St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 08, 1910, Image 8

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Some That Ara Famous Dseauss of a
Speolal Dlth.
Though various restaurants In Now
Tork, Washington, New Orleans or
Ban Francisco uro ruinous for certain
dishes, jet tbls Is generally the result
of accident rather than dealgu that
one article upon tlio menu should bo
pre-eminently successful and popular.
Tho day Is past When this one dish
could matte tho reputation of tho
In London, bowerer, this Is not tho
case, though It must bo confessed 'lint
thoro are not now as many Inns ns
formerly which hnre become famous
by reason of tho popularity of ouo
dish. In times gono by every London
Inn of any pretensions at nil bad Its
special dish whereon It prided Itself
and to pnrtnko of which patrons trav
eled many miles.
Eol pics wero onco the great featuro
of breakfast served nt tho old tilulco
Ltouse, near rinsburg park. The nee
cssary quantity of fish was regularly
dredged np from tho stream which ran
under tho windows of the Inn. Tho
pics aro still to bo had, but the eels
nro procured from a nearby dsn mar
Simpson's, In tho Strand, Is noted for
Its flsb dinners. This placo was onco
Immensely popular, and even today
there Is a certain following who swear
by Its repast. Cor n certain sum thn
guest ents as much of n variety of llsb
as ho cares to.
Another Inn boasts of n special dish
In tho shnpo of Southdown mutton,
This Is wheeled tip to tho Utblo In or
dcr that each Individual may select
tho particular cut to which ho Is par
tial. The mutton Is kept warm by
means of water boated by a lamp.
Egypt Would D a Wlldsrnsss but For
This Wonderful 8trsm.
Tho Nile Is probably the most won
dcrful river In the world. It bos mntlo
KRypt posslblo by turning an arid
wilderness Into the rlchcid land In the
world, It has provided at tho name
tlmo an admtrabto commercial high
way and tnnilo easy the transportation
of building materials. Tho ancient
Kgyptlans were thus viinblrd to utlllr.o
tho grnnllo ot Asstinn for tho splen
did structures of the hundred gated
Thebes and of Memphis and oven for
thoso on Tanls, on (ho Mediterranean
At n tlmo when tho people of tho
Ilrltlsh Isles wero clad In skins of wild
boasts and offered human sacrifices
upon tho stono nltar of tint Druids
LTI't was tho center of a rich and
refined clvlllxatlou. Most of the de
velopment of li'O'I't was duo to the
Nile, which not only watered and fer
tilized tho soil annually, but was mid
Is ono of tho best natural highway In
tho world.
Krom tho beginning of winter to the
end of spring-that Is, while tho Nllo
Is navigable tho north wind blows
steadily up the stream with suillclent
force to drlvo snllltiir boats ngaiimt the
current at n fair paco. while, on the
other hand, tho current Is strong
enough to carry n boat without sails
down against tho wind except when It
blows n gnlo. That Is. why tlm ancient
Kgyptlans did not need steam power
nor electric motors for tho Immense
commerce that covered tho Nllo nor
for barges carrying building isaterlal
for hundreds of miles. Now York
Ths Ui of Rubber.
u is pronauie that no other com
modlty ever enmo Into such viirkil use
within so short a iwrlod its ludlu rub
ber, first rmployt-d practically for
footwear and other waterproof apparel
rubber has come to be employed In
electrical Insulation, boso pipes for the
conveyance of water, steam, ulr and so
oni pneumatic and other tires for nil
sorts of wheeled vehicle, bullooii and
the planes of aerial machine, luiiti
meral article for the comfort of In
vallds, household convenience and
what not Thus far rubber bus never
come Into use to an lmortaut extent
for any given purpose to which It Is
not still devoted In other words. Us
advantages aro so marked In many
uses that when onco Introduced no
substltuto ran bo found for IL-Cas-
ler"s Magazine.
Did as th Judge Told Htm and Was
Wtll Paid For It.
A gentleman had a bead gurdener
who never thought of having a holiday
or missing a day from work and so
somowhat surprised his employer by
asking him If ho could have "nlxt
I'rldny off."
Ills request was Immediately grant
ed, but on tho Saturday bo did not
show up, and a week went past, and
then n fortnight, and still no sign of
Mike. Tho gentleman reluctantly em
ployed another man In Mlko's placo.
About threo months afterward ho
was surprised 01 going tuto tho
grounds to find Ml to at work Just as
if nothing had happened.
"Whoro bavo you been, Michael?" bo
"Well, sorr. It's lolko thlst Voit ro-
mlmbcr tho day you let mo off? I
had to appear at tho coort as u wit
ness. When I gets thoro I sees tho
ould glut with the wig on 'Is 'cad and
'Is specs on tbo tip of 'Is nose.
" 'Michael Doolcy,' so 'e,
"'I'ls. sorr,' sci t. ,
"(Jo Into that box,' says 'a. '
"night, sorr,' scz I.
"Swear,' scz 'o.
"I did ns o told inc. though I don't
uso bad languugo ns n rule.
"Threo months for contlmpt of
coort.' scz 'a
"And tbcy'vo only Just lot mo out.
sorr." Pearson's.
Tried For "Convirslng With th Dvll
In th Form of a Cat."
Jnno Wcnham was Indicted nt the
Hertfordshire assizes on March 4, 1712,
for "conversing with tho dovll In tho
form of n cat" under tho provisions of
tho act of 1G0I, repealed In 1730. Her
prosecutors wished to bavo her also
Indicted for practicing witchcraft to
tho harm of Ann Thorn, a servant girt
sixteen years otd, but this was not
allowed, although ovldcnco was pro
duced at tho trial to show what Injury
had been dono tho victim by means of
crooked pins and by placing cakes and
cats' hairs In Ann Thorn's pillow and
how tho prisoner had caused tho death
of somo cattlo simply by walking
through n turnip field.
Tho Jury brought her In "guilty,"
ami Air. Jiistlco rowell passed sen
tence of death, but took steps to quash
hu verdict. U en -.nil's prosecutors
published an account of tho case, but
their arguments wero pulverized by
scientific men. Jano Wcnham herself
was liberated and taken under tho
protection of Colonel I'ltiuitner, who
gnvo tier a cottage, and wo nro told
by Dr. Hutchinson that In 1720 the
wholo country was fully convinced of
her Innocence. totidon fjpectiilor.
Copynjkt 17 lir 0tll .,-
Dear friend:
They have hired tnc down
nt the store. What do you think
I do? Oh! Pretzels! I am in the
shoe department. It is the best
yet, and we carry the Cliipccwa
hand made shoes, thnt wear just
like mine that you sec in my pic
turc, nttd they arc of the finest and
neatest shapes you ever saw just
the same as the swell people in the
big cities wenr. I like to work
here. They treat me fine. They
treat everybody that way though,
and you j'tist can't help liking to
trad-, here once you begin, for
their prices arc right and they keep
the best of everything. Oh yes,
I pretty near it lorgot. we carry
the famous TILT shoes in all styles
and sizes; childrctis, Misses, boys,
men and women 9 shoes, nnd you
can't find a more reliable brand any
where. You ought to come and
sec them. Your friend
1. S. I work at
Muck Mercantile
Photic, Richmond 821
It Is resolved by the city of St. Johns:
Thnt It deem It expedient and necessary
to Improve Ilnltlinore Street from the
westerly line of Jsrscy street to
the easterly line ot IWU011 street In
the city of fit. Johns In the following
manner, to-wlt:
lly grading mine to established grade
by cut and fill, and by slilcwalklng same
on cither side with 6-foot cement walks.
11. foot curb, with all nccetiarv wooden '
crosswalks an box gutters, ana by puc
In the circuit court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Multuouinh,
R. M. Tuttle, plaintiff, versus William
Kobb, J.M, Thompson and 1 J, Schmidt,
To J. M. Thompson nml E. J. Schmidt,
... ....... I .1.. ri.i. n I
you and each of you arc hereby required
to anpear ami answer or otherwise picnn
to tfie comiilnlnt filed against vou In the
above entitled action within six weeks
lug a 16-foot atrip of macadam In the ecu-; from the dale of the first publication of
. ...1, .1. '11 I ... 1.- .1..!.. I.., . .... t A
icr mil iciiKiii) mhi iiitiinin iu ire cikus tins suiiunoiii, 10-wrii: irom tuc 37111 nay
Inches deen III the center and six Inches of Mav. 1010. mid If vou fail to 10 on
deep oil cither side, said walk and curb ar and suiwer or otherwise plead in
to have expansion Joint where directed said action within said time, the plaintiff
by the city tugliiccr. All work to be above named will take Judgment oKninst
Odd Hair fltylss.
Bomo of the New Hebrides people do
tlulr halt- up lu a bunch on the tup of
tb bead and stain It yellow, while
tho Inhabitants of the Omlml Inland
pass It all through n tulio so h to
make a kind of plumo. Tlm Miirpie
chlofs favorite method Is to Mmve all
the head except two patehes, nut over
each temple, where he cultivate two
boms of balr. No doubt this Is to
render htm mors a thing of terror to
his euemtes than admiration to his
friends. Ills reason for shaving tho
rest of the bead la to allow 111 ore space
for tattooing, as If all the available
skin of tbo body were not enough.
"Our air mattresses," said tho deal
r, "aro all filled lu tho months of
April and May. That accounts for
their remarkable resilient qualities,"
"Is tho air of thoso mouths better
than others!"
"They aro the Bprlng months, you
know," Exchange.
Tko only way to make tho mass of
mankind see the beauty of Justice Is
by showing them in pretty plain terms
tho consequence of injustice. Syduey
Prorress Is the activity of today and
the assurance of tomorrow. Emerson.
All our meats aro government In
spected and tho best that mouey can
buy Thoy are noatly and careful
ly handled. Come In and loavo your
order for froo deltvory. Ward's
Central Markot
All kinds of laundry work done
promptly, Hough dry washing 6
eents per pound. Calls made for
laundry at any placo, Hlng u up
Phone Rich, 991, St. Johns Laun
dry. Churchill Broi,proprletorf.
Do You Know This Flowtrf
AuioiiK thu guests ut n summer ho
tel In Vermont wus u sclcntlit from
llostnn, noted for his botanical re
searches, nnd n woman desirous of lin
preiuliijj him with her stored of eon-
cm! kuowleduu; also slio affected a
deep Interest In nit matters pertaining
to botany.
"I suppose," satd tho woman one
day, "that you find almost all the
mountain flowvra around hero?"
"I find a great many," satd tho sci
entist. "Thero's one scc!cs of flower." slid
continued, "of which I've read ns al
ways behiB on tho hills, and I'vo al
ways want i-d to sco IL I'erhupn you
rail pick mo some."
And what Is this flower, madauir
Tho 'purple gloaming,' you know. I
should dearly lova to possess souiol"
Minneapolis Journal.
The city of St, John docs ordain as
Thnt It ilcctus It expedient nml ncccs
miry to improve Leonard Street from
the north Hue of Chicago Street to the
southerly Hue of New York street In the
City of St. Jojius In the following man
iter, to wit:
lly KrudltiK same to established rude
or Krnde to be established, by cut and
fill, and by sidcwalkhiK same 011 either
slue Willi retool cement walk, u-loot
done accord!'? to the nUui and sncclfica
tlons of the city eugiiiecr on file lu
the office of the cltv recorder relative
thereto, which said tilsns snd specifics.
cations and estimates arc satisfactory and
aie hereby approved. Said Improve
ments to be made in accordance with
the charter and ordinances of the city of
t. joints, miner tin suirvitioti ami 111
rccuon 01 me cuy engineer,
That the cost of sa d linnrovcmtut to
lc assessed as provided by the city char
ter uioii the properly especially and )Mr
ticularly benefited thereby, and willed Is
curb, and by placing a strip of macadam ''!; declared to Iks all lots, parts of
lu center thereof fuVl length; said macad- ? l"1 c,i of ,,,ctw,""
Watch Your Shouldsrs,
When Mtuudliig before n looking glass
notice If your shoulder uro the sumo
height. (lenerally tho right Is higher
than thu left. Tho rvnson for this uu-
evenness lies In tho way 0110 sits. You
get Into u comfortable chair at yout
dek, and nt onco you rest your right
ellniw on tho unit of your chair or
your desk, thus tbrowlug ouo shoulder
higher than the other. This U especial
ly tbo ciiso when ouo write a great
deal. When you iiulleo that ouo shoul
der U higher than (h other the thing
to do Is to change your way of stttlug
ut your desk. Two simple exercises
will bo beuetlclal, Tbo arm of the low.
cr shoulder should bo extended up
ward, tho bund grasping a. dumbbell.
That of tho higher shoulder should bo
lowered and made to support u heuvy
Th 8lsp of 8ds.
Outs, corn, fenuel und some (lower
seeds wero exposed during 113 days
to u temperature of -10 degrees 1 be
low xero. Afterward wheu pluced In
suitable surrouudlug nearly all of tlio
fenuel, oat and com seeds and innuy
of tbo ot hers germinated. It is con
cluded thut tbo protoplusm. or tbo
irluclplo of life. In n resting seed Is
lu n stuto of Inaction not comparable
to that of a smoldering tiro, but rather
like that of u chemical mlxturo which
cupnblo of forming u combination
whenever the required conditions of
temperature and Illumination are pres.
am to be 16 feet wide, H inches deep in
center, 6 Inches on cither slde.mild walks
mm cum to unvc expansion Joints as di
rected by the city euuiucer.
All work to bo done according to plans
ami six-attentions 01 mc city engineer 011
1110 111 ine oiuce ni inc cuy recorder rel
ative thrreto, which said plans and ipccl-
ficrttlous nml intimates nie s-itlsfactory
am! are hereby approved, Said Improve
ments to be made In accordance with the
charter and ordinances of the city of St,
Johns and under the Mipcrvlslon nnd
iiirccuoti 01 ine cuy engineer.
That tlie cost 01 said Improvement to
Iw utMsMMl as provided by the city char
ter iiimiii the ProiK-rtv especially nnd par
ticularly boucfltrd thereby, nnd whicli is
hereby declared to lie all of lots, parts of
lots, lilocks unit parcels of laud lielwccu
the termini of such improvements abut
ling iiimiii, adjacent or proximate to said
Leonard Street, from the marginal lines
of wilil street back to the center of the
block or blocks or tracts of laud abutting
tiiereou or proximate increio.
That all tho projH'rty Included in said
improvement district aforewild Is hereby
nccinrrti 10 ie "iH-ai improvement Dis
trict No. 40."
That the city engineer's atse&smcut of
the probable total cost of said Improve
incut of said Leonard Street U i 1427.0s
Thut the cost of said Leonard
Street to be auesed against tho property
in satd local ufecttiiieut district as provid
ed uy me cuy courier 01 uic cuy 01 at
Adopted the 38th day of June, 1010,
A. l. HSSON,
City Keconlcr.
Published lu the St, Johns Review
juiy 1 unit , 1910
the termini of such improvements abut-
tint: upon, adiacent or iiroxltnate to said
HMilmorc street from the marginal lines
of wild street hf.nk to the center ot the
block or blocks or tracts of land abut-
time thereon or nrox mate thereto,
mat nit nroieriy inciuucii in sain im
provement district aforesaid is Hereby
declared to be local assessment district
No. 41.
That the cltv rnuiueer's estimate of
the probable total cost of said Improve
ment 01 iiuitimorc street is 14111.70.
Adopted the sth day of July, 1910.
City Recorder.
Published In the St. John's Kcvlew
July Ham! 15, 1910,
Proposals for
you and each ol you for the sum sped-
lied liMilalntllf's complaint filed In the
above entitled court and cause, to-wlt:
for the sum of 54600.00 with Interest nt
the rate of clulit per cent, per annum
from the Jjth day of April, 1910, and for
the further sum of Jtjoo.oo attorney fees
for plaintiff's attorneys and for plaintiff's
coms ami iiisiiurscmcnts 111 tins action.
This summons Is published pursuant
to incomer 01 ine iiouorauie Koueri
O. Morrow, judge of the above named
court, made In oneii court in this action
on mc 34111 nay 01 Aiay, 1910, wnicu or
der prescribes that this summons shall
ie pumisned 111 the Kl. Johns ucview, a
weekly newspaper, once a week for a
period ol not less than six weeks. The
first publication of this summons was
made on Mav 37. iqio. and the last nub-
iicatinn will be on tlic Hilt day 01 miy,
1910, COLLIim.
Attorneys for riaintlll,
In 11k rlrrull court of Ihi Bute of Omen for
tnc county ol Multnoinsh.
In inaction whticln Anus Curouilas Is plsln-
iiu sum i;iraru vumniini l urivnuam.
To lilsral.uiuwlui.illcDilnl au nsinrdi
lu Iht mnitol I In filtl ol Ofmoa. vou are
htrsliy if-iulinl lo smxsr anit sniwtr Ihr
euinuiiil nimsxsln.t )ou in lh auvc cutltim
sun on or ixiort MlutJy,tii vln osr or July,
For Cooking and Lighting
The St. Johns Gnu Company hrts nddccla fine line
of cooking nnd lighting appliances. Every gas range
sold is connected to piping free. Now is the time to
use gas for your cooking and avoid standing over a hot
stove. Safe, convenient, clean, and a saver of time and
trouble. Cheaper than wood, lasts longer and goes
farther. Vulcan range is the best. Let us sell you one.
St. Johns Gas Company
1 10 South Jersey Street.
A. UNGER, Sole Agent
103' N. Jersey street, next to the Peninsula Bank
I l 1. wlilchtWu Is uWuurul to Iht plfllon
ol lis wrkfnrr lh snliilsyal May, lio, the
WllcrUlnsttit Ul of Iht Brst publlosllon of
Scciul prices to church parties, socials, etc.
Photic Richmond 1 1
8h Was Dorn Ytstsrdsy.
She Lust ulht was the tlrat tlmo 1
ever beard you talk lu your sleep, and
you kept saying, "Four klnpt." and
once lu awhile, "Pull heuso." Ho
Well, you see, I was down to tho club
last nbjbt playlnc checkers with a
crack player and thero was a full
houso watching us.
Stop Paying Rent
If vou own a lot I will build you
a residence according to your own
plans on most any kind 01 terms.
Or will sell you a lot well located
on the ridiculously easy terms of $5
down and per month and build
you a house on the easiest terms
you know. With an opportunity
like this no one can have an excuse
for paying rent, Call 011 or address
V. li. ZOOK, 117 Swenson street,
St. Johns, for further particulars,
Real Estate
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder of the
Cltv of .St. Johns until July I J, 1910, at 5
o'clock, p. 111. for the construction of
sewers In district No, J as defined by
resolution relative thereto according to
the plans and specifications of the city
engineer an file at the office of the city
recorder ami suojeci 10 tnc provisions ot
the charter and ordinances of the citv of
si, jouiis, ana mc csnuiuic 01 tue city
eiuslneer, on file,
lliils must be strictly in accordance
with printed blanks which will be turn
islied 011 application at the office of the
Keconlcr of the city of M. Johns, And
said Improvement must be completed on
or before too days from the date of the
sinning of the contract by the parties
Ittmlnctr's estimated cost Jii.joa.oi.
No proposals or bids will beconsidercd
unless accompanied by a certified check
payable to the order of the mayor of the
city 01 at. loiins, rerttiieu ty a rcspousi
me wiiK ior an amount cuai 10 ten
per cent, of the axKreuate proposal, to
be (oriel Unl as ftxnl ami liquidated dam
aire in cum; the bidder nciMccts or re
tues to enter iota contract and provide
a kultaulc bond for the faittiful berform
ancc of said work in the event the con
tract U awarded him.
The liKht to reiect any and all bids
is hereby reserved.
lly order of the City Council,
A. M. HSSON. Kecordcr.
Published in the St. Johns Review
June 24, ami July I and 8, 1910,
Executor's Notice to Creditors
this uinmuo; It Ittiag prrKTIunl In Hie order I
lor publktlkHi vl hU summons tlisl trie iswel
b publUhed one a wtW lor six rouwutl I
weeks lu the hi Johns Hedew 11 vou (all loul
i siiesr snu answer. 10, wsni mereoi, pisinnni
win siiiny tame swc entuieii rouri lor unci I
Vi'l'iiw m nercoiuBismi io-wii.
a urviev uitftoiviuK sutoiuieir inc uonui 01
mstilinoiiv heictolors and uowcilulni! telwreu
nullum snqucicnusui, inst ucienusni l a
iid(etl smi utcieeil to hsve snu own no light,
lllte or Interest In any otitic property owned by
Illnllrt or to wnkh she hts any right or Inter,
etl: for udjcment SKsintt the defcwUnt for costs
tonirred ty uUlulid In this suit snd for such
bv Dts
other, f ui ther snd different relief as the court insy
deem u.t slid prepcr in njully
This unimousit nublUhrd ourausnt tosii or.
tier 01 iicnorsoic nooen u. Morrow, iirctu.
Ing JuJe of thesbute entitled court, tutJe snd
entered sy so. ivio.
Attorney for Dtslnlltf.
Dstc ol first Dubllratton lmv ar. laio: ol the
Notice of Guardian's Sale of I
Real Property,
Near the Mouth ot the Columbia River on the Washington Coast
The Place to Spend Your
Summer Vacation
Tweuty-five Miles of Mngnifi
ceut Beach, Level Compact nnd
& ilT Smooth J
Notice 1. hereby given, that pursuant Mauy thrivlug and tidy communities, dellghtfuniotcl, cottop, tcatji.nd
camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful, iuvigor-
atiug recreation of the seaside surf bathing, fishing,
clam diggiug, beach bonfires, riding, racing,
hunting, strolls and drives through pic
turesque wooded headlands
A Slasher.
The pen may bo mightier than ths
word, but any editor will tell you
that It Isn't a marker to tht blua Dn
cll.-rhtladelpbla Record.
The more your money works for
oil the less you will have to work
for money. A dollar itt the First'
National Hank is an industrious
ollar. It earns i ner cent. com.
pound interest, and Time Certlfi.
cates of Deposit. it
$5 down and 3 per month buys
nicely located lot.
$5 down and 5 per month buys
beautiful lot in South St. Johns.
$5 down, $5 per month buys nice
comer lot one block to car.
$50 down, $7.50 per month buys
nice 6 room house.
See WOL.COTT, The Rent Matt,
245 Washington St., Portland.
How is Your Title?
You sot full weight and
quality at the Central market,
try It awhllo.
for the Review and be
Have your abstracts made, con
United or examined at the Peuinsu.
la Title, Abstract nud Realty Co"
Accurate work, Reasonable fees.
II. Henderson, Mauagcr, 120 North
Jersey street.
In the County Court of the State of Ore.
gou, tor tue uouuty 01 Aiuiinoman,
In the nutter of the estate of Wil-
lmtull. Guile,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed lias Heretofore Men appointed by
the above named court as executor of the
estate of said ileceiseil, and has qualified
as such. All persons having claims'
ugalnst said estate, will present the same
wiui proper voucners 10 ine unncrsigneti
at the l'irst National Hank of St. Johns,
Urcgou, wiintn six mouths from tbeuate
of tue publication of this notice. The
date of the first publication of this
notice is the 34th day of June, 1910,
Kxccutor of the estate of William It.
Guile, deceased.
Attorneys tor bxecutor.
to an order of Hon. T. I. Cleeton.countv
judge for Multnomah county, Oregon, I
dated June 30, iqio, I will, on and after I
the joth day of July, 1910, proceed 10 1
sell at private sale, for the best cash I
price obtainable, the undivided half in
terest of Myron Claire 1'orbes ami Rd
ward .Stuart Forbes, minors, in lots I
three, four, five and six, in block twelve. I
James Jolms secouil audition to bt. Joints,
.Miuuiotnan county, urcgon. Kooert U,
I'orbes, and Fred V. Forbes, brothers of
said minors, own the other half interest!
In said lots and nave agreed to sell same I
at price accepted for the half interest of
said minors. Abstract showing fee sim
ple title in Myron Claire Forbes.Kdward
Stuart Forbes and Robert B, Fortes and I
Fred V. Forbes will be furnished the nur
For full particulars, inquire of D, C.
Rogers, room 314 Board of Trade Build'
ing, Portland. Oregon. Phone Main I
6659. U. C. ROGERS.
and Kdwant stuart Forbes, and Win. AlcMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
aiiou iur nuutii ruiun uuu i
Fred V. Forbes.
George J. Perkins,
Attorney for uuardtan.
First publication Friday, July i, 1910.
Last publication, Friday, July 39,1910,
Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Washington
Oregon Railway and Navigation Co.
Season Rate: From Portlaud Round Trip, $4.00
Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00
Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Office, Third and
Washington streets, rortiauu, uregon, or Inquire of auy
O. R. & N. a Be tit elsewhere for information
WANTED All good nousekecpers to
send in an order for self.heating flat
irons. The cleanest time and ubor-sav-
ing invention of the age. Costs one
cent an hour to operate. No hot kitchen.
1'rompt delivery and latr trial, rays
tor use 11 in inrce tnonius. uuaranieed
good irons ormoney returned, bena or
ders or call at S14 Dayton street. Have
one in use myself over a year arid cau
recommend them. MRS.M.P.WILLIS.
Agents Wanted.
Spokane, Partland & Seattle Railway,
Inland Empire Kxpreu, is a. ni.; for Chicago,
Wall, r-stco. Rootcrclt. Urtnddsltcs. Golden-
dale, White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and
Intermediate stations.
North Hank Limited, 7115 P for Chkazo St.
raul, umana, Kansas i-iiy, si. uun, tpoitne,
Surazue.KitsTille.Lind.raKO.KooscTelt.G rand-
dalles. White Salmon Stevenson and Vancouver-
Columbia Klver Local, 4:50 p. tn.i for Vancouver.
Camas, w hite baimon, Lte. uranitaaiics,t.ims
and all Intermediate stations.
Inland Kmpire Kxpress. 7147 p,m., fromChlca-i
go, bi. raui. umana, xansas viir. si. muu,
RiU- ille Und, I'lK-o,
Work for a Qrsatsr at Joiuu.
Uring In your job printing while
you think of It, Don't wait until you
aro entirely out. Wo ara equipped
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland pri'M or 1m.
In order to Insure a change, of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should rsach this attic net later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and save the printer I
op ramie.
Kooscvclt. Granddatlcs. White Salmon, Stev
enson. Vancouver .
North Hank Limited, J$ a. m.; Irom Chicago,
St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, bt. Louis, Walla
Walla, laaco, Kootcvelt. Granddallea. White
Salmon, Stercnou. Vancouver and interme
diate stations.
Columbia Klver Local 11 o'clock uoon; from Cliffs,
uranaaaues, uoiucuaaie, L)ie wane aaimon,
Camas, Vancouver and aU intermediate sta-1
lawum. In
All trains ston for Mssensers. Omce oocn I f.
all nliiht. Tickrta on aale for all Dalnta. I
u. M. wniiii Ascnb 1
Northern Pacific Railway
Noith Coast Limited via Pugct Sound a. ni
North Coast Limited via North Bank . 7:1 p. m;
nii"Wi nayiva ,U nigci SKIUBU - IVH a. m
Atlantic Kipress via North Bank -. a. m.
Twin City Kxpress via Puget Sound yyt p. m.
TlnCily Kxpress via North Bank... 7:1) p. m.
Eastern Kxpress via Puget Sound- tj:ji a.m.
Kaatcrn Kxpress via North Bank . yaj a. m.
Ho. Klver Kxpress via North Bank . 7:13 p. m.
Portland, Tacoma & Seattle Kxpress, 7:0s a. m..
lor Grays Harbor, Olympla and South Bend
Pugct Sound Limited, J: p. ta.j Grays Harbor
and South Bend Branches.
Yacolt Passenger ................ p, xa.
North Coast Limited via North Bank - . 7147 p. tn
North Coast Limited via Puget Sound &u a. m
No. Pacific Kxpress via North Bank .. 7:17 a. m
No. Pacific Kxpress via Puget Sound 's &4Sp. a
Pacific Kxpreaa vis North bank - -. . -7-7 p. ta
Pacific Kxpress via Pugct Sound 643 a. m
Western Kxpress via North Bask .... 7:4; p. ta
Western Kxpress ia Puget Sound ioj p m
Mo, Kivrr Kxpress via North Bank- 7:17 a. m
VIo. Klver Kxpress via I"uget Sound - jijS p. m
Portland, Tacoma & Seattle Kxpreas :xS o. m
Irom OlvmDla. South it nil and Cm, Uirhnr
Pugct Sound Limited as p, m
aeon passenger .......... ....(43 a.m.
O. U. Cornell, Agent,