St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 12, 1910, Image 8

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    ORDINANCE NO. 310.
An Ordinance Adopting the
Viewers' Report in the Mat
terof Changing, Altering
and Opening Fesscnden
Street from Jersey Street to
The Southeasterly Limits o
said City.
The city of St. Johns tlocs ordain ns
Thnt Whcrons. the viewers Imyc filed
with the city recorder rheir report in tin
ntnttcr of nseliiL the benefits Mid (him
nijcs in chmiKltiK. opening mid tillering
Ito'cnildi street from Jersey street to the
mil hcaMctlv lintilH of the CUV 0! tl
Johns, and
wlirrri. mill rcDort Iias been exnm
( lit llin rnunrll nl uilil rllv. which
said report Is in words nnd fiRurcs ns
follows, to-wit;
St. Johns, Oregon, July a6, 1910
4 . 1 I 1 t .. .. .1 ........ n 1 I ni
AO me nonunion: itiiijur uivi uuutu j
the city of St. jonim, urcgon
Wc, the nmlcrtgiiil, liming W11 du
lv iiiimiintcl hv the COUNCIL mid bv liotl
ceo tinted July, ai, 1910, In the mnttcrof
the protXMcu oiHiiiitiK, laying oui mm
inlilUhiiiLf of I'cssetidcn street with ordi
nance No. 3,14 of the city of St.
ns such viewers, respectfully rctwrt, thnt
in piirMiance of individual notices to our
selves uy me rcconicr 01 111c cuy 01 di.
Johns, of our nppolntnicnt, wc met on
S.ilurdav. the atil dnv of lulv. tno. nt g
A. M. of sld dny nt the olfice of the city
recorder of the city or ht. jonns, tvnerc,
nfier lcint'dulv sworn to falthfiillv dls
charge the duties wulgncil to us, we were
furnished with a conv of the citv cniiln-
ccr's report of said survcy.nnd with n pint
nud description of such lots nnd jxtrts of
lots proposed to be appropriated to public
use. oy Hie opening, laying out aim cs
tnijlililng of nll I'cmcinIcii street.
Wc then adiourncd to meet Monday.
. July 1$, 1910, at 9 o'clock n. in. nt which
time wc proceeded to view the proposed
opening, laying out nnd establishing of
said street, through the whole longtli
thereof, nnd after Inking Into cousiiicrn
lion the clnlnu of nil twtrtios concernrd,
we determined, found and nssesscd the
dninnucs thnt will be sustained by the
lakini! of property, and the lcncflts
that will be derived by the parties res.
Dectlvclv. by reason of the ottciilng, lay
iiiK out nudcstablishliiK of wild street ns
The prowscd otiiliig, laying out nnd
c.tnlillililng of said street will include
nnd necessitate the ntipropriatiotl to pub
lic use of the follow Inf described tmrccls
or tracts 01 in mi:
We find nnd determine that the Tort
Inud Hallway, J,llit ami Tower rotnpuiiy
owners of n tract of land Ixiumlcd and
described ns follows:
A strip of land jofeel in width. Iwlng
IS feet on cither side of nud parallel to n
center line more particularly described
ns follows:
ilcgliinlng at a print where the center
line 01 tno rorunmi Kuuwuy, i.igm nun
l'owrr Company's tracks, ns now laid out
nnd cstabllslicd on the ground, Intersects
the division line iMtwrcn tno iioiintion
land claims of Jntucsjohii nud I). 9. South
mayd, said twlnl licing located north .4
decrees west (15 .3) feel instant from a
stone monument nt the Intersection of
tliu line between the I). 8. Soiitliuinyd
nun jamcsiouii claims, wiin inu souiii
westerly side line of the said rlulit of
way; miming thence (rum said n)lnt of
of bci'lnuliiL'. uortli . deurrcs, at min
utes nut, umi tracing the center Hue of
the Portland Hallway, Light nud Tower
Comiumy's track, ns now I it Id mil nntl w.
NblMieil, u tllstaiice of 1 S3 1 feet moic or
less, to n point, saltl point iieing llic
point of liegliiiilng of n curve to the
right, whose radius Is 573 feet; thence
northro.tcrlv ami sisterly nlong the aitltl
centcrline of tilt Portland Hallway I, lulu
nntl Power Company's track and tracing
the arc of the but decribrl curve 11 ills-
I sncc of 1 feet, and consuming mi angle
of ii degree, J( 11 ininuitts, in a point,
llieucf twigem 10 tne nut unmet! curve,
nud tracing suitl ccntar Hue of said Port
laud Railway. Light anil Power Com
psuy's track, lu nil m.terly direction, it
dlstaiica of J)J.l) feci to ti point in the
w est side line of the Wm. tuples dona
tlou Uudelslm, thcsald ilnt heingaonlh
30 ilegrce. 15 minuies west 1$ leel ins
tant from tile northwest corner thereof:
Ihencu In an easterly direction, tracing u
liuc iMiauei Willi nntl iiiucn leei muiiii
crly from the north Hue of the Win. Ca
ples donation laud claim, to the easterly
boundary Hue of the city of Si. Johns.
as the Muio was ttublikhed by ordinance
No a. 5. l saltl city of St. jonns.
Also that certain ortioii of laud partic
ularly described as follows:
llvKliinlut! at a point wlitr this north
lint of the Wm. Caples donation Inud
claim intersects the center line of Wall
Street, iu the city of St. Johns, running
thence northerly along the center Hue of
Wall stieet, to a jwhit which is is feet
northerly from thecentur liuuolthe Port
laud Hallway, l.lght and Power compa
ny, track, as now lalil out and ettub
Isllied in South lvot street! thence
easterly along aline which (.parallel with
nud is feel northerly from the center
liuc of the Portland Hallway. I.ijjlit nud
Power Cmiipauy'a track, us alorosald, to
the MMttheastcrly boundary Hue of the
city of St. Johns; thence southerly, along
the essturly boundary line of the city of
St. John to the north Hue of the Win.
Caplec donation laud claim, to the oiut
of luiglMillng. t.xceptlng from the
ulxive AecrilHHl struxi of real iiropcrty nil
that portion which lis outsitfe the Ikiuii
darieaof Soiuth Deixit street, in the
dty of St. J oil us, nud within the blocks
D, 11 ud 1' of l(at St. Johns (reference
being luu Herein to the estalillklietl
uud ruoorddd mnttt unit Dials f ltnwt Kl
jphiis, blocks A, 11, C,l), li.l'.tt. II. J,K,
l .m, N 11, r, u, K nud
n strip 30 feet wide, from
lion 01 wtiits uouirvaril ami I'eaieutlcu
K nud S.) containiiiK
tne lutcrsec
street, to the east city limits of St. Julius,
ull of suid ao foot strip, will have lobe
upprupriatud to the public use, by the
openhiK, laying out ami establishing of
said l'esiendeu street, will be duuinccd
nud said laud will be tendered less valua
ble by the opening, laying out and cstal.
lishing of said I'cosuuden street, and we
estimate ami uiucts said damage in the
sum of 5000,00.
Wc find and determine that the Tort
land Hallway, I.ilit and Power com
psny as owner of all that part or parcel
of land aboe described, will be specially
bsuefitcd, and said laud will be rendered
more valuable by reasou of the laying
out, opening and establishing of said
street, and we estimate and uisei said
benefits and udvantsges iu the sum of
$ 15018.00
And we find that the excels of benefits
over damages, which the said Portland
.Kail way, Light and PowerCoiupauy will
derive bv reason of the opening, laying
out and establishing of said F esse 11
den street, will be the cum of ti8.oo,
Allowed herein f 5000.00
Kxpenses of viewing ami making
1 report.,
Allqwwl herein , . . , , , ,f 5018,00
'rJ s Kespcctfully submittejl
" I,. 11. CIIIPMAN,
View ci,
Now therefore, the city of St. John
fine ordnln ns follows:
That the report of the viewers in the
matter of the chanelne. nltcrinu nnd
opcr.iriRof I'csscnden street from Jcr
vv ctrppl In the Kouthcastcrl V limits Ol
the citv of St. Johns, be and the same is
hereby adopted and approved.
Passed by the council this 9U1 day of
August, 1910.
Approved by the mayor this 9th day
of August, 1910.
Attest: A. M. KSS0N,
Published in the St. Johns Review
August 12th, 1910.
It Is resolved br the citv of St. Johns
That it dooms It oxpodlont and
nnd uecesmrv to Improve Jersey street
from the north line of Richmond street
to the south line of I'csscmlen street iu the
city of St Johns In the following manner
llv nlacliiL' n 1 i-foot cement walk. 13
foot curb on cither side full length from
said Richmond to l'essendcii street.
All work to bo nccordlnit to tho
pi an b nnd upoclrlcntlouB of tho city
onulnuur on filo In tho offlco of tho
city reeordor rolntlvo thoroto, which
tdniin nnd BtiucttlcntlonB nnd cull
mnloa arts Batlflfnctory nnd nro borc-
by npprovod. Said ImprovotnoutB to
bo mndo Iu nccordiuico will tho
charter nnd ortllnnncus of tho city of
St. Johns, nnd under tho Biiporvi
slon and direction of tho city oiigln
Thnt "10 cost of srild Improvomont
to bo nsBosBcd ns provided by tho
city charter upon tho propoty enpoc
Inlly and particularly boncfltod thoro
by, nnd which In horeby declared to
be nit of lots, parts of lots, blocka
niul tmrcolH or lnnd botweon tho ter
mini of audi Improvomentn nbuttlnn
unoii. in incont or nroximnio 10 mho
k-ripv street. fioni the marginal
(lues of said street back to the
center of tho block or blocka or
tracts of land nbuttliiK thereon or
tirnxlmnto theroto.
T int nil tho property included in
snld Improvement district ruoresnK
Is hereby declared tolic"Ical Improve
mctit District No, 43."
That tho c ty eiiuinoor nssean
moiit of tho prohnblo total cost or
s.ild Improvement of said Jeiscy street
' 774.o?.
Atloptctl tne 19111 nay 01 jiuy, i'i,
A. M. liSHON,
Publlslicd In tho St. Johns Rovlow
August 13 ami 19, 1910.
It is resolved bv the citv of St. Johns:
That it deems ll expedient and necessary
to Improve Columbia liouevanl from Hie
northeasterly Hue of Portland Iloulcvnrd
to the crsterly line of the city limit In
the city of St. Julius in the following
manner, to-wit:
grading same to established grade
anil grade to oc csiaiiiisueii uy
cut nud nil, and by sidewnlktng nine
on clthci' side with 6-foot cement walks,
13-foot cuius, with all necessary wooden
arosswalks nnd box milters, saltl
cement walks ami curb to Have
expansion lolnts where directed by
i. ". kit I - 1 "
me cuv engineer, ah worn 10 w
done ncconliiiu to the plans nud specifics
lions 01 me city engineer on 111c 111
the olfice of the city recorder rclstlve
thereto, which said Plans and sneclfica
cations nud estimates are satisfactory and
arc hereuy approved. iM improve
ments to be made In accordance wllli
the chatter urn! oidlouuecs of the city of
St. Johns, under tne supervision ami u
rwtlon of the city engineer.
That the cost ol saltl improvement to
be assessed ns provided by the city char
ler ujkmi the proerty esiicclally nud tr
tlcularly leuefitctl thereby, ami which Is
hereby declared to I all lots, uits of
lots, blocks anil parcels of laud lielween
the termini of such Improvements abut
ting uixku, adjacent or proximate to said
Columbia boulevard from the marginal
Hues of said street back to the center of the
block or blocks or tracts ol laud .abut
ting thereon or proximate thereto.
That all projwrly Included iu saltl im
provement district aforesaid is hereby
declared to be local improvement district
No. 45- . . .
That the citv engineer s estimate of
the proUtble total cost of said Improve
ment of Columbia boulevard Is fity.7.
Adopted the 9th day of August, 1910.
City Recorder.
Published iu the St. John's Review
August is and 19, 1910.
Iu the circuit court of the State of Ore-
gou, for the county of Multnomah,
Sarah McDonald. Plaintiff
.awreuce V. McDonald Defendant
To Iiwrvncu V. McDonald:
Iu the name of the state of Oregon,
011 are heniby required to appear ami
answer the complaint filed against vou
n tlie uuovc entitled cause 011 or Deiore
the 9th day of September, 1910. and you
ate hereby notified that if you fail to ap
pear within said time the phiiutilf for
want thereof will apply to the court for
the relief demanded Iu her Said complaint
ou oy
Ills Re
view, a weeklv liewsnaner of general clr
,....... 1.0,1 1 ... iAt..... ...
. lliuuuii, iuuiiueu nt juiiim, viivvii,
uusuaut to uu order of the Honorable
Robe it O. Morrow, duly made and cu
tered on the loth day of July, iqio.
The date of first publication of this
summons is July 39, 1910, Tim last pub.
iictttipu win ue oepietuuer 9, 1910,
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Notice ol Final Settlement.
Ths Purohsso of Diderot's Library by
Catherine II. of Russia.
Empress Catherine II. of Russia was
a great reader nud a lover of books
0ne of her services to letters In Russia
was tho purchase of tbo libraries of
Voltiilre and Diderot. She was n warm
friend and admirer of thene Freiub
philosophers, nnd their work Interest
ed her because she wus eager to lenrn
now theories of politics nnd govern
uiont. Yoltalro'B library of about 7.000
vdlumes Is now a part of the Rus
slan Imperial library lu the Hermitage
nalaco. and In the ball devoted to It
Is Houdon's statuo of Voltaire.
Tho story of Catherine's purebnso of
Diderot's library Is Interesting. It
creditable to her tact and her generos
ity. Diderot named $70,000 as tho
nrlco of his library. Cntherttio II
offered blm $80,000 nnd named as
condition of tho bargain that her pur
chase should remain with Diderot. until
his death. Tims Diderot, without tenv
lug Parts, been tno Catherine's librarian
In bis own library. As her librarian
bo wns given a yearly salary of $S.0u0.
Ono year this salary was not paid,
Then Cathcrlno wrote to her librarian
that nho could not have him or tit
library surfer through tho negligence
of a treasurer's clerk and that sbo
should send blm tho sum that she had
set aside for the care and Increase of
her library for fifty years. At the end
of that period she would make new
arrangements. A check for $100,000
accompanied this letter.
Ths Old Soldier That Asked For and
Reeelvsd Assistance.
General Robort 12. Leo was sitting
on tho vernnda of his Lexington home
ono afternoon engaged lu conversation
with somo friends when a man, 111
clothed and covered with dust, appear
cd at tho goto nnd timidly beckoned to
tho general.
Apologising to his friends, Leo roso
at onco nnd went to tho unto. Very
soon bis purso appeared, nud ho was
seen to give the man somo money.
Ills friends, knowing tho extent of
his charity In any caso of suffering,
real or apparent, looked on with somo
Impatience, for they knew how slender
bis means wcro then and how many
calls of tho same kind cutuo to blm.
"General, who was that" ono of
them ventured when ho had returned
to tils place.
"uno or our boys in trouble," wns
tbo half smiling answer, for tho gen
oral know tho rumonstrnnco which bis
friend wns longing to mnko.
"What regiment nnd company did be
belong tor" persisted tho friend, nnx
lous, If twsslblo. to tiuoarfTi the sus
ptctfd fraud.
"Oh, bo-bo fought on tbo other
side," wns General lo's calm answer.
Chinese Business Honesty.
With duo respect for others, the
Chinaman Is perhaps tho most honor
able nnd upright business man lu the
world today. Ills business principles
aro founded entirely upon honesty
nud ho adheres to tho policy with tho
Inslstcnco of n loech. Tho clinso after
dollnrn stops if ho has to resort to low
tricks to get tlinm. Of course n little
thing llko telling n falsoliood occasion
ally does not bother blm so much, but
when It comes to plotting nud scliem
lug to defraud somo ono the task bo-
comes distasteful. Tho equal of tho
Japanese In Initiative nud foresight,
ho Is much their superior when luteg-
rlty Is concerned. A Japaueso does
not think twice beforo deciding to get
tho best of you. Uu calculates that
you nro liable to change your mind or
get out of reach If be Indulges lu
lltllo mental debate ns to the propriety
of cheating you. Ilookkeeper.
Mourning Colors.
Intending to symbolism ihe gloom of
ulglit, "when nil men sleep," black la
the color of mourning nil over Kurope,
in renin palo brown materials nro
worn for mourning, tho color of with
ered leaves, Ilotli sorrow und hope
aro expressed to tbo south sea Islander
In black nnd white stripes, while In
Htlilopln the mourning color I grayish
brown, which represents "tbo earth to
which nil men shall return. Purple
and violet Imvo been Ihe mourning col
ors for cardinals and kings of France,
and wblto Is worn to express grief In
China. In Syria and Armenia sky bluo
U worn at tho death of a relative und
Is Intended to express the belief that
the deceased has gone to heaven. In
lCgypt and Ilurma yellow Is worn, to
symbollzo tho scro nnd yellow leaf.
London Answers.
This summons is served upon yt
publication thereof lu the St. Join
Notice is hereby giveu that I have filed
with the County Clerk of Multnomah
County, State of Oregon, my final ac
count and report as administrator of the
estate of Aim Merrill, deceased, and the
Court has set September 5th, 1910 as the
time for hearing objections '.thereto and
tue uuai settlement 01 sain estate.
Administrator of the estate of Ann
Merrill deceased.
Published in the St. Johns Review.
August 5, 13, 19, 36 and September 3,
All our uioata aro government In
spected and the host that money can
buy Tboy aro neatly and careful
ly haudled. Come hi and leave your
order for ,freo delivery. Ward's
Control Market
Really Antique.
An excellcut plaster of parts cast
may bo seeu lu one of the Egyptian
galleries of the British museum of the
famous sycamore statuette known as
the "Shelkh-el-Heled." or "Vlllogo
Sheikh." The original dates from 3000
li. 0. nnd Is still In perfe t condition,
although It Is tbo oldest known speci
men of woodcnrvlng. It represents an
overseer of the workmen engaged In
bulldlug the pyramids cloe to Snkka
rao, where It was discovered, Loudou
Tho Stranger Was the new candi
date much put out when they threw
tho stale eggs at him; Native lie
was, sorr. Uu wus awful decomposed
London Sketch.
Will Nsvsr Know.
Seymour It is 'better to be right
than president Ashley How do you
knowT You've never beeu either and
never will be. Chicago Nows.
When the fight begins within himself
a man's worth something. Browning.
The following list of leirul blanks
arc kept for sale at this office nud
others will be added as the demand
Warrauty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, hatisiactlon ot Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, Leases.
All these blanks nt the uniform
price of 30c per dozen, j
i 11 u u nn n r rT c nrr n A r r n-rr itTirrar rrn n ct
W QUi'U'lLa litUUfcJO IUU UlUl VII 1 Ulfc IU fc) L
Wc have bought many more goods for fall than ever before and wc expect to make a stronger bid than ever
for the patronage of St. Johns people. Wc know wcwill get it. Our faith in St. Johns has never failed and wc
know the patronage will conic as wc increase the stocks in all lines.
Proposals far Street Work
Scaled uroaosals will be received at
the office of "the recorder of the city of
St. Johns until July 16, 1910, at 6 o'clock
p. in. for the Improvement of Leonard
street from the westerly line of Chicago
street to the -easterly line of New York
street In the manner provided by ordi
nance No. to7. sublect to the pro visions
of the charter and ordinances of the city
of St. Johns, and the estimate of the city
engineer, on me, returning u-iooi ce
ment walks u-foot curb sud iC-fcct of
mscadam In center. Itnginccr's eiti-
mste of cost f 1417.0s.
Ilids must be strictly In accordance with
printed blanks which will be furn
ished on application ot the office of the
recorder of the city of St. Johns. And
ulit Imnrovement must be comnlctcd on
or before 60 days from the signing of the
contract by the parties thereto.
No proposals or bins wiiiue considered
unless accompanied by a certified check
iMivsble to tne mayor 01 me cuy 01 t
Johns, ccrtllltd by a responsible bank
for an amount equal to ten per cent, of
the sggregste proposal,
The right to rclect any anil all bids Is
hereby reserved.
Ily ortlcr of the city council.
City Recorder.
Published hi the St. Johns Review
July 39, August s aud U, 1910.
Proposals for Street Work
Scaled tirottosals will be received at
the office of the recorder of the city of
St. Johns, until Aug. 33,1910, nib o'clock
n, ni. for the Improvement of Portland
boulevard from the cast line of Point View
Addition to the west Hue of I'airhavcii
street In the manner Provided bv ordi
nance No. .too sublect to the provisions
of the charter ami ordinances 01 tne cuy
of St. Johns, and the estimate of Uie
citv engineer, on Tile,
This improvement requires 6-foot ce
ment walks, is foot curb.
line hirer's ett mate ol cost f 1 193.6.
Ilids must lie strictly in accordance
with printed blanks which will be furn
ished ou application at the office of the
rcconicr of the city of St. Johns. And
said improvement must be completed on
or U-forc Otcober 18, 1910,
No proposals or bids will be conslttered
unless accompanied by a certified check
payable to the order of the mayor of the
city of St. Johns, certified by a rcspotui
ble bank UA an amount equal to ten per
cent, of the aggregate proposal.
I lie riglil to reject any sua an puis is
hereby reset ved.
Ily order of the city council,
City Recorder.
rubllshed in the St. Johns Review
August 5, 13, aud 19, 1910,
Executor's Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, lor tne county 01 .Muunonun.
In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam II. Guile.
Notice is hereby k'iveu that the under
signed has heretofore twieti appointed by
the above named court as executor of the
estate of said deceased, and has qualified
as such. All persons having claims
aliiat said estute, will present the same
th proper vouchers to the undersigned
at the l'lrst National Hank of St. Johns,
Oregon, within six months from thedate
of the publication of this notice. The
date of the first publication of this
notice is the 34th day of June, 1910
Hxecutor of the estate of William U.
Guile, deceased.
Attorneys for Hxecutor. ,
Thos. Glovor, Prop.
Pure California Port Wine
$1.25. to $2.00 per gallon
'iuest ever brought to St.
Choice liquors of all kinds at
prices most reasonable.
For SaleA fifty dollar course
iu the Scranton Iuternatioual Cor
respondence School, any depart
ment, at 20 per ceut discount, at
rate of I5.00 down, J5.00 per
month; further discount for cash.
Address "B," this office.
Subscribe tor
tka Rsrlsw aad .b
CiM'-lS 19 T Oitciult ASttrtliltl C., CS
Dear Cousin Hans:
Yott Remember I vns promo
tioncd once todcrshocdcpartmcut of
dcr Muck Mcrcnutilc Co., lor Hero
ishucss or somctiiiKSllkc dcr Came
gic medals! Veil, I haf nnoder pro
motioniiitrs ulrendy. You sec, we
sell our shoes so cheap und they nre
so good that nil der peoples they
find him ottd pretty quick und it
keeps uo yumping worscr as a hop
pcrgrass. Veil, one day a pretty
frnttleiu enmed trillipping in ytist
as bright und schvect as tier dog
fennel after a summer rains, und
mine heart yttst yttmped my mouth
oud pretty nigh, but I shut mm up
quick und swallow a couple of times
already tttid vaited on der fraulein
but I vas considerably flustratiouetl
und I put her right foot iu tier
wrong shoe und her foot vot vas
left in dcr oder und she vearcd dem
that vay und it made her vat you
cull "pigeons-toed," und she earned
back to Mr. Muck und made a big
holler und saidt: "Yust look vat
your liddle Yerman clerk did mit
my feets." Und Mr.Mttck vas very
sorry und said he would haf to dls
cipliuatioti me und pretty quick pro
motioned tne to der grocery depart
ment to sell aigs 'cause der vasn't
any rights nud lefts. Veil, dot vas
all right. Ve haf a splendid line of
all kitids of groceries, coffees, teus.
cereals, spices und grocers' sundries
und they are strictly fresli una sold
at the lowest possible prices. Come
und see me with the
Muck Mercantile
Phone, Richmond 821
Improvement Bonds
City of St. Johns
Sealed proposals will be received by
the undersigned at his office in the city
hall at St. Johns, Oregon, until Tuesday,
August 16, iqio, at six o'clock p. m. for
sale at not less than par value and accrued
interest of improvement bonds of the
city of St, Johns, Oregou,(the same to be
isiucd by authority of Ordinance N0.306)
for the whole or auy part of six thousand
ipooco) uouars.
Said bouds will be issued in denoml
nations of f 500.00 each payable ten years
from date, being coupon bonds, bearing
six per cent interest payable semi-an
nually, and subject to all Uie conditions
imposed, directed and stipulated by
wtiat Is known as tne "Hancroit uoud
iug act," under which act as amended,
saui rxmiis are issued.
The richt is reserved to reiect anv or
City Recorder
Published iu the St. Johns Review
July 39 and August 5 and 13, 1910,
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement tho copy for such change
should roach this office not latar than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleaaa
rswsrpbsr thla and save ths prtnUr
Subscribe for tfe St. Johui Review
axil- kep posted es tke dakif-a oX
Ua cltjr. J - ' .
Our Free Cooking School
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of next week
Conducted by
The first lesson will be Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'
clock when Miss Tracy will demonstrate "Cake aud
Salads." All arc cordially invited.
St. Johns Gas Company
A. UNGER, Sole Agent
103 N. Jersey street, next to the PenltiMtla Rank
Spcclul prices to church parties, socials, etc.
Phone Richmond 11
Near the Mouth ol thi Columbia River on the Washington Coast
The Place to Spend Your
Summer Vacation
Twenty-five Miles of Magnifi
cent Beach, Level Compact aud
iT 0T Smooth J0 J0
Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cottage, tent and
camp life. AH tnecotntortsoi Home anil tlie tiealtlilul, invigor
ating recreation of the seaside surf bathing,. fishing,
clam digging, beach bonfires, riding, racing,
hunting, strolls and drives through pic
turesque wooded headluuds
Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Washington
Oregon Railway and Navigation Co.
Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00
Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00
Purchase tickets aud make reservations at City Ticket Office, Third and
Washington btreets, Portland, Oregon, or inquire of any
O, R. & N. agent elsewhere for information
Wm. MciUURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
Spokaos, Portland & Seattle Railway.
Northern Pacific Railway
North Coast Limited vl rugtt Sound
Inland Umpire liiprtu, Q:as . m.ilor Chic
.... Bui. u.i.a.ia. .kau . .... ...t
Walla. Paaco, kooacrctt. Granddallca,
uaic. wnue baimon, btcrenson
1 . 1 1 . .
lai.IulfUUlE H.LlUUh . Twin I .1 v lTira ...a II .
North lUnk I.lmUcd.7iM p m.. lor Chicago St. ! Kaatern fuprcvla Put Sound
rauj, umana, mdhi wny, 01. iaiuii, apoaanc, , i;a.tcrn Hapreas via North Bank
10. ju a. m
its. ana j Atlantic Uxpresa via ruct Sound i i?a. m
, Golden; 1 Atlantic Hi press tU NorthTiank ....iS I
, ancouver ana , Tvrin City Kapress rU Pugt t Bound ..,;'
1 Twin tnjr Kpres via worm Hank ... r.ti b. a.
12LH a. m.
Hank . 91.5 a, mt
. 1 1 iiT 1. 1 . - l t ..... n : . ... ... .... .1 . '., . . -
Columbia Ktvcr Local, 4130 p. in., (or Vancouver,
unu, wnue saimon, (.vie,iranuuaiies,uiQa
and all Intermediate stationa.
Inland Umpire Kxpres.;:47 p.m. from Chlca-
eo. bi. raui. umana. Kansas tiiy. m. umu,
Spokane. Sprague.' RlUville Und. raaco o"h Ban k -. w p. m
Roosevelt. GVauddaUes. White Salmon, Stev. 2r,SwV AvT"' ?PuVd :Ha.Bi
enson. Vancou-er. : ;-" ' r . i
North Rank Limited. 4 a. ui.: from Chlcag
St. Paul. Omaha. Kansaa City, bt. Louts, waiu ;r:.:. l"l iL.'lr c V-7 P-
no. r.iTcr nxpresa m ivortn Bank... p. m
Iortland. Tacoma & Seattle Hior.u - o
lor Grays Harbor, Olympia aud South Bend
Puget Sound Limited, jv p. m., .Grays Hartvor
and South Bend Branches.
vacolt Iassenger
North Coast Limited via North Bank - . 1
a. 1111, a smv a Lit- a ua cu vua. a 11 vara prkn
?S5.-t,."?.r."5W Pacific Kaoresi via North nk ' C
WalU. Pasco. Kooaevclt. Granddalles. White Jtfl. K"" " ,rt"ni1 -'
Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and intermo .P 1 oth Bank.-.. 7:470. m
....! wesceru nxDress vu imirei fiiaun.i ...
ColuiubU River Local 1 .o'clock noon: from CUtts, ! Jo. River Hi .preas via North Baak . . 711; I
Granddalles. GoldendaU, Lyle White Salmon. - A,R' .tf J"lSFl 8ouu4 ' m
vamas, Vancouver anu iu mienucuiaie a ( (V-. .t..;! t v Jz . m
tlona. . j tro Olympia, booth Bend and Craya Harbor
All traUsatop lor paaaengera. 0ca open .Sound Limited i 6:4 p. u
aUnlgU. Tlcksta oa sale lor all points. j aco t-aascaZcr
v. as. uwks, j v.m. ceratu, Agaai.'