Local News. v 1 The new St. Johns taoges for wuc djt waiet utos. "For Sale Fre9h Jersey cow. 615 juoria Aaison street. 0 - c Sewing and cleaning by the day. .300 oouui jersey, upstairs. 0 , For Sale Household furniture cheap. 6n North Ivauhoe. 0 ttf...-.l r whihcu sewing to uo away iroai nome. aoa soutu Jersey, v 0 you sot full weight and first quality at the Central market. Juat try It awhU.( . . 0 k The school entertainment last night was a decided success, a de tailed account of which will be giveu next week. 830 Lot 50x116, four-room house, barnr fiue garden, at Nor thern Hill, from owner, 115 Jer sey street, St. Johns. Fessenden Street I a Problem Settled A CONTRARY WOMAN. Thlnn A STORY OF BLUCHER. That Cured Htr Somttlmtt KllUd Other Paopla. "Appendicitis does nod bunlt tne llgo it might odder beoples," sold tier ua .rarlan neighbor when the woman had Lcompllmented her upon her appearance I never seriously nnd that the Duko of aner tne attack. "MoaainR ener Wellington, wiiuo u uioinbcr or crock The Old General Qava Hli Son a Lea. ton In Gaming. J Speaking of military men who wrro niblers, Italph Ncvlll In ''Light Come, Light Go," after noting that Napoleon only played In an' amateur way and hurtlts me the same as odder beo tiles ThA 4tnlfAr AdAitla nodding;. rrings dat guro mo kills od v. tauiivjr ICUMC der beoples Mtnedlmcs. Did 1 neffor nave flCCCDicd orono-sbUd rca 1 bnd nr,cd veffer? no? r r wpv Den I till dell you. "In our down aboud dot dlmo dcro vcro alx hundud ghlldrun Tat diet off sgnrlcu veffor six hundud. All our family ras down mlt him. Dwo off my bruddora diet Dcy had glffcn mo oub. n I.- MH. ir .t ft... ........ j 4 I ljv uuvuui iiu bu iavu nur uni uiiiij" allu WOrK Will 20 Oil ' ln8'8ho nt- ,J mako no ait O I fnrntirv Xm fmr lint lint Inaiif vlali sitition submitted by I the Property owners as outlined on first Page of this issue. W. C. T. U. ITEMS. ferenco. Led hor baf her lasdt vlsli, vaddeffer ho Is.1 'And xo Id happuned dat I ranted tomo rour mcelk. Uud dey glff mo all I vantcd. A big boddlo It vas Off rour mcolk, und I sot oup und drink him all. "Den I lay back und vent do zlccn, und von de docdor ho gomo again he lay, Tcry zupprlzcd, 'Vy, her voffcr he seem to bo alt goner "Und bo Taa all gone. In dwo days Wanted General housework by middle aged lady. Also young woman desires situation; Call 534 A logo, or leave word at this office Misses Edna Hlyes and Evange line Hart, two of our most hand some and popular school instructors, will rusticate over Sunday nt Dallas. Wanted To buy a lot or 5-room house and lot. Must be cheap for cash and near postolhcc or city nail. utve description. Address "M," Review office. 0 If you want to sell your house and lot or vacant lot cheap for cash, sec W. W. Holcomb, Attor ney Rooms 3 and 4, Holurook Duildiug, St. Johus. 0 All kinds of laundry work done promptly. Rough dry washing 'Mats par pound. Calls mad for laundry at any place. Ring u up Phone Rich, 091, St. Johns Laun ill, Churchill Bros-proprletors. o. See the St. Johns Sand and uravel Co. for estimate on your basement or ccmcut and" plaster. We can save you money and make a little for ourselves. Phone Rich mond 1571. o Lost Pocketbook containing two fifty-dollar bills and a gold watch with name "Helen J. Willis" en graved in case. A reward of 'las is offered for its return to owner at 514 Dayton street. 0 The members of the M. R. Church are making arrangements for erecting a modern parsonuge on the grounds adjoining the church edifice. Bids are asked for the con struction of same in this i&uic. A birthday surprise party was tendered Mrs. Geo. Foss Sunday evening. About 35 visitors were present aud the occasion was huge ly enjoyed. Amoug other presents a handsome rocking chair was pre sented to Mrs. Foas. Owe yourself a dollar every Sat urday night, Put it in the savings bank. See how fast that dollar will grow. The First National Bank welcomes dollar depositors. It issues Time Certificates of Deposit. it The W. O. W. will give a ban quet and initiate.a class of fifteen candidates for membership June 1st. Prominent speakers,will be present and a highly Interesting evening is promised. This Order is in a most flourishing condition. All persons who desire to donate roses for the Roue Carnival are re quested by the committee to leave same at Brooks & Son's shoe shop, in South Jersey, before seven o'clock Ib the evening and not later than eight o'clock in the morning each day of the carnival. S. W. Rogers has our thanks for basket of jumbo strawberries which grew upon his premises in South St. Johns. Out of curiosity we SMSSursd one and found it to be exactly six inches in circumference. He says the berries arc growing nrofitfeiv this vsar. a ' TheY. P S. C. E. society of the Christian church have a splen did program prepared for tomorrow night ia Wckaer hall at their . Pov erty Sosial. Unique awrouBce biiU ware setts 0Mt. It is worth a kins; epfec a sacrifice to join in : few. So get nsdy and go! i a pretty hard thing to accost fjSiasi whcii yem're bleu, bUtsqs and Ht ot sorts. There is a sure cure Isr all kieids of stomach and liver pissplsint' cetMtipation and, dys ptpla Ballard's Hsrbiae is mild, yet afesoltttoly effective bi all cases. Pfisc y eeata per bottle. Seid by frtk leak Hmnmcy, I Mr. Maclarrcn of the Portland Commons snoke at the Evnno-elieal t vas oup und aboud. do houso m veil . . r . ------. cnurcn last Monday evening, under "". .... . . tile nu.qnief ni hip wnmmru ciiiria. 1 j - 'Von. derfull1 "Den de beoples In de nexdt bouse Tat bad a very tick guild dey thought dey vould dry se tame t'lng, "Dnv trft tftAl tp liAililIn ntf nili we have a purity department in our meelk do drlnkt. und In aboud half a neTor w,n" orguuization, wc could Heartily in- hour by de glock sbo ras doatV'-Now dorse all that the speaker said, and Vork Press. wc can freely co-operate with him tiau Temperance Union. The sub jeet, "The SocialTJvil," is one in which every father and mother ought to be deeply intercstedj As ford's famous gambling club, was not particularly fond of play, 'goes on to rclato the following about Dluchcr: Another great soldier, on tho othel hand, repeatedly lost large sums nt play. This was Hluchor, who was In ordinately fond of gambling. Much to his disgust, this passion was Inherited by his sou, who hail often to bo re buked by his father for his visits to tho gaming table and was given many a wnoiesome lecture upon his youth and inexperience and the consequent certainty of loss by coming In contact with older and moro practiced gam nicrs. Ono morning, however, young BIu cuer presented himself before his fa ther and exclaimed, with nn air of Joy, "Sir, you said 1 knew nothing of pioy, nut hero is proof that you linvo undervalued my talents," pulling out at tho same tlmo n bag of rubles which ho had won tho preceding night. "And I said tho truth." was tho rc ply, "Sit down hero nfcd I'll convince you." Tho dlco wcro called for. and In n fow minutes old Ulucher won all his son's money, whereupon, after nocket ing the casii, no roso from tho table, observing, "Now you sco thnt I was right when I told you that you would Treasurer's Sale of Delinquent Assessments SUSPICION JUSTIFIED. in his work of lifting up fallen Humanity and to do all in our power to keep others from falling. Jf the voters of Multnomah coun ty will only do their dtity in No vember, wc hope to sec a great many ot these awful evils cease out of our Jair state. Mrs. Scott. Stop Paying Rent BRUIN'S FREE SUPPER. Kxperlenee of a Camping Party In Yel lowstone Park. In tho Yeltowstono park all wild ani mals aro allowed to roam as they will, and it Is against the law to shoot them. Soino ot these animals hare become Tcry tamo and do not look on man as an enemy. In fact, thdL bears seem to think the butels built there are for their conreulcnco, as thoy visit tho garbage cans nightly for their meats. Kvcu tiny chipmunks will stand and Tf von own n lot I will Imllil von cold people as they pass by on the r. I wm1 ml .ii.l. Ilssl. a 1.1 it.aM a residence according to your own r. ...111 -ii 't7 ii il" ' mm tho hotel stables. Ui Will Otl VUU U lUk WCIl iUWUltU I firm eilffh 11 .ifw flMm...,l M fat e . . a viiw w fusa vuiuuvu UVHt VUU 011 the ridiculously easy terms of Is of n,,. mvino. .!. i.inff iri down and $3 per mouth nnd build from a day's tramp, they had early lug tho key. took It with him you a .House on tlic easiest terms gono into their touts to sleep-all ox you know. With an opportunity cept the boy, who enjoyed slumbering like this uo one can have an excuse for paying rent. Call on or address r. 15. ZOOK, 117 Swcnson street, St. Johns, for further particulars. NOTICE. Bids wanted on building a six- room cottugc for M. E. Church. See W. R. Iiolleubcck for particulars. The Bradley, Sim For Men. &3.50 and S4.oo In a sleeping bag with tho stars for a roof. Early In the night they wero aroused by a noise of falling pans In the kitch en wagon. Those who were not afraid rushed out nnd discovered a big black bear calmly eating his supper from the provisions. Not being allowed to shoot htm, ouo grabbed a whip, another a broom, aud they nourished these weapons about frlgbtoucd aud grunt ing, bruin clumsily scrambled away, when suddenly there was a livelier -grunting from the bear, accompanied by an unearthly yell. Mr. Bruin la bU hurried flight had stepped on the un noticed outdoor aleeper, frightening blm so much that afterward he slept under the tent roof. Detroit .Free 1'reas. Didn't Knew Beans. A young woinau was talking In. a restaurant. "Vou seo." sbo was say ing, "It was my Drat experichco In cooking beans. Wo are so fond of thorn 1 wauted to bo auro and haro euough, so 1 ordered threo pounds at tho corner grocers. This looked about the right amount, and I put them on tho raugo and left them to boll tender. Wbeu 1 went into the kitchen again the range was covered with beans, ao was the floor, and out of the kettle poured a cieidy atream of beans. 1 took part of them out, added more wa ter and again left them. If you'll be lieve It I bad to take out three more large portions of beans before the original mass became manageable. So I'm not ordering beans Just yet even at a restaurant."-New York Dun. It Was Not Mouse the Maittr Heard In the Kitchen. Tho late Hot. Dr. Wlghtman. sitting ono night later than usual engrossed in tho profundities of a great tomo, Imagined bo heard a sound In tho kitchen Inconsistent with tho cautious ness of a mouso; so, taking his caudle, bo proceeded to Inrcstlgato tho cause. 111s root ucing ucaru in tno passage, tho servant began with muph uolso to rako out tho lire n If preparing for bed. "Yo'ro up lato tonight, Mary?' "I'm jlst rakln'tbo flro. sir. and gaun to bed." "That's right, Mary. I llko tlmeous hours," On his way buck to tho study ho passed tho coal cellar door and, turn Tho uoxt morning nt an early hour thero was a rap at his bedroom door nnd a request for tho key to get soino coal. "Yu'ro up too soon, Mary. Go back to your bed." nair an nour later thero was an- othor knock and a similar request, In order "to prcparo for breakfast. "I don't want breakfast so soon, Mary. Go bai'k to your bed." In another half hour thero was an other knock, with an cntronty for tho key, as It was washing day. This was enough. Ho roso and banded out tho koy, saying, "Go and let tho man out." As tbo preacher shrewdly aeepected, Mary's sweetheart bad been Imprisoned all night In tho coal cellar. London Family Herald. on the Bradley Shoe. We'll be triad of the oppor tunity to show It to you. And when you have it on notice the fe?7 of it and the look of it Juat seem to "belong" to your footfits every little hump and hollow as though it had been built on and feel3 like on old kid glove. That's a little way the Bradley Shoe has makes itself right at home on your foot and looks it. I neighbors. The truce seema to have Avt wtum wt Arwf m. accomplished much good, notwltb UXJ Wiicii you ma am standing the fact that It was jery 1m how Well It Wears you Will perfectly ob8erved.-New York Anierl never wear any shoe except can. the Bradley. Bradley Shoes far Men, all srrus. 12.50 d 54.00 SHOES f ALL STYLES FOX WOHEUt A- CHILDREN Couch & Co. Vanity Tlekl.d. During tho early excesses ot the French revolution a rabblo of men aud women wero rioting in tho streets of Part. Itfayotto appeared and ordered a young nrtlllery otllcur to open Ore upon thum with two cannon. Tho of fleer begged tho gcuoral to let lilm try first to persuade them to withdraw. . "It Is useless to appeal to their rea son," said tho general. "Certainly," answered tho otllccr, "and It Is not to their reason, but to tbelr vanity, I would appeal." The otllccr rodo up to tho front of the mob, doffed bis cocked hat, pointed to tbo guus and said: "dentleuieu will havo tho kindness to. retire, for I am ordered to shoot down tbo rubble." Tho street was cleared at onco, for nono could brook the Idea of being classed with the scum of tho city, The True, of Qo4. The "truce of God" was Introduced , by the clergy ot Oulenue around about the year 1080. It was adopted In Spain about 1080, In England about 106a According to this famous treaty, a cessation of all violent quarrels was enjoined under heavy peaaltlea during all church festlTala and from every Wednesday evening until the follow ing Monday morning. This left only about elglity days In the year avail able for shooting and stabbing one's Hepeless. Lawyer You don't llko the Jury? Defendant I do not No. 1 Is my tailor. No. 3 is my grocer, No, 5 Is my milk and egg dealer and No, 7 la my wlfe'a first husband! What chance bare I gotV'-SL Paul Dispatch. An Acute Sense of Tast.. William and Lawrenco wero In tho habit of savlur a part of their dessert from the evening dinner for consump tion the next morning, aud In accord ance with tbla custom two small cakos bad been placed In the cracker Jar for them. William, belug the first up on the following morning aud being hun gry, went to the Jar. lie fouud only one cake, and a large piece bad been bitten out of that Full of wrath, ho went upstairs and roused his brother. "Bay," be demanded, "I want to know who took that big bite out of my cakot" "I did," sleepily answered Lawrence "Wbat'd you do that for'" "Well, when I .tasted It I found II waa your cake, and ao I et tho other one," Youth's Compaulou. A Stem Chase. The Yoetb Yes, I'm In business for myself, but I don't seem to bo able to meet with any aucceas. The Sage Nobody ever meets with buelneee, young man. lie must, over take tt-Fhlladelpkle Press. SO YEARS' XfNIIHCNOC An Exception. Dibbe Wernea are laradlag all kinds I of EBaaciiUae oecupatlos. Qibbe There are bo women rat catchers yet! Boetoa Transcript. The MatUr Cxplalnid. "Why do they say 'as smurt as 11 steel triip'' " asked tbo tulkutlvo boi(rd er. "I never could see uuythlug pur. tlcularly Intellectual about a steel trap." "A steel trap la called smart," ex plained the elderly person In his sweetest voice, "because It knows ux actly the tight time to shut up." More might have been said, but in the clrcumstaueee It would have seem ed unflttlug.-LeBdon TIMIIts. Genius? Sack Ua own road and car lies Its own Uaap. WUuaett , The Similarity. "My husband U like a rooster in one respect." "Indeed r 'Yes; when be gets up early ke crows' .over it" J edge. Cprvmeirre eW. "TfiiTr J Saaarta far tk Berlew awl ke Boys wW be Boys and are always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, braises', bumps, burns or scalds, uem't neglect sucli things they may result serious if voudo. Aoolv Ballard's Snow Lint ment according to directions right away and it will relieve the pain and heal the trouble. Price ice. Prompt service, reasonable charges 50c and f 1,00. Sold by North Bank Beet at Ferrv Slin. Pharmacy. ( Tclepbose Wats fer a wwaiir k. jsms. Ths Gasslins Boat ARGOSY Excursion Parties a Specialty Towing and Freighting Notice Is hereby given thnt I will on Monday, the Joth day of June, tgio, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m sell at the front door of the city hall of the city of St. Johns, Oregon, at public auction to the highest bidder, cash in hand, the property described below except such as may be redeemed by owners prior to the date of sale, or so much thereof as. will be necessary to pay assessments, Interest and costs levied sgaiust said property. Dalance Duo Lot is, niockia, Oswego street Im provement 1 i6.6j iot, 14, mock 3, llurr street im provement,., 9.86 1.014, iiiock 15, same improve ment 34.87 Lot 33, Mock it, Portland boule vard improvement 19,15 Lot 34, Mock it, same Improve ment , 33,06 Lot 35, Mock 11, same improve ment.., 30,73 1.0130, iiiock 11, Mine improve ment .- 30.73 Lot 1, Mock 33, tame improve ment 33.73 Lot 3, Mock aa, same improve ment . : 33.73 1.01 1, iiiock 35, same improve ment., 31. 1 1 Lot a, Mock 35, same improve ment , 31,11 Lot 3, Mock 35, same improve ment 33.34 Lot 4, Mock 35, same Hnrove- ment 19.39 l,oi 9, iiiock 35, same improve ment , 11.66 Lot 10, Mock 33, Mine improve ment it,37 Lot to, Mock 13, same improve ment' 17.7"! Lot 9, Mock 6, same improve ment 13.8S Lot 5, Mock 3, same improve ment 48.99 Lot 9, Mock 3, same Improve ment Lot 13, Mock 3, same improve ment 36,72 Lot 14, Mock 1, same Improve ment J. 3 Lot 14 Mock 3, sumc Improve ment I,4I Lot 34, Mock 16, Allegheny street improvement 39.94 Lot 10, Mock 17, same improve ment . . , 37.77 Lot i6,tMock 3, lltichnnau street Improvement 46.89 Lot 15, Mock 3, sumc improve ment .17,37 Lot 14, Mock 3, same improve ment 31.77 Mock A. same improvement... 100. jj I,ot 16, Mock 3 Staiford street im provement 85.31 Lot 15, Mock 3, same improve ment , 5,33 Lot 14, Mock 3, same liupiovc- ment 87.11 Lot 34, Mock A, Willis boule vard improvement 35,77 Lot 35, Mock A, same improve ment 35,00 Lot'j6, Mock A, same improve, ment , .17.33 Lot 3 DciKJt Addition, Darlington street improvement 43-94 Lot 4, Mock 5, same improve ment 149.30 Bald nroncrtv is to be sold vo txiv de linquent assessments thereon and the interest aud the cokts ot advertising and saic, W. SCOTT KHLLOOO, City Treasurer. Published in the St. Johus Review nlny s7 June 3, 10 and 17, 1910. Right Here at the BALL of the Foot Is where most of lha "pinch" comes when buying a new pair of shoes. You com plain about It when trying on the ordinary shoes and the salesman says "I'll stretch It," Whenever ho has to do that, look out In a few weeks you'll find your fect running over the edges 01 niuaoKj anu uio uppers wuiDcicavingtnosoic. incromast be plenty 01 roomauncu.iuoMlie foot so .hat stretching to the limit of the strcngthof the shoe will not be necessary. The Bradley Shoe Will Hot "Pinch" Your Feet Every pair Is built with nn allowance of leather nt the ball of the foot which permits the foot to rest comfortably In the new shoe the first time you put It on. The lining la tho llradlcy Shoo will notwrlnkleaftcralittlc wear, causing discomfort so common. They nrc cut to conform to tho upner. This perfect fit even gives additional wear as It takes a great deaf of strain off tho leather. Bradley Shoes for Men, $3.50 $4.00 represent the highest standard of material and workmanship slxty-six years of continuous application to the making of a shoe that will give perfect satisfaction. We make less profit on a Uradlcy Shoe, but we'll be glad to sell you rt pair, for once a wearer of these honest, wclLmade shoes, It will be hard to resist buying again, and the Increased volume means not only profit but public confidence Bradlty'g art madt by Iht BraAUy Cr Mticalt Co., tho haC bun maleri ot good ihoti lor 60 jtari. W oho had othtr itjhi ot Ihtlr makt tor mm, H'omtn nnd children, OOUOJL-I Ss CO. SUMMONS' In the circuit court of the State of Orccou, for the county of Multnomah. In an action wherein It. M. Tuttlc is plaintiff mid William Itobb. J.M.Thotiin- sou ami 1(. i. ftciimmi arc tlclemluuu: To J. M. I'liomiteon uud E. I. Schmidt. iieicuiiauis; In the nome of the Stute of Oreuou you and each of you arc hereby required to appear and answer or otherwUc plend to the complaint filed oirnhut you in the above entitled action within six weeks from the date of the ilut publication of this summons, to wit: from the 37th dnv of May, 1910, uud if you fail to so ui pcar nnd answer or otherwise plead in said action within slid time, the plaintiff uuove namcu win laicc judgment agunin you und each of yoi' for the sum pcci tied in plaintiff's complaint filed in the above entitled court and cause, to. wit: lor tlic sum 01 f 4000.00 witn interest at the rate of eight per cent. ier annum from the 35th duy of April, 1910, aud for the further sum of 500.00 utloruev fees for plaintiff attorneys and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this action. This summons Is published pursuant to the order of the Honorable Robert C. Morrow, judge of the above named court, made 111 open court In this action on tlic 34th day of May, 1910, which or der prescribes that this summons shall ue puuusueii lit tue M. jouiis Review, a weekly newspaper, once a week for a period of not less than six weeks. The first publication of this summons was made on May 37, :;to, and the last pub lication will le on the 8th day of July, 1910, COLLI K it & COLLIIJK. SUMMONS. In the circuit court nl the Ktate of Oregon for the louuly ol MuUiiouwIi, 111 u action wucmii Aima lumiunii u plain tiff mill lllvaro Cummlni.Wilrfrnil.iut. To l!lvrotuminln. ilcKmuiit above naninl III the limine of the Slate of Orriion, you are litr.hv rruulrril to uh!M.ar ami autwrr lit torn i faint filrUiuiuit iou In (he above culltlril ult oil or before haturJav, the ylli day of July, 1010, which date la aubiKiiueut to the ciilrliuii ol j trrk after the a;tli day ol May. 1910, I he latter belm; the ilate of the firat publication of Ihla unimo, It befog prcacribcil In Iheorilcr lor publication of aalu uniiuoiia that the aaiue be published once a week for U coimccutlve weeks In the ht. Johns Kev lew If you fall to so piiear ana answer, lor waut tiiercol, planum illl apply to the aboe entitled, court fur rtllil prayed lor In her complaint, to-wit A decree dissolving absolutely the bond of matrimony heretofore aud nowcalstlnif bclweeu uiniiii aunacicuaanti mat urieuiiaui be a For Rent! Any pnrty desiring to rent n first class residence nt n reason nblc rental should consult me ot once. I Iinvc n splendid list of modern dwellings for rent of which the following nrc n few: $15 pGr niOllth HtKlitroomlioti.se, modern. 15 p6r niOIltll Six-room house, close in, modern. 12.50 per month Modern five-room house. 10 per UlOntll Wvcs room house and good garden. 10 nfr m n 11 tli l;Ivc room house close to the St. Johns IV JCI U1UII11I iuint)cr ln1. 8.00 per month 5-room house, good, big garden. 12 per month Six room house iti good shape. 1 0 per mOllth I'uur room house nud 100x100 lot. A Very Fine Buy $1300 Ifottr room house nnd 100x100 lot, close in: fine buy. Many other BnrKalns. Call in and sec. J. S. DOWNEY JERSEY STREET HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM BEST BY TEST A. UNGER, Sole Agent 103 N. Jersey slreet, next to the Peninsula llauk LOOK FOR THE BIG YELLOW SIGN Speciul prices to church parties, socials, etc. Phone Richmond 1 1 udircd aud decreed to have and owu 110 iluhl. ltle or Interest In an ol the uroKitv owned liv plaintiff or to which she has any lUlit or Inter est; lor judgment attains! me ueiewuiit lor costs Incurred by plalntirt lu Ihla suit ami for such other, furlheranddiffercnt relief aslhe court may deem lufct and moDcr In enuitv. This suiuiuons is published pursuant loan or. dcr of Honorable Kobert (!. Morrow, prcsid- e ol Hie above entitled court, made aud luicludii entered Mav a6. lolo. Ul'.OKl.i: J, i'KRKINH, Altoruey for plaintiff. Date of first Publication Mav 17. loto: cf the last publication July 8, 1910. NOTICE Sealed bids will he received by the Hoard of Director of school district No. 2. Multnomah county until luue u, 1010. tobupply schools with 300 cords of heavy fir slabwood. Delivery tu he muile before July 15, 1910. The board reserves the rlk'lit to reject any and all bids. Address II bids care of clerk, J. K. TANCH, School Clerk, smAmiM-IVB I 'f01 e very use. I WCsjsyJIHjilB Cutgeneroufi flljB Felled seams. I pgJSEaffilffljl 1 giRfcffibffC?S Continuous fl AVI JflB LLtAI Ll aBLwLH slsaultcturcrt H A. II, HltM STOCK OI!0. II, IlltMSTOCK HEMSTOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING n Tull Una of Robes, Casket, ato,, kept In atook LADY ASSISTANT Office l'honeWoodUwu 174 ,,v,,..,.c.... . aetmcntc i none oouiawn jw uiuw.iiifii i a ur.t.viiwr.i yt V FURS; HIDES YM for not cash. 10 to BOX marauoevr for rna to ship IU FuraandllUw touatluui to iaw anil at home. W rllu for Prlua U.u MarkvS lU'tort. blilii4aa Tas, aod Uhi oar v HUNTERS'sSt TRAPPERS' GUI DE,?k VJJpSBSJBjlam fa p.iu. lulkar Uul. VmI Uilifoa Uk latjact t..c willtao. IUj.UU. all rw ialault. ill W W BJISmSA41 ri.pr.ri' Vki.U. Pmoji. Ti.w. IUcm Urn, un aa4 k.r to li.p. u4 la Wcoia. a n. I I. JJW J,.,.li,lif.pp,r. II ruuUf iMTckMOi. r,ln.t. Tucwrnubu.,.. II R. 1114m tal lab A Uaulifal HubM. Our SmUl lull a4 pwif iHikU ibIiiuU h u.i SI 00 mi butUa, kbiaroa, a llijMa.iruitguau4tvtiiiU.lkM. Aa4wck llr.,ltk tl, Mtauidaa,Mlaa. 'S