St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 05, 1910, Image 1

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    ttjitorlrnl Society.
ST. Johns review
' Toiubxrlb tor THIS Pptr.
All the newt while It l newl li
our motto. Call In and enroll
Ot tdrortUlai In THIS Paper
androa'llnammratlt. De
tin t one and keep rlcat at It
Devoted to the Interest ol the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 6
NO. 39
A Hideous Melody
A New Disease
Big Boxing Exhibition at St. Johns
Oil Indications
Uncle Sam After Papers
Council Proceedings
A citizen residing in the south
cast portion of the city bitterly com
plains that his nights arc made
hideous and peace and quiet arc at
a premium in his neighborhood. It
is all owing to a young man who
persists in the belief that he .has
musical ability enough to conquer a
comet. He believes there must be
some music in him because so far
he lias uevcr been able to get any
out. Morning, noon and night, so
the complaining neighbor deposcth,
he is constantly, persistently and
incessantly at it, and some of the
sorrowful, wierd and unearthly
squeaks he manages to extract from
liis instrument arc enough to drive
a rabid prohibitionist to strong
drink, or all sane persons to "bug
land." With scarcely a letup for
meals, this young artist pursues
his doleful occupation. When it
gets too dark for him to sec the
notes he is vainly endeavoring to
come within u mile of, lie repairs to
the house and hopefully continues
until all hours of the night. At
breakfast uud dinner unci supper
mid between dreams at night the
neighbors arc forced to give cur to
the mournful and hideous serenade.
Unless some means arc introduced
to exterminate this young man's
ambition, the asylum at Silent
must needs be enlarged to take cute
of the candidates that arc now in
training ior that institution from
St. Johns.
The Only Way
The merchants of Manhattan,
Kan., have decided to turn down
nil fake advertising schemes, and
will make all their announcements
through the local papers.
The olly-tongucd stranger wno
goes to Manhattan to Unite a livery-
Ktablc directory will receive no en
couragement. The man who offers
to paint advertising on trees or
barb wire fences ut so much a let
tcr will bs thrown through the
The merchants of Abilene have
followed suit, and will hereafter
spend 110 more money to have their
names painted on the towu cows or
011 toy balloons or on woodchucks.
The movement Is spreading and
the day is at hand when all Kan
sas merchants will adopt the safe
and sane plan aud do their adver
tiling in the newspapers.
It Is the only way to reach and
Interest the people who buy things.
1 liC IICUIUC I CUll UIVU nwwiy. u.a
papers, but they
1 .
don't read tele
phone poles, or cows or barbed
wire fences. You never yet saw n
mail seated by his fireside reading
a board fence or the side of a barn
to hU family Exchange.,
Greater progress has been made
by the business interests of Oregon
between March 29 and June 30 than
iu any two months period in the
history of the state since the estali
Jlshment of the state bank exami
ner's office. This is disclosed in
the report of the Bank Examiner,
just made, covering that period.
Deposits in the banks of the state
at close of business June 30, totaled
115,196, 986, a gain since March
39 of 1,192,705. Of these deposits
11,925,734 were savings deposits,
which increased during the same
period 842,985. Total resources
of Oregou banks, 142.418,734.
Eight new batiks were established
in the state during the period cov
ered by the report.
That the Oregon Trunk road
will be ready for service to Madras
by January 1, 1911, is now prom
ised unless unexpected difficulties
arise. Grading from the Columbia
River south will be completedit Is
believed, by September 1. Laying
of rails will then be begun and bal
lasting will be done as fast as each
mile of track is laid. Thus it will
be but a short time between the
laying of the last rail aud the open
ing of the road for business. Grad
Ing south of Madras toward Bend
is also being rushed and the build
ing of the road for that distance
will follow completion of the line to
Oregon's two Infantry regiments
and ambulance company of the
National Guard will go into camp
at American Lake this month and
participate In the usual joint Geld
maneuvers with the regular army.
August 8 Is fixed as the date of de
parture, and the men will remain in
camp ten days, Adjutant General
Finzer has issued orders for the
mobilization of his troops.
. Wanted Reliable person to clean
office daily, not to exceed one
hour's work. Leave name and ad
The daily papers throughout the
entire South have devoted much at
tention to what is said to be a re
markable new disease, everywhere
rcgardctl as the result of the exis
tence, of the "hookworm."
The avcruge physiciun Is always
searching for an opportunity of
naming a new disease. For a long
while appendicitis was simply a
"belly-uchc." The ailment that
is now termed the hookworm dis
ease may have existed for a thou
sand years. The symptoms that
are manifested in connection with'
the complaint uiuy li.tvc been called
by n dozen or more different name
but at last it has been discovered
a remarkable disease apparently,
and one that most physicians re
gard as incurable.
A minute worm seems to be in
cubated, by some process, in the
body', aud it finds its way to the
alimentary canal. It is provided
with a small hook aud it proceeds
to fiistcn itself by this hook to the
Inner membrane of the bowel. The
presence of this worm is indicated
by its appearance in the fecal dis
charge from the bowels. The char
acter of the disease has been proven
by the death of its numerous vic
tims. Among all the elaborate experi
ments that have been tnude with u
view of discovering n remedy for
this disease, apparently no one has
thought of advising the fasting
cure. I believe that in some cases
they fust one or two days. Hut
one should remember that it is the
inclination of the body when no
food is taken to search within it
self for nourishment. For instance,
fat is first of all consumed where
one iitlcmpts a prolonged fast.
Now this disease which has been
puzzling our learned (?) medical
scientists can be cured, not in one
case, but in every case, by a fast of
from seven to fourteen days. I
know that this information will not
be welcomed by thcje lcafucd gen
tlemen, because fasting is too sim
ple. They want some complicated,
mysterious process with which they
can mystify themselves and fool
their patients, Hut you can rest
assured thut theae suggestions will
cure every case of hookworm in the
South, provided the vitulity Ims
not been seriously depleted by sued
leal or other treatment for the com
plaint. In fact, I am so thorough
ly satisfied of the accuracy of this
statement that we will offer a re
ward of one thousand dollars for a
case of one suffering from hook
worm, not vitally depleted, that
cannot be cured by the methods I
haye here advocated. Physical
Culture for August.
Secretary Wilson of the Depart
ment of Agriculture has been in
Oregou during the past week seeking
Information in regard to the settle
ment of lunds included in the forest
reserves of the state. He plans to
have the reserves rc-mapped aud
the boundaries established in ou ac
curate way. It is .said much land
is included in the reserves that
should not be, and when the new
maps arc completed 5,000,000 or
6,000,000 acres now in reserves in
this state will be opened up for
Coos Bay is going to Improve Its
harbor and the channel from the
ocean Into the bay. Public docks
and warehouses are to be built as
well. For this purpose it Is the in
tentiou to expend $300,000. It Is
Kroposed to Issue 20-year bonds
earing 5 per interest. Coos
Bay people approve this project
generally but the Commission of
the Port has decided to leave the
matter to a vot? at the fall election,
The nlau contemnlates a creat im
provement of the Coos Bay harbor,
Physlciaus from the peninsula
met with the Peninsula Develop'
ment League recently at Arbor
Lodge and discussed tne erection
of a general hospital at some cen.
tral point on the Peninsula. It
was the concensus of opinion that
such a hospital is needed. No
locality was favored, but it was the
sentiment that the hospital should!
be convenient to the large con
cerns established on Columbia
boulevard. A committee was ap
pointed to investigate.
A dollar is worth ONE HUN-
dred AND SIX CENTS to any
eood business man. Your dollar is
worth more than a dollar. You
must put It In a bank though where
it will WORK FOR YOU. The
First National Bank pays 3 per
Subacriba (or the Tel er raw beat
eveslnr brbw oa th ceaat Be
Sd Stack tea.
St. Johns will have an exciting
skating rink Thursday evening, August nth. The famous Jeffries
Johnson fight will be reproduced, only the result may be somewhat
different. Acc Clement, champion middle weight of Portland, with a
very good record, will take the Jeffries end of it in n ten round go witli
George Ellison, champion light heavy weight of the Golden West.
Ellison is claimed to be the best colored pugilist in the Northwest. He
is a blacksmith by profession while Clement is a plumber. A large
niimltpr nf Mnnrtn from Pnrtlnnri Intend camltiir to the cltv In witness this
exhibition, which it is touted will be
by far.
Walter Arndt, a welter weight champion of the Pacific coast, and
who has quite a reputation as a wrestler, will go iu the arena for Mx
rounds with Golilic Edwaids, colored welter wclglitchahYpion of Kansas
City, Mo. These lads arc pretty evenly matched, nud n lively go is an
ticipated. Another good preliminary is being arranged for.
I lie nsiiest win do puiieu 011
Athletic club and no effort will bo
ticulars of any that lias lieretdfore taken place. In order to guard
against any one being disappointed, if the events are not put ou as ad
vertised a return check untitling the holder to his money back will be
given with each ticket purchased.
Ijoorsopeu at H o'clock, ana llrst preliminary is put ou at 0:45.
Another For Kenton
Plans have been prepared aud
the contract awarded for a factory
building 80x200 feet in dimensions,
which will be erected at Kenton for
the use of the Ajax Auto Traction
Company. The building will be of
frame construction with ai-foot
walls and gravel roof with a 6-foot
skylight on both sides. The Ajax
Traction Company is a subsidary
organization of the Pacific Gas En
gine Works, the company that
recently purchased a 9-acre tract
located betweeu the Davis Safe &
Lock Company's site and the plant
of the National Wood Pipe Manu
facturing Company at Kenton.
This corporation Is backed by
W. II. Corbett, O. P. Conger, W.
C, Alvord and others and will en
gage iu the manufacture of gas en
gines for utitomobiles, uuto trucks,
marine eugiues and engines for
stationary use. The organization
is amply fiuanced and should meet
with great success.
Work on the new building will
be started in a few days and it is to
be completed in as short a time as
possible. This will make the four
teenth jndus,try which has been
located, ju Portland, mostly qn tlie
Kenton Lnwl Company's holdings,
through the direct personal efforts
pf George Heusner.
Building Permits
No. joi To F. S. Lindlcy to
erect a dwelling on Ivanhoe street
between Buchanan and Burr streets
for A. W. Davis; dost $2,200.
No. 102 To N. A. Gee to raise
and alter buildings on Hayes street
between Fe6senden and New York,
for W. H. Nolan; cost 500.
Every man should lay the foun
dation of ease and comfort before
old age crumbles his earning pow
ers. Have you started your foun
dations? ONE DOLLAR is the
start. It's the start that COUN.TS.
The First National Bank issues
Times Certificates of DEPOSIT, it
Subacriba for the Rerlew and ba
aW. v
and stirring fistic exhibition at the
oitOKUit iti.i.iao.v
the best ever pulled off iu St. Johns
umicr tuc auspices or 111c ai, joihis
spared to make it the best Iu all par
The price of admission is one dollar.
Wiped Out by Fire
The entire town of Hoover, east
ern terminus of the Corvallis &
Eastern Railway 011 the North San
tlam River, 57 miles east of Albany,
was wiped out by fire Monday
night. Tte big sawmill of the
Hoover Lumber Company, the en
tire lumber yard, the hotel and sev
eral buukhouses and residences
were burned. The loss will prob
ably reach joo,ooo, The fire
started from a hot box iu the
machinery In the Hoover sawmill
at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon and
quickly spread over the big plant.
Fanned by a wind, the flames went
into the lumber yard, and the heat
of the fire and falling sparks and
brands soon set fire, to the hotel
and nearby buukhouses aud dwell-
! ings. So quickly did the fire spread
that people were forced to abandon
most of the property to the flames
or risk their lives in saving it.
The village of Hoover was built
around the Hoover sawmill, which
had a capacity of 40,000 feet a day,
and employed a big crew of men
In the mill, yards aud nearby log
ging camps. The town consisted
of the mill, hotel, one store and
about 35 buukhouses and dwellings,
all owned by the Hoover Lumber
Did you ever lose your money?
Did you ever lose your pocket
book? How different would have
been your feelings had it been a
check-book with nothing but blank
checks in it. We GIVE check
books to our depositors. They pay
their bills by check, have a receipt
for their money, and need never
fear losing their money. Let the
First National Bank help you to
BUSINESS methods. it
The O. R. & N. and S. P. R. R.
companies have gotten out jointly
one of the most attractive aud best
illustrated booklets that we have
ever seen published in the North
west. "Outmes in Oregon" is its
title, and the different resorts with
which Oregon abounds are brought
out and depicted in a most interest
ing manner.
Work for a OmUr St. Jobs,
At the request of the Chamber of
Commerce and other public organi
zations of Western Oregon, the
government has ordered an exami
nation of the oil prospects of the
coast range of Oregon. This is the
same belt of mountains that con
tains the great oil fields of Cali
fornia, which iu the last ten years
have enriched that state over lioo,
000,000, without materially affect
ing the total supply of oil in the
ground. The Coalinga fields alone
produced oil valued at $9,000,000
In 1900. Yet at the same rate of
exhaustion, the field will last over
aoo years, according to the pub
lished estimates of the government
While such things iu Oregon
must still be considered oulv wild
dreams, since almost nothing is
known of the local prospects; never
theless, many people believe that
the coast range of Oregon has as
good indications of oil ns the same
range in California, and wc certain
ly hope that the geological survey
can find evidence on which to base
a favorable report, and thereby en
courage development of this possi
ble addition to our resources.
The work is iu charge of Chester
W. Wushburnc. of the U. S. uco-
logical suryey, Washington, D. C.
Mr. washburue is a former resi
dent of Oregon aud has already
made preliminary studies In nearly
every county iu the state. He will
soon examine this county, and nil
persons knowing of oil seeps, as-
phiiltum, gas, salt and sulphur
water, and related phenomena, arc
urged to write n full description of
the occurence, including its loca
tion, aud mall to Mr. Washburue,
whose address is now, Astoria,
1 his work is being done by the
government primarily for the bene-
111 ui 11, v 'VUiiu. uv luiikiuniuiia
reached by the disinterested scien
tists of the ideological survcv will
be impartial aud unbiased. Iu
order that this community may re
ceive maximum benefit from the in
vestigation, full co-operation Is de
sirable betweeu the residents of the
county aud the government geolo
The cscatK! of oil and iras nt the
surface of tiic ground rarely marks
the spot at which commercial quan
tities have gathered underground,
the location of oil pools being deter
mined mainly by the structure ami
porosity of the rocks. Nevertheless,
all indications are valuable in the
estimation of the oil bearing char
acter of a region, aud it is therefore
iniortaiit that Mr. Washburue be
informed of every indication, He
is willing to examine as many in
dications as possible, aud since the
work is done (or the government,
there will be no charge for this
service. Astorian.
Electric Theatre Sold
F, H. Powell of Chicago has
purchased aud assumed control of
the Electric Theatre. Mrs. Dud-
ley aud the efficient manager, Fred
Brokaw, took the theatre when it
was merely dragging along, aud by
giving the public the very best at
tractions thut could be secured,
made the business one of the most
remunerative iu St. Johns. Mr.
Powell promises to maintain the
same high standard attractions that
have obtained at this theatre, and
to even Improve them If possible.
Mrs. Dudley aud Mr. Brokaw have
made many warm friends here who
will be sorry to learn of their leav
ing the local field, The people of
St. Johns have reason for feeling
grateful toward them for furnish
ing so many pleasurable hours of
entertainment, and the best wishes
of all will follow them to whatever
new fields they may decide to locate
iu. The price paid for the theatre
by Mr. Powell was 3000 cash.
Mrs. Dudley will retire to private
life, making her home in Portland
for the present at least. Inciden
tally she will superintend her fine
Hood River orchard which is just
coining into bearing.
Having disposed of our meat
market on Jersey street to L. B.
Milton, we desire to express our
sincere thanks to the oeotile of St.
Johns for their generous patronage
wlille we were in uusiness, wnicn
was deeply appreciated aud will
ever be gratefully remembered.
We trust that this patronage will
be continued to Mr. Milton who
has now assumed charge. Bitgocd
& Cole.
The more You save the more you
will want to save. Begin with one
dollar today. The First National
Bank paysi per cent compound
interest and issues Time Certificates
of Deposit.
It Is a dangerous busiucss for a
newspaper publisher to send his
J paper to subscribers who arc more
tnan twciva mounts in arrears. To
be deprived of the second-class
mailing privilege which is the
penalty for non-compliance with
the rulings, puts a newspaper out
ot business, lor the expense of put
ting a one-cent stamp on every
paper mailed amounts to much
more than the profits on the entire
subscription business, to say noth
ing of the increased amount of
labor which would be required iu
affixing the stamps. The Review
has n few subscribers In arrears,
aud these arc most respectfully in
vited to walk up to the captain's
office aud liquidate. Tiicrc's a
Special agents of the postofficc
department are traveling atouud
over the country dropping into
newspaper olliccs when least ex
t)cctcd to examine subscription
lists, to ascertain if the regulation
requiring payment of subscriptions
is being observed, Several news
papers have been iu trouble within
the past fortnight. One publisher
in Iowa lias bcci) called to the
national capital because his sub
scription list is not as well paid up
as the law requites. He will have
to explain to the government offi
cials why he has not compelled his
subscriber!! to pay up according to
the postal rules. An Inspector had
visited him two mouths previously
aud his list was said to be pretty
thoroughly paid up, but evidently
it was not sufficiently so. It seems
a little tough that country editors
have to be hauled up before the
government under the charge ol
violating federal laws just because
they do not eternally keep dunning
their subscribers for the small sum
they owe on subscriptions, but It Is
like the cud of the world, 110 one
knows when It comcth, and no edi
tor knows what day an insiKCtor
may pop iu aud ask to see his list.
Aud if too many subscribers arc
behind on their paper It means
trouble with the government. It
puts an editor iu such shajie that
lie is compelled to force bin col
lections unless he has an unusually
prompt paying list of subscribers.
An application for an injunction
011 behalf of thejobes Milling Com
pany against the city of St. Johns,
was made iu Judge Gautenbeln's
court by attorneys Couclly and Dc-
Nell Tuesday. The Milling Com
pany seeks to restrain the City
Council from passing an ordinance
for the construction of a sewer iu
Burlington and Salem streets, St.
Johns, which will have its outlet at
the river front near the flour mill,
and which will become a nuisance
if constructed. The application
was passed over by the judge on
the theory that the situation did
not present an emergency that
would entitle it to serious considera
tion ou the summer calendar. The
work on the sewer cannot be begun
until fall, and the judge considered
that the application would more
properly come before the court
after the vacation has ended.
Lovers of cabbage and sauerkraut
will have to curtail their appetites.
Cabbage brings the highest price
ever paid for it in the Pacific north
west. A heavy shortage of the
vegetable is likewise reported iu
Washington and California, owing
to the drouth which has just been
broken by a few showers. The
high cost of living is also accen
tuated by the fact that butter in
northwest markets today is selling
at the highest price iu history atijl
that other provisions are unusually
high. Beef is within a fraction of
the record-breaking price it sold
for during the winter, when an out
cry against the elevated price of
meat was heard iu every part of
the United States.
I wish to aunouuee to the people
of bt. Johns, Oregou, that I have
sold my wood saw business to Geo
II. Oman aud D. K. Smith, and
wish to thank the people of St.
Johns and vicinity for their patron
age iu the past aud hope they will
continue to patronize my successors,
for I assure you they will endeavor
to give as good satisfaction as I
have if not better. E. II. Hruuson.
Save One dollar today. It's
easy. Tak one dollar from that
pay check. Put it in the strong
bank, the First National Bank. It
will grow while you sleep. $ $ $
make $$$$. Interest compounded
every six months. it
Wanted A good farm uear St.
Johns or Peninsula. Address "Mrs.
J. S." care Review office,
A discussion of considerable
length iu regard to the sewer prop
osition took place at the regular
meeting of the city council Tues
day night. To determine whether
cement sewer pipe would be ac
cepted provided it was specified in
the lowest bid on the Burlington
street sewer was a nut that faced
the council, but no conclusion was
arrived nt. Two bids were received
by the recorder on this sewer, but
owing to a link iu the red tape con
nected with the proposition being
inadvertently overlooked, the bids
were ordered returned to the bid
ders unopened. Councilman John
son was the only one who stated
just where he stood iu regard to
cement sewer, to which he is un
alterably opposed. The other conn
cllnicn seemed very much at sea
and refused to commit themselves.
The mayor finally decided, since
no action was apparent, that the
matter be laid over for another
week for further reflection aud de
liberation. The engineer, who had been
directed to check up the remon
strances ou Baltimore nud South
Ivanhoe streets, reported that more
than the necessary two-thirds of
property for stopping the proposed
Improvement for six mouths nt
least appeared 011 the remonstrances
iu each instance. Therefore, these
two streets will be unimproved for
some time to come.
A restraining order from the
Sheriffs office against the outlet of
the Burlington street sewer system
being laid ns proposed was re
ceived. The order was issued at
the instance of the Jobcs Milling
Co. As it will be noinc time yet
before the contract will be let, the
matter was allowed to rest until it
was necessary to take some action
iu the premises.
Two bids were received for fur
nishing fifty cords of wood for the
city hall The St. Johns Lumber
Co. aud the Fitchlcss Lumber Co.
were the bidders, the former offer
ing to deliver slabwood at the rate
of 2.50 per cord, and the latter at
3-75' The St. Johns Lumber Co.
was awarded the contract.
The improvement of Kellogg,
street from Chicago to Ncvj7 York;
was accepted by council.
A committee from the Commer
cial club asked that council pur
chase the furniture of the club aud
use the same iu fitting up a couple
of the back rooms adjoining the
council chamber. Referred to
building and grounds committee
for rccoiuiuetidutloit.
Bills to the amount of $349.22
were allowed.
The license committee was
granted another week to deliberate
over the petition praying that mov
ing picture shows and pool aud
card rooms heabollshed on Sundays.
S. A. Comaiiy was appointed by
the mayor as social policeman at
the St. Johns Lumber Co.'a mill.
Appointment confirmed by council.
An ordinance creating the office
of deputy recorder was passed.
This will allow for installing n
deputy during Recorder Esson's
vacation at American Lake.
A directory resolution for the
improvement of Charleston street.
Fillmore to Bradford, was adopted.
An ordinance providing the time
and manner for the improvement of
Portland boulevard, east Point
View addition to Fairhaveu street,
was passed.
R. W. McKean spent a few days
in St. Johns during the past week.
He has just returned from the East,
whither he accompanied the re
mains of his mother for interment
at Cleveland, Ohio. He reports
times quite prosperous in the
Eastern states, and that nutos are
as thick there as flics in the sum
mer time.
Heiiry Pollemis and wife of
Aurora, III., were guests of the lat
ter's sister, Mrs. Harry Mansfield,
several days during the past week.
Mr. Pollemis is a millionaire sev
eral times over. He was much de
lighted with St. Johns and its sur
rouudiugs. For Sale A fifty dollar course
iu the Scranton International Cor
respondence School, any depart
ment, at 20 per cent discount, at
rate of 5.00 down, $5.00 per
month; further discount for cash,
Address "B," this office.
Andrew Carnegie BEGAN by
saving. We can't all be Carnegie.
But we can all SAVE a little as
against that rainy day that's bound
to come. The First National Bauk
pays 3 per cent, it
Man Wanted To clean up yard,
cut grass, etc. 440 Chicago Street.
dress at this office.