f f ilk Beauty in Furniture Does not necessarily imply the most costly materials but rather good judgement in selection. The showing of everything at this store is quite at its best. Every department has a . bright, fresh, attractive display. YOU are always as welcome as we can possibly make you. We buy furniture in car lots WE OFFER YOU 1st The World's best factory pro ducts. 2nd Courteous, honest treatment. 3rd Cheap prices. t 4th Confidential credit. The Practical Furniture People. MOTORS For Sewing Machines MOST SATISFACTORY Labor Saving Device ',. for Domestic Use $16.50 . : ELECTRIC STORE 7th St., Corner Alder St. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI o An Attractive Layout Is what you will Hs cover by calling at this hardware store. We carry a most com plete line of cutlery, such as.pocket knives, rarors, strops and hones. Keeu Kutter shears and Cattaraugus pocket ) knives fully warranted. ! ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO( Vff'Jf, LUMBER: Slabwood. J Rough,. Prompt Dry, Dressed, Deliveries. Green, J ' Flooring, Quality Blocks, Finish. Guaranteed. Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 A. B, HSMSTOCK CK0 KUSTOCit HEMSTOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING . full lln. of Robaa, Caskata, .to., kapt In atook LADY ASSISTANT SSffi!$s UNIVERSITY PARK, OREGON H. HENDERSON 122 Jersey St Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. Local News. Arc you usitiK printed back en velopes? If not, why not? M. S. Cobb and family were over Sunday visitors at Seaside, return ing Tuesday, reported a good time. Win, Copies was taken to St. Vincent hospital Monday, ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. II. L. Clark, sou and daugh ter, arc visiting the family of D. J. Horsman, while enroute to Seattle. John parkin, recently from Pen dleton, will make St. Johns his home this winter and is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. A.Frcdcricksou. Sec the new St. Johns range at Cnlcf Bros. It's a home product and worth seeing whether you want to buyor not. John A. Horau assistant mauagcr of the St. Johns Lumber Co., has moved iuto one of the Carlson cot- cottages on I'ilmorc street. Start saving today I Start with one dollar) It s the start tliat counts. Time Certificates of Deposit arc issued by the First National Batik. . it John Nocc, our genial merchant tailor and Dr. Vincent Scott, one of our enterprising tooth carpenters arc playing in the briny deep at Long Beach this week. Register. Do it now. Work fnr a Onat(r Rt John". Mrs. J. H. LeVallcy who has been dangerously ill is reported out of danger. o Wanted A good farm near St. Johns or Peninsula. Address "Mrs. J. S." care Review office. For Sale Modem 5-room house conveniently located, good river view; $450 cash, S0.50 at $10 a mouth. Inquire at this office. o - No, your register at the city election does not count. You will have to register again or hove your neighbors Help you to vote. Remember, the price of the Re view is only one dollar per year for the next thirty days. We need the money. o Mr. and Mrs. T. Ii. Butler, of Everett, Wash., and J. L. Archi bald and family of Goblc, arc visit- iutr at the home of G. L.Archibald, and Miss Licla Archibald has gone for a month's visit with her grand mother, Mrs. L. M. Butler, at Monmouth. W. F. Johnson, assistant P. M. has gone to Dillcy to pick his crop of Gravcustciiis, about 150 boxes, which he says arc "as good as Hood Rivers." If you want to buy, rent, sell or exchange property sec Wolcott, (The Rent Man.) St. Johns Office, 401. South Jersey. Portland Office, 245 Washington Street, Phone Marshall 1556. A. C. Gcslcr is "rustycatiug" at the beach this week, going down last Saturday and expecting to re turn Thursday. The fish, clams, crabs, shrimps and other denizens of the briny deep will have a crimp put iuto their anatomy by the time Brother Gcslcf is through with them. Sec the St. Johns Saud and Gravel Co. for estimate on your basement or cement and plaster. We can save you money and make a little for ourselves. Phone Rich mond 1571. Dr. and Mrs. Uartcl arc spend ing their vacation in Vancouver, B. C. with their collccc friends. Dr. mid Mrs. V. A. B. Anderson. Tliev expect to be gone about two weeks and will also visit menus at bcattle and Tacoma 011 their way home.' 0 Tom Condon figured in the role of a disciple of Izak Walton last week and returned with a basket ot fine croppies. We know, 'cause we tried a buucit ol tnem tor break fast. Next to catching them, we like nothing better than masticating the little shiners. Cooking School Tuesday in Hick tier's halt is the latest in the cull nary art. Note advertisement of the new school in another column. Miss Tracy will be here but three days and it is hoped our good ladies, who arc so noted for their fine cooking will attend and gather a few new wt inkles in the art. There is nothing belter than good cooking except the eating of it. THE BIG SHEARS are the emblem of thl tailoring iliop. They cut into the clotli for your new I ult, or overcoat, in jwifcct confidence I In the guiding lutid of our cxiwrt cutter. I RrtutU maiilicit thcmielve at the I flrt fitting, and j When the Garment Is Finished you find you have the SWW.U'.ST l'.VJJR. Our moderate price ii doubly There will be a meeting of the j reasonable ilnce our garment outwear chapter of the American Wonan's e rcady-made clothing three time I.eauue. lr dnv. August 10. at me uvcr. Portland city hall. It is desired by number of our ladies that an or ganization of this society may be instituted in ht. Johns and an ellort will be made to accomplish it. JOHN NOCE & CO. TAILORS Phone flfohmoncJ 841 UNFAIR!! Workingman and all others take notice That the ST. JOHNS PHARMACY have broken 'their agreement with the high-priced drug stores aud that nerealter they will go it alone, in the best way they see fit,theiroue ob ject being to give the people of St. Johns the lowest possible prices on drugs, patent meaicmes ana uruggisis- sundries. For some weeks past we, have been taking each week, a portion, of of our patent medicine list and marking the item down to cost, or nearly cost, as an advertising feature. We intend to continue this feature of our advertising, so it would be a good idea for you to turn to our ad each week without fail, as it actually means a saving of 30 to 40 cents a week to you, if we are to believe what others have already told us. Here is this week's list of cut rates, 1. 00 Jayues Alterative 74c 50c Pond's Extract 37c 1.00 " " 74C 50c Electric Bitters 37c 1.00 " " 74C 35c Welches Grape Juice 30c 50c " " " 40c 50c Liquocide 37c i.oo' " 74c 50c Murine Eye Remedy 37c PHONOGRAPH SPECIAL To stir up our Phonograph business, we are going to make the same offer we made once before. This is it; A Phonograph and one doz. Records for $18.50 The records if bought separately would cost you 7.80 The machine if bought separate would cost you 15,00 These two amount to a total ot 22. ho Taking advantage of this deal enables you to save $4. 30 The records are double, which means they enable you to play on both sides, thereby giving you a collection of 24 selection. This offer good for ten days. ST. JOHNS PHARMACY "At Bed Rock." NORTH BANK PHARMACY 71 HOME OF THE FAAIOUS NYALS REMEDIES. VU DKMVKR. EVKKVWHimK 1'RHB "CURRIN SAYS SO." Wc arc sole agents for the fam ous Nyal remedies. We buy them direct from the manufacturers. They arc always fresh and pure. Just arrived a shipment of Ricgcr's California perfumes from the place where the flowers grow. All odcrs. Come in aud sample them. For This Week Only Wc will sell $1.00 Gem Junior Safty Ra zors for 75 cents. The Gem is the best $1.00 razor ou the market. PRESCRIPTIONS "We can fill your prescription no matter whose Wank it is written on." Cut Rates on All Patents J 1 1 The ISlcamiliip line, railroaJi and Iiolcli throughout the world accept I , the "A. B. A." TravclcrV Cheques at full value. They are M lfQ known far and wide ai "Tho Pcifcct International Exclude." 1 Tin IJcl chci)Ut lo travel ltli KlMJcntifylng. convcokat, ufe, I TPY THCM NCXT TniP R THE PENINSULA BANK j Custodian I Are You Open to ggg Are You Willing Conviction? W to Compare? You'd Be Sorry If you paid the other fellow more than we ask. Just a look will convince you. It costs you nothing to investigate. No better chothes made anywhere than the "BROADWAY MODEL" "Ready to wear garments" We are SOLE AGENTS for these suits. No more 1 Opposite City Hall Phone Jersey 972 jg $15 Couch & Co. No less ft? t?4 ?4 4 4 ?! &4&4 l7f ? 4 4 4 4 l?4 l& l& 4 7 4 4 4 &4 A a Fresh and Select Groceries . - Icct groceries procurable. feat No Stale Goods are Kept in Stock It is tho constant aim of this store to ever keep only the freshest and most se- .1 I : : : i Wo arc well pleased with (lie generous patronage accorded tills establishment since the same lias come into our possession, and it is evidence to us that the pco- i nln rti i Inline am uirlnllv nnnroiln(it n thnrnnnrlilv first rlnsa in-nCiV stom. pie of St. Johns and vicinity appreciate a thoroughly first class grocery store. NORWEGIAN PATRONAGE SOLICITED A. B. LINDBOE Successor to J. F. Hendricks 111 West Burlington Street I