St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 16, 1910, Image 7

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    Live Business Men
St. Johns Boosters
The pioneer bnnk of St. Johns nnd
nn Institution that litis exerted great
Influence In the upbuilding of this city
Is the Peninsula Hank. It was estab
lished In 1905 when there was but lit-tit-
promlfio of doing n profitable bust
ness, but since then It has steadily
grown and kept abreast with tho de
velopment and met the needs of tho
city. Some of the directors of this In
stitution hnce brought outside capltnl
hero and havo been Influential In caus
ing Inrgo payrolls to be brought here.
The Pen'nsuln Dank has never lost Its
reputation for conservatism, ni.J In
some Instances It has been regarded
ns too conservative. During tho finan
cial panic of 1007. without oulsldo
help this bank carried Itself and Its
patrons safely through without call
ig a single loan. Robert Trent Plait
Is president of tho Peninsula Hank,
whllo Fred C. Knnpp Is vice presi
dent, Chnrlcs A. Wood, cashier, John
N. Kdclfscn, assistant cashier. Tho
Hoard of Directors Is composed of the
following: It. T. Plan, of Piatt &
Piatt, attorneys; F, C. Knnpp, sec
retary Peninsula Lumber Company;
Potor Autzcn, president Portlund
Manufacturing Company; II. h. Pow
ers, vice-president nnd genornl man
ngor of tho Lcwlston Land ft Wal
cr Company; M. L. Holbrook, capi
talist nnd dealer In realty; Thomas
Cochran, contractor, nnd V A. Wood,
cashier. The capital stack of this In
stitution Is $50,000, and It has de
posits aggregating ft01,tG0.47. nnd n
surplus fund and undivided profit
less nil intores', expenses nnd taxes
pa'd of $7,200.09, Tho most courteous
trentmenl Is accorded nil patrons of
this Institution nnd tho smallest ac
count receives the most careful atten
tion. This bank has been one of tho
most Influential factors In tho upbuild
ing of St. Johns nnd It Is directly duo
to il tint several cf Ihu Industrial
plants of tho city wore Induced to es
tablish their plains here.
"Curr n says so," and Currln nlwnys
knows before ho "says no," and the
people know (hat when "Currln says
so," ho means wlint ho says. As pro
prietor of tho North Uank Pharmacy,
Mr. O..C. Currln has built up a reputa
tion of selling tho best nnd purest
drugs In St. Johns nt the lowest pos
sible prices. The North Dank Phar
macy Is undoubtedly one of (ho most
.attractive mercantile establishments
In 8r. Johns nnd U a distinct .credit
to the city. Tho fixtures nro ml new
nnd tho best In store practice. Mr.
Currln carries n full nnd compteto
stock of drugs, chemicals, medicines,
toilet articles, nnd druggists' sundries.
A new, modern, sanlary soda foun
tain Is alio Instn'led In this storo nnd
from It nro dispensed tho most do
llfihtful cool drinks In tho summor.
Mr. Currln la n reentered plmrmaolst
and takes par'lcular caro thnt tho
purest drugs only nro used In com
pounding tho prescriptions that nro
brought to his store. Though only en
gaged In business In St. John for
eighteen months, Mr. turiin has es
tablished a reputation for strictly hon
orable dealing; with his customers,
and for keen Judgment ns a business
man. Ho la n loyal supporter of St.
Johns nnd he has been nctlve In ovory
movement started for the city's best
Jewelry s'ores that present a metro
politan appearance and carry ft full
line of Jewelry, precious stones and
other articles, naturally to be ex
pected In such an establishment, are
a splendid advertisement for any city,
because they Indicato thnt there Is
wealth and prosperity nmong the peo
ple. W. M. Tower Is the leading Jew
eler ot St- Johns, and he has held that
enviable position for the past three
ye'arB. His stock is n splendid one
' and embraces the finest makes of
watcheB and clocks, tho very best In
diamonds and other precious stones,
and an excellent lino of silverware
and cut glass, as well as an assort
ment of novelties. Mr. Tower Is an
experienced and expert watch and
Jewelry repairer nnd he Is recolvlng
the major part of this work. His
promptness in attending to work left
at his establishment, and the thor
oughness of his work, have gained for
him a reputation that stands him In
good stead. Mr. Tower Is a business
man who believes in going ahead and
keeping abreast with the times, and
he does not confine it to his own busi
ness but believes In the advancing of
the Interests of the city in whlcn he
The whole history of sanitation Is
written In plumbing. Compare tne
work done now with that which was
done a few years ago and no'.e the
marked Improvement in this highly
Important line of work. No residence
can be a proper place for persons to
dwell in un'ess the plumbing has been
accomplished by an expert who has
made a sudy of the modern methods
of sanitation. The leading represen
tative of this line ot work In St. Johns
issssssk JSqS
ls Mr. J. Crouchley, whoso shop Is lo
cated at 403 North Jersey street. This
gentleman has been u prominent busi
ness mnn of St. Johns for the past
lour and one-half years. He carries
tho heaviest s.ock ot plumbing sup
plies of any concern in the ctly, nnd
purchases on.y tho very best goods ob
talnnble on the mnrket. Asldo from
conducting n general plumbing busi
ness. Mr. Crouchley Is nn expert tin
ner, roofer, s'eam nnd hot wnter fit
ter nnd doet cornice work. Mr.
Crouchley does not, of course, nttompt
to attend to his extensive business
without tho nld of skilled employes,
who nro thoroughly familiar with
every de'nll of the business.
Hui n few years ago tho science of
electricity wns yet almost undiscov
ered, nnd the mnrvelous discoveries
that havo been mndo in recent years
In Its power and use nnd tho now
marvels that tho wizards are "dally
bringing to light lend to the convlc
ton that It Is yet nn unknown
Bdencc that tho greatest wonders
nrc yet to come. It would bo nn ob
scure nnd unknown village today Hint
Is not utilizing this power, and It
would bo nn equally Isolated com-
mtinlty that did not possess nn up-to-date
modotn vlcc'rlcnl engineering
company St. Jonhs, however, can
boas, of a company which covers a
wider field nnd moro extensive terri
tory tlinn most elites of oven much
greater population. The Columbia
Kloctrlcal Unglncer'ng Company hna
maintained n shop In St. Johns for
tho past three years, and during that
tlmo It has been fortunate In obtn-'n-Ing
somo of the biggest contracts
given out In tho stato. J. F. Hen
dricks Is president of this company,
wh'lo J. U. Kilkenny Is vice-president
nnd secretnry, and O. I.. ICppi, treas
urer, Mr. Kilkenny Is the nctlve man
rger of tho compiny nnd It Is Inrgoly
duo to his splendid business ability
nnd trailing as an electrician thnt
this company has met with such
mnrkt-d success. It has but recently
conip oted Job on tho new high
schoo at Nuwbcrg, business blocks
In Cnrvalll. McMlnnvllle, nnd other
cities, tho Klks' Tomplo nt Tho Dalles,
and tho Davis Safo nnd Lock Com
pany at Kenton. All thesn were b'g
contract nnd wero secured under
ccmputl Ivo bids. All of tho electrical
work In these various building wa
dauu by tho Columbia Klectrlo Kn
glneerlng Company. Th' company
represent General Kioctrlc Co. and
deal In all kind of motor and othor
electrical ruppllos. It enjoy tho dis
tinction of being a member of tho Na
tional Klrctr'cal Contractor' Associa
tion, or which there nro only fivo
member In Orrgon nnd only two out
Nldo of tbo city or Portland. Tho
member of the company aro nil keen
ly Interested In tho growth and de
velopment of SL all n n. nnd especially
Is this the daio with Mr. Kilkenny.
I Is with peculiar pride thnt SL
Johns points to Its well regulated and
splendid resorts of refreshment.
None of those occupies n morn Import
an position or Is more popular with
tho pleasure loving public than the
Central liar, which Is owned by Mr.
8am Cochran and ably managed by
Mr T D. Condon A specialty is
made of fine od Kentucky Whiskeys
and of the famous Hop Qold Deer.
No d corde rs of any character are tol
erated In this resort, and the man
ager bollaves In conducting a bar
where any gentleman can feel perfect
ly at ease. The fixtures and decora
tions of the Central Saloon compare
favorably with those of .much larger
cities. Doth Mr. Cophnin and Mr.
Condon are genial .ge.n'tJemen who
stand at the head of the enthusiastic
boosters for St. Johns. '
One of the most pleasant resorts In
the city, frequented by genial spirits
who enjoy a cool glass or lager or an
occasional sip of generous old liquor
that warms the heart as well as the
s'omach, Is the one kuown as the
Palm Cafe, which Is conducted by Mr.
Thomas A. Qlover. Mr. Oiover opened
the Palm Cafe October 20 of last year,
and immediately attracted to bis re
sort a class of trade that goes to make
his resort one of the most congenial
In St. Johns. Welnhard's beer, and
the famous O. P. S. whiskey, are the
leading brands that are served here,
though many other leading and pop
ular brands of wines, liquor and
whiskies are kept In stock for those
who have learned to prefer an espe
cial article. Mr. Qlover has furnished
and fitted out his bar in a most at
tractive manner and It presents a
most inviting appearance. His fix
tures are new and up-to-date and the
decorations are splendid, and the
genial and urbane proprietor of this
cafe Is a loyal St. Johns booster.
Preach the gospel ot Si. Jo&ns.
Just stop n moment and ponder
what the full significance of theso
three words Is what It means to a
city to have each and every one ot IU
Inhabitants adopt this phraso ns a
motto nnd follow It unfailingly.
It means greater trade for our mer
chants who havo Invested their capi
tal, energy, nnd futuro In this city,
nnd added prosperity for each Indi
vidual, no matter what his vocation
may be. To a great many the benefit
comes Indirectly, ot course, but nono
the less surely,
Let us suppose thnt all tho people
ot St. Johns sent to an outside point,
say to Portland or somo eastern mall
order house, for all necessities nnd
luxuries. Wo would simply bo nsslsU
Ing Portland In its upbuilding nt tho
expense of our own Inshort, cutting
off our noses to spite our faces.
Then again thorc Ib a great deal
of satisfaction In seeing what oho Is
purchasing. You can do this when you
buy from the local merchants. You
can havo the satisfaction of your
money back. It's different when you
deal with a mall order house. That
picture ot tho suit you order from
tiicm shows up to good ndvnntngo,
but when you get IL It Is ns apt as
not to bo n misfit and mndo of poor
materials and you have nothing to do
but grin and bear It. Then you get
another catalogue and you bite again
we might say hero (hat thoso whom
the cap docs not fit need not put U
' . ... .. .......
on) witn tne same result, me oeBi money nt nomu you cun uaiai in mi- hukih oi mo uiiv u u......
you get from the mail order houso is Ing that butket. est, ardent boosters to his own dls-
tho worat of It, nnd, your money hav- Lot us suppose that you nro a me- advantage nnd theirs. It Is not noc
Ing been sent In advance always In chanlc, a carpenter for Instauce. Uy essary to voor from tho truth when
nrivnnc thn mnii nrdpr imnan takes siiendlne vour monov In St. John you talking or writing of St. Johns, Tho
no cbances you have no reparation,
Keep your money at home. If you
. . -
Vital to the lire and growth or any
community Is the reputai.on Its bank
ing Institutions bear. To the national
lite the banking system Is as neces
sary as Is the arterial system to ani
mal Hie, Without 4ts power life
would cease tq exisL There Is little
reason to suppose, then, that St.
Johns will cease to grow as It has
grown during the past five years, so
long as it has the First National Dank
doing business under its charter. This
institution was established March 9,
1908, and has atttalned a healthy
growth in deposits since that time.
It now has u capital stock and undi
vided profits of $29,863.19, and an ad
ditional stockholder's liability under
the national law or $26,000, making a
total protection to depositors or $54,
863.19. The deposits amount to $157,
663.69. These figures speak eloquent
ly tor the prosperity of St. Johns.
Sylvester Petersen Is president ot this
bank, while A. It, Jobes Is vice-president,
and P. P. Drinker, cashier. The
officer and directors are prominent
in business and commeroial life of the
city, the directors being the follow
Ing: The above named officers and
H. E. Collier, R. M. Tuttle, and W. B.
Hauser. The First National Dank has
as Its home one of the most substan
tial and attractive buildings in the
city. Tbe fixtures are all now and up-to-date,
while tbe vaults and sates are
of the most modern design, assuring
protection from fire and burglary. It
would be difficult to find an aggrega
tion of business men who have done
more for this city than have those
making up tbe First National Dank.
must Bp&nd It nt all, spend It with tho
local merchants, They arc interested
in Improving tho city nnd making It
a more desirable place to live In. The
mall order people aro not. If you
mnnngo to savo n portion of your
earnings, deposit it In the local banks.
They nro thoroughly rellnblo flnnnclnl
Institutions. Your money will bo per
fectly safe nnd will be lonntd out
again On good security to assist In the
upbuilding of St. Johns, not some far
away portion of tho country.
St. Johns mcrchnnta carry as good
lines an can bo found anywhere.
Their Blocks nro both large and diver
sified, nnd ono need not go but of tho
city for Anything ho could cat, use or
wear. Their prices aro not exorbi
tant or unreasonable; In fact, compe
tition Is keen In t,hls city and tho re
verso applies. "Quick sales and small
profltB" Is their motto.
A model city would bo thnt In which
every necessity of Its Inhabitants
wnB mnnufncturcd7 Uveryone, abso
lutely everyone, would be prosperous
and poverty a thing unknown. Of
course, present day conditions render
such n city an Impossibility, but wo
enn buy everything wo need from
homo merchants, nnd Incidentally get
our money's worth In quality nnd
5. HODERN MACHINE AJvX 4t : : 5 E d. T
6. DOUGLAS PLANING NILL . UvV ::::titrii: :: HT
G.WEST COAST LAUNDRY. NM, -: : . U tj : Ft--.
S?.ST.UONNS FERRY. N?v$icVv 6S i
. NARNE RON WORKS. JtiBhCr It : ..ill ll.
. STEEL SHIP BULONG PLAN T. MHllmHS HhrSlkA 3:-.-- i:i i
3.VENEER FACTORY. :: tSI8 ! I 'i: ( (
quantity, and wa can remember not
lo forget that overy little bit count,
Your Individual patronngo may not
amount to much, but mnny drops
make a buketfull, and by keeping your
. . ... ... ....
create prosperity, and it In turn
creates a demand tor mora buildings,
. -. .... i,
You nre ccrtnln to get n portion of your
money back In wages, and where
prosperity holds sway wages aro
good. Co-opcratlon is the greatest
known factor In securing and retain
ing "good times."
Are you a professional man? Can
you find any wny of refuting tho
statement thnt the city's Interests nro
your Interests? It the city should
grow to many times Its size, ns it un
questionably will, would not you with
tho assistance ot your established
practice, and your ncqualntnnco In tho
city, renp n goodly share of the bene
fits? Are you n day laborer? Tho samo
npptles. Does not prosperity tnenn
moro work nnd bettor wages for you?
Thus we could go through tho wholo
list, but It Is unnecessary. The argu
ment Is sufficiently Illustrated,
lie n booster. Tho city ot St. Johns
has untold opportunities nhend of It.
Wo need two things: Capital and
moro Industries. Tho pcoplo will fol
low, The only wny to got them Is to
boost, nnd boost eternally. Don't miss
an opportunity to let your eastern
friends know of St. Johns. Send them
copies of this pnper. Postngo Is
cheap, nnd conscientious effort has
been mndo to glvo n truo account of
the things ns they aro.
Anyway, It is moro pleasant to
boost than. It I to knock. Ono has
moro friends. One malignant knocker
......i.. l. .i ....
baro truth Is argument enough In It-
SBIWH-.t .1
During tho past few years tho laun
dry business has been revolutionized
In this country, and tho demand of tho
people nnd ot tho government for ab
solutely sanitary methods In all de
partments of business, has been felt
by the manufacturers ot laundry ma
chinery, the result being that tho peo
ple aro today receiving better scrvlco
in this line than ever before This
Inundry has been established In this
city for the past six years, but It has pants of this field In SL Johns and
been under Its present management afford tho pcoplo ot the city an op
but two years and one-half, during portunlty to dispose of second hand
which period Its business tins been goods to nn ndvnntngo. lloth Mr.
greatly increased nnd Its territory Hnrry W. Ormnndy and Mr. Walter S.
widened. Mr. W. V. Churchill Is tho Ormnndy aro citizens of sterling
nctlve mnnngcr of this company and it worth, who believe In tho word "pro
has been largely duo to his efforts gross," and who nro nssoclntlng them
that the company Is enjoying Its pros- selves with tho stnunchest boosters ot
St. Johns.
out prosperity. It I equipped with
-..,.. em0vmon. to about thirty
people. Two wagons aro omployed In
attending tho St. Johns trnde, hut this
comiiniiy does not. by any means, con-
company does not, by any means, con
fine Its territory to St. Johns, but
Touches out to Portlund, Tho Hallos,
and many other cities on tho Willam
ette and Columbia river, evon serv
ing many of tho smaller towns In
Southwest Washington. It Is safe to
at980rt ttiat llio St. Johns Laundry Com
pany doos one of the most oxtensivo
businesses In this lino In this section,
This doa'rable condition la largely
duo to tho untiring Industry and un
remitting energy ot Mr. W. L. Church
111, who la a business man of splondld
ability. Ho takes an nctlve and keen
Interest In tho civic affairs ot St.
Johns, and Is regarded ono of tho
most loyal boosters tor tho best in
terests ot tho city.
8T. JOHNS FURNITURE COMPANY. The first tueethig of the "Thurs
The St. Johns Furniture Company, CluV' a Jter the summer van.
owned and conducted by Harry W. tiott was held at the home of Prof.
Ormandy nnd Walter S. Ormandy, IJoyd. The following Indies were
opened lor business In St. Johns on present; Mesdames Gatnmel, HU
May JC or this year nnd slnco that jer Hewitt, Boyd, Day, Kinder,
time thoy havo built up a trade that ' , epniec n,ui Sn,v,lie The
Is a splendid testimonial to their abil- Keefler scales aim lyine. i c
Ity as business men and to their next meeting, Sept. jand, wl
strictly honorable dealing with the held st the home of Mrs. Scales at
public. This Btoro occupies a largo 6oi Allegheny street. All mem
building on ono ot tho moat prominent pjease return books,
corneru ot tbo main streot. Its ex- 1
torlor and Interior appearance aro
such that tho patron. Is Immediately Preach the goopl ot St. Joan.
Impressed. A full and complete lino
of general houso furnishings nro car
ried here, Including furniture of all
kinds, ranges nnd stoves, carpets,
hammocks, rugs, kitchen turnlturc,
nnd, In fact, everything required to
furnish a residence, from tho kitchen
to tho drawing room. In addition to
handling this excellent lino of furni
ture, the St. Johns Furniture Com
pany deals In second hand goods ot
all kinds. They arc tho solo occu-
"The crnft of tho smith Is held In
high repute by tho farmer," sings
liongfcllow In lCvnngcllne, and, In fact
every owner and lover of good horse
flesh knows thnt a good blacksmith
Is a Oodsend. Mr. Jnmos II. Latham
holds tho lending position In this lino
in St. Johns. Hut this gctlomnn docs
not confine hi efforts to horseshoeing
as hu does it general blncksmlthlng
nnd repairing business. An export
Iron worker, and general mechanic,
Mr. Itthnm draws to hi shop n
greater part of the work of tho city.
HI shop Is now located nt 401 I van
hoe, to which ho recently moved In
order to obtain greater spneo. Tho
most modern apparatus for repairing
of carriage and wagon Is Installed
hero nnd no mater how big tho repair
Job tuny be, hu I prepared to do It
and do It rlghL Mr. Latham ha been
engaged In hi chosen lino In St.
John for tho past two year, nnd I
today regarded one of tho Riihstantlal
business men of tho city.
"Tho world moves; so do we," nay
J. IL Welmer, tho lending trnsfer man
of 81. Johns. Tho people or this city
have found tho statement to bo Indis
putably correct, with several horses
nnd wagons, Including drays, this gen
tleman Is fully prepared to do any
nnd all kinds of moving or transfer
work. Ha makes n specialty of piano
nnd furniture moving, nnd no matter
how heavy tho work may be, or how
difficult It may seem, he accomplishes
It with dispatch, giving especlnl at
tention nt nil times to careful hand
ling or your good. This concern do
llvom good to and from Portland,
Vancouver, I.lnnton, Portland, nnd
Suburban Kx press Company, and city
dock. Mr. Welmer' burns nro lo
cated nt 100 B, llurllnglon street,
where ho ha nmplo room for his
team nnd wagons. In addition to hi
transfer business ho deal In hay,
grain and feed. Mr. Welmer ha boon
cngnged In this luminous for a num
ber or years In HI. John nnd there I
no bettor known citizen hero than
Oil f WlnUrircn,Ttijpinl, aiyMrlnt, L'tc
Um4 Slnipl With,
It really seems strange that so many
people suffer year In and year out with
eciema, when It is now no longer a se
cret that oil of wintergreen mixed with
thymol, glycerine, etc., makes a wash
that is bound to cure.
Old, obstinate cases, It is true, can
not he cured In a (cw days, but there
Is absolutely no sufferer from eciema
who ever used this simple wash and
did not find Immediately that won
derfully soothing, calm, cool sensation
that comes when the Itch Is taken away.
Instantly upon applying a few drops
of the wash the remedy takes effect,
he j,cn jg aiyed There Is no need
. e.D,rImentjh' n.,tenl knowi
u p"iwcu iuo i'wem "uw
Instead o( trying to compound the
oil of wintergreen, thymol, glycerine,
etc, in the right proportions ourselves
we are uilne a prescription which is
universally (ound the most effective.
It is known as the D, D, D. Prescrip
tion, or Oil of Wintergreen Compound.
It is made by the D. D. D. Co, of Chi
cago, and our long experience with
this remedy has given us great confi
dence in Its merits.
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