St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 03, 1910, Image 2

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Doings of the World at Urge
Told in Brief.
.General Returns of Important Eventl
Presented In Condented Form
for Our Busy Readers
The thermometer reached 00 decrees
at San Francisco nnd threo persona
were prostrated In ono day.
It Is alleged that only n beginning
Is mado In tho leglslntivo sconuoi in
Illinois nnd tho big sensations aro yet
to come.
on.. IumIv nt Atmn kollncr. need
Vonrfl. who disappeared nt St, Louis
last December, was found burled
tho bottom of nn unused cistern.
About 76 Woodmen gathered In Tn
nn Mnmnrlal II nV nnd llUlIt I
i,mim tnr ihn widow of ono of their
n.min. Tlmv nmirlv finished tho
house In one day.
A Wisconsin man who has served
two years In prison for bolng Implicat
ed In tho robbery of a bank and mur
der of ono of tho directors, Is now
found to bo Innocent.
A flro salo In a big department store
In Chicago cnaea in a twv, noycrni
women being knocked down and In
jared, tho windows of tho storo smash
ed and tho interior wrecked.
Pitaln Oould Jr.. Grandson of tho
.ia nmiid ran awav from school
lircdon 16-cont moals, spent a night
on a board at tho station bouse anu
was Anally returned to his homo by
tho police.
Rabies among coyotes in Central
T.I.U t xaitalnir in-flat alarm. Tho
nlmnls come Into tho towns and at-
il.rra anil llvo fltock. as Well BS
pconlo, and seem to havo no fear. Sov
era! persons havo been bitten.
hnvo been concluded In
tho Balllngor-Pinchot controversy.
Troublo Is browing ovor Gorman In
vaslon of tho financial field In Persia,
British politicians are much worked
up over proposca ennngen m "
nation oath.
Tfia Iwiml taatin In build tho Lako
Wuhtncrton canal at Soattlo has been
declared invalid.
A groat grand-daughter of tho groat
Kentucky hunter, uanici uoono, mcu
at Tualatin, Oregon.
A Jealous dog In San Francisco near
ly killed his mistress whon he saw her
petting a sick chicken.
A Newport, Ore., man committed
Mlcido by allowing the tldo to carry
him out to sea on a small raft
Chinese aro protesting against tho
aecentanco of foroign railway 'loans by
communications written in their own
In Fort Collins.
"Wyoming, woro made sick by ptomalno
nnlannlnir Tram CBlinir ICO tivmil
Business men In Georgia offer to pay
l.1nt'a Irnvitllntr exncnSCS On
his Southorn trip, over which congress
Is wrangling.
Qi.ln flnnnlir M W. Holtataw. of
Illinois, bus confessed that Senator
Brodorlck paid him $2,600 to .voto for
. a
Lorltncr lor u. a. senator.
Twn vounir womon havo gono Into
...... MMillntnwn. Cal.. and be
gun reeling tan bark. They do nearly
M much work ns the men and Buy It Is
better than idleness.
James A. 1'ntton lost about $1,200,-
000 In one day speculating in wnow.
r.naiia flmina alinw tho ttVerSGTO sal
ary of ministers to bo about f 003 per
A (Vilnrmlo cowboy carried his
wounded partner 37 miles on horseback
to receive medical attention.
Thieves have stolen tho Minnesota
coat of arms from tho noted Hill stat
ute In tho exposition grounds at So
attlo. M. aniimHrlno was accidentally
sunk by colliding with a warship and
hnr entire crow 01 S( men were
Dopoeed Alaska ofllclals claim their
removal was duo to tho Guggonholm
Interests, becnuso of activity In prose
cutlng grafters.
Roosevelt says ho would llko to seo
football rules change so as to oumi
nate some of tho dangers, but docs not
favor abandoning tho gamo.
Miss Mnthlldo Townsend, considered
tho most beautiful helrcsa In Washing
ton, turned down several foreign counts
and married a plain American.
Tho "Jet" of light on Halley'a
comet, discovered by Harvard observ
ers, has entirely disappeared. (Tho
comet will bo vlslblo In tho West untll
about June 10.
Govornor Hughes of Now York,
signed tho bills to enublo tho state to
accept tho gifts of land and money
offorcd by Mrs. E. II. Harriman, and
others, for a park embracing tho Hud
son River Palisades, and providing for
$1,500,000 bond Issuo by tho state for
Improving the land.
Glenn H. Curtlss will try to fly from
Albany to New York with but ono atop.
A collision between a bark and a
largo steamer In tho English channel
cost 22 lives.
A itrlko of all union teamsters In
Portland sec ma certain on Juno 1.
Trouble with tho wild tribes of Li
beria is at an end, the leading chiefs
having sworn allegiance to that gov
One hundred and twenty-flvo cases of
champagne which wcro a part of tho
Uto of Hriy K. Thaw aro missing
and cannot be located,
A delegation of ministers failed to
persuade the San Francisco authorities
to refuse a permit for .tho Jeffries
Johnson light on July 4.
French Scientist Perfects Apparatus
to Take Photographs by Wire
Pnrla. Mnv SO Television, tho
sclcnco of seeing hundreds of miles by
tho means or a tclcgropn wire, is a
step nearer rcnllzalon,
Edounrd Bolln, a 'young French
scientist, has perfected and soon will
test publicly an apparatus which act
ually, it is said, will tako a picture
tclcgraphlcnlly. Thus tho Image of a
person or nrtlclo before an objcctlvo
lcna In Now York would appear prac-
flonllv Inafnntannoiiatv nn n nncrntlvo
In San Francisco at ,tho other end of
tho line.
About two years ago, It will bo re-
mnmlwirnrl n fihrmnn nrnfpaanr nnmod
Korn Interested tho scientific world by
exhibiting photographs teiegrapnicnny.
Pictures obtained (. were imperfect,
however, nnd showed practically no do-
M. rtnlln. fnltnwlnc Profcanor Korn's
lend, has perfected telcphotographic
nppnrntus in which tno scnato commit-
tco on posts and tolcgrnphs is much in
Russaln Hebrows Rocelvo Notification
to Quit Kiev.
Kiev, May 30. Ono thousand and
two Jewish families havo now received
notification that they must leave tho
city in accordance with tho dotcrmlna
tlon of tho Russian government to
drivo back Into, tho palo all Hebrews
who aro unablo to establish their legal
r eht to remain outaido Its confines.
This numbcrjncludcs 60 (.families to
whom notices of expulsion were sent
An additional 103 families living In
the suburbs outside tho city proper aro
sublect to deportation before Juno 1
unless in tholmcanttmo they produco
proofs of their right of residence In
their present sites.
It Is impossiblo to get statistics
showing tho number of thoso already
expelled. Even tho Jewish Relief
commlttco is unablo to stato tho exact
figures, but.tho commlttco estimates
that between 200 nnd 300 Jewish fam
ilies havo loft tho city.
Conflct Appears Inevitable Between
Ecuador and Poru.
Washington, May 30. Official dis
patches rccolvcd at tho Stato depart
ment both from Lima, Peru, nnd
Quito, Ecuador, Indicato that war-like
tlnna tuttwonn Peru and Ecua
dor nro bolntr ranldlv fnushed forward.
and that a conflict seems inovitablo.
In v(ow of tho fact that both Peru
anil Fj-nadnr hail arrnntl without re-
servo Secretary Knox's proposition for
tho United Stales, main anu Argen
tina In miwllatn between thean tWO
countries In tho matter of their bound
ary dlsputo, the Stato department offi
cials are at a loss to understand their
present attitude.
It was the understanding or tno du
ctals that In opening tho mediation
nmnnaltlnn thev had of necessity BC
ceptcd tho conditions proposed by tho
oner, tho principal ono being mo im
mediate withdrawal or weir armies
from tho common frontier.
Rare Fossils Sought for Museum
Now York. May 80. Two cxpcdl
iLn. fmm IIia Amnrlran Museum o!
Natural History will leavu New York
next week for Montana and Wyoming,
In aim nh nt illnnaaura with three horns
on ench nose, nnd horses with four toes
to tho foot. Tho museum sciontisu
hnnn tn And anoclmons of both Varlo
ties, tho party wnicn is to aenren ior
fossils of tho Cretaceous porlod going
MM I I I I 1 - 1
to Montana. ino oxpeumon i u
chnrgo of Professor Barnum Brown,
nnd ho will havo three or four help
era. A similar expedition will go U
Wvnmlnir far researches in the OVOIU
tlon of tho homo. Two or three fossil
neelmens of the coccnic aire uro need
ul In nnninlnlii ihn imiHnliin'B rhalll
VI. v Wlt,'.w . . . w ... ...
showing the development of tho horso
Irom the creature no uiggor l"u" u "UK
tn tha nwlft mid erucoful Svsonby.
whoso skeleton is ono of the treasures
of tho Institution.
Young Women Peol Bark,
Mlddletown. Col.. May 30.-Gcrtlo
Novlns and Crystal Parriot, robust
vounir womon of Lako county, have
taken u contract to peel tnnbark ana
havo pitched camp on tho sido of
Mount St. Helens, whero thoy aro hard
at work. Tho young women peel as
much bark in n day as a great many
mnn iln. Thnvfwnar tnon'a clothlncr.
camp nlono in tho mountains, at least
two miles from any other habitation,
ami am lundlnir a "atrenuoua life."
with u unco that would mako Roosevelt
gash for breath.
Toddy Is Buxton's Quest.
London. May 30. Mr. Roosevelt to
night closed his visit to Lleutonant
Colonel Arthur Loo's country place,
ChcQuolso court. In Buckinghamshire,
whero he went from Cambridge yester
day. Colonel and Mrs. Leo had as
guests also Airs, itoosovoit, Airs. Nicho
las Long worth. Lord and Lady Roberts,
Lord Kitchener, Arthur J. Balfour, Sir
Cecil and Lady Sprlng-RIco nnd the
Right Hon. Alfred Lytlcton.
The cx-nrcslucnt will spend ono day
with Inn Buxton, who is an expert on
the forestry question.
Surgeons Sew Up Gath In Heart.
Portland, May 30. Holding a liv
ing, pulsating human heart in the palm
of his hand, a surgeon at St. Vincent's
hospital deftly stitched together tho
walls of a gash in its tip, waiting
tensely for every remission of tho or
gan's systole and diastole movements
to tako each tiny atop in tho pro
cess. And tho oporator did it as a mat
ter of course, a thing In tho day's
work, Interesting, of course, but hard
y worthy of extraordinary comment,
Canada to Breed Pheasants,
Vuncouver, 13. C, May 80. This
summer 1,000 pheasants will bo bred by
tho provincial government In tho Coast
district for distribution hero. Hereto
fore tho breeding has been dono only
by local enterprise, but now the gov
ernment has established breeding head
quarters at Chllllwack, The birds to
be raised this year are all Mongolian
phewatiU of tho best brd.
LINES IN OREGON 84,784,222.
Northern Pacific Engineers Make Es
timate on Cost of Railroad.
Clyde B. Altchlson, Oregon state
railroad commissioner, has received
from tho ofllco of tho chief engineer
of the Northern Pacific company es
timates on tho cost of reproduction of
rnllwav 1 nea In Oregon based on con
dltlons in Anrll. 1909. Tho estimates
were cxclustvo of tho ono-thlrd Inter
est in tho Spokane, Portland & Seattle
railway and tha 40 per cent interest in
tho Northern Facillc Terminal com
Tho total milcago of tho NorUicrn
Pacific lines In Oregon is given nt
07.27 miles. Of main lino thcro is
38.C7 miles; branches, 44.92 miles,
and In yards nnd spurs 13.08 miles.
Tho estimate of expenditure on the
lino from Goblo to Portland. 4C.7
miles, Is $3,000,892.12. Tho biggest
item is for r uht of way nnd Btntlon
rounds, tho flKurcs being given nt
S7C0.0B9.25. Tho cost of grading Is
riven at S733.7GS.
An estimate of $995,439.78 is given
as tho cost of the work on tho Wash
Inston & Orccon lino to Pcndclon, (
distanco of 33.74 miles. Tho cost of
grading for this section Is stated to be
S242.781. and of right of way and sta
tlon irrounds. $154,008.33. From
Smoltz to Athena, 10.83 miles, tho es
1 1 mated cost of work is $357,745.26.
Tho cost of equipment for tho road
in Oregon Is estimated at $324,146.05.
Hill Admires Blooded Horses.
Merrill Louis 'W. Hill nnd party
paid Merrill a visit while on tholr tour
of Inspection or the interior sections
contiguous to tho routo of tho Hill
road. Tho party was entertained at
luncheon In tho hnndsomo ranch homo
of N. S. Merrill, tho pioneer fanner of
this part of tho country, whoso placo is
lust outaido tho town limits. Tho la
dles of the town served tho lunch and
nil tho business men nnd townspeople
wcro Uicro to greet tho distinguished
guests, who wcro accompanied from
Klamath Falls by two dozen prominent
citizens of that placo.
Tho party filled seven autos.
Mr. Hill mado n brief address, say
ing ho had not been entertained in nny
finer ranch homo in tho wholo stato
than that In which ho met tho Morrill
people, and predicted that tho lands In
this valley would bo doubled In valuo
within two years.
Tho annual horso rodeo had Just been
comnlotcd In this part of tho country
before Mr. Hill's arrival, and after
tho luncheon was over tho party assem
bled on tho lawn, where tho flno horses
and mule's of tho Merrill ranch were
passed before them for Inspection.
Then tho autos were boarded and a run
of ten miles down to Tullo lako was
mado. whero a visit was paid to tho
"Ponlar Farm" owned by J. Frank
Adams, tho most noted horseman oi
this section, nnd his flno horses and
brood marcs afforded 'a sight for tho
railroad man to understand where so
many of Oregon's extra good horses
nro bred.
Cannery Ready for Work,
Eugeno Tho Eugono Fruitgrowers'
association has Ja large forco ot men
employed gottlng tho plant ready for
tho opening of tho canning season. A
largo amount of monoy has bcon .ex
pended on tho cannery building slnco It
was purchased from tho Allen company
oarlv In tho spring. Tho packing do-
nartmcnt has been moved to tho base
mcntoftho building, whero n good
floor has been built nnd every conven
ienco Installed for tho employes. Tho
big room on tho ground floor formerly
used as n packing room will bo used
for other puroscs.
Farmers Fence Much Land.
Klumath Fnlls Within 30 days
thcro will not bo n farm, with ono ex
ception, between this city nnd Midland
that will bo unfenced. It Is n mutter
of but n yonr or so whon It was possi
bio to drive from Klamath Fulls to
Midland without following any of tho
roads. Few ronllzo tho great chango
that has taken placo In this part of the
Klamath basin, but some Iden may bo
trained from tho Improvements that
liuve been made In fences alone.
Orops Please Gervals,
Gcrvals Crop conditions aro all that
can be asked for In this section except
cherries and stone fruits. Tho cherry
crop, It Is feared, will bo short. This
result is apparent only recently. There
Is a splendid crop of strawberries now
In tho fields. Loganberry bushes will
bo loaded to full capacity. Wild
blackberries and the evergreen variety
will bo average nnd of lnrgo size.
Hops are coming on well and prophecy
a crop of fully 95 per cent. The grnin
crop will bo mostly spring wheat and
oats, with n large acreage.
Work 33 Days on One Log.
Tillamook Tho crow of HndloyRus
scl shingle mill, which Is owned by C.
W. Gllmoro, worked from April 9 to
May 18, cutting 141,000 shingles out
of one log 11 feet 10 Inches in diam
eter and CO feet long. In order to cut
up the log It was necessary to blow it
Into eight pieces with dynamite, the
saw used bolng only eight leet in
length. In cutting tho log not over
half a cord of timber was wasted. In
felling tho treo an arm 00 feet long
nnd four feet in diameter was broken
to splinters, not a bit of Itbclngsaved.
To Build Stone Roads,
Toledo Road building machinery
has been installed by tho county court,
preparations at tho quarry are being
rushed rapidly and tho work of crush
ing and placing the rock on the Toledo-
Sllets wagon road will be begun at
once. When this modern roaa is com
pleted other roada will be built and
soon Lincoln county will be noted for
her good roads, ono of the essentials in
any county.
Klamath to Celebrate duly 4-6,
Klamath Falls Preparations are al-
ready being mado for a celebration In
this city on July 4 and 5, it is tho in
tention of tho business men of the city
to make tho Jollification a1 record
breaker. Tho Socialist encampment
will be in session here during this time.
County to Cooperate With Sawmill
Co. In Needed Work.
Klamath Falls Klamath county and
tho Meadow Lako sawmill company
are to build a macadam road from
Klamath Falls to the top of tho moun
tain on the old Fort Klamath road.
Tho work is to be done on a co-opera-
tivo plan, and ultimately the city may
Join in the combination.
Tho proposition mode to tho county
is that if tho county will furnish tho
rock crusher and ono man to care for
the machine, the Meadow Lnko Mill
company will haul tho rock, placo it on
tho road, roll it down and do all tho
balance of tho work in connection with
the building of a good roadbed without
other cost to the county.
The Meadow Lako peoplo nro mnklng
this ofTcr for the reason thnt tho coun
ty has given them the prlvilcga of run
ning n traction ongino over this road
to haul tha product of tho mill to mar
ket in this city. Tho rood leading out
of town toward Fort Klamath from tho
city limits to tho top of tho hill is ono
of tho worst pieces of road in tho
county during tho winter season. In
tho flat about a mllo outaido tho city
this road gets hub deep In winter and
it is almost impossiblo to got through
it with any kind of a rig during that
time of the year.
Sane Celebration at La Grande.
La Grande Tho Continental Con
gress of 1776 will be reproduced in
this city, and all speakers will bo
garbed in continental dress, the Lib
erty bell will be here in likeness, and
the Declaration of Independence will
borcadundor inspiring circumstances
on July 4, following decisions reached
by tho Chautauqua committee.
Thcro will bo a strenuous effort to
havo n sane celobrntlon during tho
Fourth. No firecrackers, fireworks or
confetti will be allowed on tho grounds.
Rofuses S600 an Acre.
La Grando T. R. McCall, who with
his son has been visiting horo from
Denver, has offorcd F. A. Day tho
round sum of $500 per acre for tho Day
ranch of 40 acres, and promptly met
refusal. Land owners aro coming to
roalizo that their land holdings havo
mora valuo than is commonly attribut
ed and an offer liko this it not to bo
sneered at. Howovcr, Day likes his
location so well that ho will not sell
even at such figures. Mr. McCall re
alizes that Grand Rondo valley orchards
aro worth good prices.
High School Ready br Autumn
Newbcrg Work on tho high school
has begun by the contractor, E. G. An
derson. The work must be finished in
six months. The building will coat
$30,000. Tha building is to bo 130x
77 foot and 46 feet In height, tho roof
to be flat and constructed of tar and
gravel. Tho material Is to bo of Now-
borgrcd face brick, trimmed with
white pressed bre.. The basement is
to be fitted with a modem gymnasium
and swimming tank.
Model Farm Water Plant.
Baker City J. H. Balslcy, a farmer
living west of tho city, who has one
of tho most modorn homes In Powder
valley, has. just completed a water sys
tern that Is first class In every respect.
Tho water Is piped, about 0,000 feot
from mountain springs, which not only
guarantees a flow of pure mountain
water, but furnishes amplo fire pro
tection, as tho prcssuro is 100 pounds.
Creamery Ready for Business.
La Grando The new creamery is
ready for business. Tho machinery
has all been tested and tho plant Is In
readiness for tho season's run. Tho
mnchlncry Is of the latest and most
efficient typo.
Whcnt -Track prices: Blueatem,
8G(ft87c; club, 82Q83c; red Russian,
80(n8lc: valley. 85c.
Barloy Feed and brewing, izi.&uct!)
22.50 per ton.
Corn Whole, $33; cracked, sat ton.
Hay Track prices: Timothy, Wll
lomotto valloy. $206121 per ton: East
crn Oregon, $2225; alfalfa, $16.50
17.60: grain hay. $17(818.
Butter City creamery, extras 29c
nor pound: laney ouiaiue creamery,
m at
28CT29c: storo. 20c Butter fat prices
average ljjc per pound under regular
butter prices.
Eggs rresh uregen rancn, zwnc.
Pork Fancy, 13lZHc per pound.
Veal Fancy, lO&Sllc per pound.
Lambs Fancy. 8&10e per pound.
Poultry Hens, 1819e per pound;
broilers, 27030c; ducks, 18(?.23c;
sreoso. 12J'c: turkeys, live, 2022c
dressed. 25c: squabs, '$3 per dozen.
Fresh Fruits strawberries, i.vd&
2.75 per crate; apples, ii.60i3 per
box: gooseberries, to per pound.
Potatoes Car oad . buying prices:
Oregon, 40ft50c per hundred; new Cal
ifornla, 238c per pound; sweet po
tatoes, 4c,
Vegetables Artichokes, bUtf)7Gc per
dozen; asparagus, $1.252 per box;
cabbage. 2i2Wc per pound; celery,
$3.604 per crate; head lettuce, 60
60c por dozen; hothouse lettuce, 50c
$1 per box; green onions. 15c per doa
cn; radishes 15tf20c deaen; rhubarb,
2K(tT3Kc per pound; spinach, 810c
per pound; rutabagas, $1.2501.60
sack; carrots, 85c0ll; beets, $1,60;
parsnips, 75c(3$l,
Onions Oregon, $4 per hundred;
Bermuda, $1,501.7S par crate; red,
$1.75 per sack. ''
Hops 1909 crop,- lfts)15c, accord
ing to qualliy; olds, nemiaal;1910 con
tracts, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oft", 1417c
pound; valley, 16lSe; aaebak, choice,
32(?33c pound.
Cattle Beef ste, hay fed, good
to choice, $5.756; fair to medium,
$55,50; cows and fcaifera, good to
choice, $55,50; fair aaedltim, $4.3
04.76; bulls, $3.504.W; ts, 4.60
05; calves, light, $?; heavy, $4.50
Hogs Top, $10.M10.55; fair to
medium, $9.259.65; -
Sheep Best wethata. 94$4.; fair
to good wethers $3.M4; best awae,
$3,25a.60; lamb aka4aa $7; fair
Threo Checkers Enter Pleas of Guilty
I Leaders Still Fight.
New York, May 28. The long scries
of surprises In the sugarunder weighing
.conspiracy trial culminated today in
tho sudden closing of the proseca
tion's case and tho entering of picas of
guilty by three of tho men on trial.
Thcso threo were fellow employes of
tho four checkers convicted last winter
of complicity In the frauds on thoxWil
llamsburg docks of thcjAmerlcan Sugar
Refining company. All of them work
cd underoiivcr Spitzcr, the dock su
perintendent, also convicted and sen
tenced to two years in the Atlanta prla
on, whoso confession and pardon and
appearance as a government witness
was the first big sensation of tho prcs
cnt trial.
Counsel for the threo men who de
cided to glvo up tho fight Harry W.
Walker, nsslstant dock superintendent,
and Jcnn F. Voclkcr nnd James Hnlll
gnn, Jr., checkers today withdrew
their pleas of not guilty na soon as the
government, after introducing somo
now testimony, announced that it had
closed its case. Sentcnco will bo
passed on them later.
After a conforenco of counsel, court
was adjourned until Tuesday next,
Judge Martin denying .formal motions
for tho dismissal bf tho indictment
against tho remaining three defend
With three minor defendants cllmin
atcd, there remain on trial the chief of
tho group, Charles R. Helke. secretary
of tho American Sugar Refining com
pany, and his former subordinates.
Ernest W. Gcrbracht, superintendent
oi tho Williamsburg refinery, and
James F. Bendernagel, the refinery
Today's evidence consisted, for the
most part, of letters written by Hclko.
$1,500,000 BLAZE
Minneapolis, May 28. Six big build
ings In the factory district south of
South Minneapolis aro on fire and tho
flames are spreading. A general alarm
has been sounded nnd St. Paul haa
bcon asked for help. At 2:15 this
morning tho loss was already $1,600,
Practically evory building in tho
biocK bounded by Washington nvenue
and Third street and Sixth and
Seventh avenues south is burning.
Among tho buildings on flro aro tho
Sixth Avcnuo hotel, tho oldest hostel
ry in tho city; tho J. I. Case Imple
ment company, tho Watcrbury Imple
ment company, two threshing machlno
warehouses and the Pittsburg Plata
Glass company. One man was serious
ly burned and may die.
The flro started in the Sixth Avenuo
hotel. The wind carried the flames to
the implement companies' buildings
and into tho at, Paul railroad yards.
End of Revolution In Nicaragua Seen
In Easy Won Battle
Ttlnrflalrla Mliaracnla Maw 9ft Tha
government forces under cover of tho
flro of the gunboat San Jacinto, today
routed the Insurgents and captured
Bluefielda Bluff. This loss to tho Es
trada forces probably ends the rovolu
This morning nt 3 o'clock tho Ma
drls gunboat San Jacinto began bom
bardlng tho bluff, tho troops landing
under cover of her guns. There was
only slight fighting, howovor, until (
o'clock, when the Madriz forces sue
coeded In taking the position of the
enemy and tho bluff.
Tho Estrada troops were under com'
mand of General Zelcdon. The forco
of Madriz in tho engagement is est!
mated at 600, and that of Estrada at
The Estrada gunboats Blanca and
Ometepe escaped up tho Escondido rlv
Tho government generals, Lara and
Chavarrla, havo not yet attacked
Rama, which Is In the hands of tho
' General Estrada take his 'defeat at
Bluefielda calmly. He nays he intends
to mako further resistance. No dam
ago has yet been dono to American
property here.
Two Killed on Way to Fight.
Sallda, Kan., May 28. A deaire to
see the Jeffries-Johnson prizefight cost
the lives of John Banks and Clarence
Bloominger, each 17 years old, and
caused Clarence Dishman and Alva
Netherton, each 18 years old, to sus
tain serious injuries here tonight
While beating their way toward San
Francisco on a. Missouri Pacific
freight train, the boys were caught in
a wreck, "We are going to beat our
way to tho Coast and see the big fight
on July 4," was the messsge the boys
left lor their parents when they left,
Body Taken From Grave.
New York, May 28, Announcement
was made at the coroner a oltlce today
that an autopsy was performed at Kin
eeco cemetery last evening on the body
of Charles C. Dickinson, ex-president
of tho Carnegie Trust company, whose
death in St. Luke'a hospital on Tues
day was certified by attending physi
cian to nave been accidental and was
attributed to the inhalation, of deleteri
ous gases, ino autopsy is said to
have been asked for by insurance com
panies in which Dickinson held pol
icies reported to amount to $75,000.
Conscription for English Army.
London. May 28. Intense resent
ment haa been caused in Liberal circles
by the revelation that a movement ia
on foot, to exploit a mood of the nation,
reealtlag from the death of King Id
ward, in the interests of conscription.
The proposal ia that the national me
morial to Sdward VII shall take Ike
form of a voluntary 'demand by the Ma
ple for universal military service. It
is argued by promoters that universal
military service ia net censerlptiea.
Japs' Friends Boycetted.
San Bernardino, Cal.. May S8. A
boycott was declared today by the San
Bernardino county . building trades
couneil on all merchants and business
men of this eity, Badlands and JUver-
aide, viae employ Jajansss er
Asiatic Meer. The eeeacl!
several hundred werkmea.
Albany to New York, 137 Miles,
With One Stop.
Actual Time Jn Flight 2 Hours 32
Minutes Wins 810,000 Train
Could Not Keep Up.
New York, May 31. Glonn II. Cur
tlss flow from Albany to New York
City in an aeroplane, Sunday, May
29, winning tho $10,000 prize offered
by the Now York World.
Ho covered the distanco of 187 miles
in 2 hours nnd 32 minutes, nnd camo to
earth as quietly nnd ns lightly as a
pigeon. Ills nvcraga speed for tho
distance 54.06 miles per hour sur
passes any other record mado by an
ncroplanco in long-dlstnnco flight. In
Its entirety, his flight perhaps eclipses
any flight man has mado in heavier-
than-air machines.
The start was mado from Albany nt
7 :03 o'clock under wonthcr conditions
as nearly perfect as tho most fastid
Ioub aviator could demand. Ono hour
and 23 minutes later Curtlss mado his
first stop near Poughkccpsic, whoro
thoro was an hour's intermission. Ro-
suming his flight at 0:20, ho sped
southward, and landed within tho
boundary of Manhattan Island at 10:35.
Paulhan's flight from London to
Manchester, 80 miles, exceeded the
Curtlss feat for distance, but not in
speed or in dsnger. The Frenchman's
average was 44.3 miles an hour and
below him lay English meadow land,
Curtlss followed the winding course, (of
the historic xiuaaon, with jutting head
lands, wooded slopes and treacherous
palisades. Ho swung high over tho
great bridge at Poughkeepsie, dipped
at times within 60 feet or tho river's
broad surface, and Jockeyed liko a fal
con at the turns.
Only onco did his craft show signs
of rebellion. This was off Storm King,
near West Point, when, at a height of
nearly 1,000 feet a treacherous gust
struck his planes. The machine drop
ped 40 feet and tilted perilously, but
Curtlss kept his head and by adriot
manipulation restored tho equilibrium
of the machine.
With his eyes and brain cleared of
tho cobwebs of sleep, ho went with his
mechanician and a handful of specta
torn to Van Rcnnseiaer Island, in tho
Hudson, three miles south of Albany,
whero ho was to start, Waiting at tho
river brink waa a special train charter
ed by tho Now York Times for Mrs.
Curtlss and her party. From tho train
they could not see tho actual start, but
those on tho Island witnessed a re
markable scene.
With the signal that Curtlss was off,
tho special train of five cars and a lo
comotive gathered Impetus and sought
to follow. But so quickly had ho flown
that for 21 miles the locomotive, run
ning nearly a mllo a minute, was un
able to catch up.
Grain Fields Fire Swept,
Chlco, Cal., May 31. News has
been received hero of the first serious
grain flro of the season, in Butte coun
ty. It occurred 10 miles south of
Chlco, on tho farm of E. Davis and ad
Joining places, and burned over 800
acres of ripe grain, worth about $40,
000. Some of the grain was Insured.
Scores of farmers fought the flames
for six hours before its progress was
stopped. Many men were overcome
by the intense heat and smoke and bad
to be carried from the fire, which trav
eled almost aa fast as a man could run.
Dr. Cook After Records?
New York. Mav 31. The mystery
of the. whereabouts of Dr. Cook, the
American will say tomorrow, waa
solved last night. He is in Scotland,
preparing for a trip to btab, whence ne
plana to bring back his records of his
discovery and his instruments which
are cached there. He also intends to
hrlncr hatlr tha twn Eabimos who ac
companied him on his dash to the Pole.
Dr. Coek's objective point when he
shall have recovered his records and
instruments, says the newspaper, will
be Copenhagen.
Files is Higher In China.
Amoy, China, May 31. The price
of rice haa risen SO per cent and the
poor are unable to buy feed. As a
laesuenee ot tats a (seaaensirauea
took place at Caangekow.
Owing to the practical xaiture or we
rice crop in certain ef the interior
provinces wis year, an almost arehibi-
tlve erlee alreasw arevatie . wr"
sal, A further advance means famine
renditions among the teeming seelies,
whose principal article ef feed is rise.
Bear Lassoed From Aute.
Cody. Wye.. Ma ' 31. When
a Wg
sewn bAff Dftttfts))& Iodic sV
meWle near the raaek of 0.1(3. Rude-
sen at the foot of the Big Hera moun
tains today, Budehj Roviae, the cow
boy chauffeur, .held In the steering
wheel wlth'ene hand, fussed bruin as
the sr swpt past him. Tha eaptive
was dragged to the Budssua wweh ami
is en exhiMtieii there, with several
I aSaSaaT !, 'aTaEiaM
BBraTaraTaraa lBaaraTaTaTaTaraTBBBsTilaS
BBaBaBaL 4hpSHM9Bi?2M
FlamKM1 '.bbbbbI
olenn it. cunnsa ,
A Brief Description of the Disease
and Its Cure.
By H, S. Jackson, Oregon Agricultural Colleg-e.
Fire blight Is tho most serious of all
tho diseases which attack the pear and
apple. It Is a contagious disease of
bacterial origin which, under proper
conditions, may attack any part of tho
tree. Besides tho pear and apple, the
quince, wild crab apple, hawthorns,
mountain ash, scrviccberry and somd
other pomaccous trees are subject to
attacks of this disease.
Myriads of germs aro present In all
freshly blighted portions of tho treo
nnd in tho sticky ooze exuding from
cankers. The germs livo almost en
tirely tn tho sappy portion of the bark,
though in somo vigorous-growing vari
eties of pears tho germs havo been
known to Invade the sap wood to a
limited extent Firo blight occurs In
moro or less sevorlty in nearly nil
parte of tho United States whero
pears and apples are grown.
In Oregon firo blight has appeared
in two general localities ono In tho
Southwestern part of tho state, includ
ing tho Rogue River vnlloy, the othor
In tho Northeastern part.
Beginning in tha spring tho first ap
parent damage produced by tho dfaeaso
in an infected orchard is tho blighting
of tho blossoms. Infection is brought
about by insects, principally bees,
which havo visited a caso of hold-over
blight and becomo covered with the
organisms contained In tho sticky ex
udation, inoculating tho flowers in
their search for nectar. Tho organ
isms dlvldo and multiply in tho nectar
and aro able to enter tho living tissuea
through tho unprotected nectaries.
Having entered the tissues they quick
ly blight tho blossoms, pass down the
blossom-stem and into tho fruit spur,
killing tho tissues and cutting off the
leaves from water supply, causing
them to shrivel and dry, thus produc
ing "fruit spur blight." Tho latter
occurs several weeks after blosaom In
fection. In very serious cases nearly
all tho fruit spurs msy bo blighted in
this way nnd tho trees set no fruit.
Usunlly tho germs dio out nnd do not
grow Into tho twig or branch on which
tho spur occurs, but occasionally tho
germs may contlnuo Into tho bark of
tho branch at tho baso of tho fruit spur
and form a typical canker. Fruit spurs
on tho larger branches aro a fruitful
sourco of body infection and many
cases of blight canker originate In
this way.
Tho namo "fire blight" Is given to
this dlscaso because of tho characteris
tic appearance of pear foliage on twigs
or branches which havo been killed by
the organisms. The leaves turn black
as though scorched by fire and f re-
?uontly remain on the tree during the
ollowing winter. It should be' noted
that this color of tho foliage Is charac
teristic of tho pear when It haa been
killed during the growing season. If a
grower not familiar with the pear
blight desires to known how the "twig
blight" looks let him girdle a twig in
mid-summer and watch the results.
The cankers are also quite character
istic, but are very vsrlable in appear
ance. The disease progresses most
rspldly in the fleshy outer layer of the
bark and at first produces a watery
appearance in the affected area. Later
the tissues of the bark are more or less
broken down and the cankers become
dark in color.
Besides tho blight cankers found on
the limbs and trunks, ono frequently
finds In somo varieties of pears and
Spltzenberg apples a larger canker at
the surface of the ground extending up
on the trunk for somo distanco and
down tho largo roots. This condition
Is called "collar rot," and may result
from a blight canker
A pear tree when badly cankered Is
easily recognized at a distance in tho
early autumn by the general reddish
cast to tho foliage
On the apple the foliage of twig and
fruit spur blight turns brown and dry.
One of tho most fruitful sources of
infection has been by tho pruning
shears or saw. In pruning, if an
active canker is cut Into, tho tools be
come Infected nnd servo us Inoculating
Instruments to spread tho disease.
The only method known of control
ling fire blight is to cut out all cases
of cankers wherever they appear.
Spraying with fungicides Is of only
supplementary value and tho various
blight cures are worse than useless.
Experience has shown that it is of
little permanent value to attempt to
cut out the fruit spur and twig blight
aa they appear. Unless these forma
of the disease extend Into the branches
on which they occur and a canker is
formed the disease usually becomes
naturally limited and the germa gradu
ally die.
The efforts of the grower should be
directed to cutting out all cases of
blight canker and body canker during
the fall, winUr and early spring, when
the cankers have become more or less
limited in their growth and are not
actively spreading.
Summer cutting is intelligently ap
plied is frequently of great value,
particularly where there is only a little
blight In the autumn before the
leaves fall is a good time to do the cut
ting, aa all cases of twig blight are
easily observed. '
The trees should be particularly ex
amined for cases of the collar rot. It
is this form of the disease that causes
many trees to be killed outright
In cutting out cankers it is neces
sary that tho tools be Kept moist
with some good disinfectant If this
is not done each cut will reineeulate
the germs Into the bark at the edges
of the canker and the labor may thus
be useless.
Corrosive sublimate in a sehttlea of
one part to one thousand of water haa
been found to be the meat satisfactory
disinfectant The solution is a vieleat
poison. It must be kept ia glass. '
Information Free to Orahsrdists.
The Department of Batomelegy and
Plant Pathology of the AyisuHeral
College at Corvallie, Ofegias), wiM be'
glad to answer ineeiriee rsiaMag to
insect pests er plant diseases at. any
time. Always ineiude with yea kv?
quiries as fall a deeertetten ef tho
trouble aa possible and seed syseimsaa
eVn a.MBiIaai iaUaaai aAAABfiBAMlfc
0"i" V AOSJVM SVSrWVrvsra alSJamprpaaw aw m araaa aaavi. aa
of Kntsmolsgy ami Mss Pathsiogr.
0eaaaa AaaaaaaatBUMal CaBasm. Csirval
ha, Oeeau