St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 19, 1910, Image 2

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Rooms In Holbrook nulldlnjr.
St. Johns, Oregon
Physician and Surgeon.
Dny & Night Odlco in McChosnoy blk.
I'hona Jcriiey Ml.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Re. none Jeritj 1571. Office Phont Jentv 921
Kwldenco D08 t-'cucnden Street
Office Hour: to . m. to 1 1, m., 3 to fl p. m.
Daniel O. Webster, A. B. M. D
Residence, C97 Dawson Street
Ofllcc, 1'lltcr Ulock.
University Park, Portland, Oregon.
Office Phono Richmond 51
First National Hank building.
I'hona Richmond 201
Holbrook Ulock
St. Johns
"Francos," snld tho soft voice,
"bring mo another pair of thoso wings,
Tho young girl waiting beyond the
drawn curtains of tho nlcovo, obeyed,
and Louiso Ward, designer nnd head
milliner for Marshall Mills, laid the
wings bcsldo a corresponding pair
which flarod across tho broad molro
hat sho was showing to tho fastidi
ous woman who sat boforo tho mir
ror. Tho o fleet was Immediate, and
tho woman's bored countenance
wnrmcd to Intorost,
"Why, that Is magical I" sho ex
Louise deftly sot tho hat upon tho
elaborately dressod head nnd stood
aside that Uio woman might study her
"Yes," oho said nt last, "you have
carrlod out my Idea exactly. I will
tnko tho hat."
Louise smllod. Thoy always said
that, and yet It was her Idea tbnt they
adopted nnd considered as their own
hor id on so clovcrly suggastod, pro
tented, insisted upon, so artfully con
cnulod that thoy did not suspect tho
origin. Hor wondorful tact, nddod to
her artistic ability, had kopt her in her
place for 14 years, and earned for her
a salary that would have pleased most
men. Bho hold tho curtains aside,
and ns this customer passed out an
other stood wnltlng to outer, It was
tho regular routine of tho day, And
Phono Jersey 021 Holbrook Mock tho day was drawing to a closo, Since
no l imt"m crrkTT nine a clock that morning with the ox
tsi. j. in i jwi i ceptlon of n baro half-hour for lunch,
DFNTKT " ,ftl' keen upon her feet, design
Open Evening nnd Sundays
Olllcu I'hona YVoodlawn 70.1
lies. I'hona Woodluwn 1GG5
OfTWc tlmtrei I'rwn 9 Ut II m I Is J p. m,
7 to S i. in.
CSC Dawson street, University I'nrk
I'hono Jersey 1571 Hours: 2 to (1 u tn.
. Conducted by
Mrs. Lillic Wells Curcy
1)02 Fossenden SL ST. JOHNS, ORC.
Ing, fitting, directing, always outward
by Ap- ly calm, smiling, soft-voiced. Tho two
roung kin wno stood ni nor bidding
bad never soon hor frown In anger.
Yet, though no one guessed It, she
was In reality, vory tired so tired
that sho had to stool herself to etc
dura from ono moment to tho noxt.
H. S, 1 1 KWITT K. S. WltiailT
Mi Hllae Hi. Ml fl. lUym
ttstlmntcit nnd Finns Furnished
lloutrs Tor Sale. ST. JOHNS, ORC.
Transfer and Storage
Wo deliver your kwxIh lo nnd from
mi parts w roriiimii. Vancouver, i.iim-
ion, rurimnu ami Hiimirixiii Impress
Co., city dock nnil all mltits ncrc-sslblo
by wagon, I'Ijiio anil furniture moving
u specialty, luv K. liurilngton; phono
Loutso Added Another
to Her List.
Above tho bond of hor Inst custom
n . . i . . ....... . . . n . .. . .. . ...I... ......
np I n P I " IBBU Willi IIIIU
0, loll I. U. U, I nines of weariness showing about tho
sr. Johns, on row
Meets onch Monday ovwilnir In Odd Fol
lows' ball, nt 8:00. Visitors welonmwl.
E.S.W1IA1, H, C CP. Cln. Srml.rt
iioiMcs ipnor no. 101
iptii,ii 1 tir rrmiA
MnUMwy PrLlay Mm lit at
mil. VMimre al KM.
AiuutsoN. r, c.
a. w. ritKir, k, n. s.
yes and purplish depression nt onch
nostril. Bho palled n look of her hnlr
Into plnco nnd wont on tnlkltiK,
lllnck Is too sombor fur you. You
need color nnd holght," sho set tho
green turbun In plnco. "Is not this
your IdenT"
"It Is Indeed!" snld tho woman, And
Louise milled another purchaser to her
It was closing time now. filie pinned
on her own simple black hut, rostful
looking after tho extravagant shapes
ind pronounced colors sho hod nan
Jlod nil day, donned her blnek cont
notulnys of each month
III Uilil Ft) own' lull .
Visitors welcome.
It. S. llnrrlnirtrm All..,. 1) I.,!...-
. ..-. .., ..itvii ... wtrwira,
Secretary, W. M.
CAMP 773 W. O. W.
r. and A. M,
Mleijular communications Kloves, nnd wnlked out of tho
on first nmt thlnl wed- storo mono.
It bud been mining nil tho nftor-
noon, but now tho rnln had ceased,
I leaving tho streets unplonsnntly wet
I Louise usually walked homo rather
than hang to n strnp In n crowded
snr. Hut tonight sho decided that shu
preferred thu car. As usual It wns
I packed with homegoers, Sho npnro-
..... printed n strap nnd hung upon It
v7 -v - I ...11.. ... ,1... .
orv W ed-1 " u 1,11 J"v nruunu n
n e (I h y ourvo sho lost her balance somewhat
uvoniiiK ,,ul bur shouldor onmo In sudden
I n t IHek- iharp contnet with n larger ono tho
iter's Hall ulster-clad shoulder of n in an who wns
cllngln to n strap opposite her own
W. Siott Kellotrir. Clerk. 1,0 urnw t "r 'ow "pnrdonl" and
. h v , UIUVI a tliwv.
plosoly. Ills was thin and dark a
1 ii g f ruca not notleoablo In nuy wny save
V-IILI (II YlcIrKCr I r Its strength nnd n certain three-
ivuruuri'u ucuir uuuvu mo leu eyeurow
IIOLIIItOOK 1110CK Only ono man In tho world, Louise
know, had such a scar ns that nnd she
had given It to him. Into her mind
c.f-(. ri i . . - unsueu mo memory or n scene a uoy
ww..u, I.U IS oi nnd girl quarreling Tho girl had
W. U. Coun, 0. C.
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Order filled und Pamily ;Trade Solicited.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
St. Johns Sand
and Gravel Co.
Gcnerul Contractors,
Wo aro preparel to do nny nnd
all kinds of excavating for street
work und other purposes. Wo
also handlo sidewalk and build
ing material.
Nowton und Fesaenden Streets,
St. Johns, Oro.
Phono Richmond 1571.
English Cabinet Minister's Salary
Raised J 15,000 Year Socialists
Shake Him Off.
John uurns, ex-workman nnd now
ono of his Ilrltaunlo majesty's cabluot
ministers, can afford to smllo at thoso
who nro nlwnys throwing It In his
teeth that hu onco said: "No man la
worth mora than $2,f00 n year." Hon
est John's department, tho local gov
ernment board, has been raised, along
with tho board of trade, tu tho rank of
a first class stato dopnrtmout, and ac
cordingly tho salaries of tho heads
havo been raised by parliamentary
resolution from 110.000 to 125,000 a
This Is not bad for n man who no
oordtng to his statemont In "Who's
Who" Is "still learning and still strug
gling." Ills former Socialist frlonds
havo shaken him off, but with tholr
excoptlon tho country npprovos tho
prime minister's praise of his cot
leaguo for tho "assiduity and slnglo
mlndedness with which Mr. Hums has
administered bis department." Mr,
been IronltiB some doll clothes ana
sho hnd n tiny tlntlron In her hand
Angrily sho flung the Iron ai tho mock'
Ing face opposite, and struck It; tho
boy fell with n trickle of blood across
his uhlto cheek (torn nn ugly wound
which hnd resulted In an ugly scar
this scar. Of course she knew blm
"I'm suro I can't bo mistaken. It Is
Duncan, Isn't It?"
"It certainly Is. Louise. How do
you do?' their free hands mot. "This
Is as pleasant ns It is unexpected.
How glad I nin to sea you again."
Bho smiled Fourteen years spont
In Borvlng nu exacting public had
tnught hor self-control.
"And I nm just ns glad to sco you.
Lint how do you come bore? 1 thought
you wero In Oregon."
"I came east nbout two wooks ago,
urgod by n hungor to see tho old
places and the old fnces. Duslncss
brought me Into town todny."
They fell Into ino conversation of
renewed ncqunlntnnco, over mindful of
thu Mtrnngern who might tu llstonlng
Ily the time they had reached the
house whuro Louiso boarded sho had
received and accepted from him nn la
vltntlon to dlno and to nttend thu the
ater nftcrwnrd
He wnltod In tho parlor whllo sho
went upstairs to dross. Tho Instant
her door closed upon her Louiso for
got that she hnd boon overtired and
nervous; she felt buoyant, elated. Col
or came to her cheeks nnd light to
her eyes. And, oh, what should sho
wear? It wns so long slnco sho had
beon out to dlnnor. And with a man
Duncan! nh, thero was tliat catch at
her heart ngnlnl Duncan of tho soar!
As her trembling bauds turned nnd
colled thu lengths of her hnlr she
looked nt her oxcltcd fnco In tho glass
nnd wondered If ho still tnought It ns
fnlr ns It hnd been 1 1 years ago, wbon
ho had last seen It. Shu had Just
come from, her apprenticeship In Now
York, so highly recommended, how
evor, that Marshall Mills hnd felt It
safo In Intrusting to hor tho bonnet.
Ing of his feuilnlnu customers. Bho
had been so happy, so eager. From n
poor girl, with no tnlent savo tho bltli-
crto doubtful ono of tying bows nnd
sticking flowers together, sho saw her
self In n way to earn a good living
Money wnu so much needed In her
family. As for her beauty, It had not
yot developed sufficiently to bo of In
terest to herself or nuy ono olxo
When Duncan Moro, with who sho hnd
played nnd fought ns n little girl nnd
been on friendly terms with evor since
hu hnd nuked her to marry him, she
hnd been shocked. That Duiionn should
wish lo mnrry her! It was nbsurd,
nnd she told him so.
"I won't mnrry nnyono, I wnnt to
work!" she snld hotly.
"Well," Duncan hnd replied, tossing
his bat in tho air nnd catching It ab
sently, "then It's thu west for initio.
Good by Iau, nmybo you'll nover seu
me again."
For 14 years sho had hoard nlmost
nothing concerning him. Sho con
ceived thu notion thnt ho wns not do
ing so well ns ho might. Ho hnd novor
been nblo to keep tho inonoy ho
eanioJ. Louise hnd nlwnys full In
clined to scoff nt htm ns lucking ossen
tlally some iiunlltlos, but tonight sho
forgot that. Bho wns so genuinely
glad to see ' him. Sho had novor
drenmed sho emild bo so glad.
Bho went down to him such n vision
ns might havo dnziled oyes moro usod
to tho conventionalities of llfo than
Duncan's. Ho stammered out n com
pliment. Then hu handed her out to
the taxlcab 'hat stood wnltlng to take
them first to n restaurant, then to tho
host piny of tho sonson.
"I don't know why It Is," !oulo
mused, going home, "but wo seem to
night to bu better friends than over
before In our lives."
"It's because wo nro older," ho an
nwored, "nnd experience has tnught
us thu vnluo of soma oxtremoly vital
things. Of friendship nnd perhaps nlso
of love, You must know Louiso, thnt
I came back to suu you, to learn what
my long nbsonco hnd meant to you
You see, I nlwnys felt thnt there would
como a time when you would bo glad
to son me, whon llfo would inonn
something moro to you than French
mtlllnory." Hu laid his hand ovor
her two clasped ones. "Has tho time
comuT" ho naked breathlessly.
"Yes." Louiso said, nnd hor voice
vlbrntod In a wny now to him, "I
guess I havo had too many hats and
too llttlo compnn!8honp friendship
sympathy, lovo. Slnco method died
and my sister married nnd went away
havo beon alone, It Is an awful
thing to bo nlono. I've hnd chances
to mnrry, of course, but thero has
novor been any man save ono that I
was willing to to mnrry.
Suddenly she threw her nrms nbout
him und sank against his shoulder
sobbing n little wildly:
"Oh. Duncan, I novor wnnt to tie nn-
othor bow tn nil my llfo! I want to
cook nnd swoop nnd bnko In u housa
of my own, for somebody I tow nnd
who loved me. It has taken mo four
teen years to find It out, but tonight
I know I know"
As ho hold her close, hushing hor
dear confession with glad kisses, tho
tnxtcnb Btopped nnd tho chnuffeur sat
wondering what had happened to his
Hums has nn effective way of silencing
his Socialist critics. Ho Intends to
devoto his Increaso of 1B,000 to so
cial und economlo projects tn which
ho Is interested. Certainly bo Is not
altering his plain way of living. His
modost house In tho far from arlsto
cratlo district of Uattorsca still suits
He hates show of any sort, nnd his
wife would not bo happy without her
housework. Bho keeps no sorvauU
but a day girl nnd an occasional scrub
woman. London letter Now York
J. Plorpont Morgan, Jr., whom Thomas Ityan
says Is to head nn American financial hoptarchy,
recently nns been visiting somo of the vast prop
erty Interests to which ho is to fall heir. Young
Morgan marvclod at tho hugo stool plants In
Pittsburg, n part of tho Unltod Stnton Steel cor
porntlon tho trust which Is controlled by bis
father. He also visited tho mills at Oary, Ind.,
which nro growing so rapidly, and found much
to pondor ovor thoro.
Although tho Impression is fnr from gonornl,
young Morgan Is In many ways much llko his fa
ther. Ho mny not havo tho tatter's organizing
genius; thnt rcmnlna to bo seen.
Llut ho hns tho dominating personality nnd np
tltudo fur business thnt madu tho elder Mor
can oven n docadn nan nnil tinforn li rrouraml
"is organization cxnlotts with tho formation of tho grontest of nil Industrial
combinations tho United Btntos Stool corporation uuch a towering flgnro
I" tho flnnnclnl world. And for yenrs tho younger man has takon nn active
pnrt in tho nffalrs of both thoLondon nnd Now York housos of J. P. Morirnn
& Co. Hut It was not until n year nito thnt J. P. Morrnn. Jr.. entered tho do
main or corporate flnnnco nnd mnnnKomcnt.
Ills election to tho diroctornto nnd flnnnco coramlttco of tho United States
Hlcol corporation nnd his cntrnnca to tho Nntlonnl Cltr bank bonrd of dlroc
tors Indicated unmlstnkenbly tho purposo of tho fnthor to familiarize tho son
with moro Important views than dovolvcd upon him In tho ordinary routlno of
ovon so gront a banking concern ns thnt of J. P. Morgan & Co. Young Mor
gnn Is much llko Ills father, physically, nB well as mentally. Hu Is tnll, ro
bust nnd flno looking, Tho tompornmonts of tho two men, howovor, havo
iiuio in common. Morgan. Sr.. s bruaouo and snlurn no. Morcan. Jr.. is
gonial. What Is called porsonnl magnetism is ono of tho assets that havo
made mm rxtrotnoly ttnpulnr In both business and society.
i lo is nlso nn nthlcto nnd outdoor innu. this holr to t300.000.000 nnd the
most tucrntlvo banking business In tho world, nnd nn nrdont snortsmnn. Sol
dom doos ho miss tho Now York Yncht club's rnccs on Long Islnnd sound,
wnoro oven In tho worst of wonthor nnd In his oilskins, looking llko tho hard!
est of Oloucoslur flshorinon, ho handles his smart 30-footer Ibis In masterly
Attjc table IrtparalionrorAs
slmllailng iteRxxfaiKlRc dull
Promotes Di&sltonfif trfil
ncss and itestContalns Deter
Opium JiorpWiu; norfiaeral.
ir,rtl7 Stfd-
Aperfect Remr dy for 0mHf
rocSimfc Slgnanrt of
Exsci Copy of Wrapper.
For Infants and Ohildron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
m a m
For Over
Thirty Years
Tho famous speech which Col. Theodore Itooso-
volt mado In London, following tho ono which ho
mado In Kgypt, hns nttrncted nttonttoti to that
country, nnd to Sir Kldon Oorst, Ilrltlsh agent nnd
consul genornl In Kgypt, who wns tho ronl ruler
In thnt part of John Hull's domain.
Sir Kldon uorst succeeded Lord Cromor In
Kgypt n llttlo tnnto than throo years ngo, but
previously ho hnd lind much oxporlcnco In that
country. Ho first went to Cairo In 1830 ns nn
nttncho nnd has boon promoted grnduntly to his
present position. Tho criticism against him Is
thnt ho Is too conciliatory; thnt ho hns- not boon
sufficiently firm In denting with tho Nationalist
press which oven goos so fnr ns to udvocnto ns
snistnntlon of tho Ilrltlsh government rvprosonb
ntlvcs, He Is n nntlvo of Now ZcnUnd nnd Is for.
ty-ntno yenrs of ngo, Itccontly Sir ICdwnrd Q rev. foreign socretnrv In tho lirlt.
bib cnblnot, eulogized Oorst nnd his ndmlnlstrntlon of Kgyptlan nflnlrs, but In
spite of this Oorst Is to bo roplnccd by Sir Arthur Hnrdlngo, cousin of tho
nuwiy-appolntod vlcoroy of India. Thero Is nn offort to make it imncnr that
tho Iloosovclt spooch had nothing tn do with Onrst's romovnl. but tho nconlo
gonornlly nccopt tho Idea that tho government ts inking tho ox-prsldont'a ad
vice nnd will rulo in Kgypt with n cirb bit In tho futuro.
Kgypt owes tier present prosperity to the security which comes with the
-roreign joko," but tnero exists a Nntlonnllst party, tho ambition of which Is
Independence. Mr. Hoosovolt, In addressing thoso Nationalists, bluntlv told
uioiii wiey wero not t ror seir-gOYcrnmont nnd would not bo lor scvoral gon
In Knglnnd, Mr. Hoosovolt followed this up by tolling tho Ilrltlsh their du
ty wns plain, in effect ho snld thnt If Orcnt Britain had no right In Kgypt It
should get out. If It had n right thero, then it should rulo with a Arm hand
nnd establish nnd maintain order nt nil costs.
Sherman Jpay & Co.
rFsVn '' ' ' ' ' "1 Wo wnnt'you to try this Piano V YOUR
HUMii nUi. wo wunt you to try it nt
our oxpenio because
At tho end of thirty days tho Piano
ITSELF vt convince you of the following
It's tho bait vnluo on cnrlh for tho prico
l-ilJi . ,Vij Wd know thero Is so much real vnlun In
this Wellington Piano wo'ro soiling- for $275 on rosy rwym.vij that
wo're willing to lot It bo ITS OWN SALESMAN.
It will toll i'j oum jory fo you In your homo If you'll sond us tho
Picon una tn full parlloilan conctming this unusual Piano offsr.
Nam,,.,, AMrru,
Snd your Lor whm h.wlll
havo t ooJ. alron trklnlrr, 'll
Itrm SptmUr lltb 110.
Writ, for ctlilotu..
neniriTiiriiT w
Col John a. Mosby, tho famous Confodoratu
guerrilla of Civil war days hns lost his Dosltlon ns
n special nttorney In (ho department of justice. SftK'AwopiiC
after eight years thoro.
In tho absence of Attorney Ooneral Wlckor-I
sbnm no explanation wns mndo at tho depart
ment Old nge, thnt nightmare of superannuated
government omployeos, It Is understood, wns the
main reason ror tho dismissal.
Col. Mosby is nbout seventy-three yenrs or ntte.
To his old frlonds he appears active nnd ouorgotio.
He lias been blind In one eyo slnco ho was a
young man, and lately has beon getting deaf.
Tho colonel's history as n fighting man, his
achievements with a small band of guerrillas dur
ing tho great war between the wtatos, has given
him a place In history that has marked him tor
distinction for many years. Ho was appointed n special attorney of tho do-1
U L, THU I men I (u.aumrcr emits)
men Standard Thoroueh Courses
nuloiru sd
eio Delcum litder.. PonUnd. Orescn
The Pity of It.
Tls one of tho saddest things of
married life."
"What Isr ,
Too faot that the wife can't think
of anything new for dinner, and the
husband, while dissatisfied, can't sug
gest anything."
Is Mx. Dllggtns at home on horse-
I should think so." replied Miss
pnriinent enrly In tho first part of tho Hoosovolt ndmlnlstrntlon, nnd wns as- Cayenne. "He seems equally uncom
signwi to prong up tno cattlemen's operations against government lands In fortable In either place,1
no niiciuie west. Ills fearlessness in this work, In spite of uumorous threats,
won mm tno approbation or t'resiuent itoosovoit. The colonel wns ono of the
Investigators of the enso which recently led to the sonsatlonn! chnrgos made
by Seuator Quro, nnd bU dismissal so toon afterward Is regarded ns signifi
A Painful Fsct.
It takes a lot of waiting to bob up
precisely at the moment a certain girl
comes along.
Colonol Mosby becamo n Republican some tlmo after tho Civil war. bo-
iieving innt to uo uio nest inetnou ror securing concessions to tho south. He
was a special fnvorlto of Oenernl Oram, who kept him In tho best federal no-
siiiou8 to no nau ana consuitea mm often as to Important government
It Is probable thnt Colonel Mosby will now dovoto his tlmo to writing a
nooK or tno civil war, in which lie took such a conspicuous part.
Kir( cIum work it
KmU. prion.
Kroo .itminatlon
n4 porfMlly Bltl
Suite 427, Mnrnunm Building
fourth Flour
Opposite Portland Hotel. Portland Ore.
The First Year.
"Remember, my boy, that the first
year of married llfo Is always the
"That sor
"Yes, It will take you all that time
to give dinner parties to rtie relatives
and friends who believe they ought
to be Invited to test your wlfo's cook
ing." Qtnerous Mendselty,
"Your thermometer Is wholly Incor
rect, It registers ten degrees less thaa
the actual temperature."
"That's why I like It, I dread these,
fearfully candid friends,"
TRY- MURINE ""'"."
EYE REMEDY v.. Will ui. n
liquid Form, 25c, SOc Situ Tvbit, 2Sc, $1.00.
Too Optlmlitlo.
"I was pluchod for bolng too opt!
"Aw, como off."
"Vnct I thought tho stock I was
selling would bo worth something
some day."
College Boy.
"My boy'a back from college,"
"How docs ho tako hold on tho
"I halnt seen htm make no cane- uah
for the woodpllo."
II. E, Ryrara, vice-president of the Dufllngton
system, has been teaching school In St. Louts.
Naturally It Is a railroad school and notable from
uio iuci mai mo occasion was ino nrst upon
which tho man who recently shouldered the re
sponsibilities of operation of the Uurlington Sys
tem nau Deen in St. Louis.
From tho time Mr. Dyrara left the Chicago
hoadquarters ho becamo a peripatetic pedagogue
a traveling teacnor as it wore for he Is going
all over the Burlington System, mooting members
of tho operating and traffic staff at division and
district headquarters and holding llttlo education
al meetings.
Ho had a school composed of local celebrities j
In SL Louis. Ono was W. A. Tatoe, assistant gen
It fjaranttrJ to remoro
Hard Comt, Salt Com
and CallouuL En to id.
ply; remove. ll Uad dura
nj gives Inxant relief to
Durnlmr, si hinv, InfltmeJ,
wollen and tender feet
and U oil the turn, tmpliee
1 - i l worn with comfort itecommendej
RtOUCE THE COST OF LIVING; Mouwudruuu.oruirmu.
Addreu Or O. O. Fletcher & Co Foot AWR
bpecuiuu, I'ortluul, ureson. I'rico lie.
In m thort tlmo br utltur
In (0-rent cane only, Addreo
Third and Madison Portland, Or.
Art md Ter Curled llatr Iidi and
.Jit Mtl L . 1 1J . m .
1 o, ,..v. i 7. I 7 "nw "w
v.u, vu,, nuu ia OIUUJIUK lutf question I Re UmB of the Fad. Give the mm.
or now to make easy, comfortable ana safe riding for passengers. Then there Jrour dealer. Sold bj beat
was William Gray, general freight agent of tho Missouri district lines. He has "ele", "nrwhero.
up for solution the question of tho rapid, correct and safo transportation of W H MrXeilNf PC ffl
freight at compensatory rates. " cmul"
Tnm t.'nlcht la mnlln- n Hun ttllHv nt hn in h. n l..loln i. j (""'AND, Of) EG ON
. ... o"- ........... .. ..--- w . " v ww .. untsiuu QULHJriUlwBU-
out and Theodoro Rochm ts. Just finishing an elaborate course on promotion tn
tho ranks of the geuoral passenger department.
J, O. Delaplalno has made larg.i advances tn the art Of "guiding right" the
victims of "wanderlust" It they are beaded west of Chicago and St. Louis. His
last examination papers showed a remarkably high average.
The vlco-prosldontlal pedagogue has the task of teaching other people to
tako his job from him when they got good enough.
That's why P. II. Ustlck was tn school despite the hot weather. All the
40 division superintendents on the system are In educational training to suc
ceed Mr. Ustlck and other general superintendents and all of tho office boys
are in line of promotion.
Mr, Ilyram held a session of school tn Hannibal, Brookfleld, Kansas Citr.
Su Joseph and Omaha.
This happens ut least twice & yoar and railroad men will continue to "go SUtRXiH???! . . .
to school," even In their maturer years, because they believe there ts always tatHHi uinriuri
something lo loarn adoui running a raiixoaa ana its business. I w u nmui w rm ota imun
IwHeetey LIUUUrl-rWtlfniML-IOBACCO
r or run. PAnncuim
utmu m mitTiMinnnt po wtl a ho. cm c,
of Portland, Oregon
Ualn oAlco. 1J North Second St Main WTO: A list
Ladle Dept. M5H Uorriaon BU Main lOli; A SdM
Phone or wire order at our zpenaa.
Palate attraction .....Prce.
Silver FlUIno '. SOc
Oold Fllllnr 75c
11 K. Gold Crown 3
Porceleln Crown ., S3
Uolar Oold Crown (4
BtUjjeWoxk, aK.Ooli....
Inlay PIU. PurOold W
Vcrv Nice Rubber Plata. ...t4
Beet Rubber Plat on Earth ;
TJon'ft throw Vrtnr aonH Mir. A dollar uil
U twodollan earned. OurorUUval reliable Mod era
rasMM Method and oar perfected ease equip.
C. Gee Wo
Tbe Chlsese Dwlar
ThU vrondeful man ha
mad a life itudr of the
rropertie of lloota.
terba and Bark , and
la Klvin- the world the
benefit of hi aeirlceo.
No Mercurf, Polioiu
or Drut Ud. No
Operations or Cutting
Cuarantce to cur Oatarrh. Aathma. Lucr.
Stomach and KUner trouble, nod all Privet
DiMaaeaoial n and Wcxaen.
Jut received from Pektn, China fa. nra
sodreUabla. U-faUlne In It work.
If rou cannot call, writ for rmptom Uank
and circular. Incka 4 cent la (taiapa,
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
1S2H first St.. cor. WorrUoa, Portland. Or.
WHJCX wriUaf toadverUacn pla
Rtla thU paper.