St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 03, 1910, Image 3

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    The Lion Escaped
Excitement galore invaded the
big tent of the carnival last triglitT
lucoig lion made his escape from
trie cage and mingled among the
audience. -The furore created as a
- result was something great. The
feelings of the audience had been
keyed to a high pitch by the mana
ger stating that the beast was the
fiercest one in captivity and advis
ing the ' audience not to become
alarmed it any accident happened
to the trainer ns he entered the
cage. After prodding the bensl
from one cud of the cae to the
other until he wns in q-.tlte n rage,
we trainer attempted to enter tli
den, when the nininul innde a rttsl
and got liis he,id and pawn throng
the door before it could be shut
The showmen then been m
alarmed and gave the lion his
fchatice, and he jumped out nnr
crawled under some of the seats
An effort was then made to'catittire
hint, but he darted otit of the tent
and finally wound up in the room
itlC house aver Cnh-f Hrm store
Several occup.ints of the house wer
almost scared to death. The lioi
pawed around the hull, destroyed
some of the carpet and injured tin
woodwork, the damage ntuouutlnti
to about f 35 00. The showmen
finally succeeded in effecting lib
capture and driving him into tin
cage, which they took into the
rooming house. That no one war
hurt is a miracle. The beast seemed
almost as much afraid of the crowr
as they were of him. It is unfor
tunatc (hat the beast escaped foi
hereafter .the more timid ones wilt
give this performance a wide berth
The management is to blame, be
cause it should be impossible fot
the lion to leave the tent while the
trainer is effecting his cntrauci
therein, and unless this provision
is provided it is a dangerous prop'
ositiou to have in St. Johns. While
the nerves of many were badly
suaken by the incident, not
At the St. Johns Skating'JRink
Wednesday evening, June 8, there
will be given a big exhibition of
fistic skill, when the following
matches will be pulled off:
Mysterious Billy Smith, tfx-welt-erweight
champion of the world,
will box four rounds with an "tin
.known." Smith will box :o rounds
with Al Neil at Portland June 10.
Prof. Ely of St. Johns and Walter
woman fainted. All the hair
stood straight up last night
now resumed normal pose.
A Sad Accident
A most distressing.nccidcnt Imp
pened Thursday aitcrnoon, the re
sult of which Prauk Trumbo lost
bia life. He was driving a team
for Chas. Fosa and. aiding in clear
ing land at Northern Hill when a
chain broke and the sweep struck
him violently across the stomach.
Mr. Poss hastily secured three phy
sicians and the injured man was
given immediate attention. His
injuries were found to be so serious
that it was deemed advisable to
have him removed to the St. Viti
cent hospital in Portland. He was
at once taken to that institution,
where he lingered along until six
o'clock this morning, when ' he ex
pired. The deceased was a man
highly respected in St. Johns. He
had a host of friends and was well
liked by all who knew him, Por
nevcral years he had been in the
draying business here and was well
known. A widow and one child
survive. He was aged about 35
years, and was a member of the
W. O. W., with which order he
carried f 1,000 insurance.
W. 0. W. Take Notice.
The funeral of A, F. Trumbo
will be held at the Baptist Church
Sunday at 2:30 .o'clock under the
auspices of the Woodmen of the
World, St. Johns Camp, No. 773.
(Neighbor) Rev. Johnson will offi
ciate. Interment will take place in
Columbia , cemetery. All friends
invited. J. A. Cole, C. C,
W. Scott Kellogg, Clerk.
A lady of highest references
would like to find an unfurnished
room and board In a quiet edu
cational family, without small chil
dren, where she can give lessons in
reading and speaking the French
and German languages. I,eavc ad
draas at this office.
Four cigar bills will be paid for
by the First National Bank if you
will start a savings account. It
pays 3 per cent on every dollar you
Ct ia that bank. Start today. No
tter time, and interest is com
pounded every 'six months. it
Edmund W. Try cm and Mrs.
Mary Tryoa were united in mar
riasc Tuesday at 3 o'clock p. m. at
the Caagregatioaal parsonage, -Rev.
G. W, Nelson saying the words
that wade the tw6 one.
Wc arc Indebted to P. T. Has
sea for tbc finest bouquet of beau
Mfttl reeee tbat we have yet seen
this veer. All were beauties and
l New York city we W be wrt
s least fas.oa
arararanlilRix ''''K ?'"
rrrflEj&c-Tmi 4? .''jPa HTflrrrH
Walter Arnbt
Arnbt of Portland will box
rounds. Wyun Mannine of St
tohtis and Fred Hanson of Port
laud will box n 4-round eo. An
nine Peterson and Hilly Seaburg
oth of St. Johns, four rounds
uaw ncraia aim Amos Kcesc 01
at. Johns, four rounds. Two oth
r good preliminaries also. Pro
ram begins promptly nt 8:30.
You got full weight and
limllty nt the Contra markot.
ry It awlitlo.
1 he lion knew if he could get W
Calcf Dros. he could get a good bed
on easy terms.
Porn To Mr. and Mrs. W. E
Lc Valley, at a 14 Fesscndcn street
Tuesday, May 31, a daughter.
Dlds wanted on building a six
room cottugc for M. E. Church. Set
W. R. Holleubcck for particulars
Notice It hereby ulven to the lceal
voten oLhcnooi unmet no. 3. Muitno
mah county, State of Oregon, that the
annual School Meeting of wild district
will be held At (Jvtuimilum bulullnir
Central school, to heuln nt tli hour of
3 o'clock p. in. on the third Monday of
une, uciiiK me 30111 nay 01 June, 1910.
Thin ineethitt it called for the nurnose
01 electing one director nnti uie Irani
action 01 iJtisiiicBs usual nt ucii meet
Dated thU 33th day 01 May, 1910.
' 8. II. GKItHNIt,
Clialruiaii hoard of Director.
Attet: J. H. TANC1I,
DUtrict C eric
l'uullslied In the St. John Review
June 3 and 10, 1910.
In the circuit court of the Slate of Oreaon for
in county 01 Muunoinan.
In an action wlicrclu Anita Cumnilni U plain
lift ami Wvaro Cummin. U defendant.
To Klvaro Cummloi. drlcndant above named:
In the none of the State of Orrion. vou are
hereby required to appear end aniwer the
complaint Died aualntt you in the above cutltled
ult on or before hatur Jay, the vh day of July,
gie, wnicn uaic auuwmicnt 10 me eipirauon
l tlx week after the 7tn day of Mav. 1010. the
latter being tbc date of the first publication of
thli summons; It being prescribed In the order
for publication of said lummoni that the tame
be publUhcd once a neck for tlx consecutive
weeks In the Bt. Johns Kcvlcw. If you fall to so
appear and answer, for want thereof. plsintlS
win apply 10 ine auovt cnmica court lor reuei
prayed lor In her complaint, lo-wlli
A decree dluolvlnn absolutely the bonds of
matrimony heretofore and nowealstlng between
filatnttU and defendant: that defendant be ad
udued and decreed to have and own no Hvht.
title or interest in any of the properly owned by
plaintiff or to which she ha any right or Inter
est; for Judgment against the defendant for costs
Incurred by plslnlltf in this suit and for such
ciner, 1 miner nq aiacrcnt reuei at t ne court ma
deem lust and orooer In eaultv.
This summons Is published pursuant tosu or.
aer or uouoraoic nooeri u. Morrow, irew
log Judge of the above entitled court, made and
entered May so. 1910.
1 in k ii II w 11 lln limn
Attorney for rdalntlff.
Dste of first Dubllcatlon May ST. 1010: of the
iai puoiKion Juiy o, 1910.
Dsa WiUiunsoa returned yeater
day fraat tea days' isttaf trip
sleeg the Nuaalew. He reports
fimiH pleaAtfMl.
Csief Bras, have good seceadj
mm raage fer sale.
Pal Xeso ka ereeiiaig a
jhMlktee Micklia slfeet
l ! Wlatsegrseei, THyaaal. Otyaes. Uc
Vm4 a Staapla Waafe.
It really items strange that so maar
people lufer year in and year out with
cciema, when it it bow no losger a se
cret tbat oil of wintergrcea mixed with
thymol, glycerine, etcmakes a waah
tbat is bound to cure.
Old, obetlaate cases, k is true, can
not be cured la a few day, but there
is absolutely do sufferer freaa ecaeraa
who ever used this slmf le wash sad
did not Sad lieascaetsly that won
dcrfaliVsoothiagt calm, cool seasstloa
lha) coaea whea the itch le takes away.
InaUiHlyiUpoa applying a few drope
el the wash the remedy ukes' effect,
the Kch ie allayed. There is bo need
ef esperlaieat the satit knows at
Instead el trying te nom sound tbc
cM I wtaiEfiiBa tkjrwi lyccriaCs
etc, ia the right nronortteas ewselres
we are aeiag a yfeseHceioa whieli ie
unrrcrenrly leand the meet eCeotk.
k is known ss the D. D. P, FrcaeHy.
ties, or Oil el Wintigeeia Cemnonad.
It ie anade by the D. D. D. Co, l Chi
cago, sad ear leaf eanerieace with
this remedy has gevca as feast eea
A'. tgs' Le- fjajatfaa
tawenwaww aa eaa wwcaj mnma
gaheeriae fer the lUriew and ha
Fmeh the
af ,14.
On Christmas night,
Oh, what delight.
Whan atari are brightly gleamlaa,
And anowa ar piled
And breasea wild.
And love, young lova, la dreomiauji
What bllaa. I nay,
With peVa nl alelgh
And robe all warm and furrjr,
And Dobbin, dear,
Who haa no fear
That ha will have to hurry!
And then oh, well.
ir 1 muat tcm
Tour own-y, owncat girlie,
in coat and hood,
All tucked In good.
And warned to "coma home earlf."
What bliss' I any,
To rido away,
With bolls just faintly Jingling,'
And later on,
When lova haa won,
Our chilly fingers mingling!
And then-nt Inal I
Hearts beating fast,'
In lovo'i dollghlful tether.
To somohow foel .
Lips slowly ileal, I
And, then why freoro together.
Lurnna W. Sheldon in Judge.
No Doubt,
"t wns counsel for a rnllwuy com
pany In tho west," n proinlnont
Now York lawyer, "lh whoso ciuiloy
a section timid hud been killed by mi
cxprons train. Ilia, widow ofi-onmo
miod ror dainiiRva. Tbc principal wit
iichu aworo posttlrcly Hint tho locomo
tive whlitlo lind not sounded until nft
cr jbo cntlro train bad poncd over bis
departed friend.
" 'You admit tlmt tho whltftlo blowV
I sternly demanded of tho witness.
" 'Oh, yes; It blowl'
" 'Now,' I added ImprcssUcly, 'If that
wnlstlo sounded In time to bIvo Mor
gan .warning tho fact would bo In fa
ror of tbo company, wouldn't It?'
" 'I suppose so,' said tbo witness.
"'Very well. Now, for what earth
ly purpose would tho engineer blow his
whlstlo after the man had been
"'I prcsunio,' replied tho witness.
with great deliberation, 'that U10 wills
tlo was for tho next man on the
track.' "Harper's Weokly.
A Quick Wltted Doctor.
A French surgeon who wns onco at
tending a sultan .resorted to nti expe
dient which, although eillcnclous.
might Imvo resulted lu his own dentil.
lie had been commissioned to bleed
tho grand seignior and either through
timidity or nervousness Imd met with
an nwkwnrd accident, The point of
the lancet broko off In the vein. 11 nil
tbo blood would not How. Tlmt point
must bo got out somehow. Without
stopping to consider the consequences
to himself, tho surgjeon gave bis high
ness a violent ship In tbo face. This
produced the desired effect, for sur
prise nnd Indignation an the part of
bis august pntlcnt put the blood Into
Violent circulation. The vein bled
freely, nnd the lancet point enmo out.
The bystanders were nbout to lay
hands on tbo tturgcon when lie sitld.
"First let mo finish the operation nnd
bandage the wound." Tills done, he
threw himself nt tbe feet of the sitltnn
and explained his action.
The sultnn not only pardoned him,
but gave him a handsome reward for
keeping bis wits nbout htm In n crit
ical moment.
Cot His Answer.
Tho victim of tho dentist hold up his
"Doctor," said bo, "before you put
tbo lid on my conversation will you
answer a question?"
Yes." said tbo dentist selecting
Quaro plcco of rubber nnd snipping It
with his scissors.
"Do pooplo chow more on ono side ot
tbo mouth than tbe othor?"
"Sure." sakl the dentist, picking; up
tbo clamps.
"How Interesting! Which sldo?"
"Tho lnstdo," replied tho dontlst,
slipping tbe rubber dam over tbo ver
bal ono tbat Issued from his patient's
lips. Llpplncott's.
Motto Olympla Automobile Exhibition,
A good thing Is soon snapped up.
rrcmsioric rroveru.
May It be so with tbo carsl-Skotch.
Her Stipulation.
Whea a rosy cheeked, good natured
Irish girl fresh from the other sldo re
cently sought employment In tho serv
Ice of a Germantown woman the latter
began anxiously to interrogate tbe girl
as to her finallQcatlons.
Can you cook, Nora?" asked tbe
lady most earnestly. "Are you a good
Yes, mum; I t'lnk so," responded
the girl naively, "If yo 11 not try to help
me." Harpers Weekly.
Yee," said nt Tragerdy, with a
smile, "I remember my parents used
eay I'd never amount to anything
I didn't give up nsr theatrical as
"Well, that was fair warning," re
marked Crittlck. "Why didn't yon
proflt by itr'-Pblladelphla Press,
Hsppy Family,
"Do Bllggtas snd bis wife quarrel
as much as tbey used to?"
No. Kach haa lesrsed to go on read
ing a newspaper while the other la
talking without being In tbe least dis
turbed." Washington Star,
It Hss.
Pupil I do dislike grammar, fer Its
exactions get on my nerves.
Teacher You talk as if grammar
were an emotional study.
Pupil-Well, hasn't It moods 7-BaJtJ-
mere American.
DWersnt Peakasa.
"Jleper ssys be always bays his et
gars by the bee"
"I dea't believe It"
"Tbat stuff Is said by the beJe."-
A fueaaetlew.
"Dees the tw msHer of the brain
ever ebsnge Ms eel or V
1 sanaeae K dees whea K turns lata
beak sa4 la read.'-
If you want to sell your bouse
and lot or vacant lot cheap for
cash, sac W. W. Holcoaib, Attor
ney Rootns 3 and 4, Holbrook
ttlMiag, at. johas,
Today is tbe first of the month.
There is no better time than today
to start tbat favlsgs fund. The
First National Rank helps St. Johns
fevers te get a part, It issues
Tine CtHtllcatss of Deposit. 1 1
Wasjk gat a aanita ft Jaaaa.
A Knockout.
A young lnwyer wns engaged In
case when n witness wns put In tbo
box to testify to the rcputntloti'of the
plnco In question.
This witness in nnswer to a query
as to the reputation of tho placo re
plied. "A poor shop."
Tbo lawyer Inquired. "You say
lias tbo reputation of being it 'poor
shop?' "
"Yes, sir."
"Whom did you hear say It was n
'poor shop?' "
Tbo witness did not recollect any
ono ho bad beard say so.
"Wbotl" said the lawyer. "You havo
sworn this placo has tho reputation of
being n poor sbop and yet cannot tell
of any ono you Imvo over beard say
Tho witness was staggered for
moment at tbo words of tbo lawyer
Tho lawyor was . feeling triumphant
when tho wltuess gathered blu.sclf
together and quietly remarked, ad
dressing tho lawyer:
"Well, you bave tbo reputation of
being a poor lawyer, but I Imvo novcr
beard any ono say so."
Romano of an Inkttaln.
Pens and fumlturo used In tbo sign
Ing of famous treaties and documents
recall Archibald Forbes' cxpcrlcnco
after Sedan. After witnessing Napo
leon's Intorvlow with lltsnmrclc nt
waysldo cottago and his subsequent
surrender Forbes and a fellow war
correspondent slept nt tbo chateau
which tbo fallen emperor bad occupied
tbo night before. Tbo bedroom wa
Just as Napoleon bad left It nnd by tbo
bed tbo open book with which bo hud
read himself to sleep. It was I.ytton's
"Last of tbo itardns." Sitting nt tbo
adjoining writing table, Forbes wroto
bis dispatch, while his companion
gnawed nt a ham bone, their solo re
mainder of food. Irnle nt tbo little
eating It furulnhed, he Mung It ncross
tbo room nnd upset tho Inkstand Into
which Torbes was dipping. When
Forbes .revisited the chulcnu a month
or so later the lukHUin wns pouitra
out ns caused by 'S'li'iKileon'H mge uu
learning (lit (Icriimn terms of ik'iicoI
London Chronicle.
The O'tdw Pleatsd th Cook.
The following story Is told tin 11 mis
slounry of I he China Inland iiiInmIoii. 11
oacueiur Ufeinuu 110111.0 ror iinuxeir 111
the southern purl of Chlnu; One morn
lug In ordering his dinner ho wished
to tell his cook to buy n elilcken. In
steud of Buying "ye" for chicken ho
aspirated the word, saying, "Huy mo 11
'cho.' " nis cook thought thnt wiih, uii
emlneutly proper command nnd went
about bis marketing In high good hu
mor. At noon tbo missionary found
no chicken cooked In fact, no dinner
at all, for bis cook bad not returned.
About dark the man came back, say'
Ing: "This was not u good tiny for buy
ing wives, and 1 bave been all day
looking for one, but at Inst I found
ono for you. 8I10 Is rather old ami not
pretty, but you cau bave her cheap, I
bavo promised M0 for her."
Browning. t
urowning lent iru coierldgo ono
of bla works to read, and afterword.
meeting tho poet, tbo lord chief Justlco
said to blm; "What 1 could under
stand I heartily admired, and parts
ought to bo Immortal. But as to much
of It I really could not tell whether I
admired It or not, because for tbe life
of mo 1 could not understand It."
Drowning replied, "If n render of
your cullber understands 10 per cent
of what 1 write I think I ought to be
Exchange ef Courtsslss.
One of the keenest of Journalists and
wits, Uorltx Uottlieb.gapblr. bud tho
better of tbe irate straugor against
whom he ran by accident at tbo corner
of a street In Munich. "Ileast!" cried
the offended person without waiting
for an apology. "Thank you," said tbo
Journalist, "and mine ts Saphlr."
Th Thorn.
Caller How pleased you must be to
find tbat your new cook Is u stayer!
Hostess My dear, don't mention It.
She's s stayer, all right, but unfortu
nately she's not a cook. Boston Tran-script.
Jess He said my face was a poem.
Bess-It to-like one of Browning's
Jess-How do you mean? Bess gome
of tbe lines sre so deeo. Cleveland
Criticism often takes from tbe tree
csterpUlars and blossems together.
If once you begin tbe savings
habit it will come easy to put your
spare cash in tbe bank. As easy
as tbat extra cigar you do not need.
Tbe First National Bank issues
Time Certificates of Deposit, it
Calef Bros, bave a lot of second-
band furniture,, only been out a few
weeks, Por sale at a bargaiu.
Tbe sew St. Johns ranges for
sale by Calcf Bros,
Tbe Bradley
For Men.
Try on the Bradley Shoe.
We'll be glad of the oppor
tunity to show it to you.
And when you have it
onnotice the tee J of it and
the took' of it
Just seems to "belong" to
yoar foot fits every little
hump nnd hollow aa though
it had been built on and
fecte like an old ldd glove.
That's a little way the
Bradley Shoe has makes
itself right at home on your
foot and loolcs it.
And when you find out
how well it wears you will
never wear any shoe except
the Bradley.
Bradley Shoes for Hen.
53.50 S 54.00
Couch & Co.
SmMi Premier
as widened its market un-
. it includes the whole civil
rd vorld; hi.s become the
pjvvritcr of over 300,000
lora and has, during
;o6, broken every previous
vcord of sales, because it
as frr -n tHc beginning best
net ,ry typewriter need
ry - 'ILt-t'I-colorfcaturcof
8 tbc Spilth Premier
'i ypewrlter is recog
nised as the greatest Im
provement in modern typc
writer construction yet in
providing It, none of the.
strong fundamental fea
tures, for which the Smith
Premier has always been
noted, have been sacrificed.
Complete literature on request.
Best Buy In
St Johns
$2000 cash-5 room bungalow; must
be taken quick.
2000-5 room modern house and
full lot, corner; terms.
1900-6 room modern house and
full lot, terms; good buy.
A Very Fine Buy
Four room house mid 100x100 lot,. close in; fine buy.
iMnny other Bargains. Call in and sec.
A. UNGER, Sole Agent
103 N. Jersey street, next to the Peninsula Dunk
Scciiil prices to chtitch purtics, hocinls, etc.
Phone Richmond 1 1
rriE smith
and the
Pak it
"Dr. Miles' Aatt
Pala Pill aw t4
ku4 by ax for taw
au pjut, biiJttlw
tad ptla la but ud
tiiMt, taj k ntn
ctM tUr tin pwfoci
iinrj Cawttf,
aw thi rua or
25 Dsa 25 Cents
Vaar Druifiat adH. Dr. MiJu' A.w-Pi,Plfl
a jp U tfrtu4 u rvifq lU fit al Ik IVu
A Splendid Overall
for every use.
Cut generoufl
full. Two
hip pockets.
Felled seams.
111 frit lv, ((Llvm
01(0, !(. IIItMSTOCK
full lln of ftobaa, Caakata, to,, tpt In alook
Kc.Uei.ce I'lio... Woodlawii sia UNIVHKSITY I'AKK, OKIiOON'
for tiaut Mah, 10 totO mnro manvf for you tn ibln Raw Yt au4 lUJi to oaUuu to
lUtJI l tiomu. rlts for I'ric Utt. alaikt-1 IU(Kirt, felilfplDtf Ta, mad atoufc oar
W pai. 4tLf m4. Maf oa IU sLJrt tftr wfttu. UuiaUa all rr AalauU All
aUaul Trf4i' -el, fWufs, Tiapa, fUio Uwi I low i4 wbara in, a4 Uactn
ftl ltapfr li'taiMiaLar titficMiu ff Im. f! Toour ruiBft . ).4m Ua4 UW
lwtifv) Owr MMtUaWla41arf allrtaaliMUtiaia. II iiOMfUtlU, ttfc'i nwr
(iaMM4ruiWwai4ktl)iaaMliila AuJcrxU i)fv, UvyU Tl, MUmnwlia,illu,
Right Here
at the BALL
of the Foot
Is where most of tho "plncl7'l
emnp Vllicn htivlnil n vipw tt
pair of allocs. You com.
j'laln about It when trying
ou the ordinary shoes nnU
the salesman taya "I'll
stretch It." Whenever he
las to do that, look out in
a few weeks you'll find your
Uct rnnnlu over the edges
of the soles nmt the uppers
will be leaving the soles. There runt be plenty of roomat the ball of the foot so
that stretching to the limitof the strength of the shoe will no tbc necessary.
The Bradley Shoe Will Hot "Pinch" Yovr feet
Every pair is built with an allowance of leather at the ball of the foot which
permits the foot to rest comfortably in the new shoe the first time you put
it ou. The linings in the llradley Shoe will not wriukloaftcralittlo wear,
causing discomfort so common. They arc cut to conform to the upper.
This perfect fit even gives additional wear as it takes a great deal of
strain off tho leather.
Bradley Shoes for Men, $3.50 $4.00
represent the highest standard of material and workmanship sixty-six
years of continuous Application to the making of a shoe that will give
perfect satisfaction. We make less profit on a Oradley Shoe, but we'll be
glad to sell you a pair, for once a wearer of these honest, well-made shoes,
it will be hard to resist buying again, and the increased volume mean not
only profit but public confidence
Bradltj't art mail by ih Bradltf & Mttcolt Co., ha hack bun maktr$ ot
good ihots tor 00 ytari, Wt alto had othir itjUt- ot thilr ma tor mm,
Honitn ana chllJrtn.