J ... -,T ' SMITHWANTS DRESSED VEAL AND PORK Wewantdrenned veal and pork anil live chickens. We do not churn com mission, we win pur you promptly. Bhtp any quantity nil ship ny day. We will nay m fol. Iowa for rood, (at tuff! Bresaed Veal t ..so to loo reused Potlc.t 120 Live Hens,,.,) ........... lc Eggs,,, , 230 Address all thlpmente lANK U SMITH MEAT CO. "TighUng the Beef Trunt" PORTLAND, OREGON No Kick There, The new arrival had Just written his name and address In the hotel reg ister. "From Ypsllnntl, ehr said the clerk; "that's tho town, Isn't It, where " "No, sir," Interrupted the other, with frown; "we're perfectly satisfied with .the name of our city. You're thinking of Oshkosh." Chicago Tribune. .To Fit the Situation. Dutchcr What can I send you to day, Mrs. Styles 7 Mrs. Styles Send mo a leg of mut ton, and bo sure It Is from n black eheept wo tiro In mourning, you know. Jewish Ledger. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of Portland, Oregon FURNISHES HELP FREE TO CMPIOVHS Main office. 12 North Second fit. Main M70; A MM Ladles Dept. IOJH Morrison St. Main 1068: A 29M rhon or wire orders at our expense. WE HAVE CAStTBUYERS waltlfgr'for Stock, Dairy an! Uf H-Ora bait Addrees the McCarthy company feet faaMU. MM keUU N4, Nrd.jJ. Onpe Dr. B. E. Wright Itsve Jhxir teeth out and plate and brWre work done, for out-of-town patrons we flnlan plate and brwge worn in ooe aay u neceesary. PRICES) IUW Cms,.... $5.00 2afcleTNa..$3.50 CeUnhn .$le Immt leWl.. $1.00 Uxr Tfmn... SOces Ce.JIUUwrbktlS.OO fUlei tf-H fiWnt tilrxtiM.. 50c IIESTMKTIIODS Palnlrsa Extraction Free when platee or bridge work U ordered. Contultatlon Free. You cannot Kt better palnlee work anywhere, no matter w much you pay. AH Work ruHy Guaranteed for Mteen Year Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342 WMnttea St., Portland, Oregon lake ear at depot and transfer to Washington BC SEKD THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattle Spokane Ask for Th.tr Gooda and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost LET EVERY PERSON TAKE & itter Health will be their reward. If your teeth are Decay! hare them attended to at our office by R. WYTHE or one of our expert Workmen whoare klllrl in DIC WYTIIK'S system. 1 KNOW what to do and how to do lu That's why all my work U positively l'AINI.KSS. That a aleo why all my work I GUAHANTKKU to give Luting satisfaction. Vopular prices within the roach rfCoupwuVm?nroniparablyU,w prices for dentUtry of guaranteed reliability. Is the fact that we do not aspect the pay until the work U satisfactory to you. N-am In CM, Stiver. TU- ' Am fF! "wW" a in.i.,1 tTaVBaHskanv Brldgcworlu upumiw iviiwmiiHi-. gegSaVgSaWBSSSe Cold Crowns and Bridge aH gsaflgsaHnSX work, , 3,WsasB SHBL,. tluland lasting- work known to den Hours aUJO to 6; Sundays, 8:30 to 2. Cook in sMysastCW ss heat of an intensely hot kitch VUI I llw iL en. You can cook in comfort. Here Is a stove that give HO outside heat All its keat is concentrated at the burners. An intense blue farne (hotter than either white or red) is thrown upwards but not around. All the heat is utilized In cooking none fai outside heating. New "Perfection Oil Cook-stove entirely removes the discomfort of cooking. Apply a match and irmrmtiatery the stove is ready. Instantly aa intense beat is pro jact ad upwards against the pot, pan, kettle or boiler, and yet there is bk mutrommihm heat --bo aeaell no nuke. BAMsfsaaaW 9 CijM aSijlala laSB aTJaasaJBBlBklaB. asm sreTasM tvVBBB m tauidmr4 Oil Crompany Watch Iter Grow, Daniel O'Conncll Lively, of Port land, Ora., who Is eomewhnt ot a boos ter himself, tells a story of two Seattle boosters who met in Portland. "Hello, Ulllt" "Hollo, Jltnt" "When'd you como down from Be ittlo?" "1 left yesterday morning." "I camo down last night, and say, Dill ' "What?" "Joo-rusalemt You ought to see het nowl" Philadelphia Saturday Even ing Post. Loss of Appetite Which is so common In tho spring or Upon tho return of warm weather, Is loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and Is often a forerunner of prostrating dis ease. It Is serious nnd especially so to people that must keep up and doing or get behindhand. Tho best medicine to take for It Is the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purifies nnd enriches tho blood and builds up tho whole system. Oct It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets known as Sareatabs. Fault of the Preacher. Judge What (s your namo7 Prisoner John It. II. It. II. Smith. Judge Why do you havo four It's In your nnmo? Prisoner Tho preacher who chris tened mo stuttered, sir. London Answers. , Insomnia "I have) been Mi of Cs sen rets for In eomala. with which I have been afflicted for twenty years, aad X can say that Cat carets have given me mora relief than any other remedy I hava ever tried. I shall eeruiniy recomniena tneni to my menus as being all that they are represented." Jboa. Gillanl, Elgin, III. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taeta Good. Do Oornl, Never Blck.n. Weaken or Gripe. 10c, Ke. 60c. Never mU In bulk. The rm nine tablet stamped COO, Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Alcohol, Tcbacco, Cocaine, Morphine, Cigarette or Other DOPE HABITS CURED Positively and harmlessly In short time bv tho now Olconcla Mothod. . Treat ment Is not oxncnslvo or painful. You need not remain h slave to your habits, when a short stay at our Sanitarium will mako you free. Address OLCONE1A CO., Arlcta Station. Portland, Or. CARE OF THEIR TEETH 7hl without doubt t he most beau- tal science, rjpscai.wnere one or more teeth have been lost I replace to look so natural that detection l hnpos.lb'e. Alk to sea samples of this beautiful work. All dentUU here are graduates of from IS to 80 years' experience. 148 Fifth Strut Opp. Meter A Frank's Filh-Str.et Entrance, ladv At latent s Always M AUsndsnce. You no longer need wear your self out with the weakening Whyr VacaoM Tk. New Pwfoetioa Oil Cook-Stov. is scUoUAcaUy aad praetkally pr(at. Ypa caanot ss too sBueh wick M U awtoaisiksally coatrollad. You gat tha assTiinm heat bo sib ok. Tha huraar la ataspla. Ona wipa with a sloth eteaaa k coaaa eMMly thara ia aa saaaU. Tha New FsrfacUoa OH CeaBarra ia wom&vtol let ytsr raaae waa. hut aapacUIly M auiwer. Ks kaet aaar auawpawafit to sa tar haul, but aac aayeM ar amwaa. as 'far heniast a raaas. It has a Caataat Tea ' ks f(tsJsgWlW ftljAa gWaal Bhaaaal kawal SjeaV eseraiBXfBBK aveBSaSfxsBr Basal awae'SFast asewi k has Mac taweisa-hlua asaaye. Taa a4 Salsli, areta Uta bright tha at i f tha rhliasya, aaakas 9tWMRM&& Attef e-MNeClfJMsk Malawi 1. 1 aod S awstarsi tha 9 sMktt-ar atovas aaa ha has! wish, aflaa taasBraaUkaast Paililaiat sbb veBawywaw wjeWjWaawWwa. Kunjron'a raw raw ntts conx tn iirti Into ocUrlty by gcntla methods. Tuey dC but scour, grlje or weaksn. They are a totile-to tho stomach, llrer and nrrrcsj Inrlsorato Instead of wekin. Tlicy eu rich the blood sad cnnblo the stomach to cn all the nourlshtnrnt from food that Is put Into It These pills contain no cnlo ccl! they ft re snothtng, healing and .stint, tlntlnir. For sale by all drugRtats In 109 and if3e slsra. If von need medical d vice, wrlto Manyonra Doctors.. They will SiltU to the best of their nhllttj ' Sb'n. lutely free of Cbsrire. MttNVON'g, 4 aa4 JcSTcrsoa Rts 1'hHadclphla, ra. Bend 10s for trial package. Joha and tha Vranehlaa. A woman suffrago lecturer In Eng land recently brought down tho houto with tho folowlng argument: "I hava no vote, but my groom has. I have a great respect for that man In tho s ta bles, but I am sure If I woro to go to him and say, 'John, will you exercise tha franchiser ho would reply, 'Ploata, mum. which horse bo thatT'" Analher lleasoB. Max Jones Is tho most wide-awake man I know. Dax You surprise ma. I novel hoard ot his being espoclally enterpris ing. Mm Oh. It Isn't enterprise that makes htm so: It's Insomnia. Tlt-Dlta WHEN YOUR MEALS ' DISAGREE It Is certainly tlmo to take ImmcdI ato action If you would ward off a serious sick spell. It la poidtlvo proof of a woak stomach and do ranged digestion and for which you cannot take a bettor medicine than Hottetter's Stomach Bitters; but re member this, tho longer you put off giving the aiwitnnco needed by tho digestive system tho harder it Is go ing to be to euro you. Wo know of hundreds of cases, taken In hand at tho very beginning, in which a short course of tho Uittere proved very efficacious. Therefore, bo persuad ed to get a bottlo today from your druggist or dcalor, and thus avoid alt possible -danger of a sick spell. It is a wonderful tonic nnd Invigor ant for overworked, nervous and run-down porsons, and In cases of Poor Appetite, Illoatlng, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness and Malaria It Is the best. BEST READY ROOFING r KNOWN Send for Samples and i'rlcee. Majestic Roof ing Co, JIS WtrcHttr Kdf PORTLAND, OK. tBSB Union Painless Dentists Full Set of Teeth 13.00 llridire Work or Teeth without I'latee S3 SO to SS Gold Crowns tl.SO to J J.t'O I'orcelaln Crowns.... ( ll.JO 'to 5.p0 Gold or 1'orcelln Fillings,...,.,, $1.00 Us Silver FiUinn.A SOc to 41.00 liestriate Made....... , 17.30 No charges for Palnleu Kxtractwg when othei work is done. 15 years' Guarantee with all work. Hours. S a. m, to 8 p. m. 261 ii MorrUon Street. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES I, M S.SO, 3, 2.S0 A 2 THI STANDARD SO YKARt. cava, they an tha lew- sUefed. to eh. wyrU. Eaeua.akeaey.elShe Mec Mekewsw awr Nse) iJlill lfsavee4 lesfkssaWsV W. L. DoMlaa SLOa art S4.ee ehMa end Cueiosa . Beach Worls for sftlt m yov tows wriif Ht P&Tordef Cavt4.1ofiio wasMaa ..! fr W, r naslaa ihri NOW 'fEW TIME eg year to hare lose Ueth aejSjMd aa. resoea- SelsrCrasM ttBMaseTesa; s-um! rake 1. his1 bSleekar satiai rahlsss Isb'lba .1 .M Wise Dental Co Krloivwerfela aae 99 I aUI derenlee'afiBness. Tha children wore playing about tho yard where tho old black gardener was fixing up tho flower bods. As ho worked ho kept Up a running conver sation with Dercnlce, tho 3-ycar old: "Lemmo see, how many ot you chll- luns Is thoy Ellen an Zulla an' Lulu an' Dorencss nn' Billy. Fivo uv uml Foah gal chllluns an a boy chlllunl Well, now Ah's got five III' chllluns ot mah houso; Whut you reckon tncy ail 1st" "What do I reckon thoy nil Isr re plied Dercnlco scornfully, " Ircckon they're all little nlgges, that's what I rockon." Houston Post. Treatlnat Cnnc.r with Heat, Dr. Eugene Doyen explained at '.he International Congress of I'hyslothera dv In Paris his treatment of cancer by means of electrically produced heat. The secret of the discovery Is that the cancerous cells are destroyed by a tem perature of from 60 to 65 degrees cen tigrade, which Is entirely harmless o healthy cells. The mothod shows won derful results, he says, In eliminating tho need of the knife In all lesions which are accessible, to an electrical current, artificially applied. The heal ing of the tissues follows Immediately upon tho coagulation of tho cancorous cells. Good for Sore Eye, for ov6r 100 years I'ETTIT'S EYE SALVE has positively cured cyo dis eases everywhere. All druggists or Uoword llros., Uulfnlo, N. Y. AlttlBde. "Walter," said the mnn at the table In the far corner of the restaurant, "this piece of steak Is decidedly too an cient In spots." "Our beefsteak Is all alike to-day, sir," stimy answered the waiter, "and you aro the only man that has found anything wrong with It." "Probably that's because I am a fast eater," rejoined tha other: "I hit only tha high places." Chicago. Tribune. You Can Gel AHcn'e r.ot-tase tnt. Write Aliens. OlmitedJ-o rtoy.N. Yfora free, samnla ol Allen's rnot.Kate. it euros westing, hot swollen, aching feet. It mskes new or tig lit shoes easy. A certain euro for corns, mirowing nans anu uunioni. am iirur- -lau s aeu iu 2.c Don't accept any substitute III I'nully Memory. "Hava you got any any typewriter exterminators!" asked tho small boy. "What!" oxclalmed tha salesgirl, aghast Typewriter exterminators. I think that's what they told me to get Any how, It wne somothlng that " "Do you mean typewriter erasers?" "Well, maybe that was It but what's the dlfferenooT Ain't they the samoT I wont a dime's worth of 'em." Asjnlnat Women WorUere. From the Pittsburg omcss ot the Dal iitnnn nnil Ohio Ttallrnnd came the port that the auditors and statisticians imi .itlniil.il that the woman clerks and stenographers do on the average SO per cent less work than the men. -ri. M.nfl.iiminl fharafnrn will hence- I forth emnlnv nnlv men. nlthourr the I n....nl wAm.n iwAplfara will not ba dismissed. a . . . - , WI..Lmh uAlkl MOt&era w i una are. "; -lyrup the best remedy tousefof tbalrcbudrea Ilia NoeSUea fain. wtpl-. rn atv mnnthe 1 liava heen Just aching to tell you how much I Inua vaiiI' "O, Quy, I've been aching longer tran mat to near you say ui Misplace HI Meat. A Norburno man bought 20 cents' worth of steak and received a nickel In change. When be got homo ho couldn't find the meat At last he die- covered tho nickel In his coat pocket That gave him the clew, and opening his purso, he found whore he bad put tho steak. Kansas City Star. PIPE REPAIRING RING 'Wf-rt ennWUV, ml AlrltXHIlt sal awouuua. anekai iaas. BIO SICHXL 4k CO, KiYiiMe ll.l. CImuJ 1 blorkbl BOC Uh NrwTneuBlsc, tlPaa- Eaflns amaell HnelUll tc BialeUi, Sa seuace ntlli roul lull Ml to i. . jio-k Aiuer au renuu i, uregoo. RCOUCE THE COST OF LIVING; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND Harness Catalog free Send lor our JOO page Harness Catalog Free. Will tan you 20 to SO per ttnt sure, KELLER HARNESS CO. 49 Sorth Sixth Si. Portlind. Oregon Drlre est pala. Btreaftkea aeeres. BelUep ar.t.iu. .IPregBtoree-elUI, Mo cere, bo per. Write for free trial oer. W.tera XlecWepeJe Oe., Vfi. , toeAageies, Cel. FREVENTI0N THE lEtT MFEIUARD If for aay cause the hotaa or other ioatestlc animal ezhlbiU a lack of caergy, Droner relish for food, or aa afiaarsnce of general debility, timely aetlaa should ba tekea for the resteraUoa of ita health. Ia the natural food of ear domestic aafanals Nature provide certala peculiar widM 1 herbs, leaves, barks aad roots which saaca neceaaary for their baaltb. PeeMk Steele Paed la gxaatiy eoadeased torn is lataaded to supply the aasaatlal virtuM of those health-dvi aatural tasaaasas and Is prepared sssyreasly for those aaJauls deprived by aaaa qf their Mtaral food. It U aa alterative tonic waiea aUsaulataa the various orgaas of the bady, promotes the sacratiaas, tones ap the gftaeral systata aad natoras the Oataraerea cosditloas to a aena at autc. It aUaaalataa the appetite, laiaroves the digastioB aad atadkttloa of taad, pariflai the Mestfaaa iasares a gaa, aeaiwy aaaOMoa.Bekltiraa. r A tt1iurjT0R THE COUNTRY'S QKOWTIL tiinvn In the Increnae of Mnlt Mit- trr Itnttilldl Aiuiiinlly. Tim crowth of our country and tho Increase In the volume ot busluoss can bo realized no bettor than by a com tmrlson of tha number ot pieces ot mall matter handled annually. The total for 1889 was 3,800,200,000 pieces, in cluding letters, postal cards, newspa pers, printed matter and packages of every sort Twenty years later tho total was four times as great, and reachod 13,173,340,320. Tho advance has boon romarKamy regular year after year and ot tho rato of about 100 per cent ovory flvo years. In 187, tho year when post- ago stamps wcro first issued, mo toiai number of pieces that posted through tho malls was 114,176,480. A considerable part of tho lncrcaso during tho last ion years has boon duo to rural dollvory. Farmers or now nblo to recelvo newspapers, loi ters and othor mall mntter at tnoir 4nnratnns without leaving tholr plows Dr tholr harvest Holds and driving Into town. Thorn nrn now nearly 40.000 rural delivery carrlors who aro paid $35,000, 000 a year for carrying tho leltors and newspapers to tho country homos In ihn tinit.,,1 Rtnte. nnd toccther thoy traveled lost yenr moro than 1,000,000 miles a day. 'ino rurni aouvery scry pr- Is now thirteen years old, and it has bocn the greatest sticcoss of nny now Idea that hos boon introduced into tho administration of our government Tho Postofnco Department win renew Its efforts to secure a law authorising a parcels post servtco so that farmers' wives ran da their shopping by mall. but tho opposition from the country merchants, who fear tneir trauo win ht .livertod to tho cities. It so determ ined thnt It Is doubtful whether Con- rrcm will art FASHION HINTS Our sketch shows one ot the lovely clilllon lobes veiled In name. The robe It creamy white with a shaded pink bor der, while the overdisss h a deep pink. A black satin Item makes ait effective and practical finish to the skirt. Too Much for Hint, Thoy numbered four. Thoy abso lutely exuded prosperity. The tilings which they ordered wore such as to fill with envy tho brcait of tho man at tho noxt tnblo, engaged In consum ing tho most modost dish disclosed by the bill of fare. Tho four were conversing languid, plutocratic conversation. After a while It turnod to the question ot money. Evidently they wanted to do somothlng. How much money bad they? One ot tho four took out his pockctbook and counted up a roll ot bills. "Oh, I hnve a hundred and forty," he said, carelessly, The second and third members ot the party went through their pockets. "I have two hundred and fifteen," remarked one. "And I have threo hundred," laid the other. The fourth waved his hand grandly, "Koved mind, you follows," he said. "I'll lend you nil you wont," Tenderly, waiters boro tha man at the next table out Into the cold air. Ha will recover. Ma rtaea lor Celestlale. George Richmond Hayes, the noted San Francisco ethnologist, said at a recent dinner: "The yellow races aro held In bet ter esteem than used to be the case In the West. I once visited a very rough boom town In Oregon near Cot tage Grove, In the leading saloon a man In a red shirt said to me: '"Ye wanter carry yerself almighty straight In these parts, stranger, Go wrong the least mite and, by crlnus, we'll lynch ye as quick as look at ye.' "I smiled. "Would you lynch me,' I asked, 'If I killed a dogr "'Would wet' he snorted. 'Why, stranger, we've lynched fellers here for klllln' Chlnamenl'" Probably (or b Trust. "Hello, old chap! I haven't seen you. for a year, wnero navo you ocen r Ttnwn In Houth America." "South America! What have you been doing there!" 0 er Just rubbering around." Chlcaso Tribune. Uncle Allea. "An optimist," said Uncle Allen Sparks, Is (slap) a man who believes the mosquito (slap) was created for come lofty and (slap) benencent pur pose." All 111. Kuuillr. Portly Dame Your fuce Is striking. Iy familiar, Havo you ever done any work for me before? Chiropodist No. ma'am. You are n.M.ni,iu ihiniim. nf mv twin brother. who runs the shoe storo on tho ground floor. Ho must havo sold you theso shoes. A great many oi ni cuiumo come here, ma'am, Halllo On. "What's causing all that racket fn there?" asked tho business caller, paus ing at the door ot the oillce. "Couple o' agents tryln' to sell the boss two different kinds o' 'cyclope Without Alcohol A Strong Tonle yithout Alcohol A Body Dullder Vlthout Alcohol A Blood Purifier without Alcohol A Orest Alterative VTIthout Alcohol A Doctor's Medicine M'lthout Alcohol Ayer's Ssrssparllla V7iihout AlcohAl A We publish our formulas Ua hanteh eVohflJ y from our medlolues yers We ur$ yon to eoi alt your doctor Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They act directly on the liver, make more bite secreted. Thli Is why they are so valu able In constipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick-hctdschc. Ask your doctor It tie knows a better laxative pill. -M.de by the J, C. Ayir Co., tow.ll, M..e. STEINWAY S&n" Shannon SIXTH AND MOHUISON, OPP. POSTOFFICE. POItTLAND. OltKGON A Beautiful Book FREE This bceutlful booklet, containing 7 J splendid pho tetrsvures ef the world's most celebrated mutlclsnt, sn.y be had free upon request, providing Ihe follow ing questions are answered. Wa will iM send tree a copy ol "Old rvor Its Songs." Do you expect to buy a Piano?. When 7. Name Address Kepi ller I'mmls.. "nilly, dear," said his young wife, eoaxlngly, "tell mo tho password of your lodge." "Hut I pledged mysolf novr to dls closo that, llclla." "Yoti'ro not disclosing It when you glvo It to me. You know wo have no secrets from ench other." "If I tell you what It Is, dear, will you promise sacredly never to repeat It to a living soul?" "Yes. I promise." "Well, hero It Is: Chatlyblddyboech- Ittyblddyblpnrnparagoolagartlhehowk especklybcxlyblm." Truo to her word, the young wire never repeated It to nnvbody. tiriiue AlonilMclav, Mrs. Wheedle John, dear, you aro going to get mo a lovely pearl nock laco for my birthday; a bird whis pered It to mo. Mr. Wheedle Don't jou bollovo It. It must havo been a lyra bird that es caped out of somo menagorlo. Uos ton Transcript Appropriate I'astrnliisis. "How will I keep my now chantocler hnt on my head?" sho aihod, pcrplo ed. "With hat plnfcathers, my dec," said tho milliner. St. units Star. Dolloatoly formed and eontly roared. womon will find, In all tho soasona of tholr llvos, aa maldons.wivos or mothoro, that tho onoolmplo, wholosomo romody which aot3 rjontly and ploasantly and naturally, and whloh may bo used with truly bonoflolal offoots, undor any conditions, when tho eystom ncods a laxatlvo. Is Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sonna. It ia woll known to bo a clmplo combination of tho laxatlvo and carmlnativo princlploa of plants with ploasant aromatic liquids, which aro agrooablo and rofroshlnn to tho tasto and accoptablo to tho .systom whon its nontlo cloanslng Is doslred. Only thoso who' buy tho conulno Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sonna can hopo to not its bonoflcial offocta, and as a guaranteo of tho oxcollonco of tho romody, tho full namo of tho company California Fig Syrup Co. is printed on tho front of ovory package, and without it any preparation offorod as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sonna Is fraudulent and should bo declined. To those who know tho quality of this excellent laxatlvo, tho offer of any substi tute, when Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sonna is called for, is always rosontod by a transfor of patronago to some first-class drug establish ment, where they do not recommend, nor 6oll false brands.nor Imitation romodies. The genu ine articlo may bo bought of all rellablo drug gists ovorywhore; ona sizo only. Regular price 50 cents per bottlo. Qet a bottle today to havo in tho house whon needed. Improve Your K C Baldnf? Powder win do It I Get aeon. Try It for your favorite cake. If It doesn't raise better, If It Isn't daintier, we return your money. Everybody agrees K C has no equal Pure, Wholesome, Economical. , -WWI oaa.. EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN First clsss work at reasonable prices. Freo examination ami perfectly fitted lluir) as low as $2.00 No faking method. K wtSBSs tin. . I- tirtltA Suite 427, Marqtiam Building Fourth Floor Opposite Portland Hotel, Portland Ore. ATRIP TO TORTLAND FREE CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRf Painless Extraction Frcs Silver Killing 0c Oold Fillings....... 73c 3 K.Oold Crowns .,,,,,,.() I'orceliiln Crowns Molar GoU Crowns... .M Ilrldce Work, 11 K.Oold, ...II Inlny Fills. Pure Gold It Very Nice Rubber Plsts....M Ucst Rubber Piste on llnrlh ..........IT Att THIS WORK IS OUAKANTKKD. Don't throw jour innney away. A dollar saved I. twodollnrs rsrnwl. Our original reliable Modern l'alnlees Methods nnd our pvrfected offlco equip ment snvp. n time nnd yotirmoner. DUSTOH DENTISTS, Jtharlnrriton.rertland Iwnwe29l Motriwn. epreiue I'ottoflVe n4 Meier A ITirk. ritiMliheJ In Pottlint 10 rr.ti. Open cttjni, on:ll I tit lun.l I unlit 12I0. lor rtofle bo wofk. VICTOIt Pl3y & CO. MA0H1MB8 I'.tivirtitiiuent. Oeorge, I slinll have to tell you that you don't chew your victuals half long enuimh." "Thnt ort of talk may be all right In Philadelphia, where you live, Uncle William, but there's no time to Kletch crlxe 1.1 Chicago." Chicago Tribune. AVI lh Aliinlce. . ' O, womattl In our hours of ease ) Gentle, tender, nnd glntl to please, And grateful as the cooling abode Ily softly sighing maples mndo When bnrgaln counters tempt thee now, An uncontrolled tornado thout st s iw Want InuHi Clu-llted ads In M lead lirn papers In U U. Mend for ll.t. The Dake Ad vertising Ageney, 417 8. Main HU, Los Angeles, oe 11 Scary BU, San Francisco, Cab DAISY FLY KILLER trTS-t isi, lefee saesjps Laala all s eases a MM e4 fsaexad. fae4 laa staef .rss mm Wf! at . (-wi.im4 Sae-fc MiaealattfWt rnv-wlta . J ASOIDSOHIM IHhUVte.' amtlra,,tV PN U No. ji-ne WUKN writing to advertisers pleas. I T t liienllnn tills paper. Guaranteed under all Pure Ftiod Laws Baking more evenly, higher, more delicate In flavor, BAKING POWDER 'Jaques Mff , C I -JBtssFTss MkMJB i ii"jv r mmr ISA. Oe. raHlsed, Oregea CUcage dias, said the otneo uoy.