Historical Society ST. Johns! review IT'S NOW UP TO YOU ToiubwiR for TtttS Piper. All th nw whH It U nw li GET IN THE HABIT Ofco'mtUficIa TtllS aad jua'llarrrr rsrt K. Be I la at one and keep rlfM at II our moHo. Call In and enroll Devotee" (e the Mttttti of lb Ptfttawla, the ManfiS4iflsK Center of the Northwett 'kin VOL. 6 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910. NO. 46 About 200 Per Cent Gain Taxes Will Be Higher For and Against Hill Explains'. Closed the Draws invasion of Ladies Birthday Party I With a large and constantly growing population of citizens who believe that, IP I.KT ALOKK.St. Johns will continue to go steadily forward, says Ed. L. Stockton in Sunday's Orcgontan, that city is fast uecom ing a city of substantial homes and has made a wondernil gam in building in the last year, as the fol lowing comparison of figures will show: 1909 January i.. ,..$2,700 February..... 300 March 2,350 April ........ 5,150 May ...... ..26,570 Juue 7,825 July 5,8io August ..... 6,325 1910 $10,640 3iooo 22,050 12,700 9.950 16,150 19,000 27,600 Total $57,030 $151,050 Every mouth but one shows a substantial gain over last year with a net' increase of $94,000 for the period stated, and already a gain of $16,000 over tlic entire amount or last year's permits. The permits run from as low as $50 for small alterations to as much ss $16,000, this being the permit issued to C. C. Woodhoubc for his store building now being erected on Philadelphia and Ivanhoc streets and which wlicn complete, will be by far the best business block in the city. Other large permits are, $10,000 for the rebuilding of the plant of the Portland Manufacturing Com pany, which was destroyed by Arc; the St. Johns Lumber Company's $2500 stables oh Salem and Decatur streets; the $5000 Catholic school, 94500 Parish house, aud $-1500 con vent on Portland boulevard. Out of the 116 permits, 83 were for new residences aud the remain der for business structures aud alterations of buildings. This shows an average of 10 new rest denc being built in St. Johns each mouth. In addition to the immense in crease in building activity, much has been accomplished in the way of street improvement. All techni cal I tie have been done away with in the long-desired 1i1h .street opening, the street widened to feet, making it 70 fact wide, ami pre ixxMrts (or its improvement are next it) order. This work has been long drawn out because of the condem nation proceedings aud some forced changes of procedure, but will now be rushed to completion at en esti mate cost of $25,000, aud will give to the city a beautiful thoroughfare from the eastern city limits into the heart of the business district. In addition to Fessenden street, the improvement of sections of Mohawk, South Hayes, Burr, Jersey, Portland boulevard, Polk, Kellogg and Thompson streets have already been completed, while work k under way oa 14 other streets, the largest single improvement being that of Midway avenue in East St. Johns, at a cost of nearly $10,000. The work of relaying and ex tending the Philadelphia street sewer has been completed, the Tel ephone Company has its conduits for underground wires Ih place on Jersey street, from Fessendeu to Richmond street aud from there along the streetcar track to the city limits; the gas and water companies also have their p'pes in readiness for the hard surfacing of Jersey street, which will be started at an early date. The James John High School has been completed in a manner highly satisfactory fo the Board of Directors at a cost of $40,000. The work has been practically all dene this year, although started late last fall, because weather condition de layed the work greatly and caused much of it to have to be done a sec ond time. Plans are now being laid for grading the grounds and furnishing the building. St. Clem ents (St. Johns) Pariah, has also erected a school and chapel aud opened three etessrootns, Sept. 12. Five school sisters , of St. Frauck have taken charge and are located in the convent adjoining the school building. Realty trausfers since January x amount to between $300,000 and $400,000, much of which k on contract, and one abstract firm re ports making aa average of two abstracts esch day since the first of the year. J. S. Downey reports his sates as $75,000. McKinaey Af Dvk re port $74,000, mostly in small sales, and J.,F. Gitenore reports $48,000. One of the greatest needs of St. Johns k a pubKc park of some kind, and effort ' have been made on various ecusioas to get the ettiseos te vote bonds with which to buy a suitable site for this purpose, but without avsii. Another attempt k now beinc mod to secure this much-needed bethmg piece, and petkiens net Mittf emkW ask W the City Council Ve ee a spee Every indication points to higher taxation for 1911 than for the pres ent! year, so far as the city is con cerned, o ing to the mauy improve ments which must be made to keep pace with the rapid growth of business aud the progress in all directions. This .is particularly true of the Fire Department. In addition to the construction of a steel fircloat, it looks as though the city will have to expend a large amount to secure modern equip ment, such as automobllc-drivcu apiKtrattis, urgently needed fire stations in different sections of the city and more men. From all di rcctions there come to the fire coni mittec of the Executive Hoard strong demands for better protec tion in the suburbs, which are rapidly developing and which it is recognized arc entitled to considera tion. Having secured an order from the Executive Hoard for an adver tisement calling for the services of a murine architect to draft plans for the proposed steel firchoat, the committee has done nil it cut do in this direction until such architect has been employed. It ii the in tention of the administration to have this craft completed at the earliest possible date, se that the great interests along the river may have proper protection from fire. At best liowcverlt is said it will require about two years to have the boat in commission. There is a bond issue of $275,000 for this pur pose, aud for the installation of a system of reinforcing mains for the waterfront district. A call has come from Rose City Park for a fire station there, and is now being considered by the Executive Hoard. Ko4c City rark is like other subur ban districts, which are building up rapidly and have no fire protection whatever at this time. New stations areueeded in Irving- ton, near the hospitals and In other remote sections. More hydrants are needed all over the city, as well as extensions to the water system to give increased pressure aim more nbundant supply for fighting fires. Am U autowoWk apparatus, u replacing the otd-styk horse equip ment everywhere, and it k regarded as certain that it will have to be In stalled here, Two hose and chemi cal carts have already been pur chased, but this is but a very small beginning. Orcgonian, Sept. 4. ial election at the time of the gen eral election this fall to vote bonds not to exceed $25,000 to purchase the tracts owned at St. Johns Heights by Mrs. Nancy Caples and II. It. Harris, about six acres In all. The Council will no doubt grant the petition, and it is believed the project should carry, for if thk tract of timber is cut down the city will have lost its last chance to get a park at all close in where it can easily be reached by all. While bt. Johns proper ta going ahead as described above, East St. Johns is making a record to be proud of. since January 1, 45 houses have been erected and 625 lots sold for a total of $160,000, Electric lights aud water have becu installed and the gas company is now laying its mains to supply thk district, while much k being done in the way of grading streets and laying sidewalks. The new $30,000 steel bridges across the North Bank cut at Daw son and Depot streets are com pleted and the street ears are cross ing the one at Dawson street. Tiie present loop k being changed leav ing Dawsou or Lombard street' at Wall street and crossing the cut at Depot street, four blocks east of the present crossing, connecting with the old loop at East St. Johns sta tion. This will do away with the laneerous section of track where it runs along the cut after crossing at Dawson street, thus shortening the distance and allowing faster time to be made, which will shorten the time between St. Johns and Port land by several minutes. Many St. Johns citizens have been fearful that the street car company would soon charge 10 cents fare to Port tend, but letters on file in the city recorder's office plainly state that the company has no intention of so doiug and point out the unreas onableness of the assertioH that it intended to take any such step. Chehalk. Washington, k doing good work in advancing new methods of burning out stumps on logged off lands. The Cittaetts' Club of Chebalk recently held deewBStrations of the char pit method of burning stumps and the testa were very successful. It k thought the general adoption of thk means of clearing cutever lands will be of great value to th Pacific Northwest. HffcJk f e4 ft flhptftttf ee ellfcaaVpi We publish another list of, 25 names this week of those whose names appear ou the petition ask ing that the proposition of annexa tion be placed on the ballot. Also a list of equal length of those op posed to annexation. We have been charged with picking out names in our "annex" list last week, but to show that wc arc absolutely fair we herewith publish another list of names none of which appeared lat week, and all of whom wc presume to be good citi zens. Because they have signed the petition asking for annexation docs by no manner of means mean that they still favor annexation, however. The object of publishing the names is not for the purpose of comparison, but just to give the public an idea of whom have ex pressed themselves pro and con on this momentous question. The names on the "annex" ''list comes first: W. M. Schultz J. D. Chubb J. J. Marlctt E. M. Port A. Frcdcrickson O. O. Rldboe Rudolph Moser W. M. Plaice J. Parsser C. Krccgcr L. Gromachcy Rudolph Pachkowaky John Schulcr Chas. Schauff J. A. Schmalzel T. F. Bogardas Win. H. Schulze R. Markwart Rudolph JJradcu Fred Zleglcr John Vcrdigau S. W. llogha C. A. Krugh A. Chowniug G. W. Mtthtn Against annexation: J. F. Hendricks Arnold Unger J. F. Glllmorc P. J. Peterson Cap. Snow .A. C Gesler , . . ti. rt , K. O, Magoou Thos. Glover Cbs. Bredesou C. Oihns B. P Noon a a E. L. Stockton D. N. Byerlee A. M. Essou A. W. Davis S. L. Doble John Peterson R. R, Churchill C. J. Audersou W. S. Basey W. E. Ashby W. ty. Windte J. S. McKinney Judge W. W. Holcomb Thos. Cochran No Gain in This One feature that k being harped upon to quite an extent by those favoring annexation to Portland k the claim that the mouey now paid the city ofiici Js would be saved. Thk Is erroneous and mUteadiHg, of course. In spite of the fact that thousands of dollars are expended in St. Johns each year as salaries of city officials, the tax rate is lower than Portland. If wc were to annex the citv officiate wouJd.be removed, but a larger amount would be raised by taxation than is now the case. There is no chance for us to gain in thk. Portland would gain what k paid the officiate and wc would pay more than if we hod the officials and retained the city government. Again . the money that is paid the city officiate is nearly all spent in St. Johns, Take these thousands ot dollars out of circulation in St. Johns and it weans something. Wouldu't it be better to keep this monev here than to make the city of Portland a present of it, which we woukl do by annexation r Building Permits Following are the building per- mita issued during the post week: No. 127 To C. 3. Kbling to alter dwelling on Swift boulevard, cost $150. No. 128 To Elvin Kays to erect dwelling on Polk street be tween Willis boulevard and Jersey street; eost $1000. For Sale Five-room cottage on corner Charleston and Portland boutevard,full basement, all modern improvements, house almost new. Price $2400. half cash, which in- chides winter's supply of wood, Harden taste, etc Call or address 530 Jtsst Charleston. Thursday evening, Sept. 151 Mr. Goddard, who is a candidateifor the Republican nomination of Repre sentative from this county on the Anti-Assembly ticket, stated before the public at the gabble-feet held on Jersey street that 13. E. Collier aud I (Paschal Hill) were the men or bosses who selected nineteen del egates to the late assembly.' That they were selected in the interests of corporations aud to do their bid ding. If he had staled the truth, I should hayc taken it ns a great compliment, but the very names and standing of the delegates them selves prove him and his kind to be unworthy of belief. He lias slan dered and insulted every delegate who attended the assembly, or con vention. They represent the life and the best interests of our com munity and represent both factions of the Republican party, not politi cians or ward-hcclcrs, but honest, upright, business men, respected by all their friends and acquaintances. As a member of the county cen tral committee aud one of the man aging committee, I did take enough interest and part In the affair to prevent as near as possible any combination or instructed delegates being sent from St. Johns and coun try precincts. The same can be said by members of the different wards in Portland, The men who. represented St. Johns in the assem bly were: Mayor HcndrkkH, J. S. Kellogg, F. W. Valentine, Charles Urcdcsou, John Edlcfseu, G. J. Per kins, S. C. Cook, II. E. Collier, L. I), Chipman, S. II. Greene, W. II. King, R. Markwart, W. Stadelmau, R. McKinney, P. Hill, aud one or two others whom I cannot call to mind now. Each and every one of the above named delegates will deny that he was ever askod before or after his election how he stood on any measure or to work for any particular candidate or set ot can didates. I Ah I said More, it is awlrcct in sult to cach(nnd every deSgate and the communities they represented for a few demagogues amfstlf nom inated candidates to trw to make the average inteHhrentvMr nhelleve such rot. One other matter showing the ticonsistency of the Anti-Assembly movement and I am dotie. Ou the 4th day of July, Tom Clectou, can didate for the nomination of county judge, and "Pike" Davis met Mr. Collier, myself and several others in the city hall iu St. Johns and assured us that they believed that the assembly was the proper thing and that Mr. Clectou would Ik a candidate before the assembly. Mr. Ctectou's name, as we all know, was placed before the assembly and he came within a few votes of being selected as the candidate, and I, with about half our delegation, voted for him to the last ballot, Mr, Davis was one of the most active men on the floor of the as sembly, but after Mr, Cleetnn failed in the assembly, he cornea out with some of the other disappointed as pirants for office and Is branding the assembly as a rotten, unlawful corporation-ruled body, Yours respectfully, P. Hill, (raid AdrertlsemcHt). Dc Big Rel' by de Town De clovah bloom am fadin' Fruin de big fiel' by de town; De purple am a-shadln Iuto suffin ob a brown, De summah win's am shiftin' Frum de regions ob de souf, An' de bumblebee am drawln' Dowu de co'ners ob his mouf. He knows de fros am comin' Wen de honey days am pas', Dat de murmur ob his hummin' Soon will vanish on de bias, An' he wo'ks a leetle ha'der 'Rouu' de blossoms gittin' brown, An' he stays a leetle later Iu de big fier by de town. Oh, I'se sorry fer to see it, Win' a-shif tin' to de wes" , Sorry dat de suow am comin', But de bee am needin res , Foh de toil ob makin' honey Ain' de easiest, doan you know Lak de wo'k ob makin' money It am dream na'd an slow. So good-bye sweet clovah blossoms, An good-bye or bumblebee, You tub made de breaf ob summah So't o' musical to me: I shall tink ob you wif kindness Wen de snow am comin down On de dead an' faded purple Ob de big Sel by de towH. Floyd D. Rase. 1 Y r . . r T Mr. anu Mrs. tiarry istuen T)j. t La uJ uuiMt Suiuldu ufitll fi Of O. r ry j : 1 . . c Bui Me- 1 1 . i JKWK MI INK. In the person of Judge T. J. Clcctoti, wc have a most faithful friend of the people. He is an able jurist, conscientious in the weigh- iuc of evidence, fearless and just in his administration of justice, yet most merciful In rendering judg ments. Judge T. J. Clectou is THE MAN WHO CLOSED THE DRAWS. To support him nicans to elect a champion for the people iu the drawbridge fight. He is fighting this matter to a finish. To turn him down now, would not only deprive him of his power iu this battle, but would debar any other man from taking up the con test, indicating that the people were indifferent as to the draws. Judge T. J. CIccton is opposed to the assembly plan, believing the direct primary to be the AMERI CAN method of selecting candi dates, most free from the domina tion of undesirable elements and giving the people the greatest op portunity to express their prefer ence as to the selection of their pub lic servants. In short, Judge T, J. CIccton is and has ever been a faithful officer, bearing a most enviable record iu his present office as a man of the people, for the people, and there fore should be re-elected by the people. He solicits your support. Will you give it? A vote for Judge T. J. CIccton will be a vote for our best interests. There seems to be a confusion of names in the case of Judge T. J. CIccton, a number of voters con founding his name with that of of Judge Clcluud of the circuit court. Judge CIccton is probate judge and the casualty and personal injury cases of the railroad companies do not appear before hint, therefore he could not favor the companles,evcu if he should wish to, not having an opportunity. Remember when you mark your ballot that Judge Clectou is candidate for county judge aud not for circuit judge. (l'aiil Advertisement). Packing Plant News Receipts for the week at the Port land Union Stock Yards have been as follows: Cattle 2003; hogs 2391; sheep 2950 H. and M. This week's cattle market has shown a strong upward tendency since the opening of business ou Monday. A new high price was set on Friday when a lot of choice steers sold at $575 The butcher division has been especially strong all the week. Cows have advanced a full quarter and tops are worth $4.75. Calves have been steady to firm at $7.00 for best quality. The hog market has been up and dowu since the opening of the week's business on Monday, For top quality the price has advanced to $10.75, where it has remained steady to firm. Hogs of lesser quality were worth any where from $10,25 to $10.50. The market at the Missouri river points has shown the same fluctuations as the local market, Heavy shlpmeuts of Nebraska hogs have featured the market this week and receipts of the local product have been very good, all things considered. The market on sheep for the first half of the week was very draggy, and with the exception of a single sale of lambs, there were tio other sales reported. On Thursday the mar ket was livened up to some exteut by the sale of several lots of wethers and ewes mixed, but no high poiuts in the quotations were reached. The market may be con sidered a shade weaker than that of last week as the demand is not quite so strong. Lambs were not in very great demand and receipts were nominal, D.O. Lively, Gen eral Agent. The petition asking council to call a special election for the pur pose of voting on the issuance of bonds for the purchase of a city park is being numerously signed, The land that it is proposed to pur chase for park purposes lies within the loop of the trolley line, part of which is owned by Mrs. Nancy Caples aud the balance by II. E. Harris, the ice plant man. The tract contains something less than six acres and the price held is $22, 000. The laud Is admirably adapt ed for park purposes, being right in the city and easy of access. A park is needed and needed badly in St. Johns, and while the price may seem rather steep to some people, it k likely as chap as it will ever be secured for. See how it grows in the First National Bank. Little by little you save. Try it.' 3 per cent premium for savers; interest com pounded every six months. it The meditations aud delibera tions 01 tuc city council were broken in tinon. Tucsdav nitrht hv a jolly bunch of ladles armed "to the teeth" with the good things of this life. The citadel was carried by storm and the custodians of the city government capitulated In as graceful manner as possible. After bidding the ladies welcome and after they had established tempo rary headquarters for n comissary. business of the evening was re sumed amid loueinir dances of the dads toward the many baskets that had made their appcarauce so unex pectedly. The "invasion" was gotten up so secretly that none of the gentlemen were aware of what was going to happen. At least they professed to know nothing. The large council tabic aud press table, after the aldermen had solemnly finished their business, were quick ly converted into dining tables heaped with the delicacies of the season. Aud talk about eating. The way those- counciltnen made things disappear was something amazing. Plate after plate was emptied with celerity and dispatch, and yet when the "fragments" were picked up there was enough left to feed another "army." Neat little speeches iu which tribute was paid to the ladies for their thought fulness were made by the mayor, recorder and several councilmcn, The ladies were: Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs. R. McKinney, Mrs. S. C. Cook, Mrs. W. W. Witidle, Mrs. A. W. Marklc, Mrs. J. E. Hlllcr. Mrs. E. L. Stockton, Mrs. O. W. Dunbar, Mrs. A. W. Davis, Mrs. B. S. Hoover, Miss Sula Dunbar aud Mrs. II. E. Collier. Two important contracts were let by the council. One was for cement sldewalkiug of Jersey street, from Ktclimond to ressemleu streets, with 12 foot walks, and the other was the contract for the Burlington street sewer, the proceedings brought by Jobes Milling Co. against the proposed outlet of the sewer being dissolved by the court, as the injury they claimed is as yet only anticipated. All members were present at roll call, but Councilman Downey asked to be excused after the minutes were read. Whether he had an iu liiiiiitlou of what was to follow or not has not yet been determined. The first matter of importance taken up was opening of bids on the Burlington street sewer. The bid of L. Seybold was found to be the lowest, aud as it was slightly under the engineer's estimate, he was forthwith awarded thecoutract. Two bids were offered for the improvement of Columbia boule vard, one by the St. Johns Sand & Gravel Co. and the other by M, T. Swan. The tetter's bid being the lowest, he was awarded the ceu truct. L. Seybold aud Kilkenny Bros, were competing bidders for the sldewalkiug of Jersey street. The latter being the lowest aud con siderably under the engineer's cst! mate, secured the "yob," Kil kenny Bros,1 bid' on 12 foot cement sidewalk was $1,73 per lineal foot, while Seybold bid $1.82. Bills to the amount of $20,25 were allowed. An ordinance providing the time aud manner of improving Fcssen den street from Edison to the south east city limits was passed and a call for bids upon same ordered ad vertised, A resolution appointing Marion Johnson, F. II, Brodahl and S. W. Rogers as viewers on the widening of St. Johns avenue was adopted, Ordinances providing time and manlier of Improving Oswego street, Barton's addition to Swift boule vard, and North Ivanhoc from Cat lit! street to the Weyerhaeuser tract were passed aud calls for bids ordered published iu the city official paper. The city attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution for sidewalk ing Burlington street, Jersey to Hayes, and Philadelphia Jersey to Ivatihoe, in readiness for adoption next Tuesday night. The vanguard of the fall colonist travel from the East and Middle West to Oregon is arriving ou every train. Reports from the immigra tion officials of the railroads are to the effect that this travel will be heavy and that a large number of new citizens will reach Oregon this year. People of the state should make special efforts to welcome the newcomers and make tliem feel at home in their new environment. Help should be given in helping them find suitable locations. Ore gou people have a distitict duty to perform in giving aid and comfort to the home seeker who will be with us in large numbers this fall. Psy yew eubserlsUe. Mrs. Sophia Cole of St. Johns was 82 vcars old Moudav nnd Iier daughter, Miss Eliza Cole, enter tained about twenty invited guests ill honor of this event at their home on Salem street Monday afternoon. Mrs. Cole is hale and hearty for her age and enjoyed the party very much. She is a native of the Emerald Isle, helnc born nt Tialln. bagli Jn 1828. Stic came to America in 1875 and to St. Johns in 1892. Here she has since resided and wit nessed the many rapid chauges that have occurred since that time. Mrs. Abblc fti-nurs. wtitvu? ntr Ii' 93, and Mrs. Guthrie, aged 75," were the guests of honor at the party. Others present were Mrs... K. C.Couch, Mrs. J, C. Scott, Miss Catharine Scott, Mrs. Eugene 0' Hara, Mrs. S. E. McKce, Mrs. R. Alsbcrgc, Mrs. Robert Giilam, Mrs. Chas. Mortcnson, Mrs. W. H. Davidson, Mrs. J. H. Webster, Mrs. C. J. Cole, Mrs. C. 0. Churchill, Miss Maud Cote, E. D. Hurlbert and Mrs. Lucretia Hum bert. The guests united iu present ing Mrs. Cole with a handsome rocker iu appreciation of many past favors and wishing her many nappy returns of the day. Mrs. M. E. Osgood, of the Home Bakery and lunch room, gave a party Saturday night to celebrate the passing of her 68th birthday. Among the many presents received by her was a five dollar gold piece. Friends from St. Johns, Vancouver and Portland to the number of enjoyed the good things provided lor lunch and listened to a musical program. Telegram. For Congress A. W, I.AJ'l'KRTV, Progressive Republican, who favors Direct Primary and Statement 1, and who will fight for Oregon and Oregon people. Stand up for this state by voting for Lofferty. Eleventh hour attacks have been made upon him by the enemies of this state, which fact should make every patriotic Orcgonlau work harder for him. (raid Advertisement), Evicted D. J. Horsman, janitor at the city hall, played a very shabby trick upon City Attorney Collier Tues day, and it was done in a very in nocent manner, too, Mr. Collier had a rug iu his office that he wanted removed to his Stafford street home and requested Mr. Horsman to take up the same and have it sent to his home. He was greatly amazed when he returned home from Portland Tuesday even ing to find the rug, books, papers, desk and other office paraphernalia filled up promiscuously upon his rout porch. The janitor had mis understood the request and made a clean sweep of the office fittings. It was not a case of eviction for non payment of reut. $14,000 For sale or trade 520 acres of wheat land in Eastern Washington, 250 acres summer fallow, 2 small frame houses, large barn and ma chine shed, chicken house and blacksmith's shop;. also one steam threshing machine, one header out fit, 2 three bottom gang plows, 6 sections of harrow, one reversible disk, 2 seed drills, 5 good wagons, 1 hack, 1 cookhouse on new wairon,' all for $14,000. Will sell ou good terms or will trade for valley farm, or stock of merchandise j COOK & BLEWi Net the k en yevr nspsr. ' .jaBIBIPaBBBJ, Bllllllllllllllllfeji M us 1 V