LATE CHIEFJUST1GE Melvlllo W. Fuller Possessed Great Administrative Ability. First to Stop Phonetlo Spetllng Dad Land Titles In the District of Columbia Probed by f Committee. Washington. Tho lato chief Justlco of tho Supromo court, Molvlllo W. Ful ler of Illinois, was rognrded In Wash ington ns an ideal man for presiding ofllcor of thnt august bench. Ho at talncd his high position In splto of the fact that when President Cleveland ap pointed him ho was only a practising lawyer of no great national reputation nnd hnd never hold n Judicial ofllco. Tho skepticism which met his appoint' mcnt was almost ns universal as Is now tho Judgment that Mr. Fuller ranked with his illustrious prcdoccs bom as a practical nnd hard-working man. Orlglnnlly holding to legal tenets which grow to bo out of touch with that ho found that tho decision had boon given to tho chief clerk of the court by Justlco Fuller early la tho day, nnd ho in turn had quietly in formed tho nowspapor men. LBS PROBE DAD LAND8 TITLE8. A report recently mndo to congress by a commission appointed to oxamlno land tltloB In tho District of Columbia disclosed that many lots of land occu pied by modorn business houses and residences In tho national capital nro PARIS. Dresses for tho Grand still owned by tho government, not-lOulnznlno, drosses for our fittings, for withstanding tho presont tonnnts bo-Uenalde or Casino. Dress for anything llovo thoy bavo a clear tltlo to tho and everything Is tho order of tho property. For oxample, tho Washington day I Gnsllght compnny occuplos a wholo Madame la Parlslcnno Is at tho le squaro on Twenty-eighth stroot, which Inlth of her "Flovro do Toilette," nnd Is claimed by tho government. A sho Is up betimes to rush off to her paving company occupies n largo tract I tailor for tho smart little costumo of land near Ilock crook to which tho which can no longer bo called a "trot- government lays claim. A trlnngu- tcur," considering that wo can hard lnr ploco of land, now occupied by ly wnlk In It, nnd to her coutouler for many residences, is according to tho thoso flower petal gauze frocks In PARI5IENNE5 L GIRLS PENNED IN CAR ;rapid market for poultry TWO TOT3 PRISONERS, HUN&RY AND THIRSTY 72 HOURS. Ride From Buffalo to Hoboken Where Searching Railroad Officials Find Them Unconscious Vic tims of Doys' Prank. roport, ttio property of tho government This question of land tltlos in tho which sho realizes all tho charm of her (rngllo personality! As to tho heads of tho grcnt houses slstod of Uio attornoy genoral, tho sec retary of war, Sonntor Scott of West Virginia; Itepreaontntivo Ilartholdt of Missouri, nnd ono of tho district nntlonnl cnpltnl Is not n now ono. Two tllcy "0 now rushing off for n brief yours ngo congress created n commls- holiday boforo thnt torrlblo porlod of slon to study It. Tho commission con- "creation" wwcii uiey subject thorn selves 10 during August ana part or Septcmhor. It Is In tho sllenco and mystory of thoso closed doors that tho now fnsh commissioners. Tho ronort rovonls a nro devoted the Paris fashions horrlblo land tnnglo, which tho courts lo whoso tuno tho world mustdanco will urobnb y novor bo nb a to strn Kht- "r centuries nnvo gone 10 crenio mo on out. Tho tnnglo Is tho outcomo of artists In dress whom Paris alono can tho wild speculation in real estate thnt boa,t of possessing. took tilnco for n rood mnnr voiim nfi. Tho exhibition of Ilrussols nnd tho or tho capital wan laid out. coming exhibition of lluonoit Ayros sot r .... t. Tho story, nccordlng to tho lawyer. sna" mnisons into a Who linvn rmwliiplnil Ihn Invnnt crntlnn . Melville W. Fuller. modern thought, tho Into chief Justlco (Well illustrated tho purposo of tho tench by listening to tho ronsonnblo Arguments of lawyers botlor versed nt tho outset thnn ho, nnd boforo tho end of his Judicial enroor was found in tho Oupremo court rocord rovers- Ing tho nppllod principles of law -which ho brought with hi in to Wash ington, Ily ninny nstuto Inwyors this is regarded ns ono of tho most striking examples of tho largeness of tho Judi cial mind of tho Into chlof Justlco. Is ono of romanco and dtsastor. James Oroenloaf of Mnssnchusotts, from whoso fnmlly Iho poot Whlttlor took his tnlddlo natno, waa according to tho story, laid boforo congress, tho first nnd greatest of tho threo land opera tors whoso nnmos figure most In tho enrly doods. Qroonlenf mndo tho first contract to buy of Uio commissioners who distributed tho parcels of land In possession of tho United Slatos. Ho was Joined lntor by Itobort Morris, tho fluanclor of Iho revolution, nnd by John Nicholson. All threo boforo their death woro in Jntl for dobts grow ing out of their ventures In Wnsli lngton Innd. Whnt Morris inado through his financial transactions dur ing tho dark days of tho revolution ho lost In Wnslilngton lands. Private lands woro ncqutred in Wnslilngton In tho enrly days by a vory stmplo process. Tho territory "not exceeding" ton tntlcs squaro was ceded to tho Unttod States govern ment by Mnrylnnd nnd Virginia nnd plncod under tho Authority of threo Pnquln's exhibition In Drussols Is n mnrvol whoso nrtlstlo beauty Is duo Combined with thoso Judicial funo- tlons grcnt ndmlnlstrntlvo nb tr is i..i i.....,.' .. r on ',.,, f H,. .1.1. I . .1 .' o.. I .""""", u..i.u.iiiu u, uio jirei- " ." " ui uiw ou- MonL Thuv or nnv two nf lliam wnrn Iircmo court. This quality Chief Jus tico Fullor possossod In grcnt degree, Fow, If any, coinplnlnts hnvo ovor boon mndo during his administration ns prosldlng offlcur of tho court thnt tho whools of Justlco of Clio highest trlbunnl or tho Innd wero turning too lowly or unevenly. Iluhlml tho out- iwnrd ninnlfestntlon of tho courtly con Oeman nnd his mlldninnnorod volco, wnicu in recent years has boon nl jiiosi innumuio 10 uioso sonted on tho edgo of tho court room, wns a tro ijubiiuuus lorco 01 cuarnctor nnu a keen some of Justlco nnd a capnblllty for bard and porslstent work wholly out of proportion with his years. justlco Fuller never protended to volco tho opinions of nny ono but him celt nnd had no liking for tho llmo- light. Ills position In Wnslilngton niaao n possimo for him to fix his so cIM stntus wliero ho willed, lie had no liking whatever for anything smacking of ostvntntlous dlsnlny. On nnd off tho bonch ho wns the person!- ncntion or juuicinl dignity. Ho pos aossod n senso of humor which ho out pioyeu quietly nnd with effect. Tho aubJecU of his conversation wero full of substanco, scholarly nnd profound nna ricn in wisdom. It wns Justlco Fullor who practically Bottled the fnto of tho Itoosovolt propaganda for phonetlo spelling. At tho tuno whou congress wns dally re cviving iiivsshkub from tho Whlto required, undor tho dlroctlon of tho Senator Scott. to tho fertile brain of tho genius who presides over tho great house that bear hor name. I hare spoken to Mmo. Paqutn, whose unseen presenco Is felt through overy fiber of tho firm's gigantic op erations. To hor Is duo tho Adorable mlse-en-scono that gives such relief to tho exhibition where familiar llfo-llko scenes hnvo tho haunting charm of reality, Tlx lingerie of this houso Is fur fnmcd, for It surpasses In benuty and nrtlstlo merit nil thnt can be (mag- president, to survey nnd by proper motes mid bounds doflno nnd limit n district of torrltory. nnd the territory O UOllnOll U-ntl nall.lilUlin.1 ...1... . . .. . ... r.. . V "- - . t'y.-i uiuu uie empiro nigntgowns nro so .. .... . 0"n" 01 " ctwbollUhod with Inco nnd embroidery United States. Powor wns given tho that not ono Inch of the linen ground- cuiiiiuiBHiuiiars io purcnaso or nccopt WOrk can bo seen, ana on w o enstern sldo of the Poto- Mmo. Paquln Is really nn nrtlst in ...v. nn in" uau ui uiu uilliuu amies. I nvurv anna.i nf lli.. tvnr.l oho I... nnd tho Commissioner WOro further I wnmlerful nrn fnr .rnn'ln ... House spoiled In tho now form of or. "If041 to I)rvK ultnbIo buildings WOll as being gifted with a seuso of thogrnphy nnd whn the houso of run- , ,HW congn'ss, aetnll which rendors hor creations xosentntlvcs was trying to nervo Itself " vwvin , m imuuo omcers 01 uio qulto perfect. to UIO lo 111 at niitllnir n m.lni... iviiiinviu ui uiu uiiuvu amies. Ill Tim " iln Mmlnm.." nl lh n... this now system Justlco Fuller quietly B,nJ?,i0 mRwf l? croct ,ho milv so, lbltlon shows us how llngorlo equolchod Its uso In tho Supremo , .U "K" ..V!Rt. tl.10 Bovornmont cah bo glorllltd. Tho dainty night- court, ai mat timo tho goverumunt J, " ' " ,u vr- gowns nna snut du llts Aro most fas- printing offlco, under orders from ciuatlug uud much encrusted with 'President Itoosovolt, was printing all T'10 report to congress relates that Inco. tiv-Biuuiiv naaiimiiiuii rooi wiio uio it is marvoious how natural wax orlglnnl proprietors in aeorgctown. women can bo mndo to look, nn.i ih Mnrch 29, 1791. As n rosult of this llfo alto dolls nro Almost as natural potted children of luxury, for ono must bo rich to Indulgo In such costly cob webs of laco nnd Itncnl Wo nro reminded of Englnnd's mourning by many of tho gowns seen nt Paquln's, whero tho protty "man ncqulns" parado the lofty flower laden rooms In the rtuo de In Prix. Ono exqulslto model I noted wns of gray tho faintest sllvor gray silk vol- vet with n silver embrotderod skirt of filmy black tullo, over which wns n curiously eastern looking second skirt which only reached either ride of 'tho skirt so that tho dress moved llko a Nnutch girl's skirt with overy ges turo nnd poso of tho wearer, forming n poetry of motion not ensy to de scribe! Tho bodlco veiled nnd un vollcd In turn wns n poem of glittering silver veiled In a vlst of black tulle, Delightful, too. waa n llttlo frocklot of black, tho skirt showlnit a veiled hem of whlto silk, whilst tho upper part of tho bodlco lighted into tho grayncss of black nnd white. For tho country thoro wore fnsctnn ting frocks of whlto plquo with nar row skirts to which a detached trout and back panel gavo wonderful grace Tho con Hot had moat incongruous looso rovors of black satin, faced half wny with cherry color or Chinese bluo volvat, nnd blouse of supplo silk muslin In the most dlsttnctivo huos looked as If they could bo folded Into n nutshell. Whnt wondors an ordinary sized trunk will bo mndo to contain this aonsont Wo hnvo grown wenry of tho bro- dorlo nnglnlso sunshndos. Thoy wero hard nnd ungraceful at best; fnr moro charming nro tho tiny mnrqulso sunshndos, absolutely usoloss In thorn solves, but docorntlvo In tho extreme, as thuy glvo scopo for such protty poses nnd nttltudrst Thoro Is very llttlo to toll of In hats. Wo hnvo tnkan n frantic fnncy for sweet pons, which climb over our straw sbnpcs In superb nnd oxpenslvo profusion, for tho best of us nro grow ing cnddlsh, and wo look to whnt costs monoy moro thnn to things benutlful In thomsolvos. Qlgnntlo popplos with drooping pot nls, two of which nro sufficiently nmplo to trim a hat, nro Uio Intest dovolon mcnt of tho blooms of tho Garden of Sloop. Fruit Is showing on somo of tho hnta tmposstblo fruit, of courso, m plos tho slxo of plums, nnd chorrlos of tho snmo "cnllbro," and nil tho gamut of weeping plumoj nnd dlstrnctod nl grottos that represent tho power of gold! Tho Intest summer dreasos of floral Quicker Dlrd Can De Drought to, Mar ketable 8lze, Greater Profit and Fewer Losses. I nlwnys push my young stock along as rapidly as posslblo until marketed, or until brought to maturity, says n writer In tho Dnltlmoro Amorlcnn. This It pnys to do, oven when I must buy feed nnd nt a high prleo. Tho quicker a bird enn bo brought to mar ketnblo slzo or to tho productive) stngo tho grenter the profit, to say nothing of quicker returns and shortened risk, Now York. Two small girls who' wero penned In a pitch 'dnrk rofrlgerai tor car by boys whoso sense of humor Rapid growth Is nlwnya cheapest and wns nbnormal wero found lying In tho quck rcturns mogt Mtgfttctory. Thero car when It reached Hoboken from nro B)wny8 owcr oMog , a nock k . mu . i.. . ... growing vigorously thnn In ono nl- They woro not nblo to wnlk. It was, Iowp.i in Jr.. nn.i n ,i,..i i SOmo time boforo thyo COUld SPOOk. whch chfrk. nrn n n..lhl. nrn to They had been sovonty-two hours without food or drink or sufficient nlr. Thnt they woro nllvo nt all was n thing to wonder nt. Mnry Monl Is 10 nnd Netslo Do For ko Is 8. Doth girls tlvo nt 21 Indlnnn street, Buffalo. Tho two girls used, every day to run nround tho Lacka-. wnnnn freight ynrds In Duffnlo. Uoys of their ngo nnd older hung nround tho freight yard. Ono morning n couplo of these boys shouted out to tho girls: "Hoy! Thero's bannnas In that car. Want some bananns? Rack In that car you'll Ond somo. Q'wan In." It was an empty rofrlgorator car to which tho boys pointed. Tho two girls clnmbored Into It nnd begnn po king ovor tho floor. They henrd tho heavy door bang to nnd found thorn- selves In blackness. Thoy rushed for tho door and pounded on It Thoy could hear tho boys outsldp laughing In dorlslon. Tho boys mado no attempt to open tlio car door and tho girls got fright- onod. Thoy screamed n llttlo nnd kicked with their baro feet. Pretty soon thoy henrd tho voices of tho boys and knew thorn to bo trying to opon tho door.' Tho door novor budgad, A llttlo longer tho two girls kicked nnd, bent upon the door. Then Mary Monl heard Nclslo fall upon tho floor of tho car nnd begin to sob. Thoy heard an onglno puffing louder every second. Dang; Mary was bump ed to tho floor. Thoro wan nn Inter val of sovernl minutes. Thon tho en- Kino chugged, tho enr gnvo n Jerk, nnd In tho dnrknoss they know thom solvos to bo moving. Thoy wero mov ing rapidly now. Mnry conxod Nelslo up Into n corner. Thoy snt thoro nnd sobbed ns tho train sped. After a long tlmo tbyo felt hollow nnd hungry. Mnry nnd Nolslo ox- plorod tho floor of tho car. Thoy found nothing at all. Tho two girls found they woro to bo without food or wn tor. Resides, It was so hot nnd stifling they found It n labor to broatho, nnd moving nbout wns ex hnustlng. Thoy Iny perfectly still, therefore, nnd In tlmo tho first faint- ness of hunger loft them. Rut It was Intolerably hot, nnd tholr thirst grew. It wns night now. EARLY USE OF INK FINE HAIR BRU8H FIRST METH OD OF APPLICATION. hnwks, rnts nnd other enemies. My young stock la never stlntod. After It Is romovod from tho brooder I contlnuo to feed rcgulnrly nnd ns generously ns boforo. Feed for n con siderable tlmo consists largely of coarsoly ground grains or fresh, sweet milk For this I llko corn nnd whent principally nt first Lntor I ndd other grains, often omitting tho whent or feeding It wholo by Itself. Itvo. nl though chicks will not cnt It wholo. is oxccllont cracked with other uralns. Parley, also pean In small quantities. Is sood. An rhlrlra I whole grains aro gradually substituted hvns discovered. At onco tho demand. Still In Use by Chinamen The Day of the Quill Steps That Marked Gradual Development of Steel Pan. If you would like to witness tho very oldest mothod of writing with fluid, you may do so by cnlllng nt tho laundry. Nino-tenths of nil tho Chl neso lnundrymen In this country stilt mnrk up their nccounts nnd koop nlr tholr books with n fine hnlr brush. While this Is tho oldest method of np plylng Ink, tho first writing wns really done In stono with somo sharp Instru ment When wo consldor this prlnil-, tlvo wny of putting out thoughts nnd tho general happenings of tho dny Into written form, It Is not surprising that so much of tho history left us by our historic ancestors Is Incom plete Tho rapidity with which wo- uso our writing facllltlos of this day will moan much to futura generations. who may seek to know of ub. Tho longost stop from nntlqulty to tho modern wan taken when tho qunll flcntlons of tho goose-qulll for pens becamo so groat for thoso In most parts of tho civilized world thnt tlio raising not only of gecso but ducks, end crows In sovernl of tho countries, of Kuropo beenme In ttsolf n great pursuit England nlono shipped 30, 000,000 quills for pens In n single yenr. Tho quills nttcr 'doing picked, nnd sorted wero given n hot snnd. bath nnd scraped to remove tho out- Mn Klein. Thn tinrrnla nt Itin mlltla. GREAT VALUE OF DAIRY SIRE wro crward hardened In a solu- tlon mado for tho purpose nnd hune for crncked. nyo, If fod wholo, Is cooked. In this nhnpo chicks nro grocdy for It, nnd It furnishes excel lent food. All summer I llko to food n llttlo soft food now nnd thon, cither ground food, shorts or brnn, wet with miiK or wnnn wnter. Grit I keep con- nanny uoforo my nocic, also puro wnior. silk or soft pongeo hnvo quaint nar- T,, beanJ ,of ,""ht wn Kn0, . T.01 documents for tho executive donart, mcnts, Including tho deimrlment of dustlco, In phonetlo apolllug. This In cluded brlofs which wore tubmlttod to conffirence. an ngrcemont wns onterod as creatures of flesh nnd blood. tuo supremo court In n land caso presented to tho court Solicitor Qeu rni ei.ry w. uoyt oiTurcil one of mese Driers, in glancing through it hastily Chlof Justlco Fullor espied a Iho woudorful "scenario" At the Drussols exhibition, with its back, ground of golden yollow nnd Its pink shades, Is all Mmo, Paquln's own de signing. 1 saw some dainty new trlflos at Paquln's In the gulso of cacho corsets Into which resulted In cortnln deeds of trust, under which tho proprietors of tho land conveyed tholr holdings in trust to Thomas llenll, son of fJeorgo Denll, and John MacKnll Qantt In quotation from nn opinion rouderod by conslJorBon of tho sum of flvo shll former Associate Justlco iirn,iiv i U8 nnd tho various trusts, each of which tho word "through" was speilod ,ho l)rol,rletors conveyed his land to mado entirely of laco and Soutlens itii I ho lull! nut Intn miph mirnnta I .. , n u. .l . .. ,u. i ----- - - - - , -, f.utttvD, i KuiKia du uuimy uiiii iiKiu luui inov "Did I undon.n,i v . . ..... parcels and lots ns tho president mlHht nro n luxury for summer wear. r ih this purports to bo n literal Quotation "Mrovo for tho purposo of tho federal tnko tho plnco of corsets. from tho opinion of Justlco Urndloyr ' . r,e8,a.u?' tUe vnrlous par- Nightgowns nre Ideally pretty with bnlt to go to tho original proprietors of tho land and tho other half to tho United States, Inquired tho chlof Justlco, It wns not necossary for him to sny moro. wr, uoyt roniized from this in quiry that phonetlo spelling would not oo loiornieu py the Supremo court, uu luai sunuus uiunuor had boon mndo in changing tho spelling used fcy a former membor of that court. Ho prompuy ana qulotly Informed tho court that thero would bo no repeti tion of tho offonso. That ended pho tiotlo spelling In tho third co-ordlnnto orancn oi me government, nnd short ly thereafter congress Itself llmltod Its use to correspondence between tho ex- ocuiiyo aepartments, thin empire bodices frothed with tiny vulenclennea lace, whllo tho saut do lit and the peignoirs mark tho tran sitions and transformations of tho row skirts tied In nt ono sldo nnd trimmed with a deep band of glace Insortlon. Tho bodlco forma a high draped corsolot, nnd tho yoko nnd sleoves cut en kimono aro ontiroly of laco. This Is a simple and girlish mako of dress. Tho chiffon and laco wraps aro most poetical, A dainty And sorvlceablo frock Is tho ono sketched for our readers to day. It Is of blue green taffeta shot with black, tho stdes vory lightly era. broldered In black silk soutache with suspicion of dull gold. It has a vory deep sailor collar fashioned from wldo black satin ribbon, with narrow Insldo collar of crenm. Tho soft silk Jabot Is of ochre laco. Tho sash and sash ends aro of black satin ribbon with tassoled ends. Tho aleoves have doep rovors ornamented with gold but tons. The lint Is of blnck varnished straw lined with blue-greon straw nnd trimmed with sbnded bluo feathers. nclthor girl slept Tho roar of tho" train wns loud nnd stondy. Oront tenrs rolled down their cheeks. During tho first night Mary mado a useful dlscovory, tho only relief they hit upon tho wholo Journey. Sho Im parted It At onco to Nolslo. You tako your thumb and catch tho tears on It Then you sip tho tears. Tbey aro salt and Inadequate, but tbey cool tho mouth. In experimenting with this discovery tbey passed the rest of the night. At length tho beam of light np- pared, red and pleasurable. All that day tho two lay on tho floor of tho important That Calf Should Have Good Parentage on Doth 8ld(s Puro Dreed Are Costly. (Dy It. I). Itoo.) Raising the heifer calves of eood. high-producing cows, Is a grcnt funda mental roqulslto for tho best nnd caslost Improvement of a dairy herd. nut tnoso calves will tako the r qualltloA from both parents, nnd It Is equally important thnt ench calf should hnvo good pnrontnge .on tho mnlo sldo. Hut nn Inspection of mnnr uniry ncriis will show thnt comnnrn- tlvoly llttlo nttontlon Is paid lo tho quality of tho slro. I hnvo too often seen herd In which Uio bclfar cslves wero raised for futuro cows, but In which tho bulls used woro mtsornblo llttlo scrubs. and weaklings, obtained by simply saving a grndo calf from tho herd. And of mnny other sires, fnlrly good ns Indlvldunls, nothing Is known of tho nctunl milk production of tholr fomnlo ancestors. Thoro nro ns 1 vlow It two princi ple rensons for this. Ono Is thnt un- dor the, custom of selling tho rnlvcs for vcnl It does not mnke much dif ference nbout tholr breeding. Rut ns this custom must bo chanced by sue- men wero on bases, two Players out. cessful dntrymen nnd tho best heifer when tho pitcher of ono of tho nine cnives raisea for cows, It becomes neo- wnlloped tho ball to mlilcenter. He up to dry until thoy woro sufficiently brittle to admit of the silt bolng mado for tho pen. Somotlmes n pockoU knlfo wns used, nnd ngnln n smnll pen kplfo wns used for this purposo. About 8C yenrs ngo steel pens bo gnn to tnko Iho plnco of tho quills. Thoy hnd boon Invontod n number or years beforo, hut ono Improvement nftor nnothcr wns found ncccssnry bo foro thoy could bo brought Into gen oral uso. At first tho holdor nnd pen wero mndo nil In ono ploco, but this. of courso, mndo It ncccssnry to throw nwny tho holdor every tlmo tho pon woro out A pen without tho holdor thnt wo todny pny n penny for, cost ns high ns CO conts In thoso days. And yot thoro Is much moro caro and nttontlon to tho smnll dotnllo In tho- pon wo uso todny than (hero wns In tho 60-ccnt onos of tho enrly days ot tho Industry. American Hoy. Dark and Threatening. Two baseball toams, which woro-' mado up of negro playors, oxhlbltod n. grcnt contest of tho national gnmo bo foro a largo crowd on tho opon lots at Twelfth And Porlor streets, say tho Philadelphia Times. Tho score stood 2 to 2 In tho eighth Inning. Two esiary to provldo good sires. Rut another groat ronton la that tho purr-bred slro costs moro money Underlying both theso Is the funda mental reason that many dairymen fourth station, and as tho runner was'i ao not yet reaiizo tho wondorful Im proveraent that can bo wrought by a touched him. with tho horsehldo, gooa neaa or the nerd, Good Fly Remedy. Tho following Is recommended as a car, Jolted each rolnuto and turning f 00(1 fly remedy: Rcsln. from sldo to side. Then night came on. It Is possible the girls slept nt fully, though they could not recollect Nonroyal Headgear, One of the attaches of the American ombassy at London tells a story wherein Mlchncl Joseph Harry, tho poot, who was appointed a police mag istrate in Dublin, was tho principal figure. There wns brought before him an Irlsh-Amerlcnn, charged with bus- plclous conduct Tha officer making tho arrest stntcd, among other things, that tho culprit was woarlug a "no- publican bat." "Does your honor know what that means!" was tho Inquiry put to the court by the accused's lawyer. "It raoy bo," suggested Harry, "that It means a hat without a crown. Harper's Weekly, Healthy Los Angeles. lxa Angeles, as all tho world knows. Is ono of tho most hoalthy, as well as ouo of tho most beautiful, places on earth. Apropos of tho hoalthtulnoss of Los Angeles, Luther Durbank, tho plant wizard, recently said: "Tho town has, for Its population. on unprecedented numbor ot octo genarians. Tho other day a hale but SPIDER ON THE FACE VEIL very ngod couplo boanlod A Los An- With otbor members of tho court 80leg rivor steamboat TTV.II t. I UU1.I A- 1 1 Justice Fuller had an abhorrence for thoao who used Its decisions as a ve hicle for making monoy on tho stock market. Nothing wns ever said on iho subject in opon court, but overy pbstnelo was put in tha way of such porsons when opportunl'y offered. When tho Consolidated Gas caso from Now York wns doclded It waa nn open secret thnt n lawyer who had n tolo phonlo connection with a stock brokor hnd mndo a good round sum of monoy put of It Whon tho company lntor pe titioned for a rohenrlng boforo to court, tho lawyer ngalu wns on hand prepared If possible to duplicate his former winning, Ho waited all day for tho expected announcement, but It was not until ho gavo up his quest "doing to do a llttlo travollnKr satd tho purser of tho boat Well, no; not exnctly, said tho old man. 'My wlfo and I, you see, hnvo had about our shnro of llfo, I'm a hundrod and eleven and my wlfo hero Is a hundred and six, and we'ro gplng down to Snn Francisco to die. You can't dto In Los Angolos.' M Old Grand Canal of China, In theso days whon overy one Is marvollng at tho huge figures sent out from Pannmn peoplo nppear to havo rorgotton tho old grand canal ot China, which was dug wny back In tho dark ages nnd hna never yot bron rivaled for length. It is 050 miles long and Is used constantly, Latest Freakish Novelty for Woman's Adornment Which Has Been Offered by Tsrls. Tho spider beauty spot veil Is tho latest novelty offered to women. Of courso It originated In Paris. It Is a copy of a spider in black chonllle and Is posed outside tho veil. It Is Almost nn Inch and n halt In diameter. The veil Is worked In Imltatlou of a spi der's web. Tho volts which havo been popular this season so far havo been disfigur ing enough with their leaves, Insects, birds, aeroplanes and scarlikb con ventional patterns as part of tho mesh, but they nil sink Into Inslgnlflcnnce bcsldo the web vol! with Its spider adorn niont Feminine Trifles of Dress. The clerical collars tho ones but toning at the back with shaped turn overs onibrolderod lu whlto with a touch ot color aro among tho popular trlfls. Colored collars embroidered Wings Again. For A change from the favorite flow ers and ribbons, wings are Again In evidence In summer hats, White, black and gray nro the colors that harmonlzo with nearly all shades, Thero Is no denying tho fact that wlnga hav. i wearing quality that Is greater than that of the usual trim ming for summer hats, and then, too, they are comfortable In their ability io carry tne wearer Into tho fall sea son, unfaded nnd Intact with white will ncompany whlto waists for the morning. Of those tho ciri can simply not get enough. Ono of uio triggost nxings for a shirtwaist Is tho Persian trimmed silk ascot or bow. The Persian Is put on In nny sort of a novel wny a slanting piece at the knot nnd another In ono end, or tne snot is nil Persian and the ends nre tipped with tho same silk. There Is no end to the schemes to which the style lends Itself, but the combination ot plain and figured silk Is excellent having done so, Tho second morning found them n little weaker. They no lonner spoko to nch other In one syllnble words, Nelslo tried to repoat a prayer. She repealed "Ave Mnrla" o herself several times. Then came night and as the beam of light faded Mary's consciousness faded, too, and Nolslo, who could cry no more. Inpned Into quietness. Rut when the two girls didn't come home the first night their parents had gono anxiously to the police. Some were found who had seen tho children In the freight yard. F. H. C. Schooffe, chief special agent of the tacknwan. na, theroupon telegraphed Chief Real ty of tho tackawannn special police In Hoboken to peer Instantly Into ev ery empty that reached Hoboken, For two days not an empty car reached Ilobokon without being examined In a hurry. On the third whon a string of twen ty-five empty cars came rolling In Yardmaster Dutton, who happened to be moving nbout the ynrd, pounced on refrigerator car No. 6986 and pried open the door. II Jumped Inside. There In the corner be found the two barefooted girls black with dirt Nel slo was unconscious. It took the doctor two hours to bring both girls to. 1H pounds: laundry soap, two cakes: fish oil, half pint; enough wnter to make three trillions. DIikoI resin In n solution of soap nnd wnter R wh"0' BmI wnen ,no on"ro n,0B wa by hentlng. add the fish oil nnd the crowded Around him tho umpire's; I sprinted nround tho bags ns If In pur suit of n dozon chickens. Tho center floldor ot tho opposing team shot tho ball with terrific speed toward- tho about to cross tho plate tho catcher! Thev negro umpire shouted at the top oft his voice: "De runner am safe," and) as tho word "safe" died away tho mnny spectators began to crowd around tho umpire "What's datt" shouted one. "You done bo blln'," yelled another, and a few other re marks followed. The man argud for rest nf tho wnter. Apply with a bruih If to bo used ns a aprny, ndd n half- pint or kerosene. This mixture will cost seven to eight conts per gnllon and may be used on rows or calves. One-bnlf pint of this mixture Is con sidered enough for one application for a cow; a calf, of courso, would re quire considerably less. Two or three applications a week will be sufficient until the outer ends of the hair be come coated with realn. After that, retouch those parts where resin has rubbed off. voice rang out In loud tones: "Qame called on account ot dnrknoss!" Spray Your Trees, Spray your trees, fruit or no fruit It will take grit, grace and greenbacks to spray a fruit tree without the fruit In sight. It's the next crop or crops that should Interest you now Re hopeful, be faithful, be timely, If you wish to be a successful orchardlst The apple crop will be a short one In 1810 and not so evenly distributed as Id 100?, Look tor optimistic re ports from the fellows who have axes to grind. A Rest Easy Boss. -Well, whatta y' thinks that I" ex claimed the new stenographer, look ing dazed. "What's tho matter r "Woll, you see, I was out to a dance- last night and stayed late. Of course I nm horribly tired this morning, nod I almost wont to sleep over the dic tation, I was terribly afraid the boss would notice It, and so he did. When, ho asked me whnt waa the mnttor I was so scared that I told him tho truth, nnd then 1 Just knew I would be fired, but whatta y tblnkl He said. 'Well, Just write bait a dozen of the most Important letters and then go home and take a nap.' I thought he wns Joking or that It was a new way of firing me, but be Bald he was In earnest: that be had been young: once and that ho thought I'd do better work the next day It I had a chance. to rest up. You bet I will. Dut I nevsr heard ot a boss like him," Unworthy of Mention, She And you have no relatives? Ho None to speak of. Not one of them owns an Automobile. Bull Thistles, Dull thistles, common In pastures, cannot always be killed by mowing. Mowing tends to prevent maturity" ot seed. Cutting off the thistles Just below the surface of the ground, two or three times a year, will effectually eradicate them. Dog Bites Off Boy's Tongue. Philadelphia, Pa. Feeding bis pet dog In a novel way, allowing the ani mal to take bits of food from his mouth, Francis Zoraskto, six years old. of 438 Wharton street, lost the tip of his tongue. Tho dog clipped off a bite In taking the food. The boy was taken to Mt Sinai hospital, but Is not seriously hurt Feather Eating, Llco sometimes cause feather eat ing. The hon in attempting to ease herself of the annoyance caused by the Irritating presence of the llco, picks at the 'base of the feathers, occasionally pulls pno out, and finding It succulent, continues till she becomes a confirmed feather cater. Flgg- Pussy's Rival, -It's singular how those old What She Wsnted. "My wife," sighed the weak- mouthed, glve-up-all-hope-looklng man, Children's Rompers. A new Idea In children's rompers Is a circular cut designed more especial ly tor small gtrla' ploy, because tho fulness created by tho circular sug gosta a skirt It Is mado from pink and whlto or blue and whlto chocked gingham. The sleeves aro elbow length, taken Into band cuffa, and the garment is prottlly'trlmmed with narrow folds ot whlto piping. Rompers may now bo bought for bablos of ono or two years of ago. Tho material Is checked ging ham, made with a square-cut Qtek aad short puff sleeves, - writers live on and on. I can under- ('"was -not satisfied with having the Complaints at Postofflce Window. The patient clerks at the complaint window In the poatoffioe have some queer experiences, says the Kansas City Star. Uncle Sam la his benevo lent way has given them one weapon of defense, the complaint blank. Tho wise clerk Is polite and asks that tho blank containing the grievance ami other data for tbo postal Inspectors be filled out. The writing of the com plaint usually cools off the anger of the complainant Not so was the ex perience of one of the clerks in tho Federal building the other day. 'I've been waiting for a packago of medicine I know was mailed to me a week ago," said a woman who ap peared at tho window, "Too bad, said the suave clerk. "Please fill out this blank and tell In full the nature of your complaint" "Well, if you must know Us bilious- ness, was tne woman's reply. stand It In Plutarch's ease. Fogg Why Plutarch, ejpoclnlly? Figgs His lives outnumber those of a cat minister omit the 'obey clause when we wero married." "What raoro did she want?" queried the Individual with the ln-curro nose. Wouldn't Do. Visitor And you always did your daring robberies single-handed? Why sno wantea tne ciause inserted in I awn i you nave a pair Defined. Lawyer Were tho letters In the case surreptitious? Witness No, sir; they was type written. my response," murmured the other speaker, in a tono that proved his wife had not been disappointed. Prisoner Woll, sir, I wur afraid ha might turn out to bo dishonest Cleveland Leader. ' Too Bad About Johnny, "Johnny's dental bill," sighed Mrs. Lapsling, "Is somothtng frightful. He has raore gregarious teeth in hia head than any boy I ever saw." Natural Deduction, Juck Miss DePlayne evidently has a fine sense ot humor. Tom Why do you think so? Jack I caught her. In the act of smiling at herself in a mirror this moral eg. ' Both Busy. "We were sweethearts once. I havsi always Intended to marry that sjlrL'1 "And why haven't you?" T" ( , -, w , " v waiv uoveT sa penea to d unmarried umultaaeousj