UUtorlrnl Society J. I ' IT'S NOW UP TO YOU j I If II I Kk T V I 1" WW GET IN THE HABIT Toiubictlbc for THIS Ptptt. I 1 A JL JL JL L-J JL 4 T JL JL-ll T T Of .durtUli.. In TIII8 P.pef All the ncwi while It Unewil. J W , " n4ro.'ll.tmTtll. Be- ', our motto. Call In and enro'.l I 1 tatoo to4lMprlhtt It ' 1 i "- i ".i-i 'niMH . - - - - ( i, mooiMt mo n Devoted (o the Intereiti of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northiutt VOL. 6 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTUM HER 16. tgio. NO. 45 1 HhH)!HER3 Ert2Esi'sJBPfrj t QjPB Kyy 8 l---MCKKjlv .HPHbmB St. Johns Story of Phenomenal Growth from Village Set in Forest Thriving City of Enormous Industrial Interests. Situated at the Conjunction of the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. is Assured, Making it a Veritable City of Destiny. m It linn been tho hlittury 8r TtntT-fruTtiT Iiik mid bullilliiK of every groat city lliiit lltttnit u-lifi Ititil tlwi ffkiniiiilrillnii IHtH k.llfMV I 1 1 U ,..114 IIIU IHIIIIIIHIIMVII fur futuru greatness sought primarily a location affording natural mosn of transportation; the greatest cities of tho world today tttnntl upon tho banks of tho navigable rivorx or are bulldcd by tho harbor that afford anchorage for tho deepest draft vessels that go down to tho sens. Tho great transcontinental nnd trunk railway systems seek thoso places ug their terminals, for after nil It Ih tho ocean going craft that mako possible tho construction of tho grent railway systems. What, then, nro tho possibilities of a 'dty that U built upon ono of tho greatest Inland waterways of tho United States and at tho same tluio affords rail transportation over tho lines of two of tho greatest railway systems of tho world? Such a c'ty U St. John 8, the key to tho transportation on the Columbia and Willamette rivers. A Little History. Ten years ago thoro stood on what In 111! IV fill IT III IIID illUDk I lUflll-IUUD manufacturing cities of the Northwest a, few scattered dwelling- In a vast .forest of lira, Then the solitude and silence of tho forest was unbroken, and but few had entered It, except, perhaps, In quest of game. Tho din that follows In tho wake of develop ment, the shriek of the whistles of factories, and the buzzing of tho saws of mills were as foreign as tho wan .whoop of the red man. The only sound emanating from tho industrial or commercial' world was tho splash' Ing of the wheels of a passing river steamer, which plied on Its ways to ports on the Columbia. Uut tho genius of commerce and In dustry does not long allow locations that offer pre-eminent advantages to remain unutilized. The keen compe tition between the transportation sys tems causes scout- to be sent ahead to find those places that by natural advantages are destined to become in dustrial or commercial centers. Nine miles to the south or St. Johns lay Portland, a growing city. Her future greatness depended and de pends upon her water transportation facilities. St. Johns was nine miles nearer the mouth of the Columbia and the confluence of that mighty stream and the Willamette. Tho possibilities opened by this fact were first realized and appreciated by what Is now known as the St. Johns Lumber Company, one of the largest saw mills on the Pacific Coast. A small, and comparatively Insignia- cant mill was Installed. Then fol lowed the Jobss Brothers with a flour mill, and then ono by one other oap Utns of Industry, with farseeing and unerring Judgment saw tho wonder Where Transportation Facilities ful opportunity offered them at St. Johns. With tho establishment of these In dustries began tho building of St. Johns, which today stnnds high nbovo, on a plateau, tho water front, whero are located her Industries, wli!oh to day Is n oity of COOU Inhabitants, throbbing wl'h tho multitudinous no tlvlHcta of u manufacturing center, The Modern St. Johns, Hut It Is with the modern St. Johns, tho gateway to tho Willamette nnd the key to tho transportation of Port land and southerly cities on the mag nificent Htr wim that drains ono of tho richest and largest valleys on tho face of the g'obe, known as tho Willamette Valley, that wo wish to deal with In this article. Kmbrnolng within her city limits tho entire po'nt of the Peninsula, wkoo point Is washed by tho wnvos of both the Co'umbla and tho Willam ette, St. Johns has n great water frou'age. Tho day Is not far distant when this entire water front will bo a solid line of docks and Industrial plants. It Is inevitable, bcoauso with the marvelous development that Is now going on 'n tho Northwest, and with tho two groat railway systems seeking this Peninsula as n terminus for their all-tho-way water grade lines from the pases In the mountains that give en'ranco to the Hast, tho demand for manufactured articles and for Indus trial ae'.lvlty will Increase In propor tion to the Increase In population. Great transportation experts have declared emphatically that tho Pen insula, In other words St. Johns, Is eventually to becomo tho New York of tho West. That the possibilities of this city have been appreciated by many pro gressive business men and Investors Is clearly evidenced by the fact that four years ago tho taxable property In this elty amounted to $200,000; to day It aggregates J2.G00.000. This remarkable growth has been In no vay the result of unnatural methods, nor can It bo classed with tho boom variety. It was the natural, Inevitable result of a full comprehen sion and a complete realization of a desirable location on the part of thou sands of progressive American peo ple, coming from every section of the United States to the Northwest the land of opportunity and to St. Johns the coming metropolis of this mighty empire, embracing the states of North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Northern California, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. Controlled by that wonderful West ern variety of progress, the inhabit ants of St. Johns have surrounded themselves with all the institutions that are the product of modern times. A magnificent city hall, built on the the old colonial stylo of architecture, graces ono of tho prominent locations of tho city, providing n homo for tho municipal olllcers, nnd shelter for the performance of nil civic functions, Schools and Churches. While this la ossenMally and prim arily u manufacturing and Industrial center, tho call of modern times for education of tho younger generation has not rema'ned unheeded, Nenrlng completion today Is ono of tho most magnificent high school buildings In the entire state, which was erected nt a cost of $40,000, while two grammar, or graded schools, nro afforded those of tho children of our people who have not as yet advanced to tho high school curriculum. True to their history tho churches of all denominations have one by ono established themselves In our midst as tho population Increased and tho demand for spiritual ministrations grew. The Mothodlst, tho United Evangelical, the Ilaptlst, tho Congre gational, tho Christian, tho Adventlst, the German Ilaptlst, tho Catholic, and many of tho soe'ettes banded for re ligious worship, have splendid edifices here. The moral ntmosphoro of St. Johns Is such that no person need hesitate to Invest here, build a residence, make a home and rear tholr children In this environment. The people of St. Johns bellovo In so regulating the affairs of their city that it shall rank h'gh with tTioso of this and other states as a city of homes, as well as a city of Industry, Public Service. Absolutely necessary to tho perma nent and enduring greatness of any city aro public service corporations that servo the public In the fullost senso of tho word, and that do not overstep the bounds that aro set by the statutes of the state, and Imposed by the ordinances of tho city. In this respect St, Johns can boast of better facilities than any city In the North west of comparative size. The Portland Hallway, Light & Power Company, ono of tho foremost public service concerns in the West, furnishes ample transportation, light Ing and power facilities. It operates an excellent streetoar service be tween this city and Portland, the fare for the nine mllo ride being only Ave cents. In connection with the street car service Is maintained the Portland Suburban Kxpress Company, whlcn runs dally freight and express cars between this city and the more south erly one on tho Willamette. A gas company furnishes tho city with gas for heating, lighting and cooking pur poses at a reasonable rate. In nearly every instanco the first questions that a person asks when contemplating Investing In a city Is concerning the water system. St. Pittsburg and Ready Market for Ouput are Close at Johns ran boast of ns good water uti any city In Oregon, It having been analyzed by tho state ehoinlst nnd de clared to bo pun. Thu wnter supply Is stored In huge tanks, with sulllelent pressure In the stand pipe to furnish every residence In tho city with wnter for every necery purposo. Judiciously sonttertd throughout tho city aro fire pliiK, with a heavy pro sure, which, combined with h well or ganized, and equipped lire department, g veil ample protection from eoiitlngni lion to the citizens. Tho PmoIiIo Hell Telephone and Homo Telephone Companies, two of the largest telephone HystoiiiH In thu United States, serve St. Johns. Municipally owned and controlled, tho city dock, erected on the wttlur front, affords the hundreds of vetmels that :' the Willamette docking facil ities, livery boat that eomofl In from tho 1'aolllc oean, posseti this dock nnd many of the biggest vessels dock there to discharge cargoes, or to take on onrgoos tor foreign nnd const ports. This Immenso dock, one of tho InrgoMt on the river, Is all under roof and at fords ample storage space. Tax Rate, At flrat glance It might appear that with such extensive Improvements In this city the tax rato would bo ab normally high. Such, howovor, Is not tho ease, as the books of tho city tux assessor and tax collector show that the rate Is lower thun In any other city In Oregon of similar size. Character of Buildings. Tho metropolitan appearance of the main business streets of this city In variably Impresses tho person who for tho first fine enters Its gates. Substantial, costly, handsomo brick and stone structures line tho main streets, affording splendid facilities for store rooms, oltlco buildings, etc. In this connection It, perhaps, Is well to lay stress on the fact that those desiring to build hero will find that the building material can bo ob tained cheaper than In tho groater centers of populations, due to tho fact thut the many Industrial plants on the water front are turning out building material of every character, Including lumber, sash, doors, windows, etc., while several big firms aro extensive dealers in lime, cement and similar building matorlal. Absolutely Independent. Tho city of six thousand population, situated within a distance of nino mllos of a city of 200,000 Inhabitants, with Interurban car service, that Is absolutely Independent of tho greater center, Is indeed an oxcoptlon. Our merchant carry such a splendid grade and variety of goods, and our fac tories and Industrial plants cover such a wide range, that ovory necessity of life Is obtained In St. Johns and at a cheaper rate than Is possible In tho of Firs Ten Years Ago to Present Modern, Factories Here Obtain Ideal Locations larger city to thu south. Tho 11I vie spirit and pride Ih so strong In St. Johns that all support homo Industry. The merchant or busliUMts man who Is looking townrd St. Johns with 11 view of entering busi ness here, need not for a moment hes itate beenuse of ItH proximity to n larger elty. Real Estate Investments. it would bit trllo to attempt to do scribe tho opportunities thai nro af forded In the Northwest for proiltablo Investment In real ostnto, as ItH ad vniitHgeM Iiiivh been exploited tho world over and on ouch Incoming triiiiS'Ooutliiciitnl train, nnd vessel from other ports, are scores of per sons who are seeking a homo In tho wonderful Northwust. The keenest, miHit fttr-elllK Mild ablest Ituslnesa men of the state of Oregon ie.wi o that tit. Johns, today offers the host Held for remunerative Investment In rwil estate. Hut despite tho fact that Its superior ity Is universally recognized, thu price of property today ts reasonable. Sev eral now residence (roots are now ho lug opened. HuslnoK lots, AOxlOO feet, can bo purchased from $11500 to $8000, while roHldunoo property sells from $1100 to $1000 u lot. The rapid growth of the community makes an Investment hero not only absolutely sale, but certain of remun erative returns. All of the residence property and business district of this city Is situat ed on a high plateau, affording a splendid view of the beautiful Willam ette river and the mountains on tho other side. Tho resldonce district Is one of the most attractive In this seo (Ion of the state, and In it aro tound many of the handsomest homos that stand upon the banks 01 tho stroam that has boon mudo famous by tho songs of poets, and tho word pictures of the most eminent writers. INDUSTRIES. Differing from other cities In tho Northwest St. Johns Is not depend ent on back country for her prosper ity; it does not depend on tho sea sons; droughts have no effect on her; crop failures do not decrease her bunk deposits. The output of her in dustries are shipped to every section of the United States and to every Im portant port In tho world. It Is al ways in demand, St. Johns Is essentially an Indus trial and manufacturing center, and It Is to those plants that wore sovorul years ago established hero and thut are now being established hero, that she owes her greatness. Tholr Im mense payrolls go to swell tho ao eo lints of her merchants, to Increase her taxable propgrty, and to uld In tho gsneral development of the city. Tliyro are tyn big Industrial plants of Oregon lomited within the city limits of Ht. Johns, employing from -T. to 2R0 men each, nnd with Kiy rolls aggregating from $1000 to $ir.,ooo per month. It Is self-evident Hint tho men head ing theso concerns would not have lo on1 ed In St. Johns unless there was n well defined reason for It, nnd it de cided advantage In doing so, Tho rea son was that wo aro nine mite nearer tho mouth of tho Columbia river, tho great outlet to the Pacific Ocean, than Is Portland, the metropolis of Oregon. Kvory vessel that plies Utu Willamette must first pas tho city dock at St. Johns buloro It nuohors at the larger city. What the Industries Are. The visitor to tit. Johns will find 11 trip to the water front, or the Indus trial seutlon of tuu etly, both Inter ostlng and Instructive, us hero soiuo of Hie hlHgotft plants of the kind In tho world aro ontMbllfthed. Tho first ooiiiKiny to begin opera tions was tho Ht. Johns Lumber Com imtiy, which, but a few years ago, had a small mill here. Today It In one of the biggest auwers and shipper of fir lumber on the Paellle Coast, having a capacity of 2.6,000 feet of lumber every ten hours. It employs about two hundred and fifty men nnd Ha monthly iy-roll will exceed $16,000. The plant of the tit. Johns Lumber Coiiiiauy Is one of tho most modern on thu coast nnd the product It turns out In of such u high order that It Ih In demand In all the lumber markets of the world. Tho mill and yards cover more than throe blooks of ground space. A grout majority of the employes of this mill aro either property owners In tit. Johns or make their homo here, the result being that thu money paid out In pay rolls Ih kept nt homo ami spent with local tour chnutM, Invested In local proporty or deposited In local banks. Tho Portland Woolen Mills, ono of the biggest woolen mills on the Pa cific Coast, Is looated nt St. Johns, Tho output of this concern comprises a varied assortment of woolen goods, blankets, cloth, etc. The raw material used In this mill Is obtained from tho backs of Oregon sheep. Two hun dred men and women aro employed In this mill and the imy-roll aggregates $7000 a month. The Jobos Milling Company, tho second oldest Industrial plant iu St, Johns, Is tho manufacturer of several brands of Hour thut find a ready mar ket in Portland, Seattle, Spokane and other distributing polntH on the Pa cific Coast. This company turns out about 300 barrels of Hour dally and about fifteen tons of feed. From twenty to thirty man aro regulurly employed In this mill. Ono of thu newest and most rapidly growing concerns In St. Johns Is tho Modern Machine Works, which Is Hand. Its Future cqulppolPt- do nil kinds of marine nnd railroad work, as well an logging and lumbering work. IU plant Is n largo one viu required the serview of about thirty men. All kinds of Iron work Is accomplished In this plant, nnd Its fie proximity to tk bis; plants on the water front make- It nil nUniMt nbsoluto necessity In thin elty. Ono of tho now and highly Import ant Industrie of this ally U thu Col lupslblo llox Factory, whluh iiinnufne turoH collaiHilble, or folding boxen, cooHt nnd oraton. This product has proven exceptionally popular with the shippers of this state and Is In great demand. This concern Is constantly broadening lu Held el action and en larging Its capacity. The Marine Iron Works Is ontt at tho most extensive and widest known plants on the Paellle Coast and slue its ontahllshmeut lu this elty mt h4d some of the blggeM eontrneU that have been let by the government and Individuals. It but rwmitly finished thu repairing of the United titnttw en gineering department's vetuel, thn Chinook, which was one of the blgwrnt contracts the government has lei lu this section In it number of years. This company Is oqulpiHid to do any ami all kinds of marine Iron work and ItH reputation has spread thu length of the Pacific Coast. There Is tv third Iron work, lit S'. Johns known as the L. M, I.enoli Iron Works. It Is looated lu the outskirts of tho city near tho North Hank main line, and U recognized as one of tn. bust equipped Iron works and found I c In the entire state, .It. Johns also possesses a big ship building yard, which has attained a reputation that brings to It work from all parts of tho Northwest and the Pacific Coast. This concern Is pre pared to build any character of ves sel, no matter how large, and It has dene some of thu biggest contraot work that Iiuh boon given out on thu Coast. In addition to tl o above named In dustrial plants St. Johns can boast of one of tho boat lnudrlos In the state, which receives work from many of tho polntH on the WMInmetto ant Columbia rivers, and that Is con stantly Increasing Its torrltory and adding to Us elllcleuoy. This Is known as the St. Johns Laundry Company, und for several years It has dono thu liundry work of this city, as woll in drawing n splendid patronage from Portland nnd other cities. An up-to-date Ice factory nnd cold storago plant, using an uutquo system of ico manufacture, Is located within tho city llmltH and furnishes tho citi zens with ico nnd cold storage facil ities. Subscribe for tho Review and be nappy.