St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 27, 1910, Image 2

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Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
Jeneral Returns of Important Eventt
Presented tn Oondonted Form
for Our Busy Readers.
Railroads nro boosting freight rates
on sugar and coffee.
Tho department of Justice Is hunting
lor an alleged lumber trust.
Eighteen persons were hurt In n
wreck on tho Southern railway Jn,Vlr
glnta. President Taft has signed n proc
lamation reducing tho Idaho forest rc
sorVcs by 100,000 acres.
A man convicted of sugar frauds and
pardoned has rotumcd voluntarily to
testify ngninst tho sugar trust.
Louis W. Hill and party havo com
pleted their 1,600-milo tour through
Oregon and soy that no state contains
greater possibilities.
Tho American Aeronautical associa
tion has boon organized. It will bo
entirely Independent of tho Wright
Brothers' Aero Club of America.
A Marshficld, Oregon, man has
raised his own tea supply for several
years. He says tho Pacific Coast can
ralso tea Just as good as Japan or
An anarchist throw a bomb at tho
monument erected to victims of tho at
tempt airalnst King Alfonso on his wed
ding day. No ono was Injured but tho
anarchist himself, who Uicn committed
In order to win a 4 wager to buy
groceries, an Arkansas man leaped
from n 60-foot brldgo Into tho crcok
below and started to swim ashore, but
was drowned. Tho wager was given
to his family.
Tho'sugar trust admits it Is In mor-
tal fear of tho cartoonists.
A sovoro wind storm did much dam
ago in Cloy county,Kansas,
Army engineers approved tho plan
for free government locks at Oregon
Jewish families to tho number of
980 havo boon expelled from several
largo cities In Jluse I a.
A hundred-million dollar comblno of
Chlcaaro street car lines and terminal
companies is proposed.
It la said tho doath of of King Ed
ward leaves Kalsor Wilholm In n much
more prominent light thnn formerly.
Gcoriro Sontasr. ,ex-traln robber, tics
Dorado and convict, will lecturo on tho
uselcssnesa and folly of a llfo of crlmo.
' Count Jacnuca do Lessens crossed
tho English chunnol In n Blerlot mono
nlano. Ho Intends to return by tho
ssmo method.
Socialists at their national congress
refused to voto at elections whoro their
candidates havo been eliminated from
tho ticket through tho commission
form of city governments.
Tho World's Sunday Bchool conven
Washington 'elected rresiucnt
Thousands of Acres Aro Made Avail
able In Western States.
Washington, May 23. Temporary
withdrawals from tho public domain
for power sites wcro mado by Secre
tary Bollinger today of approximately
3,440 acres along the John Day river,
in Oregon; 5,547 acres along tho Wind
fiver In Wyoming; 8,C20 acres along
tho Prlco river, in Utah; and COG
lcrcs along tho Bluo river, In Colo
fado. Largo tracts of land in Montana
and New Mexico wcro designated for
settlement under tho enlarged home
stead act
About 09,130 acres in tho former
stato wcro placed within, tho terms of
that act and approximately 57,230
acres In tho latter wcro so designated
as not being susccptiblo of successful
Irrigation at a reasonable cost from
any known source of water-supply.
An nggrcgnta of nearly 100,000
acres havo been thrown out of national
forests in Oregon and added to tho un
reserved public domqln by tho latest
proclamations Issued by tho president
in carrying out tho plan recently adopt
ed for rearranging tho forest boundary
Tho folowing shows tho total elimin
ations from each of four national for
ests In that stato: Malheur, 4,486
acres; Whitman, 01,760 ncrcs; De
schutes, 10,162 acres, and Umatilla,
00,618 acres.
'iho total eliminations in tho en
tire country amount to 721,714 acres,
and tho total additions to national for
ests aggrogato 199,003 acres.
Nlcaraguan Rebels Surrounded
Supplies Captured.
Blucflclds, Nicaragua, May 23.
"Havo enemy completely surrounded
and cut off from ammunition and pro
visions. Expect surrender at any
This was tho mcssogo that came to
General Juan Estrada, loader of tho
Insurgent forces, from General Mcna
mo kstraun forces, undor Mono, ac
cording to tho plan which had been do
cldcd upon, executed their first move
yesterday afternoon at Kama.
Genoral Almona allowed General
Chavarlas, of tho Madrlz forces, to
closo upon Rama, when ho moved n
small body of his forces in a feint to
attack Chavarlas' forces. At the some
time Genoral Moncado, at tho head of
on Insurgent dotatchmont, mado a
forced march from Muello do Buoys, a
distance of 40 miles west of Rama, and
attacked Chavarlas' ammunition and
provision train.
Tho entlro train, with 200.000 rounds
of ammunition and n largo umount of
provisions, wns captured, and Genoral
Chavarlas' supplies. General
rlas now holds u position facing
with General Almenn closo behind
Hill Examines Timber Jn Control Ore
gon and It Much Pleased.
Crescent Louis W. Hill, president
of the Great Northern Railway com
pany, spent one night and a portion of
ono day at Crescent, looking over tho
town and tho surrounding country. Mr.
Hill's visit was unheralded and unex
pected, but tho citizens gavo him a
cordial welcome and ho declared that
he hod enjoyed his visit immensely.
Tho party passed through tho Klamath
Indian reservation, where engineers,
It was announced, will shortly bo sur
veylng tho Oregon Trunk lino from
Its present terminus at tho reservation,
through to Klamath Falls. Ho care
fully went over tho lino from this point
to tho reservation, Btopplng nt tho
camp of Engineer Kyle, flvo mile
above this point. Ho spent soma tima
oxnminlng tho big timber tracts, and
was pleased over tho prospects of ton
nngo. Ho also spoko approvingly of
Crescent, which will be a freight and
passenger division point.
"Tho Oregon Trunk lino Is expected
to reach Madras by January 1," said
Mr. Hill. "Work In the canyon is
progress ng satisfactorily and I nnti
clpate wo will havo no difficulty in
making Madras on tho dato sot. It
will likely bo a year boforo tho road
roaches Crescent, but early next sum
mor I believe I may safely say that
trains will bo running through horc. I
am not In a position to soy when tho
lino will bo completed to Klamath
Mr. Hill was not prepared, ho said,
to say where tho cast and west road
will intersect tho main lino of tho Ore
gon Trunk through tho Deschutes vol
loy. Ho said that his visit to Burns
nnd tho eastern part of tho stato had
caused him to reach a determination to
havo an east and west Una. Several
lines, ho added, will bo surveyed and
tho ono best adapted for tho needs of
tho company will bo adopted.
Tests of Oil Wells In Valo Dlstrlc
Will Be Made at an Early Date
Drillers in tho Eastern Oregon woll
in tho Valo oil fields have ceased oper
ations, as they are. convinced that they
havo a flow of oil in commercicl quan
titles. One great difficulty in this, as
in all other wells in tho Valo district,
is to control tho flow of water. Tho
well has been eased, and as soon as tho
requlsito pumping outfit can bo in
stalled, it is to be emptied of water,
that tho drillers may bo able to deter
mine the flow of oil.
T. W. Davidson, of Valo, ono of tho
heaviest owners in tho Eastern Oregon
company, has purchased n pumping
plant which will bo used -in drawing
off tho water from tho well.
"On account of the flno flow of oil in
tho Eastern Oregon, wo havo decied to
go no deeper for tlio present," said
Mr. Davidson, "but will Install a
pumping plant anud draw off tho wa
ter. Then wo can measure tho oxact
flow of oil in tho well. That wo havo
oil In n number of the Valo wells then-
Is no doubt, and every Indication points
to a commercial flow in several of tho
deeper wells in that district."
Woodburn-Sprlngfiold Line Soon.
Albany The Woodbum-Springflcld
branch of tho Southern Pacific railway
will bo completed and in operation by
Juno l. About lour years ago the
Santlom river changod its courso at
Crabtrco and washed out
Killed, Many Injured, and Many
.Towns Devastated.
Pauls Valley, -Okla., May 21. Tor
nadoes and hail and rain storms trav
ersed sections of Garvin, McClaln nnd
Pontotoc counties last night, killing
ono person, seriously Injuring several
others and partially devastating a large
rural area.
Tho village of McCarty, 11 miles
southwest of here, was literally wiped
out, stores, a school house and resi
dences being ripped into splinters.
Mrs. George Dowberry, wife of a
minister, was injured by flying tim
bers. She died in a fow heurs. A
little girl living two and a half miles
from Pauls Valley, who had sought re
fuge In a Btorm cave, was seriously in
jured by timbers which penetrated the
roof qf tho cavo. Tho 13-year-old
daughter of Robert Clark, living In the
samo neighborhood, was iniured in a
similar manner.
Tho town of Mnysvlllc was reported
to havo been blown awav. but commu
nication with that point cannot bo es
tablished tonight and tho report Is un
Considerable damago was done at
Paoll, seven miles north of Pauls Vnl
loy, and an unconfirmed rumor says tho
townwas blown away.
Another report from Madlll that ono
man was killed and several houses
Wrecked is denied
The McCarty tornado destroyed
practically everything on 1,000 acres.
It originated thrco miles cast of tho
village, traveled In a northeasterly dl
rection and spent its forco noar Pauls
Houses and bams wcro wrecked,
fences blown away, many cattle and
Ancient Customs of New Rulers
Freely Indulged In
Remission of Sentences Extendi Alto
to Army and Navy Will Insist
on Action by Parliament.
the railroad
bridge and put tho line out of commls- horses killed and crops wcro beaten in
Bion. Tho interstate commerce com- w mo earth by rain and hall.
mission ordered tho company to but Nearly all tho physicians of Pauls
tho lino in shape and run a schedule of Valley havo been called to tho stricken
trains, so a new line was started from district Until thoy return and until
Crabtrco to Lebanon to supply tho mis
sing link, which will bo completed
within two weeks.
Pnrttos at Intervals Up to duly
Thouiandt Aro Intorettad.
Washington Dr. H. W. Coo of
Portland, who is here, has n telegram
from Fargo, from F. E. Ball, vlco
president of tho Columbia Land com
pay, saying;
"A party of 30 loft yestorday for
Stanflold, Or. Minot sends a special
May 31, Grand Forks a special Juno 2,
Valley City a special to Hcrmiston
Juno 2, and Fargo a special Juno 7 and
another July 10."
too says there will bo sovcrnl cars
Intervening, Tho special mentioned
as having left Fargo was No. 16. Tho
landscokcrs will bo taken to Stnnficld
and Hcrmiston on n six days' tour,
Englno In Lumber Service
Klamath Falls A carload of heavy
freight wagons received horo by tho
Meadow Lake Lumber company aro to
bo used in connection with the big
traction englno in tho transportation of
lumber from tho mill nuar Meadow
lu Lako to tho box factory near tho depot
Iho wagons aro specially constructed
for this, class of work, and will with
stand tho hardest kind of usage
This is another step In tho direction
tho country is survoyed tomorrow,
tho actual extent of tho damago and
tho number of injured will not bo
Tho latest nows from Elmoro !
that tho town of Paoli was blown
tlroly away.
London, May 24. A demonstration
of a monarch's greatness of heart and
his sympathy with tho multitudes of
his subjects characterized this, tho
second day of tho real reign of King
Gcorgo V.
It was announced officially that tho
king was graciously pleased to grant
remission of sentences to prisoners in
England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
who tomorrow havo still moro than a
month's sentenco in prison to serve.
Thcso remissions nro of from ono to
three months, according to length of
Similar orders wcro issued to tho
board of admiralty by the king's dircc
tion. To all persons in tho navy who
aro undor sentenco of imprisonment
ior terms or not exceeding thrco
months for disciplinary offenses. In
eluding drunkenness and desertion, will
bo granted remission of tho romainder
of their sentence.
A similar act of clemency has been
issued in the case of soldiers.
Kalsor Wilholm will leave tomorrow
afternoon on board the yacht Hohcn
zollcrn. Ho lunched today with tho
Duke and Duchess of Connaught nnd
later with King Gcorgo indulged in a
long automobilo rido about London.
Tho political truco honed for will
probably not contlnuo as long as was
expected. When parliament moots
this week speeches by John Redmond
and othors of tho factions combined
National Manufacturers Association
Considers Safety Appliances.
Now York, May 18. Tho beginning
of a new era in tho safeguarding of the
country's vast industrial army will be
witnessed at tho 16th annual conven
tion of tho Notional Association of
Manufacturers, now in session.
Tho absolutely vital necessity of pre
venting accidents in industrial estab
lishments has forcibly been brought
homo to the 3,000 manufacturers form
ing tho association by tho fact that
600,000 persons suffer from accidents
each year in the United States. Two
hundred and fifty million dollars is the
estimated economic Iosb annually, in
this country, duo to accidents. At
least half tho accidents aro considered
A comprehensive report of a com
mittee appointed soma timo ago by
John Kirby, Jr., president of tho na
tional cssocintlon, will bo made, and
tho convention will be addressed by
Professor Frederick Remscn Button.
of tho American Museum of Safety:
Miles M. Dawson, who has studied ac
cident pre vention abroad for tho Rus
sell Sago Foundation, and by other
eminent speakers.
President Kirby said on tho subject:
"Tho question of appliances for pre
venting accidents- to workmen, and acci
dent indemnity, are at present receiv
ing mora attention than any other is
sues which attract public interest in
tho field of Industry. They aro live
questions of vital Importance to mem
bers from an economic as well as hu
manitarian standpoint.
"In preparing Its report, tho com
mittto has communicated with 26,009
employers in all parts of tho United
States, as well as 250 national, state
and local organizations of employers.
Every state legislator of every state in
the Union was also written to. Spe
cial correspondence was carried on
with American and European experts.
"A littlo moro than 10,000 replica te
tho various communications have been
received. Thcro wcro only thrco pro
testing, even In a mild manner,
against taking up tho questions of cm-
with tho Liberals will Indlcato an In- ployers' liability and workmon's in
tention to press tho issuo of tho Lord'
..-A- T . It
vuvo ii nu ircuinu s ucmanu as soon as
It Is announced that King Gcorcro In
tends to maintain royal raclnc stables
at Newmarket and a breeding stud at
Greatest Throngt Ever Known Watch
Funeral Pageant.
London, May 21. Sovereigns and
representatives of the powers of all the Sandrlngham nnd that ho will patron
world paid their last tribute yestorday to I0 racn" on tho 8amo oxtc ' S$n
or modernizing the mothod of handling - "" " I as his fathor.
tho timber of this county, and Is Indi- 7 , "..V"? C8U, m. au
bone-of iv; iho . x th and PRINCETON EXPECTS t r ri i At At I
uiKiui xicnryg, wnancs 1, ino mini PILT AC tin AAA AAA
nnd fourth Georges and William IV I ulH UI $10,000,000
nro eniomDcu. .
ungnt sunshine followed a nlirht of Halom. Mass.. Mav 2i WMln Ka
tnunaor storms that swept tho city, valuo of mmense a fta bemieathn,! tn
dcmnlty. It was disclosed that 09 per
cent oi tno membership of tho associa
tion favors a constructive, progressive
policy of dealing wfth this difficult
cativo of what may bo expected.
Big Cattle Shipment.
Hoppner One of tho largest cattlo
shlpmonts ever mado from this placo
was mado this week. Tho shipment
consisted of three train loads, aggro
gating 2,700 head of cows and steors.
Tho stock was purchased principally in
Grant county. The cattlo go to Wal
ker, S. D and will bo turned on Uio
ri "nu llorm ston on n six days' tour, win do lurnca on mo g0Ulrht ... vn.B
n.2" 'topping at North Yakima. Seattle range to bo fattened for tho Chicago $1$
ndhhn'. I'orfnd and Hood River to show them Jt& JS&SS
what sort of country thoy aro going West and '"n'" ?0 to rkot und opon pnces M Uloy hl
ji Into. 1 great Improvement. twnn ill J iv,fnm t nuLr
tion at
Taft, Colonel Roosevelt, King George school chlldorn at drill.
of England, President Diaz of Moxlco,
nnd W. J. Bryan ua llfo members.
A partly wrecked nreoplano was tho
only accident that marred tho aviation
meet nt Sutherlln, Uro.
Firemen on tho Doloware, Lack
auwannn & Western havo been given
an increase of 12 cr cent In wages.
A Greeley, Colo,, man paid up nil
his old debts so ho might dio with a
clear conscience when the comet cnnio.
Coo says GOO persons havo left Fargo
nin AllmlHl nml Itint 1 nnn mnnt ulll
uovours uircus rent, out IB,- gn boforo the summer ends. Coo Is
OOO People arn Unhurt. hero to offsot roports Injurious to tho
Schenectady. N. Y.. May 23. Bar- Umatilla reclamation project, which
num & Balloy's "big top," tho main n,wo won carried to tho officials. Ho
tent of the clrculs, caught flro hqre succeeded In confirming previous
today from a cigar stumn nnd burned claims thut tho Umatllln project Is ono
llko an overturned hot air balloon. f " beet tho government has Inaug-
Fifteen thousand nconlo. who fil ed uratcu.
tho soats to overflowing, filed out llko
Thieves stolo n packago containing
232.024 from tho oxpresa ofllco at Oil
City, Pa., while tho agent wasn't look
A woman In San Ana, Cal went In
sane and another tried to commit suicide
through fear of tho coming of tho
Georgo Popoon. of Northport,
Wash., was found guilty of murder In
tho first degroo for poisoning his wife
last August.
J. Vollvn, formor overseer on tho
Dowlo farm near Chicago, has begun
suit to recover control of tho property,
valued at si.uuu.uuu.
Spectators first smollcd Uio smoko.
und discovering tho fire, began to beat
it with their coats. Tho lilnro leaned
nbovo tholr heads nnd tho next effort out 1,020 each
to conquer It camo from circus employ- tracL Ho soys
cs, who began to tear out huge patches
ot canvas, incir cirorts met with no
bettor success, for tho flro. eating un
ward, soon worked Its way to Uio ton
most pouK.
fcricrgctlc men and cool women in
tho crowd, aided tho employes, as
sumed direction of tho audience nnd
orderly flics wcro soon moving steadily
from the exits. When n woman faint
cd or a child shrioked, shouts of rem
suranco rose and strong arms wcro In
atuntly ready for support.
Not a soul was hurt, not nn animal
injured. Tho total damago is cstl
mated nt $ 10,000,
Peach Orchard on Deiort Claim.
Prlncvlllo William Bocgll, of tho
Cove orchard, has taken up n desert
claim adjoining his orchard nnd has sot
trees on n Blx-acro
tho fruit outlook Is
good, especially for peaches and apri
cots. Ho is also sotting out his toma
toes that have become too largo for tho
cold frames. Tho Covu orchard is
situated on Crooked river, near its
mouth. Tho orchard is 1.0G0 feet
nbovo tho Bca level in a canyon 1,000
feet below tho lovol of tho surrounding
country. It Is 16 miles west of Madras.
New EugeneHotel Open.
Eugene The now Osbum hotel, re
cently completed at a coat of $110,000.
has been opened to the public, tho first
meal being a luncheon to 200 business
men given by the board of directors of
tho hotel association. Tho hotel is
modern In every dotal), is flvo stories
high, and contains 126 rooms. W. F.
Osburn nnd wlfo nro tho managers and
Instant Death to 13 Men and Injuries
to Thirty More.
Canton, Ohio, May 18. Quick death
to 13 men, serious Injury to SO other
employes of tho plant, and damage to
tno Duuuings amounting to manv thou.
sands of dollars theso aro tho results
of tho explosion of a battorv of seven
anu soBKca tno funoral.deroratlons that Princeton by tho will of tho late Isaac DQUen mis afternoon at the American
hung along tho line of march. Thoy C. Wyman is estimated at $10,000,000, a,nct Tin Plate company. Among
nnu no ueiorrcnt cucct on tno thous- its oxact amount Is unknown, oven to 1,10 ,nJureu aro " a dozen who prob-
nnua wno irom miumgnt until dawn tno trustees. John M. Raymond, an uu win uio Doioro morning.
from which attorney of this city, who s one of the
trustees, does not think tho estate I
o streots would exceed 110.000.000. nml h w
and open places as Uioy huvo never not prepared to say whether it would
ucon mica oeioro at o mor lunorai or caua lit.
resiivai. "There are millions onoueh." he
The pageantry that marked the bur- mlttcd. "to take
iai ot victoria was ss naught comnared the nro nosed craduatn -n nm I
wiiii uio inagninccnco oi uio
iho forco of tho explosion was ter
rific The big plant Is practically a
total loss. A moro shell of tho build
ing is left
Identification of tho men wan diffi
cult. Arms were blown from bodies,
and fragments of the bodies wera
blown brocks
Giant Merger for Chicago.
Chicago, May 23, Railway Inter
ests of Chicago aro considering tho ad
visability of organizing n $100,000,000
corporation for tho purpose of consoli
dating under ono ownership and under
ono management all of tho bolt rail
roads, all of tho switching railroads.
and nil or tho so-called tormina!
Thoroughbred Stock for Whoolor,
Fossil W. J. Edwards has added to
tho thoroughbred stock on his farm tho
finest herd of Hereford cattlo ever im
ported to Wheeler county, This herd
consists of thrco bulla, 12 cows nnd 12
ralvca, and in point of quality is equal
to any herd of its slzo in tho United
States. Thcso cattlo took first prizes
in open competition. On his flno stock
ranch about eight miles east of Fossil,
Mr. hdwurus alroady hud u flno herd
of high grade Herefords,
River High at The Dalles.
Tho Dalles Tho river at this point
registers 32.7 feet, which Is tho high
est over known at this dato except In
1894. Many people are predicting n
repetition of tho high water of that
year, saying comlitlonc nro similar
with thoso of 1894, when high water
occurred In Snako and Columbia rivers
at tho snmo timo,
Wheat Truck prices: Bluestom,
80387c; club, 82083c: red Russian,
80(ii81c: valley. 85c.
linrloy Feed and brewing, $21.60
V nil Inn
MfWW 'Ve Ua
ceremony, which was splendidln Its nc
companlmcnts of glided coaches, bril
liant uniforms and decorations, far sur
passing tho ceremony attending Uio re
moval of tho king's body from Buck
ingham paiaco to Westminster hall.
ino procession included n no sover
eigns; an ox-prcsidont of Uio United
States, Thcodoro Roosovolt, who nlono
was not In uniform; tho heirs to sever
al thrones; Uio members of Uie royal
famines; uio otiicers of tho households;
the ofllcials of tho governments: field
marshals, generals and
away. Bits of human
day's which, under tho terms of Uio will, the flen navo ben Picked up on porches
money is designed."
Growers Are
Record Prlcot.
Stockton, Cal., May 21. Cherry
growers nro making tnoro monov Uils
season thnn nt any timo thoy havo
been In the business.
Tho present crop of Black Tartar.
lans Is about mnrketed and this week
admirals; do- Ryl Anna will begin to arrivo ond
and roofs of houses and in trees.
One hundred men were at work In
tho plant at tho timo of tho accidenL .
Only a dozen or bo caeanod some In.
Jury, and these worked heroically to
rcacuo tholr follow workmen from tho
burning ruins.
Tho body of one man was blown
Uirough ahouso 700 feet from the
plant Tho body entered tho house
from tho east sido and continued in a
straight lino through a bedroom and
out tho west sido.
tachments of troops of nil tho British
arms: representatives of foreign nrm
les and navies in variegated uniforms cr- uiock inrtarlan cherries 'wero
a solid phalanx of glittering colors. o!d in largo quantltcs tho past fow
Tho lines of redcoatcd soldiers wore days at u cents a pound, and at times
drnwn up as on that other great occas- w0 Prlco went up to 8 cents, finally
ion of England's mourning, nine years roacning me top nguro or vys cents
ago, win arma reversed and regimental yeaiunjuy.
Tho torso of another mnn urn fnnrwl
buyers promiso 7 cents for that vario- in a garden BOO feet nwnv. Onn In.
ty, though they may havo to pay high- Jurod man begged to be killed. He
nau an arm torn ofr and a great hole
i , 1 1 . i
Kaiwu in nis Blue.
flags dipped to tho ground.
T iL. n as
ii mo uoyai Ann prices drop, crrow.
era look for tho canneries to get into
tho market, but just now the only buy
ers nro tne snippers, who are taking all
ottered. At these high
Long dump Brings Death.
San Francisco. May 21. Jumping tho cherries
Corn Whole, $33; cracked, $31 ton. from tho cupola of Uio Cull building at prices cherries are worth $6 000 a car
Hay Track prices: Timothy. Wll- 11 o'clock yesterday morning. Nichol- .
lameuo valley. Vdmcn per ton; bast- as bicnKusicis strucK tho sidewalk amid 14 Am miLrf u r.mi.
r nn?nE. -t-t- mi n I . 1 f I. .. 1 . 1. . r I
cm urvttvii, annua, lu.uuiiii n vuwu ui iugovrUjr WIUI sucn lorcu Waahtnirtnn Vfnu OA ip
. iitl. AH,i.. t.t.n.tA.1 I v-tuiH.ii luwiiiiiui ran
. f . . , ' i .1 T r ,,,, roads In and about Ch cage,
tho lightning rods from tholr buildings Thl, ,.,. financial ...
as n precautionary measuro agulnst in
jury from tho effects of tho comot.
Twonty-olght bodies havo been re
covered from tho ruins of the barracks
at Plnar dol Rio, Cuba, which wore de
stroyed by an accidental explosion of
This ifIl'UIiIo financial nnilnrtakinir
which undoubtedly would effect or c.hl. being mado in them.
cairo an annuul economy Hirirreirutlnir Meot of four and six Inch
many millions, is In Ua first stages
that of careful study ami consideration.
Reconstruct Waterworks.
Mount Angel Tho water works of
tho city nro being reconstructed and
improvements to tho extent of $3,600
About 8,000
steel plpo Is
li.ttnt Intil In r.tnlnfA iliA wifulnn ulna
n number of new hydrants arc being dressed, 25c; Fquaba, $3 per dozen.
nut in ami an electric motor will ho l... fresn truits iiirawDerrieB, si.
17.C0; grain hay, $171S,
Uuttcr City creamery, extras,
per pound; fancy outstdo creamery,
28&29c; store, 20c. Butter fat prices
average Hc per pound under regular
butter prices.
tggs fresh Oregon ranch, 2332-ic.
Pork Fancy, 1212sc per pound.
Veal Fancy, lO&iHc per pound.
Lambs Fancy. 810o per pound.
Poultry Hens. 1819o per pound:
broilers, 27030c; ducks, 18023c;
gceso, 124c; turkeys, live, 2022c;
Tho plant had flvo mills. All th
employes'worklng at mills 1, 2, 3 and
4 were either killed or injured, while
the men in mill No. 6. farthest from
the boilers, escaped serious Injury,
Navy Next to Britain's,
Washington. May 18 Tho United
States leads the world in the total dis
placement of comploted warships, with
tho single exception of Groat Britain,
but is behind five other countries in
the number of such vessels. Reckon-
BtaikHl to pump
lurgo town tank.
tho wuter Into tho
Georgo Westinghouso has invented
an uir-spring for vehicles which will do
away with pneumatlo rubber tires,
and reduco tho cost of automobiles I
about one-half.
Prohibition was
city elections.
defeated in Denver
Burn Brick at Redmond.
Redmond Within four months there
will bo 400,000 brick burned within
three and one-half miles of Redmond
und placed on tho market here, accord
ing to tho statement of C. J, Bean, of
tho Advance Construction company, of
Aeroplane Flying Perfected,
Stratford, Conn,, Muy 23. Stanley
Y. Beach, a Now York Inventor, has
constructed tho first uoroplano in tho
world with a gyroscope attachment for
stability. At Its testing grounds horo
Mr. Bench has been long nt work on
tho machine, which is a monoplane like
tho ono used by Bloriot in crossing tho
Encllsh channel. Ha has mndu sovnral
test flights, but has been hampered bv 1'ortland. Mr. Mean states that ma
Henry Watterson says "yellow jour- tho woight of tho machine Within chinery will bo shipped at once.
nallsm" is cuusinir tho ureas to loso Its two weeks ho expects to Install a lluht
hold upon public opinion. or motor and looks for immediate ' Double Service of Motor Car
, , . , . . A success. Ashland Tho gasolene motor in op-
those used In weighing sugar ut tho New Gold Strike Is Made. between Ashland und Grants Pass has
custom houses, wcro exhibited in tho wv
..,.! .!..! l VT... V.l. 1. . "". "'v v.m, llll - -"- - - .v....b
.u...UuU m nnu iv iareo ouant t ea has Imxu. ronnrtml n nub le. and It hat beon dee ded to In
Was piailliy Bnown riOW lliey Wero hn .Tnw.,1 rVV ,.nM Xll., . L-nwm tha anrvlrn rV.mmn.!n Run.
... - - - - 1 f I . . ...
biles. That the leap of 320 feet was
long ago adopted by the man as
means oi committing suicide was es
tabllshed when a receipt for $76 from
an undertaker to defray his funeral ex
penses "in case of death" was found in
a pocket ol the dead man's coat.
Long Balloon Flight Fails,
Ionia, Mich., May 21. Tho balloon
Centennial, piloted by Captain H. E.
Honeywell and his assistant, William
F. Ashton, which left St. Louis yester
day in an attempt, to capture the
Lahm cup for long-distance flight, land
ed today at the little town of Shlloh,
, has
nd 29
the R,Td?d' 8,ccord'n to a report to the equal terms, but the former Is leading
.! Sa? dP?Ttlneri from c?n.u! Wofta" I in displacement when the ships nrovld-
M f At It a " :
that his body bounced und fell In a n ' lwo ouB " number of such vessels. Reckon-
90. hean amlH naaalnir wBoin nnii niitnm1 fl' 1 " .R"m. Nicaragua, has ing the war vessels built and buildlne.
" . mi1 T.'f 1.1 oS fclr::. co" " -airaaarorcos killed and 29 America and Germany .re running
at Blueflelds. The casuulitles of
Madriz forces, he adds, were
2.75 per crato; apples, $1,50(33
box; gooseberries, 6c per pound.
rotatnoa I;arlnai1 huvlnv nrlt-pa
Oregon, 40?r)50c per hundred; new Cal- near Ionia. The balloon had been Tin X?hfI?aJLf .B ? cU,B,ed the 'nan oftheCiti-
ifornla, 2H(!j3e per pound; sweet po- the air 22 hours and had covered 460 XWfif'I "i'?1 ff Mi P"' h1ch P,aced ket in
m ilea. Th a does not aDnroach tho mc. I""?'""? "7. ... .V" ?"
ArtlchrtltM. !0ira7Be rwr i rainn r .u iir-ut ' - "i" r ooveine earin mat u could not be
- ' " I " iw.w. jvoaUK mtwtllKail VH1 IV I
cu iur iii mo penuinc naval aDnrnnria
not tion bills are added to the caleulattnn
firtiat Hritaln the TTnltl Ct.l j
V-V..V... i.Umi icr me ngni uermany remain the leading powers,
to his entrenchments. Large, quanti-
ties of ammunition and provisions, said n.nU..' win a i u.. n .VXihT J -JT S Denver, May 18.-The anti-salooa
- - -wawaaiwa nvi w IVWtltiU I aI..S
u.. r i it j. cicitrenum wi
in nnn m. . m ...
e. o I w v,vw, lira cavciisiuii VI -uia Iran-
irnKa aeon. ,M. Vn n iti- Tir-i
Cr,.l nu n r... n, n...j... wu.uu rraver
uviiuKumu, u.i mav 4, n UBnu I rnannanv and uhlh u.a nn
tut. .it.. t t ' l "..u tun iw
ut una ictuiiiiiiK Homo loniKnt I veara. waa doiaivalir K.l.. Tt
... ...J. t- a..T- . .." .f -..-V tk
shown how
made to weigh nine pounds short on
less than a thousand.
two aogs at umaon, uro., wero so
badly injured in a fight with a porcu
pine that they had to bo killed.
A Tacomn man, his wife and daugh
ter, are critically III from eating what
thoy Buppoaed wcro mushrooms.
Millions of dollars wcro secured
from cotton buvcrs ull over tho world
by swindlers who used bogus b'ills of
A lieutenant and eight men from tho
regular army will spend the summor
snaking maps of the coast about Sea
tide, Oregon.
vlllo and all tho ground in the immedi
ate vicinity of tho little stream has
been staked out by prospectors. Char
les Heath, who hud been prospecting
on Jewel creek for some time, struck u
nocKot which yielded 10,000 in soven
days. Somo of tho pans ho washed
gave him as high as $100. Many huvo
gone to tho scene of tho strike.
Strikers Return Monday,
New York. May 23. All Uio strlk-
ing employes of tho International Pa
per company returned to work this
morning. iTorms of ageemont were
entered Into between ofllcors of tho
company and the officers of the pulp
matters- ana paper makers' unions.
day, May 22, tho motor will make two
round trips dally.
Berries Ripening Fast.
Hood River The warm weather of
tho post few days has ripened tho ber
ries at a very rapid rate. t'icKcrs aro
coming into tho valley in largo num
bers, but not near enough havo ar
rived yet to care for tho crop.
Bridge Row River.
Eugeno Tho county court has mado
a contract for n steel bridge over tho
Row rlvor east of Cottago Grove, with
tho Penn Bridge company, for $8,000.
Tho company will commence tho work
at once.
tatoes, 4c.
dozen; asparagus, $1,262 per box;
cubbago, 2JaQ2mo per pound; celery,
$3.60(34 per crate; head lettuce, 50
COc per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 60c
$1 per box; green onions, 15c per doz
en; radishes 16(i30e deaen; rhubarb,
2mS3!viC per pound; spinach, 810c
per pound; niUaagas, $1.25(0)1.50
sack; carrots, 85$1; beets, $1,50;
parsnips, 7oc6f$l.
Onions Oregon, $2 per hundred;
liermuda, $l,o(k)f)1.75 per crate; red,
$1.75 per sack.
Hops 1909 croa. 18t16c, accord
Ing to quality; olds, aesakial; 1910 con
tracts, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 1417c
pound; valley, 161k; ssehalr, choice,
326133c pound.
Cattle Beef steers, hay, fed, good
to choice. $5.75(38; fair to medium,
$5(35.50; cows actd heifers, good to
choice, $5(715.50; fair to medium, $4.25
C14.75; bulls, $3.($4.f; stags, 4.50
05; calves, light 97; heavy, $4.50
Hogs Top. $l.2S10.65; fair to
medium, $9.259.U;
Sheep Beet wethers, $44.25; fair
to good wethers $i,(A4; best .ewes,
$3.253.50; lamW ebeiee $&7; fair
I .1!. .!.-.. tl 1 ..... .1
today, the balloonlata mado wl tlm """"' ww en-
wiV"itr.;. j. r?C.7 : l" Kn couia oistincuy heard, it was
r."."ji"7T to be one of the Wright
Brothers' machines, ss it came from
the East and was (making toward the
nul f... nl i i .
llicuu, mav 41, nil liBIKiruUIVI vlll Wrlaht aM h n.kt
.h.nira ui.. mart. In th. . , I, Ml .....
- wimiwuwi ut oia naenine. kowevar.
Socialists Change Constitution.
the Solalist party in its congress today
when the phrase in the pledge of the
psrty was changed from "a political
party distinct and opposed to all part
ies formed hv the nmrwirtlui rlaaaaa"
to read "by the capitalist class."
There was heated debate before the
Two See Comet, Fall Dead.
Talladeega, Ala., May 24. The ap
pearance of the comet last night caused
intense excitement here. Cone: rest-
tions of several churches left their
.. .hJ V... J . J .4 . 1
.... .1 j -t - I Fwa ut naiiumB. u wwa nwu cx-
voie oh me protww ceaHge was tSKen eltttd In tht, ruillo aatti, .rui aA .
tne celesttal visitor. Hiss Ruth Jor-
but the word "capitalist" won by 68 1
to 38.
Fast Continued 21 Days.
Butte, Mont., May 21. Twenty-one
days without feed, with the exception
of water and lesson and orange jetee.
is the record established by Henry
Roberts, of this city. Roberts is .en
deavoring to correct stomach trouble.
dan was called to the door of her Home
to see the eosaet and immediately fell
dead, physicians assigning heart fail
lure as the cause. Anegrewas shewn
the eosaet and instantly dropped dead.
the field against Republicans and Dem
ocrats, that they haye elected at least
one of their candidates for the election
commission, three of the four auner.
visors and nine of me 15 aldermen.
Many Burned WithJJptel.
Phoenix, Ariz., May 18. Onlv 71
out of more than 100 patrons who were
in the Hotel Adams, which waa de
stroyed by Are today, have been ac
counted for tonight, and fears are ex
pressed that many may have been
burned to death. The register of the
hotel waa destroyed by the Rasaes,
which caused damage estimated at
more than $275,000. hut many whose
nsmes are remembered by the clerk
are kissing. ' The search continues. '
Pehlcal Riot is
Madrid, May 18. A
tween Republicans and
reported from Valencia,
wit a manifestation in
collision be
gendarsses is
in eenneetisn
honor of the
arrival there of the Republican deputy.
Snew Sweeps New Mexico,
Albacweimie,.. N. M.. May 24. Senor Soriano. The nuauwM ekaa
VT ,U- vt . . I I r .i I ... v. ... . . . r
tiinuinvauH.i i-i rw aiieu la m we i ana tne siepurHieans tfsed knives and
stid ox a neaw snow stena toripht. atone, in nii-tr ra .i.tki -i
""' in ise storm, evidently a eenunuation of killed and aaasv mmdu wa
itead, a. v.. May zi six incnea of we one wnich sweet Seuwwestern Col- ed. riftv arreata van nuuL uj .
snow teu nere Detween last muinignt oraew, yeeiercMy, is .eentered at rot- der was small v reeteMd after th.
andneen ted ay, This is the thled seav It i exeeeted that groat lose nf ifasfsnts 1 --ik
www iwiw aiw p iik e mmf, inw wwa, ww resHtb