-. V i. ii mi ! ..THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Paallaaad Krerr Friday At 117 WMt Burlington Street BY A. W. MARKLE Tuw ntfvtttw ( entered at rttst office la Saint Johns, Owfion, as wall mftttcr of the second class under the Act of Coil- gre of March 3, 1879. J.b Prinllaf tuUd la BnleUis ttiiia a. n.inlfi rath An dullverr. All MmaiuaUaUaaa thoold bt addrtM.d to T I4HIW, bi. joins, union. . .. a .i--.ii.i-- m!ai ai.nn nar lnh nar month. All sdMrtliln bills psjstl. flrit of aaeh ato. OBeUl Vswtyapar sf tat Oily of Bi. Jsaaa. Suhsarlptlon price $1.60 per year. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1910 The steady persistent advertiser lias little to lcar ironi competition. It is the man who hides his light under a thimble that is the fearful one. He who makes his name a household word by week after week presenting it to the Raze of the public through the local newspaper has nothing to fear. It will live even after he has made "his pile" nnd retired from busi ness. If you were asked s'lddcnly to name a few business men of the city the ones who advertise steadily .would naturally come into your head first. It is doubtful if you could name the others. Sunlight, Air and Water. The beams of the sunlight falling on the rugged hills and joyous plains, arc filled with healing and happiness. Germs cannot live where naught but sunbeams fall. Hut germs arc just as essential to life as the trees of the forest or plants of the garden. The wise gardener takes fertilizer fr,om the stables laden with bacteria, and plants these microscopic members of the organic family in the soil before he deposits the seed from which grows the produce for human sustenance. The bacteria In the. soil produce in their growth chemical changes essential to the development of plant life, and in the laboratory of the vegetable kingdom the great provider is constantly making ready a table of almost infinite variety for the support of animal existence, and animal life in turn is essential for the growth of bacteria. And this great tripod of organic existence is supported and main tained by that higher trinity, sun light, air and water. No one of these alone can maintain life, nor can life be maintained without all of them. The electric light may be used to supplant the sun, but it Is only derived sunlight obtained from the fuel which makes the fire which heats the steam which runs the engine which propels the dyna- C.p;riM 1? Ostciuti A'rtlimi Co., Ck St. Johns, April 29, 1910. Dear friend: Tliev have hired me down at the store. What do you think I do? Oh I Pretzels! I am in the shoe department. It is the best yet, and we carry the Chippewa hand made shoes, that wear just like mine that you sec in my pic ture, and they arc of the finest and neatest shapes you ever saw just the same as the swell people in the big cities wear. I like to work here. They treat me fine. They treat everybody that way though, and you just can't help liking to trade here once you begin, for their prices arc right and they keep the best ot everything. OH I yes, I pretty near it foruot. We carry the famous TILT shoes in, ill styles and sizes; childrcns, Misses, boys, men and women's shoes, and you can't find a more reliable brand any where. You ought to come and sec them. Your friend JACOH. P. S. I work at Muck Mercantile Company Phone, Richmond 831 ' DRESS MAKING Sowing Jane cither by dy or pltce Ingulro at 709 Eric Street One Muck K. of Hlclimoail ami Dtcntur MUs I). Crome Sulmcrlbo for tho Tolojjrom boit ovonlng paper on tho coast. Boo Ed Btockton. Money to jsurn 1 TH ATS WHAT YOU WmtfOU KEEP IT IN' HE HOUSJ aBBBBBBBBBBBWJ have; THE BANK IF YOU put your money in our bank It can't burn up! you wont spend It" faollahly, you wont hava to lend it to your fair waather frlends-YOU'VE GOT IT; It will row. Wawlll pay you three per cent ' intereat on the money you put in our bank and com pound the Intereit every aix months. FIRST NATIONAL BANK St. Johns, Oregon To Whom It May Concern! YKS WI? IIAVU THIJ JKWEL GAS RANGKS at all prices from 13.50 to $48.00. Why heat all the house just to get one meal. Our stoves are all JKVEIS. Also something new in the white Hue enamel ware. Pishing tackle, Bamboo and Steel Rods from 75c to $3.00. Garden Hose from $4 'to $6.00 per 50 feet. Lawn Mowers from $3.50 to f 6.00. Builders' hardware, tools, Atkins Silver Steel saws, paints, oils, white lead and glass, t Hendricks Hardware Co. tax Your Last Chance to Buy in St. Johns at $5 down. Provide for the future. YOU can buy a lot 50x100 for $300 and up in 1910 Addition $5 down and $5 monthly fa This is positively your LAST CHANCE to buy on such easy terms. $(jear car line and schools, sidewalks and graded streets. For Sale by ANY REAL ESTATE CO. in St. Johns. BUY NOW. mo. And the fuel obtained its force from the sun as it grew in the forests, either present or pre historic, the latter being stored in beds of coal. Because water is good, no one would want to try living In the sea; nor might we endure ever the piercing rays of the sun; but no one has yet discovered that human life is Iti the least hindered tiy n con stant sunnly of mire fresh air. The reverse, however, Is true. Bacteria thrive in the dark nnd the damn. Vegetation lifts its head out into the uir and sunlight while its feet dip deeply in the mother earth; but the human kind walk about on the bottom of nil atmospheric ocean, bathed in situ light, fifty to a hundred miles deep. The marvelous maguituue ot tin: provision should teach us the ueces slty of air, fresh air, constantly sup Plied. A draft is to be avoided, but motion of the air is essential. Static air is lust as truly dead and poisouous as a corpse; devoutly shun it if you love your life. Live iu sweet fellowship with God's great trinity, sunlight, air and water, aud your place in the won drous tripod of organic life will be one of ever increasing lieuitli, joy aud usefulness. Albert Carey, M. D. Banks are not wholly philan thropic. But they advertise for savings accounts because every dol lar that goes into the banks makes for greater activity in even' Hue. In this way the savings of a hun dred workiugnien might give tal which would allow fifty worklngmen to labor the round, The First National has the best good of the commu nity at heart. Save your savings with the strong bank. It issues Time Certificates of 'Deposit, it capi- other year Bank Memorial Exercises Program for Memorial Day and other exercises have been arranged as follows: The Tost will meet in front of I. O. O. V, hall Friday, May 37, at 10 a. in., and proceed to the bt. Johns schools. Sunday, the 29th, the Post, W. K. C. and I., of G. A. R. will meet in front of hall at 3 p. 111 sharp, and march to the Cougrega tloual church and participate in the services there, bermoti by Key. O. W. Nelson. Monday, May 30, parade will be formed in trout ot tlic nail at 9:45 a, 111., under escort of school clul dren, the Past, Sous of Veterans, W. R. C L. of O. A. R. aud Daughters of Veterans. The line will move promptly at 10 a. m, aud proceed to the city dock, where ritual services will be held by all of the organizations. The public Is earnestly aud cor dially urged to be present on this occasion. The annual G. A. R. memorial services will be held at the Congre gational church Sunday, at 3:30 p. in. The usual services will be held at the regular limits. The public is invited, G. v. Nelson pastor.1 Werk for a GreaUr St Johns. Given Away Free. We want you to represent PHY SICAL CUITURK in your City and vicinity. Never before was such an opportunity offered our agents to secure subscriptions as we nave to olter at tue present time, Five to fifteen dollars a day is being earthed by many of our agents offer ing our attractive premiums with subscriptions to PHYSICAL CULTURE Write today for territory, address Circulation Department, Physical Culture Publishing Co., Flatlrou Bulldlug, New York City, N. Y. - A Few Rare Bargains. 50x300, seven room house, lots of fruit and an excellent location, iu St, Johns, 2800, terms, A forty acre tract near Klamath; rt-rooin house, baru, three cows aud two hogs included, 1600 cash. .S-rooui modern house, cement basement, five lots, I3600, terms. 50x100 lot, new five-room house, 900, 6oo cash, three years on balance. 150x100 lot, five-room modern house, 4oo-barrel cistern, 3100. 30 acres, 6 acres in cultivation, well located, log house, 28 miles from Portland, $1500, terms. 100x100, 4-room house, garden all planted, It 600. 100x100, four-room modern house chicken park and number of chick ens included, $1900, terms. Other good bargains too numer ous to enumerate. R. R. CHURCHILL, 401 South Jersey. Poison Oak Poisoning. Ballard's Snow Liniment cures it. Mr. O. H. P. Cornelius, (Tur ner, Ore. writes My wife has dis covered that Snow Liniment cures "Poison Oak Poisoning," a very painful trouble. She uot ouly cured a case of it ou herself, but on two of her friends, who were pois oned by this same ivy. Price 35c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by North Bank Pharmacy. The secret of becomiiur rich is to make every one of your dollars earn you iuterest. The worklug dollar never sleeps. The rirst Nutioual isank sets dollars to work tor savers, 3 per cent. it o Have your property Insured In the St. Paul or Northern fire insurance companUs. They are the beat, 8. I.- Doble, agent. 1 Save Money By trading at Men's 11,50 Cluett shirts. .$1.15 Men's $1,00 Mouarck shirts .75 Men's 50c soft shirts,-. . 2 for .75 Men's seven pocket bib overalls ............ .80 See Chair iu Wiadow to be GIVEN AWAY. EXCAVATING exciviMed Call far Saiulall Phone Richsaead 61 1 7 UniUd StataacLaundry Baskat kaVM'Maaaay E. 0. MAQOON, Afwrt III N,jMtrMt Uring In your Jv jUa wu you think of It, Dea't wait unta yew are' entirely out.Wa'ar eulf4 to turn out neat fiwl taaiy Brlatlac promptly Jat PertiMh TO THE - u TRAVELING PUBLIC THE PENINSUIlA BANK being a member of the American Bankers' Association, the greatest monetary organization in the world, has arranged for the issuance of TRAVELERS' CHEQUES of the AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION Money being erery traveler's first necessity, It is extremely important that his funds be III a form which is at once The . Safest J Most Available Most Convenient and Most Economical - ' American Bankers Association Travelers' Cheques fulfil all the above requirements; they have been appropriately called "The Perfect International Exohanee." 1 The Safest The name, American Hankers Atsoclation" on these Travelers' Cheques is a great protection, because forgers, counterfeiters, pickpockets and other criminals the world over, stand In fear of the relentless pursuit and successful prosecution of the Association's "Protective Committee." Criminals a'fter stealing these cheques have chosen to return them by mall rather than to risk forging the purchaser's signature and attempting to cash tbeu Also, these cheques arc Intricately and skillfully engraved, and are printed on scientifically protected paper, making them counterfeit proof. Ordinary money if lost or stolen is seldom recovered; but these Travefers' Cheques, if lost or stolen wilt be replaced or their full value refunded, after procr notice has been given by the purchaser and arrangements made for the protection of the Dankera Trust Company, New York City, on whom the Cheques are drawn. Most Available ny agreement between the American Bankers Association and thirty thousand banks aud bankers throughout the world. American Bankers Association Travelers' Cheques arc universally accented at par. Notonly banking Institutions, but hotels, railroads, steamship companies, stores, shops, etc., accepr these Cheques at full face value, The Association's system thus provides a uniform, Internationally recognized form of money order, which is acceptable to bankers and business people everywhere, and which relieves them of the risk of cashing miscellaneous, unprotected paper presented by travelers. Most Convenient The American Bankers Association Travelers' Cheques arc more convenient than drafts and certified checks. Being universally acceptable and requiring no personal introduction, they rilipctiic.wlth delays and annoyances iu obtaining funds. T'ie holder's Identity Is established by comparison of countersignature and signature, the Cheques being signed at the time of the purchsso and countersigned in the presence of the parties cashing them. Uvcrybody is protected In cashing these Cheques, whether he knows the bank which issued them or not .because every Cheque bear the acceptance of the accredited agent of all the' Issuing banks, appointed by the American Banker Atsoclation, Most Economical Traveler save money by using American Banker Association Travelers' Cheques, because they know eiactly what their funds are worth In any country, each cheque having engraved clearly oh the face its value in domestic and foreign monies. This device protect the traveler from costly mistakes in problems of foreign exchange, When When cashing the cheques the holder pay no commission, the only charge being a premium of ene-half ef ene ereent. (50 cents for each. too of cheques,) paid ut the time of purchase. A fao cheque I worth 5. 1. 8, if cashed in Great Britain; marks' 83.30 in Gcruiany; francs 101, jo In Prance,- Belgium or Switzerland; lire (gold) 101.50 in Italy and so on. The cheques are issued In four denominations: fio (blue), jo (green), jo (straw) and $ too (orange). Special Service to Travelers By agreement with Thomas Cook & Son, the holders of the American Banker Association Travelers' Cheque are entitled to all the advantages of the Cook service, with 140 different offices at Important points In the United States, Canada, Mexico, lturope, the Orient, Philippines and Australasia. This service Include the receipt and for warding of mall at allot the offices indicated; the use of reading and wiltingrooiussuppllcd with American newspapers; unsurpassed facilities for Information and advice regarding travel and hotels; assistance of special representatives in meeting trains and boats; attention to storing, forwarding and insuring baggage, etc. Tourists abroad, who need additional "A. B. A." Travelers' Cheque, can obtain them through Morgan, Grcii fU & Co., of London aud Morgan, Ilarjcs & Co., of Paris, In exchange for foreign money or drafts drawn against bet ters of credit. , We shall be very glad to have our patrons, as well as other, call on us for any further Information. THE PENINSULA BANK 11 Tha Planaar Bank' WHILE THEY LAST I will sell bedding plants as follows: Phlox, Lobelia, Cosmos, As- ters, daisies, verrjeuas auu , Forget-me-nots, the dozen 10c. Salvias, Petunias,, Chrysan- . ' j Ty me mums ana rucias, 1 the dozen 25c. Carnations and Roses the dozen $1.00 Geraniums all colors the dozen 35c. Green House 1010S,Gresham St D E. BratJaM Oatec Hour.- to n aad I to 4 Dr. A. SpfK P. M. T. Creiuatc America College Mccfca Throp Post Gradual CI lute Department Helkreek Meek - - - - Reeau IS a4 1 Fleming Shoe Machine We have installed a Fleming Shoe Repairing Machine and are prepared to sew on soles. Work Warranted, s PRICES: Men's Sewed Soles. . 75c Men's Tacked Soles 75c Ladies' Sewed Soles , , . . , 50c Ladles' Tacked ilbies . , 50c f. BROOKS & SON 111 South Jartty Stoat . How.U Yonr Tkte? Have vour abstracts 'wide, coa- tlaued r cxaaimtd at tke Peaweu la Title, Abstract aad Realty Co. Accurate work, -. .ReasaaMe fees. Header sea, Maaager, laq warts ersey street.- ' Another Bwata is eoae frost the ear 1010. Pid it avail yoa aay- thiag? Net hew atack yeu autde tae past saoath, bat bow atacb did you SAVE? The! First Natieaal Baak kelps savers by coapottadiat; iatereet' every six saouths. it -r- i Freaek Ue aeaaet el at Jebat, EXCURSIONS TO THE May3,j Jaaea, ITjWj Mf9,71 AasaetJ. SeetJ. trier ttastt tatee.aMatlst haist iirAitar faaBaaBV J I sat aaaa) jaaj arss sjssssasssaaa ajBsja"Baa taaa 1 ' 1Y WAV OF SPOKANE PORTLAND & SEATTLE RY. - ! Nertfc Bat Rat' r binge M.VXH MlaaisyiMi M.et St. Leaia... ...v.v.fW.H OawhsT. ..MM mmiikit , ..V..Y.VJfXe KsaaesCtty Stmm lcral ,.,MV..N,. -.tee.ee Dttlatb , .Jee Cbefec of gete W-teteralng route. STOPOVKftS eHewed, NaMTH BANK -MAIM re Utrewh to i. Pa. MleeaijieMe : aa CMeaaa Mfa,eaec, LOW HOUND TMP jtATINto Pertlaatl tor Ust e FeeWvet la Jane ad the Hibstiibin Cswss- w tkm U July will gi yew -'friend, a-chance te.eecae te she enast. a,i. BetaM farahhei by 4 fx 3- . IK r iyw.V'ii ins . G