St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 26, 1910, Image 6

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Muslin Dreti. Thin dainty dress Is
In whlto spottod muslin worn ovor
tmlo bluo cropo do-solo. An ovcrsklrt
In mado of tho muslin gathered to n
licit of tho cropo, nml cut with points
ut tho Imck mid sides; muslin cm
broidery edges tho ovcrsklrt; tha
liodlca Is nlsn trimmed with this, nnd
lias n deep frill of Inco gnthorcd to n
tucked collar of cropu; tho cuffs nro
nlso of crepo.
Straw hat of polo bluo trimmed with
pink rosos,
Materials required: 414 ynrds mus
lin 42 Inches wldo, 0 yards Insertion,
0 ynrds cropo-dosolo, 1 yard laco.
Vlilllno Dress. Amethyst cropo
meteor Is choiou for this smart dross;
tho princess part Is cut with rather
nhort kimono alcoves, Tho contor
front Is continued much limner than
tha slrios nnd forms it sort of panol;
tho lowor part Is silently gathered to
edge of princess upper part.
Russia braid In straight rows and
loop pattern forms n trimming round
tho entire edge.
Tho ynko nnd putted undorstooves
nro of whlto chiffon.
Toquo composed of small flowers,
with chiffon taken round and arranged
In a rosetto nt tho sldo.
Mntorlols required: 7 yards crepe
meteor, about 4 dozon yards Hussla
braid, l',4 yards chiffon 44 Inches
Dress for Girl From 16 to 10 Years,
A dress In tho sailor stylo Is always
so becoming to young girls; It inn;
bo mndo In linen or serge Three
tucks nro nrrnnged each sldo back nnd
front of skirt nnd hlouso, on tho skirl
they nro stitched nbout four Inches,
nnd on the hlouso to waist A darker
colored matorlal Is used ns n trim
mtng; three straps of different widths
edgo tho skirt, collar nml cults; th
belt Is nlso of tho darker, and the
singlet, which Is In white, Is trimmed
to inntch.
Straw hnt trimmed with ribbon.
Materials required: 014 yards 4(
Inches wldo nnd nbout Hi ynrds dark
(Ccprlghl, 1110, l AMucUtxl LILnrr 1'tttt)
Isabol Stovons bnd been out of
bonrdlng school somowhnt less than n
yenr when sho married Fred Carrlng-
ton, n man somo years older than hor
solf, but whoso youth had boon crowd
cd so full of enro nnd nnxlety that his
courtship of Isabel hnd been, ns slm
wns novor tired of hnvlng him tell
her, tho very flrBt romnnco of his life,
Fred, with all his appreciation of Isa
bel's Intonslty of nnture, would havo
been greatly surprised had ho fully
known how much this meant to tho
girl. Sho felt porfectly suro of tho fu
turo; such was her trust In hor hus
band's loynlty and dovotlon, but that
oven tho past held for her no rlvnl, or
no tender momory for Fred to look
bnck upon, had for her n meaning
Hint words could not adequately ex
And now what was It thnt had hap
poncd to maka Isabel's pretty, fair fnen
look years and years older, nnd had
marked It with tho lines etchod only
by n brenklng heart
It was slimmer, and they had boen
having n lovely month In tho now
houso Fred a poverty wns now n
thing of tho past Thoy had built this
hnuso on the Now England const Bud
denly, nffalrH of urgent Importance,
connected with nn ostato of which ha
was executor, called Fred to l'hllndol
pliia for n row dnys. Tuo city wns
just then In tho grip of n hot wave,
so In splto of her pleading, Fred slm
ply would not hear of his young wlfo's
nccompnnylng him; and, as It wns tho
first separation they hnd ovor known
In tholr married llfo of two years, It
was regarded by Isabol an something
only a little short of n tragedy.
Aftor Fred had gono sho locked
herself In her room, nnd, silly, childish
thing thnt sho was, cried for n whole
hour. Afterward, but only becnuso
sho hnd promised Fred, sho went to
tho next house and spent tho rest of
(ho dny with tho charming friends
who wvra hor neighbors, also.
Tho next morning Isabel, tnoro lone
ly Ihnn over, realized tho best thing
btgnn to float through Isnbol'u mind
linen she hnd not recalled since her
morbid Bchool girl days. How true,
how nbsolutoly true, were tho words:
My lny nre in the yellow loaf,
Tlio flowers nnd fruits of love nre gone.
The worm, the ranker nnd the grief
Are mlna nlone.
And tho tears woro now flowing co
piously: Fnre thee w-ll!-thu dlnuntted.
Torn from every nenrer tie.
Sonr'd In heart, nnd li ,'e. nnd blighted
More than this I scarce enn die.
At this moment, nnd whllo sho was
assuring herself that "thus tho heart
will break, yet brokenly live on,"
there wns a knock. Hut nobody must
see hor until she had tlmo to com
poso herself, so sho nBkcd what wns
wnnted without opening tho door. Tho
maid snld a letter hnd Just coino, and
thin Isnbcl told her to slip under tho
door. It was one with a special do
livery ctninp, from the faithless Fred.
In spito of her lnccratcd feelings,
sho toro open tho cnvelopo with a
most unseemly hasto and read:
"My Hurling Hello: I will wrlto you
n long letter tonight, but this Is Just
n lino (a nek you to look through thnt
old derslc of mine nnd sec If you can
not find ii pbotogrnph of my old friend
IMb Johnron, Ho was a member of
tho Mnk nnd Wig club, nnd had that
plcturo tukon long ago. Hob tins Just
become ongnged and wnntB tho photo
graph to play n Joko with Jokes woro
alwoys so dear to his heart. Hut I
nm forgottlng to say tho plcturo Is of
him In trie chnrnctcr of n fnlry dancer
nnd ban soma crazy words written
Across It You can't possibly miss It!"
Isabol got no further for a full flvo
minutes. And then ono of tho mnlds
heard to say to another down
Hints For Hostess
for Those Planning Seasonable
ill I IIIM.lll H.. . IMI.I.lJ I
111 ' 1 ""' n ii m iimiibm nn mm i ml
Rooms In Holbrook Building.
St. Johns, .... Oregon
Physician and Surgeon.
Dny & Nfght Offlco in McChesnoy blk.
fhone Jertey DM.
St, Johns, Oregon.
Games for Children.
A young mother said to mo tho oth
er dny: "Your department Is flno and
I often find Just what I want, but can
you help me out with now games for
tho children 7"
During vacation It seems that tho
whnt-todo question frequently comes
up for mother to solve. I hopo tho
following pnstlmos will provo Interest
ing, nnd mako loads of fun for tho
youngsters. Tho first Is cnllcd Hu
man Nino Pins. Tho boys nro sot up
Just Ilka nine pins nt tho end of the
room or on tho lawn; thoy stand on
ono toot (left ono), with tho right ono
placed behind tho loft kneo, nrms fold
cd. Tho girls roll tho ball, taking
turns. When tho bnll Is rolled thoy
may bop aside to cscnpo being
touched; but if tho bnll touchos thorn
or they put down tho other foot, thoy
aro supposed to bo knocked down nnd
out This continues Just llko tho ronl
gamo, n scoro being kopt nnd prizes
young children iovo this gnmo:
stairs: "Mis. Carrlngton ain't mlssln' T.iX iiZ" mi . h
!,.. nn tt.nnh n. u-n H.mml.t nflrr Tnko hMT0' ll00P8 "! lnd thom With
nil. Just listen to her sho s n-slugln'
away llko n burrdl"
from hor. When all tho numbers have
bean called tho gnmo Is finished.
The Practical Shower,
A young woman much beloved k
her neighborhood, was to bo mnrrtod,
and this delightful shower was ar
ranged: Sho had grown up from baby
hood on tho samo strcot, nnd ono ol
hor mother's friends suggested that
the nolghbors contrlbuto tho prlco ot
a dozon napkins nnd tnblccloth. Thon
thoy had a thimble party and the
linen was hemmed nnd rrionogrnmed,
Tho brldo wns porfectly delighted. Try
this when planning n Vllncn" shower.
It wan no tnoro costly than for each
guest to glvo a scparato bit of linen.
Tho snmo Idea has been carried out In
shoots and pillow cases, also towols.
Ily tho' way, nt nfternoon nffnlrs ginger
lemonade is qulto tho thing with tiny
fancy crnckors or biscuit, as our Eng
lish cousins call them.
Rn. Flue Jtrw; 1571. Office Mioitt Jrwy 921
Residence 9U2 Kcsicnden Street
Office Hours: 10 a. In. to 1 p. m 3 to 6 1. m.
One Still On Which Has tasted fofr
Nearly a Quarter of a
gny ribbons or cropo paper, suspend
n smnll bell In tho contor. Hang tho
hoop up and givo onch guest n smnll
bean bag tlio snmo color ns tho hoop.
Tho aim Is to ring tho boll when
thrown through tho hoop. Flvo trials
aro allowed, tho ono who rings tho
most out of tho flvo Is givon n To
ward. ,
A llttto gnmo called "Royalty" noeds
IE-teem kfoju
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D
Residence, C97 Dawson Street
Office, Pliter Block.
University Pork, Portland, Oregon.
Office Phono Richmond 51
First National Bank building.
An auction nnlo. which has nlrcady an equal numbor of girls nnd boys
lasted nearly n quarter of n century, Ono boy is chosen "king" nnd n girl
Is still far from finished at Sothorby's ns "quoon." Thon thoy sit In two
In London. toxtn facing each other. Each follow.
It Is tho salo ot tho most oxtonslvo or Is numborod. At tho snmo momont
collection of nnclont mnnuscrlpts In tno king nml quoon calls n numbor,
tho world tho Illhllothecn Phillips,
tho collector of which, who dlod 40
vnnr nio. dovotod a long II fo and a
fortune of $500,000,
tho two plnyors bearing tho numbors
got up nnd run nround tho clrclo, tho
queen nf tor tho king's follower. If sho
cntches him boforo ho complotos tho
'"hlnas Worth Knowing for My Lady
or the Needle Avoid the
Tlio gclmpo of plain sheer tulle or
'not Is moro frequently used thnn (hat
of tucks, Tho ynko Is extremely shnl
'low, nnd tho clcnr flesh tint Is tho
usual color,
A dainty llttlo workhag, Just fitted
to hold tho embroidered collars nnd
bolts nnd other paraphernalia nf tho
summer plnun, Is of flgurnd lawn, over
ii lining of light bluo chlnn silk. Chlnu
ntlk makes n good lining, by tho way,
for bags which nro to hold embrold
ry silks and other things which
might ho likely to catch upon rougher
fabrics, On each sldo of tho bng U
n somlclrclo of Inco Insertion, border
cd with n shirring nf bluo baby ribbon.
Tho embroidery hoop handles nro coV'
vrod. with bluo ribbon.
Tho U8o of n knot Is to bo nvotdnd
In cowing nnd not to bo tolurntod hi
embroidery. The HCcnuiplUhnd needle
woman rarely finds It iiooossnry to
ntnrt with n knot, snva In gathering or
linstlnK. e,imtmoH n tiny ono It
nllppiMl um'tir n hem, but It will show
on right sldo If mnterlal Is sheer and
innkus an ugly lump In Ironing. Two
or tin eo over nnd ovor hlltchos taken
on wrong sldo of mnturlal Is ns seouro
ns iv knot and much moro sightly. In
umbroldery thero U no oxouso for a
Imot. Two or thrco tiny stitches tn
Icon on outllno or In body of work
whoro It Is nftorwnrd covured will
liold any stilt-lion. Knots only tend
to nn untidy wrong Hide, which no
Kood embrolderor will tolornto nnd
unko tho work rough In laundering.
Summer Frills and Fixings.
Dutch nooks and pollnrless drosses
nro spoiling tho demand for ear-height
collars nnd soma of tho departments
toll you frankly If you ask for extremu
ly high onus that thoy do not havo
them. Thoro Is n sort of crazo among
tho girls who llko to he odd and
"quaint" for tho low collars with
oohirftl embroidery to match their
milts and with thorn, of courso, go urn
liratdurfel JnboU or Ihiws to iimtoh.
One nol a an oxtra trunk this sonsou
for nuro trifles suoh ns thin If oiio'h
wardrobe la hnlf oqulpped with frills,
collars, neck fixings geuurnlly and
liultu and sashes. This Is to say not
n word about tho ohtrfen ovorwnUt
that daughters prodigal of tlmo nro
making by tho scoro fur tho varying ot
heir toilets.
In splto ot tho chnnteoler voguo,
flowers wero uover more prominent in
I ni( P Ilii.i1i1-M
Tho dlsposnl of tho, vast library, clrclo ho pays forfeit; if sho doos not
which packed his country mansion,
Thlrlostnlno houso, Choltonhnm, from
basement to attic, began In ISSC, nnd
tho sntcs wilt continue nt least an
other generation. Already 13 separato
sales, totaling nearly 10,000 lots, nnvo
reallxcd $225,000. and thero nnvo
been several sales by prlvalo troaty
ns well.
Tho Froneh nnd Oormnn govern
ments bnvo bought In many nnllonnl
innnuscrlpts, which Sir Thomas Phil-
tho king's subject collects n trlbuto
Snshos aro with us again In glorious
Tulle and Irish taco nro frequently
Fowor turbnns nro soon as tho sea
son ndvnnccs.
Skirts for ovontng drosses nro somo
whnt fuller.
Tho latest hoslory shows moro olab
orato patterns.
Of suodo nnd stampod loathor bags
thero Is on end.
Llnon suits nro In old bluo, mustard,
ratkln, brown, green, catnwba and lav
ender. For evening wear thoro Is a return
of colored Irish laco, dyed to match
tho gown.
Phono Richmond 201
Holbrook Block St. Johns
Phono Jersey 021 Holbrook Block
Open Evenings nnd Sundays by Ap-traintmcttL
A beautiful lamp mat of oriental
nppcaranco caught my oyo In n
friend's houso, snys n writer In tho
Iloston Horuld. "Of what is that
nmfrtt" f n sit ml "Alt mtn nnnvorml
lips acquired whllo ransacking nuropo , nm(,0 (hnt ,nyBolf; It pnpor
for his unmatched collection.
Anything written on vellum, what
nver Its nature, was purchased by this
eccontrlo collector, who described him
self ns "n vollo maniac," nnd gave any
prlco thnt was asked for old mnnu
script, Tho ccount books of king
nnd quoens, tho early records of an-1
dent monasteries, long-forgotten
trcntles botweon nations, nnd tho au
tograph poems ot fourteenth century
bards woro nil eagerly bought by him.
And this Is how It Is dono: You
will nood heavy brown wrapping pa-
Cried for a
Whole Hour.
The Paclflo CodfUhert.
Tho codtlsh Is n sacred bird In thin
Kwoilon of tho world, and anything
itmt hits la do with his ultimata flsh- Pr, old dimity or lawn from worn.
ball destination Is of Interest At tho out curtains (or somo iiko sou mate
Qlnghmn Qowns.
Olnghnmn 'vlth grounds of gray or
ot th "blond" shades stum In cloths,
lend themselves particularly well to
combination with bright plaids, and
somo ohnrmtng (rocks ot these tones
nro made up with llowored, striped, or
pluld matormls, piped with brilliant
bluo, red, nr green, to which nro nddod
other uocents, buoIi ns n bolt or stld
little bows of tho snmo brilliant tone.
llarpor's usr
The Children's Hair.
Somo children nre llnblo to catch
cold after having their hair washed.
In ordur to prevent this tho hair should
be rlnsetl In warm water to wuleti a
few drops of nlcohol lias beun added,
and wrung as dry as pocslhla
Tho hair should thon be divided and
onch strnMl wiped well with a dry
towel, it the child Is then allowed to
bit In n warm room or go out In the
sun for a tow minutes tho Imlr will
dry very quickly. Homo Chat.
!hntecler Gloves Have Come
Match Chsntecler Handker
chiefsNew Hints,
Pink silk gloves nro rovorslhle to
yellow, nnd Just match tbo tearose
White kid gloves nre stitched In col
ors to matoh tho frock, l.nvendors
nnd pinks nro especially favored.
Tho stitching Itself Is varied; n
broad chain effect Is new and pretty.
Yollow llslo kIovos aro cool nnd
wasbablo, and look llko tho fashion
nble but heavy chamois.
Thin brown cloth gauntlets nro good
for tho horsewoman.
Chantocler glovoa havo come to
match the cbnutccler handkerchiefs.
A tiny rooster or a golden pheasant Is
cmbroldored at tho olbow.
And this now embroidery and back
Utchlng can qulto easily bo dono by
one's self, which is their chief attraction.
Hats Stilt Elaborate.
f- fUceable point la the woman's
linen costumo this yenr, howover, Is
that, whllo ho tailored Mnos run ta
tho elmplost, in tho ilrosa, It Is nearly
always off sot by an elnbornto hat. This
may bo tn tho form ot a floral turban,
or eomothlng built up In tho "nabob"
turban form, of masses ot fancy fou
lard, or tulle, with shot effects; or It
may tako tho lorni of a large, wldo
crowned hat with a huge bird upon It,
massed and volled with tulle. This
shot effect has oven Invaded tho flold
of the llnon Itself, of which n few ex
amples havo met my oyo, though In
variably In very expensive weaves,-
llarpor's llaxar.
To Whiten Linen.
To whltuu linen that has becomo
yellow from lying away, wash and rub
soap nil ovor and without wringing
put In tho sun. Whon dry wet thor
oughly again. One dny In the sun .vlll
make It as whlto ns when now, Rinse
and hang up.
Borne ot tho now linen frocks nr
embroidered In Japanese colors and
designs" ,
sho could do would bo to find boiiip
aotlvo employment. Thoro was nn old
desk whloh had como down to Frod
by Inherltanco from tho colonial days
and which hnd boon shipped with all
Ita contonU straight from his bncho
lor quarters to'thla now houso, slnco
It wns too big for their apartment In
tho city. Nothing would bo mora ab
sorbing, isabol concluded, slnco It wns
so Intimately associated with Fred,
than to glvo this desk a thorough
cleaning out. Frod ho was different
from most men In this respect, as In
every othor would bo so pleased
when he should return to find every
thing In npplo-ple order, She know
whoro the keys were, nnd tho morning
had possod vory happily. The old
desk had assumed u rejuvenated ap
pearance nil but ono drawor wheu
somothlng happened that took the
uunshtno out ot everything for Isabel
In this last drawer, stuffed nwny
back, she had como across n photo
graph of r. ballot dancer! And, more
agitating still, thoro was written
across It, Frod'a name and a silly sen
tluiontnl mossngo. Also thero wns a
ditto, whloh Isabel renllicd with hor
ror, coincided to within n few months
of their wedding.
And so this was tho truth, and It
bad been but n fool's paradise in
which sho had beon living theso two
yours. Sho picked up tho hateful pic
turo and forced herself to look at IL
Thoro was no denying that tho face
with Its wealth of fluffy blond hair
was pretty. Hut sho took positive
comfort In tho fact that tho foot wore
decidedly big In splto of the tight,
pointed slippers. And then the cos
tumewhat thoro was of It! How
could any woman appear in such a
Sunday breakfast tnblo. Wo of Now
Kuglnnd nro prono to forgot thnt tho
fog hung banks off our Atlantic const
are not tno only playground or
Gloucester's claim to world famo, nnd
oven If tho great African bank Is too
fnr away to count commercially, thoro
nro other habitats of tho progeny of
the State house symbol which must be
taken Into consideration Thero Is
a codflshlng fleet In the Pnclflc, and
Iloston men have recognlxed the fact
by Interesting San Frauclsco capital
In forming a Ashing trust to control
thu catch ot tha Horlng aoa grounds.
Tho llttlo fleets out of Frisco and Se
attle havo worked under a "gentle.
man's 'agreement" as to prices for
some years, but bad weather and two
poor seasons made cut rate prlcos
popular, nnd war came to the drying
sheds, Tho proposed combination of
the five lending Paclflo Interests Is tho
result. Sprlngtleld Republican,
rial) nnd two kinds of wall paper,
ono with a plain, striped or chained
background nnd ono with large con
ventional or flower design In a con
trasting color.
Cut out tlio background paper In
the shape nml form desired, nppllqun
on It tho figures cut from tho othor
paper In regular pattern, lino with
tho dimity and paste n doublo layer
of tho wrapping paper over tho back.
It Is all very simple, but a little tasta
and Ingenuity will devise all sorts of
quaint nnd unusual articles.
Tho lamp mat Is perhaps the oast-
est to mako; the ono shown In tho
drawing was In wistaria design over
silver paper, Tho edges may be bound
with narrow passepartout tape of
the required shade, but careful past.
Ing is really all that Is necessary.
The cottago Jardiniere Is made to
ribbon, ns is tho squnro wastebaskot
of pink on groen nnd gold. This should
bo of very heavy pnpor throughout;
oven nn oxtra lining of thin art paste
board would not como amiss. It Is
mado In four plocos, with a heavy card
board bottom, and Is thon laced to
gethor. Thoso nrtlclos whoro tho Insldo
shows should havo a lining moro artls
tlo than brown paper. Plain colored
wallpaper, porhaps, tho samo as tho
background, Is good; and thon thero
aro tar paper and old shading.
Doth tho candlo and lamp shades
should bo mountod over
Offico Phono Woodlnwn 703
Res. Phono Woodlawn 1055
Ofllc Ilourtl from 0 to 12 m, 1 lo B p. m.
7 to 8 p. m,
C82 Dawson strcot, University Park
Phono Jersey 1571 Hours: 2 to 0 p. tn.
Conducted by
Mrs. Lilllc Wells Carey
002 Fcsscndoi) SL ST. JOHNS, ORC.
tlx HIU flt. Ml U. Hum
Estimates and Plans Furnished
lloutcs for Sale. ST. JOHNS. ORC.
Transfer and Storage
We deliver vour (roods to nml from
inmp anaaes Bj )ftrU of portnnd, Vancouver. Linn-
Wire frames, I tnnr Portland n nil ftnliiirlinii . vnrm
Tho dimity lining may bo oowed over. 'Co., city dock ami all points accessible
stretched tight, and the others pasted J by wagon. Piano and furniture moving
The Vlck-Senns Exchange Yaps.
"Thorel" snapped Mrs. Vlck-Senn,
grnbbliig him by tho arm; "with your
rocklossness you nearly ran ovor that
union nnyiMHiy running over a
newsboy T" ho muttered.
"Well, It looked ns If you wero try.
lug to do ttl Running through tho
atreeta ot a crowded city at a rato
of 25 miles an hour! You'ro nothing
but n speed manlao! You'ro what thoy
call n Joy rider!"
T may bo a Joy rider," said her hus-
band, letting the machine out another
notch; "but I'm not hnlf aa Jawy as
you are!" Chicago Tribune.
Cordial Greeting.
"One of my acquaintances Is much
Interested In the Chagrin Falls Hunt
cover nower-poia or pieoeian earin
enwaro. It is a simple strip of the
right bIio, rolled into a tube and fas
tened with large slxo paper fasten
ers, Here It Is of black over red.
Or it may be laced with tape or
on IL Tho fringing can bo bought by
the yard at any upholsterers. Tho
cnndleshade Is bluo on gold; tho tamp
onade, two shades of green nnd white
Tho plcturo frame may bo of any
shapo, and has a cardboard back,
pustod on so that tho glass and pis
turo cau slldo in easily. Or a plain
cardboard framo may bo purchased
a specialty. WJ rJ. Hurllmiton: nhonu
No. 186 I. O. O. f.
MceU each Monday evening In Odd Fol
Iowa' hall, nt 8:00. Visitors welcomed.
E. $. WrijU. N. C. CP. Clti. StaiUrj
Mtwla every KrUy ntuht t
T30 o'clock at I, O. O. Pi
JUII. VUltort slwayi Wl.
A. W. riCKlC, K. R. S.
I I? C IIo.l...
and covered and lined. The
shown here is red on white.
Any number of other ornamnnta anil
vuuvonlences may be made by this ) Visitors welcome.
unarming work. Tubes for rolling em
broldorles, glove rolls, pen racks, let
ter cases, book covers; the list Is a!
most endless. It makes easy and de
lightful work for tbo shut-In who can
use her hands.
The paste used should bo library
paste for the lighter articles and
glue for the heavier. Sharp shears
should be employed for cutting,
though a knife is better for the card
board. Re very careful that tho flg
ures aro carefully cut out, and that
they aro accurately placed; better
measure with pencil and rulo.
The work Is so simple that It is
made by the children in tbo elemen
tary schools; It la so pretty that It
may grace any living room. With an
occasional bordor of brocade or
touch of watercolor, It becomes an
art that Is worthy of attention from
our lovers of novelty,
DOftrC LODGE NO. 132
r. and A. M.
Regular communications
on first and third Wed
nesdays of each month
in Odd Follows' hall.
Allen R. Jobes,
W. M.
CAMP 773 W. O. W.
Meets ev
ery Wed
iteadny evening
1 n Rlck
ner's Hall
W. E. Coon, C. C.
W. Scott Kellogg, Clerk.
Ktrm s S s li"le FnJ!!0F DRESS
.ua a la&iv. LALJiAaa 111 iiiql iii ac nil imni iiiii. s
said Ward Jackson to tho Cleveland The New Coloring. In Women's Acces-
Loader. 'The other night he said to sorles Is Now More Varied man
me, with some show of enthusiasm. Ever Before
that gradually ho was getting ac
quainted with tho club members. Thn WOman who supplies herself
i ovorythliiK wns nerfectlv Wny' Dan Uanna camo r,ht UP early with all the gowns she will need
-the visit to Philadelphia f p0K.e, l l" ,0a n?. 8.ald' f""8?.1: for tho summer alwaya is In danger of
ivjmiou. nuoi uiu growing weary ot tnem oeioro it is
He said "Don't get tlma 0 change to garments ot heavier
1... 4tlfl1-A Ka1I I 1 M 1 .1 A 1
However, ll sue uuuerBinuus
Hut tho bitterest thought of all was
that Frod had not only rocelved IL
but had cherished It all this time. And
had kept it In n place whoro she
would bo most unlikely over to boo It
Of course
clear now
was only an oxcuso to seo that won)'
an, nnd tho heat but a flimsy pretext
to keen hor from going, too. Sho
thought ot sulcldo; she pictured Fred
coming homo and finding her lying
cold nnd still across tho threshold ot
tbolr room, tho fatal picture clasped
In her stiffening flngors, and tho llt
tlo henrt-ehapod pin ho had glvon hor
on her last birthday lytng broken In
two halves by hor sldo I
Rut, on second thought, that would
not do nt all; for It would only make
It possible for him to marry tho
dancer. And a dlvorco would have
Identically tho same advantage. No;
she must live out her life somehow,
bearing to the silent grave this terri
ble knowlodge. Scraps ot doleful
potry, from By rem, ot course, bow
ly, "Is thnt sot' I replied.
ho ray to your
too near that horse there or he'll
kick your darned bead off.""'
the value ot accessories ene will Know
that each ot her costumes can bo
mado to be put on an air of newness.
Just now many varieties of neck
wear that have been In evidence for
tho last few months are turning up In
siichtiv different gulso. There has
Sport and Coin.
"Why didn't you get up before the
rofereo counted 'tent" asked the dis
appointed backer.
"I was n little confused," confessed
tho vanquished pugilist. "I thought ben ' x&CAv)x change In the forms,
but touches of color now ore more
generally used than formerly. One
ot the Uroadway shop la showing an
assortment in which little silk or satin
roses aro much In evidence, nearly
alwaya la two colors. This season
one ses exqutlte color effects sever
knowa before. The little roses ore
Biost often um4 Is pairs. They sorrs
he was counting up the gate receipts,
ana I was listening for bigger figures."
Little Fish What aro your summer
plana T
Big FUh I shall gt away, as
to attach Jabots and conceal the fas
tening mechanism ot Dutch collars,
ana they pop up also In places where
Uiey are purely ornamental.
Many of the Dutch frills now have
beadlngs of satlu ribbon, lafd In folds
nnd fastened with a smart little bow.
Some ethereal creations that have
Just arrived from Paris have the bow
without tho folds at the edge. They
are double frills of lace-edged net,
with cascades of the same material
falling from the bow that fas torn
Separata Shirtwaists.
Instead of sewing the batiste and
net yokoa In the waists wear them.
It Is not necessary to make a whole
undorwalst for the yoke aa some wom
en do, but make it large enough so It
can be drawn down at the corners ahd
fastened with a small pin to the corset
cover. It should be fastened at the
front and back. This method has an.
ether advantage; the yoke sets saore
smoothly and never "hikes up" Is the
tack, as sous of the yokes do wkost
sawed oa the dru
Central Market!
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Order fisted and family .Trade Solicited.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
St. Johns Sand
and Gravel Co.
General Contractors,
We are prepared to do any and
all kinds of excavating- for street
work and other purposes. Wo
abo handle sidewalk and build
ing material.
Newton and Fessenden Streets,
SL Johns, Ore.
Phon Richmond 1571.