St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 29, 1910, Image 1

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    Historical Wi...
Toiubicrlb tor TIMS Piptr.
All the ntwi while It It nw Is
our motto. Call In and nroll
01 .dmlliln In THIS Piper
nJ you'll ritrtrrtiTtt It. 0
tin at one and kep ifcM at It
(I MM IMtat 4
Devoted to the Interests ol the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center ot the Northwest
VOL. 6
NO. 38
Be a Booster
The Sewer Proposition
A Midsummer Flurry
From A. F. Kaemlein
The Water Question
Inhales Gas and Dies
Council Proceedings
Crow nuil boost for nil you're worth,
Cause they nlu't no use on earth;
Do you know, there's lot of people
Slttln' 'round In every town,
Growlln' like a broody chicken,
Knocklu' every Rood thing down ?
Don't yon be that kind of cattle,
'Cause they ain't no use on earth;
You just be a booster rooster
Crow and boost for all you're
If the town needs boostiu', boost' cr;
Dou't hold back and wait to sec
If some other feller's williu'
Sail right in, this country's free;
No one's got a mortgage on it,
It's yours just as much as his;
If your town is shy on boosters,
You get in the boostiu' biz.
If things don't seem to suit you,
And the world seems kinder
What's the matter with n boostiu',
Just to help the things along?
'Cause if things should stop a-goin'
We'd be in n sorry plight
You just keep that horn it-btowiu',
Boost'cr up with alt your might.
If you sec some other feller tryin'
For to make some project go,
You can boost it up n trifle;
That's your cue to let him know
That you're not n-golu' t' knock it
Just because it ain't your
But you're goin' to boost a little,
'Cause he's got "the best thing
If you know some feller's inilln's,
Just forget 'cm 'cause you know,
That feller's got some good jiolnts
Them's the ones you want to
Cast your loaves out on the waters.
They'll come back, a saying true.
Mcbbc they will come back
When some feller boosts for you,
S Exchange.
Ray Steichen Drowned
Ray J. Steichen, 19 years of age,
was accidentally drowned nt the
Government moorlugs on the west
side of the Tlvcr, where he had
bccii" employed since the first of the
mouth, last Thursday afternoon at
about 3 o'clock. He met bis death
in a peculiar manner. With the
assistance of Joseph McKee, an
other employe at the moorings, be
was unloading a collection of blocks,
tackling and rope from a skiff ly
lug beside the tug Arngo. The
steamer Breakwater passed in mid
channel ut the time and caused n
series of heavy swells to toss the
skiff against the tug. While at
tempting to push the skiff nwny
from the hold of the tug, Ray lost
his balance and plunged headfore
most into the water. He never
rose to the surface. Without hesl
tatiug, McKee made a heroic at
tempt to save his companion. Rush
ing to the end of the skiff from
which Steichen fell, McKee dived
overboard near the spat where he
saw the young man sink. The cur
rent hud, in the meantime, carried
the body several yards downstream
in 40 feet of water. McKee, after
considerable difficulty, located the
drowning boy and secured a grip on
the hair of his head. In his death
struggle uuder water, Ray slipped
fromMcKee's grasp as the latter
rose to the surface. Exhausted and
nearly overcome by his strenuous
efforts, McKee was hauled aboard
the tug. After an hour's effort on
the part of the crew of the Arago,
the body was brought to the sur
face through the agency of grap
pling hooks and was taken to the
morgue at Portland.
Ray was a bright young man and
his untimely death is mourned by
a large circle of friends. He leaves
four brothers and four sisters to
mourn his sudden demise. Funeral
services were held at the St. Mary's
Cathedral, Portland, Sunday after
noon at s o'clock, Rev. Father J.
Ketteuhofen, of St. Clements' par
ish, officiating.
Building Permits
No. 96 To J. Bleaky to erect a
dwelling on Stafford street between
Burr and Alma streets; cost $ i5oo.
No. 97 To F. E. Zook to erect
n riwellitiir on Swift street between
Oregonian and Midway avenues;
cost $900.
No. 08 To M. Johnston to erect
rnnt norch on residence on Jersey
street between Richmond and Mo
hawk streets; cost $150.
No, 99 To P. W. Hinman to
porch and partitions on
Ivanhoe street between Chicago and
New York; cost $100.
No. 100 To H. T. Dow to erect
, , a residence on Jersey street between
Burr and Alma; cost f 3000.
. Prases the gospel of St Jeta.
Much has been said regarding
the uicrlts and demerits of both
cement and vitrified sewer pipe.
From our own observations nud
from what information we can
gather, we will take cement sewer
pine for ours every time. We
would respectfully invite any and
all udvocatcs of vitrified sewer pipe
to'takc a look at the pipe now be
ing removed from Philadelphia
street. This has been laid about
five years, we believe. Sections of
it collapsed while being taken out,
while oilier portions of it was found
to be cracked from one end' to an
other. In the short period of five
years vitrified sewer nine, in this
instance at least, certainly disinteg
rated at a very rapid pace. Sure
ly, we do not waut sewer pipe laid
that makes such n miserable show
ing. This pipe was used but little
in the five years. A pipe four inches
11 diameter would have served the
purpose just as well for all the use
that was ever taken of it. The
only objection we huvc yet heard
against cement sewer pipe is that
acids cat holes In it. This may be
true enough, but in sewerage there
is little or no acids. The city en
gineer informs ns that he has never
yet seen a test of sewerage that
contained nny acid. All of it con
tains so much ammonia that any
add is Immediately destroyed. Acid
cannot exist where ammonia is
found. This is a scientific con
clusion that is never disputed. The
only instance where acid would be
round would be where a plating
factory or something of that nature
used a sewer and deposited their
waste acid therein. If such an
establishment ever came to St.
Johns bonds could be exueted by
the city council to protect any lu
ll ry the sewer might sustain on
this account. Had bonds been ex
acted of the contractors who put
down the Philadelphia sewer, a
tidy little sum might now be
turned into the city treasury. We
believe it is incumbent upon the
city council to secure the very best
sewer pipe that can be obtained.
It lias been conclusively proven
that vitrified pipe has no lasting
qualities nor is It in very good
shape when it is first put into the
ground. A glance ut the pipe now
being laid 011 Philadelphia and
Ivanhoe will prove this. Most ot
the sections are cracked in one
place or another, in a small way,
to be sure, but cracked neverthe-
ess. Cement sewer pipe is practi
cally a new product in the North
west, and for that reason It is ulllj-
cult to get a line on its longevity.
But almost any one knows that
cement is almost if not altogether
everlasting. Cement pipe, as a
prominent citizen remarked in last
week's Review, undoubtedly would
be lasting if it is made according to
the specifications required by the
city engineering corps. According
to the bids recently received it lias
been demonstrated that it is cheaper
than vitrified pipe. Since the cvl-
lence Is before our eyes that vitri
fied sewer nine is very poor stuff to
use as a sewerage conductor, why
not try something else? .It can
hardly be any worse. The cemeut
manufacturers have agreed to put
up bonds for a certain number of
years as a guarantee 01 ineir
product. This is more lhan the
vitrified pipe makers have offered
or have been required to do. Why
not? The reason, we believe, Is
because the city council did not
realize that the Philadelphia pipe
was in such bad condition. With
the evidence now confronting them,
and as business men, they cannot
well do other than require bonds,
no matter whut kind of pipe is
used. The two largest contracts
for sewer pipe are yet to be let, and
If vltritied pine ts used, tne prop
erty owners should be safeguarded
by sufficient bonds on the part of
the pipe makers. If they will not
give these, let the cement manu
facturers do so. They deserve n
fair field and a chance to demon
strate what they can do. We be
lieve council will take the necessary
precautions and look into the mat
ter thoroughly before another bid
is let. The very best is none too
good for the people ot bt. Johns,
and we firmly believe cement sewer
pipe is the best in every particular.
At least we are more than willing
that it should be used in front of
our property.
Articles of incorporation have
been filed with the couuty clerk by
the Oregon Democratic Publication
Company. The incorporators are
A. Goodwin Betts. r. J. Clark,
and C. P. Houston. The capital
stock is placed at $100,000, and
will be issued in snares ot 51000,
The articles set forth that the com'
pany proposes to do a general
printing business and to publish a
morning daily to be known as the
Oregon Daily Democrat.
A little midsummer flurry was
created on the streets Tuesday
when a petition made its appear
ance asking that the city council
call a special election to vote ou
cither selling the city dock or issu
ing bonds in sufficient amount to
construct sidetracks to connect
therewith. Consternation was rife
among those who fancied the dock
situation was settled for all time to
come, and who believed the people
had become rccoucilcd to the idea
that the city must needs keep the
dock. Others, who believed some
thing should be done with the dock
in order that it might become use
ful and occupied, readily added
their signatures to the document.
The evident object of the petitioner
was instantly obtained, i. c. caus
ing n little stir ou a midsummer
day. When the matter was taken
up by the city dads, they decided
that there were uot enough signa
tures to the petition to take action
thereon, and therefore turned it
over to the city attorney for verifi
cation in this belief.
While many believe something
should be douc with the city dock
In order that it should uot "waste
its swectuess on a desert air," yet,
as we sec it, there is little that can
be done at this time. If additioual
bonds were issued to construct side
tracks, there is no assurunce that
the dock could be leased. There
was a time when an opportunity
for so doing was offered, but that
time is past. If the dock could not
be leased alter sidetracks were con
structed we would be worse off than
wc are now, because there would
be additional interest to pay each
year. It the city council Had us
suruuee that the dock could be
leased after sidetracks were placed,
and that assurance was placed in
writing by responsible parties, wc
believe the great majority of people
iu bt. Johns would sanction issuing
more bonds for that purpose, but
until such a guarantee Is secured,
It is extremely doubtful if they
would be willing to do so.
As to selling the dock, there are
a number bitterly opposed to doing
so, and if it was sold 011 popular
vote, a pile ot bitterness unci hard
feeling would be engendered, and
it would be long years before it
would be wiped out. If the dock
was sold, what to do with the
money thus received would become
a problem. As the money orig
inally was voted for dock purposes,
In the event of a sale it could
scarcely be used for any other pur
pose. 1 he bonds were issued lor
30 years duration. The parties
who purchased these bonds would
uot likely care to relinquish them,
and if not, we would have a large
bunch of mouey on our hands
which we could not use to advan
tage. By straining a point it might
be possible to use it in buying up
street improvement bonds, but we
believe this is all, and there would
not be enough of these to employ
all the money for some time to
come. Then it might be difficult
to sell the dock, There is no pur
chaser in sight now, although there
was some time ago. What price it
wotild be held at wr.uld cause much
contention. If a railroad should
happen to become the purchaser,
several of our citizens would in
stantly be thrown into spasms. So
there you are.
We will not deny that at one
time we favored selling the dock.
The city had the opportunity of
selliug then and we believed taxes
would be too exorbitant if it was
held. But since it has been demon
strated that our taxes are lower
than in Portland In spite of the
dock burden, and since we have
discovered that the mouey derived
from the sale could only be used for
dock purposes, we have modified our
views somewhat. uierelore, we
are willing to bear our share of the
burden and willing to let the
"white elephant as we once
termed it, slumber peacefully,
serenely and undisturbedly until
the awakening, whether it be soon
or after we have passed from this
turbulent world and are calmly re
posing beside our forefathers iu
good old Mother Earth.
Oregon's apple show will be held
in Portland November 30 to Dec.
2. It will be a creat exposition of
the state's fruit-growing possibilities
and it will be of wide interest be
cause of Oregon's fame as the
home of the red apple. There
promises to be exhibits entered in
competition tor prizes trom every
annle-erowinc county in the state.
The Corvallis Commercial Club has
already offered $100 for the best
apple exhibits from uenton uonnty
and the Hood River Commercial
Club has offered $so for prizes for
the best apples shown from that
section. Other counties will yet be
heard from in the same way.
Trenton, Mich., July 20, 1910.
Dear Mr. Marktc: Better late than
never, I dropiyott a few lines to
let you know that I still think of
St. Johns. Tift time is going too
fast for me. '5ftwe letters and cards
to my many mjjnds in St. Johns,
but it seems hard to get at them. It
has becu so hot I could not get at
writing. .
I have been playing the carpenter
and also the painter since I got
home, but this week will finish my
work. I lmve-takcn in excursions
after excursion moonlights nud
the like. The last week was n
hummer at Detroit. Hallo Bills
did it; the city was packed. I am
going to Cleveland, Ohio, Saturday
for a few days wedding of n cous
in there. I sec by the Review that
St. Johns had n big time on theath.
I would like to have been there. I
was marooned on an island Sugar
Island all day Must have had a
sweet oULtlmc.r-Kd big Jewish
picnic thfc. Say, talk about
ntitosl You "auto" see Detroit.
I certainly had a fine trip from
St. Johns to my home. The C. P.
R. R. is certainly a fine route for
scenery. I wcut from Portland to
Seattle, thence to Victoria and Van
couver, B. C;, there to Winnipeg.
That is n great city. It is coming
to the front. The streets are so
wide that I almost got lost ou them.
It is getting to be a great shipping
center. From Winnipeg I went to
St. Paul nud on to Milwaukee. It
seemed like home iu that town; from
there I went to my old stopping
ground nt Thlcl, Wis., where I
learned the "profesh" oi making a
living. Some of my old girls were
married uud some were waiting for
me. From Thlcl I went back to
Milwaukee and thence to Chicago
and ou to old Trenton. Mother said
she knew me a block nway. As
luck would have it she was at the
door to say "Come In." She put
me to work ut once, at the tame,
for she knew I was hungry. I urn
at this writing feeling better than I
ever did in my life. I expect to
get back to Oregon sometime near
the first of September, Am not
certain if I will emtio single or not.
That'sa Joke. Say "Hello" to the
bunch. ADAM
New Factory For Kenton
Owing to the unfailing demand
iu the Eastern and California mar
kets for Oregon-made doors, Harry
T. NIcolai, for many years with
the Nicolai-Ncppach Company, of
Portland, hasfcevered his connections
with that company, has organized
the NIcolai Door Manufacturing
Company, and announced a couple of
days ago that he would start work
ou a 5550,000 plant at Kenton, on tne
Peninsula, by the first 01 next
month. The plant is to be com
pleted and iu active operation by
December t.
The main building will be too by
200 in area, and will be located
alongside the O. R. & N, tracks.
1 here will be in addition the dry
kilns and warehouse. While the
plant will have an initial capacity
of about 600 doors a day, the con
struction will be such that the
capacity can be doubled pr trebled
as the demands of the market re
quire, About 40 men will be fur
nished employment at the start-oil.
Electricity will be the motive
power, each machine to be directly
connected to a motor. The plant
will be modern iu every respect.
There are two or three other
large industrial concerns in the
East which have had their repre
sentatives in the city looking over
prospective sites for either branch
or main factories, and at least two
of them have all but closed up
negotiations for locations on the
Peninsula. One of these establish
ments is plauniug to build a plant
there that will furnish employment
to close to 1000 men when oper
ating to full capacity. Would that
they decide to locate at St. Johns.
We need a plant employiug this
number oi men here just about now
One of the finest homes in St.
Johns is being erected for Joseph
Koeruer, ot tne St. jonns wooien
mills, by contractor A. A. Schrim-
stipr. It Is n 2l4 storv n-room
---- - j j
frame Colonial-style residence with
bard wood tloors, turuace heat,
full cement basement, sleenimr
porch, tiled bath, pressed brick
fireplace and paneled dining room.
This beautiful home is . located two
blocks east of the new high school
building on a fine view lot over
looking the Willamette. It will
cost about $5500 and was designed
by architect Lewis I. Thompson.
the ' Jtevlew and be
Editor Review:
I was glad to note you ex
ploded the theory regarding the
high price of water in St. Johns iu
comparison with Portland rates. 1
have heard mnny complaints my
self, and never gave the matter
much thought, but like many oth
ers, was glad to be more enlight
ened concerning the difference in
price. There is one thing I linyc
noticed, however, and that is when
any new addition opens tip the St.
Johns Water Co. is right on hnnd
with their mains. In Portland this
does not occur. Tltcrc are a num
ber of people living iu that city on
this side of the "cut" that cannot
get Portland water. Iu the 1910
Addition recently opened up the
local company is going right ahead
and laying water mains. Had this
addition been in Portland it would
likely have taken years before
water could be secured. It was
only on account of the St. Johns
Water Co. extending their mains to
this addition that made it possible
to oikmi up the tract. For this rea
son alone the local company proves
that It it n potent factor iu the dc
development and expansion of St.
Johns. When otic gets nil the facts,
it can readily be seen that the St.
Johns Water Co. is uot nearly so
"black" as it is painted, nud is
censured nt times when it deserves
praise. So many people arc down
011 corporations that they believe
they never do any good, but there
arc exceptions to all rules. . There
is uo denying that water rates
seem high here to many who have
come from long established Eastern
cities and towns, but when one
realizes that St. Johns is u brand
new town, comparatively speaking,
and spreading nt nu amazing rate,
the people really huvc nothing to
complain of so far as the water rate
Is concerned. Many coplc iu
California and other states that
might be mentioned would willing
ly give several times as much as
wc nre paying for the kind of water
we arc getting. It simply cannot
be beaten anywhere for quality.
Old Resldentcr.
At the Stock Yards
Receipts at this market for the
week have been as follows; Cattle
1693, sheep 3426, hogs 1.137 and
horses and mulos 19. The cattle
market has been stroug to higher
and there has been a snappy de
mand for every hoof that showed
good quality. Extra good steers
have sold for so.ooper 100 pounds,
and as has been rceatedly stated
iu market letters from this office,
the difference between poor and
good quality is steadily growing
greater. Packers and butchers who
buy here find that the higher
priced cattle are the cheapest In the
end and that thin cattle nre n poor
purchase at any price. The sheep
market has uot recovered from the
demoralization of last week. Good
lambs have sold high and good
quality yeurliug wethers have
brought a fair price, but as a whole
the market on sheep is uot strong.
Au advance of a nickel ou hogs has
been a feature in that division.
Good quality top hogs have sold at
$10,30, which is nbout the highest
price since the early days of May.
I), o. Lively, uenerai Agent.
An Oregon Exhibit
Exhibits are now being collected
for the Oregon car to be operated
throughout the Kast by the Great
Northern, and ull sections of the
state nre urged to be represented.
Fruits, grains, vegetables, grasses,
etc, are being gathered for use on
the cur and it is particularly desired
to have fruits on the limb, fallowing
them exactly in their natural state,
The opportunity Oregon has to
secure wide advertising iu this way
is very marked. Not only will the
exhibits be shown to many thou
sands of people while they are in
the car but arrangements have been
made for space at a circuit of state
fairs, and large exhibits will be
made at the Land Show this winter
at Chicago. The exhibit car will
be accompanied by a lecturer and
will be ou tour from early fall until
next spring.
Don't spend all your money on
that good time, Take a rest by all
means if you can afford it. But
save a little even now, Three per
cent compounded every six months
makes even one dollar grow iu the
First National Bank, It Issues
Time Certificates of Deposit.
YVork for Cheater Bt John.
With her three weeks' old baby
in a crib beside her, but carefully
covcrqd to save It from asphyxia
tion, Mrs. Ciara Snyder, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Margof of
St. Johns, and a bride of last Sep
tember, inhaled gas and died iu the
kitchen of her home nt 945 Williams
avenue this morning. Her hus
band who was nslccp in another
room, found her dead when he
arose shortly after 10 o'clock. On
the table was the following note:
Dear Folks and Jack: Forgive
me for what I nut doing, but I can't
help it. I am going crazy I know I
Mama and papa, don t blame Jnck.
He is nil right. He loves the baby
and wilt work for it, but it is uo
use. I always was foolish, but
now I am crazy nud what is the use
of living when you do not know
what you arc doing. I'orgct me
and remember this, I can't help it.
You all have douc so much for me.
I really don't know what is wrong.
Will say goodbye and Jack you
work for baby, as I know you love
him and have nlwnys been kind to
me. Goodbye, CLARA.
Mrs. Snyder had started to pre
pare a breakfast lor licrsclt tins
morning, but apparently the suicide
impulse came upon Iter before she
finished it, ns the food on the stove
remained untouched. It is believed
she then wrote the note to her pa
rents and her husband. There
was a small gas stove on
a shelf in the kitchen and nftcr
drawing the covers over the baby
iu the crib she Hat down iu the
chair nud took the tube of the gns
stove iu her mouth, turning ou the
ller husband, who is employed
ns n teamster, works most of the
night and usually gets up at to
o'clock. When he entered the
kitchen this morning he found the
room filled with gas and the wo
man lying dead in the chair. Has
tily throwing oicn the doors he
called to neighbors who immedi
ately afterward summoned Dr. Jas.
S. Dale.
When the physician arrived he
declared the woman had been deud
for some time and gave his atten
tion to the infant which hud in
haled some of the gas. The baby
is expected to recover, however.
The first intimation that the wo
man's mind was affected or that she
feared insanity came with the sui
cide this morning. Her motlmr
had been with her from some time
before the birth of the baby until
yesterday, nud had noticed nothing
peculiar. When sue lett yesterday
Mrs. Snyder had fully recovered
and npponred entirely happy.
Similar statements were made
by the husband when the coroner's
deputies arrived, although he was
so affected by his wife's act that he
was hardly able to speak.
The hotly of Mrs. Snyder was re
moved to the morgue. Monday's
A Worthy Cause
The charitably disposed people of
St. Joints have a worthy object ol
charity iu the person of Mable Ru-
nig. She is a young gin iitteeu
years of age, and since childhood
has been badly crippled. One foot
is drawn up so that she cannot statu!
erect and touch the floor with it.
Both her parents are dead and she
has been making a precarious nv
lug by working for her board when
ever opportunity afforded, Her
clothing is much the worse for wear
and is very scant, with no means of
securing more, bhe has been It v
ing for several weeks at Selmars
iu this city, where she has been
working for her board. Mrs. My
ers has interested herself iu the
child's condition and has been so
Hcitiug aid to some extent for her
benefit. She brought the case to
the attention of Dr. W. B. Ilolden
of Portland, who, after Investiga
tion, stated that au operation
would straighten out the limb, uud
he very generously agreed to per
form such au operation free of
charge Money is needed for cloth
ing, hospital service, etc., uud
therefore, the people of St. Johns
have au opportunity to enlist their
aid in a most worthy cause. While
Portland is aiding an unfortunate
by raising a fund, bt. Johns has a
splendid opportunity to do likewise.
Contributions will be received at
the Peninsula Bank of this city, or
the Review office to assist this uu
fortunate little orphan. It is hoped
that u generous fund may be thus
realized. "Charity beelns at
home," so all who can should give.
Wautcd Reliable person to clean
office daily, not to exceed one
hour's work; Teave tiame and' ad
dress at this office.
A remonstrance against the im
provement of South Ivanhoe, Rich
mond to Mohawk street, was the
first matter taken up by the city
council at their regular meeting
Tuesday night. The remonstrance
was referred to the city engineer to
ascertain if enough property was
represented to prevent the improve
ment going forward as proposed.
A remonstrance with enough
property owners represented to
"kill" the improvement as pro
posed for six mouths, was presented
ngpinst the improvement of Balti
more street, Jersey to Iulisou. The
reason of the remonstrance is said
to be because a number of the prop
erty owners were desirous of con
tinuing the improvement to the
railroad at least.
A petition signed by 23 gentle
men and 16 ladies was presented
asking that moving picture shows,
pool rooms nud enrd rooms be
closed 011 Sunday. Matter referred
to the license committee.
A communication was received
from Geo. S. Long of the Weyer
haeuser Timber Co. objecting to
the proposal sewer route through
their projcrty nt the north. As
this route seems to be the only fea
sible one, the Mayor appointed n
committee composed of Cotincilmcn
Downey, Ilillcr, Doblc, Davis and
Windlc, together with the city en
gineer, to view the property nnd
place n value upon it, ho that n just
tender may be made to the com-
laity. Then if they do not ncccpt
t, there will be "something doing."
The viewers' report 011 the con
demnation of n thirty foot strip of
laud owned by the Portland Kail
way. Light & Power Co. onFcsscii-
den street was read, and then re
ferred back to the viewers to rectify
11 slight misunderstanding.
The projxMcd improvement of
Columbia boulevard was held up iu
order to more fully ascertain the
assessed valuation or the property
A directory resolution was adopt
ed ordering the engineer to prepare
the necessary plans, estimates and
profile for the improvement of Fill
more street, Richmond to St. Johns
avenue. vv
A directory resolution was nlso
ordered for the improvement of
North Ivanhoe, Catliu street to the
Weyerhaeuser tract.
An ordinance providing for the
sale of $6000 worth of improve
ment bonds wus pnswxl.
A ordinance nrovidiutr the time
and manner of improving Leonard
street, Chicago to New York, was
likewise passed.
The recorder was directed to ad
vertise for bids on fifty cords of
wood for the city hall.
The street committee reported
that the approach to the ferry was
unsafe, uud it was decided that the
St. Johns Transportation Co. be
notified of the fact and ordered to
repair name without delay. ,
A public fountain was ordered
installed near the city hall grounds.
Recorder A. M. Hsson osked lor
and was granted a vacation of ten
days which he desires to spend at
the soldier boys eiicamptnetu next
Death of Mrs. Burr
Mrs. S. P. Burr, the widowed
mother of Mrs. Lola Patriquin,
who lives at 709 Allegheny street,
passed to her reward Sunday evert
ing, July 34. ut u o'clock. She
was born iu Licking Couuty, Ohio,
Feb. 25, 1825, and when five years
of age went with her parents to
Marshall County, 111. She was
married to Rev. S. P. Burr, a
preacher iu the M. E. church iu
III., March 4th, 1846. Rev. Burr
preceded Iter to the Heavenly home,
having died in 1881. Since his
death she has made her home a
large part of the time with her
daughter, Mrs. Patriquin. She
leaves one son, Charles Burr of
Genesee, Idaho, and Mrs. Jessie
Crawford, of Oakland, 111., and
Mrs. L. Patriquin, together with
many other relatives and friends to
mourn her death. She was con
verted to Christ and became a
member of the M. E. church while
a child uud lived a faithful Christian
life until her death. Among her
last words were: "I am ready and
waiting to go. This world has no
attractions for me, but I have
strong ties ou the other side." Her
funeral took place from the M. E,
church Wednesday, at 1 o'clock p.
m. and luterm.nt in the Riverview
cemetery iev. F. N. Sandifer
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