Historical SocUiy ST. JOHNS REVIEW IT'S NOW UP TO YOU . ToMtocrlk tr THM Nftr. All the mm whBt M I mwi It ear .. CUlaaMlMfoH GET IN THE HABIT ! OfMMrtlalaiMi THM ! ami roa'N mtw narrt M. Dtveted to (Iw lateresta of Mm PeaJaaala, the Mis&fcttirii Center of tb Nortawtet VOI,. 6 E ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNK 3. 1910. NO. go A Fine Entertainment The High School pupils did themselves proud at their entertain ment in Bickner hall last Thursday evening. "The Merchant of Ven ice, Up-to-date " was the play pro duced, and it was carried through with a skill and thoroughness that was exceedingly pleasing to the patrons and friends. The enter tainment opened with a cantata entitled "A Garden of Flowers,' in which the various .flowers were represented by handsome young ladies with the exception of the tulip, H. Fassett transforming him aelf into this flower. The "posies" made a very pretty, setting for the garden, and by the way were quite musical as well as attractive. C. A. Webster acted iu the capacity of gardener and he looked after his "plants" in a very careful and at tentive manner. P. Mosstaan as man in the moon made an appro priate skyman, even if his face was somewhat marred Dy coming in con tact with the comet's tail. The young ladies taking part in the cantata were: Ruth Couch, sun flower; Grace Stucker, lily, Lola Wulkcr, rose; Hazel Couch, butter cup; Myrtle Dickie, laisy and Er mon Whcelock, pansy. A song, "Doau Ye Cry, Ma Honey," by the High School girls, was pleasingly rendered and re flected much credit upon Mrs. E. Lenona Coovcrt, the supervising musical instructor, who acted as director during its rendition and who had churgc of training the young ladies for the cantata. The fresh young voices blended beauti fully and the song was greeted with rounds of heart applause. Mrs. Coovcrt is the finest musical in structor St. Johns ever hud, All who participated iu the "Mer chant of Venice" acquitted himself or herself splendidly, The play was carried through without a hitch, and the fact was made very apparent that there is a large vein of dramatic art among the High School pupils: It would require too much space to go into detail re garding the work of each indi vidual, but suffice to say thutonc. and all executed the parts asslgaed them faultlessly and well., To Miss Boss belongs a goodly portion of the praise for the splen did success attained by the pupils. It was through her careful and painstaking efforts that everything passed off so nicely. Prom a finan cial standpoint the affair was also a success, nnd a tidy little sum' was netted which will go toward paying expenses incident to the commence ment exercises. At the Stock Yards Receipts for the week were: Cattle 953, calves 50, hogs 3879, sheep S40 and horses and mules 61. In point of supply and demand the cattle market for the week broke about even and while there has doubtless been a slight decline in prices, buyers attribute the differ ence in quality as the cause. The same, condition can be said to have applied to the sheep market. There was as active demand for the les sened receipts and prices remained steady to strong at the recent decline. The hog market ia the face ef increased supplies showed a slight weakening iu prices. ' While the demand is strong values are 5 to 10 cents lea than they were at the opening of the week. D. O. Lively, General Agent. Building Permits No. 70 To W.nS. Gillmoreto erect a dwelliag en South Ivaahoe street, between Richmond and Mo hawk, for J. S. McKiaaey; cost $1,500. . No. 71 To Paul Nclsoa to erect dwelling oa Nickliu street, be tweea Oswego a ltd Charleston; cost No. 73 Te 8. C. Hurlbert to tract a dwelliag oa Feeeeadea street between WilNa boulevard a ad Leon ard street; cost $1500. Craps It Fine Shape areaa threagheat the WMeawtte Valley hi hay, graiae ad fruits are reported. ' Vegetables at aM kind acver looked better aad the celebrated famiag , district where crops sever all will bear oat this yearjta aetabhahed repuutiea. .With it pea aoM, widely diversi fied ofeae, aad iatalHgeat. iadwetrit aae MfwUtiua, the WiMaawMe Valley is bieeaiag a veet ly nca w New Year Greeting, 1910 11V W, W, HOLCOMB OP ST. JOHNS Pate has turned the dial of time, Gone old year adieu, 1909; The death of the old, it is true, Caused the instant birth of the new. hear those mournful midnight bells, Death and change their solemn Voices tell Hope and fate blended in their peal, My soul and mind its ills reveal. Hope whispers, pluck not thorns today, From the same vine the rose in' May; A happy New Year to you, tells 1 Thosm,dni ht Ml New Vrar M7. Year bells. The last day of the year its course has run, The good-njght kiss of the depart ing sun, It's pink blush on. the floating clouds show,- And' 011 Mt. Hood's perpetual vir gin snow. ' Night, the child of day, and the mother of time, Dead and forever gone, old year nineteen nine; Good-bye to you, with all your faults, it's true I loathe the change of the old for the new. I view this solemn New Year, dark , nnd drear, Death and fears, pain and tears, your mission here; ' War s plague and pestilence, you will have them, ' And many earthquakes with your nineteen ten. The human race, like time aud space, no end, Hope and fears, joy and tears, to gether blend; The wild rose vine will bear its many thorns, Earth and sea will be swept by howling storms. Satan on Hallcy's orb will be here soon, Aud play his tune with a long- handle broom; " ' That New Year bell a talc will tell of gloom, As we go too soon, .with friends to the tomb. Today, the last of May, let's pluck the rose, Old Halley's come and going where , who knows? His speed is great, his light is dim and frail; Still on the trail we see he's lost his tail. Oregonian on Docks The Oregonian asserts its posi tion in relation to public docks in the appended clipping. As an ex- Eression from a prominent source it as much value: "Six members of the CounciPand the Mayor defeated the public docks debt scheme and saved tax payers of Portland, for the present at least, from an unnecessary pro ject that would run into millions of dollars. For this act these men areeutitled to the thanks of the community. This scheme is loaded wiin greater poaaiDiwies or ex travagance, taxes and debt than any that has ever been put before the municipality, It is ttie sworn amy of members of the. city govern meat to use their intelligence to serve the public. Some of them have exercised their brains in this case. There can be no more important service than that of protecting the public agaiaet debt and extravagance aad aear ap proach to bankruptcy, or agaiaet use by private interests of the credit of the city for their ewa benefit. bbippiag interests of Portia ad ere able to provide their own wharfage aad are not entitled to tax-supported docks. The bulk of shipping ia ia hands of large firms who are more competent tbanolficiala to coaduct wharves oa aa economical basis. Wharfage ia a bueiaeM ia Port land's affairs that private enter prise can manage beet. This la oae of this city's superior advantages as a port, aad there ia ao weed of throwing it away.''' The li-frffTt Iftatk Fertlaad has aow the biggest beak ia the PaeMe Northwest. The First National ef that city Imu lately iacreased Us capital stock treat f veo.eoe to li.jee.eoa. The awwvv avew vi ,eees pwpwefe apaa paid for aad give the heak a eaai- aUaahai aataaaaaf AMsJ auilua af af KaA aWawW awapww aajaaaa asaaj aaww W Vv 1 e, tae biggest m tatt cerasr of the Uafced Mates. Boldon in Idaho Council, Idaho.'May 33, 1910. Dear Mr. Editor: I thought after arriving up here in the moun tains of southern Idaho that your many readers and my many friends in St. Johns might be interested enough to read a short account of my trip to this beautiful mountain region, so here if is: I left Port land on Wednesday at 7 a. m. on the river steamer, The Dalles City, for tire Dalles, Oregon, a distance of 130 miles. It took us 14 hours to ascend the river. We passed through the locks at noon, saw the beautiful Bridal Veil falls, where the stream makes a leap of 800 feet down almost perpendicular rocks. Wc passed by the island iu the river where the lonely soldier graves of the early Indian wars are located A fine monument is there to mark the spot. We stopped long enough at Hood River so that I got time to run up town and purchase a box of the world renowned strawberries for 15 cents per box, which together with a cup of toffee and a sandwich prepared by my good wife at home, I ate with a relish. Wc got to the Dalles at 9 pin., had two hours and 30 minutes to wait for the O. R. & N. overland, aud while the comet's tail was sweeping the earth we were sweeping through mountain gorge and canyon in one of those comfortable chair cars, over a road bed which is a credit to our western country. Wc arrived in, Wclscr, Idaho, at 3 p, in., Pacific time and tue first tiling I noticed I was one hour behind time, so had to turu my watch one hour ahead. Weiser City lies in beautiful Snake River valley at the confluence of the Weiser aud Snake rivers, a city of J 1,000 people, and is just uow en oying a boom in real estate aud values are running high., Washing ton county, in which Weiser is located, is dry, so, the wet places were conspicuous by their absence. I had to stay over night in Weiser to get a train for Councill The traiu left next morning at io:to but I didn't get on board for mice in my life I missed a train. I was out auto riding in the,mornng from o until nearly 10, and as we, were returning and out about two' miles our machine died for lack of gaso line, so I footed it into town in tlmt to miss the train. Then to get even with some one, for I was vexed, I weut and called on my clerical friend, Rev. Mr. Curtis, the Chris tian minister in "charge here iu Weiser. and whom I had met iu St. Johns two years ago when he was there as a singer with that wonderful revivalist, Oleson. Took dinner with him and hU good wife, and after dinner he hitched his fine roadster to Ids' buggy and we drove until 5 p. m. over as nice a country as one would wish to see. All this valley is under a ditch, irrigated, and values are high. One five acre tract, one mile out, sold the day be fore I was there for 5,000; eight years ago same land could have been bought for $15.00 or 1 20. 00 per acre, Saturday morning I took train for Council, 60 miles up Weiser river, where an altitude is reached of over 3,000 feet above sea level and as beautiful a valley as one could imagine. Eight miles from Council is the Mesa orchard tract of over 1,000 acres and just now being boomed by eastern capi talists. A coach load of millionaires came up with us from Weiser and switched their coach here at Coun cil and remained over Sunday. Council is a village of about-500 people and here too, like Weiser, all irrigation ditches, and laud is selling high, from $100 to $200 per acre. Now Mr. Editor, for fear of trespassing on your space a and patieacej I wish to thank my many friends aad patrons ia $t. Johns for their kindly treatment while I was handling the Journal there last winter. A, T. Boldon, Ex-Journal Manager ofSt Johns. Making a Great Record The amount of street aad sewer work contemplated for this year is something immense. To give an idea of how great it is, the amount that ia all probability will be expend ed aloag this Mac represents aa aver age of over $30.00 to every man, weaMB aad child ia St. Job as. If the cky of Portia ad would expead propertieaetely aa much this year the total amount weald reach in the Neighborhood of eight mlllioaa ef dollars. The fact of the matter is that St. Johns ia expending more oa public improvement taaa aay other city of ite aise ia A arnica. Aad yet sosac people imagine we are Bregreawag extremely slowly ia the way ef' street improveM8t. A good Hae ef trunks at Calef Memorial Exercises Memorial Day was fittingly ob served in St Johns. The old vet erans, Sons of Veterans, Daughters of Veterans, L. of G. A. R. and W. R. C. together with a hrcc concourse of friends gathered on the St. Johns Ferry boat instead of the city dock as at first intended. Th high water made it impracticable to get upon the dock, so the vessel was used for holding the appropriate aud impressive ritual services. The parade formed in front of their hall at 10 a. m. Many school children were in line besides many citizens, After the services were concluded a sumptuous repast was served by the ladies in the Hall. Each year the line gets a little thinner, the steps of the survivors a little more faltering and a little more feeble, and it is apparent to all that in a very few short years the old vet erans will all be (aid to rest. ' It is, indeed, sad to realize that this will be so. The brave defenders who upheld and defended the honor of our nation arc passing an to switliy to the great beyond. While wc still have them .with us all honor and veneration Hhoiihl be accorded them. They have fought n good fight and perpetuated n nation second to none in the wide world. So while they are passing through the valley and the shadow, let us extend all the aid and assistance wc may in rendering their declining years 11111 01 peace aim iiappincss. In Mcmoriam. Realizing as the years pass by that our active participation in the exercises that we have helped build up, namely Memorial bunuay aud Decoration Day, May 30th, are about finished aad that we have to depend more aad i more upon the help of our fellow' citizens in this matter, and feelinrfirrateful for the superb manner ia Which the people of St. Johns afeeelto the occasion and the many actsof kindness nnd sympathy with which wc were literally loaded, taints oar time ot Memoriam, be it.thjsefore Resolved, that weJare especially grateful to the St., Johns Ferry Company, Messrs. II. W. Smith. J. T. Peterson and P. J. Peterson, who so freely stepped in and gave us the frce'usc of their ferry for our exercises when the nigh water had made it impossible to use the city docks and that the trip nud the use of the ferry boat made on ideal place for such services for which we unanimously thank the Perry Company, Resolved, that our thanks are tendered the Rev. Nelson, pastor of the Congregational Church for the able Memorial sermon of Sunday, May 39th. Resolved, that as money is need ful .on such occasions we wish especially to thank each aud every one who so generously responded to our comrade P. T. Hanson's re quest to furnish the sinews of war. Almost every one freely gave his mite to the good cause. Comrade Hanson says if be had been as active as be was in '61 and '65 that lie would not have had auy of the friends feeling bad because of his neglect, Resolved, that we extend our thanks to Professor Boyd and the teachers of our public schools for their active parts during our exer cises. Resolved, that we extend our thanks to Comrade J. T, Butler and Annie Butler, bis better half, for their music during our hall ex ercises. Signed, O. R, Downs, P. T. Haniiou. Visits His Old Home Adam F. Kaemlein left yesterday for an extended visit to his old home in Wisconsin. He is recover ing nicely from bis recent operation for appendicitis aad the trip to the scenes of his child bood will no doubt fully restore him to perfect health. Like many others he will hot realize what a powerful hold Oregon has upon him until he re visits Bis old stamping ground and views the changes time has wrought. The call of Oregoa will then be strong upon him. Begin today to save something; for the rainy day that will come to ydu as it come to all. Save. Save. The First National Beak will wel- your deposit 00 matter bow 11 with a Time Certificate of Deposit. it tr J rr I -1 o per ceat for two years. Gilt edged seeurity. Address "I," this office. After the Speed Fiends The police department is after the nuto speed fiends with a ven geance and woe betide nny of the scorchers that come under the watchful supervision of the limbs of the law. Monday M. Miller mid D, C. Pelton, two prominent citi zens of Portland, at different times came spinning down the boulevard at a rate that would have put Hal ley's comet to shame. The chief had his men ou the alert for just such gasoline burners and they wcrn promptly placed under arrest, and with but little demur donated a ten-snot each to the copious coffers of the city treasury. Tuesduy, C. Grant, driver of Olds, Wortmati & Kingdclivcry wagon, was taken into the net. This enterprising young man had several times pre viously made the run iu safety, but he was not forgotten, and when Officer Johnson saw him coming to the city Tuesday afternoon, lie took a convenient location aloug Wil lamette boulevard, knowing that as soon as the driver hit the boulevard on the return trip he would make the dust ily as usual. Aud he did, but he was sorry for it. The officer nabbed him before he had time to frame an excuse. As a result the city exchequer was the recipient ot a nice little donation. Tag Day June 4th Sixty thousand tags have been prepared by the young people of the various churches -of the city and surrounding districts for the Portland Commons Louise Home Prison League Tag Day next Sat urday. The proceeds from the sale of tags will be used for rescue and prison work and to combat the social evil. Tag day headquarters for St. Johns has been arranged iu the Isouham & Currier's store. A number of ladies have consented to sell the tags. Any woman or girl desirous to help ought to report at the above headquarters. Fifty-five pastors aud a large1 number of their congregations have pledged them selves to the Tag Day cause, aud it is expected St. Johns people will show their colors towards the work of rescue. The tag represents three branches ol rescue work: Picture of the err iug girl, representing the Louise Home, picture of five babies taken at the Home, prisoner and his guard. One of the most important fea tu res of the Commons work is deal ing witli the wayward ones after they have left the Commons. Shel ter aud work are provided and the boys are given a new start on the Commons Industrial Farm. Re member the dateJune 4th. Meet Their Waterloo The fire department ball team journeyed to Yamhill Sunday and crossed bats with the club repre senting that place. The Yamhill boys were loaded for the St. Johns- ites, however, as they secured seven semi-professional ball players from Portland to help them out. The combination was much to strong for the fire eaters, aud they could simply do nothing with the masterlul twirling ot the Portland' pitcher. The score at the round up was 8 for Portland and 1 for St. Johns. The boys had a very pleas ant time, however, and were treated fiuely by the Yamhill folks. A re turn game will be played here in a couple of weeks, when it is likely a different story will be told regard ing the outcome. All persons who desire to donate roses for the Rose Carnival are re quested by the committee to leave same at Brooks & Son's shoe shop, in bouth Jersey, before seven o'clock in the evening and uot later thau eight o'clock iu the morning each day of the carnival. All kinds ot laundry work dona promptly, Itough .dry washing C ent per pound. Calls mad for laundry at any place. Ring u up Phone IUch. 991, St. Jobna Laun dry. Churchill Droi,proprUtors. See the St. Johns Sand and Gravel Co. for estimate on your basement or cement aud plaster. We can save you money and make little for ourselves. Phone Rich mond 1 57 1. 0 We waut some vacant lots cheap for cash, also some bargains iu small homes wanted for cash, Mc- Kinney & Davis. Council Proceedings All members were present at the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday night. The first matter taken up was n petition for the Im provement of half of Oswego street, but as there was some doubt of the property adjoinlug allowing for the assessment, matter was turned over to the street committee for the pur pose of securing waivers from the property owners iu that event. A pctitiou for one of the longest portions of streets that lids ever been presented to city council- Fillmoic street, Richmond to the Weyerhaeuser tract, over 6000 feet was read, and by adoption of directory resolution the engineer was directed to prepare the neces sary data relating to its Improve ment. A remonstrance against ths view ers findings as regards his property on Charleston street was lodged by Johti Johnson. It was iu the shape of u notice of appeal to the circuit court from the viewers' report. Attorney S. H. Greene will look after the legal end of it for Mr. Johnson. The Jobcs Milling Co. by A. R. Jobcs, filed a remonstrance against the Iluriiugtou street sewerage system passing their property aud emptying into the river upon their water frontage. Councilman Dow ney believed that it council should pay attention to all the complaints that might come iu by reason of the sewerage pines draining into the river at points objcctlotial to some of the property owners, it would be doubtful if a sewer could be installed. He favored putting down the pipe as proposed, unless it could be shown that it was high ly inadvisable to do so. As the final date for receiving rcmoti- straiiccs had not yet been reached, it was decided to lay the matter over until next week. E. M. Portz complained that the water company refused to place a hydrant iu his yard, that unless he wanted it placed iu his residence they refused to place it at all, He sought relief from council, aud the water and light committee was in structed to look into the matter. Claims against the city to the amount of I1503.50 were allowed. This included sprinkler, insurance premiums 011 the various public buildings, city printing, engineer's ..r... .... ... - uasmimun, civ. The matter of the improvement of Fcsseuden street then occupied the boards for a short while. The city attorney stated that the legal preliminaries were uow being ar ranged and he expected they would be completed in a day or two. S. Turner of the Fessendcii street com mittee stated that the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. had agreed to their proposition and that any delay that might now arise would be on the part of the city or property owners, as the cdmpany was willing that matters should be pushed forward as rapidly ns might be desired. The mayor stated that it was the desire of council to keep matters aloug this line moyiiig right aloug, and therefore the meeting should adjourn at the close of the session to meet upon call, which would be as soon as the legal mutters were settled satis factory to all concerned. A representative of the Warren Construction Co. was present aud spoke of the merits of bitulithlc hard surfacing of streets. lie asked thut a committee from council be appoiuted to Investigate this quality of paving now upon many streets of the city of Portland. He said it could be laid at $1. 85 per yard. No action takeu, Messrs. Holeu aud Cooper were present and objected to the grade of Tyler street, but after the engi neer had thrown a little more light upon just how it would carry out, the gentlemen were satisfied, and removed their objections. An ordinance re-assessing the cost of improving Burr street in order to pay for the crushed rock used thereon was passed. All voted iu the affirmative with the exception of Mr. Downey, who refused to vote on accouut of not clearly understanding the proposition An ordinance re-establishing the grade of Burlingtou street met with decided opposition, councilmen Win die, Downey and Dobic voting against the measure when it came up for final passage. The affirma tive votes -y of Aldermen ililler, Johnson, Cook and Davis passed the ordiuance. The objection was maintained 011 the ground that the three negatives desired a flat grade ou the cross sectious iustead of a rolling one as outlined by the pro file and approved by the property owners. I he engineer, however, stated that a level grade at the cross sections would be impractica ble and would give Burlingtou street a 14 per cent grade instead of a 10 grade, as the profile now provides. The building and grounds com mittee was instructed to interview Mr. Loy iu regard to securing a building suitable for housing the water wacon on his eromul nd- joining the city hall plot. The cncinccr was instructed to scctire n descriptive sketch of the triangle piece of grouud iu front of Bickncr hall, so that council would uot get tied up on this proposition when work 011 paviug Jersey street was inaugurated. M. G. Ncase, lessee of the rock crusher, stated that he will soon be in shape to handle all the business the city cau throw his way. A request was received from the Commercial club that council pur chase the furniture of the club and fit up a couple of rooms iu the city hall in order that the club could meet there and dispense with dues and assessments. The city attorney atzreed to se cure all the data necessary relating to uawson street so that it would be in Hue for improvement. Adjournment to Thursday ulght to take up the Fessendcii street proposition. Local and Otherwise The brick yard has resumed operations after a layoff of a num ber of mouths. It is said that enough orders arc ou hand to run the plant full force for sonic time to come. This is the only industry in St. Johns that has not been run ning full time since the first of the year. Lice soon cat up your profits. Kill this pest (luiclcly and surely with Conkcv'fl Lice Powder for body lice, Lice Liquid for ridding the poultry house of mites atid Head Lice Ointment for the little chicks. They arc all guaranteed to give satisfaction. Ask for a copy of Coukey's Poultry Book. It Is full of valuable information for the poultry raiser. Lnuthcr's Mer cantile Company. If sickness should come to you: if you should lose your job, what then? Have a nest egg in the First National Bauk and you will have little fear for the future. Pays 3 per cent, too. it o For Sale New 8-room house on Burr street and Portland boulevard, 50x100 lot, modern throughout. Part cash, balance on easy pay ments. Best buy in St. Johns. Call at 508 Jersey street or Review office. For Sale A fifty dollar course iu the Scrantou International Cor respondence School, any depart ment, at so per cent discount, at rate of $5.00 down, $5.00 per month; further discount for cash, Address "B," this office. If you want to buy, rent, sell or exchange property see Wolcott, (The Rent Mau.) St. Johns Office, 401 South Jersey. Portland Office, 345 Washington treet, Phone Marshall 1556. A good second hand white euam- el-lined refrigerator for sale cheap, 314 West Chicago street, or see S. W. Rogers. Lost A pocketbook containing over fifty dollars iu St. Johns, Sun day afternoon lust; A suituble re ward is offered for its delivery to the Review office. - 0 Harry Mausfield, the veteran razor wielder, was off duty for a couple of days last week ou ac couut of a severe cold. The Columbia Electric Engineer ing Co. of this city has received the contract for installing the electric fixtures for the huge Davis Safe & Lock works at Kenton. The work will amount to nearly $10,000. The dates for the trials of the al leged participants iu the St. Johns Hindu racket have been set as fol lows; Gordon Dickey, June 8; Ray Van de Bogard, June 13; John S. Groves, June 35; J. W, Dunbar, June 20; Milton Ungcr, Juue 17.. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, J. Mouahau have returned from a most pleasant sojourn among their old-time frieuds aud acquaintances in Missouri aud other Eastern states. They had no desire to remain in the East, how ever, I o Two uice new modem cottages near Kenton, two blocks to car, for sale. Easy terms. See S. W. Rogers, 309 North Jersey street.