St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 16, 1910, Image 2

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To this well-known Arm belongs the
honor of being the oldest established
nnd Inrgest real estate company In St.
Johns, It having been established In
1000, at the time when the wonder
ful possibilities resulting from the ad
vantageous location of this city, at
the entranco of the Wll'amette, were
Where All Can Worship According to Dictates of Their hrfc&Kto bereaved 115"
Conscience. Splendid Edifices Grace the Streets and IS "k
A tlmatcly nnd
The ge&tlcmen making up
Mr. M. h Holbroox
Hnllcy, hnve been ln
insenimbly associated.
Afford Houses of Worship for All Denominations.
In Fun nnnitin. . I .tin h n II n I pnnlilntiln
Ml,f,U IIUI1IUUI Ul lliu iiiuoviib iuaiuviio.
to this city. They ore both men of
hlgh business principles who nro
thoroughly conversant with real es
tate values In this section, and who
can bo absolutely depended upon to
furnish nuthentlc Information con;
ccrnlng existing conditions here. They
have tho largest lino of general real
estate In the city and arc In a post
In St. Johns, enjoys a wide following tlon to offer Inducements to Investors
i n. i.,. ,i ,..i,io i .in,i,i thnt appeal strongly to tho dlscrlml
In the city, and onh ns In n splendid nnllng'ull8,nc m of JU(Bmcnt. At
edlnce nt llnzer nnd Loavltt streets. ,,rc8cnt they have listed nnd own
1 lie German Ilnptlst Church Is also some of the best property In St. Johns
well represented here, nnd tho Ad- w"cn tney are selling in city loisni
Spiritual Welfare of Citizens Ministered to by Able
Divines. No City in Northwest Can Boast of a Better
Regulated Community.
Learned students 01 American his
tory nnd tho history of Western civil
ization hnve declared that the God
fearing, Intrepid ministers of tho Qos-
of debt nnd In n flourishing condi
tion. While St. Johns Is essentially an
IndiiBtrlnl city, the flnor things In life
pel. who braved the hardships of the nro not lost sight of nnd her people
frontier, nnd followed close the nxmcn
nnd tho miner In to the wilds of Amer
ica, hnvo exerted a greater Influcnco
on tho civilization of tho West than
any one factor. Wherever a mining
nro loyal supporters of tho religious
Tho United Evangelical Church is
located nt tho cornor of Ivanhoo nnd
Johnson street nnd Is the second old-
camp was opened or a settlement est established in tho city. For the
started, theso men followed, built
houses of worship, Instructed the peo
ples In spiritual things nnd exerted n
softening nnd refining Inllucnco on an
otherwise rough and uncouth civiliza
tion. While St. Johns wan never n fron
tier settlement, It was n few years
ngo that l hero was only a smalt vll
Ingo where now this city stnnds. Even
ns far bnck ns 18R3, when thcro was
only n hnmlfull of houses here, a
Methodist Episcopal Church was
founded. Its exlstonco wns precari
ous, however, nnd tho members soon
disbanded nnd tho work wns aban
doned, In ISfifl, Iho United Kvnngellcnl
Church founded n church on the water
front, nnd following It tho Methodist
Eplscopnl Church ngnlu took up Its
When tho era of building nnd devel
opment opened tho various denomina
tions ono by ono entered the field, un
til today nlno splendid edifices nre
found In St. Johns, where tho people
of thn city worship God according to lun
tho dictates of their own consciences.
In Flourishing Condition.
pant threo nnd one-half years Dr. C.
I'. Gates has been tho pastor of this
church nnd during nis pastorate tho
building tins been remodeled nnd
vcntlsts, n strong denomination In tho
West, huve founded a tnbernnclo in
this city,
Tho Catholic Church, under tho
guldnnco of Father Kottcnhofcr, re
cently constructed n now parochial
school nnd parish house and In tho
very near future proposes to erect a
dally, so hnvo we advanced intellec
tually and no science has made great
er strides or undergono moro drnstlc
prices that Insure the purchaser of n
splendid Interest on his Investment.
There Is no longer any question ns to
tho. wisdom of Investing In St. Johns
dirt, and It Is only "era? for chaBWB thnn thnt of pedagogy.
liiu i' I UBiclll v v rut vii a v ft ku nuw its
touch with the 8L Johns Land Com
pany to lenrn of the opportunity that
awaits him hero. Hoth Mr. Holbrook
nnd Mr, IJailcy nre loyal boosters
for St. Johns, nnd take advantage of
Needs of Younger Generation are Not Forgotten in Race
for First Place in Oregon's Industrial Life. Educa
tional Facilities Afforded by St. Johns Schools are
Equal to Those of Much Larger Cities. New Forty
Thousand Dollar High School Now Ready to Meet
Demands of Growing City.
With tho onward advancement of Threo splendid school buildings nf- employed In the schools of St. Johns,
twcntloth century civilization hnvo ford accommodations for the pupils, two of whom nro supervisors, one In
come somo marvelous revelations In one of which Is used ns a graded music nnd one In drawing. Tho nvor-
Invention nnd science. As we hnvo school, another ns n primary school, ngo attendance lost year during tho
ndvnnced Industrially and commer- nnd tho third, with the beginning ot nine months of the term wns 7G0, n
tho new year will bo employed as the Bhowlng thnt would bo uimcuit to sur
high school building. pnss In tho stnto.
Through tho bcneflccnco of James Tho snmo courso of study Is used
John, ono of tho pioneers ot St. Johns In tho schools hero as If used In norl
and ono of tho wealthiest of her cltl- land, the graded school loading up to
Tho modern school and university
of today no moro resembles tho old
field school or academy ot yesterday,
than does tho stage coach, tho auto-
new building In which to cvcry onportu'nty tnilt presents Itself mobile. Tho old, antiquated, Inade-
to boost for tho city
hnve been Interested
In which they
for so many
quato methods have been discarded,
nnd the child or young man or worn
an of today Is Instructed nlong lines
that arc tho result of careful re
search Into tho mysteries of psychol
ogy und mental science
In no section of tho United States
Flvo years of successful business
life, growing steadily nnd rapidly, ns
PI I .Tnhna hnt trrnn-n tlnrlnr thn nnst
five years, Is tho splendid reputation has the chango come so rapidly, so
which today sustains tho Lnuthers completely and efficiently ns In tho
Mercantile Company, Inc., the most Wcstcrn States, to whoso people tho
extcnslvo retail nnd wholcsilo dealers ,.... . ' , ,,
In building material, liny nnd grain, nntlquntcd Is repugnant and tho mod-
In St. Johns, or on the Pcnlnsuln. crn attractive. It wos unnecessary,
Careful attention to the minutest do
tnlt of tho business, punctilious solici
tude for the wants nnd requirements
of Its customers, nnd strictly honor
nblo dealing with the public, hnvo
In n largo measure, for the western
states to discard tho old methods of
fifty years ngo, becauso this Is a prac
tically now country. Tho schools
k-SlnlitfWsHflsiiiiiHf' JUbssssl
sKmSsssH 'iHI
mndo on thn In nddit'on to the nbov
lions thero nro several societies
ed together for the purpose of wor
ship, which nro well established hero,
but up to this time hnvo not eroded
It Is generally conceded thnt tho
Hew C. L. Owen Is tho pastor of tho lmrn ntmosphero of 8t. Johns Is up-
Haptlst Church, whose building Is sit- lifting, nnd that the mornl conditions
At tho present tlmo nit tho donom- ntml nt Chlongo nnd Kellog streets, existing hero compare very fnvorhnly
been tho fnctors that hnvo mndo for hnve grown up with tho occtlon nnd
many Improvements made on
church property.
The Congregational Church Is lo
cated en the corner of Ivunhoo nnd
Itlolimond. Its pastor during tho pnst
threo years has been Dr. (. W. Net-
tho growth nnd development of this lK)igcgg tnnt inmo v)rnc pr0grcislvo xens, nnd by bonding the second dls- tho high school, In which tho student
re dcnomlna- business. The lJn l'rjts. In charnctcrXCs everything In trlct, n new 110.000 nigh school build- has tho option of threo courses, the
clotles band- f, the west nnd especially In this great Ing I. now nearlng completion nnd English, Scientific or Latin, accord ng
dent, and W, It. Ilollcnbeck, secretary Northwest
will bo occupied nbout Jnnunry 1. to whnt vocation he proposes to roi-
nnd trensurer, Whllo tho company ..,.,, .i.. ., n,. Mr. Jamnn John, donated tho school low. or whnt courso ho purposes to
h" boon dXnSScS'hwS foTtho Ron is recognised as one of tho best Uo. together with 15000 for equip- pursue In I.I. college or university
pit live yea?s It comlucts a whole- In tho United States. Its supervisors mcnt nnd n block of ground, of great course. A certificate from the high
snlo nnd retail business In building nn.i it- instructors nro trained, cap- value, in tho business district of tho school of 8. Johns admits students
nblc persons, who hnvo mndo a llfo city, the proceeds of which will ho
InJttons represented In tho city nro
housed In comfortable, suhstiintlnl
Tho Christian Church Is well rep- with those of other cities In tho state.
resented In the oily, u commodious For the most part tho citizens nro ot
church buildings Hint ndd greatly to building being used ns n house of wor- that class of Industrious, home-loving,
tho gonernl attractive iippenrnnco of ship. Hev. It. W. Johnson Is pastor nubtnntlnl people who believe In
tho city. These churches wore nil of this church. keeping tho mornl ntmosphero of tho
built by popular subscription from Tho Methodist Episcopal Church, city ns olenii nnd pure ns it is possl.
the members and each ono Is now out the oldest established denomination bio to mnke It.
material, Jncludlng shingles, doors,
windows, lime, cement, plastor, paints,
nnd oils, liny, grain, reed nnd con).
Tho main office Is located nt 209 W.
Ilurllngton street, where n storo Is
maintained, nnd In which Is carried n
stock of fancy nnd Maple groceries.
A warehouse Is nlio to bo found In
c'ose proximity to tho store, while
the main warehouse, n large, commod
ious, well constructed building, la lo
rated on the tracks of tho Oregon
Railroad nnd Navigation Company, dl
rectly across from tho Ht. Johns
study of tholr work nnd who throw nn
enthusiasm Into It thnt spoils success
In every Instance.
Wo can safely declare, backed by
the knowledge thnt our statement Is
uncqulvocnbly correct, thnt St. Johns
possesses a school system thnt Is sec
ond lo nono In tho entire stnto.
Rrst Class District.
Tho school districts of tho stnto of
Oregon nro divided Into classes, the
employed by tho school board In
tier Company. Hero this company
. . ..... i . ....... . i. ...i. 1 1
possesses wiu nurniimKva in uuu inn ,..,,. ..,,,i,,i. .Ilnlrli-l
nnd water trnmportat.'on, n big factor requirements for n nrst-class district
In transacting Its" extensive whole- bolng thnt thero bo 1000 pupils In It.
snlo business", which Is not confined to St. Johns belongs to this class nnd ns
to the State University without exam
ination, ns well ns to tunny ot the
lending institutions ot higher learn
ing on the l'ucinc Const and tho Unit
ed States.
A ten thousand dollar, tour-room
school building has just been com
pleted, which Is this term being used
for two of the primary grades, It be
ing deemed advisable to keep sep
arate the higher classes In tho gram
mar school nnd the primary grades.
Many pupils who have come to St.
Johns from Eastern States found tho
curriculum here much In ndvnuco of
Johns, hit which extends up nnd . .... ri)l,i. .11 u10 advantages maintaining tho high school nt tho .... ... ... .,, ,, ,
down the Willamette nnd Columbia ;""V highest i.osslble standard of elll- ".V?- "
Professor C. A. Iloyd, nn educator clency. ()VJ)r 10 work of ft j0W(ir Rrnilo beforo
of many years exporlcnco nnd of ' "unuing uo uiuruuB.n, beInjJ ,)tfrmttCl, t0 onter tno Rrmi
splendid attainments, Is tho superln- dulpped with a gymnnslum. physical correi,,ondln. t0 lho ono tnor Jcft In
tondent of the city schools and during nnd chemical laboratory, manual tho Kaft TbJi fftCt J BlglJncant ln
Tlmo was when the making of a
woman's hat was considered a matter
. .. I I I. . I . .1 nMn I I
could be disposed of at leliure mo tho three years that he has held this tralnlni; room nnd other features that U(t u ev,Bcei clenr,y that tno ,choot
ments, How different nowadays! office, by virtue of appointment by the f,''u tho most modern nnd up- ytom ln orcKon superior ono
nSnfr.toM'ilSd ,c,,00, board' h0 ,,M BrenUy cnl","cc,1 t0ln,0 hlBh 'ch001 bullulnK nnd that it is maintained In St. Johns
as H? d nrlls " '"clcncy of tho school system of Miss Clara A. Itoss is principal of nt lu h,Khoil g,anjnrd.
one of tho crontlons with which mod- this city. He brings to his work n tho high school. She Is n brilliant
em feminity adorns her crowning thorougn academical and normal woman of splendid ntttnlnmenls, who
glory. In the Vogue Millinery 8t. tr.nnir. which, combined with tho ex- Is necularlv ndanted to her llfo work.
taanaaia a i.t IHtnaru aalanlllh. r "
In (inn inaaniaiis ntlllfnsirv natfltlllflh,
ment that compares moro than favor- I'erlence ho has gleaned during tho
ably with the great establishments past eleven years, renders him pecu
In the centers of population. For Harly suited to the work In hand.
inree years una esinuniniiieni una
been n vital necessity to tho female
The Central grammor school, con
taining twonty-throo rooms, Is a splen
did frame structure, that affords am
ple accommodations for the several
More mid more nre we coming to The person engaged In real c-stato
rccoeulzo the Imuortuiice of the mini- who has spent many years In u cam.
tnry plumber nnd heating expert, and munlty, and who Is thoroughly eon
today the building la Indeed n small verwiu with nil the conditions sur-
The value to n community of n
thoroughly reliable and progressive
nbstrnoting company cannot bo over
population of St. Jonns, and their
pnrlors have been the rendezvous for
many of the city's fairest maids and
!ltn!:m.I!!.y?M& S"; WWt t Ala.k.Yukon.Pacinc Exposl
VB n ffUUUI tUV Ut l,lt.V, MUM
An Instance of tho splendid effi
ciency of thq work accomplished In
tho St. Johns school Is thnt they ob
tained the sliver medal on their ex- of this school In the capacity of prln
A Oreat Advantage.
Excellent school facilities are
among tho most valuable assets a city
can possess, as tho prospective settler
first ot all Inquires concerning them.
If they be poor or Inadequate, the
one which furnished no work for tho rounding u city. Is far better equipped estimated. In Hits ngu of line points
representative of this neeessnry oc
cupation. One ot our most experi
enced and energetic workers In this
particular lino of work Is Mr. William
Kdmondson, who conducts nn estab
lishment nt 203 South Jersey Street.
For tho putit six years this gentleman brokers in the o ty.
iiatt been associated with t'.iu bust- Mr. Valentine litis
to transact a general real estate busi
ness than the man who has but re
cently entered tho Held. It la this
that muses us to make speolal men
tion of Mr. P. W. Valentine, one of
the leading real estate dealers and
Fur several years
been associated
In law, tho purennser of real estate
cuiiuol feel secure lu Ills possession
unless his title has been vouched for
by some reliable Institution whose
business It Is correctly to trace und
set out the various cnauges In owner
ship, lu (his respect St. Johns Is for
tunate lu HO88088 he tho lViilnsuia
ness Interests of this cty, nnd during with the business Interests of this Title Abstract Realty Company, which
thnt time ho has urcompllshed some olty. He bus enrefully watched her Is mnnagetl by Mr. II Hendeson. This
of tho biggest plumbing jobs In this growth and development, mid Is thor- Is the only abstracting company ln St.
olty. Ho Is a practical mechanic nIHi
a general xnowietigo ami experience
along his chosen occupation thnt Ills
him to turn out the uinsv satisfactory
work- In addition to doing plumbing
of nil kinds, even the most compli
cated and difficult, ho Is a tinning
nnd heating expert. As a citizen, Mr.
Kdmondson occupies an enviable posi
tion, as he Is recognized ns one of
the most able business men we pos
sess, nnd ho Is working today, ns he
worked six years ngo, for the ad
vancement of St, Johns, and he (Irm
ly believes that It wnl be n great
It Is noteworthy that the general
character of tho mercantile establish
ments of St. Johns Is of a very h'gh
order, nnd thnt tho persons who visit
the city for tho first tlmo nro deeply
Impressed with tho general air of
prosperity that Is everywhere evident.
Ono of tho lending business men of
tho olty whoso establishment has dono
much to bring about the much de
sired condition Is Mr. Frank Clark,
who at Jersey nnd Charleston Streets
conducts nn up-to-dnto. mouern con
fectionery store. Mr. Clark Is par
ticular that neatness be ono of the
essentials of his business, nnd this
fact, combined with tho further ono
that his stock Is ono of the best Jn
milliners' supplies and Is noted for
the exlenslvo prlva'o trade which it
conducts nt nil seasons of the year,
Mrs. V. A. Stucker Is the able man.
nger of this store and under her guid
ance the popularity of tho Vogue Mil
linery has steadl'y Increased.
tlon held In Seattle last year.
conditions. The Interior departments
ot his shops are spotlessly clean and
well appointed. A little more than a
month ago, Mr. Milton purchased the
shop of Illtgood & Cole, and during
the past few weeks ho has greatly In
creased tho business. He Is n market
man ot many years experience, the
Milton Market be-'ng one of the best
hundred pupils who attend during the persons who contemplated making a
year. Prof, lloyd has direct charge city his home, or entering In business
In It, determines to seek another loca
t!on where the proper advantages will
In all there are twenty-six teachers be afforded his children, I
thing he desires in the way of style,
workmanship, and quality, and the
prices are low. A cleaning, dying nnd
pressing establishment Is also con
ducted In connection with this business,
Noycs Babbitt.
Vn ttiAru imiirnni-lntrt nnmn rnnlil
have been selected for the gen's fur- '"J0'? ,n 8a" Frnnclsco, while his es
niuiiinir tnm in.!iirt..i hv Mr. tabllshment In Seattle enjoyed an ex
Nor.. HabU'tt than ihe Working, tenBlve patronage. Ills establishment
man's Store," for he caters to this " we" equipped with cold storage
trade In a manner that Insures him P"" appliances, ana in u is in
The splondld mercantile establish
ments of St. Johns convince tno vis
itor that there must be something
back of tho elty to warrant such ex
penditures In buildings and stock.
Tho Cobb Dry Goods Company has
Peculiarly deserving of jiromlnent
mention In this chronicle pf our de
velopment Is Mr, Arnold Ungor, who
has made n marKCd success In the
manufacturing of c-gars and In con
ducting a confectionery store In St.
Johns, The fnmous'Ln Cadiz cigar Is
the product ot his1 factony, and Its
wldo popularity is tho best evidence
of Ps high quality. Mr. Arnold Unger
first entered the c'gar manufacturing
business In New York City In 1881.
nnd came to St. Johns In 1904, and
Immediately opened his factory.
success. Ills storo Is well located on stalled all the necessary machinery to been an Influential factor In bringing .Tne yellow Sign" has become synon.
rr .
Ilurllngton Street, Is attractively ar
ranged, his goods being displayed ln
a splendid manner. He carries a full
line of overalls, Jackets, shirts, gloves',
and other articles of vital necessity
to the worklngman, and lu addition
has a splendid stock of general gents'
furnishings. This gentleman entered
business In St. Johns, February 1,
1010, and In the few months ho has
been dealing with the people has es.
tabllshed a reputation for fair dealing,
good goods at honest prices, and cour
teous treatment tnat Is centering a
largo part of this class ot trade In his
establishment. -
Ono of the newest additions to the
mercantile life ot St. Johns Is tho con.
fectlonery store run by Mr, A. O.
Morgan. This gentleman came to St.
Johns because ho believed It offered a
splendid Held for nil lines of business,
mercantile and Industrial, and Imme
diately upon his arrival here, bought
manufacture the necessary by-pro- about this condition. It Is composed
ducts, such as lards, sausage, etc The ot Mr. T. A. Cobb and Mr. M. S. Cobb.
omous with the very best that can be
obtained In the confectionery line and
also means that the famous Hazel
wood Ice cream at Arnold Unger's
confectionery 's unexcelled. This de
licious delicacy Is sold at retail at
Arno'd Unger'a Ice cream parlors,
but its sale Is not couflned to the re
tail trado only, as a specialty Is made
of furnishing It for socials, club meet
ings, church entertainments, etc., at
reduced rates. This, establishment
carries a full line of confectionery and
operates a modern, sanitary soda
fountain, where can bo obtained dell
clous cool dr'nks. A cigar 'stand, fully
stocked with popular domestic and Im
ported cigars, does a flourishing busl
ness. Taken all In all this Is the
most popular resort In the city. Mr.
Arnold Unger is a Arm believer In SL
Johns and purposes to enlarge his
business as occasion demands.
oughly conversant with real estate Johns and thoroughly fit's the Held,
values here. He conducts a general Its books are complete covering all
real estate business, dealing lu elty of St Johns and a large pari of the
und country property, buylug, selling Penlnsulu. In addition to this highly
nnd exchanging. He has listed nt Important department, Hits company
the present tlmo somo of tho very deals extensively In real estate. The
tim riiv. him .lone much to brine to best bargains In tho city, and Is In a newcomer to St. Johns will do well to nor
IiIb storo the splendid patronage it position to glvo absolutely dependable consult Mr. Henderson regarding real sundries
now enlovs. He deals In confection- luiormauon concern uj reai esiuie in vsuuu vuiues in mis cuy, as no ana siaueu
erv. fresh fruits, nuts .tobacco, cigars. St. Johns. Tho persons who contem- his associates, aro thoroughly con- cessfull
school supplies, stationery, etc. His plate coming to this elty to make his
lino of school books and stationery residence or to enter business will
is the best In the city; It Including do well to consult Mr. Valentino be
all tho standard books prescribed by tore making Investment. In addition
tho state. This gentleman nlso main- to n gonernl real estate business. Mr.
tains an Ico cream parlor, where tho Valentino conducts a brokerage busJ
most delicious and purest croam can ness. and In this line be has mot with
. nbtalned. As a business man nnd well deserved success, sir. Valentino
nnhilc snlrlted citizen. Mr. Clark wo
stands well up with tho leading men and
and boosters of St. Johns, and
r..":t."';.;-:V..w"" . flttrlne nalronmra that Is belnir ae. II neennlM thn lnur flr nf ih.. . ."D "ueuui ui au Jouns aujacem
street. He has fitted out his place In Mr. MIHon Is the best possl- mposlng bu'ldlng n the city, and Its ing emMtttbvwwwu
a most attractive manner, adding an We Indication that he treats his cus- Interior and exterior appearance Is a thorough y u itdate meaT market
Ice cream parlor to tho main store, tomers with the utmost courtesy and particularly attractive. It Is sp endld- fha ni SnMH n fnrni.h fhm Iifh
. ....I "I". : .ia1 ,ih hpm faJriv and sminretv. lv amp,! ni ,.ivinW nn,ni fiin.i. Pat 18 equipped to furnish them with
? auu .V" "u"cu ' , "XI ",7. ' " ; 17J . the very best of meats at the lowest
fectlonery, high clasa canned goods
and post cards is displayed. A cigar
stand, where the most popular brands
of cigars, both domestic and Im
It would be hard for us to say any adds to Its general attractiveness. An "mT,?'".. IK
thing concerning about John Noce & excellent line of ladles' and gents' fur- M. Sln'.a ghon la ' ,lnm1 wf,h'
u . . it . i. . nianintro annAo a... . n . i n , ...... . . - .
............. . . . I . . ... I .... .. .. t 1 1 . i . , ii.. . i. .. . t I. ...1.. i n . ........ una -I'tia r-ntii. n.v I j r.Amn..n - -
viDtiui nun mm i- uuu ciuiuiiiuus lur luuujr years, juiu wo iirt-uici iuoi uu niciicm nuunicugu ui wuoi uui i.uiuiauj attend to nil trade In hlu nminnncft.
hero, and have listed some of the ho will with suecess here. people require In the tailoring line, proposes in the near future to In- meat Mr sineer sava --w r nin
host bargains now on the market. lu and they spare no effort to meet the crease its stock of ready-to-wear gar- to 8eu .n K, f
conneot'on with the real estate do- l. B. MILTON. demand In the most highly satisfac- ments for both men and women. Some nad bolognes at down town nrlees i "
partmont Is conducted an Insurance If you are a crank on tho subject of tory manner. Mr. John Noce Is the of the leading makes of goods handled nu customers are certain that ho has
business. Mr. Henderson Is a live, sanitation and cleanliness In meat head of this firm and It Is due largely here are the nuster Drown shoes and llved up ,0 hU promise Mr Singer
progressive business man. who Is thor. markets, you will grow enthusiastic to his pleasing personality that the "se, Kabo corsets, and Arrow col- vi8 0ul,ine8a " of acUmen
ouchlv alive to tho lintiortanca or comuany la now eniovlne such a flour, 'ars. iioth of the gentlemen formine .1 Am..? ...u.-t ,.rT."
s formurty postmaster of St. Johns hoostlug uternally for his city, and in and owned by L. n. Milton, for his Ishlng business. A splendid stock of this company are useful citizens and untrlnE induatrT vin Zi Mm to
il Is ono of tho most progressive all olvlc affairs he takes an active In- meats and goods are displayed In such woolens Is kept In the shop, offering e regarded highly by the business a,bIereAa siendd in hi.
1 active business men In tho city, lerest. a manner to Insure the most sanitary to the most fastidious dresser every- interests of the city. ent undertaking; success m 018 pre5