St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 15, 1910, Image 6

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'Jrave of William Penn 8lluated In
One of England's Most Charm
Ing Localities.
By deep lnncs which nro Jowoleu
with violets In spring, through rich
glndcs of becchwood, pilgrims como
ovory year to n qunlnt, high-roofed
Many of the Gentler 8ex Have DIs--
tlnaulshed Themselves by TMeir
Temerity In Ballooning.
Women aeronauts nro not only ot
lo-dny. Tho first woman of noto was
Wine. Nadar, who lost her llfo with
her. husband by being cast from a bal
loon nt NIeubourg. Hanover. Noxt wo grcon-robod meeting houso called Jor
And Mmo. Sago crossing tho channel dans. In tho rough llttlo burial ground
In 1785. Tho party sot out with tho bohlnd It lies Wllllnm I'onn, tho most
Intention of surprising n friend In tho famous of nil "tho pcoplo called Quak
country, nnd descended very near ere," tho founder of tho stnto of Ponn
their objective Mile. Gnrnorln, sister eylvnnln and tho author of a book
of tho Inventor ot tho parachuto, In which has not yet como Into Its own,
flvo years mndo 40 ascents. This was All this country Is rich In memories
from 1815 to 1820. Mmo. Blnnchnrd of tho great work of English Mora
was tho star under tho omptro. Sho turo. "Onco to theso sllont woods
had chargo of tho aeronautics at tho young Milton enmo. Tho "greatest
coronation fetes, In councqucnco ot man slnco Milton," nccordlng to sound
Oarncrln having Incurred tho dlspleaB- Whig doctrine, Edmund Hurko, choso
tiro of tho emperor, tho aeronaut hav- to llvo hard by In that Iioiibo which
Ing been tho creaturo of misfortune ho "hung from ton to bottom with pic
Ho nsconded nt Milan with a balloon lures" nnd whose splendor Johnson
carrying an Imperial crown. Tho nlr was contont "not to envy, but nd-
currents carried him out of his course, mlro."
nnd tho next day, In making his do-1 Americans, tho most zcnloua pll
scent, ho broko tho crown on tho tomb grlms of tho modern world, nro tint
of Nero. This tintownrd ovont cost urally foromost In their devotion to
him tho cmporor's dlsplcnsuro, for tho tho founder of ono of their grontcst
colncldcnco In somo nunrtora wns con- slates, nays tho London Tclegrnph.
Bldorcd BlgnlncnnU Mmo. Blnnchnrd Tho sprit of William I'onn, powerful
during her career nchlovcd somo noto. In Ilonjamln I'rnnklln, counted for
At tho mnrrlngo of tho ompornr with much In Bhnplng tho destinies of tho
tho nrchdiichcss of Austria sho enst young American republic. It would
flowers on tho procession from her not bo difficult to trnco Its Influenco
balloon, nnd sho did tho snmo on tho In somo of tho Btntcsmon who guided
carriage of Louis XVII. on his entry tho Untied States through tho dangors
Into Paris. Sho perished In her sov of tho noxt century. Tho rovcrenco
enty-Bovcnth nsccnt, In 1819, through I of America Is natural, and It mny well
nn explosion when nlofL Notwlth- explain tho project of which wo hear,
standing thnt husband nnd wlfo per- to romovo I'cnn's ashes to nn Amcrl
lsliod In tliolr balloons, this did not I can shrlno. Hut nn explanation Is not
deter othor woinon Booking similar In Justification. It Is neither vulgar
fnmo. In 1827 Mmo. Johnson crossod Jealousy nor unreasoning Bontlmont
tlio Mississippi In n balloon. Then for which demands thnt tho gravo nt Jor
n tlmo tho novelty waned, nnd has dans should ho left undisturbed
'Just been revived, Ho nccond advent No plnco In America could hnvo tho
NO OPPORTUNITY FOR HIM an ttmught business maw,
belnrr marked In Franco by tho found
ation oi n woman's club, under tho dl-
"ictlon of Mmo, Hurcouf.
snmo fitness ns tho humblo burial
ground nt Jordnns, with Its memories
ot tho dnys when tho followers of
(Jcorgo Fox, persecuted nnd Insulted
by tho powers of tho day, woro fight'
Ing tholr bnttlo for freedom nnd tho
Perpetual Motion
Not n fow scokcra nftor perpetual
motion lmro seen the r error, and hnvo uKnlly of mnn. ln KKftni tho fight
risen tip to warn tholr follows ngnlnsl Ml . .i , i..i,i i,in-. ,i,n
r, wasto of hopo nnd tlmo. Ono of uuill of '10 c,0 j, nny 0lher coun-
. ...... ... ... .....u cunuu an try .,, , ,,, of ,,. brt, ,, Mn
Unit If n perpetual motion mnchlno tlcnth of ,,, work nnd of ,,,, mtt9f,
could bo Invented It would hnvo no ,B0 , (o cInlm l0 .hrIno of ,,onn
...., w.....u,r, ... mum. rmiuiro ,10t America alone .but nil tho clvllliod
nil Its energy for Its own movement umri.i ...i.,i.i w..ii n.,i t,. i.i...
Another discovered that tho Illblo for much nn lo founder,' Qcorgo Fox,
bids tho qtiost, nnd begged nil ItivoRtl. tho Hocluly nr ,.-,,,,. m . powort
. " ,oi i- nn,j tho strenuous philanthropy of tho
.wnro lest nny man spoil you, through ft,CMd ,, ,oft ,u ,nurk n, ovor ,
philosophy nnd vain deceit, after tho worId Tll0 ,)(mr , ovury cnlry,
tradition o men, nftor tho rudiments , BftVng0 10 orn,m, d the luna-
cur to John Wllklns, n novontoonlh
century bishop of Chcstor, who gnvo
much attention to thoso spoculntlons,
which, hu snld, "do ravish and sub
lima tho thoughts with more clear nn
Rollcnt contentments
tic, owo much to tho spirit ot Wll'
Ham Ponn.
The Qlft of Memory.
A writer In an oxchango speaks In
warm ndmtrntton of Uie power pos-
Perhnps, thu aossod by cortnln people ot romcm
best apology for tho porpetual motion boring faces nnd ngaln rocognlilng
crnio wnn mndo by Hancock, tho In I person they hnvo mot In the most
ventor of tho London steam cnrrlngo, cnsunl wny. Ho regards It ns a groat
who said that If he had n hundred gift nnd ono much to bo desired. It
sons he would like them all to study Is a gift, but It Is by no means rare;
St. Peter's Explanation to Rapacious
Business Man Who Would Have
Entered Paradise.
When tho mnn saw nhend n gato
ot dazzling whlto, tho thought occur
red to him that ho was dead. Ho re
membered that ln his youth ho had
heard of a gato of such construction.
To bo dend did not worry him much
except that ho felt a pang of pity for
tho people left on enrth. Hut ho com-
Clilnuinnii'a l'rlttcllilc Arc Founded
ISutlrelr Upon
"With duo respect for others, tho
Chlnmian Is perhaps tho moat honora
bio nnd upright business man ln tha
world to-day." This statement was
made not long ago by Monroo Woolloy,
a man who knows whnt ho Is talking
about and who Is considered an author
ity on this subject. "Tho Chinaman's
principles aro founded entirely upon
honesty and he adheres to his policy
with tho lnslstonco of a leech. Of
fnrlrtrl ttltnrtnif titr finnltl n rr (tint n tint
1 VSl l. 14 IIIIIIOUIl UJ IbblllllllH I1 WVHVl ..... . . ... . i.i a I
men had died, too, and people had hourf n tbu8 tell ng a falsa
not suffered greatly.
hood occasionally docs not bother him
"Well," ho said, "I must not bo lol- ? tnuch. t when It comes to plot-
tcrlng. It's up to mo to get tho othor
sldo of thnt gnto."
As ho approached ho behold a dlgnl
fled angel on guard.
"St. Peter," ho remarked blandly, "I
have heard of you."
"1'vo heard of you, too," responded
tho guardian, "ln fact, wo understood
ting and scheming to defraud somcono
tho task becomes distasteful.
."Tho equal of tho Japaneso In Ini
tiative and foresight, ho Is much their
superior when Integrity Is concorncd.
A Jnpancso docs not think twlco be
fore deciding to get tho best ot you.
"Not long ago tho united States gov
thnt you woro coming, nnd looked up eminent asked for bids for n big piece
your record. Wo found you to bo a I worK. Among tnem was mat oi n
thief and murdoror."
"Wha-at? Say, you'vo got mo mixed
with sumo othor Jones. I never stolo
n thing or killed nnybody. Your sys
tem of records Is faulty."
"Wo havo had tho books exported,"
was tho cold rejoinder. "Thoy nro cor
rect. You dealt In Ico and conl. When
tho weather wan so hot that babies
had to havo Ico, you raised tho prlco
so high that many a mother had to
lono Chlnoso contractor. Ills bid w.s
tho lowest received; but tho govern
men t found thnt ho had no previous
experience, ln his Hue nnd that ho atoo
had llttlo capital behind him. Still,
the Chlnnman, who spoko good En
glish, pressed his caso. Ho had llttlo
trouble ln getting his own countrymou
to bond htm, nnd ho got tho contract.
"Tho bid was so low that tho govern
ment could 111 afford to pass It by; In
stand by nnd sec her child perish. If fact, to low that tho Celestial bidder
thnt was not theft and murder, what
was It And In wlntor you"
"Oh, como, now. Huslness Is
In tho end lost thousnnds ot dollars,
a fate ho was ablo to foresco after a
month's work. Did ho shirk his ro-
"You confirm tho rocords. When ro- sponslblllty and try to crawl out of a
buked for your ortmos you used to say,
'nuslncss Is business.' So It Is, and wo
know ours,"
Tho man stood mute.
"Now," continued tho gunrdlnn,
"thuro Is no opening horo for cither
brnnch of your Industry, but I can di
rect you to n plnco where tho demand
far Ico Is over greater than tho sup
ply, and you might do something In
"You mean"
"Wo never mention It horo, but that
Is what I moan "
Then tho mnn nwnko.
"Woll, business Is business,"
Queer Meat Defore Hanging
Amid remarkable demonstrations of
Joy from tho natives of tho district,
Camlllo Fnvro wns guillotined nt
Halntes, Franco, recently. Tho crlm
Inal had boon convlctod of tho rnur
dor of n llttlo slx-yonr-old girl nnd
his oxocutlon gave unbounded delight
to tho mother ot tho town, who
crowded tho windows of tho houses
bad undertaking as had ills American
"No; to do that was strictly against
Chlnoso business ethics. Not only did
ho follow tho specifications and plans
to tho very letter, but ho hnd tho work
finished far ahead of schedule time, d)
spite a disastrous storm and much In-
clement wenthcr. Tho jou nmdo him a
poor mnn, leaving him badly In deb'.;
but Chlncso Integrity had been main'
talned, and othor contracts would fol
low with profits to cover present Iossck.
"This spirit has been encountered
thousnnds of times among Chinos"
business men ln this nnd othor coun
tries, for .tho Chinaman does busluQCH
nil over tho world.
In tlio Wiuimii Win, MnUra nil KfTnrl
lit lie UtMii-Hnte,
Tho common opinion Is that rent
heroines aro something unusual and
rare. When a woman saves n human
being from drowning at tho risk ot
tint nun 1 1 ft 1 tm In ml a, I nta n li itiA,
J t""?,.,l!. lri"0'; Hi m. "defies give her modals, by
wny of distinguishing her from the
rest of womankind. Hut what sho did
wasn't really ns brave as what thou-
uttered cries of satisfaction nt tho
moment tho knife foil. Fnvro spont
tho Inst dnys of his llfo, llkn many n
.rl.nn.. In ihaIiIiii. fd.iH.t. I ",,nl .V....
'Z':::.?" "'VnV. v.". of hor .l.tcr. nro doing every
perpetual motion, became It would
ncqunlnt them with mechanic. John I
o' Ix)ndon In T. P.'s Wookly, Loudoa
Climax of Adventurous Life.
A remnrknblo Incident In thu ndven
turous llfo of John Peck Is thnt hu has
just been pnrdoned ul Nottingham, vo ,hat , mmm bolonK,I1K (o tho
U7 ... ... ... .u, ..u.uui.u. k miona hiontmed by their oyo vnnlsh
Is, In fnct, very common possession.
Whnt Is far moro rnro, nnd not less
to bo desired, Is the ability to nseo
clnto tho nnmo of tho person with his
face. Innumerable nru thu men nnd
womon who remember faces well too
well, nlns who find It a trlnl ot tholr
from his riAlment 40 yenrs ago. HI
atory discloses n romnrknblo nnd ro-
innntlo rnreor, At 16 ho enlisted In tho
Eleventh HuBsam nnd wns Immedl
ntoyl sent out to thu Crimen. When
poaco wns declared Pock was trans
ferred to tho Queen's Hays, In order to
go to India, wheru hu fought through
thu mutiny campaign. When fight
Ing conned routine was too wearisome,
nnd hu deserted to umku his wny to
Kouth Afrlon, Hu fought against tho
from their memory utterly at tho crlt
leal moment.
It Is Indeed n doslrablo thing to bo
nblo to rocognUo Instnntly tho pcoplo
ono hns mot, but only when this abil
ity Is nccompnnled with n fnlrly trust
worthy memory for names. Other
wtso It mny bo a questlounble gift nnd
uvon nn ntltlctlon. For you mny offer
ncceptnblo exousos for not recogniz
ing acquaintances nt sight, but when
you have friends of long standing
tlo birds which flow In nnd nbout tho
courtyard of his prison, nnd tho mnn
who hnd boon guilty of tho most bru
tnl of crimes occupied himself In keep-
dny. Tho truo horolno Is sho who
wenrs clothes ns they nro ordained by
tho llttlo tin goddess of fashion.
Tho wouinn ot fashion, or sho who
in i .r,r,,i.. ... ..i. ii- -... nsplrcs to bo n womnn of fashion, go
dozen of them, kept them, tamed InK forth In hor enormous hat which
them, nnd began to lovo them. His woni 0w hor to lean back comfort
wardens thought thnt nftor nil thoro ?bl' " ft cnr or clo,ei1 cnrrlnge, hor
must bo n touch of humnn feeling In hlh ? thftt " catching In
this mnn. Hut wero they right? Ho "mcthlng or othor, skirts which muko
loved them so well thnt ho mndo n ro- u Imposslblo for her to tnko n normnl
quest of tho prison govornor concorn- tl)' 1"r w"'t bftB "
Ing his pets. "Mny I hnvo six of 00 ciuicnon consmnuy or 11 win got
tlunii." Ihi bnarcd. "for mv iivnnlne- lost, nnd a hend wolghed down with
mentT To-morrow." ho added, with fn,w M'' undor her nlrshlp hnt this
tho utmost snngfrold "to-morrow I
will finish tho othor six." On tho
next morning ho wns executed.
llnsutos, nnd Inter ngnlnst tho Zulus, whom you cctor almost dally
Noxt ho went to Now Zealand, but re
turned to Houtli Africa to tight tho
Door in thu Into war. Whon ho ro-
turnod to Notllnghnm thu local Old
Soldiers' nssoclntlon communicated
with tho wnr ofllco, and received tho
nnd then forget their names for thnt
thoro Is no npolngy that will not bo
'ecolved cohtly nnd with suspicion.
Remarkable Rescue 8tory,
An oxtrnordlnnry tnlu of rescue
certltlcntn that John Puok, 72, deserter, comes from Wnles, Ono dny Intoly
Is now claimed for servlco In tho llrlt- tho throu-yenrold son of Mr. James
Ish army, mid Inclosing also notice of Parry of Morrlston, foil Into tho cnnnl.
tho grant ot a ponslou of a shilling per T chlld'H mother saw tho accident
day, nua, although sho could not swim, she
- I nt nnco Jumped In ami gnuped tho
Was Determined to Die. child, enniu-h. hnr lumliniiil
A red headed man about thlrly flvt, hnimenml to iu
yonrs of age, who was clad In needy ,,nK nmJ, although ho also could not
dark clothing, approached two mon swjm, l0 Jumped In, not knowing that
who wero walking on tho Hrooklyn his own child wns ln imminent danger
.hu .mini u.iui.iuuii .nut ihhuu of being drowned, it looked ns If thu
them for n dlmo. "What do you want wholo family would bo wiped out whon
It for. n drlukt" nskod ono of thu mon. Alfred Molllchap passed by. Ho only
"I wan It to buy carbollo nold to kill 8n,v Mr. Parry, and Jumped In to
mysolf," answered thu seedy one. "I'm rosouo him. Alfr.ui t.,L.c.,.i i,nP.i m
down and out, nnd thoro'n nothing loft tho unusunlly heavy bunion, lifted him
for mo to llvo for." Tho men didn't to tho surface and, to his surprise,
belloyo him, but Just to frighten him found that ho hnd hold of tho womnn.
n llMlfl fffiftlr lifilil ilf ttm ..llmu'u ...... u m ....... '
- ,..v ....... ,i.iS nnu Buusequontiy inat alio in turn
nud walked him along between them, clasped tho child. All throo woro
Suddenly, when tho trio had readied brought safoly to tho bank - by Mr.
4W vvmivi u iuvilibil IllIlU UIUHU All) c mi). ntlil H.i.ianmtmiMv rarAVl
DU'liV frnm lila frtnittnru ran t- ili.s ul.l.t. I
ciuuueu over the railing, dropped to
woman Is truly brave.
Sho wears all that toggery, In which
sho must bo exceedingly uncomfort
able, and sho wears It so placidly, so
Whlcnr smilingly, thnt mnn thinks but whnt
A Justifiable rebellion wns thnt of does mnn think when ho beholds n
Isabel. Hhu wns on thu grnss In front I fashionably dressed woman?
ot tho houso, plnylng with tho baby, Perhni ho doesn't know thnt her
aged two. Isabel herself, not more clothes nro unromfortnble, for ho ban
thnn three time tho other s ngo, wns never worn them, nnd no womnn would
noting tho part of mother to porfeo- over confess to him how sho feels In
tlou. Presently along came n young them. Sho Is braver than tho imp
man. who thought ho understood chll- tyrs of old. for tho mnrtyrs reennted
dron. sometimes, and what woman over vn-
"(lood niomlngl" ho said, olabor- vered In her smile In tho ballroom.
ntoly, tnklng off his hnt. "How nro no mnttor how her dress wns hurting
The Property Ftlahts of Wives Were
Recognized Before the Advent
of St. Patrick.
The pagnn Irish wore fierce nnd
proud, but nt the same time remark
ably Just and puro. Those who wish
to verify this statement hnvo only to
look up tho old Hrclion Inws, tho leg
islative codo that obtained In Erin
long before and long after tho advent
of 8t. Patrick.
Theso lawB with very fow excep
tions woro found good enough to gov
orn tho land after tho reception of
Christianity. St. Patrick saw noth
ing to change In theni, .except the re
ligious features bearing on tho old
Druldlo worshlrJ. For the rest, ho left
them as ho found them, nnd they con
tinued to bo tho legal guldo of tho
Irish nation even down to the sovon
toonth century.
Among their most noteworthy fen
tures aro their scnto of Justice nnd
fnlr piny nnd their eminently high ro
gard for tho domestic relations tho
rights of women, tho mutual protec
tion of husband and wife, tho recipro
cal duties of pnrcnts nnd children
otc. Uy wny of proof or lllustrntlon
wo glvo a passago from tho Senchus
"In tho connection of equal prop
crty ... if with equal land and
cattlo nnd household stuff, nnd
their mnrrlngo bo equally frco nnd
lawful, the wlfo ln this caso Is cnlled
tho wlfo of equal rank. Tho contrnct
mado by cither party Is not n lawful
contract without tho consent of the
other, excopt In cases of contracts
tending equally to tho wolfaro of both,
. . . Each of tho two parties has
tho power to glvo rcfoctlon nnd feast
according to tholr rcspecttvo dignity."
In enso of separation nmplo pro
vision was always made for tho wlfo'
futurn. If, for Instance hor portion
at tho tlmo of mnrrlngo wns oqunt to
thnt of her husband sho wns entitled
to hnlf of tho proporty which thoy
held nt tho tlmo of sepnrntlon. If the
wholo property belonged originally to
the husband sho rccolved ono third nt
the separation. If It wns all hor own
beforo mnrrlngo sho took two-thirds
Ecclesiastical Itovlow.
Drouth rcslstanco of alfalfas is dis
cussed In burenu of plant industry bul
letin No. 169, by J. M. Wcstgate,
agronomist in charge of alfalfa and
clover investigations. Ho says:
In nddition to tho variegated Btrnlns.
of alfalfa bolnfr hardier thun corres
ponding strains of ordinary alfalfa, It
The Fate of Explorers.
In n recently publlshod nutoblog
raphy of tho Into llonry M. Stanley
tho famous Afrlcnn explorer dwells
with much blttornoa on tho unkind
nnd ovon cniol roccptlon glvon him
by distinguished mon of science on
his roturn from tho Dark Continent
"Whnt wns my rownrd?" ho asks, and
continues: "Hosotuto devotion to n
cortnln Ideal of duty, formed nftcr
much self-oxhortntlon to uprightness
ot conduct nnd righteous dealing with
my follow-creature. had terminated
In my being proclaimed to all the
world first as a forgor nnd then n
bucennoor, ndvonturor, a frnud and
nn Impostor. It seemed to rovorsc
nil order and soquenco, to rovorso nil
I hnd boon taught to expect." Stnn
toy wns a sonsttlvo mnn for all hi
seomlng hardness, nnd tho nttltudo ol
mon llko Sir Henry Ilnwlluson, Fran
cis Oalton and othor promlnont men
In tho Itoynl Geographical society, an
nttltudo frankly contemptuous, stung
him to the quick. Stanley In tho story
ot his llfo recur again and again to
tho hostility ho nncounterod from
men of sclouco. Hu lived to estab
lish nil his claims nnd to becomo
honored In tho scientific world. Mox
lean Herald.
thu roadway and dived through tho
open spaco under thu footwny to tho
river, Ho struck with a great splash,
ana uever rose again.
Used as a Scarecrow.
A small farmer, living In tho neigh
borhood of Amstordam, soinu tlmo back
lost his wlfu. Though tho couplo had
iilwaya lived togothor without dlsson
Dion, tho lovo ho boro his spouse did
not equal that with which ho regarded
tho fruits of his farm. So, nt least, did
It appear, for hu hit upon thu grow-
boiuo Idea of utilizing tho dend body
ns n son re crow, tho good housowlfo
being found by somo neighbors, n day
or two after her decease, dressed In
Doqs of the British Upper Ten.
A hundred thousand dollars Is tho
Valuo of somo thousand dogs owned
by tho uppor ten lit Hrltnln, nnd somo
of theso dogs nro worth 5,000 nplece.
romornninns hnvo mnlds somowhnt
after tho manner ot babies of wealth.
Thoso maids carry along pnstourlzod
milk, tllterod wntor, cnlogno ntomlzors,
moat extract for warm beof ten,
breasts of chlckon and choicest pieces
ot beef; gold, Ivory nnd sllvor tooth
nud hair brushes and combs; Inco
nnnukorchlors, gloves, shoes, alcohol
stoves for warming food, Jowoled feed
Ing spoons and an assortment of ex
pensive colored ribbons. Theso llttlo
dogs go about ln automobiles, sitting
or lying m BiiK-uned boxes upon pll
you ladles to-day?1
Isabel looked nt him with dignity
nnd replied, "Good morning!" and
went on attending to tho baby.
The young mnn stooped down
"Ah." ho snld. "and which U
"I'm Isabel," replied tho older girl,
'and Hint's which."
If women accomplish great things In
the future It will bo because of their
enroful training In discomfort
Treasure In Old Mattress,
An nstonlshlug discovery wns mado
at 11) do, England, by somo lnds who
woro given a couplo ot mattro.sos to
throw upon n bontlru which had been
nmdo In honor of (luy Fnwkes' dny,
As tho mattresses woro bolng pro-
pared for tho ordeal by tlru they
woro noticed to bo very old and
mouldy, and canio to pieces whllo
being carried. Then, to tho aston
ishment of tho exuberant youngsters,
a shower of yellow coins foil from
ono ot tho mattresses, and when it
wns discovered they wero good Eng
lish sovereigns thoro was a wild strug
gle for possession. Tho coins num
bered over a hundred nnd the police
tailed to traco the owner of the
strangely hidden treasure.
n dlBcnrdod suit of hor husband's and
koeplng guard In a Buinll orchard bo- Iowa of not tost down, and aro covered
uinu uio uouso. i-opuiar indignation with quilts ot eiderdown.
was at boiling point, but luckily for
tho farmer ho was nowhoro to be
Vast Unknown London,
Thoro Is not n slnglo man living
Who knows all London, who hns been
through every street, or Into every
crescent squaro and torrace. This
scorns a hard saying, nud It Is ono
which visitors from abroad or tho col-
Lesson from the Past.
Dr. Samuel Johnson was visibly Im
patient. "Noll," ho snld, "I can't bo always
assisting you whan you got Into trou- ulcs Hnd It Impossible to bellove,
bio, but I'll sco thnt your account with 1)111 nevertheless It Is absolutely aud
your grasping laudlndy Is squared this incontrovortlbly truo. Let any ono tako
tlmo on ono coudltlon. You'vo got to a map of London and try to mark In
turn out something In tho literary lino red all tho streets which ho can bon-
that will sell as woll as ono ot Qeorge
tiarr Aicuutcneons oooks.
Thoroupon poor Oliver Goldsmith
hastily turned out "Tho Vlcnrof Wako
lo!d," It was tho lest ho could do.
cstly say ho has vlaltod and ho will
havo to confess that ho knows but lit-
tluo ot tho metropolis of tho world
and that tho red marked streets are
but as nothing compared with thoso
be baa had to leave untouched
Wreck of the Sarah Sands.
Tho Sarah Bands, nn Iron screw
steamer, sailed from Portsmouth, Eng
land, to Calcutta, In August, 1S57,
with 300 soldiers on board. On No
vember 11, tho enrgo (government
stores) took tiro. Hy tho exertions
ot MaJ. llrett and Capt. Castlo, tho
master of tho vessel, who directed
tho soldiers and tho crow, tho (lamos
woro subdued, although a barrel of
gunpowder exploded during tho con-
tlagratlon. A now danger then arose
tho prevalence of a strong gale;
water was shipped heavily where tho
port quarter had been blown out.
Nevertheless tho vessel arrived at
tho Mauritius, on November 21 with
out losing a slnglo Ufa
llutlituli fur Mulri,
A huge concrete bathtub, some -10
feet long, and a fow Indies more than
four feet deep, has beon Installed In
tho Henry colliery ot tho Lehigh Vnl
ley Coal Company nt Plains, Pa., for
tho accommodation of tho mine mule.
This unique mine Improvement Is
built nt the entranco of the mule barn.
Tho long-eared beasts aro pretty tired
when they conclude tho day's work,
but when they strike tho bath all
fatigue disappears and they rush In.
crowding each othor for the deepest
place In the tub.
The bath Is expected to prolong the
vigor nnd vitality of the mules. The
driver boys are the only workers In
tho mlno who are not absolutely In
sympathy with the Innovation, the
bath keeping them In tho miua 10 or
15 minutes longer than before, yet the
enjoymont of their dumb charges
see ma even to offset thia convenience
to a great extent.
A Skeiitlo,
Orvlllo Wright, at a ' banquet In
Dayton, told of an obstinate old Dnv-
toulan who, looking up one still after
noon nt the Wright biplane circling
smoothly and steadily through tho air,
When people first told mo about
this hore tlylu', I railed 'em liars.
Then, when 1 read about It ln tho
papers, I said It was a fake."
The old man, as he watched the
biplanes moving ln great curves llko
lazy birds, shook his head thoughtfully.
"Hy Crlnus," he said, "I ain't what
ye mout called convinced yet, nuthor."
Taking Him at His Word.
"My sou Is too literal."
"What's tho matter?"
"I told htm ho must tnko up somo
railing and ho went out nnd got a
Tlio Innocent Victim.
"I bolleve," said tho blunt individ
ual, "In speaking my mlud and calling
In spado a spade.'
"Yen," replied Mtss Cayenne. "Many
Job at ft theater as a carriage mega- a tha wy- Tno tendency la what
phcuo nnuouncer." Uultlmoro Auier- corrupts tho vocabularies ot so many
Dad Men and Women.
wnon women are una they aro
worso than men; but for ono bad wo
man I do not llko to say how many
bad men can bo found. Geo. Elliott,
k. a
parrots," Washington Star,
Lottlo Do you havo flno sunsets at
your country placo?
Hattto Oh, glorious! Last night
thoro waa a regular Tiffany sotting
Antiquity of Cotton Fabrics.
It would bo difficult to say whore
exactly, and nt whnt dnto the mnnu
facturo of cotton fabrics begnn. In
comparatively modern times It has
bcoomo an Industry of Importance lu
Europe, but It has flourished In the
east from a period too remote to ad
mil of calculation. Tlio Egyptlani
certainly used both cotton and linen
materials, for fragments ot suoh stun
havo been preserved among the othei
relics of tholr nnrlont civilization:
and thero Is much reason to bellev
that tho olaborato draperies of the
Assyrians woro cottons or muslins
finely woven of delicate texturo. In
China, too. and India tho same kinds
of materials havo boon tho common
wear of tho people from tlmo Im
memorial; In fuel, everywhere
throughout tho east cotton fabrics
wero produced and used long before
tho primitive Europeans had bogun
to develop nny of tho graces of civil!
zctlon, or Indeed, had censed to be
anything but skin-clad savages.
Vicious Attack by Australian Natives
on Trespassers In Their
Mon who venturo Into tho Interior
ot northern Australia aro likely to
moot with adventures nt tho hands of
hostile natives. Hero Is a mattor-of-
fact yarn concerning ono Jnmes Hu
nlno McPherson. enencod In pearl
shelling operations: On July 18 ho I hns also been observed thnt tho varic
was fishing for trcpnng (sea cucum- gated alfalfas nro usually somewhat
uer or Boa slug) at tho mouth of tho moro drouth resistant than tho orain-
Liverpool river. Ho landed In n din- nry variety. Tho nppnrent corclatlon
gey on tho cast bank of tho river, between hardiness nnd drouth never
whero a bush smokehouse for tho cur- received nn entirely sntisfnetory ex
Ing of tropang had been erected. Ho plnnntion. Tho fact thnt tho hardy,
dispatched a Malay with canoes nnd drouth-resistant, yellow-flowered nlfnl-
worklng natives to gnther tropang fn constitutes n Btnull perccntngo of
around n distant point, whllo two nn- tho parentage of theso varlcgatcU
uvea who paddlod tho dinged went off strains suggests tho origin ot mcso
to tho luKKcr. which wns anchored characteristics. It is posslblo that
moro than n mllo out, with n load of the smaller number of stomata obscrv
fresh water. Ho remained nt tho cd In both tho Mcdlcngo fnlcatn and
Bmokohouso with threo old Junction tho variegated nlfnlfn may offer a par
Hay native, wlin nnpinin.i him in mit. I tlnl Qxnlnnntloii cf tho drouth reals-
nllllllntlne the trmnnir. At !1 nVlnnlf tnncc. but it Is difficult to BOO llOW this
In tho nfternoon, feeling tired, ho was would materially nfTcct tho hardiness
rccllnlnir nn llm rtnnr nr dm mnin. of strain unless the urowth bo rend-
houso, with a rlflo ncross his knees, crcd less succulent during tho jicrlodtt
when ho wns Btnrllod by tho loud of relntlvo high winter tompcrnturcs
swishing sound of Bovernl spears pass- which sometimes occur. Tho Grimm
Ing through tho bough-covered Inclos- nlfnlfn, annd lucern nnd Baltic nlfnlfn
uro. nnvo nn proven romiiveiy urouin rcsis-
MnPhnrann Immn.llntnK. matin.! mil tant. In certain tests tho Grimm nl
nnd saw sovon or eight Liverpool rlvor fn,fn has proved drouth resistant In
natives at tho back of the smokohouso uhkoih, inuuiH, m.. ,
with muinn i,im..i nn.i ,.nt. ,,.in Eastern Colorado, Utah and Lnstcrn
In thnir tnma Annii,nr .i.., Washington. Tho Dnltic alfalfa haa
spears fell around him and ho retired proved drouth resistant nt Hlghmoro,
toward tho wator's edgo and as -ho aou.'n "n.?01"'
,in,ino,i .,,i.. i i...i..i Tho following wciHiita ot nny nro ro
struck him In tho hip. Ho felt no ported to havo teen produced without
more, ho says, thnn a burning twinge 'rr,B?tl"by i,r 1 ?r,8,Galb,5on, "f
frnm ihn hih.1 m . . .1 I UlUiifc v nut .uuiitt in ivuoi tunt
w.m wsw nuuiiu iii wtu aim i , . i t
i.itiw ii M ..... . plot wns ono aero in extent and tho cn-
lonvlno- M.nnt nirht inrh. nf tt, tiro product was wolghed. Tho hay
i,,.i i. i....i , i ..... wns weighed when In tho usunl condl
w.t. uvu ,iui. uuiivn iii inu iii'RUT iiani.. . , , t
of his hip. Tho nntlvcs nt this tlmo I , " sincKing nnu wns noi cnure.y
Canadian alfalfa, (variegated), 7, CO 5
pounds; sand lucorn (variegated), 0,
4UG; Turkestan nirnifa, (3,-iUO; Wheel
cr alfalfa (variegated), C.-100; Ncbrns
woro about forty yards away, having
nover shifted from their first point ot
attack near somo thick bushes.
Tho mon, who had wounded McPher
was In tho net of throwing another S","' V" v,fX 7700
tr When McPhcr.on .hnl nn,l hit ""J1.' ,nnd "J'"1"' ?!.'
Tho normal rainfall at Great Fails,
Economics and the Family.
To regard the family as wholly oi
as fundamentally an economic fact
ns though It wero a commercial ar
rangement or a piece of property to
bo bought or gartered, Is to enter
tho high road to domestic Instability
and disruption. Hack of all the
economlo considerations which have
consolidated the family lie tho nor
nial and permanent Instincts ol
human love, Tho family la an eth!
cnl fact not the lesa than an eco
nomlo fact. It Is the object of tho
sweetest sacrifices and tho happiest
selt-forgettulness. The family Is the
primer In tho moral education of the
raco, and tho Issue which the present
crisis In tho history ot the family
represents Is precisely the Issue be
tween the economlo nnd the moral
aspect of tho family. Shall domestic
llfo be regarded as a trade, or shall
It bo regarded as an Ideal? Prof, F
G. Peabody, in "Tho Approach to the
Social Question."
School Playgrounds Open After Hours.
The heart of Mrs. Humphry Ward
should rejoice. Sho has got her own
way with regard to the leaving opeq
by tho authorities ot some of the boys
and girls' London Council schools aft
or -play hours, which step she so warm
ly advocated.
Tho children of the Hampden Gur
ney schools aro now allowed free ao
cess at all hours to play room and
play grounds and are mercifully kepi
from spending tholr spare hours lo
tho streets, A delightful feature ol
school llfo to-day la tho singing by th
children ot tho lovely old English
country songs, such na aro sung by tht
girls ot the Eaperanca club. Thej
learn tho old English daricea too, and
one Is glad to see and hear the little
creatures making their joyful noise
Tho Gentlewoman.
German Proverb.
Ho that always complains la nevej
spear when McPherson shot and hit
him. Ho then emptied his revolver at L, Z 7 .X
his assailants, who Immediately dlsap- Mont" ,8 14 '"!!!!!:
pearou in (no adjneent scrub. Hear- Khorson Oats.
us mom, mo iwo uaiy river natives vi..- ,..i ..... i.r..,.i.i f.m
nnm i"."v ,BMh,?,r0 wllVh0'"Kr, Russia by Professor F. W. Taylor, of
nnd convoyed McPherson to Ills boat, tho University of Nebraska, In 1890,
wheru ho subsequently succeeded him- nnA thoroughly tested by tho Nebraska
"wring mo onruou spearhead ,tton as to Itn adaptability to tho
" " "V, ', DU,wr"' . unru corn bolt or tho. United Slates, accord
shapod llko fishhooks woro broken oft It.... i i,nii,,Mn ir. s.
In the process and remained In tho department of agriculture, which
WOUml. nnM. Mm Ml,.n.ti. .Inllmi l.nllntln
iu lununiiiK uuj jiicriierson mil no ... rniin.u.
ud his trcpang gear and crew to nn- mti. iim.'iir mwitiinn mn tnvnr.
othor part of tho const and started blo to tho growth of onta doca not
for PnltllCrston to report tllU matter ii.nntlv nl.tnln In thn rnrn halt nnd It.
and havo tho wound nttcndod to. has beon difficult to And n vnrlotv of
M .i ...,.,. ol ndnptcd to this reg on. It la
,,vw. ,,u uwii.i., ,,U rscs ii curious fact that allhouuh tlio irreot
..vw.imu iniu nru uu luuurais. no mrn.i.rn.lnrltur alntxn am Mm lnri-ol
mnm mini.,,.. ....I ...i. I "" I "" ...
. ....... Mv. ,.u ii uru unuy pnxiuccra or oaU, thoy aro not states
boys bom In the bailiwick of Max whch tl0 ylold or aero is high,
trledmnn, soxton of a llttlo Nyiingoguo An ot to produco well In Nobraskn,
lu Mndlitou strcot, ho will oscapo pay- nmi particularly In tho central nnd
ng nnyining townrd tho support ot western pnrt, should bo vory enrly In
III. tl.i.nnp.1,1 an. . , u ...1... ... I . I . . . . .
.... vi'viu buh, ,.iu, nun wni ru- inulnr nir nnd ilinillil not. run loitrnw "
contly coinmlttod to thu Jowlsh Pro- .q.,-h n vnrlotv was found In tho Khor-
toctory's by Justice Hoyt In tho chll- BOn govornmcnt In Ilussin, whoro tho
kuu.u .n ii .nil cl Imnlle rnnillt nna lamnll nml
"What Is your buslnoss?" asked tho unrortntn rnlnfnin nrn slmllnr to thoso
U'lKO. of tho Grent Plains.
'Uchammos of a nynngoKUo." enmo Tim Kherson oat Is vigorous, but not
mo answer, uui an interpreter boa to lu rank urnwer. Tho straw Isverv
explain that scammos moans, In Bug- ohort. tho loaves nro brood nnd exposo
iisu, sexiou. a laarco surface. Tho panicles nro
now mucn uo you earn:" spreading, I. o it Is not n sldo oat.
Eight dollars and thirty-throe cents Tho berries are llaht yellow, small.
a month." , but numerous, and havo a thin hull. It
"is mat an? persisted tno Justice I uiuallv weluhs well to tho bushel nnd
observing that tho father la an nblo- matures very oarly.
uuiiivu, prosperous looking citizen. Tho results or careful testa of tho
"Yes, that's nil," replied Friedman, variety In diiicrcnt tmrta of Nebraska
"When I attend a chu.euo (wedding) Indicate that It la "peculiarly suited to
i gei ii, nut our people don't marry Central and Western Nobraskn on ac-
auy moro. count of Ita habits of growth. Al-
"Wheu I attend n lcnnya (funeral) I though Itusunlly yields woll in Eastern
i got from ft to S3, but our pcoplo Nebraska, thcro nro othor varieties.
don't dlo any more" thnt, in tho river counties at least,
"That's enough," Interrupted tho I compare favorably with It. West of
Justice, "you win . I commit tho bov I that tho testa Indicate that It Is earl
and- you need not pay am thlnis ler, yields better nnd weighs heavier
toward bis support." Now York than any other variety, with tho pojsl
World. ble exception of the Texas Red. It
haa steadily outyielded the Texas Hcd
Queer Use for Food. on tho station farm. In tho dry sense n
Tho baked potato merchant Is a of 1001 It showed romarkablo drouth-
comparatively modern liutltutlon in I resisting Qualities."
thu London streets, the ttrat notato- Tho Indications, tho bulletin states.
can having mado Ita annearnneo. ao. aro that In Introducing tho Kherson
cording to Henry Mavhew. about tho I oats tho Nebraska station has rendered
year IStC, saya tho London Chronicle n great servlco to farmors of that largo
Fifteen years later, when Mayhow section ot our western domain where
oubllshod his "Indon Labor ana tho tho rainfall is too scanty or uncertain
London Poor," ho estimated that there to Insure good crops of ordinary varie-
were 200 hot-potato venders In Lon- tlea of oats.
don, each soiling cm an average 300
halfpenny potatoos a day, "In cold
Seeding Grains,
M.'V,.. ,'UIHtVV. M Ul., ... VUlll 1 . . . ,, ., . . ,
weather." adds Mayhow, "tho pota-L A frece,nt b" lot " on erorafordry
toes aro froquently bought to warm M""nK. "V "f l"n v-
...o i...ioa.i ,i-. .iii tlon of Montana Agricultural college.
classed them, In a publlo speech, contains the followingregarding seed.
among tho best of modern Improve- ,nfLEaJ""' ... .
ments, as forming an excellent raed- " i t a Y C i L
ium for diffusing wormth Into the moist., well pulver zed seed bed. This
system by being hold In tho gloved f" beat brouKh, about .by Vin
non.i i ill ntv PfJimiSi luiiunnn, niiiijiatcijr
UUlJUt I ...I4l 4l J! I I .J
wuu iuu uisu uuu iiBiruw anu cuiuvm
t il . . t !
nriH.h Mi.r. in OMr. mg mo Burittco alter eacn rainy penou.
Early seeding, from August toTSen.
of the Hrltlsh civil service, according Member 10, U recommended. Zg&k
to Sir Itobert Anderson, formerly an
executive In the homo office. There New varieties promising.
the chlet clerk actually directed hlra After having discovered tho first
"to do as little as possible, and to do causes and worked out our methods of
It as quietly as possible." It seems soil culture and crop management, our
that theso Instructions were carried increased development and success will
out literally, for this wltnesa testifies: depend upon two kinds of invention.
"Tho office hours wore from 11 to 5. it is probable that our present method
It was a nominal 11 and a punctual 5. of applying power and our present im-
nnd much of the Intervening tlmo was plements and machines will becomo
devoted to luncheon, gossip and the obsolete with perfection of mechanical
nowsnanera. Matters of nubllo Inter, invention. It seems to me, however.
est also claimed attentlou, such as, for that thq greatest promise centers In im-
Instance, the future of public men provemeni ana creation ox now iorms
who happened to bo then coming Into of domesticated plants. B. C. Buffum,
notice. . . . And, as n relief from such dry forming bulletin.
gravo questions, bets were mado as to
whether moro vehicles would pass up DrY "rmlng Trees,
the 8treet or down within a specified An Interesting and valuable bulletin
time, or aa to the color of the horses," (Farm Bullatin 165, Kansas State Ag
Naturally, this disclosure excites ricultural College, March, 1010, Re
much caustic comment in London. Prt of State Forester) has just been
isauea oy rror. tu. u. Webster, dl-
Got the Job. rector of the Kansas experiment sta-
"You advertise for a collector of tion, containing a profusely Illustrated
experience." report from Albert Dickens, state for-
"Yea; ore you ono?" ester, giving resuita ot several years
"Boen collecting experience all my ' experimental work in reforestation
life." nna eataoushtng of windbreaks. Ad-
Hal Very good! But what we dress td il. Webster, dean.
need la an Installment collector." I r... ., . ... .
"That"- precisely how I collected my L "?" 'uc OI .
ton Transcript. buildlnp-. SnnV-.n w..k