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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1910)
THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Published Every Friday At 117 West nurltn&ton Street. BY A. W. MAHKLE Tub Rkvirw Is entered nt post office In 8int Johns, Omgon, ns mail matter of the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Job Printing MenUl In flrit-eUtt iiylt, tllll lor Job Prlntlnc nib on dtllrerr. All Miarannlekllona should bt sdtlmttd to Tn btiv, fit. Johnn. Ortfon. Admitting tls, 11.00 ptr Inch pr month. All idTtttlilnf bllU pijitU flrit of b moDiB. OffleUl Nrrppr of th City of BU Johns. Subiorlptlon price $t.50 par year. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1910 A STRANGE WORLD "Henry Jirncst, nn aged cripple. who tried to end his life Monday night by leaping into the river from the Uurnsidc bridge, was convicted of disorderly conduct yesterday before Municipal Judge Hemiett, and was sentenced to ten days on the rock pile. Krncst has been earning a precarious living by sell ing shoestrings 011 the street cor ners. He became weary of the work on Monday and tried to cud it for all time. The men of the United States gunboat Yorktown dragged him from the river before lie was seriously injured." The alxvc extract taken from n Portland daily pa)cr Inst week would lead one to believe that the milk of human kindness had de parted from that city, yet thou sands of dollars have been raised to assist a young actress who was un fortunate enough to have her two legs amputated owing to her being run down by n railroad train, which nlso proves the people of Portland and vicinity arc generous enough in some instances. On one hand wc have an old mnti, crippled, try ing to ckc out a miserable existence by selling shoe strings, rather than go to a county home. I)ccoiulng discouraged and despondent he tries to put an end to his life. Upon being rescued, he is sentenced to ten days 011 the rock pile by an un feeling judge. Whnt nn inspiring picture it must make to sec this poor old cripple pathetically at tempting to do a day's work at pounding rock. Shouldn't we be proud of such a judge who would sentence a man in this condition to the rock pile nud the community that would permit such an outrage to be perpetrated? If he should be punished nt nil, why not send him to jail, where he would be fed and housed nud given n chance to rest up for a short period nt least, On the other hand wc linvc nil actress, beautiful, youthful and charming. Unfortunate, it is true, yet she has a husband living and Want the Lid Put on. A petition was presented to the city council Tuesday night praying that moving picture shows, poof rooms and card rooms be ordered closed on Stiudays. The petition averred that these places were run for gain, were demoralizing and n desecration of the day. The mat ter was referred to the license com mittee, and what disposition will be of it remains to be seen. The friends qf these establishments claim that the petition is discrimi nating In its character, and there fore, cannot be granted. Cigar stands, drug stores, ice cream and confectionery stores, and even the contribution box on Sundays, they say, arc being run for gaiu, and that if one place is closed, by the same token all places should receive like treatment. The church cle ment, by which the petition was signed, claim that the resorts men tioned interfere with attendance at divine worship, and attract the younger folks away. Whereas, if these places were closed they be lieve the youth would be more sus ceptible to religious influence. It 11U depends on the angle from which otic views the situation, and whether closing would have the effect the church clement expects and hopes It would have is a mooted question, The patrons of the show and pool room claim they will not be driven into church by this method, while the church members believe they can be led in that direction if temptation to go to these places is removed. It is up to the license committee to settle the problem. The Commercial club held a live ly little meeting Wednesday even ing. What was lacking in num bers was made tip in optimism and good cheer. A committee of three consisting of 1'. Wolcott, Peter and I. II. Kdlclscn was np ointcd to confer with the county commissioners to get a line on whnt they would do regarding a free ferry at St. Johns. Other matters of importance received attention. Miss Kdlth Moc of this city was united in marriage with Thomas Oillmorc of Vancouver, Wash., nt Astoria last week. The newly mnr ried pair nrc now guests nt the home of Mrs. Gillmorc's fnthcr, W. 0. Moc 011 Richmond street. The bride has lor several years been n faithful "hello" girl nt the central office here, and Is txsse.sscd of many friends, who wish her un bounded happiness in her new relation. Subscribe for ttio Tolegrani best uvonlnK paper on ttio count. floe lid Stockton. EN TP NATfiONAlf BANK. YlTO SHE m JftSSSSfr :: The requirements of the U. S. Govern ment National Bank laws guarantee safty to the depositors of OUR bank. The officers of our bank arc always pleased to give the benefits of their exper ience to our patrons. Wc will pay you three per cent Interest on the money you put in our bank and com pound the interest every six months. I I Paying By Check Persons never having had a checking account often think it a complicated affair. On the contrary, it is very simple. You deposit your money in the Peninsula Uatik, and we give you a check book and a pass book hi which a record of your deposits are entered. The checks you write iu payment of bills ure simply orders 011 this bank to pay the money. The Inconvenience and danger in making change is avoided for the checks can be written for any odd amount of dollars or cents. There is no disputing the payment of the money afterward for all the checks are returned to you after being paid by this bank and the endorsement of the recipient is your evidence of pay ment. ' We will cheerfully give you any additional information you may desire about this paying by check plan. The Peninsula Bank "THE PIONEER BANK" I CAPITAL and Surplus - $56,000.00 I FIRST NATIONAL St. Johns, Oregon BANK To Whom It May ConcernI YKS Wit IIAVH THIt JKWISL OAS RANGES at all prices from f, 13.50 to $48.00. Why heat all the house just to get one meal. Our stoves arc all JEWELS. Also something new iu the white line enamel ware. Pishing tackle, Bamboo and Steel Rods from 75c to 1 2. 00. Garden Hose front $4 to $6.00 per 30 feet. Lawn Mowers from to $6.00. Huildcrs' hardware, tools, Atkins Silver Steel saws, paints, oils, white lead and glass. Hendricks Hardware Co. Lots for Sale - - $5 and $5 Monthly in 1910 ADDITION Water mains now being laid, streets being graded, now is the time to buy Purchasers who desire to build can make arrangements with us for building material on the easiest of terms if they will COBB DRY GOODS CO. An August Sale Lasting the entire month will surpass any thing of its kind ever held on the Pacific Coast. A line of Dry Goods purchased in St. Paul at 50 cents on the dollar allows us to make this GREAT OPPER. All goods right UP TO THE MINUTE in STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE. Do not waste your money and time by going to Port land to trade when an opportunity to buy more goods and much BETTER GOODS for LESS MONEY is offered at your home town. COBB BROS. v See US AT ONCE c want ,0 c'osc out ,h,s Addition without delay. If you want a home you - cannot afford to overlook our proposition. For sale by any Real Estate Dealer in St. Johns, Oswego street and Ecist St. Johns station. Phone Richmond 601. or PROPOSALS FOR Improvement Bonds City of St. Jphns able to keep lier, if reports ait true. The sympathy and generosity 0f tt large city arc showered upon her, from which we do not desire to de tract. It is right that this should be, ami we ure glad it is so. Hut at the same time .should not the sympathy and generosity same city be extended to the oor old cripple, ploddiug along without a ray of hope or encouragement, weary of life ami carrying a burden almost greater than he can bear? On one hund we have a city joitr ing out its generosity uou an un fortunate, but popular and clever young uctrcss. On the other hand the same city permitting a poor old cripple to be consigned to the tock pile without a helping hund, a cheering word or n crumb of com fort Iteing extended toward him. Surely there is something wrong. We give thousands of doltors to foreign missions arid believe we have done our duty. Yet time and again, right at our own doors, are poor cripples and worn out ami dis. couraged individuals beintr turned away without assistance or without a kind word. What a truly chris tian world this is, how cold and unfeeling. Yet we like to tell of what Portland has douc for an uu fortuuate young lady in her hour of misfortune, while the poor, dis couraged' old cripple is feebly pounding away at the rock pile, Alice Lougworth is making quite a name for herself as a cigarette fiend, aud many of the geutler sex are deploriug her pernicious habit. Mrs. Lougworth has been iu the limelight for so long that she is loath to leave it, and iu order to keep there she is even willing to smoke cigarettes in public. Her example iu this respect will not likely beemulated to any great de gree, despite the fears of a number of agitated ladies who are just now making a great "fuss" over this Irregularity of Teddy's daughter, A Family Picnic About 35 people of St. John Tort laud chartered the Argosy uml with their children hied t the city dock Sunday last, Mini boarded that staunch little erult for n trip down the river. The bout nf Hi! , ,,,r "bxjk soon niter 9 u. 111. . uml run ,ms down Wilhtmette slough to Rocky point uiiii mere lamieu ami got uway wltli nil ubuiidauce of ratable, which the good houewlve hud prewired and brought aloiiK- After a hearty lunch under the beautiful shade trees, the whittle blew and everybody went aboard uml started ilown ktream uksIii. The next stop was at St. Helen, where stuy of about two Bnptlsts I lave Annual Roll Call hour wu made, some going nut to the , Parker our secretary of ball park to witness n spirited game be- 1 nrer' "r 01 tweeu St. Helen, mid Rainier team nud work- 1 ,,e a,,cr Kave ! at the Mine time tuke u look at the wire less telegraph station which Is located near, and some kH.-iiiling their time iu the village viewing the sights aud eating ice cream, of winch there was plenty mm targe uuncx were scrveu. Aooui 5 o'ciock witu everybody on board, the Argosy tied loose imtl started borne via the Columbia to the mouth of the Willamette, thence tin the river to the lauding. To My everyltody enjoyed tiienikcivc would Ih: putting it mildly as each one tried to sec how pleasant they fi could make it for the rest. The otiicera o the Argosy each tried to see how pleasant they could make it for their patrons, and everybody came home well satisfied with their trip ami voted that if any party wishes to have a good pleas, ant trip they can do no better than to get the Argosy and take the trip as they had done. The same parties have char tered the boat for Sunday, August 14, uud will go up the Columbia 011 a trip. Oue who was there. W. C. T. U. ITEMS. The ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold a Mother's Meeting at the home of Mrs. O'Hurra. 610 Lehigh street, uext Monday afternoon at half past two o'clock. There will be an interesting program uud we hope for good attendance. Those who do not come will miss some helpful things. Hemember nest Monday afternoon, j:to. l'ress Correspondent. Huvo your property Insured In the St. Paul or Northern fire Insurance companies. They are the boat. S. L. Doble, agent. The Fifth Annual Roll Call serv ice of the First Ilaptist Church was held last Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The service was opened by singing thnt grand old hymn: "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name," Fol lowing the song we were favored by nn address of welcome by our pas tor, Rev. Owen. There were oth er good addresses during the even ing, among them oue by Rev E. A. Leonard aud another by Mr. C. the state a very in teresting report of the Northern Huptist Convention which was held in Chicago. There were some fine musical selections rendered by the choir during the evening. After the roll wis called and res pouses were heard from the them bers, we were uskeil to partake cf the refreshments, which - hud been prepared by the ladies of the church. ivvery oue present reporteil n very enjoyable time. It will certainly be a day long to be remembered by Extra Fine Buys Sealed proposals will be received by the underlined at his office In the city hall at St. Johns, Oregon, until Tuesday, August 16, 1910, at six o'clock p. in, for mnni r iMicHiiioi ies man iwr yhiuc nun uttiucu uiri lorit... . .1 ,,i ;... .1 if looo nud if 1200 a quarter. Only cltvof St. Johns. OrcL'on.lthc same to be ten per cent cash, balance $10 per I lued by authority of Ordinance N0.306) iui imc vyiiuiv vi auy jkm i ui pia muusaiiu (ffooo) dollars. bam bouos will tie issued 111 iieuomi RIVKR VIKW A MOST CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK Of Standard, High Grade Merchandise s,:in.iLy.i.i.i fi the llaptists aud their were in attendance, trieuds who CON. Home and Investment. A beautiful home with modern conveniences, for your family or for investment. Lot 100x125, beautiful lawn and roses, fruit trees, chicken house, alley iu rear. beautiful home district, porchs, fine interior arrangement, 8 rooms, tinted walls, large closets oil each bedroom, full basement, cement walks, 2 blocks to car. Inquire 4-po Chicago Street, St. Johns, See the St. Johns Sand nud Gravel Co. for estimate ou your basement or cement aud plaster. We can save you money aud make a little for oursclvesj Phoue Rich mond 1571. month at 7 per cent interest. Corner on Fesseuden. near Port land boulevurd, 71x149 feet, on car line, only ? 1000 $ 200 cash, bal auce 1 10 a month at 6 per ceut. $400 for Lots 5 and 6, Block 22, Point View addition, on Dayton street anil only 100 feet from Port land boulevard $100 cash, balance if 10 a month, 7 per cent interest. $500 Corner 50x100 on Charles ton uud Seneca streets; yi cash, bal auce 1 and 2 years at 7 percent. 700-St. Johns Heights lot 40 X140 feet, street improved, fruit;, balance $10 per mouth at 7 per ceut interest. S. L DOBIE 110 N. Jersey Street. A big shipment of R & G. Corsets and Kaiser Gloves just In nations of f 500.00 each payable ten year from date, being coupon bonds, bearing six per cent Interest payable semi-annually, and subject to all the conditions imposed, directed and stipulated by what is known as the "Hancroft Bond ing act," under which act as amended, said bonds are issued. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. A. M. KSSON, City Recorder Published in the St. Johns Review July 39 aud August 5 aud 13, 1910. SUMAIONS. You get full wolfht and quality at the Central market, try It awhile. flrat Just For Sale Cheap Two first-class truuks. Call between 4 and 5 p. m. Alfred Carlson, Riverside Hotel. Waut Washiug Doue Private family. Prefer some one who will take washing home. cago Street. CARD OF THANKS. We sincerely wish to thauk our friends for the sympathy and kindness tendered us lu our late bereavement in the death of our dear brother. Ksoccially do we wish to thauk Mr. McKee and those who so kindly contributed the beautiful floral otleriugs. Mw. Fred Brown, Mrs. Theo I.inkey, Nicolas Steichen, Anna Stcichcn, Margaret Steicheu, Jennie Steichen, Math Steichen, Frank Steichen. In the circuit court of the State of Ore- gon, or the county ot Multnomah. Sarah McDonald, Plaintiff vs. Lawrence V, McDonald Defendant To Lawrence V, McDonald: In the name of the state of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the yth day of September, 1910, aud you are hereby notified that if you fail to ap pear within said time the plaiutift for want thereof will apply to the court for therelief demanded in her Said complaint. ins summons is served upon you by lication thereof in the St. Johns Re view, a weekly newspaper of general cir culation, published at St. Johus, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Honorable Robert G. Morrow, duly made aud en- 440 Chi- tered on the soth day of July. 1910. The date of first publication of this summons is juiy 39, 191a i ne last pub lication will be September 9, 1910, V.U1.UKK.&UOLUKK. Attorneys for Plaintiff r Patent Finger-Tipped Silk Glove 50c up Every pair contains a guarante. Kaysers are made of pure silk In a weave that wears like Iron. They have the patent tip, tbe guarantee; and tbe fit Is perfection. Ours have "Kayser" la the bem. Feel better? Yes, every man iu this city who saves something from his pay-check today feels better. He feels more independent. Do YOU feel that way? You must save to be free. The rtrst National Bank Helps aud Pays. It com pounds interest every six mouths. Model B70, $1.50; others as low as 75c. We arc St. Johns agents for the Royal Toilet Preparations. Every package bears this signature: jw-Mgc GUARANTEE TO CONSUMER After use by consumer as directed, if this article proves unsatisfactory, wc will refund retail price, upon delivery to lis, con tents one-half u&ed. ' Special Ladies' Canvas Oxfords, 50 cents. PAMMENT 4. THOMPSON Bicycles, Sundries, Repairing, Cast Iron Brazing Hartford Tires Key Fitting, Lawn-mowers Repaired Noxt Doorte Poat Office 408 North Jersey Street How fs Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co' Accurate work. Reasonable fees. H. Henderson, Manager, 120 North Jersey street. Work for, a Greater 8t Jobsa. NOTICE Mr. T. J. Monahau, for many years agent for this compauy at St. Johus, has resigned. He will be succeeded by Mr. W. R. Ttudall, who will be glad to serve our cus tomers in every way possible. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. t