f : m : : tin THREE STORES Portland St. Johns Vancouver THREE STORES Portland St. Johns Vancouver PURCHASING POWER Is the Magnet That "DRAWS trade Here If we didn't operate one of the largest stores in Portland, and if vc didn't add to this, a large store in St. Johns and one in Vancouver we could not buy whole lines of furniture; and if we couldn't buy these whole lines we couldn't make up car loads, Bought at the Lowest Factory Price. There isn't a furniture store in this vicinity today that will give you the genuine "Quality" bargains that we will give you. In buying furniture Price is but one of the things to be considered. For if you fail to get Quality you arc throwing away a "good bit" of your money. No matter where you live wo can save you money on furniture. X Direct Action Gas Ranges , $11.50 to $45.00 Sewing Machines guarrautccd 10 years, all modern improve ments,, $22.50 on easy terms TANTALUM New Electric Lamp MORE ECONOMICAL than any carbon filament lamp. CHEAPER and MORE STURDY than tha TUNGSTEN. Can ba usad in KEY SOCKET. Portland Railway Light and Power Go. 147-7th Street of Spring Areeen in the lengthening daytandbrlgMcnlngtun. It U tltne to do your tpriag piloting. Salect Your Paints We carry th mott coaiplete tock of paints, olli, varnitb and kalomIue in St.Joltut. u-.u. a yuUfu 9lakt ISPRBf I BaBaBaBaBBLaaa'l BEfflBlTE It ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. Local News. J. S. McKinucy has begun the erection of a handsome and modern dwelling on South Ivanhoe. . o Every member of General Com pson Post, No. 22, G. A. R., arc requested to be present Saturday as this is the last meeting before Me mortal Day. Com. - o Carl Thompson, the genial and good natured pharmacist, was made supremely happy by being presented by his wife with a bouncing girl baby Tuesday morning. o It will be well worth your while to read the large ad of the Penin sula bank in this issue. It tells something that should interest every man and woman in St. Johns, o Baptist Church: Sunday school to a. m.j B. Y. P. U. 7 P Morning Worship n a. m.; subject, "Christian Baptism." Kvcning services p. tn.; theme, "Excuses." Courad L. Owen, pastor. o The Aerie of Eagles will hold Memorial services in their hall Sun day afternoon at a o'clock.. Rev. C. P. Gates and Attorney W. W.' Holcomb will speak. All are cor dially invited to attend. o Help the children to form habits of saving NOW while they are voutitr. Set them the example yourself. You will be astonished at the measure it eives. me rirsi Natioual Bank helps with Time Certificates of Deposit. it Ormandv Bros, of Portland have rairrliased the furniture store of Salmoud Bros, ou corner ofTa- coma and Jersey, and have already taken possession. Toe new pro nrletora are thorough businessmen. and as they are firm believers in the efficacy of printers Ink, are bounu to succeed. The new St. Johns ranges for sale by Calef Bros. o For Sale Household furniture cheap. 6n North Ivanhoe. Wautsd Sewing to do away from home. 208 South Jersey. 0 $850 Lot 50x116, four-room house, barn, fine garden, at Nor thern Hill, from owner, 115 Jer sey street, St. Johns. 9 Wanted To buy a lot or vroom house and lot. Must be chean for cash and near postofficc or city hall. Give description, Auuress -iw, Review office. f f f LUMBER! Slabwood". . Rough, Prompt Dry, Dressed, Deliveries. Green, 1 Flooring, QuaHty Blocks, Finish. QuarantaaJ. Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing and Tinning. as.JimSM lW.Jm.yl H.Mm,4m H. HENDERSON imj-w. leal Estate, Loans, Insurance i . t isik Pmra. Accurate Work GmhmUW. wmtmwm - ---i . 7L, ' ai iiiiMiiiaaaaaa8a For Sale Fresh Jersey cow. 615 Nortn Edison street. Preach the soapal of St. John STOP! STOP! LOOK AT THIS Flue acre tracts for sale. Onlv Eleven miles from Portland all in fine cultivation. Price $75 to $150 per acre, cash, balance terms. oxioo lots in New mio Ad- ditioa, 5 down $5 per month. Three blocks from car Hoc, near school, streets graded, water hi very sightly location. Price $300 to 1550 Stop wasting your money, save a little each month, provide for the future. Buy on the Pen insula. Remember only $5 down and $5 a month buys you one of these beautiful lots. Come to day, for delays are dangerous. ALSO Some good homes on easy terms. Water front property; 300 feet on river extendiug back 400 feet to the O. R. N. track. See J. F. GILLMORE r 13 Jersey St. Phone Rich. 81 Car stops at our door. Teach your children the habit of self-denial. Iuduce them to make a pleasure of it. Have them save for a purpose. The First National Bank will help you with the chll dren. Ask about the 3 per cent, it MAKE A NOISE LIKE SUMMER, and araaara soma oM-fashioned Root Batr with our Root Baar Extract. Clean up your last year's atraw Hat with our Straw Hat Claaaar. Rid yaurfalf of tha fly atat with our fly poison. Feed your haaa Poultry paaacaa aaa gat aa agf a aay irom cacn, avarv dmv. Duat Peroxide Foot Powder In your shoes and have a little comfort. Ruv a Pkoaamsli trm its aa vow aaxt MV-day. take H home ami sea what a clUMge K.makes ia the aieposMioa of the reet of the famMy. LASTLY.' Briag yaar preecriatioas ta us to be filled. We PASTE OUR GUARANTEE oa every bottle of medicine THAT MEAN SUMETrllNU. t Johns Pharmacy JACKSON THOMPSON, Prep're. I ALWAYS THE BEST When pricca arc equal buy the best. We have only the bet drugi and sundries. A few pricca that arc very low: 75c ltcef Iron and Wine 33c 50c Swamp Root 35c a jc Colgatcs Talcum 4 . i . . ijc A. D. S. Venus Talcum : .10c A. I). 8. St. Regis Talcum ; ijc A. D. S. Majestic Talcum 25c Meneu's Talcum. .15c 23c Ivory Pearl Tooth Towdcr ..10c 30c Hell's Cough Syrup 33c 33c Hell's Ointment , 13c 1 The fact that "Currin Suva So" 0 n ut , o r. ' f doesu't make Nya remedies the Soc California Syrup of Firs , 33c '. ... best, but the fact that Nyal rcmc- fom!&W,thMChdo,lflrpUre,m'C d,csnrc tUc bt is why "Currin Says So." FRKIt A cake of Colgate's or William's Shavlnir Soan with a purchase of a lather brush. NORTH BANK PHARMACY HOME OF THE FAMOUS NYALS REMEDIES. WK DULIVEIl KVIiRYWHBRB PRKB "CURRIN SAYS SO." It is the Individual Attention of the Mer chant Tailor that Counts Merchant Tailors do mokk than fit you. They express your individuality your class. They set you apart from the man whose clothes merely fit his figure. Merchant Tailor Clothes give you an nir of success. Clothes that are made for No Man iu Particular cannot serve as well as clothes made for you. The Merchant Tailor is the style exponent of men's wear. We study you and your personal ity. We aim to fit both. We give you our individual attention, our personal care and skill. Wc advise you what is correct and becoming. Wc give you the benefit of our judgment in the selection of reliable materials. Wc make your gurmcuts express individuality and emphasize character garments that every man cau sec were made for you. Such garments give a satisfied feeling of confidence that is entirely unknown to wearers of clothes that arc made and sold in bulk lots. Merchant Tailor clothes are a business investment not au expense. CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING. JOHN NOCE & COMPANY Fashionable Tailors Next Door to Pottofflce ' Phone Richmond 941 Honesty the Best Policy 1 Once and for all, let every man, woman and child of us realize that if a business is to be built iu auy Hue, whether retail or manufacturing, it must be built iu the clear light of day with methods that are open and above board, and bauds that ore clean iind upturned. When a man ' begins to feel that he must HOCUS POCUS his customers iu order to give them satisfaction when he feels that he must apologize for his wares by making them appear what they are not when he begins to tincture luu goods with the flavor of deception, cither direct or implied, then look out below that man is tobogganing his business straight for the discard class, and it will not be long before he has DR. COOKed his reputation and put the KIBOSH ou his good will. It don't hurt a FACT to HAMMER it. We have always contended WE ore the OLDEST and MOST RELIABLE DISTRIBUTORS of MERCHANDISE in St. Johns. We still make the same claim and are here to PROVE IT. When we have a bargain we give it to our customers. We would most respectfully request that after you have visited some of the so-called bargain sales in this city and others, that you compare prices with ours. We have never tried to take advan tage of a customer by offering baits in something they ore posted in uud then holding them up ou something they are not posted in.' We would ask that you call at our store and get our prices on some goods that are not moving as fast as wc would have thenl. COUCH & CO. Opposite City .Hall. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Phone Jersey 972. j I rffc rtfe tt rfRi rffc tfft ffft ffh rffc tffc rib rifc tfft riRi 11 rffc rtRi rtfc rfRi tfRi tt iSSi fft rtfc Fresh and Select Groceries i : : It is the constant aim of this store to ever keep only the freshest and most se- fU lect groceries procurable. No Stale Goods are Kept in Stock We are well pleased with the generous patronage accorded this establishment Jl i if, 'u j-. ' ' ' ; since the same has come into our possession, and it is evidence to us that the peo ple of St Johns and vicinity appreciate a thoroughly first class grocery store. NORWEGIAN PATRONAGE SOLICITED A. B. LINDBOE Sucstataer t J. F. Hendricks 111 West Burlington Strt