St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 19, 1910, Image 3

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lOo for Dreaied Veal.
'2io for Drnmcil Tork.
lCc for Lire Itena.
,' 16c for Lira Spring Chlekene.
25 e per dozen for Freeh Ecn
Smith never charge commlaelon. You ret
ALL your money when jrou ihlp to Smith.
You don't divide with the middleman. Ad
dreia all shipment!
'Tlehtlnr the Beef Trust"
Dr. B. E. Wright
tlare roar teeth out nd pUte end brMtre work
done. Kor out-of-town pitrone we flnleh plate
And bridge Work In one dr If Decenary.
K.UrCi. . $5.00
KilrtlriTeA $3.50
CURfan Sin
uikI rs-n, . $1.00
Sir TiTrlt . . SOC
m $5.00
tttf Rte U'J
rietre..... ..
Malni titrKfM. 50c
Falnleee Extraction Free when plates or bridle
work le ordered. Coniultatlon Free. You cannot
Eet better patnleet work anywhere, no matter
w much you pay.
All Work fully Guaranteed tor riflaen Years
Dr. B. E. Wright Co.
' 342 Wn.hlngton St.,
Portland, Oregon
Take ear at depot and tranafer to Weanlne-ten flt.
Mi.bL JPL sT" Established
Wa Buy and Collect Nolti, Morttoite, and Real
Citalc Cenlracia. No Collection No Char,
e Worcester Dldg., Portland, Ore.
Htr Mlatake.
Tha young woman was hastening to
tho subway lUtlon on route to tha
.railway train. Looking About for a
bo to carry her heavy ault case, ah
pled a ttalwert youth and aiked
h'tm If bo would take It for her to tha
station. Ho bosltatod a moment, a
ha bad boon headed In an opposite
direction, and thon compiled. At tha
ticket window there wm an unuiual
crowd. The bo puihod forward.
bought a ticket for the young wqrasn,
put It In the box and handed her the
;iutt ciuo. Aa ihe proffered htm the
!dlm which aoemed about adequate
'for hta sorvlces he amllod at her po
tcullarly, ihook his bend, lifted hie bat
jgracofully and wne gono beforo the
young woman bad time to proteat or
Really to understand wbnt had oc
curred. Then the appalling thought
(came to her with conviction that ho
was undoubtedly a college boy put
ling In vacation time at some kind of
employment which necenltated hit
gearing qulto ordinary working
' "And how dreadful," she thought,
C'qulrmlng with mortification, "ha
ctuslly raid my fare, tool"
Bhteiaf toHnftttia! Spraj
kammi Cold Water Uydi Starch
"Ota, 0" Nofl-Bsflw WatlrHK FlsM
m uivrairvt AiiMwe iuiT.ta
I'hona Main 113
Union Painless Dentists
Pull Set o( Teeth. . .. .-J2
UrUge Work or Teeth without PUUe 11 SO to 5
GoU Crown. HSM!2'!'S
KTtalnCrowni . JS0toiJ.00
fcoU. or fcrteUia filllnie . tt.JJUa riUinceL .. .. JOc to $1,00
Mt Plata Made, ... , 7-50
Ho charge for PalnWa Extracting when other
work la done. It yeara' Guarantee with all work.
Hour. I a. ra. to I p. ne. CUH MonUon Street.
NOW 'best TIME
or u 7 fir to one
joer teeth put eaa
Plate eaa brtd
verkaoa. Fereei.
et.towa retroaa we
Belia plate aad
bridge or la oae
KtluCrMM 35.00
OtleHBan 1.00
tatael riL1l 1.00
S!W rUflaat ,60
Owe lUiUr -
rut.. COO
Stit Sutter
PIaIm 7.50
I. W, a. WUt. Nam ua Kuun IValMi Itti'llee .50
PaialMe Kitrutloa tt wbeaplatee or briii e work
U aatreirosueliatlaa free, lom cuul eel setur
itnuatmeuMMMfwiuu. . " ' TV.
ealalMe verkeerekire. bo Better hew cb roe per,
AU work fully suaraaUeU for nftoea lean.
Wise Dental Co.
Painless Dentists
IWRaf luHalil. Third t W lWf.ta, PMTUNS. OMSeil
! B., a.l A. U. u . M. taa4aya,lui
gifViHi!! risnArriB feodccts co
You May
Need It
Ask your doctor about tr)e
wisdom of your keeping Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral in the house,
ready for colds, coughs, croup,
bronchitis. If he says it's all
.i . - t ..i - r i.
riiii, men uci a uuuic ui u i
at once. Whv not show a t
little foresight in such matters?
Early treatment, early cure.
W puVlUh ur formulas
T7 bantta alaehel
fren eur aiedloiuei
Te erye yea le
oeeinu yeur
Many a bo Is called dull and stupid,
when the whole trouble Is due to a lazy
liver. We firmly believe your own doc
tor will tell you that an occasional dose
of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a Rreat
deal of Rood. They keep the liver active.
MadebytheJ.O. AytrCo., Lewell, Mate.
Belinda ftejeets Proposal ef Charlie
to Be Joined Together Like
Hands of Clock.
"Charlie," sorrowfully sighed the
young lady In the parlor of the con
crete houio, on Washington avenue,
"It Is nearly 12 o'clook."
"Yoe, llollnda," was the brontbtng
response of her poetical companion,
who was sitting on tho sofa beside
her, tho mlnuto hand la drawlnc
cloier and closor to tho hour hand,
and when the time of midnight Is
chlmod the two handi will be even as
one. Oh, darling Uellnda," be oon
tlnued, as he literally simulated tbo
action of the mlnnto band, "may not
the coming together of those two
hands bo symbolical of uT"
fho broke away and stood (Irmly on
her feet. "No. Charles Henry Smith,"
she rotorted, angrily, "those two hands
will remain as ono but a elnglo soo
ond, and then the mlnuto hand will di
vorce Itsolf and go on Its way alone.
No, Mr. Smith, a minute band that
doesn't stick Isn't the kind of symbol
lira I wantl"
Tents, Awnings, Sails
Celt, Hiweetai, Cum tti Cettfl
1 or l.OOrt at factory prlcee,
17 N. Pint 8U Portland. Or.
Ouri la adwiiiUdlti the hl hUnJard oommertUI
echool ef tha NorthweeU Teachera haln Uth
builoeit aud profeaelonal cipertenca qualify itu
denta for aucceaa, by inJiiUuaX Inatrucllon If
drilred, la ahort time anj at email eipenae.
Poeltlon for each aa aoon aa cwapeteut. Open all
tha yur. Cataloirue, builneia forma and pen.
work free. Write tiy there la awaey In It.
are qu ckly rolieved by Wyatt's AMhnia
Itemedy. UuaranteeU or money refund
ed. Ask your druggist or send six
cents postage for Free Sample to
J. C. YYYATT, DruggUt.
UL ceMi.el. !.
lull all .
Mil .1 ami, utrf
teui m im a,,,
M4 m tolue wnklae.
01 au (mji m
IcaaoLD aoutia
in piut .
rnicT DiRiir'I
uuui niuiii ii
inuariiun rm I
means that nothing whatever has been
added to it
means that it is grown and bottled in a
Tropical Paradise
means the most healthful and refreshing
of all juicy fruits
means the easiest and simplest way to
enjoy the essence of the rich ripe Pine-
ot nawau.
WKen dwegJttt anJ
gnxxrt kim't Dolt's
fart Hawaiian PUf
it pit J till. it4 al
tktlt aamri lot a took'
lit ttlllt a to gtt
Ba aura thla auuna
o. ill
kaatta label
aa4 nrre 11.
in Uuin s rrataco, cj.
Dr. Howard Kills Crop Destroy
ers by Scientific Methods.
Parasites Cultivated to Proy Upon In
jurious Bugs WaihlnQton Hears
Miss Elklns Will Become
Mrs. William Hltt.
Washington. Tho history of crop
failures duo to tho effect of harmful
and destructive Insects Is n well
known ono For many yourH the grow
ers of whent, cotton, fruit and other
prod it co bnvo been harassed and oven
dolled by tlicso parasites Hint oko
out their existence by destroying mil
lions nnd oven, billions of dollars'
worth of tho harvests of tha coun
try. Tho destruction and bllithtlng of tho
cropn cruised by harmful Insccta has
long been mado t study by tho agri
cultural authorities nt Washington,
nnd tho results In tho direction of rid-
Dr. L. O. Howard,
ding tho country of such peats hnvo
been very fnvorablo In ovory wny. Dr
L. O. Howard, head of the bureau of
entomology nt Washington, tho larg
est nnd mott efficient organization of
Ito kind In the world, tins bocomo tho
leading exponent nnd tha acknowl
edged export of tho cult ot setting nn
Insect to kill an Inioct tho sclenco
of parasitology.
Tho method uiod by Dr. Howard is
to suppress tho harmful Iniocls and to
foator tho useful ono, that Is to do
ntroy tho destroyers by nbottlng tho
destroyers of tho destroyers. Thus
ha arisen n new and tngonlous
branch ot sclontlflo ondonvor, tho ex
port culturo of Insect pdrasltus. Al
ready a number of tho most Important
posts havo been reduced to Innocu
ouincts by tha insocts of prey which
havo boon sot upon tho trail; nnd
while many others must etlll bo com
bated Imporfoctly by artificial meth
ods, rolontloss sclenco Is scouring tbo
world for tho tiny mnny-tegged hounds
which shall eventually hunt thorn
Theoretically every Insect has Its
own spoclflo enemy or enemies. Tbeso
mny proy upon It directly as certain
beetles prey upon the lurvao ot the
foliage-destroying moths; or they may
feed upon Ita eggs, as Is the case with
many ladybirds, or they may depoilt
their pvin eggs either within tho body
or tho egg of the victim, thereby de
stroying Iho lintnodlato or proapecttvo
generation, Alwnya theso enemies
tend to keep the Insect peats within
normal limitations. Doubtlosa In
many cases the parasite would wholly
destroy n species woro It not for tho
existence of hypcr-parnaltes which
proy upon It and keep It from ovorox
panslon. In a state of naturo this
balance between the various species
Is automatically preserved until man
with bis Ignorance of thalr nature on.
tors nnd disturbs tho whole status.
tnioct Immigration bat been tha
curse of American agriculture Of our
73 Importantly destructive species
those whoso destructive powers
amount up to millions of dollars annu
ally 35 havo como to us from other
countries. The coddling moth, tbo
curse 'of npplo and pear orchards, Is
of European origin. Tbo dreaded cot
ton boll-weevil halls from Mexico.
The Ban Joso scale comes from tho
Immemorial east. The gypsy moth
and the brown-tnll moth, twin plagues
of Now England trees, were brought
In by accident from tho old world.
Aa soon as an Imported Insect
shows signs of becoming formidable,
experts trace It from country to coun
try until they find a region whore It
has been kuown for a long time, but
has never reached tho proportions ot
a pest. In such a place they are pret
ty sure to And a parasite which la
keeping tbo depredator down. If they
can accltmatUe that parasite and es
tablish It side by side with the Im
portation, the problem la solved. Such
wus the method In tbo caao of tho
white or fluted scale Invasion of Cali
fornia. The scale was Imported by a
collector of plants at San Jose, prob
ably from Australia. In a few years
it had spread enormously, and was
simply wiping out the orange crop
wherever It gained a foothold, Work
ing In conjunction with the progres
sive state authorities of California the
United States bureau of entomology
sent an emissary to Australia, where
tho scalo was discovered In what, was
then supposed to be Its original en
vironment. With the Australian scale,
and preying upon Its eggs, waa found
a small red-and-black ladybird, the
Kovlus cardlnalla. One hundred of
tbeso were brought back to Califor
nia bred and distributed. To tho ter
rified and skeptical oraugo growers
the result must have seemed miracu
lous. Within two yeara from the time
when the first ladybird began to break
fast on 6cale eggs, the victory was
completely won. It was more than
a victory; it was a slaughter. Since
then tho wblto scale, while It is not
wholly eliminated and never will b,
has ceased to bo aa element ot peril
to the citrus orchards of California.
Occasionally at practically no coat,
science wins a victory. The experts
by turning their glass upon tha clover
seed midge found that It produced
two generations coincident with the
clover crop. Generation number one
wob novor very damaging, nut gen
eration 'number two often destroyed .
tho wholo second crop. Tbls being as-'
certnlned, tho farmers woro Instructed
to cut tho llrst crop ten days earlier.
Thus tho adult' midges wera laid away
with tho crop beforo any but tho
most forehanded bad laid their eggs.
I)y this procedure tho second growth
of clover cscapod attack.
From an economic viewpoint much
of tho most Important work of para
sttlrntlon la yot to bo dono, Tho dis
covery of n parasitic destroyer ot
tho ox warblo, for examplo, would
menn n saving of $8,000,000 yearly In
tho vnlue of cnttlo which romo to tho
Cblcako stockyards alone, Somowhcro
perhaps, a form of Insect Is missing
Its opportunities, which might bo em'
ployed In ridding American grain
Ileitis of tho chinch bug, thereby snv
Ing n loss of nn high as $60,000,000 In
bnd years. There Is n crying need of
successful parasitic cIicokb upon tho
Mcdltorrnncnn flour moth, tho army
worm, the striped cucumber bccttoB,
the house-breaking moth, which cor
rupts our stored clothing, nnd tho
peach tree boror, to nam only a few
familiar Bpoclos with cxpqnslvo appe
tites, Hut the greatest potential dis
covery 1b that of tbo pnraslttc bene
factor which should perform upon tho
American housa (ly or tho mosquito
tho miracle of exorcism which St. Pat
rick wrought on tho snakes of Erin.
In round numbers $300,000,000 would
not bo nn overestimate of tho conse
quent saving In human life nnd earn
ing power, plus tho Increased valuo of
real cstuto.
Washington. To boo married tho
girl It was thought would bo his bride,
Is tho luck of tho duke ot tho Abruiil.
What kind ot luck It is for tho duko
to tell, It ho will.
William F, Hltt, who seems to hnvo
mado a greater hit than bis dukeahtp,
la tho lucktor man, nnd tho kind ot
luck ho I In Is plain to nppreclato.
Knthorlno Elklns Is tho girl In tho
case. Sho Is Uto girl whoso nnmo for
two years past has boon linked with
that of tho duko, nnd to forget his sor
row In not winning her It was said
ho wont to Africa to hunt tigers. And
now ho I coming to Washington to
sco tho girl h u lost won by nnothor
Tho wedding Is prombiod for tha
early days of tho next social sunion
hero, Tha announcement was made
recently by friends of Hltt at the
Chevy Chaso club, and settles the
status of tho friendship of tho young
couplo, which for two years has pro-
saged their engagement, Tbo en
gagoment will bo announced when
MIbs Elklna returns to America In Oc
Miss Elklns and Mr, Hltt formed
part of the bridal table party at the
wedding of Mlas Mntblldo Townsond
to Tetor Coelot Horry of New York,
and that tho traditional bouquet ol
tho bride, nn well as tho piece of cake
to be uaed "under tbo pillow," baa
revealed Hint thoy would be tbo next
to plight their troth.
MIbs Elklns, the ranklug belle ol
Washington, Is abroad with bor moth
er, while Mr. Hltt Is travollng with
bla mother, and both are following
practically the same route of travel. It
Is regarded as certain that the duke of
tbo Abruul will be present.
Senator Elklns and ex-Senator Hen
ry Qassaway Davis, father and grand
father of tho bride-to-be, are elated
over the match. Hltt Ik the son of
the late Robert It. Hltt
How a Queen Ordered a Coat.
In a recent sale at Sotheby's, In Lon
don, tho following document written
on vellum, and bearing Queen Eliza'
beth's sign manual, was sold;
"Elizabeth, by tbo grace of God,
Queno (sic) of England, ffraunco (slo)
and Iroland, defender of the faith, etc.,
woe will and commando you fortho
wltho uppon tho elghte hereof to do
liver, or cuwbo to bo delivered to our
well beloved servanto, Half Qrooko,
Esquire, alias Yorko, one of our her
auldes of Armes, one coto depicted
with our Armes on Batten with fine
goldo In oylo ot liko stuffo, lengtbo
and breadoth aa heretofore bath bene
"Wesmlnster, tho XXIVth dale of
Januaryo. In tbo thirtoy fourth yere
of our ralgno.
"To our trustle and well beloved
sorvante, John Ffortescue, Eaqulro,
Master ot our great wardrobe."
Dick There's one thing about Lou
ise, she nover repoata stories about
her woman friends.
Ethel Repeats I No, Indeed; sho
starts thorn. Boston Evening Tran
script Smart-Set Language.
"What a beautiful costume, dear J
"Do you Uko ltT"
"Ob. my dear, I love It. It's lust too
hideously fashlonablo tor word I"
London Opinion. I
United States Agricultural Expert
Predicts Exhauatlon of Farm Land
of Western Prairies.
Tho agricultural department nt
Washington Is concerned about tho ex
haustion of tho soil of tho Untied
Stntca. On tho prairies ot tho wost
fertility la beginning to wane. In
many of tho older communltlca fertil
ity 1ms been reduced below the point
of profltablo production. How to store
and maintain productivity of soil In it
most Important phase bf tho conserva
tion problem.
Theso observations nro set forth In
a farmers' bullotln prcpnred by W. J
Splllman, agriculturist In chnrgo or
tho ofllco of farm management of the
agricultural department. Mr, Splllmnn
Bays that In order that tho pralrlo
country may not follow tho descent
of the cast and south It Is necessary
that Intelligent nnd vigorous effort be
mado to farm correctly,
Homing of Innd on short leases for
tho purpose of growing grain for the
market Is ono of tho surest means of
reducing tho productlvo power of the
soil. Well managed pastures and ra
tional systoms of crop rotation nro nec
essary to tho development of perma
nent systems of profltablo farming.
Land owners must rcnllzo this, and
must tako steps to Improve renting
methods by stocking their farms with
n full complement of domestic animals,
In enso tho renter Is not nblo to do
this for himself, nnd by giving longer
lenses whoroby tho renter mny reap
tho reward of Intelligent management.
In vlaw of tho soil wasto that has
occurred, Mr, Splllman asserts, It Is
not surprising that values of farm
products havo risen to n marked do
greo In tho last fow yeara.
War Must Be Commenced Early and
Continued With Vigilance Paris
Qraan Recommended.
Potato bugs ore nt work. Thoy aro
nn enemy to bo poisoned by tho pota
to grower. Wnr must bo commenced
enrly and continued with vlgltnnce.
Paris grocn Is tho most highly recom
mended. It mny bo used as n spray,
with a sprinkler, mixed with nlr slaked
lime, flour, or lino, dry road dust, slftod
over tho potato plants when covorcd
with dow or rain. In any form of ap
plication at least ono pound of Paris
green should bo used por ncre, but
when tho plnnts nro Inrgo n greater
amount mny bo required, Tho Minne
sota Experiment station prefers to im
parls green tnlxod Into n thin paste
with water nnd than stlrrod In the
larger vulumo of wnter to bo used In
n Bprayer. Very good rosulta, howovor.
havo born obtnlned by tho uao ot a
common sprinkler. Whoro tho crop Is
largo nnd It Is posslblo to procuro one,
a powor sprayer la advised and re
gnrded as almost Indispensable. Milk
of lime, mado by slaking two pounds
ot stono llmo In water to each pound
of Paris green, should bo carefully
strained Into tho poisonous mixture to
provent burning of tho plants. Arson
uto of lend may bo uaod as a potato
bug poison, but It is moro expenslvn
than Paris green. Paris green mar
bo mixed with bordeaux mixture, when
tho mlxturo Is uaod aa a disease de
stroyer. In this case no additions)
llmo need bo added.
The Colony House.
Tho permanent colony houao Is not
as good as tho portable. Tho portable
house Is usually built upon runner
similar to tho common stono boat In
the spring and summer they aro drawn
upon tho range, nnd In winter may bo
brought up near tho feed house and
nrrnngod In rown, so It la almost as
easy to care for tho birds na If thoy
were In a alngle continuous houso. Tho
colony-house system Is In general uao
In England, nnd la practically tho only
system employed, says a writer In
Daltlmoro American, TIicbo colony
houses havo wbeolB at each corner nnd
no floor. I would advlso thoao who
contemplate going Into (ho poultry
buHlness. no matter on what scale, to
start with tho colony system. It takes
a little moro work, but it Is boat In
tho end, and tho chances of success
nro much groator than whoro tho other
plans aro followed.
The Modern Farmer,
Tho modern fnrmor Is working to
ward a well-defined purposo. Hl con
stant aim la to do less work that re
quires muscle and brawn, but moro
brain work. Ho purposos to purchase
machines that will do tho drudgery
nn it Irksome tasks whllu ho himself
can find tlmo to solve tho problems of
farm management. A littio neaaworx,
uronerlv aniillod to tho management
of a farm, will often turn loss Into
Food For Chicks.
A handful of grain dug Into an ant
hill will bring tho chickens to It, and
then good-by to tho Insects.
A plant of Swiss chard sown ad
Joining tho poultry yard will supply
greens all summer provldod tho fowls
are not allowed to cat It moro than an
hour n day,
To Maintain Nitrogen,
Nitrogen must bo maintained by
iogume crops, and tho beat loguino for
tbo corn belt Is clover, Tho clover
crop should bo left on tho ground. It
removed, not much, If any, nitrogen Is
added to tbo soil. If the crop Is re
moved and fed to average llvo stock
and the manure given avorago caro
and hauled back to tho field, tho loss
Is noarly one-half of tho plant food
and three fourths of the organlo mat
ter. If a good crop of clover Is loft
on tho ground onco overy three or four
years, only tbo seeds being romovod,
It will supply sufficient nitrogen for
qulto largo grain crops,
Milking with wet bands Is a filthy
practlso. Tbo clean milker uses clean
bands and Is euro beforo ho begins
that tbo cow's udder Is clean and that
no falling dirt can get Into tho milk.
Using lard on tho bands to mako milk
ing easy will aid In making hard milk
ers. It will also help to keop tho cow's
teat very tender. Dampening tho teats
with milk also has the saue effaot
eaT rt'-vTK nir-v
Odd Answers to
WASHINGTON. Ono of tho princi
pals In tho Washington public
schools has been telling her friends ot
somo amusing Incidents of tho flnnl
examinations beforo tha closo of tho
schools for tho summer.
Among tho questions sho gnvo to
tho children In tho third grndu wns:
"Namo tho flvo racos of mnn." Imag
ine her Btirpriso when ono tut nn
swored: "Automobllo races, liorso
raccn, airship races, foot races and
bicycle races."
Another qucbtlon wns: "Namo somo
of tho organs of men." To this ono
child replied: "Mouth organ, hand
organ, plpo organ."
Tho splnnl cord was defined as a
string running from tho back of tho
head to tho bottom of tho heels.
"EarB," said one, "nro Just as Impor
tant na goad clothes and should bo
taken caro ot Just aa well. Don't let
bugs crawl Into your cars, but If ono
should got In tbero syringe your ear
with soap suds and afterwards drop
somo molasses Into It"
"Poison," wroto nnothor, "should bo
doctored nt enco nnd not allowed to
run on as It Is dangerous, Don't trent
poison rough It Is llablo to run Into
blood poison. If nnyono should tnko
poison It Is n good Idea to keep It as
high up nut of reach as possible."
"You ought to keep poison In n llttlo
Rural Free Delivery Is Growing Fast
THE rural freo doltvcry sorvtco of
tho United States moans the die
trlbutlou of nearly 3,000,000 lettors nnd
pnrcoU annually along tho highways
and byways of every stato nnd terri
tory from Mnlno to Alaskn. A forco
of 41,000 carriers dally go over tho
routcn assigned to thorn, says a wrltor
In tho llookkeeper,
Urtnglng tho mnll to tho farmer now
coats tho nation $30,000,000 n yenr In
snlartoB far tho carriers, expense of
examining now routoa, maintaining
postoftlcea, payments of Inspector!),
special ngonta, clerks and chiefs of
To sccuro Information to mnke
changes in routes nnd carriers, whor
doomed necoasary, to establish now
routes and to rocord nnd tabulato
statistics and data for the postmaster
gonernl an well as for tho public, a
forco of only 110 persons la required
In Washington, In aplto of tho great
amount of oltlco work nnd correspond'
enco thnt must bo finished dally,
Moro than n million lettors aro re
ceived and anawered by tho depart
ment of rural freo delivery In n year.
Many of thoao received aro merely ad
dressed to tho department To savu
Baseball and the
WASHINGTON had a "safo and
anno" celebration of tho nntlonn!
birthday. In years gono by the na
tional capital has been noted for tho
noisiest Fourth of July celebration of
any city In tho union, l.nat yenr they
adopted tho "sufo and snno" Idon.
Day fireworks and a parado In tho
morning with Bpocchmaklng on tbo
plain fronting tho city buildings, In
the afternoon a motor parade and, nt
night, nn Illumination of tho Monu
ment grounds nnd moro flroworka,
Tho "aafo and snno" Idea took well
at first and Washington determined to
stick by the modern form of celebra
tion this year, Therefore tho celebra
tion last Monday began with the read
ing of tho Declaration of Indopendonco
In front of tho city buildings. Ton
o'clock wns tho hour set, but, as luck
would havo It, tho same hour tho Bos
ton Hod Sox and tho Nationals
crossed bats, Tho Washington Post
and tho Washington Times havo of
fices opposlto tho city building. A
crowd of about 1,000 people had gath
ered for the ceremonies. At tho news
paper offices tho megaphono men had
been connected by wlro with tho base
ball park.
Why Burton Didn't
SINCE Senator Dtirton took his con
gressional Investigators of Euro
pan watorways abroad ho has been
relating this ono. Tho senator was In
Switzerland. In front of tho hotel at
which ho was stopping a mountain
climbing party was arranging for a
start to tho top of ono of tho lesser
Alplno peaks, Tho guldo was us busy
an a bird dog nosing around, and
giving limitless ndvlco and Instruction
In what to do and how to do It
"Is ho n thoroughly skilled climb
er?" naked tho Oliloan of the hotel
"Ah, zut ho coz," exclaimed tho bonl
faco "Ho buvo lost two partes ot
Teachers Questions
room under lock and key In a little
bottle and tho enrk In so It can't be
got out and lililo tho key and have
skeleton on tho bottlo and not let no
body go In there."
"A good nnty dote for poison," said
one, "Is to take a tencupful of soap
suds overy ten minutes to mnko you
vomit till tho doctor comes." (It Is
awful to think of tho doctor's being
dolnyed several hours.)
A clnss of slx-grado pupils wera
asked to wrlto a abort biographical
sketch of Longfellow. Ono mombor
of the class proudly submitted the
"H. W. l.onRfellow was n grand
man. He wrote both poems nnd poetry.
Ho gntduntod at Dowdoln and after
wards taught tho nmno school whom
ho graduated. Ha didn't liko teaching
and decided to learn somo other trmlo,
bo Ills school furnished him money to
go to Kuropo nnd loam to bo a poet
Ho wrato ninny beautiful pooms far
children. Ho wroto "Ullly, tho Ulnck
smith." Tho following brief but pithy com
position wns handed In by n young
ster who had been naked to wrlto on
his fnvorltu holiday:
"I liko tho Fourth of July best 'causa
It's tho day America was discov
ered." A hasty look Into n dictionary Is
presumed to havo convoyed to tha
mind of ono embryo cynic thnt "chari
ty" means "nlum" Instead of "alms."
"Ambush" was defined as a kind of
bush nnd "habitation" wns Judged to
refer to ono'a hnblts. It was nlso de
cided that n "patriarch" wears feath
ers "sanio as any other bird."
time of opening nnd reading mlsslvoH
not properly directed Is n part of tho
work of tho mailing section. It In
cludes n prlvnto poatofllco through
which every letter rccolvcd or aont
relative to rural delivery must pass.
Every ono of tho half-million nnd
moro letter sent from this depnrU
mont Is copied for record by n tno
chanlcnl system which snves tha labor
of n hundred copying clerks evort
whoro tho hand copying press or thu
carbon method has boon omployed. A
forco of only seventeen clerks is noed
ed In thla section, yot In addition to
hnndllng nnd copying mall thoy keep
a dally rocord of all tho outlay for
postage oxpenscs of tho department
nnd sort nnd examine tho hundreds of
letters dally received which must bo
roturnod to tho postoftlco whoro they
nliould hnvo been directed.
What tho service docs in receiving:
applications for now routes, petitions,
for carriers, decisions of tho depart
meat, tho payment nnd receipts, la.
told by Iho poatofllco newspaper.
The esprit do corps of tho rural froo
delivery Is beat shown by tbo laat an
nual report During the year It states
that out of tho 41,000 In tho nervlcv
tho total dismissals for causo woro
only 105, leas than tbo total number
of dentlis,
Tho reasons for tho dlsmlssnls worn
principally Incompetence and fnlluro
to obiy Instructions. No dismissals
wbataver for stealing from tho mnlln
or other dlahtmeaty woro on tho reo
ords. Declaration Mixed
Promptly nt ton o'clock a bnldhoad
cd man In n frook coat arose on thu
flag draped stand In front of tho city
building cleared his throat and bo
"Whon tho course of human ov '
AcrtMta tho way tho megaphone man
Interrupted with:
"Milan Is nt the bat Hall onol"
"vents It becomos noouewnry," con
tinued tho Imldhended reader.
"Foul Strlko ono," roared tho
Tho mnsoullne portion of the listen
ers becamo rostlvo. Tholr attention
turned In tho direction of tho mega
phono mnn and their backs toward
tho baldhoaded patriot
"for ono people to dissolve tha
pollt "
"He hits to left For two bases
Loltvolt at tho but
Ily this tlmo 794 malo members of
tho Independonco day audlonco had
dashed madly across to Nowspaper
How. Of tho original audience of tho
"safo nnd snno" celebration, 134 wom
en 22 children, a salubriously Intoxi
cated rah driver and tho police guard
"Lellvclt sacrifices Eiborfeld
singles Milan scores."
"Hurrahl Wow! Wow" bol-
lowed tho crowd and tho remainder
ot tho reading of tho glorlout.' docu
ment was Interspersed with "Good
boy, Doc!" "Oh, you Gabby Stroctl"
tor 14 hot Innings.
Dut noston won.
Climb Mountains
touroestu down zco mountalno zldo,
and bozo times ho havo como off
wlzout bo mooch as zeo ono leotlo
Durton did not climb any mountains
during bis sojourn.
Representative J. Harry Covington
ot Maryland represents that section ot
tho Terrapin stato known as thu
Eastorn Shoro. Tbo Eastorn Sboro
Is famed for producing not only tho
highest living In all America, but it
numbers among its population many
ot tho highest livers.
"The most notablo lnstanco ot gour
mandlzlng which our section has pro
duced," said Mr. Covington to a group
of nowspaper friends, "Is old Joa
Nicholson ot Talbott county, Ouo ot
Joo's frlonds askod him It ho liked
" 'Suro I liko turkey,1 rospondod Old
Joo. 'Dut a turkoy Is an Ingpnvonlont
sort ot a bird. It's a leotlo too much
for ono and not enough for two." .