St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 19, 1910, Image 6

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Man Who 8et Out to De Absolutely
Truthful In All Thlng Announce!
That Ho Quickly Dltcov.
ered the Fact.
"I will bo sincere" I said to myself.
"No matter what It costs mo, I will
say exactly wlint I think at all times
and all placos. I will havo nothing
to do with shams and protousoa and
conventions. Bo I went out and
tried It
"To tho first man I mot I stated my
position and my Intention of speaking
my mind. Tho man grasped mo by
tho hand as though I was his long-lost
"You aro tho mnn for mo!" ho do
clnred. "I'm sick of tho conventional
humbug of tho world. Wo will bo
frlonds, you and I, and wo will always
say exactly what wo mean to each
othor, nnd tell each other our ronl
"Wo Will." Sftlil 1. "nn.1 na n .InM
I should llko to say that tho color of
Dairymen Report It Imponlblo to
Purchase First Class Animal For
Less Than $80 Per Head.
(By J. E. PATNR, Colorado Agrlcuttura
mi i a rr rt 1
TllO Eront dolllnnil fnr rtnlrv nrnil
ucts has caurfod tho prlco of good dairy
cows to oo very high. Reports from
associations Ot llnlrvrrwm ahntu (tint If
Is Imposslblo to buy flrst-claBS dairy
cows m oven 180 a hoad. With such
a demnnd for cows In old dairy dis
tricts, there wilt tin row
movoa into now dairy territory. So
tho only way now districts can bo
BUDPllod must tin l.v lirnnrllncr tin llm
common stock by tho uso of good dairy
urou uuiis.
If KOOd dnlrv rnvci rnnM tin tinlrt
for HO to ISO. nt iitnnt r. nnn rmiu hn
som in uoiorndo within tho noxt year.
Hut tho prices as nbovo quoted aro
prohlbltlvo. Ho. nnlv t hn nulla frntn
tho old dairy districts aro llkoly to bo
Bom ncro ror saio.
When brlnnlnK cows Into thn emm.
try, tuberculosis and othor dlsonsos
mar also bo Intradural. Tlin rnm
now In Colorado, ospoclally tho rango
COWS, aro frco from ttilmriMilnula tf
good dairy bred bulls aro mated with
cood cifARcrtff (C m 3m' JiO?
Tho suncrlntendnnt of n
iOOIOKlcnl Institution hnn tnnirht hla
imniorcs to tnnnnirn nnlmnl. liv Inrtl.
feet methods, akin to thosn hv which
nervous children aro controlled by
wiso parents. A rhinoceros had an nb-
iCCSS in US race. Thn nltnstlnn wn-
Did It como from a bad tooth, or did
ii oniy need lancing? Tho Btipcrln
tondont simply said to tho keeper:
uivo mm a now uircli broom.'" Tho
'hlnoccros nt onco ntn It. erlnrllmr n
ho bits With irrent ttiintn "Aht Vmi
ICO Ills tooth nrn nil rlt-ht " nt.l tlin
itipcrlntondent, nnd tho next day tho
tbsccss was lanced with a nhnrn hill
Tho diagnosis WAR an Innnnlntm na
M. .MmII.h.I " . ....... , ,.!...
... . , -- : A mnnnging. limy, n ro-
loloctod ranea eown. thn hn fnm nf W-i..., .1.1 . ,'
... . ' . .. tiiiuiijnnico. ino uig npo
that tlo you havo on docs not su t you" rK cr "c . wIM st.M fu rt. 'erTrn' 11 ?XOrC,,' Tb,g ho obt0,ned b'
it nil. A man with your complexion n?i .."Tul V "V bcln5 nllowcd tho of tho largo
hould never wear n red tlo." Hut my bcnroM boocI on y '.ou.o, Instead of remaining
new-found frlond wns a Socialist and it, , In n 8,(, roora' beforo 1,10 visitors
ho felt as though ho was saying his " ?nl C?f,rlcd ,or fow !ft,no A ' " o would bo caught
creed every tlmo ho Jaught s ght or Zl Z 1 L . LT ?, Td M lnd put bnck lnl hl wn
bis red tlo In a shop window so nftor Vi?y,P U' lry C0WH mcnt ftt th,s hour. tho npo used to
I alight JSi t'ZLll1 ??"VVlr C0" b "nt t0 ?'"b to tho top of tho other monkeys'
provlous ongngemnt and vanished. win. -i .Z V , L. . . .... r K CB nntl roI"o to como down.
I wa somewhat pui'led, Z wont tho flh.lrf ftVlM,ftblo'L A." 1 cou,d nt tempted with
on mv -v -H.I ' ' t'10 "I" "g Of dairy COWS may bocomo food, tho SUnorlntnn.lnnt imnnnln.t to
- i in iv flitmhiiiii Mtiii. 1 1 a m i i j ii ii irrnninp hhih . h m
Cowardice and Curiosity. Its Two
Wesk Points, Are Utilized When
Force and Persuasion Alike
Have No Effect.
D AI.TIMOrtE. Mil Thflt M.nro i. .
Ifirffn ntift An..lii..iiii.tM. t
"umon smoKcra In Ualtlmoro was
IIIO oninlon nrnrrDen.l tv
. , . v.juv.u ou v vi Itl in Ulll
mcnt physicians nnd women them
AlOSt Of tho nhvntflnna v... I
tntlng In their disapproval of tho hnblL
viuiam ii. i-onrco said:
"1 consider It
ojuuku UUL 1L IN Wnrin inn wnmn
for men. It lowers tho moral tono
ciuuany nna has absolutely noth
lug to rccommnnH It In nn ..
When asked If many of his womon
I'luiunia woro smokers ho declarod
thnt ho did not know.
"It's not tho kind of hnhlt to .
uviiiiim ti 1 1 et n rri rvi Ant nM.i mi1ih.i ...... i r iu a uiunu s.u i.iJiuti uuwn. i . t .... - -
I wm smnowhat nuztU, Zt ni w"? .chonp fco,, wh,ch ""liable, As ho could not bo tempted with irc"imcnt " ' W, "nnd as n
r wSr.Dd Sreluy a '' 'rr cow. may bocomo food, tho superlnldent appealed to S two 0 mv knW P,8,,U!,r '
'Qttr clrl. nnd tn hnr t n nrn pr" ,,UI. nor- . . . nl mind by working on what ho had " ol 'njr omon I"tlonts who
rfPni -
N i
Odd News From Big Cities
Stories of Slrango Happenings in tho
Metropolitan Towns
Many Baltimore Women Start Smoking
Colorado should tin nhln in mxrnmm. nnI.J i l. 1.1 i! .........
7.. u uu ma hvuk nuinia, cunosiir
"I'm nwfullr Kind von'vn tni.i n,- .1" con,P010 wl' Connecticut and jnd cownrdlco. J',' "rc,,lor numuor of womon
.ho .al " rge" so tired of Jll tho ?i0',r n'r" lnU' wber,0 11 COfll Tho P"ntondent wont to tho flnC"h'n,.fll,, mor,, to bo found thing, people sa ot" ?? ".?"??
""cn longed lor a mend WHO uimivu nm micnuon in ig .j . . ., 7 "
would toll mo what ho really thought tir-m i .... mystcrlou. manner to tho dark pas ".";" ,. , BOnonY' ,At "nio enter-
of mo. You will, won't you T" NEW LAW PROTECTS GROWER!, "R underneath tho ga. plpo that " " onBl',,ro n.1' ,or, "" '
"I will," I promised. "I'll begin travorsca tho house, pretending to a urnllv ti, L ,wro"M
now. You say you got tired of pcoplo M.a.ura Enacted by Wisconsin, If Q.iv f0,nt ou,t omo horrible unknown crev 2j h ' ?.nd. brolh"
who say silly things to you, but really "ally Observed, Will Qrsatly lur' ln(f n onergotlo manner, but n ' rolt cn.n. ni i ,"1. Ir own
you iiko inom." osnent Nurserymen. iiuwnng except worus 10 mis ,:,, " ;..". . . "
unrci. i.uok ouu 'Micro no isi
not flaunting tho habit In tho faces of
a consorvatlvo public, "mnko no
bones" of llio matter and readily ad
mit that they smoko.
Another sot nlmnt t
whom smoking Is Indulged tn freely
Includes tho nrtlstlo and musical
coteries. Among them thoro Is al
ways a moro or loss fornlcn nlnmnnl
and Continental Ideas generally And
Several well-known
clans woro asked about tholr observa
tions on tho subject nnd, with ono ac
cord, thoy roplled that tho habit wan
gonernl nmong socloty women only.
"It Is n consnlctinnii fnrt nM nun
"that fow women ntmlnntu nf mUmml
or universities smoko. I havo never
known of a woman toncher who did "
Anbthcr womon physician said she
did not consider It had OVnr hnnn rnn.
cluslvely proved thnt smoking In mod
eration wns hnrtnful, but that she
thought both men' nnd tvnmmi
nono tho bettor for It
A woll-known surfrndit
WtlOther a dos ro to vntn nn n tvntn
nn's part went with tho hnhlt nf pi
rntln amntlnn al. . I-.. no was mo Clin Hp On
rotto smoking. 8ho was Indignant hnnvv.-ni, . ti ...
nnd dne nrmt "vnrv nnmm ... . " .........u. iui
-- u.i...,u.u dui- ino Slroniroit nf mnn inmnl lmi. vn
postmnstor gener
al, has gono to
Buropo to get a
short rest. Ho
deserves It. When
a man, In tho
short length of
tlmo that Mr.
Hitchcock has
been In olltce,
cuts down n pos
tal deficit from
tis.OuO.nnn tniin..
000,000, to uso round numbors, ho has
worked hard enough to earn rocren
tlon. This Is tho accomplishment of
Mr. Hltchcoor nnd nn nnn will hn.
grudgo liltn .11 tho rest ho can tnko
during tho hot months. Hn unld tvhnn
ho left thnt ho expected to bo gono
only a fow weeks, so ho'll bo bnck nt
tils desk beforo lone flehtlntr thnt ilnfl.
cu again,
To look nt Illtehcnrlc n nnnnn
wouldn't think ho ever would cnt
tired. Ho', a six footer nnd hull! llko
an nthloto. Ho'a not only built llko nn
athloto, but ho onco wns ono of no
moan nuiiuy. ho was tho chnmplon
king of Bulga
ria, got his namo
Into tho newspa
pers tho other day
by taking a rldo
In nn aeroplnno.
Ho now bears tho
distinction of bo
Ing tho first rulor
to fly nnd In. view
of recent fatal ac
cidents may bo
nblo to hold tho
honor for sorao
t . . . ... 1I
If A' . Ml J
r I
frnglst. smoko, nnd, anyhow, thoso
WHO dO d 1(1 It bolero thov hnrnnm
A woll-known nhvslclnn llvlmt
Charles Btroot said thnt whlto mnltlnir
might not hurt tho woman, ho con
tired and Mr. Hitchcock I. llko tho
rost of us.
Had Frank II. Hitchcock rlinunn in
bo n pugilist hi. .onsltlvo nattiro pro
hibited oven such n thnmrht It In
llkoly thnt ho would havo been tho
sldored It a horrid habit nnd no woman Zmnlnn1 h.T, T . C" $
wa. "klssablo" who smokod. iiJ $ ?n- h". 10
mil nn I B ' ",u "' null, Ulll UI nil, IIIO
I certain thnt ho would nnt nnr
..i. . . r intellect
... .... ....u.., , uiuuigu iu ii lor a i i. i . . . .. .
Ilnl tl innimn.,1 i,.i .1.. . i.i I ICITCCl! "I.oolf nntl Thnrn tin tat "-v" .'"uwiu urnnus. nnu. WIl In mlniitn " " uoni idiu 01 n OOUI inni
who prided hcrseir on being sincere, provision, of tho Wisconsin ,T,,oro ho , At tho snmo tlmo tho "m BnLtb Wl,Hi 'I0'",0 T, C,ft,y
who explained to herself mnny times tnto nursery Inw, which was passed lwo lnen wou,1 Pcr lnt tho dark ' I 10 fha KnlUra XATU A D. J 1VT ix. . i. no,rrthnB,uo!n denied, al-
dslly thnt . ho only dlTconveUonnl " Juno. 1,3 1116 'VellyS WhO Are FrOUd NOW Mr. Hitchcock oven will, hi.
things becnuso "ono had to," and so will greatly benefit tho frullgrower. T,l'? monkey, on such occasions, it t. ".-1 ? r U"d t0 d,,CUM
ho wn. not at nil pleased. Bho told ot tho atato, according to I'rof. J. O. ouM como ,,own to soo what tho aub- KG(fccl-7 r cnouK,, wl" bo prlntod to nil ad- u,t. u roPntcd hero.
mo In tone, of perfect politeness that Hinders, stnto nursery Inspector of tho ,oct of fcnr MiA Interest was, and L' CV-Jy. jrt 1 vnnco ordor.. Tho prlco I. only ono 'orybody know, that Theodoro
I wa. qulto mistaken, nnd wont off Collogo of Agrlculluro of tho Unlvor- t,,on 1,10 superintendent nnd tho vfTVV T"rtT ifyjiL dollnr' snd cash with ordor." Jloosovolt I. no slouch with tho glovos.
to talk to another mnn who told hor of Wisconsin. Tho Inw prohibits k(Wr In unison would shout: "Ho. Aj MtJ3T "PJj ,,nvo yu noticed Kolly .Inco ho got " ' n crappor of tho Tom Sharkey
what a relief It was to meet somo tho salo of uninspected pAnts or comlnK utl Ho's coming outl" nnd OJ H Q KEJ.UYpJBB ho word from PhlladulphlnT Ho holds ljrpo nntl ,,kc to slug.
ono who was not afraid of calling n trees, or any other kind ot nursery wo,1,1 ruh nwny In tho direction of LkY I I lie ITr h("ul nlnor ,Mnn usual and ho will Ono "lay Hitchcock wa. at tho
spado a spado. slock by an unlicensed nnr.nn "lily's cngo. Tho monkoy would dash JSy Jxrvt v-yl riM hardly bow to tho Qrndys and tho Whlto Homo on business and Prosl-
Itellly. dont Itoosovelt Invited him down to
I Mlf.Tt.-at .. ... . I (hn irvmnH.lm 1 I.-........ a
Ilut nt last I found an old lady, a wholiior tho original ownor or an for ,nu ,Bmo Dlnco of "ifoty, which 1
beautiful old lady, who was not In tho "Kent. Hhlpmonls of uninspected unPPned to bo tho door of his own rHIICACO. Sovoral hundred Chicago
least nshamed of holng old nnd look- "lock Into tho ntnto aro prohibited. noiu. n"d .omotlmc. ontor It beforo v. Kolly. havo rocclvod lotions rn-
In. .1.1 1. . . a. . . . . .... , . ... .. r . . ' Dinni .inllw ... . . ..
"n iu. tu imr i nmuo, as in autyi"'" nw roquiring mat an such shU- iuiiuiun- uicm inni tney aro
uounu, my nccinration of absolute nndimonts bo omclnlly Inspoctod. 1,10 n,nn'nJr "as nevor icnrnod tho occnunnta or nnclont Irish kings, and
uncompromising truthfulness, but In- All growor. of troos and plants who ''ecoptlonj but Ii taken In by It 'or tho modest sum of ono dollnr thoy
tend of composing ode. In my honor deslro to offer them for snlo must so- wuC"ovor tho tlmo comes to finish his w'H bo sent tho famous Kolly coat of
..u uii mm moot, uer nngor aiieuro a cortincato-iiconso good for ono .'u"""0" oununy Aiaga-
mo, I yonr. nt n mil ,if tin t... ...I'lno. I TllO letter, aro sent nut liv Tihii.
"Now. nowl" aha snld. "Tloi umn'i I tnrnlihinl li ih .i.i. i.'. ..... I ...
. . - - " " -i ' .iih.'wv.iwi, nnu i I . . , , " "M-itn;..
OO With mo. vountr mnn. All Dm mnn mint hn nil. . n ...i. Couldn't Coma Back. Of looklntr un "fnmllv nn.i
. ' " " - ....v..vt. iu vhv.i 'nvnn0 Ul I " I mm ., . " - - --""-I ...m ..u
Jnn o Pr mo most outrageous tree, or plant, sold. All ngont. soil- "Hervant girls must all look pretty ,vo"f" n" ovor ,no united States aro
s within tho stato must ob- mch iko to men," said tho woman '"ri, ,f 100 ma D0W
I carry at all times n dunll. h'tl tho twlnkly oyos, "At least thoy Tho "dlscovory" thnt Kolly wns
xi my complete sincere- cato ngt
10 would bollevo mo. Issuod t
I to dot To try to bo sent T
invanlf wn. .tin... .1.. m(. M
oniy twng left After a fow moro ex- tect tho farmer from unscrupulous of getting ono worth having. Finally V10 nstral coat of arms Is somo-
UCrlonces of thn in .nrt ahl.l. nanu. ...i ..1. . 1 1.. .. . . .. Ithlnr thnt Ivan ir.ll 1 1
Invariably brought tho snmo results, Insoct-lnfested tree, or plnnls. Any nlng. and picking up tho paper bo ordlng to tbo lotter and as thoro
. ucmou u reai sincerity didn't porson having nursery stock for In- Pointed to tho 'Situation Wonted' col-" on,r n row thousand left. It bo-
OCCUpy K Very Uermanent nUnn In thl. I ntlnn .ImnM wlt. i it... .... l.inm .n.l .r.nn.,n...i ... .1 I hOOVea Kellv tn mmll him nr.. .n.
., mm 1 . . " - - I --.... m..wmiu n,.u iu .lata Hur-i"--"-- i. h.i ..wu.ii-vi. .un. iiicro weroi ... ..." - .w vmv uuuar
nviiua nuaira, sery Insnector. Aerleultura) i-TnrL scores of ilrla n,ivrti.iny tn- wimoui aeiay.
nent station. Madison. 'I'll not nna for vou thin vrv I The letter In part Is as follow. t
Trada Follows tho Doctor. - lutnar. bo announced. Mr Kolly Dear Sir: Wo havo Just
At nlno o'clock tho itrnn.r in id. I Usa of Druos. "Ho copied off soveral addresses rld from our agent In Dublin a
nnl.M.nrl.nn.l . " nn mil h. , u .1 . Inn, I u-nnl mil TM.I ... n.... mro Old enffravlnir Of thn rnn! nt
...n-u"..i aun n Hiucvr wagon I "v "iiiiinif uruKHinB youi i - vu.i.u unci ini. ., , ,7 - "-
r.jindlng In front of tho doctor', hnu... Hvo atook with tho Idea thnt somo. ono T Indeed, ho did. In about half 01 V10 KoIly .'"rally. Wo aro now pro-
down tho street At ten o'clock nn- lnlrK I. wrong with their health B hour. And who do you think ho UU0nK this for framing nnd printing a
oown tno strooL At ten o'clock an- ""tig is wrong with their health m nonT' A
oinor wagon stoo.i uiero, and at it n convipcou that tho animal Ii out ,m' ,ow Ii, . 11 "uu K,v,n 100
o'clock still another. of condition and that medlclno. aro "That Impudont, nasty Delia, the .enl Uec5nt of tho first Kelly from
Tho doctor, family must bo big hooded havo a veterlnnrlnn prescrlbo k' I discharged only two week, ago, J11 KnK of Iroland, and
enters If It take, no many grocer, to Mho wodlclno and glvo It under hi. dl-ot course ho hadn't recognUed Jior, B n ,0,,R "no of MlU '"onarchs.
nuppiy uieir wants," .ho said to tho rocuon. .Much Imrin can bo dona by I""" "no ramo in as impudent as you
Jnnllor, tho constant uso of condition now- I'lonao, with nil her bundles, prennro.l fLJ-r.., p. . yii . v-i
'Ob, thoy aro not all delivering stuff do. they usually contain drugs ,0 y. Ilut you can gomblo sho didn't vA1ca&Uc1 -0 Oiart an HileCtTlC Tarm
thn ilnnlnp. linn.A M ..I.I u lmvlnir ,1 I.. iiKntm .,1a. . I An. I mv lillalmnil tin. , n I I
wont's como ovor Ifnllv?" i. ihn
question his nolghbor. aro asking.
when a Kolly monta n Knliv ihn
subko nands cordially and tho conver
sation is nuout tiiolr ancestral coat of
"I always know thnt Kollv u-n nnn
or tno best names In Iroland." said
hdward T. Kelly, nrosldent nf thn t?
T. Kolly company, publishers, "but I
oiun i unow wo woro descendant, of
king, until I COt tho letter from n
'family troo' concorn tho other' dny.
woro man nrty men or my namo havo
spokon to ino about It, a. thoy also
roceivoa lettors on tho sublocL
There I. only ono way to sooll tho
namo. and thnt I. K-o-douhi l.v
Thoso who slip In tho extra 13 between
L and Y nro not tho real Kellv. n.
uoscenaants or irisn royalty."
James w. Kolly. secretary of
tho gymnnslm In tho basement Tho
president tossed a pair of gloves to
Hitchcock and unlit! "Iui ntn nn M At
tho snmo tlmo ho drow on another
Pair. Mr. Hlteheoek mnln1 ntt lit.
const and vest and followed orders.
In a mlnuto tho president or tho
Unltod Stntos and tho thn n luiLtnnt
rostmaster Ronernl worn nt It. llnn.n.
volt didn't llko It becnuso Hitchcock
was using only alight taps.
"Hit." ho shouted. "Knock mn nut
If you can."
Altnln Hltrhrnrlr nhnvmt nrilni-i nt
his chief. Bmmh! went n atrnlirht IlinnC I AUniP AOAtll
jhu un iiiu iiiuiiuniiLiai inni. "iiiiiit.
grunted Roosevelt "You can't do It
again." Illngl A right swing atagger
ed tho presldont
"I guess that's enough." exclaimed
Itoosovelt "I can't afford to bo eolnr
around with a black eye. nut If I
wero not tho president I'd llko to fight
Avlntlon Isn't safo yet and thero'a
no tolling when tho noroplnno Is go
ing 10 uuckio or tho ga.s bag of a dfrl
glble cxplodo, so It's n safo conjoc
turo that' Kmpcror William' of Cer
many, King Qoorgo of England, King
Alfonso of Spain nnd somo of tho
other monarch, nro not going to risk
tholr royal heads In tho nlr and put
tho nffalrs of tholr country In Jeop
ardy JUSt 10 BO SOnrlnir nmnni, Ihn
Imnglno President Tnft up In an
aeroplane. To put It another way.
Imnglno tho noroplano that would car
ry tho 300 pounds of tho chief execu
tive of tho United Stntos. It's prob
nblo that Theodoro Itoosovolt would
enjoy nothing hotter thnn a trip to tho
olouds. His dnughtor, Mrs. Long
worth, Is snld to havo expressed hor
eagerness to mako n flight and may
yoi no so, out iru saro to say that tho
royal ruler, of tho omplrcs ncross tho
pond aro not going to follow tho ox
nmplo of Ferdinand of Ilulgnrln, who
at Harsollo, near Llego, enjoyed tho
tixpcrlonco of Dying twlco around tho
Klowlt ncrodromo on n machine pilot
od by Chevalier do Lamlnno.
When ho stnrtod out with his son,
Doris nml Cyril, to watch tho flight..
nis majesty nan not tho ralntost Inten
tion of leaving terra flrma, but after
seeing tho chovaller. exploits his nnt
urn! enthusiasm and lovo of sport got
tho hotter of his discretion.
Ferdinand mounted tho noroplnno
with tho chovaller and It roso graco
fully nnd easily Into tho air, remain
ing up eight minutes nnd n hnir. Art
ho enmo down tho king said his oxpo
rlonco had boon n delightful one.
"I hnvo novor.'Mio said, "experienced
anything that mado mo forgot affair,
of ntato .0 completely. I .hall do my
best to Introduce avlatlou Into Dul
gnrla." 8omo of tho other, would llko to
forgot tho affair, or stato, but thoy
will hardly tako to tho clouds for tho
"P- .Uo7wThyou "
uiiETB. ssiiiii is Mr n si nni nnua f e tiiM ih. t . "
ho was ho Inenl do;;n7.n, " ' ' IX! " 7. Mr. President."
0 ireia, j repiiou tho obliging Mr. Hitchcock.
"Sura thn Ifnlly. nm Ihn ........
no nnmo In Irish history thnt ftt n nit
out llko Kolly. Ho can llko Koly can.
i uon i want to speak disparagingly of
nnr iruu namo. UUt KOHV hontn thnm
IF William
1 1eb Jr. runs for
His Inspiration.
"Isn't Inspiration n queer thlngr
"I supposo so. What about It?"
"Why. n fow weeks nco I hmi n m.i.
hot squabble with my wfo over a I
iiressmaKor a bin, aud when I came
- un, inoy nro not all delivering stuff aori. they usually contain drugs o ny. tmt you can gamblo sho didn't
at tho doctor's homo," said ho. "Thoy having diuretic properties. As a con- nml my husband has decided to leave
nro only stopping thoro as an ndver- lioquenco tho kidney, bocomo nccus thoso mattor. to mo In tho future."
tisement." tomed to stlmulntlon, and when tho
"Every grocer, butchor, baker nnd mvdlrlno la stopped tho kldnoys, not
dairyman In tho neighborhood hltchos having tho ncomtomed .tlmulnnt, bo
hi. wagon In front ot tho doctor. como tlugglsh and Inactlvb, nnd con
house and carries tho thin irn frnm I Sequent 111 Condition Of tho nnlmtil
4ti.r. III. .ji.l nf ...... . I nllntL.
HID vm v IIIU HUT. II IiaVH in I
make folks think thoy havo tho doo.
tor's trndo. Band For Ducks.
Somo pooplo havo a notion thn.
tradlne whura ho dona
- HHt. I iiiu ivnu
streams wnero they forage for weeds country! How's that!"
innu.nsn. Ducklings ahmihi hn nm. .-li.... h,i. ,
i... . ... . ..- -- . .-..- I ri.iv, mu; juu iiniirova on
Since they hnvo been t.ncht,,. .i :'ueu.w,,n P'nty of sand, which takes the Idcot"
bra as well nrlthmetlo tn th hTu "" " . ? noroughly do "Howr
... vww.i.i.nv. H null miuii I CUIllUI
down to tho omco I wn mn.i nnn.h HIOAOO. Tho shades of Iton
" Somo POOltlo haVO a notion thn. Ito ch.iu- .iilkim Tlw.. I ...i .n..,.. V FTankllll and thn nnnr ahmln. nt
ft neighborhood nover mako up ducks and geese do not need grit bo- my desk and wrote a llttlo poem on I Thomas Edison nro about to fall upon
minds who to deal with until causa thoy nro not seen nlckl ll ir nnl'llnlii thn I'rrltn- 11rntli.i U'l.i. . 01.. ItllO fortllo llelila nf Ijibn nnnnlv I
find out whero tho doctor trades. I lftrgo particle, of stono, Thoy do not alo Kln.llv Word I And bv ihn.J Thank, to the enterprise of Samuel In-
18 PUppOUOil tO buy Only tho hont I "W 8 IflrKO A AlZO Of Rrit AS hona I vutboh- Imrn nf h1(trtrniaa nn. I nm.. I Still, who has several comldurntila
S and tho UOWCOmcra fool mt.. In! dO, for they got satld When innlilllni? Ilyh.i.l l.v mw...r ... ,l Vt-UOtablo nntchnn In thn rniintv niL
I In ,1. t . , ......... , .w.i.v. ...n., UVV'll WU1IICU llll. , . . - . ,n "
in (HO OOttOlll Of tho creek and thn Innillnir nnw ti ....... ii.. I Joining Cook, the earden flolda nro tn
aiter aining on an electrified potato
saind limy glow like a lightning bug
anu warnio a fow bar. of " Wonder
Who. Kissing Her Now." Each green
pea may contain an uloctrlc ) nrk unit
tho result of eating a single portion
may oe snocKing. if this comes to
pass just blamo Mr. Insnll
There aro threo kinds of farming
of 110,240,000
Standard Oil flno
fame la nt It
again. This tlmo
It Is tho beef trust
magnates for
whom tbo federal
Jurist of Chicago
has gono gunning.
In Instructing a
grand Jury n few
days ago Judgo
RIUUS Ol larming, PUOIIO career as a mthep nnt thpmsnlvfii. fnrlnu mn.t
Landls as much as told tho roomber.
to Indict tho Individual packers.
Only a short tlmo beforo tbo Judgo
had sustained a demurrer to Indict
ments against tho corporations com
prising the beef trust Now It Is Ar
......... a... i. . i .. . i t
, . i muur, omii, .nuin, ci ai. wuo ubto
ograpner, out . i.wv ni- thv win nn.t tdnmiiAiv-a
which be left as I i.ii viiniin- tim chn..n
anti-trust law.
No Jurist on tbo federal bench I.
more vigorous man juago inais anu
It Is probablo that tho packers would
rather find themsolves facing most
governor of Now
York and Is elect
ed ho will return
to tho quarters at
Albany where ho
onco was a sten-
prlvato secretary
to the chief execu
tive. Loeb started hi.
publlo career as a
have an eloctrlo treatment
Whon not working on hla turnip
patch, Mr, Insult Is president of the
Commonwealth Edison company. Ho
chools a certain small bov hn ,.,,, T ."7 .r' ?.el,0.vo n..Brt that Vhy. get mad enough to beat ut. M1."8 "niuch to do with Lake county
having a good deal of troublo. WT ,uea nn your wife, set Mro to tho house, shoot :'fc.mcM enterprises. They have eloo-
... . im.iw i.ivii tiuiim uuciB. I. . i. .... ,i . lirirlfv tn linrn n
no was poring over his hooka tho
other night, with a deep frown on his
Cleaning Up Ouos.
"What la tho troublo. AlhnrM.- w.., L 'T"I ""V. uricey. must
his father onin nv, V.' ..... ! - ' u.e suape or grass- nly Cause for Smoklnn o..t
whero tho boy sat ' b.gPharvertUmonUth,, " UH A NeW York ttr who "
"If. an example In algebra, father. iii.k IS.. .u., neighborhood vhero dlseaso makes
I don't know how to do It." ,v u-nrk in V Inn .:, ?:,V" frequent fumigations necessary ro-
"Let's see." Albert handod over tho ,ig sooi after dnvllJl t '.) tt,n r tUr,UM from 1,18 nr8t vUU to ,no coun
took and pointed to tho following iufe iSto o ,ry W,lh U' nston,ahln8 Information
query: Y ' uUlt "'0" that Farmer Jones' coons and wood-
If A does a cortaln ploco of work Ui nf s.n.rin chucks had been laid up with scarlet
In four days and 11 does It In 12 days w i O0P"r"0r. fever. Tho summer teachor abhors
how long will It tako them both work-' l Mt thlnk 11 pny" naturo ,aklnKl B0 8bo nJmnlshed him
Ing togothorT m"cn boUer ,nan B0,lln "illk. Wo not to toll fibs.
"What makes you think if. -i.k on'y havo to tako our butter to market "Ilut that ain't no lie" said ha.
.onr asked tho man after ho had read . u "' . wo 8old our P"11"' 1 eo tho 9 thoy lived In
It .., n, ..luum iioto m go ovory day. wid mo own oyos, an' didn't I hear
I nnit nnu, Krua n... .1.1 .1.. .1.. . .... . . . .
your wire, boi nro to tno house, shoot iubjt uuvu oiuo-
a txillceman and then wrlta nn pnin trlclty to burn. This may havo somo-
that will go thundering down the ' K ,0 do wl,h tha exPer,ment tn
"It's got an A and n n in r.. . B0W..W! nnYe our "lra milk and
Albert, "so I thought It must be." "T f0r I"R, and ch,CKen8' and
When tho boy hoanl thnt it -. havo nlLtho cream wo want and m
"only arlthmerio" Kt work ?. ??.T.0.h "Tk7 ,f W0 B0,d n,1,k'
onco and hod tho answeVla u ISUKSS
Tnn Mn.k u " nn cxcnango. wo mako
ThoTyo0uuKUmhan'b 'Jft
, , 7 w iiuw iisuv cuin nuu we avorago ovor
W.SSXA " cent, for our butter tho yeafro
Mr, Jones tell how ho
'tuoko 'em out!
bad had to
when tho girl ot tho other end of tho
firo interrupted.
"Just a moment, Ouyl" sho sold
"What Is It, Flodaf
"I want to chango tbo receiver to
tho othor oar. This ono'. tlrod " Chi
.Ugo Trlbuno.
; Johnny's Mistake.
"AVoll, dear, I eupposo you
fcoon wondering whero r
"No Johnny told mo you woro next
floor listening to tho muslo,"
"Ho was mutaken; I wa.Boxt door
ytftnlpg to tho pbonogr.
to privato customers.
Growing Chicory.
Chicory can bo grown wherever car
rots can bo Rrown: cultum ihn
This refers to chicory of commerce,
which Is used as an adultorant of cof
feo. Bow tho largo rootod varloty. If
a aalad Is wanted. BOW thn onm
varloty, which should bo transplanted
In sand In tho collar nnd kopt moder
ately moist, when a now s-rnu-th m
start This oocond growth Is very high
ly prU4 by French and Owmaa
The Wary Vestryman.
Mr. Church Whowl hnw tt. Mi.
Ing, lend mo your umbrella, dearT I've
cot to run ovor to ino vestrv nmaiin
Mrs. Church Ilut why not uso that
umbrella you'vo boon carrying all
Mr. Church What! to tho VARtf-v
meeting t wuy, mai s wnero I t-ot 1L
-catnouo standard and Times.
Real Reason,
"That man never gets any sloep,"
"Stays up all night bummlnsr around
"Nnw. tho poor cuss hnn hhv in
'ho house," St Louis Star.
Qlvlna Him an Alibi.
"Yes, I am his tailor,"
"What does ho pay for hla clothe, f
"Ho doesn't'
gardening which the Insull frlonda.
nnd they aro legion, declare he Is
about to narnetrntn nn n rniintv whnan
formers havo always been respectably
conservative. You see, to tho presl
dont of nn electrlo company tho light
ing Julco Is cheaper than fertilizer.
Think What It mtnna tn Phlrnrn
diners If tbo Insull plan boars fruit
Hill ot fares will feature electrlo rad
ishes. Incandescent onions, which may
bo odorless; plea from 10,000 candle
power pumpkins; kilo-watt potatoes
and alternating current cabbages.
In tho w'ako of this oatlne may coma
electrical sprees. Tbo somber citizen
hnvo had a fling at it Tho first grade
Is tho common or earden vnrietv n.
practised by our forbears.' Then there
Is the up-to-date,
--j ... .. . . . -r
pueu-cueinistry urana.
And another. Then thm t. ihn .h
vanced school as practised by German
scientists, Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson and the aforesaid Mr tn.nii
i tils last la guaranteed to grow rad-
isnes with the scarlet coat nf n nriit.h
gronaaier and tno rotundity nf n hmm.
vty wusvii urirer.
Here is tbo recipe for electrical veg
Throws Vinegar in a Burglar's Eyes
,i,.v mem, uuconscious, ino closet had
nt vw Vnrb- i, " " . 7 any otner man in court juago unpais
afryN oW.eeri. JT anda honest, and ho ro.
. A vt.w v . ' quires mo same or an ot nis court or-
7Z V SflTuVS flc'8 "A ha beenknow o flno
m.. . . m i n . n poor umonunaio in cases wnero
fh .-nm A 'tenographer In therp wero extenuating circumstance,
tho office- of Governor Roosevelt Ho th8 smallest amount possible and let
attracted the attention of the future ,hera off Just as lightly as he could,
president and was mado private terra. ..... . - . '
... u v ii .. , ... uui nuciii 11 I. uu uiu uustiucr vv a
tary. He held thla nnniiinn .mm I ., ..-.-i..-.
Roosevelt a terra of governor expired as quick to apply tho full penalty of
and thftn hnnnmA tha nALnoi. I .
. , .VKmv ,HW "'mui BDUitr I j HO IAW
tary while Hoosovelt was vlrt-nr. I niAAa iRA.n.4
I lift, n i wwvo ut wear, mo ui lutci cob iu
dent When Roosevelt was mado every man. woman and child In tho
cr la mu recipe lor electrical veg- "i aw 01 MCKin-1 country, and If It la found that there
v.auo oiuwiiis. 4bso one garden """" '"'""""i o me wnite baa been any conspiracy to Increase
plot and set up posts around It String Hous1e and after Mr. Cortelyou was the cost tho grand Jury Indlpts and
wires across the natch nt a hnii.M nt I appointed postmaster general Loeh hn. I n trt.t an. itm
six feet Turn on Commonwealth-Edl- caine prlvato secretary. In his term Judgo Landls may bo depended upon
hi ...u nuiiu iivuio mo utio i to no uo resu
was changed from prlvato secretary
10 mat 01 secretary to tbo president
There havo been many secmtnrln.
to presidents or private secretaries as
you may wish to call them, but there
nave peen fow who bad anything on
Mr. Loeb.
It Is doubtful if any Other sonrntnnr
nuu sucn tasKs to nerform na unm
tnose sot by Roosevelt for his aid.
Loeb was on ideal buffer for
son or North Shoro current fnr nii?h
- n
hours a day. Wutch tho vegetables
Tho electrlo current feeds itself intn
the ground aud tbo vecotnhla
stimulated by tho vlbratlona of the
current, alternations. Care must be
taken. It Is said, to obso rvfl nntnn
noura eight a day or the result will
bo overstimulation. Lake cntintv
farmers will watch tha result nf th n at.
porlment with Interest
A Bit Too Facetious.
Urchin Is this tbo office of tho
DugleT Well, sir, I havo como to sub
scribe for your paper.
Editor (with a genial smile) Why,
sonny, you don't look quite big enough
to" do such a thing as that
Urchin Sir, If a man has to be
mannm-ed fnr his miliRCrlntlnn at thin
T ...nil ali.n.ll.A sia . V. I TlnH.
. . w. i'ti.o- i vuvo . Duau guusviiug .w. ...w . a. .a-
Ho had a knack of handling dtura Just across the street Oood day,
rVTEW YORK. Mrs. Nathan Jasper,
l wlto ot a contractor, saved her hus-
linnil frnm nnAslhln itAnth at thn hnnria
of a burglar rocently by throwing a
cun of vlnecar Into tha buralar'a eves
and blinding him.
Tho man wont to Josdot and told
him ho was starving. Hi. appearanoo
bora out hla atorv. Jnsnar sava him
monov for food, and tnl.l blta ha won lit
put him to work. Whea the Jaspers
were getting reauy ror dm isoy round
the man la a closet ot Utolr apart-
big matters quickly and expeditiously.
It mistakes were made he could shoul
der the blame in a flash and nftnn
I II I W 1 . ..
sir. Chicago Tribune.
spring lock on tho outside ami th um'. ". KnbW tD! l?en tb0 President Parent-My wife and I wero partly
man bad been shut In. Ho was almost TnTi? ,. 1,8 Jn't ,ar,y Stifled over a letter received
suffocated. Mrs. Jasper got some vine- tt t?m that 058 wronK por rom our boy the other day
gar. which her husband used n. I Z 80 got ?.fu,t if.1"'. that he leads his class.
storatlvo, and succeeded In bringing L, 7n v v ,? .Mr' Loel' ColIef0 rotwor-Ah. yes; tho
the man to hla .onses. went to New York as collector ot the boys march Into class in alphabeUca!
As soon as the man becamn mn.
sclous ho attacked Jasper. The con
tractor was no match for him, and
was being choked Into unconscious
ness wnen xara. jasper hurled the1
port. President Taft cava him tha
Job. His work In that office Is ot such
recent occurrence that llttlo Is neces
sary to he said.
Now Taft Is said to want Loeh na
governor of the Empire state. Polltl-
vlnecar Intn thn mnn'. t. tVn.i Kureruor me Empire State. PolIU-
ShTalL'TjL IT fil vrho were used to running thing,
with pain, ho freed Jasuor. Mrs Ta.
per sprang at blm. and ahn nn,i h
husband managed to hold him until .
poncoman camo and took him to Jail.
Jasper says the man ho had be
friended was a former emnlnvn whn
bo had discharged on account ot his
naoiis. no s&vs mo man ntnta hi.
jewelry before hldlog In the closet
in New York until Hucheu hwumn
governor want nona of ih. fnr thn
know they cannot handle him. He has
a wiu or nis own and Is not afraid
to exercise It
Diagnosing His Case.
"Are you going tq operate on that
patient ot yours?"
"I havo not decided yet."
"When are you going to decldoT
"As soon as I havo Jooked him up
In Ontdstroets."
Slons of tha Times.
"Everything la going up nowadays."
"Yes; even the rivers ar ruin"
Looks That Way,
Tm afraid that bard is a echwr.")
"How now?"
"He's advertising for a 7oung maa '
with $500 to learn the poetry bust-'1