St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 05, 1910, Image 7

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Channlng had como within an nco
of bolng lato at Mrs. Ormo's dinner.
Tho olock had struck half-past sovon
whllo ho was rushing upstairs two
steps at a tlmo, to throw off his coat
find hat, and as he entorcd tho draw-fog-room
to groot bis hostoss, tho dis
approving buttor followed closo at his
hoels, and Immodlately announced din
ner. When Mrs. Ormo said to him
hurriedly, "You'll tako out Miss Pa
tricia Amos, Jimmy, 1 bollovo you
know her," ho could only gasp, "Oh,
cortnlnly," and wonder what would
Then ho saw, Patricia, of whom ho
hnd not so much as caught a gllmpso
for throo long dreary weoks, ndorablo
llttlo Pat, with whom ho was madly
In lore, and who, as ho was sadly
nwaro, had promised novor to speak
to him again. And Pat was honorablo
and literal. On seeing him sho turned
pnlo, and when ho offered her his arm,
sho was all but potrlfled with tear. Dut
there was no encapo. It was awkward
enough, yet It was Impossible for thorn
to tnko Mrs. Ormo Into their confl'
donco at tho last moment and bog for
an oxchango of partners.
In splto of the situation, howover,
Channlng qulotly exultod, as ho folt
Iter llttlo hand trembling on his arm,
and ho exulted tho more, when, after
-a hasty glanca about, ho learned that
Patricia's dragon of a grandmother,
her only relatlvo and chaperon, was
not fining at Mrs. Ormo's thnt ovo
nlng. It iiindo ono difficulty less, and
Mrs. Amos had bean a difficulty for
Channlng, a frosty and forbidding ono.
A month had passed slnco ho had
mot Patricia, whllo thoy wcro crossing
from Liverpool. Mot T that was tholr
final mtstako, for tholr mooting, to say
Held It to Her Lips, Htr Byss on
tho least, had been unconventional
This was tho most heinous of crimes
In tho eyes of Patricia's grandmother
'who relgnod on Beacon street In Ilos
,ton, read Emerson and Professor
James exclusively, and looked severe
ly out upon a generally Impossible
-world through her gold lorguotte. On
thu steamer her stooly eyes, thus aid
d, had Instantly pierced Channlng's
obvious external attractions, and bad
examined and vlvlsectod his soul
'When later sho found that ho not only
did not live on Deacon street, but was
not conncctod with known dwellers
thortun, aha was shocked enough. But
when sho further discovered that he
was not even from Boston, but an In
habitant of Chicago, she shuddered
there were such possibilities In the
way of commerce tberol Too horrl
fled, at tho tlmo, for speooh, she
could only wave her lorgnette In de
spair. No wonder Channlng was
pleasod at avoiding this "difficulty
at Mrs. Orme's dinner.
As he and Patricia walked speech
lessly down the long hall that led to
tho dining-room a thousand tender
memories flashed through his mind.
Within one hour after leaving Liver
pool, be bad fallen violently In love
with Patricia, as she sat opposite him
t the table In the dlnlngsaloou. Out
whenovfr bo had so much as glnncod
In her Direction he had been met by a
etony stare from her watchful grand
mother and as he knew none of the
few choice spirits on the boat whom
Mrs. Ames admitted to her sacred
circle he folt hopeless and helpless.
Fortunately for blra. however, on tho
socond day out a storm prostratod
most ot tho passengers, among them
Mrs. Ames, Slnco sho could not rea
sonably forbid Patricia's eating, the
ztdorablo one bad appeared alone at
luncheon and had actually sent him a
weot; ahy little smile by the time
they had stupidly gone through five
courses .and then, most delicious of
memories Just then It bod happened.
Dy the time Channlng had reached
this recollection he was pushing In
her chair for her at Mrs. Orme's table,
For a moment he touched her white
gown and his fingers tingled. The
perfume ot her roses intoxicated mm
and he bait closed his eyes as be re
called that thrilling moment when Pa
trlcla, venturing out on the sloping
deck after luncheon, bad been roughly
flung straight at him. If be bad not
been there she would probably have
srona overboard, as the ship careened
For one bl Useful moment ho had held
her In bis arms.
Channlng. wth difficulty, drew out
a "yea" and "no," and nothing more
from his shy neighbor. At the end of
two courses ho felt decidedly bored.
Petmle were noticing that he ana
trfcla had turned their back to each
nthor and even the poised Mrs,
Onne now and then shot an inquir
ing fianaa of distress at nun. mo
was Inwardly vexed and In despera
tion turned boldly to. Patricia.
Tfcu u a horrible bore." ha siJ
nd t m Ml to talk to rom, and
eot to listen and look ltr-
eettJ. or eta Mr. Oraas and til tbsjw
otnors will bo shocko4 and talk about
It As you havo a consclonco, you
noed not say anything at all. Hut M
ho lowered his volco "It's Immense
simply ripping, Just to bo near you,
Pat. You look adorablo In that whllo
gown, I novcr saw you In ovonlng
dross bofore, you know, and I'd Hko
to pick you up In my arms and run
away with you."
Channlng controlled his expression
In somo unaccountnblo wny and to
nnyono looking on ho might havo been
making conversation about tho weath
er. Dut Patricia grow very pink and
confused ns ho went on making lovo
to hor tinder tho very oyes of Mr. and
Mrs. Grundy. At first sho rolled and
noddod onco or twice, but kept hor
red lips tightly closed, ns though
afraid n word would slip out Involun
tarily. Then, suddonly, sho picked up
hor placo card and rcgardod tho fat
Cupid painted upon It.
Do you know," she said to It, "that
I am not sorry to soo a cortatn per
son again. I'm talking to you, you
lovely pink cherub," sho explained.
"Dut you mny tell him, tho certain
person, whoso name cannot bo men
tioned, all thnt I say, and it you can,
all that I think ns woll."
She flashod Channlng a llttlo glanco
through hor long lashes a look that
sent tho blood racing through his
veins. Then her faco clouded and she
shook hor bead mournfully at tho still
smiling llttlo lovo god.
"Thcro will be a horrlblo row later,"
she confldod to the card. "Grand
mamma Is coming to the reception
after dinner, and, oh, when she bogs
a certain person, thcro will bo such
row, and I shall bo snatched away,
and she won't bollovo that I've not
spoken to him. Dear llttlo Cupid,"
sho Implored, "can't you llvo up to
your reputation and como to tho res
cuo and help me out!"
Under cover ot tho ohatter and tho
laughter nnd tho subdued confusion ot
a largo dinner the two, apparently
conversing, felt quite alone, and woro
no longer watched.
"Dearest Patricia," Channlng ox
claimed. "I don't coro. I'm going to
steal you away from your dragon
grandmother. Can't Mrs. Ormo toll
her thnt I'm rcspoctablo?"
Patricia loo'ted up at blm with lovo-
ly, serious oyes, then glanced down
again at tho card. "You know," sho
Instructed Cupid, "grandmothor does
not, nnd enn novor, know n cortatn1
porson. Mo lives In Chicago, which
I beyond tho palo. Ho was novor In
troducad proporly."
"It's not all over, Patricia Ames,"
ho muttered. "It's only Just begun.
If you think I'm going to glvo In to
her you are much mistaken. I don't
enro If tho Is your grandmother and
a Doiton Amos. I warn you I'm go
ing to' run away with you, If shn won't
glvo you to me properly."
As Mrs. Ormo nine, Patricia hastily
torn a flower from her corsage bou
quet and absently held It to hor lips,
hor eyes on Channlng. Then, In tho
confusion causod by the women leav
ing tho table, sbo slipped It Into bis
On Jorly ro,
she misquoted to the celling
Tll htm 'who wiilu hit time and m,
That now he knows,
Thst-thst-I lov htm sol
Then she brushed past him and
wont out of tho room.
Channlng, with tho rose In his hand,
smoked nervously, not listening to the
stories of the other men and only t thhe .oi.:
half answering when be was directly cnea 18 roln na ttl0 animal sped for
addressed. As soon as possible he w(ira ngnln "I've been looking awful
went to the drawing-rooms, where tho 1 y hard for a friend, Cousin Olive, und
guests for the reception were already
assembling. Across the great space
ho caught sight of frightened Patri
cia sending him a wnrnlng glanco, nnd
nt the same moment saw the causo of
her terror. There, standing near
their hostess, he behold tho tall and
commanding form ot Mrs. Ames of
Deacon street. They -woro talking anl
matedly and Mrs. Ames was smiling,
actually smiling he had never seen
her smile bofore and nodding her
stately head as If something pleased
her. Then, suddenly, she turned and
swept ponderously forward, bearing
dawn toward Channlng like a full
rigged ship.
For a moment be was terrified and
could have turned nnd rut Ilka a
frightened hare. The memory of the
last chilling scene with her held htm.
"My dear Mr- Channlng." Mrs, Ames
waa saying, "what a pleasure to see
you again I I have Just been talking
to Mrs- Orme, one of my oldest and
closest friends, and she tells me that
you are the grandson of my dear
friend, Dlshop Alnsley, and that Gov
ernor Winter of New York, a remote
connection of my own, Is your uncle.
You roust como to see us at onco. My
granddaughter, Patricia, I am Btire,
will be glad to see you. Wo are stay
ing at the Dlanka' while we aro In
New York, and when we return to
Ronton I shall hope tp wolcome you
otton at my homo on Dencon street.
If you happen to see Patricia this
evening." she turned to say, as she
left him gasping some awkward words
ot thanks, "It you should happen to
see Patricia, you may tell hor that
that sllenco Is not always commend
able." California Rich In Oil.
In the last two years California,
called the Oolden state and the scene
ot more gold excitement than any
other state In the Union, has produced
greater value tn oil than In gold. The
value ot oil to the producers them
selves last year waa about 43,000,000,
although positive figures are not yet
available, while the production of gold
was in the neighborhood ot $21,000,
000, or less than half. This great ad
vance in oil valuo over gold Is, It
must be understood, In no way aided
by a falling off in the production of
Wireless and the Railroads.
The Electrician states that the
Pennsylvania railroad officials aro
still making experiments with wire
less telegraphy with a view to ascer
taining Its efficacy for railroad work.
The mast in use for the testa Is erect
ed near Altoona, on the mountain, at
a point 1,655 feet above the sea lerel,
the receiving apparatus itself being
1,785 feet above the level ot the
ocean. Communication already hag
beea established with various wire
less stations along the Atlantlo coast,
as -well as with. Ttxiouj TWMi a)
r Zelda Dameron-T
Copjrlitit, 1904, hr Th DobU-M.rtlll Co.
CHAPTEIt V. (Continued.) I
"Pardon mo" Zelda brought her
Aoreo to tho curl) 'but I've lost my
way. Can you tell me "
The girl stepped to tho curb nnd do-
icrlbcd tho easiest way across town.
Sho was small nnd trim of flguro and
had very blue eyes.
Thank you," said Zelda, ana zen
started forward.
"You nro Miss Dameron," tho teach
er said, hesitatingly.
"Yes." Zclda turned toward her in
It's been a long tlmo since I saw
you as mnny ns a dozen years." Tho
girl smiled and Zelda smiled, too.
"I wish I could remember. I'm nor-
ry, but won't you help mo?"
"It was when you were a nine gin
10 was I, but 1 was older and my
mother took mo to sco your mothor,
and wo played, you nnd I, that Is, In
tho yard, whllo our mothers tniued.
You woro a red dress nnd I thought
you wcro very grand."
Tho bluo eyes wcro looking Into tho
dark ones. Thcro was a moment of
hesitation and scrutiny. Then Zclda
put out her hand.
"You nro my cousin. Ollvo Is It
Merrlnm? please don't tell me that
Isn't rlghtl"
"Ycsi that Is Just right."
"I'm going to tnko you home, It
you're ready to go, Cousin Olive. I'm
badly lost and don't remember tho wny
you told mo to go. It's so exciting
meeting a long-lout cousin!"
Ollvo Mcrrlam debated an Instant,
In which sho surveyed her now-found
cousin doubtfully. Bho had started
homo when tho battto at tho school
liouso door gave her pause. Thcro was
no excuse for refusing. Zclda had gath
ered up tho reins, and waited.
"Do comet Zan Isn't dangerous and
neither am. I."
"Thank you. I'll havo to como now
to show that I'm not nfrnld."
Tho boys lingered at n safe-distance,
nnd ns Zelda drove past thetn nt tho
corner, several of them snatched off
their caps nnd grinned, nnd Ollvo aier
rlnm called uond-n uht to them.
As Zelda followed tho route Indicat
ed by her cousin, sho was busy tryliw
to find a lost strand of family history
that proved elusive. Hho did not nt all
remember her mother's brother, Thom
as Mcrrlam. Hhe hnd nover heard hor
ii u tit or undo speak of tho relationship,
and sho surmised, now that sho
thouuht of It. that hero must bo anoth
cr of those breaks In the family con
nection thnt had already revealed rag
god edges. It was growing late, nnd
sho put Znn to her best paces, until
presently they enmo out upon n broad
imvrd thorouuhfaro.
"That's bettor," Srfld Zclda. "I'm
suro I should nover havo found the
wny out Mono. I don't believe I was
ever down there bofore. Plenso let mo
ilrivo vou home. I haven't the least
Idea whore that Is, so It I'm going
"It's Harrison street" Hho descrlb
ed the route. "You'ro taking a lot ot
trouble about me."
"No. It's tho dther way around. I'd
never have soon tho court-housa clock
again If It hadn't been for you. And
then" they approached a cross street,
and Zelda checked the flight of Kan
nnd bent forward to see whothor the
I want youl"
"You ore kind but you don't under
standA lot of things." said Olive Mer-
rlam. "You nnd I on n't be friends
There are reasons"
"I don't enro for any reasons," said
"Hut they're not my reasons they're
other people's! That's our house there,
where the shades are up and a light Is
tn the window."
"I don't cure what other people say
about anything" and Zelda brought
Zan to a stand at the curu in irom ot
Olive's door.
"I'd ask you to stop" began 01
"I'm going to stop." said Zelda "to
see you quite on your threshold. Zan
stands without hitching, usually. I'll
take my chances."
Harrison Is only a street In minia
ture. A poet wrote a song about It
that made It the mast fumoue street
in Mariona. The houses there aro
chiefly one-story-and-a-half cottages,
und In one of these, which was saved
from Intrusive eyes in summer by a
double lino of hollyhocks, nnd whleh
had at Its back door at seasonable
times a charming old-fushloned gar'
den. lived Olive Merrlant and her
ollvo threw open the door nnd Zelda
stepped Into ft sitting-room the home
had no hull where a coal tire burned
cozlly In a grate. The room ran the
length of the house; the woodwork
was white; the floor was pine, stained
a dull red and covered with rugs mado
of uld carpet. A siuumu lump with a
' green shade stood on a table In tho
center of the room. Thero were maga
zlnes and books on the table, and
halves In tho corners held other books.
An elderly woman looked up from the
paper she had been reading as the door
opened. A cane lay on the floor beside
her and told the story of the lines of
nuln In her face,
"Mother, this Is Zelda Dameron. Sho
has brouKht me home," said Olive.
"She didn't want me to at all, but I
made her let me," said Zelda, crossing
the room and taking Mrs, Merrlam's
The woman bent her eyes they were
blue like Olive's upon the girl with a
crave Questioning.
"You are Margaret's daughter you
are Ezra Dameron'a daughter," she
"Yes, and I didn't know about you
at all until I found Olive to-day. And
1 didn't know that any Merrlams any
where lived In a house like this. Why,
It's a home. I'm going but tell me
that I may come back again,"
There was something so sincere and
wistful In Zelda's tone as she spoke,
standing between the firelight and the
lamplight; something, too, In the glance
ot appeal she gave the little room, that
broke down the antagonism in Airs.
Merrlam's eyes. She put out her hand
"Yest I hope you will come. We
shall be glad to see you."
Ollvo followed Zelda to the steps, and
saw the runabout turn In the narrow
street and whirl away. She watched It
until Zelda's erect figure passed like a
flash under the electrlo light at tbe cor
cer and disappeared Into tbe dark be
"What miracle Is this?" asked lira,
Morrlam of Olive. "Nothing short of n
mlrnclo would account for It."
"I met her down nt tho school-
house. Sho had lost her way and ask
ed mo how to find Jefferson street. I
called her by name sho seemed to re
member me, and then sho Insisted on
bringing mo homo. Sho scorned rather
pitiful; she said she was lonesome and
wanted a friend."
Ollvo sat down on a stool at her
mother's feet. Sho was nfrnld to show
too much Interest In this new-found
cousin. Her mother was clearly puz
zled and troubled; tho moment was
difficult; but sho felt that It was Im
portant to dctcrmino their tuturo re
lations with Zelda Dameron now.
"Sho Is vory llko hor mother. It
gavo mo a shock to see hor. Margaret
had that samo Impulsive way. In any
ono clso It would havo seemed strained
nnd theatrical, but no ono ever thought
of It In Margaret. Every ono always
said, when sho did nnythlng a llttlo
odd, that It was just hko Margaret
Dameron. Your father hadn't any o:
that; ho wasn't llko tho rest of tho
Mcrrlams. Ho tried to no on goon
terms with Ezra Dameron, though
Ezra novcr appreciated It; nnd tho rest
of thorn dropped us for countenancing
him. Dut Zelda what do you think
of hor?"
"Sho didn't glvo mo tlmo to think.
Sho charmed mol 1 never saw any
body llko her In tho world. Sho has
such an air of mystery that doesn't
seem Just tho word, but I don't know
what to call It. Hho's ndorablo!"
Itodney Mcrrlam nnd Morris Leigh-
ton walked up High street to tho Tip
peennoo Club, which occupied a hand-
somo old brick mansion that had been
built by the Mcrrlams who had after
ward lost his money. Mcrrlam usually
went thcro lato every afternoon to look
over the newspapers, ntuL to talk to
tho men who dropped In ui tholr way
home. Ho belonged nlso to tho Ham
ilton, a much larger and gnyer club
that roso to tho height of five stories
In tho circular plaza about tho sol
dlers monument at tho heart of the
city; but ho never wont there, for It
was noisy and full of politics. Mnny
young men fresh from college belong
ed to tho Tlppccnnoo, nnd Mcrrlam
liked to talk to them. Ho was mora
constant to tho club than Morris,
though they often went there together,
A number ot men woro sitting nbout
tho flreplaco In tho lounglng-room.
Tho lazy blazing logs furnished the
only light. A chorus of good-evonlngs
greeted tho two mon In unmlstakablo
cordiality, and the best chair In tho
room was pushed toward Itodney Mor
"Mr. Morrlam, Captain Pollock; nnd
Mr. I-elghton."
A young man roso and shook hands
with the nowcomers. Morrlam did not
know most of tho group by name. Ho
hud reached the age at which It seems
unnecessary to tax tho momory with
new burdens. It was, he held, good
club manners to speak to all the man
you moot In a club, whether you know
them or not. The youngsters at the
Tippecanoe were for tho greater part
oollego graduates, just starting out in
the world and retaining a Jealous hold
of their youth through the ties of the
Captain Pollock has been telling us
about the Philippines," said one of th
group. "We've been trying to find out
whther he' an imperialist or how
about It. but ha won't tell."
That shows his good Judgment,'
said Mcrrlam.
"It shows thnt I want to keep my
Job," declared Pollock, oheerfully.
-And 1 11 be casnierea now tor certain,
If 1 don't got back to the Arsenal. Ma
jor Congrleve expects me for dinner."
linker, who nan nrougm i-oiiook to
the club, shook himself out of his olialr
and the others rose.
"I'll see that you find your way back
to the reservation," said Iiaker,
"That's very kind of you. And rm
glad to have met you, Mr. Merrlum."
It was a soft voice, and as they went
out Into tho hall, Merrlant looked ut
the owner of It with Interest. He was
a sum young fellow, with friendly
blue eyes, brown hair, ana a siignt
moustache. Ills carriage was that ot
the drilled man. West Point does not
give a degree In the usual academic
sense; but sho writes something upon
her graduates that Is much more use
ful for purposes or Identification. Frank
Pollock had been the shortest man In
his class; but his scant Inches were all
soldierly. Tho young man with whom
he hud spent an hour at tho Tlppeoa.
noe Club had been gathered up by 1U-
ker. who had mat Pollock somewhere
and taken a fancy to him. They nil
left the club together exoept Merrlam
and Lelghton. who went to the news
paper room. Dut Merrlam stared nt
tho evening paper without reading It,
und when he got up to go presently, he
stopped at the club register whlah lay
open on a desk In the nan. ne put on
his eye-glasses and seamied the page.
The Ink was fresh on the last signa
"Prank Pollock, U. S. A."
Itodney Merrlam then walked to
wurd his own house, tapping the side
wulk abstractedly with his stick.
The next morning he called for his
horso oarly. He kept only one hors,
for ho never drove; but he rode neurly
evory duy when It was fair. His route
was usually out High street toward tho
country; but to-day he rode down
town through the monument plaza and
then struck east over the asphalt of
Jefferson street, where a handiiome old
gentleman of 60. riding a horse that
was remembered with pride at Lexlng
ton, was not seen overy day, Itodney
Merrlam was thinking deeply this
morning, and tho sharp rattle of his
horso's hoofs on the hard pavement
did not annoy him as It usually did.
Arsenal Is a word that suggests dire
ful .things, but tho Arsenal that had
been maintained through many poaoe
ful years at Mariona, until tho town In
Its growth leaped over the government
stone walls and extended the urban
lines beyond it. was really a pretty
park. The residences of tho ofttcers
and several massive storehouses wero,
at least. Inoffensive to the eye. The
native forest trees were aglow with au
tumn color, and laborers were collect
Inir and carrying away dead leaves.
Merrlam brought his horso to a walk
as he neared the open gates. A prl
vato came out of the llttlo guard-house
and returned Merrlam's salute Tho
man gazed admiringly after the milt
tary figure on the thoroughbred
though he had often seen rider and
horse before, and he knew that Mr.
Merrlam waa a friend of Major Con
grieve, tbe commandant Tbe soldier
continued to stnro atter Itodney Mar-
rlam, curious to soo whether tho visitor
would bring his hand to his hat ns ho
nenred tho ling that Happed high over
head. Ho wns not disappointed; Itod
ney Mcrrlam novcr fnllcd to salute tho
colors, oven when ho wns thinking
hard; nnd ho wns Intent upon an idea
this morning.
Tho maid who answered tho bell was
not sure whothcr Major Congrlovo wns
nt homo; ho had been packing, sho
snld; but tho commandant appeared ut
onco nnd greeted his caller cordially.
Mnjor Congrlcvo was a trlllo Btout,
but his gray clvlllnn clothes mado tho
best of a flguro thnt was not what II
had beon. Ho was bald, nnd looked
much better In a hat than without It.
You'll pardon mo for breaking in on
our packing. I mercl camo to register
a kick. I don't seem to know an of
tho local news any more until its stnio.
Pvo Just heard that tho Arsenal has
linen nlil nnd I want to say thnt It's
an outrago to tear this placo to pieces."
"It Is too bad! but I don't seo wnai
ou nro going to do nbout It I'vo al
ready got my walking papers. Tho In
cident Is closed ns far as I am con
cerned" "To glvo us an nctivo post In ex
change for tho Arsenal Is not to do us
k ndncss. Wo'vo got used to you
gentlemen of tho ordnance. 'Vour ro
poso has been an Inspiration to tho
No Ironyl Tho town nns niwnys
been so good to ma nnd ml no tuat
wo've hnd no chnnco for repose."
"Dut tho Spanish wnr passed over
and never touched you. I don't bollovo
tho powers nt Washington knew you
wcro here."
"Oh. yes. they did. They wired me
every few hours to count tho old gum
In tho storehouse, until I know every
plcco of that old scrap Iron by heart
If wo'd used those old guns In thnt war,
tho row with Spain would havo been
on n more cental basis."
"I supposo It would," snld Merrlam,
who was thinking of something oisc,
Dut I'm sorry you'ro going to leave.
Wo never nulla settled thnt llttlo nues-
llon nbout Bhlloh! nnd I'm convinced
thnt you'ro wrong about tho Fllz-John
Porter case."
Woll. posterity will sottio tnoso
question without us. And would you
mind walking over to tho olllco with
me "
"Ulcus me. I must bo golngl This
was an unpardonnblo hour for n call."
"Not n tho least; only rvo nnotner
caller over there Pollock, of tho qunr-
tcrmnstcrs dopnrtmcnt, who has boon
sent out to tnko chargo of thu now post
site, llo's a nloo chap; you must
know him."
Til bo vory glad, somo other time,"
Mild Merrlnm. "Whloh way does ho
como from?"
llo's a Southern boy. Father wns
a Johnny Dob. Another sign that thu
wnr Is over nnd tho imtenet nuriwi.
"Po loek. did you sny7 Tennessee
family? I seem to remember tho name.'
"I think so. Yes. rm sure, i iook
ed him up In the register."
(To tw rontlniird.)
Itnrolr llripvmU llrliitv il.tlOO IVrl
.trillion Climb In Tlirlr rl.
Of nil our mountain birds tho ptar
migan nlono remains on tho mountain
lops In winter ns woll ns in summor,
nnd when nil other bird life has been
comnollod by tho severity of 'ho
weather to descend to inoro shollurd
quarters tho hardy ptarmigan poems nl
most to revel In tho arctic conditions
nnd scorns to leave his aVorm-swept
strongholds, Setou Cordon says In tho
For this reason ho Is of special In
terest to tho ornithologist, and a day
nt his haunts Is always worth the la
bors of nn arduous climb, for thu ptar
migan rarely donee mis oven during tli
heaviest snowstorm below the level
or 2.S00 feet. An the writer, accom
panied by n mounlnlnerliig friend,
sot out nt daybreak for n favorltu
haunt of tho ptarmigan, a hard frost
held tho whole countryside firmly In
Its grip nnd the snow, partly thawed
by a mild westerly wind on the pre
ceding day, wns frozen ns hard as Iron.
On tho lower grounds tho covering
was not continuous, but on tho shel
tered sldoM of tho hill weif deep
wreaths, nnd to our west tho snow lay
deep 'nnd unbroken. Passing a small
locUn nestling In a birch wood wo
found It thickly covered with a beau
tiful sheet ot smoothest leo, suggest
ing to our minds the national gamo
of curling, for many Ideal rluks could
have been marked out on tho loohan'a
surfaco. Soon wo passed a mountain
quarry, whero nmplo evidence pointed
to tho fuel that a kestrel ubim tho spot
as a roosting site and the hillside also
yielded a good many grouse, some al
ready paired, but the majority In
coveys and lmcks.
Ioch Duvnn. far beneath us. waa
partially Ice bound, but large wavoa
were rolling ncroea the expunwl sur
face of the wuter. showing that a
strong wind was blowing on the low
grounds. We put up many mountain
linree. whleh aeemed to rlvul the snow
In their snow-while fur. but shortly
after leaving the S.OOOfoot level the
grouse Hushed wore now few and far
between and at length we entered the
domain of the snow-white ptarmigan.
We first beonmo aware of the close
proximity of these birds by a deep
guttural croaking proceeding from
some rocky ground on our loft, and
careful stalking enabled us to get
within a few yards of the bird nnd
to obtain a snapshot of him. He was
crouching low on tbe ground nnd har
monized with his surroundings In a
truly remarkable manner.
When he took wing the groat beauty
of his plumage was very obvious, a
fow black feathers In the tall sotting
off the spotless whlto of hla wings
and breast. We obtained a pretty
photograph of a ptarmigan's foot
marks loading throuugh the wet snow
to a small tool of water, nnd amnio
traces wo found that the "fresh" ot the
previous day had been felt oven at
this altitude of closo on 3,000 feet, for
thero was practically no snow on tho
summit plateau and numerous frozen
pools of water showed how the snow
bad melted.
Corillullr Iiivllt-U.
Glasgow Invitations aro nothing It
not hearty. Two friends met after a
fairly long separation.
"Man, Tarn," says one, "whaur In a
tho alrth hae ye been hldln' yersol'T
I havena seen yo for an age."
"Weel, Jecms, I've been doon Oou
rock way a guld while. Come doon
an' seo me suno. I've got a set of
good boxing gloves, an If yo como
doon any day I'll knock tho faco aff
ye." Tlt-Blts
A It T I N A.
KNAPP, chnlr-
man of tho Inter
state Commorco
commission, faces
a task that would
stngger many men,
although ho Is
small of etnturo
his friends sny ho
will go at tho
work llko n giant
and carry out tho
policy of tho pres
ident and tho
alma of congress,
It Is tho now railroad law that gives
Mr. Knapp nnd his associates on tho
commission much concern thoso days.
As chnlrman Mr. Knapp naturally will
bo In tho thickest of tho fray. Whllo
tho railroads nro not expected to glvo
battlo they aro always fighting for
tholr rights nnd havo brainy mon
looking out for their Interests, on
tho other hand, nro tho shippers,
Horn's whero tho complaints como
from and tho most troublo dovclops.
Mr. Knnco went to tho summor
Whlto Houso nt Ilovorly, Mass., n fow
days ago and had n conforenco with
President Taft concerning tno now
President Taft went cthaustlvoiy
Into tho provisions ot tho now law
with tho chairman and later earnestly
pointed out thnt thoro need bo no ap
prehension that tho commission will
run amuck or thnt tho now law will
bo used to club Indlscrlmlnntolr all
rnllrcads Uiat proposo an ndvanco In
Tho law, tho president pointed out.
wns not pa i sou tor too purpose ui
lowering ratos, or ovon of holding nil
rates whoro thoy nro nt tho tlmo of
tho pnssago of tho law, but rather for
tho nurposo ot equalizing ratos nnd
kooplng them so far ns posstblo In
tuna with business conditions nt all
Mr. Knnpp, whoso duty It will bo to
guldo tho commission In Its work of
carrying out tho Taft plan, Is n natlvo
ot Now York. Ho was burn nt Hpnf-
ford, Novomber 0, 1843. Ho was first
appointed a mombor of tho Intorstato
Commorco commission In 1891 by
President Harrison! reappointed by
Prosldont Cleveland In 1897, and again
soloctod for tho position by Prosldont
Koosovolt In 1903. Ho wns a lawyer
of nolo beforo entering tho govern
ment servtco nnd Is regarded ns ono
of tho most genial ot public officials In
Amorlcan soldier
of fortune, faces
a torm of nt least
ton years In the
government ponl
tentlary nt Mann
gun, Nloaragua.
Undo Ram has
been looking enro
fully Into Pitt
man's enso, but
It Is unlikely thnt
ho will Intorforo
In any wny with tho enforcement of
tho penalty to ba Inflicted upon Pitt
man unless tho Nlcaroguans should
ducldo to put him to death ns thoy
did Froce and Clinton rocontly.
In tho pen pictures of thoso advon
turers drawn by novelists llko Illch
nrd Harding Davis Is presented a llfo
thnt nearly every American boy who
has tho real red blood would llko to
lead. To bo n soldier of fnrtuue would
bo about tho height of tho Ambition of
seven out ot ton youths from 13 to 20
yenra of age.
Think of Joining a filibuster expedl
Hon aid starting out to overthrow n
government. Rounds nlco doesn't It?
Hut tho experiences ot three Amerl
can youths In Contral Amerloa recent
ly havo been Anything but pleasant.
Plttman has beon found guilty ot
conspiracy against tho government of
Nloaragua by n court martial. Ho
was captured by tho Madrlz army re
cently and was charged with laying
mliioa for tho revolutionists. Plttman
baa led n llfo ot Adventures slnco boy
hood. Whon 16 years old ho loft his
homo In Massachusetts nnd has re
turned homo but for brlof periods of
tlmo. Ho served six months tn tho
Doer war In Africa, herded sheep In
Australia, spout somo tlmo In Moxlco
and was a member of tho orow of tho
United Statos transport MoPharson
when that ship was wrecked off Ma
tanzas, Cuba,
'O HAVE nursed
a king Is tin
claim to dlstlnc
tlon of Mrs. Ann
Roberts, who Is
living In tho little
village ot Poult-
ney, Vermont. Fow
persons In that
part of tho coun
try know of thu
fact that a foBter
mother of a king
lived among thorn
until Edward VII
died and Oeorgo V ascondod tho
tbrono. Then It was noised about
that It was at tho broast of
Mrs. Iloborts, who was living with
hor brothor, Richard W. Edmunds In
Poultnoy. that Qcorgo got hla first
Right nway Mrs. Itoborts becamo a
person of Intorcst In nil Now England
and many curious porsons havo oalled
to seo hor. Sho had lived a retired
llfo tor years and did not relish tho
fuct that sho bad been thrown Into
the limelight
To lutervlewers, however, she ex
plained how It waa that the now king
of Englnnd becamo hor chnrgo on th
day of his birth on Juno 2, 1865. lie
gardlng hor oxperlcnco sho said:
"Soon nftor my dopnrturo from my
own home, for I hnd left my own child
to bo nurBcd nnd cared for by nn oldor
sister, who, with servants, nlso man
ngod tho housohold, my bnby wns to
kon III, but tho fact wns concealed
from mo. Ono of tho royal doctors
called to see her every morning nt my
homo, but sho passed nway on tho
eighth day nnd I wns tpld that my
beautiful child was dead.
"I shall novor forgot that hourl The
cruel nows brought mo Instantly to
my knees on tho floor of the royal
nursory, nnd It seemed to mo that I
would novor ngnln movo from thnt po
sition, for I folt thnt I had been trans
formed Into a block of cold nnd Innnt
mnto mnrblo on tho Instant. Yes, my
llttlo girl's death wan n sad blow to
mo, but having accepted such grave
duttofl, t realized that family I rou
bles, nliould thoro bo any, would nem
bo sufforod to como to my enrs until
It became qulto Impcrntlvo thnt they
' Tho loss ot my own beautiful child
hnd thnt effect on mo regarding my lib
tlo chnrgo thnt I almost grow to bo
llovo that he wns really nnd truly my
own child. I was kept In this position
for nbout 11 months, nnd whon my
services woro no longer required King
Edward, nt thnt tlmo prlnco of Wales,
sent for mo from tho nursory nnd wni
pleased to toll mo thnt I had not only
won his own ostcem nnd that ot hli
beautiful prlncoss, but was also es
teemed nnd respected by alt tho royal
"This heavy cold brooch thnt I nn
now wearing wns then presented te
mo by Prlncoss Alexandra herself, nnd
eho then told ma that I wns privileged
at nil times to refer to tho llttlo prlncf
na my boy,'"
TIN of Cln
clnnatl, national
president ot ths
world's health or
ganization, aayi
sho will keop on
struggling until
sho obtains nn
nbntomont ot that
awful menace
kissing, In evory
part ot tho world,
says Mrs. Ilechtln,
thero aro death!
every day which can bo cited as com
ing from kisses, nnd ktsstng has corns
to bo not a moro popular saluto, but a
torrlblo evil that must bo stamped out.
Furthermore, sho says hor etforU
havo led hosts to forego osculatory
"I'ooplo should remembor that kiss
ing Is moroly tho habit ot centuries.
Thero wns n tlmo when all tho world
kissed everybody they met," snld Mrs.
Roohtln. 'Thero was a tlmo when
kissing was qulto tho thing, but that
day has passed. I think thnt kissing
should be done nway with entirely.
"It Is essential to tho welfaro of ths
pcoplu of this nation to havo tho nntl-
kiss pledges worn by evory eohool girl
nnd sohool boy In this country before
very long."
A special campaign for each month
has been mapped out by tho Antl-Klsa-Ing
Mrs, Ilechtln snld many prospective
Juno brides hnd Joined tho organiza
tion. On their wedding day, these
brides woro tho club badgo In full
Tho custom of kissing a brldo on
her wedding day Is most dangerous,"
said Mrs. Ilechtln sovorely.
"Hr do you menu n bridegroom
should not er salute his bride?"
asked hor visitor.
"I mean that tho relatives and wed
ding guests should not kiss tho bride
and subject hor to risk of getting con
sumption," returned tho too of oscu
lation. In August fathers nnd mothors will
be urgod not to kiss their babies.
In September touchers will Implore
tholr pupils to nbjuro kissing.
October, tho lose kissing tho less
hazardous tho work of street aleanera
and laundresses; so the organization
will seek members cm the highways
and In tho lauudrles.
In November women bolonglng to
church clubB, card clubs and litorary
clubs will bo asked to Join and to
wear their badges at olub meetings,
"And In December, with Its Christ
mas weddings, wo shall turn our at
tention to lovers," snld the prosldont
"'My llfo for Just ono kiss,' sounds
thrilling In romnnco nnd poetry. Rut
disillusion la found In tho hospitals,
whonco lovers follow each other to
tho grave In a fow short months."
A Babylonian Love Letter.
Tho oldest lovo lotter In tho world
dates from throo thousand years ngo,
that Is, beforo Anthons wns of any Im
portance, or Romo, about tho time
when David and Solomon woro kings.
It was found not long slnco engraved
upon a tnblot, nftor tho manner of tho
days when records and accouuta wore
kept on bricks. Its author was a gon
tlomau of Rabylonla, and It explains
Itself: "To My Ulbl, Slmll-Marduk
May Samas and Mnrduk, for my happi
ness, grant unto thoo a long nnd pro
porous llfo. How art thou? Do wrlto
to mol I havo como from Ilabylon, but
I havo not found thoo there. This has
greatly grlovod mo. It Is absolutely
uocossary that thou shouldst como In
November. Mayost thou, for the lovo
of mo, llvo for over!"
Tho Lure.
Lndy I want to put In this adver
tisement for a cook. It will go In
three linos, won't It?
Clerk (nftor couutlng) No, madam.
We'll havo to chargo you for four
lines, but you can put In four more,
words, if you wish.
Lady (suddonly in!P!rojteays
"Policeman stationed oodosUo,, cor
ner!" Tlt.BlU