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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1910)
Say! Where's that Pig? If there Is a pig left In any comer of the Northwest we want It. We want aa much dresicd pork as re can possibly tret We will pay aa follow! for produce. We nerer take off commission. Ship by express: Dressed Fork 12Ue Dressed Veal , 10a rrcsh sees ,. 2Sc Live Chickens Hons............ 17c Sptlne Chickans 20a Address all shipments, mANIC U SMITH MEAT CO. "nehtinjr tho ncef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON Check (or the Coinmuiiltm Tnlile. Tho author of "Tho Sabbath in Purl' tan Now England" mentions a custom which provnllod In several Now Eng land churches thnt mado It tho duty of the deacons to wnlk up and down the aisles of tho church at the close ot each servlco and deliver to every per son who In their Judgment was fitted to communo a metal check, which en titled Jilm at tho next celebration of me Lord a supper to Join In tho sacred ordinance. On tho communion Sab' bath it was tho deacons' duty to bco that every ono who presented himself nt the Lord's table had this check and to collect It from tho communicant be foro passing to htm the bread and wlno. All to Do Over Aernln, It Is nn open question it tho old fish erroan In tho following story over got tho right answer to tho problem that was pu ril I Hi his head. A wrltor in Everybody's Magazine, nt least, leaves one In doubt on that score. Tho rlddlo was this! "It a herring and a halt costs a penny and a half, bow many herrings can you buy for a shilling? The old fliherman bad worked on It for loino time. "What did you say the mackerel and a halt coitT" ho asked at last. "I didn't say mackorel; I said her ring," explained tho skipper. "Ob, that's different," said tho other. "I've been figuring on niackeroL" Tli Old Iloea Itnom. Atvln Adams when tho express busi ness was In Its Infancy had an offlco and two hones In Now York city. Ono ot those horses was a fine, fait animal, and tho othor an old, broken down nag. Packages that wero to bo delivered Immediately ho sont out be hind tho fait bono. Of goods that didn't bars to bo rushed ho would say, "Leave them for tho old boil." In every oxprris offlco to this day there Is an "old host" room, whero un delivered and unclaimed packages are kept Arr.onaut. Rob Dtntlttt of Qold Loaf. "Pennyweighters," as tho dotootlves call thorn, havo bocn busy In Washing ton during the last few days. Eleven dentliti' offices havo boon enterod and robbed of gold leaf and platinum to tho value qf about 1300. ITCH CAN BE CURED In a ahort time by using PLUMMER'S ITCH REMEDY In M-nt cans only, Address PLUMMER DRUO COMPANY Third and MadUon Portland, Or Krister's Ladies Tailoring College Cutting, Fitting-. Drafting, Design- l.w. TallnLt.... ..t ll.u..n..l,l.. ,.....(.. Strictly up-to-date In every stylo and loamon, write lor terms. 1 13 1-2 DcTtftUi Si Perth!, Ortfoo REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN First elaae work al ruonable prlcve. Free examination ami perfecUy Attui t laajea aa low aa $2.00 UK. G L. hAlNkb Suite 427, Marquam Building lourth Flour Opposite Portland Hotel, Portland Ore. A TRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATES IK PAINLESS DENTISTRY Painless Kstractlon Free Silver Fllllnaa 90c I OoU PillinKt . .75c 'UK.Oi!1 Crowna tj i-orcsisin crowna ., n Molar Ootd Crowne ,t4 tlridge Work, M K. OoM..,.t3 Inlay Fills. PurcOold , tt Very Nice Rubber Plate. ...W Ocet Rubber Plate on Earth.... 17 ALL TICS WORK 13 OUARANTCED. Don't throw jour money awajr. A dollar eared la twodollara earned. Our original reliable Modern Palnleaa Methods and our perfected otlice equip mnt utm ui tlmalod TQUr money. BOSTON DENTISTS, 5 thttMorrfian,frtland Ettrtoce Nl Mwruoa. fpMii rwtcftxa sa4 alder a Freak. EKtUUkea la PonUnl 10 jews, Opta ctcuum eatll I sj4 Sur ri astfl UilO. lor people wto vera. P N U No. 30-MO WIIKW writing to adrertUere please uienllon tills paper. Noxall Foot Remedy DESTROYS BAD ODORS And sires Instant relief for tender, burning, achlnf and swollen feet. One capaule wUl giro uutant relief. Ywelra In a box. Prico 25 cents, at your drusgiit's or by mall. Address DR. O. O. FLETCHER, Foot Specialist Alisky Building, Portland, Ore. SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattle 6pokai Ask for Their Goods and I SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Without Cot Ilia Dennltlon, At a London board school the teacn cr had explained to tho children thi meaning of tho word "ability." "Now, children," sho went on, "what word would express tho opposite to ability?' A sharp faced llttlo boy at tbo end ot tho end form bobbed up his head and exclaimed, "Please, teacher, nobil- Ityl" Work and Piny. JVenr Ita ilnnl At fine. Mr. Dorklns Maria, I think I can make this dining table last a while longer by replacing a few of tho top boards with new ones. Mrs. Dorklns Well, go ahead and patch tho top of tho old thing Up It you think you can. but I want you to un dcrstand that It's on Its Inst legs. PILE "I have suffered with nllci for Uilrtv Ix yenrfl. One year ago last April I be. Sin talcing CascureU for constlpuUoii. In ic course of a week I noticed the pilet begnn to dlsapticar and at the end of six weeks they did not trouble tuc at all. Cnscnrct have done wonders for me. I in entirely cured and feel liko a new man." George Kryticr, napoleon, o. I'lnuanU Palatable. IWnL Taste Omi. I)o Uooil. Never Mlcken, Weaken or Orlpe. 10c. Htc tOc. Never toll In bulk. The cert. Ulne tablet etamped C C C Guaranteed U cure or your money leick. i:iotiln Uii-lo-Ilnle. The coatlces man puts a careless arm 'Hound the waist of tho hallcss airl, While over the dustlets, mudlcss roadi In a horseless wagon they whirl. Llks a Icadless bullet from hammerla (tun, Ily smokeless powder driven, They fly to taste tho speechless Joys Ily endless union Riven. The only luncheon his colnless purs Affords to them the means Is a tasteless meal of boneless cod, With a dish of stringiest beans. He smokes his old tobaccoltss pipe, And laughs a mirthless laugh When papa tries to coax bar back Ily wireless telegraph. Motor Hecord. Th. Amblauous Cook. Mr. DcAytker Did your cook loavt nn aeeoiint of tho extra 16 cents wook Uiat tbo Itaxor woman offered hnrt Mra Vnn llnlmor I can't toll: tho said sho was going to leavo bocauss aim wntiinl tha clmnno. and I don t know whothor sho meant tho uionoy or tbo now placo. Mack to MHtnre, "Yes, I am a milliner." 'Trim hats, chT Maybo you can plcl: up tomo Ideas out bar In tbo country. "I havo already learned much. I had always supposed that tho bloo soma wero wired to tbo bushes." ICansat City Journal. Lessons From tho Pulpit. Mnnhntuin ConErogutlonal church Maw York, of which UoY. Dr. Henry A. Btlmaon Is pastor, boa boon holding n anriea of "ClV 0 SOrYICOS. II10B0 00- ing addressed by publicists ana ox ports In municipal development Not Appalled by Pluuree, Btage Manager Do you know, my dear sir, that not more than on play In fifty Is a successT Ambitious Author Yes, sir, but that doesn't scare me. This play Is ono ot a thousand. TDV IIIIDIIIBWhtaYeurEyii liii snwiiiiaia neeu tare EYE REMEDY Y will uv. it tlquld Fonn 29c, OOo. talis Tubti, 28e, II.0& PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of lortland, Orraon TURNISflCS HELP TREE IO CMPIOYCIIS Ualn office, II North Second flu Main WTO; A 1401 Lad ire IfepU Httli Norrtan BU Main lot!; A tH Phone or wlru order at our eipenta. ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER aro qu ckly relieved by Wyatt's Alhrna utnieay, uuaranteeu or money rorunci cd. Ask your druKtriat or send six cvnu postajjo ror freo sample to J. C. WYATf, Drusitl!. VANCOUVtR. WASHINGTON Union Painless Dentists Pull Bet of Teeth. . .. . $3.00 tlrldze Work or Teeth without Platn S3 50 to SS Gold Crowna SJ.50 to S5.00 l'melata Crowna 13. SO to SVUO Oold or Porcelain FlUlnire,,,, St.OOUo Silver t llUngi , 30c to SI. 00 Ueet Plata Made 17.50 No charree lor ralnleaa bxtractins when other work la done, li year guarantee with au work. Hours. a. m. to 8 p. m. ZZlti MorrUon Street NamedicO stasx ABsonrrixY cures DR. WHITING'S REMEDIES MAKlirAOTt'KKIt HV NATIONAL MEDICINE CO.. LTD, 22Vt Shelley Bile Morrison St., Koonul and 4, Portland, Or. 1. APPENDICITIS KEMEDV. The ouly keova cure lor ApMndiuilU without iLe eld ot I he halle. 01,.. liauvdUre rtli.t Midffecie a peruauenb cure U a .horl tlu-e. 6.' "SPECIAL" REMEDY. ror W omen's Allmeot. Tumor, of the Hoe. el.. Al DlnUtes. Kidney sad UUdJ.r Truu. 1.1m. HlfK4. 't hu hew notentlfla Work le a home treatment, Write or call and we will esideio. K lernal Ireetiseat oaly ALL BACKED AWAY TOGETHER Woman Creates Much Excitement at Railroad 8tatlon by Accusing Man of Stealing Her Ticket. A nhort woman, wearing a whlto shirtwaist and a hat with throo apples on it, grabbod by tho nock a chunky young man who hold n ticket In his right hand In tho waiting room of tho Lackawanna railroad station In Ho- bokon nt 5:30 o'clock yesterday after noon and screamed, "Glvo mo my ticket!" "Gug-gug-gug," gasped tho gagged stranger, as ho struggled to release her grip. Tho station cop wont to tho mnn'a rescue and gontly Inquired what tho rumpus was atl about "He's got my ticket," said tho worn an. "I haven't," growled tho man. paid for It and It's mlno." "Well. It looks liko mlno," cxplalnod tho woman. "It's tho samo shape and color. I put It In my bag, which placod on tho sont, and 1 saw him walk nwny from It." ."Why don't you look In your bng and mnko suro?" suggested tho cop Tho woman took n pock nnd found her ticket "Men shouldn't carry tholr ticket In their hands," said tho policeman, ns ho backed away from tho backing woman and backing man. Consolation. There had boon a llttlo qunrrol attor tho honoymoon. "And Just look at my protty linen collar," sobbod Uio young wlfo; "tho tears havo trickled down and wilted It out of shapo. You haven't a bit of oollng." "Indood I havo," laughod tho bin husband; "I'm going to fix things up." "H-how, Qcorgot" "Why, tho next time I go downtown I am going to buy you a waterproof ollar." The Real Robber. Thoy wero looking ovor tho best six sollors. "Ah, this fiction Is right up to dato," romarkod dunnor, as ho looked ovor the titles. "Hero Is n novo! caltod 'Tbo Robbery In tho Paris Taxlcab.'" "li'hl" ejaculated Quyor. "Doos It mention tho nnmo of the robborT" "No, I guosa It was tho taxi motor." For dunnor had boon to Parlo and Wnow somothlng about tho tnxlcabs. In His Lint. "And now, Norn," said tho ono who had ongnged n now cook, "I roqulro all onions to bo pooled undor wntor." "All onions poolod under wathorl echoed Nora. "Bhuro, awn 0111 slnd mo brother Larry aroun'. Ho will ult yox botthor." "Your brothor LnrryT" "Yls, mum; ho waa cook on n sub ninrlno boat' English navy." His Hobo Name. "What Is your nnmoT" Inquired tho klnd-hcnrtod woman, ns sho handod tho Intellectual looking tramp a largo pleco of hor best Jelly cako. "Me real namo, ma'am," tho man replied betwoen his eager bites, "Is known only to th' forgotten past; but over slnco me gal turned mo down an1 tier ol' man turned mo out I'vo wont by th' namo of 'das.' " Dangerous. Convalescont Patient I owo my life to my physician nnd when bo cornea I am going to toll him so. Frlond Hotter wait until aomo otb r day. 0. P. Why soT Friend Well, ho Is out cotlectlnt. nil that Is owing to him today, and be might tako It At Uncle's. Rill Do you know that a watcn ticks 167,080,000 times Ir. a year, and tho wheols trncel 3,6584 miles? Jill No, do youT "Certainly 1 do." "I don't see how you can prove It, You nuvor carried a watch a whole year that I know of." Yonkors States man, Dad Error. Tom How la It old man Qlltwooa turned you down when you asked for tila daughter's band? Dick Why, that'a what 1 get for proposing by letter. Instead of wri ting, 'Darling, I will support you on savings, an 'h' slipped In on my type writer, and It read, 'Darling, I wlllaup- nort you on shavings.' " Mahogany and Cedar In Ashantl. It la estimated that the gold coast and Ashantl could supply 60,843 logs of mahogany and cedar a year If the Internal communication wero hotter. With mechanical haulage, such as traction engines and light tramways, tbo output could be Increased to some 260,000 logs per annum without deple ting tho natural reserves. Making Himself Solid. Tom So your proposal to tho prett girl In the park waa a flat failure T Some ono cut you out Dick Yes, they bad cut me out with a chisel. I was so busy proposing I didn't notice that I was sitting on a freshly comented wall and the blamed tuff hardened. Sounded Qrand, Out Stubb I thought you told me Bluff- wood had a suit for every day In the week. He has only one suit to bla namo. Penn Well, doesn't bo wear that very day In the woekT The Lone Exception. Gunner Tho world hasn't any uso for knockers. Guyer I don't know about that It doesn't object to opportunity and sbe'a a great knocker. Appropriate, "Why do you call this poem The Boomerangr " It always comeo back," Cleaning the Henhouse, If you wish to rid your honhonses ot llco and mltca now Is tho tlmo to do It Clean them porfoctly, whltowash tho sldca and roosts, removo all litter from tho nests and whltowash them out- sldo nnd In. Take out all droppings and litter on tho floor and sprlnklo ashes over tho floor ovory fow days. Fumlgato tho houso onco or twlco a weok with sulphur or tobacco smoko. Mnko a war on tho Insects for the ,noxt two months, and you will not bo troublod much with thorn during sum mer. CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Boors tho Signaturo of Aeroplane Made Comfortable. Aeroplantng Is to bo made com fortablo. Honrl Doutsch of Paris, whoso prizes did so much tor tho ad vancement of aviation In Its early days, Is having an norocab built for his own uso. Tho aeroplane Is of the Wright typo, but n llttlo cab of baskctwork Is bolng mado to shelter tho drlror and bis pnsBongor from rain and cold. AttfTUref Inir n ltrnann. Corklns I don't know how I do It but I can always tell what time of day It is without looking at a watch or clock. McStab To bo sure. Nature always confers instinct upon creatures that lack tht hUher faculties. Mothers will nnd lira. WlmWe Boothtnt Brtup ilia best remedr to un lot tholr diUdraa (utlpf til tetthluc period, asttlng Honest "This is your birthday, lsnt It OcssT" "Yes, Dick." "How old are your "Twenty-two," "Well, I'm going to give you a kiss for ovcry year of your life." "Why, Dlckl Dink 1 I may as woll confess to you that I am really twonty-alx." lloiiicatta I'lrtlon, Mrs. Drown I used to bo so fond of fiction before I waa married. Mrs. Rinlth And don't you rend much nowT Mrs. Drown No; nfter tho tnlca my husband tolls mo about why ho Is Into getting homo merely printed fiction teems so tamn nnd unlmaglnatlvo. ned, 'Weak, Very, Watery Krea. Rllavd Ily Murlno Kyo Itrmedy. Try Murine For Your ICyt Troubles. You Will I.Ike Murine. It Hoodies. Wo at Your Druaalsta. Write For Kyo Hooka. Frta. Murine Kyo Hemcdy Co.. Chicago. An Amendment. "Aro you ready to lire on my In comoT" ho asked soltly, Sho lookod up into Ms faco trust lngly. "Cortalnly, dcarcat," tbo answered, If If "If whatr "It you get another one for your- self." New York Journal. What the Wild Waives Heard. "You're looking- blue," remarked the lobattr. "What's the matterr "I have Just heard," the oyster an swored, "that there are such thlnss as vegetable oysters." "What's the dlfferencer rejoined the ether. "There are human lobsters, to, but X don't let that worry me a cent' worth, Chicago Tribune. You Can Gel Allen's foot-Caia fRCC. . Write Allen H. Olmitpd. U lloy, N. Y for a Ires samnla ol Allen's It , matins, iiuiewmirn, aeumfirei. 11 maaea ijewot 'llslit shoes eaty, A certain cure lor nun., uiqiunuiK uaiis aim uumuiis, Aliurug. UmetUu Uq, Don't accept any substlluw, The Durnlng Question. Venus waa rising from tho sea. "Great Juplterl" cried tho men, as fhey crowded tho beach. "How did you loso your nrroer Rut tbo women never noticed the arms. "In the name ot all that Is wonder tul," they chlmod, "how do you keep your hair In curl In salt water!" Judge. Tltrcuferied Tlteiu, Mike and Pat wore hired to clean a cistern. Mike took a firm bold ot the ropo and started to let Pat down. When about half way down Pat yelled up: "Hoi Mike, stop letting me down." "For wbyr aald Mike. "Don't ask any questions," said Pat, fer If yex don't stop letting me down, I'll cut tho rope." Harper'a Monthly. KluUrrtl btilrlfe, "John, what kept you out so late?" "Didn't I tell you, Maria, that I had to go to a meeting of the True Knights of the Mystle motherhood?" "Now that you mention It I bellovo you did." "Well, we had a long wrangle, as us ual." Vocal, "Itugclet, you are spending a great deal of money on your daughter's voice, aren't you?" Not exclusively. I'm spending some of It on her accent She's learning French." Makes the Weak Stag There is no need to con tinue in a weak, run-down debilitated condition when Hosteller's Stomach Bitters has conclusively proven its abilitv to build vou up and make you strong ugmn. ii ucis uirecuy on the digestive system, regu lates the appetite, prevents Indigestion, Cramps, Diar rhoea or other after-eating distress. Try a bottle today. Insist on having OSTETTER OELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER H s TELLS HOW IT FEELS TO FALL1 Circus Performer Relates 8everal of His Halr-Ralsing Experiences While Doing Stunts. "How docs It fool to fall?" wna asked of an acrobat who had had several halr-rnlslng exporlcnccB. "It foots liko something happening which I know perfectly woll was go ing to happen," ho answorcd, thought fully. "In my big fall, throo years ago, when wo wero touring tho west I folt as If I had falton before Tho sonsatlon waa porfoctly fnmlllnr, al though It was my first accident Most of us havo premonitions. For Instanco, 1 know thnt on thnt night I was going to havo a tumble I always work without a net, but I was almost tompt ed to have ono stretched. For fenr that tho others would talk about It I did not although I aftorward wished thnt I had. Ot courso 1 toll. It may bo tho sixth senso, or It mny bo a guardian angel thnt warns us. "Whntovcr It Is, thoro aro fow cir cus performers without n lively sonso of It at Union. When tt gives tho sig nal tho wisest thing to do Is to lay off for n performnnco rcgnrdloss of consequences; but I havo never hoard of anybody giving In to It liko thnt Tho evening thnt I camo nearest to passing In my checks 1 climbed to my llttlo swinging trnpozo up near tho top ot tho tont nnd when I was nbout hnlf through my net I felt n ropo Blip and In less than R sea nnl I was plunging down head first nnd duo to atrlko on n curb of tho ring unloss I could chnngu my courso. I did not loso consciousness; Instead, ovcry faculty scomod moro than ovor nllvo. I roatlted, too, that I must re lax my muscles unloss I wantod to ba brokon to bits. Thoughts of what would happen If 1 wero klllod fllttod through my mind, along with lnsur onco, what my wlfo would do nnd any, who would do my act. nnd no ond of things, all In tcss tlmo than It takes to think of thorn now, Anybody who has dreamed of fatting has a protty clear Idaa how It fools to go off."- Lcsllo'a Wookly. Clothes Explode. What was actually an explosion oi Floyd Shannon's clothing so sovoroly burned him that ho died nt Morcy hos pital, says tho Dotrolt Nowh. Shan non was employed In tho chlornto rooms ot the North Amorlcnn Chemical com pany. Tho chemical Is oxtromaly ox- plostvo In dust form. Shannon's cloth ing was Imprognntod with Impalpable rotnstlum chloride powdor nnd a spark that flow from a chliod which ho was driving upon n ploco of iron Ik- r.llod tho powdor. Shannon rushed Into tho open air with his clothing torn to ptecos nnd flaming. A follow-omployoo ran after him, knockod him down and rolled him in tho mud, extinguishing tho blnxu, but flush camo off with tho fow remnants of clothing, so badly waa the man burned. Shannon wo unmarried. Rich Oeggar Moves. 'Monsieur" Qauthlor, ono of tho mo fnmlllnr figures In tho beggars' brig' ado of Dotrolt, whoto savings from tbo alms glvou hlin aro estimated to be close to 117,000. baa decided to shake tho dust of Detroit from his toet, since he was flnod $25 In Justice Stein's court for striking with n broom Mrs Josephlno Itenaldo, who Uvea In tho namo homo, Qnuthler has bocn arrested numer ous times before, but through his crip pled condition and apparent poor health, he has always managed to on Hat Ihu sympathy ot tho court, and has received light punishment One of Onutliler's fnvorlto mothods of begging for alms Is to kneel In trout of tho steps ot a church Just au tut- services nro concluded nnd solicit rom tho church throng. Detroit Newa Not Meant That Way. "Some folka want funny Inscription engraved on their silver," said the Jowolur. "Tako woddlng knives. Many wedding cakes aro such mnun tnluous ti 17 ii I m thnt n speolal knlfu Is rti.uiuu to out them. Ono of laa mouths urldus out her cako with a knlfo that was a present from her aunt 1 guoas not many of the guotits got to road the Inscription; If thoy had they would bu talking nbout it yet. Thoso knives nro supposed to be used for cutting thu bride a enko and then laid ou the shelf for the rest of tlmo, but thu iiunl couldn't distinguish apparently between wedding and birth, day cakes, for alio made us engrave on tho knlfo: 'Mny I servo thoo well nnd often." The Exololt That Counted. Two Btaten Island vouncatera came homo from a picnic sopping wet. "We Jumped in otter a lady," they said. Then ono of tha nalr showed his mother a J5 bill that tho woman liad given him. "She elmmu that, said bo. "becausa I saved her pocketbook." "Ami didn't aha tflvo vnti nnvlhlnir?" aald their mother to tho other boy. "I thought you holped." "1 did." said bo, "but I didn't save anything but the lady." 8lde-6tepplng a 8neeze. Probably everybody has experienced tho displeasure, If not actual pain, which comes from missing a snooze. Tboro Is an easy way out ot this If ono happens to bo out of doors at tho tlmo and tbo weather la clear, Just glanco at the sun. Thoro Is some thing about the brightness of It that supplloa the missing Irritation, or whatover It Is that Is needed, and nine times out of ten if the sneozo has not ot too tar away It will corao back Fashions of the Late King. Many people thought that King Eq waid set the fashion for mon. Uo did not Fashion is a capricious creature and takes no notlco of monarcbs. The late king was hardly ever seen with. out a flowor In bis coat whon custom was against the "buttonholo," Con trary to tbo general belief tho king bad no special tailor. "Ho glvos us nil a turn," is how a St James street tradesman expressed It Will Dear Watching. Keep an cyo on tho man who w'anU you to pralso him for his virtue. Sherman ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. 1 'BaaBUaU.BBBBBBBBBBBU this Wellington Plnno wo'ro solllnjr wo're wlllinff to let It bo ITS OWN SALESMAN. It will toll if'j oifii story to you In your homo If you'll send us tho coupon. Please sena me mil particulars concerning this unusual Piano oiler. Name rA lev T7T V VII I irn .r-, I tiU iHHi(it, ,., L.,l ell .. Mft .1 enil. i.m lp.u m t .,! f til SMUre at MM saaotD lOMits, 1 . . PHM, ,amurs,.TV Strawberries Grown In City. To show thnt strnwborrlos can bi grown In tho hoart of tho city, Willis A. Hendricks of East Twenty-first and Aibort strcots brought to tho ofneo of tho Orcgonlan n numbor of boxes of Mngoon and Oregon Improved borrlos containing an nvorago of twonty ber ries to tho box. Tho borrlos wore grown on an ordinary city lot without Irrigation. Mr. Hendricks had 1,000 plants on his lot nnd nt tho first pick ing hw plckod a total of CO boxes ot tho monster borrlos. A number of the borrles worn ovor fire Inches In clr eumfcrenco and ono measured VA Inchot In clrcumforonco. Portland Orcgonlan Hit Question-Answer. "Aro marriiigoa mndo In hcnvenT" Tho Incturor paused, ns If for nn an swer to his Interrogation; whereupon a man with a hunted look glanced fur tively over his shoulder, swallowed hard, molstcnod his lips and sold, huskily: "Do strawberries grow at tho north cole J" Mixed Feed for Horses. In largo city stables feuding tho horsos tho hay and grain aa mixed food Is tho general practise and gives tho best results. Keepers find that horsos can bo worked bard and kept In good condition on cut hay and corn meal. Tho amount ot hay fed varies from I to It pounds a day In different tables, and of grain from 7 to 20 pounds a day. Qood Rotation. A good rotation Is corn, grain, clo ver. Hay land should bo topdrossed with stable manure, and best results were obtained by applying this llttlo nnd often. Whero land remains In grnsa a long time a light seeding of clover from time to time Is bene ficial, rcseedlng In summer after tho hay crop has been removed. The Orest Problem. "Pleaso advise at," "Welir "Shall I marry a girl who Is my temperamental opposlto and quarrel with her tho rest of my life, or shall I marry a congenial aoul nnd get tired of hert" fin Cnneei tar Alarm, Traveler Hero! Keep off 1 What Pullman Porter Don't shy, snhl It am only do vnckum-cleaneh, which hah supelirodod dn mlcrobey whlskbroom In ills hwih up-to-date car, sahl Puck. Neth & Co. ES8W COLLECTORS We Ituy and Colled Notes, Mortgages, anil Real Estate Contracts. No Colletllon No Charge, Worcester llldg., Portland, Ore. COFFEES TEA SPICES UAKINO POWDER v EXTRACTS just mom hCSISQ CLOSSET&DEVERS T0R!LNO, Oat.J Ilovr H Iluuiucruiiit Acta, Ilicli Father When I was a young man of your age I was compelled to keep an accurate expentu account and wasn't allowed to be out at night later than 11 o'clock. Son and Heir Sorry to hear It, gov ernor; your father couldn't trust you as safely as you can trust me. Stops Hair Falling Aycr's Hair Vleor, new Im proved formula, will certainly stop falling of the hair. Indeed, we lielleve It will always do this unless there Is some disturb ance of the general health. Then, a constitutional medicine may be necessary. Consult? your pnysician about this, k Don not change the color of the hair, 6 Tersaula with eteh kettle 9 Snow II to year vers ffmilMiiaam Atk him aksutll, tnea ao ss he ttj The reason why Aycr's Hair Vigor ttops laiiuiK iau is t'unusc it urai uctiroysiiic terms which causo this trouble. After this Is done, ntiuro soon brings about a full recovery, restoring tho btlr and scalp to a perfectly healthy condition. U id. 7 tie J. O, Oe., fcewell. Uses. If lay & Co, Wo wnnt you to try this IMuno IN YOUR HOME FREE. Wo want you to try It at our oxpenso because At I ho end of thirty days the Piano ITSELF will convinco you of tho following facta: It's tho best value on earth for the prico (5275). It's MUSICALLY n& MECHANICXLL Y rlRhtl Wo know thoro la so much real value In for $275 on easy payments that AMrcsi. Dr. B. E. Wright Have your Irelti rait anil hlafa end Mtn done, lor cut-oMown fatrona we finish plale anu uritiire wora in onoua u neceMary. I'ltlClS. . bent.... $5.00 Ci:!rt4 $3.50 Ul UUrZatt elt LV7 afJlaa I" -Jrr"' fuKirme..... ji.oo Mtft ITati . ... 50 ee CW KeUn rUhl $5.00 ruw $7.50 MaVu titmM. . 50c lliaTalKTHOn.4 I'alnleM Extraction Free when plates or trMre woik la onlrtnl. Con-nllallon Free. You cannot ret better ia(nlena work anywhere, no matter how much you pay. All Work rally Guaranteed for riltten Years Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342 Washington St., Portlnnri, Oregon TsVe ear at rlrpnt and transfer In Waahlnalon fit. Attractive tetters. Rodrtck Yes, ho camo over here to learn our language ntid startod on tho alphnbot Dentin picking up lottors, you know. Van Albert And what progross baa ho mndo? Hodrlclt Oh, ho soon found thnt tho only letters ho had tlmo to pick up wero tho X's nnd Vs. Protecting Seed Corn. A method of protecting seed con against the crows Is to add a tnblo spoonful of chloride of llmo to n pnclc of shotlod corn mixing It well, It Is n very cheap nnd easy way and tho aeod Is more ngreuabto to handlo than when contcd with tar after the mora common method. l.roiiMiiilrnl, Whyto Ilrowrno Is very economical, Iwn't hot Illock llrownoT Well, I'll tell you, llrowne la the tort of man who, when he wauta an nwl and hntn't any, Inttcnd ot buying one will go to work to mnko ono by straightening out a corkscrew, Mtthodt of Calculation. "Odontitis nro not usually auccet--ful business men." "No, Thoy think they are doing vory well If thoy como within a few hundred thousand miles of the exact measurement. You can't figure on dol lars thnt way If you aro doing busi ness with a linnk" aik youu ouocw ron x. k a. jiband or Bluting Diinftc!inl Spray Ammonia Col J Water UquiJ Starch "Cbo, 0" Non-Boiling Washing IluIJ K.AND S.CHEMCAlgl, pharmacist: ' Phono Main 113 101 Main St. Vancouver, Washington mm m time or me rear u ! ) ur letlb cut enl I'lal u.l Jka wikdose..rutaula M ea 'Ituae plate aa.l ti.jjia tuic la sua dat If nee4air, I'BJi set -sWC'teM $5,00 K10rUt.T..Ik3.5O Oour.min 1.00 Cautl rUllecs 1.00 6',.f riliajt .50 Cms Nutter - nn fiataa 5.00 Dot Rubber sas ksaai BeawJJMe a m m rum i.uu I.W..W1II, ruuiiti.iM.uui FsMn Cilr'llea.OU ...n... HIT UITHODI Uu.r Ml 11, All woik lullf cuarauievu lor Ilfltcu reals. Wise Dental Co. INCORPORATED Painless Dentists BultdlBX. Third I Wsihlnitsn, fORlUNO, ORrCOH Cm,. H..,i IA, u.1,11, u. lul.fl, i t I Drives away i'lles, Mosquitoes and Gnats. It protects horses and cattle from nltucktt of insects, enabling them to feed and sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight and strength from worry caused by attacks of insects, and from the irritation ot their bites and stings. There is a satisfaction In the relief it afford! domestic animals from the scourge oi maddening parasites and flies, beaided the profit in returns. Horses do more work on less feed and cows yield more ond better milk when relieved from the freiuy Incited by constantly fighting a swarm ol voracious, Insatiable insects, l'our sizes, ajc, 50c, 75c and 1,35, Ask your merchant for it. UOVT Cuuuicai, Co, Portland. Oregoa rAiBittM tuirkuiioa v r na rHtM or IjiUb Mini wok njrwhtjfo, no mtUr low much i