Smith Want Veal W will Uy m follow for firt-la pro duce. Ship by mirut. VMJ 100 rant 4 xao UtrtKtM 18o Live Spttac CHlckcna, lb 30 to 32o -Cfta 23c Addrea niANK U SMITH MEAT CO, 'TlEhUnlt tae Bf Trust" PORTLAND, O REGION Biptil Opinion. What If the use of a child's going to school to learn mere grammar? Such evidently Is the opinion of the mother of a girl whpse teacher instructed hor to purchase a book on that subject According to a writer in the Burr Oak Herald, Lulu camo back the noxt day with this explanatory letter: 1 do not deslro (or Lulu shall In case In grammar, as I prefer her In gage In yuseful studies, and can learn her how to spoke and write properly myself. I have went through two grammars, and 1 can't say as they did me any good, I prefer her ingago In gcrman and drawing and vocal music on tho piano. GUitiU-nliiK.ltla Heart, "Dear papa," wrote the little girl at the summer resort, "1 have sained il( ounces In weight since we cam here. Mamma sends her lovo. Please wrlto to us to-morrow. Bend your love and II the money you can aparo.H Chlca VO Tribune. Whera It Plash. 1 don't mind having to par high prices for luxuries. It's the cost of the necessities of life that counts." "Tea: If you get a good seat at a ball game you have to pay almost a grand opera price for It" Halattoaahlpa In Boat Dakota. "I notice she bowed to you. Is a aa old acquaintance?" "T-ye we're slightly acquainted. In fact, she's a sort of distant rU tlon. Hhe was the first wife of my second wife's flrpt rni?.ni1.M IM JAMPtX DERBY, FELT, S r, STRAW BI.M bd S0 fumu, liHckLiifai IIm lluaMe wed aad aajefauu Dri. Cr"Ml.lMllHiiery. af S ALDER STm rORTLAWD PIPE REPAIRING Wiiiri liWt( a, uta siohel v co. VellMSrea fat PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of Portland. Orecon FURNISHES HELP FREE TO CMf LOVERS Main offleo, U Ncrth Second flu Main mti A tM Ladle Dept. SMH Monriaon St Main 10(j A SM4 rbone or wire order t oar eipenee. BEST READY ROOFING KNOWN end tor Biiple and Price, IsliMtit Raftf. PtRTLaUtts SHE NAxWbicO ABSOLUTELY CUKES DR. WHITING'S REMEDIES NATIOr 4h auuy i SCOI i, append icoti ITEMfD Tie lr koe ejwe let Afpeeulr I Ike eli of ike lull. UlteelBoi a'Sa'eaUia eTTS? of Ike Hew U.'lw"lM'V(efc'iHo.r aa'2t3ar Tm- llfl U'avlr I. A knn. ImtBMt. Write or cell wul eielele. KileraM traelweel oalr. ANGELA HOTEL Oa KaU; Kem wKa mm TOTjy T A V Waahlngton fltrt FrtvataBata, if JreCsXC MJJtXX PORTLAND, OR. New brick, eclendldly fumUhed. Ladiee' parkir: apaeloua lutby; elevator: Hum heat! running sUrj phones In all room. Ik quiet nelabborhood, Take car from Union Depot, trantfer to Wuh Intion etreet. I'hon Manhall 1M0. SsQ EaA flwBHB SEJt THIS AH FO FREE NtEMHIN saSCSlC Mfcji aasaUCJii sfwHtABBBf Ak tar Tkalt 04 aaa SAVC THESE SWiLSTIAESA15 TICY AXE VALUABLE TWy WW Swan Yj Mm UmM Artklaa. Wkkott Coat More )nds Every Yi Wt'Ui i count It's just a autttsr of nottsswiTss arc style, Ugb-prictd, Ti owdsfs. Tliotjsftiuls Om trial 4oh it 8pssk Myowurtroctif. lAgutv.rwmu or imm MlS aatattsatSS. T0 WOSt it ml fss uaaaaea conditio. First Quest This place Is healthy, Isn't ItT Second Quest It has been up to the time that a noted specialist from New Tork got. Into the habit of spenJInn his summers here. Now we have an operation every week' or so. Life. Waited Money. Warden You'll get six months for this job. Prisoner Just my blooming luck. Only had my hair cut last night Threepence chucked away, as you might say. Illustrated nits. , Hoods Sarsaparilla Cures all humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, cures paleness, nervousness, builds up the whole system. Qet It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. Frightful l'ue.ll.llllr. "Dut what will you do," asked hla confidential friend, "If they Imprison you?" "If they threaten to do that," answer ed tho nnanclal magnate, with a frown. "I'll send order to my agent to start the biggest panic this' country ever sawl" lorry, bat Bearing tip Well. Tm truly sorry, ma'am," said Old Hunks to tho widow, "to e you In such hard luck. You mustn't let It distress you, though. It may be all for th beL" Then h went and foreclosed the mortgage. Wall tka Sparrow Cop Look4 On, Ardly Kcap Wy don't y roll fur der along under d tree, an gtt out o de sunshine? 1 Solon Iloddcy Too blame tnuoh Ilk work. SOUR STOMACH "I used CatcarcU and feci like a new man. I have been a sufferer frost dys pepsia and sour stomach for the last two year. I have been taking medicine and other drugs, but could find no relief only for a short time. I will recommend Cascarets to my friends as the only thing for indigestion and sOur stomach and to keep tii bowel ia good cotxUUoa. Taerr an very nice to cat." Pleaeant. Palatable, Potent. Taelo Oxd. Do Oood. Never Sicken, Weaken or Grip. 10e.tfe.tOc Never eoM In bulk. Tbe ran. lite tablet etaespm guuui cure or roar money back. TEA SPICES f AKIrrtrXrWDCR TtZlMS cijssntBCTEpi Union Painless Dsntlsts llriwvwk"rTM& (told Crowne fl.SO to $3.00 Porcelain Crowne t J.JO lo $5.00 Gold or Porcelain Httlnc ,,$1.00 Up Sllrer KlIHnre, 50c to ft. 00 Beet Plata Made , 7.S0 No charxee for I'alnleee Eitracttiic oken other work le done. U yeare' Ouarantee with all work. Hour. 1a.m. to 8 p.m. mHMorriaon8treet. WE GROW HAIR Wa Cure all Ecalp Dleeaaee. etop Falllnv Hair, Prevent BaUnea. Urow Ladlra' and Children' lUIr ranldly, eott. glouy and WntlfuL Wa runslan out of town people home treat ment. Wrta ua today for quaatlon blank and parti lulara. THE CARLOW HAIR GROWING CO. serciAiisTs 307-8 RotacaMd BUab, rowth and Waehliataa SlrceU, POeULA.NO, ONCCON, ' Coneultalloo Free. R to (. UST rai you amonr tbsai. timt. Mors giTiaif up m omh nmavd Bavkinc ars turniiic to BAKINQ POWDER Yotill ntrtf go bavek. raasisv. rsr sm try for yosr- T r"'1i""sammmmmmmB j Iff IB PBSSJafammW I TRIALS ofth NEEPEMS I IVIIVVtVl tlniuron'a fnw fnx I'lll coax tne IITJ Into nctltlty by gnutio niclhodj. Tliey dft not acuur, Ktip or v.eakca Tocy are a toole'to the itomecli, lltfr aod nerve! latljornte Instead of weaken, They en rich the blood and enable th stomach to get all tbe nourlibmttit from food that la pat Into it There rills contain no calo tnilt they ar soolhln;. besltnir nd itlra tlollnr. For ale by all drnaalitt Inioo and 29c itsr. If yon need medical ad vice, writ Monrmr Doctors. .They wilt adrlr to th bet of their aWllty absj. Intely fVea of Cbttm. MUNTON'S, a aa ttrereea 81 rhtaWelplila, fa. Bend 10 far trial packer. Tka riaaofoot. Little Elsie, whoa mother was vis iting hsr neighbor, was doing th five finger exercises. Thumpl Rattle! Bang, bang! Rat- Hot Thumpl "Groat lloavonat" cried tne neighbor' starting up. "What on earth is your daughter trying to play now?" "It's an exercise," said tlttlo Elnlo's mother, beaming with mhtcrnal prldo, "from 'First Steps In Music'" "'First Stops in Muslo'T" repeated tho harassed neighbor. "Well, dear, Is thoro nothing sho can play with hor hand?" Answer. Mother win nod Mr. YTlnsloVa Boothlos By run the best ramedr to Uee lor their children 1uilo( th teething jMirlod. Coelly Couneel, "I can understand all you have to say on th subject In an hour's time," said the judge. "Dog pardon, your honor," persisted the young lawyer, "but I shall con sum at least Are hours In my argu ment" "Very wll have It your own way," said the Judge, with resignation. "Dut It will take the prisoner about Ave years to tell why he employed you." Harper's Weekly. Ta S real; la New Ska. Alwsrs ihek in Allen's foot-lCeee, powder, (t cure hot, sweating, arhlns, swollen leek Cures rorm, Ingrowing nalli and bunlone. At til drunlila and aho ilerre.Ue. Innt accept inyeuEetllut. HamiilamalledrtlEX. Addrte alien B. Olautad, L Koy, N. Y. Ta Fit tka Crleaa, 1 ain't no aalnt, boss," said the ho bo. "I wunst voted a couple o' hun dred repeater In my precinct, an thy ent me to the penltenchry for It" "Great Caesarl" exclaimed the man who had just befriended him. "I did th itmt thing once, and they sent me to Congr for Itl" Chicago Trlb. une. UhJewlluN Haelalaed, Judg Th wltneas told all that happened on th second floor. Now, why do you object to hla telling what happened on the third floor? Counsel Ilecause, If It please your honor, that la another atory. Brook lyn Engl. Pkaaiftg Scoeo of Health ud Strength Renewed and of Ease and Comfort follows tho uo of Sjrrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as it acts gently on tho kidneys, liver and bowels, cleans ing tho system effectually, when con stipated, or bilious, and dispels colds ana headaches. To get its beneficial effects, always bay tho genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. HANSEN'S Hasten Mine Help EMPLOYMENT Free to biployen ornocs M North Second St. .Fhonee: Mala JEM; A ISM. Ladiee Department. MH Washington St, I'boB Habi Sett; A Sett. Portland. Oreon. Harness Catalog free! Sewef far our lOO-pog Hanwi Coteien Fret. WM uu you 90 to 99 ctut ftift KELLER HARNESS CO. 40 NertA Sh St, Mirfjnatt Onom mm tkc gmt ar m CRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c rut i roues EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN flntalaas warKM rree unekieae aad perteevr SMea laeeeeaaknra f 2.00 Ma' aVtsaW - a aajSSJI IWaV Sajito 427, Mare-wana rewtklW Ohjaaalta FawtJaanl Haea, FtWSasai Ova HOW TO ASK AWD HAVE. "Oh, 'tis tlmo I should talk to your mother. Sweet Mary," says I. "Oh, don't talk to my mother," says Mary, Doginnlng to cry; "For my mother says men aro deceivers, And never, I know, will consent; Sho says girls In a hurry who marry At leisure repent "Then supposo I would talk to your father. Sweet Mary," says I. "Ob, don't talk to my father," says Mary, Beginning to cry. "For my father, he loves mo so dearly, Ho'll never consent I should go lf you talk to my father," says Mary, -Ho'll surely say 'no.' " "Then how shall I get you, my Jewel, Sweet Mary?" says I. "If your father and mother's so cruel, Most surely I'll die." "Oh, never say die, dear," says Mnry; "A way now to savo you I see: SInco my parents aro both so contrary You'd better aak mo." Samuel Lover. lljdKSsf ir.T J- I t-BBaaamfja avavaaaaVVESC'. "i B. -T f M Tho day was so hot that oven tho Balnt Jnmcs park ducks, brooding bo neath tho willow trocs, sccmod to havo struck work. One solitary drako, n blackleg among his follows, did In deed perform somo desultory, languid fonts of diving in pursuit of certain crumbs, contributed with equal lan guor by a young man on tho bridge Tho young man on tho bridge ynwn ed and stretched himself, thon blow out tho paper bag which had contain ed tho artist's dinner and struck It. causing to follow a report which soundod, In that thick silence, llko a salvo of mnny guns. The young man on tho brldgo stood sniffing at tho air, which was heavy with a smell as of smoked honey, and yawning into tho tepid waters beneath him. All at once he was startled by a queer llttlo sound. Looking eagerly about him, ho bo- hnlit. anm riletnnca tin the bridge, and "dressed In nil her whalebone aire," a right London llttlo lady, uno, too, peered Into tho depths beneath them aad sighed this was the queer little sound which ho had hoard aa one who should say: "This Is all right" "I supposo It was you who woko mo up?" said tbe lady. The young man blush. "I suppose tt was. Very sorry, I'm sure." "Oh, you needn't apologise. It's a good Job, really. If you hadn't woko me, I might have slept till goodneea knows when. I only sat down on that seat thoro for a minute Just to get cool and before you could monttou It I was asleep. Llko mo, I admit." "I wonder you havo to troublo about gettln' cool," said the young man. "If looks aro anything to go by, you must bo always cool, like like alabaster." "Ah! That's what you think," re plied tbe lady. "It's onough to make you want to chanco It," she continued, "to look down Into tho water there. If I bad my way, I'd be a flsh." "Or a mermaid," suggested the young man. "Not that, I hope!" said tho young lady, with dignity, "I supposo" ventured tho youns roan, "that It wouldn't do for me to suggest a boat? 1 can easily got one." "Well , . .," replied the lady. . "I don't know as I see any objec tions" "I suppose you often go boating with young men?" he Inquired. "I haven't got a young man," she answered. "Ho he's dead." She left It at that. "Not much love lost there!" said the young man to himself, with a lit tle grin of contentment. "You've not told mo your name yet," he remarked, aloud, to bis companloa. "Well, they generally sal! me Jim Bile," replied the girt "What's yours?" "Henery. I'm ta the auctioneer- "Oh." eaurmured tho girl. "I got aa Idea Into my head It might be Will . . . You you do get silly ideas, this sort of weather. I don't know why It Is," she west oa, rapidly, "but I feel Jollier Ilka, s'afternoon, than I've felt for months and months and months. It's this weather, I sup pose. Everything's so bright and tbe birds so chirpy, and aad ' "la the spring a young gel's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love," submitted Henery. , She blushed. "That's Mt of poet ry, I know." "It Is," asserted Heaery, sot with out a eertala modest pride la tbe (set. "Where does It come from?" "ahakspeare, of coarse," responded Heaery. "Well," marked the glrL . . . 'You're get some sauce!" There was a loag paaea. "I'll give you a peaay far 'ess," said Heaery, at length. "I was wondering. If K auppos la' you and somebody else was was sweethearts rare sweethearts aad aad you died. I suppose yea wouldn't think much el her after wards If she got playla the giddy with ether fellows?" "I'm i not good at coaHadrums," an swered Heaery, with a superior little oagh. "Areat you? I'm sorry. I beg your pardea," replied the glrL "At any rate," she continued, saaalfig aloud. "I doa't play the out-aad-eut giddy; ao eae aaa say that Aad . , . ah, what's the goe ef weaderlaf r Narrow jpe Hound and round the pond they went. Round nnd round wont also tho hands of tho llttlo watch which sho woro on her bosom. "You do row nicely," sho said, as he paused for a rest There was anothor silence. At last she spoko. "My old dad's goln' to marry again In August," she said, dipping hor fingers Into tLs mo tionless water. "Silly old Josser," said Henery, Sho laughed. "He's n good old dad," sho said. "Ho's In tho provision bust nets." "Oh?" murmured Henery, languid ly. . "My pater's n stntlonmnstor " "You do row nlcoly," repeated tho girl. "You oughtor learn, too," snld Hen cry. . . . "Whnt'a tho matter with mo tcachln' you?" Again sho laughed nnd blushed. "Ob, my gracious godliness!" she ex claimed Inspecting tho llttlo watch, "It's 7 o'clock. Tho time has gone, nnd no mistake Father'll bo havln' fits. I don't supposo," sho addod a little ruefully, "that he'll trouble about mo so much after August He's a good old dad, though." "Hadn't I better seo you home?" suggested Henpry, as they left tho boathouso. She shook hor head. "You can fetch mo a cab If you llko. nnd perhaps I'll giro you my address." "Cabs, eh?" romarkod Henery. "We do duchess Itl" They laughed. She was still laugh ing when tho cab drove off. Dut Henery . . . T That young gontlomaa stood upo; tho pavement of Whitehall with a look of surprise and disapproval on his face. In his hand hp held a lady's visiting card a car a of rather un usual dimensions. "Acrobatic dancer!" ho murmured to himself: "Acrobatic dancer!" he repeated. "Oood Lord!" cried Henery, almost reeling at the thought of his narrow escape from vulgarization: "Oood Lord an artiste I A Pro! What would the pater havo said?" Man Chester Chronlclo. IMAGINATION IN CHILDREN. Introduction of Many rieaenree SpollliiK Tkclr Mliupta Joy, Ono of the saddest signs of tho times Is tho decay of Imagination In chil dren, tho Huffalo News says, A la mentable fcaturo of our complex social llfo for somo time has been tho crav ing for expenslvo and artificial plena urea and this sign of effete mentality Is appearing now ovon In children. Children aro no longer willing to en Joy simple pleasures, and it Is not dif ficult to account for tho roason, for by Inheritance they havo como Into a veritable kingdom of wants. Motors, oxpenslvo dresses, trips abroad, an In ordinate deslro for variety In attire, and elaborate food aro all part of tho regime which wo live In accordance as our means permit Tho children of to-day aro having handed down to them theories of life that depend upon -'nonoy to make them happy to an extent that Is terrible to contemplate. If the mother who glvos her child elaborate and costly toys would only look ahead she would save her Innocent little one much trouble of mind and perhaps much deteriora tion of character. If she would teach him to amuse himself by contriving lit tle games for himself, by weaving his own little dream around a stick or a tin can, sho would cultivate something In him that would glvo hLm a sourco of Imaginative happiness which would dften brighten his road for him. The more simple a child Is brought up, tho fewer costly toys be has, tbe better for him In tbe long run. He will learn to play the old slmplo games, to build castles, to fight great battles with wooden swords, to exercise hi? imag ination continually, Instead of learn ing to crave for excitement and new extravagances. A great deal may bo done by a Ju dlclous mother who makes up her mind to refuse her child a multitude of toys. She will lay tbe foundation of a finer and happier character than will be built up by the mother who gives recklessly a store of perishable and expensive playthings. Aa Vullkcly Subetllat. When I was teaching In the kinder garten I always tried to Impress on say pifplls the necessity of neatness. Ono little girl repeatedly forgot her handkerchief. One day I said to har; "Use your handkerchief." She, as usual, "fordot It" I said, "You did not forgot youi lunch, did your She looked up In great surprise aad said, "I tant wlpo my noso on an apple, taa I?" Delineator. A hoy Is never satisfied until he eatehss a flsh so big that It pulls hiss lata the creek. A Hair Dressing If you wish a hlch-class hair dressing, we are sure Aycr's Hair Vieor, new improved for mula, will greatly please you. It keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes it look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at u the ends. And It keeps Chen scalp free from dandruff. Doa net chance tht coor ef the hatr. A rormule with eeeh bottle 9 Sbow It te reur dootor yers ilk htm etsnl II, then deeetiea, At the same time the new Aycr's Hair Vigor Is a strong hair ionic, promomif the growth of the hair, .keeping all the tissues of tho hair and scalp in a healthy conditlon. The hair stops falling, dan druff disappears. A splendid drcsjinc. m Made by the J. 0. Ajir Co., Lowell, 2ic J Sherman Slatti and Morrison Th Piano Extend a Cordial FREE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT EVERY DAY Ton to 11 A. M., nlso hoar nil tho latest Victor Records and tho newest of the now G5 nnd 88 note piano player music and vocal style songs for player piunos. JTWi tVk T?rrU IKeitrw A book of 50 Old Ask for Our special display of Pianos, Organs, Player Pianos and Victor Talking Machines cannot fail to interest ovcry music lover; you can buy now and pay later If you wish stop In, and enjoy a few minutes of our freo entertainment. ria.aa. Mr. Qulnby called up hla wife by telephone. "Arabella,- h laid. "I'd like to brine a friend home to dine with us his evening-. Have something sood." "All right." responded Mrs. Qulnby. e e e "Jason," ah ald, "you told m you were going: to bring a friend to take dinner with u, and I've laid myaolf out to get a good meat. Wher I heT" "Arabella," answered Mr. Qulnby, 1 said I'd like to bring a friend. I couldn't find any to bring. If dlnnor I ready let' eat I'm hungry." Chi cago Tribune. NnlMntf New. "Has your wife found a house yetr "No. You see, we've moved so often In the last ten years that It's almost Impossible for her to find a place with some Improvement that we haven't hnd at ono tlmo or another." Detroit Free Proas. Another llrru, "Ho's a champion, I heT II doesn't look It. Champion of what?" "You don't kp abreast of ' th time. He' th champion clgaroot smoker; light on with the stump of another, roll them himself aa ha goo along, and smokes sixty without let ting any of 'em go out." Are You Dieting And thereby hoping to cure yourself of that annoying stomach distress? If so, we want you to try a better Slan Take Hosteller's tomach Bitters. It tones the entire digestive sys tem and prevents any after-eating distress, such as Gas on Stomach. Sour Risings, Belching, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Costive ness, Biliousness and Ma laria. Always ask for OSTETTER' OBLRBRATRO 8TOMAOH BITTER NOW 'if eW TIME of th rear to bare roar teetb put ana il ate end trlJe wptKdooe. Forget, ef'towa troa we SaUh Plate and brloM work la one oarl t aeeeeeuf , MtLrCieMa S3. B8Hi.Tt.3.6 OM rislir 1.0 btatirilbft 1.1 iw rwiif .6 StMr m mm rut l.tO eil Sutler - rUlet 7.60 ll.l fitr-lle .60 IS W S. MSN. tSaaa aa laaaa Bear mbthbbb IreewaeaaleUe or fcrldxe work ktlA riu. You cannol mI better loleae workantBha.a. u m.tL. r hnw much loatar. All work tuay f uaraatood lor ftrieea rear. WIm Dental Co. PalltsMiMttotM -aaa aa-.. -'-- -asjUssjiaa MssT! Hal. QaBBBBaatl "VHeeeVKV.TOTC H s aaaaaaKL' -'-B aaaaaSro''$P't1H VsaarMsaaaal LSalalfemllVBBBBBBl Dr. B. E. Wright Have your treth out and p'ale and brldre wtvk tone. For out-of-town patrone we flnUh plat end bridge work In one day II neceeuirr. HHCES: M W bmt , , . . SBO ZABrifoTH., SJ.50 davfr rsnaiu , i w v Cmi rum (SAO tn Red R.jW . fliW el-SO fia'tu Eih-xfce. . SOt IIKSTMKTHOIXH r rl'M Extraction Free when plate or brldr wotk Is ordered. Confultat'on Fire. You cannot eel better pelnleM work anywhere, no matte how much you pay. All Work fully Guaranteed tor riflren Year Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342J Wnthington St., Portland, Oregon Take cur at depot and transfer to Wiuhlnitton St. DAISY FLY KILLER fiSGiKi Had ! toml. (M4 t(Hi tott K la(u t aitrttUC GiMH lHtlww 01 lit taiir f ta? ffVSl1 aW I lU&OtD SOMCRai ISO 0 1 41 At. Hay&Co. o Center of Portland Op Center of Portland Opp. P. O. Welcome to Visitors Wo havo mado great preparations for Rose Festival visitors, from Juno G to 12. Our storo Is yours every conven ience nt your command meet your frlctula hero mako it your head quartern nit pnradoa pass our windows. Favorite Songs. Them. Conepleuotie. The minister had prrached to the graduating clnsa of a girl' college. Th girl of the class wore on the platform all round the pulpit and all dressud In white. "I felt," confessed the preacher to hla wife when he got home, "like a crow on a snowdrift." rittsbursj Pi ess. Jouruallkllo loilrely "Going to start a paper, are yoaf What do you Intend to cull Itl" "The Nebula." ' "What's the explanation?" "Why, some day, I hope, It will grow to be n World, a Olnbe, a Htar, a Hun, or somethlr of lnt kind, you know." At I lie Art Kahlbll. Mrs. Hlghmus O, Isn't this a lovelr onel What a Uollcnte touch that artUt haat Don't you think o7 Mr. Hlghmus I don't know. I nevr met him, ITCH CAN BE CURED In a thort time by uilnir PLUMMER'S ITCH REMEDY In CO-rent ran only, AiMrrae PLUMMER OKUa COMPANY Third and Madison Pottland, Or. Alcohol, ToImcco, Cocaine, Muqhlnc Clgantle or Other DOPE HABITS CURED Positively nnd hnrmloasly In short tints' by tho now Olconola Method. Treut mont la not oxnonslvo or painful. You need not romuln a alavo to your habits, when n short atay at our Sunitarium. will mako you fno, Addrosa OLCONEJA CO., A rleta Station. Portland; On A TRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT MATES IN PAINLESS DENTIST Palnlna Kilractlon .....Kite Silver rilllnv , 0e OoM Filling ,7J it K. OoMCiowne ,, I'orceleln Crowne SS Molar QolJ Crowne ,4 IlilJge Work, 21 K. OoMtS InleyPllte, I'ureQoM Very NleeKubbcr Plate. ...M Hot Rubber Plat on Earth. ., ST ALL. THIS WOKK IS QUAHANTKKD. Don't throw our rnoner away. A dollar aareel la twoilollar earned. Our original reliable Mulcr a I I'alnleaa Al.thu.l anil our perfected Utlce equip meni eavee ui umeanu your moner. SOITON DENTISTS, lib 11 MorrUen, rrtlaa rtuttue V)M Mwrlwo. tprwiit ruffce a&4 Meter Fiini. tiullliU4 le PunUo4 19 ' Oj.i rmlm uiil I u4 luuUjri eull llilQ. for ?teI vie vers. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES 1 5, 4, 3.00, f 3, "2.50 ft 2 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YKARB. MilUaa el atea wear W. U Deuila aheee be caue taer are tka lew. eat prUea, quauty eotv Mered, la tb world. Mad upon koaof.ol Ik beet lealker. br tka eoo.t kUIe4 warkatea, la all Ik lalaa faebioaa. W. U Douila IS.00 aad 14.00 tkoe equal Ciutoa Beack Work; eetia IS.00 to SS-OO. Seyr,$o,,Z50a . .w. I. DoaU raaraaleee Ihilr Tale tf ttinficM M. nam aia Trim oa 11 Ulloio. J ook iur K. jiu Hu.uiHif, Aii.r tior for iale In roar low a w . Ae.Breurueaierrorn.uiKtuiii.i.1' t bow to otiir bf KtL KboM etdrfed dlrttl .treat einroeriowawnifiorMaiioriMi'aii ctorr ueurare rree. wJ.iNiUi iireeaioo, ju HXr wrtllaj- toadrerit xylaaaal iua lau paper. Jea