St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 27, 1910, Image 1

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    il '
lllitorleal Society
To mWctMm (or THIS Payer.
AHHmmw tkhUUMwib
tar smM. CcH la ae4 firoH
Of aamtklag la THIS Papar
lyoa'aamrntntM. Be
la ( Me aa4 bete rfcht at U
Deretee (a tee latereets af lb PeeJaeetajtbe MaaufacturlBf Center of tfaa Northweat
VOI. 6
NO. 29
Memorial Address
Memorial oration to the Eagles
of St. Johns, Oregon,, May 22(1,
1910, by W. W. Holcomb:
'Tis with mingled feelings of joy
and regret that I respond to your
call this Eagle memorial day.
Joy to know that the members of
this glorious order lus not forgotten
those who mingled with them here
in brotherly love.
Now gone from this world of care,
Beyond, beyond the realms of air.
Joy to know that alt of our de
parted brothers werc'jtncn of honor
and worthy of being remembered
not only by the Eagles and their
families but by residents of St.
Johns and the world.
Joy, to see this tribute of respect
paid them, and joy to hear the sen
timental remarks of Brother Gates,
and joy to sec the Eagles of St.
Johns doing their duty as Eagles.
Regret that my feeble tongue can
not give expression to the solemn,
pulsating emotions of the hour.
I would not attempt the high
flight of oratory on an occasion like
this, nor could I if I would. At
the best, I can only hope to speak
to you in a plain and I trust com
mou sense manner, admitting my
inability and poor thoughts to
justice to an occasion like this.
Kegret to know that the
brothers who answered not at
roll call have gone and left us
condole around those vacant chairs.
Those vacant chairs, with muffled
tolling voice that wc have just
heard, still echoes down through
the corridors of my soul.
Wc meet today for the purpose
that has the dignity and tenderness
of funeral rites, without its saducs.
It is not a new bereavement but one
which time has softened that brings
us here.
Wc meet, not around a newly
made grave, but around these
vacant chairs which are decorated
with the memorials of brotherly
love. Peaceful be thy sleep, dear
brothers. Above every tomb the
daily sunshine has smiled, tears
have wept over the humblest.
Some grasses nestle, some vines
creep, and the eagle with its
bread whate, ancient .emblem ef
American liberty and immortality.
waves his-wings o er every grave
in triumph, and to nature s sigh of
tenderness we add our devotion,
not ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
but blossoms to blossoms, add lau
rels to the laureled, and the sweet
There was 110 distinctions
to separate us, they filled
in life
earthly stage of action with
and said good -bye. Death
and has always given the
level to all equality. The
in which they reclined are
here, but where are our absent
.brothers, ob where?
What a wonderful embalmer
death is, to change and forever
hold and change every atom in
We, who survive, grow daily
older since our beloved brothers
have taken their departure, the
youngster has gained a new wrin
kle and the oldest some added gray
hair, but life is for a purpose and
we must fill our mission here. And
agaia, what a wonderful purifier is
Those who answer not have gone
before us, varied iu character like
other awn, they had their strength
and their weaknesses, their merits
and their faults. Their life ceased
at its climax and the ending sancti
fied all that went before; they found
their, way to heaven equally short,
it sec ts tq us, from every eagle's
nest and with equal readiness our
love seeks them today.
Ia our memories are the names
of our absent brothers, we treasure
all. Our hearts oa this, our memo
rial day, in which we have as
seaibled here to pay tribute to them
aad their families, are wore than
full, aad when the name of each is
called, we hear the echo oLeach
answered "Gone to rest."
Warm hearts I ''Ah sure, how
maay?" Six that, have been stilled
by the cold aad chilly haad of
death. Aad to us whs remain be
hind is left this day of memories. In
the full tide of spring, at the height
ef song, flowers, love aad life, there
comes a pause, aad through the
eileacc wc bear the lonely kaell of
Our parted .brothers, they have
gc te the great beyond. The sym
pathies of the human heart whis
pers hope te aaee agaia aud make
M ask ia it really so tbatjbey have
kmc, Mac forever from our sight ?
To which qasallpa ao reply ever
oaaM from that eeholeca shore.
'Tie too true that they have left
at Your aad our' pleadings aad
their tMsri to that awful sun
maaa was of ao avail.
They have goae aad forever
gone. The great central sua of
the home baa goae down, aad you
1 T Aaaat 'LejUMUjUr BBBBat'aa
OTMl m mm" SJBBBV BjBBB"BBnBBBBiejanj ea ca
western slope toward- the golden
and glittering rays of life's setting
sun, from this world's rugged,
weary days of strife, toll, aud pain,
to the night of rest and peaceful
Iu the spring time as I listen at
the great chorus of life to which in
their day they lent passion and
glory, as I listen, the great chorus
of life and joy seems to begin again
And amid that awful orchestra of
seen and unseen powers and desti
nies of good and evil, our Eagle
soars once more an emblem of lib
erty, truth, justice and equality.
Memorial day may aud ought to
Have a meaning also for those who
do not share our memories. When
men have instinctively agreed to
have a memorial day it will be
found that there is some thought
or feeling behind it which is too
large to be dependcut upon associa
tions alone or time honored cus
toms, as iu this case it is true de
votion and remembrance that the
Eagles have for their absent broth
ers and tribute of respect and honor
to them and their families.
When we do honor to the dead
in terms that embrace the living,
we do not deceive ourselves.
Life is a profound and passionate
thing, of short duration here, uud
was so given to us in the bediming
of time when the star of hope wus
placed over the cradle of the poor
man's babe.
I do not pretend to undervalue
the worldly 'rewards of ambition,
wc have seen with our own eyes in
the fields of science, discovery aud
art; and while we are permitted to
live and nope on, 'tis or us to re
port to those that come after us.
Let it be our care to make tender
uud sweet the declining years of
the survivors.
Let tis honor the dead with the
solemnity they deserve and give
them the last full measure of
Let us love and serve our coun
try, let us honor the flag, the sym
bol of its glory.
Let us honor the dead and watch
aud care for their families aad
Wc can hardly share the cino
lions this dav. to. us the,.
secred,' and embody -'them "Mb ce
momai devotion, without iu some
degree imparting them to those that
come after us. I believe from the
bottom of my heart that our Eagles'
teaching aim memorial nails are
worth more to our young meu by
way of learning and inspiration
than all the monuments and glory
of war.
But even if I am wrong, even if
those that come after us forget all
that we hold dear and the future is
to teach and kindle its children in
ways as yet unrevealed, it is enough
for us that to us this day is dear
and sabred, a belief that somewhere
at last we will meet our departed
brothers where the rainbow never
We have met and rejoice in the
closest tie which is possible be
tween man and mau, a tie of trite
brotherly love, a tie of liberty, a tie
truth, a tie equality, a tie justice.
1 believe that as life is action and
passion, it is required of a man that
he should share the burden of His
time at the peril of being judged
not to have lived. If this is. so,
the use of this day is obvious. It
is true that we may differ in world
ly affairs and still both be men had
Eagles. The many whys I ask oc
casionally, I imagine I hear echo's
mocking voice answer xvhy.
Why should I wish to know the
secrets of philosophy? Why seek
to decipher the hidden laws of crea
tion? Why unravel the history of
civilization that is woven id the
tissue of jurisprudence? Why do
any great work either speculation
or of practical affairs? I caanet
answer you, or at least my answer
is little worth making for any elect
it will have upon your miad as if
asked agaia why.
Why the spring time bring her
flowers, beautiful aad fragrant and
so sooa fade away? Why the soft
zepbers of spring- sings short hymns
of praise? Why the wild bird iu
soog? Why the coastaat restless
ocean its. -moaning dirge? Why
a living voice is eileaced forever?
Why many a home is stilled and
mourning? Why the child and wife
waits ia vaia for their father's or
husba ad's return?
Ties has wrought M form aad (ace the
lines of eoraiw, toil aad cue,
Their loyal love Mill havere eeeea4tbe
aeana-etencBec aa yeeiw caiir.
Where is our departed that's
missed in oar gatherings? Why
those vacant chairs, why, oh why?
As lose as the cold aad chilly
bead of death takes from ae our
friends, juet so long will hope ex
tend beyond the grave. Grief is
not the end of aH. I seem to bear
the funeral march become a song ef
triumph; I seem to sec beyond the
stars a moving banner of the Ea
gles where our departed Wethers
eB"BBBB awp bYBBBBj BpenBB, bbbb esaaaaaaaa ( nam Banape BBF
which in their day they lent action,
song and glory.
Their faults, if any, we write
upon the sand and forget, their vir
tues upon the tablets of our hearts
and rcrqember.
It has been said that there is no
death, that human stars go down
to rise on some brighter, fairer
shore, and wc bslieve it is true. If
so, the universe is six stars brhzhter.
Your grief cannot be soothed
with words, for laucuagc cannot
express the emotions and sympa
thies of the human heart at such a
loss. Iu the silent earth, the young
anu tlie old, the rich and the poor
all must sleep, side by side, and
death always has aud will finally
overtake us all.
I believe death at its worse is
only perfect rest, and knits together
the ravelled sleeve of care. While
life's uneven journey is full of care,
sorrow, pain and tears and ends
with death. It surely gives all there
is of worth to life and the key to
the door of another world.
Beyond, beyond the setting sun,
When our course In life is run.
Yes, there surely is another
world that is better and brighter
man this, where there is uo part
ing, no night, no death, and where
the skein of life is untangled,
straightened and rewound.
Dear brothers, soon wc will join
you. I fancy I sec you on the
golden streets and near you sing
that sacred old hymu ol hymns,
"Nearer my God to Tlicc."
Ho For The Fourth
That St. Johns will have
Fourth of July celebration that will
discount anything in its line that
ever happened here is now fully
assured. The Gre department has
cutered into the project with a vim
and enthusiasm that will brook no
opposition or obstruction. The in
terest of the business men and citi
sens in general regarding the pro
posed jubilee has been aroused to a
keen degree, aud they are offering
their aid and financial assistance iu
a manner that is particularly grati
fying and encouraging. At the in-
aaLaMppBeum tWmaV .flft4a.aajaBMBaWam..i.aBaaaBBBBafrBi
tMy sum was subscribed toward de
fraying the expenses incident to the
celebration. A number of cnthus
iustic addresses were made and
plans outlined -for making it the
best ever. Hon. K. C. Couch, W.
a. liasey and Arnold linger were
appointed as a committee to solicit
funds, and J. F. Hendricks and A.
W, Markle appointed to draft au
advertising program. The city
dads have generously permitted the
fire department to obtain all the
money arising from sale of conces
sions, and also the use of Ivanhoe
street for racing on that day.
Many details are yet to be worked
out, but the project has received
such an impetus that nothing short
of a miracle can stop it. Some of
the more optimistic believe that 35,
000 visitors will be attracted to our
city on that day. There is no
doubt but that a big celebration
here will advertise the. city as no
other proposition would. Strangers
trom tar and near wilt nave an op
portunity to sec what we have in
St. Johns, aud cannot well help but
notice Its wonderful advantages aud
resources. Therefore, the celebra
tion of the Fourth of July in St.
Johns is of far greater import than
just to have a good time. Every
dollar spent in conjunction with the
eveHt will be a dollar well spent and
its effect will be felt-long after July
4th has passed into history, Do
not be niggardly in helping the cele
bration along. Give just as gener
ously as you are able. Like "bread
cast upon the waters," it will re
turn to you many fold.
Central Hotel Sold
The largest sale of improved
realty that has ever been recorded
ia St. Johns occurred last week
when the Central Hotel changed
beads. As a barometer of rising
values ia this city it U quite im
portant. Cochran Bros, built the
structure about six years ago, the
ground and building representing
an investment of slightly more than
$7,000. The price paid by the new
owner, Frank Ludesher of Port land,
was f 35,000. . The iacomc from the
structure ia paying big iatereet at
the price paid. J. 8. Downey, the
bustling real estate man, con
summated the deal.
Arc you going to save next
month? Stop la the beak today.
Ask the cashier ef the First Na
tional Beak about that beak's sys
tem for savers. It will help you
aad pay 3 per cent betide with in
ter set compounded every six
months. it
Week far a
Big Industry at Kenton
The mamraotkfactory building
which is being erected on Columbia
Boulevard, just 'Inert h of Kenton
for the Davis SefeTg& Lock Com
pany is rapidly Bearing completion.
It is a brick builefrng, 100x436 fect
iu dimensions, ana is covered with
a galvanized iron roof. The south
bililding, 66xoo'.fect, is two stories
high, aud has a full cement base
mcut, iu which will- be located the
heating planti The remainder of
the building is but. one story high,
although the side, walls arc 16 fect
iu the clear. A five-ton electric
conveyor will run the full length of
me Duiiaing ano a; siatiuaru gauge
railroad track win be laid through
the center of the building.
Five carloads
machinery for
use in the new
t have already
been received and
being installed
and as much m
is on the road,
the latest and
All machinery is
most annroved d
gn, and is the
very best that can lc procured.
Amomr the variouir machines to be
installed is a train pf straight rolls
u'plaliltiv te inn with n ponnrSlv
for straightening steel plates five
feet wide and half an inch thich.
Sixteen-ton shears capable of cut
ting steel ptatc half, an inch thick
and seven feet long, a tt-tou com
bined punch and shear capable of
punching or cutting thrcc-minrter
inch steel, au air' compressor for
hoisting and riveljtig and pneu
matic clutch chucks. All machinery
will be operated by electric motors.
A brass melting furnace has been
installed, capacity two tons daily,
aud a completely equipped tool
room, with the latest type of ma
chinery, is to be fitted up. There
will also be a brass finishing de
partment and a 'complete plating
department. Tlie most of the ma
terial to be used bythis plant is im
ported and can ne laid down iu
rortlaud very cheaply by sailing
vessels that ore coming to this port
for a grain charter jand will carry
the material as ballast at a very
low rate. , -
They arc nownnloadiug 18 car
loads of maBBTBP,''' consisting of pig iron,
which arrived in Portland on the
steamer "Hern." This shipment
was unloaded at one of the docks
aud transferred to cars, but later on
ft will be unloaded on barges aud
brought direct to the company's
owu docks on the slough.
The company will manufacture
safes, vaults, metal fixtures aud
safe deposit boxes of all kinds, aud
is the ouly safe works located west
of Ohio. They .will give employ
ment to about 70 men at the start
and will increase their force as
But a short distance west of the
site of the Davis Safe & Lock
Works the Pacific Tank & Pipe
Company secured a large tract of
ground and has erected two large
buildings in which they are manu
facturing water tanks and wood
pipe. One of these buildings is
100x250 feet iu dimensions and the
other covers 60x200 feet. A large
shed is attached to the building in
which the wood pipe is manu
factured. These buildings have
been completed a little over a month
and about 72 men are employed at
present. More machinery is being
nstalled and the force will be in
creased from time to time.
Two concrete dry kilns, a con
crete shaving and sawdust bin and
an engine house complete the list of
buildings erected oa the Pacific
Tank & Pipe Company's grounds
at present. In this factory all
machinery is operated by electric
motors, the electricity being ob
tained from the Monarch Lumber
Company at present, but the com
pauy will Imve their owu electric
plant in operation in a short time
and will be able to furnish all the
power they need.
Directly across from the Davis
Safe & Lock Company, the Port-
and Glazed Cement Pipe Company
has established a factory for the
making of cement pipe for sewer
purposes. I hey nave a one-story
frame building 72x100 feeet in size
and make all sizes of pipe from 3 to
24 inches in diameter. They turn
out about iooo feet of pipe per day
and employ from 12 to 15 men, but
they expect to double their capac-
ty in a short time aud will run two
shifts. The company has ouly
been in operation about six weeks.
A trip to Kenton and to the fac
tory district adjoining it will be a
revelation to those who have not
kept in close touch with the work
in progress in that section, and will
be time weft spent.
For Sale New 8-room bouse on
Burr street and Portland boulevard,
50x100 lot, modern 'throughout.
Part cash, balance o easy pay
ments. Best buy iaTSt. Johns.
Call at 508 Jersey street or Review
Lots of Street Work
A petition for the improvement
of Jctscy street, Fcsscndcn to the
Weyerhatiscr tract by cement side
walk and macadam, was the first
matter that received the attention
of the city council Tuesday night.
The pctitiou . was numerously
signed, but as a resolution had
previously been adopted providing
for hard surfacing of Jersey, Fes-
sctiden to Catlin, this part of the
proposed improvement was elimi
nated and a resolution directing the
engineer to prepare the necessary
plans, profile, etc., for the balance
of the Improvement was adopted. J
A petition for the improvement
of Chicago, from Jersey to Port
land boulevard, by macadamizing
was received and the engineer di
rected to prepare data for the im
provement as requested.
Hon. K. c Couch asked that the
proposed hard surfacing of Phila
delphia street be extended to Hayes
street upon the present grade. The
present grade, however, does not
meet with the approval of the dads,
and, therefore, after some strenu
ous discussion, the communication
was referred back to Mr. Couch
stating the councilmcn's views re
garding the grade.
I lie Fcsscudcu street proposition
was once more taken up, but owing
to the uou-appcarancc of representa
tives of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power Co. the street com
mittee and Fcsscndcn street com
mittee agreed to meet in the city
attorney's office Wednesday morn-
ng and there arrange to meet with
the Railway officials some time
during the week in order that a
definite report can be made next
1 uesday evening. A plan outlined
as agreeable to the property owners
of this street may be found iu an
other column.
Tlios. H. Cochran presented the
ouly bid for the improvement of
Kellogg street, and read: Cut 35c,
fill loc.cciuent sidewalk l. oo, cross
walk 40c, box gutters 40c, crushed
rock S2.45. Mr. Cochran was
awarded the contract.
Peterson & Smith's bid on the
iin proyemcut of -.Tylcrtstrcct..was
the' only one received. It read:
Cut 35c, fill 12c, sidewalk It. 00.
crosswalks 40c, box gutters 40c,
crushed rock S3.35. utd was
Kilkenny Bros, tendered the soli-
tarv bid on South Ilnves street ns
follows: Cut 3QC, fill isc, side
walk 76c. Bid accepted. All bids
were below the engineer's estimate.
r.. C. Mountch seemed to be the
only one who cared to bid 011 the
painting of the city hall roof, ills
bid being $58.00 for painting same
with Venetian red paint. Bid was
referred to building and grounds
committee with power to act.
A solitary bill tor rodmaii
amounting to $22,00 was allowed.
A resolution providing for the
mprovement of Midway avenue
was adopted.
Ordinances providing for the Ma
ple street and Philadelphia street
sewer systems were passed.
An ordinance establishing the
grade 011 Edison street was passed,
as was also au ordinance establish-
tig the grade on Midway avenue.
Resolution for the improvement
of Edison street was adopted.
At the Stock Yards
Receipts for tlie week have been:
Cattle 2244, calves 84, hogs 1063
and sheep 6160, In the face of
the liberal supply of cattle the mar
ket has remained surprisingly
strong, A loss of from 10 to 15
cents per hundred on the ve?k is
ight, especially in view of the ar
rival of grass cattle. The bulk of
the arrivals are from California aud
in point of quality they ruled better
than the usual offerings from east
of the Cascade Mountains. The
re-adjustment of prices expected
because of the difference in Cali
fornia buy fed aud Oregon grass
cattle cannot be said to have taken
place. The sheep market has low
ered steadily and the wide varia
tion shown in prices has been due
to a like condition, iu the quality of
the offerings, There has been a
fair demand at the lower prices.
The hog market shows increased
supplies from local territory aud
prices are about steady at last
week's closing. Tops have brought
10.55, the bulk of the sales run
ning at $10.50.
D. O. Lively, General Ageut.
For Sale A fifty dollar course
in the Scrauton International Cor
respondence School, any depart
ment, at 20 per cent discount, at
rate of $5.00 down, $5.00 per
month; further discount for cash.
Address "B," this office.
Work lor a OreaUr It Jehu,
lip to the Trolley Folks
The following is the proposition
put up to the Portlaud Railway,
Light & Power Co., which has
been proposed by the property
owners of Fesseuden street as the
most feasible aud agreeable plan of
adjusting the difficulties experienced
in getting this improvement under
way. As the trolley company at
one time made a similar proposition,
there is but little doubt but that it
will meet with their approval. The
matter will be definitely settled by
next Tuesday evening:
Portland Railway, Light & Pow
er Company to dedicate for street
purposes 5 feet on each side of
present 30 feet right of way, leav
ing right of way 20 feet wide.
A regulation cement curb to be
placed in street on property line of
rigni ot way.
Kigui ot way tun width of 20
feet at street crossings to be paved
same as street is improved.
The entire 30 feet right of way
to oe put to city grade by the Port
tuud Railway, Light & Power Com
Payment for curb and grade of
right of way and pavement of street
crossing as shown by accompanied
sketch, to be in full satisfaction of
alt liabilities of Company for im
provement of street.
City of St. Johns to crant fran
chise to set poles out to the curb
line If desired by Company.
Keogan In Michigan
Saginaw, Mich.. May 17.
To St. Johns Review:
Having reached home all right
on, the loth, after havingA pleasant
trip, I send greeting to all my old
friends in St. Johns aud say that
times here are about the same as
there, but from the 10th to the 14th
was so cold here that I could not
go out of the house without getting
a chill, but the weather now is
quite moderate.
What annoyed me was that thev
charged me $7,10 foe uo pounds of
excess baggage, at St. Johus, and
when I came here they said that
they had got a telcgrum from St.
Johns to charge me $4.30 more, and
1 got a duplicate of such telegram.
Now, what I want to know is this:
"Did two of Swift's hogs get away
trom the packing plant and get as
far as the St. Johns station, as the
ticket agent and freight agent took
their book or price list and looked
it over carefully iu regard to the
prices charged. Will I look for
the hogs here, or have you got them
iu St. Johns? I remain as ever,
R. II. Keogau.
Hill Seeing Oregon
The trip through Oreuon cf Pres.
ident Louis W. Hill of the Great
Northern Railway has probably oc
casioned a greater amount of news
paper comment in the papers of the
state than has been accorded the
visit of any other man during the
last ten years. Mr. Hill's entrance
into Central Oregon from Shauiko
was somewhat arduous, as he
started immediately after the hard
est rain for twelve mouths that had
resulted iu making some of the
roads almost impassable, but lie
was determined to see all there was
to see, and his personal discomfort
was never mentioned. In every
place he had something definite
and decisive to say. His visit has
served as a tremendous encourage
ment to those interested in the de
velopment of Oregon.
Looks Spick and Span
Never did Oregon look 50 clean,
spick and span as at the present
time, Eastern aud Central Oregon
have had rains at just exactly the
right time. Western aud Southern
Oregon are inteusely prosperous,
and the carpenter, cabinet maker,
paiuter, designer, landscape artist
and busy housewife have had more
than they could do in every scctiou,
for the disposition to clean up and
paint up and put the best foot fore
most was never more contagious
than at the present time.
The 'Living Pictures from Long
fellow" given by the Ladies Aid of
the Methodist church iu BIckner
hall last Friday night were splen
didly executed. The costumes
worn by the participants and their
delineation of the characters and
scenes were realistic and entered
fully into the spirit of the times.
The evening was thoroughly en
joyed by all, and the eutertaiument
was deserving of a much larger at
tendance than was accorded it,'
Local and Otherwise
The' Mohawk Mining Co., com
posed principally of St. Johns offi
cials, was recently incorporated.
The new company owns valuable
holdings along the Santiem river.
near Detroit, and the work of de
veloping their holdings will proceed
right alotig. A sample of the ore
from the run of the mine was taken
to a prominent assaycr's office iu
rortlaud last week and it showed
$64 to the ton in zinc. If the body
has volume to any extent the own
ers have a "mint." The officers
ore: President. T. H. Cochran:
vice president. J. F. Poff; secretary,
F. W. Valentine: treasurer. P. A.
Smith. Board of directors T. H.
Cochran, F. W. Valentine, J. F.
Poff, W. II. Smith and C. J. Hale.
Legal advisor Geo. J. Perkins.
If you arc looking for a trood
health guide one that will steer
you straight, aud inform you what
to do and when to do it in case of
illness, secure n copy of "Practical
Quidc to Health," now beiuir in
troduced iu St. Johns by A. G.
Andrus. He will call upon you
aud give you a chance to ascertain
just what may be found upon its
pages. A good health book should
be found iu every home. It -will
save its cost several times over
every year iu the way of doctor
E. F. Day sold a tract of six
acres fronting on Columbia boule
vard last week for the sum of $12,
000. The purchaser is making a
tour of the world, aud in passing'
through St. Johns was at once so
deeply impressed with the possi
bilities here that he lost uo time in
uvestiug. Mr. Day purchased the
tract four years ago for $3,000. As
a straw showing how the wind is
blowing in a realty way. this tran
saction has much merit.
We have given space this week
to the excellent address given by
Judge W. W. Holcomb at the
Eagle memorial services. .last Sun-1
day afternoon. The address is a
masterpiece and many beautiful
thoughts are brought out. Do not
lay this paper down until you have
read it. The services throughout
were beautiiul, touching and im
pressive, and the honor bestowed
upon the dead brothers was most
Lice soon cat up your profits.
Kill this pest quickly aud surely
with Conkev's Lice Powder for
body lice, Lice Liquid for ridding
the poultry house of mites and
Head Lice Ointment for the little
chicks. They arc all guaranteed
to give satisfaction. Ask for a
copy of Conkey's Poultry Book. It
is full of valuable information for
the poultry raiser. Lautlter's Mer
cantile Company,
The Electric Theatre is crowded
nightly with pleased and highly in
terested audiences, nacli perform
ance is gilt edged and the very best
that can be procured. If you are
not a regular attendant at the Elec
tric you are missing something
worth while.
If you want to buy, rent, sell or
exchange property see Wolcott,
(The Rent Man.) St. Johns Office,
401 South Jersey, Portlaud Office,
345 Washington Street, Phone
Marshall 1556.
A good second hand white enam
el-lined refrigerator for sale cheap.
314 West Chicago street, or see S.
W. Rogers.
We want some vacaut lots cheap
for cash, also some bargaius lit
small homes wanted for cash. Mc-
Kinney & Davis.
Wanted Young men and young
women, 16 years of nge or over.
Portland Manufacturing Co., foot
of Richmond street.
Wanted To borrow $300 at 8
per cent for two years. Gilt edged
security. Address "B," this office.
A good line of trunks at Calef
Bros, , opposite postoffice.
Notice is hereby given that all
owners of dogs must secure a
license tag for same without further
delay or be liable for arrest and
punishftient. The ordinance which
applies to dog licenses will be en
forced to the letter, mis is uie
last notice that will be given.
R. McKinuey, Chief of Police.