to surround thaso trnnsnctlons with ovory posstblo safeguard, Tho chief of tho division la onnblod to toll which of his many subordinates havo touched tho different bills In tho vnults; ho knows who rocoivod thorn, who printed tho Ons of the Money Vaults. (Cepyrlshl, by WnlJun I'awcetL) soal, who wrapped and cut them, fo. every packago Is numbered nnd Its history Is recorded In books. It Is said this system of chocks In no perfect that were n bill missing tho would bo known In l minutes. NEW 8URVEYINQ PLAN. A departuro In tho survey of public domain was Inaugurated with tho be- ginning of tho fiscal yenr. Tho work will now be performed by surveyors empioyea uy mo general land office Instead of through tho contract sys-lu tern, i-na uommissioner uonnett be- Hevee that tho change will effect an enormous saving of time. For several years tho land office has been endeavoring to obtain authority from congress to do Its own surveying, permission nan neon reruieci until the session jubi ciosea, wnon ioUo.oqq was appropriated tor me worK Tills was an Incrense of $376,000 over last year. Under tho old system, after tho con tractor had mndo his survey, It had to be Inspeoted by an examiner of tho land omce. It was never loss than two years, and often threo und four yonrs, before tin work was accept ml nnd tho land made available to entry. Under tho new plan of employing the surveyors tho delays previously un countered. It Is said, wll bo obliterated. 'I wo supervising curvoyors will he placed In the Meld nnd will exnmlno the work constantly ns It progresses. As soon as practicable tho surveyors will bo appointeu by civil sorvlco ex aminations. This cannot bo dono im mediately, as tho system must first bo Installed and placed upon a working basis. To the Msn In tove. Do you remember that though clothes do not mnko tbo man. they often go a long wny toward making n favorable impression, and tho young man would do well to rcallzo this and not allow himself to appear careless In his attire, especially when In tho company of the girl he loves. Do be reasonable, and don't allow yourself to bo disappointed whon you foel that tho ono you lovo Is not quite Ideal. There Is no porfoct man or woman ln this world. Do mako her n little present now and then. I do not monn expensive gifts they are not nocessnry but an occasional offering of sweet flowers.! Sho will lovo them nnd you. Don't forget that though your awoot- heart may be Impressed with your do- votlon and absorption to hor, you must not neglect your business In con- , a8l0 dies. Tlao first Instance re sequence, hven Sho would notice It corded la that of Anno nf n.,mrU I" iiruuuuj loaiuo ,. . I ..I ..I. .... 1 f I . . I laxineas iU n nu. won 1 noro me girt you lovo with an enaiess account 01 your business MODES f HIS Is tho tlmo wbon ono loses Intorcst In Is being worn nnd ves ono's self over to frutttosa conjecture ns to what Is going to bo worn. And yot such do loctnblo things nro bo- Ing worn, things In which lurk ln clows to future nosslbllltlcst Just what fads tho nutumn will bring forth, no ono enn toll, yot ono might order n few autumn gowns now with perfect snfoty, provided ono woro willing to follow conservative ideas Womon aro not yot tired of clinging (rocks and soft drnperleo, nnd though Ihoro may bo offorta to Introduce amp ler linos nnd moro substantial mate rials thoro Is not tho smnllcst llkell hood of any very radical change As has boen said boforo, tho day of tho iklrt Is mercifully past in so far as tno advance guard of fashion Is concerned, though womon who havo such frocks In tholr summer outfits may contlnuo to wear them until tho summer season ends, says a fashion wrltor lu tho Washington Post. To order n now frock with such linos would bu sheer folly, but tho clinging fourreau or slip and tho sup plo vaporous droporlos of the sura mor soason will doubtless bo qulto "iro (iocs not roiegnio mo sxiri 10 mo ranks of tho past. 1 Hlack and whlto Is ouro to bo worn It ' alwnys chlo nnd eftcctlvo, nlwnys maro or less popular, nnd this sum mcr It hns gained n pronounced voguo which promlsos to hold ovor Into tho winter. Ulnck nnd whllo comblnn' tlons nro moro generally becoming I man nil black, but havo much of tho distinction which bolongs to smart black and In n room full of colored frocks tho truly modish black and whlto modol has n certain refined dls Unction which makes It moro notlco- sblo thnn Its more vivid neighbors Moreover It can bo worn mora often than n colored frock without becoming tiresome to both, tho wenror and hor frlonds, Throo frocks recently soon hero aro admirable examples of what tho French mnkors havo achtuvod In black and whlto slnco King ICd ward's death uindo tho blhck nnd whlto frock ovon moro Important than fashion had do creed it should bo. In two enses touch of brilliant color relieves tho somewhat sombre harmony, but tho color is not necessary, and where Jot docs not enliven tho black enough to suit tho woman ordering tho gown Is llttln gold or silver or crystal Is oft leu used Instead of color. Tho two last nro preferred to gold just now, and tho loveliest of tho black and whlto creations ore likely I to show sparkling crystals mingled with cut Jut or gleaming silver em broideries. Dewdrops of crystal scat I lured on black tullo nro effective, and wnito tullo on chiffon sprinkled with tho tiny crystal dewdrops Is veiled lu black tullo with charming results. Varying tho color worn gives varletr I to ci'iu'a toilet, nnd It Is nn 0x00110111 iohemv In designing n black nnd whlto K0. ,hU lT.or tuulty, Tho French designers often supply tho color noto by a cluster ot artificial (lowers or a huge rose thrust luto tho corsage, and tho artificial t'owera now offered for such purposes In tho 1'nrl shops are wonderfully lovely. A woman Just homo from six months abroad and a final four weeks of shon. ping In I'arls, exhibited the other day largo box full of corsago bouquets and boutonnlercs which she had (ought with nn oyo to tho adornlnir of winter furs and evening frocks. The wero not cheap oven lu I'arls. for the iiflutte care In detail uiuani natlent work and consummate skill. One junch of aweot peas was particularly oiely. each flower perfect in form and cxqulslto ln coloring and no two tllko, though all shaded harmoniously 11 soft yet clowlnc pink, lavender, yol ow aim maroon. 1110 nowers woro ntended for tho corsago of n gray vonlng frock, supplying tho only noto 1 nay color In a symphony of smoky .ray and dun silver. What Dlondes Ohoulii Wear. Another cluster of (lowers supplied iy iuu uruooiimiiur iu uccompany n rtula frock consisted of big. loose wtalled black velvet roses, Yes. it dunds absurd, but those roses thrust arolessly Into tbo glrdlo of a white inffon crepe dinner gown uddvd as mlslilngly to tho cachet of tho gown. im more was a roso and fillet orna .ent In black velvet for tho blondo air of tho owner ot tho frock. This hair, by tho way, wns worn In . . , i ,, ... uu uijiuuvcu nirisiun minion, no jnger llat and closo ovor the head Cow tssh Blinds a Msn. Hloomsburg, Pa. As tho result of Humptlng to strlko a cow with a nail whip, and Instead striking his iwn eyo with tho lash. Samuel W. feller of Mlllvlllo Is now totally blind s tno result of an accident soveral oars ago ho lost tho sight of ono oyo. nd a fow woeks ago tho most rocont iccldent occurred. Ho thought little f It, but nn abscess formed on the younll, and It was nocossnry to rc- 1,ove tho oyo Superstition About Clock. Thn vnmtia .1,..!, . . r ', 7 ZZT' .... .. r?" ,.'7 whm. MHnn in ,i.i. nueeu of Jamna I. Tho rlnnk wh rh - . waB .trying four at the momont. tin- modlatoly stopped. Othor instances aro cited. Few Havo Perfect Eyas. Only one out ot every fifteen persons has both eyes in good condition he MOMENT with encircling braid, but more Ore clan ln suggestion. Tho hair, drawn softly back from tho fnco with very llttlo roll or parted If n part Is becom ing Is bound round tho bend In smooth, coll. Somo womon still prefer tho looso, heavy braid, but tho coll Is mora chlc. In tho circle formed by this coll la n soft mass of llttlo curls nnd puffs. Tho sot Bnusngo-IIko puffs which bo camo such nn absurdity n year or 00 ngo, will not do, though many wom en will doubtless resort to them In n cheerful belief thnt thoy nro following tho Inst dictum of Mmo. ln Modo. Tho truly fashlonnblo coiffure must bo care lessly artistic ns to tho curls nnd puffs, yot nover untidy. It must bo smooth and carefully nrrangod, but never stiff. Use of False Hslr. At Its host It Is unquestionably at trnctlvo nnd nrtlstlc, but It Is doomed to caricature, as tho sparks fly up ward, and only tho most cnrotul grooming will produco tho desired re sult. Nnlurnlly fatso hair plays an Impor tant part In tho coiffure of most of tho fnshlonnblos, nnd ono's own hair, BUpplomcntcd If ncceBsnry by a switch, b used for tho coll. Any extra hair Is colled flat on tho crown of tho hond, nnd then n fnlso ploco composod of soft curling locks Is plnnod on, filling tho entire spneo Insldo of tho coll Ilka a cap. Hotter results aro secured In this wny than by more complicated uso of ono's own hnlr, but somo wom en with nmplo locks nnd clovor fin gers or skillful maids nil In tho bnck of tho coiffure with soft puffs nnd twists of their own hnlr, and n fow flngo rcurls bought of tho coiffeur. Individuality today Is not only moro sonslblo, but moro smart than frenk lull following of changing fnshlon, nnd tho truo olcgnnlo chnnges her coiffure much less frequently nnd radically thnn does tho nvcrngo womnn. If only women goncrnlly could bo mado to rcnllio that thoy could achlovo through scrupulous simplicity, Impec cable neatness nnd Individuality smart distinction which thoy miss al together by cheap nnd tnwdry oxag goratlon of passing modos, what an enormous Improvement would bo ef fected I A foreign representative ot ono of tho big French silk factorlea said not long ago: "I havo novor aeon so many hand some womon together ns I find bohlnd Iho counter In any big Amorlcan shop; but why do most of them disfigure thomsfllvos by frightful elaborate coiffures nnd chonp showy waists and nockwonrT If French womon woro aa pretty they would mako thomsolvea adorable coquette, but trim, d emu re." The Shortened Waist Line. All of which Is n far cry from the black nnd whlto evening frock. It has a shortonod wnlst lino, nnd ovory ono who speaks of things Parisian com monts upon tho wny In which this shortened wnlst has boon renssortlng iibck among tno lato summer models. Women llko tho short wnlst find it becoming, Dressmakers say that It offers opportunities for delightfully nrtlsllo offt'cta, nnd so It novor really drops out of sight, though sometimes It la confined to evening nnd houso gown modols. Ust winter tho wnlst lino was low ercd to normal on n largo majority of tho frocks, but the short line still nor. slated hero and thoro upon both even ing nnd daytlmo frocks, nnd this sum mer ono found now nnd then n coat with decided dlrcctolro lines. Now thoro are rumors that tho wlntor will seo n very considerable revival of the short waist and that the Grecian lines of tho coiffure are to consort with a renewed vogue of classlo linos lu evening dr, It Is but n rumor. The short skirt which was Intro duced even nmong the evening frocks and tho most elaborate afternoon frocks this season owed Its voguo very largely to the Introduction of tho bridled skirt, which made long flaming lines and (rains practically an Impossi bility, It has run Its courso with the exaggerated typo of skirt; nnd with the Inorvnaod fullness of tho skirt bot toms hnvo come tho long flowing folds and trains whloh nro so vastly becom ing to tho average womnn that only aluvlbh obvdlouoo to tho makers of tho modes could Induce hor to lay them nsldo, Indeod tho best dressed women on both aides of tho Atlantic havo nover subscribed wholo-hoartedly to the short skirt fad where evening and houso dress was concerned; and while soft skirt fulluess may bo slightly held In by a scarf or somo substantial band on tho skirt bottom, it Is not necessary that this confining baud should bo so ubsurdly narrow as to eliminate all possibility of flowing round folds on train. How Did He Know? On tbe first night of a new piece, pretty young actress advanced to the front ot tho stage flaunting In an ex quisite now costumo. "That must have, cost 3.000 francs " said, audibly, a lady who sat with her husband In tbo front row, "No, no only 2,500," ho aid, mechanically, Thon ho found ber cyo fixed on blm, und was silent Women Church Officers. A woman has Just been appointed thureh warden at Walsgramon-Sowe In Warwickshire, England. Sho Is the, ninth woman to hold such an office In Kngland. There Is also ono woman soxton in n small church ln Lincoln- hire Tho offico la hereditary nnd has been In ber family for moro thnn two hundred years. 8hort Pasture Problem. Wo nro still wrestling with the short pasture problem, but tho corn coming along nt a bounding pace. and will soon reach a stage where a tow hills will go a long ways toward, making tho cows happy.