St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 06, 1910, Image 1

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To NkMfti tar THM Peest.
oaratetM. CaM la ae4 eafoH
Of admtblnt In THIS Paver
and yoa'll nam rcptt It Be
th) at one and IcMp rlftst at M
Devoted (e the laterests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 6
NO. 26
Adftorned Meeting
Prof. Frank Ely Secures a Lively Match
Sewer System Under Way
Local and Otherwise
At the adjourned meeting of
council last Friday night the .con
irovcrsy over the width of Willis
boulevard was effectually settled
or some time to come so far as the
city council is concerned. Council
man Downey injected some Solo
monic wisdom into the affair by
making a motion that council have
nothing more to do with it until
the property owners get together
and decide just what they want and
what they will agree to. The
motion carried without a dissenting
A petition for the improvement,!
of Leonard street, John to Charles
ton, was referred back to the petit
ioners to ascertain if they were not
willing for a six-foot cement walk
instead of a five-foot one, as called
for in the pctitioui Council is un
alterably opposed to five-foot side
walks so close to the heart of the
Petitions for fire hydrants nt cor
oners of Hayes and Maple and Ta-coma-and
Bradford streets wrrc re
ceived., The former wus referred
to the water and light committer
and the latter ordered filed.
Petition from the Commercial
club asking for the us. of-tin- emin
ell chamber whenever oee.i.noii fo;
so doing arose was accepted and the
request granted.
Resolutions accepting the plans
and profiles as furnished by the
city engineer for three sewer dis
tricts were adopted, and resolutions
deeming it necessary that this work K
be done were ordered drawn oy ine
city attorney.
An ordinance provilllng for the
time and manner of improvement
of Kellogg street, New York to
Chicago,, passed the council, and a
call for bids was ordered published.
Same appears in this issue.
Mayor Hendricks broached the
subject of violation of the telephone
ordinance by the Pacific Telephone
Co,, and .the recorder was directed
to assemble all the data beariug on
the proposition and have same in
readiness for Tuesday evening's
A Narrow Escape
Lynn Weiuier had a narrow es
cape from death last Friday. He
was about to pull himself to the
scat of a wagon that had just been
hitched to a team of horses .when
he slipped and fell underneath the
horses' feet. They became startled
and started to go, and the wheel
passed over the vouu lad's neck.
On account of' its position the
wheel lifted wim-whit from, the
floor as it passed over the boy, else
Ills neck would doubtteas have been
broken by the experience. The
wagon contained about 2300 pounds
of grain. The lad sustained some
severe bruises, but ao bones were
broken. He is a son of J. K.
Weimer. the rlravman. and the ac
cident happened la the feed stable.
Bitten by a Dog
John Murray, a Journal carrier
boy, was badly bitten by a dog
while making his rounds Sunday
morning. While delivering a paper
at the residence of Mrs. Damon ou
Charleston street, a vicious dog
belonclncr to the house, seised the
lad and bit him badly upon the leg
Mrs. Damon, it is said, bound the
wound un .with a cloth" saturated
with carbolic acid, the burning of
which, counted with the pain of
the bite, threw the child 1 into
spasms. A physWau araa sum
tnoued Who alleviated hU wferiags
and no ill effects are likely to re
suit. Dogs wkh a disfiosiHoa of
this nature should aot be teSerated
in the city, or any other ptace for
mat matter.
SuspcaM Wta
T The press) erf tat. Um .
Rev. C. I. Owe, lf
Portland this week, ajsa P
catlea) is t a thaag aj L F
cesVatMl Qaa
maaaraiad Mr Wat
forth ia Its be
L. U, Mitts aad aaa Ways hat
their new I'saiaianea wWafa wiH
adwa Whitwt4 Cosjft.
The Wetter
Ca. at Lisa
(Written by W. W, Holcombof St.
O, Oregon, the Wcbfoot State,
Where great Columbia swiftly rolls,
Bear gently ir. your kindly heart,
Tlje pioneer's heroic soul.
Hood I ve seen more than fitly years,
In haughty grandeur, white and
His snow white crest bright as the
That gem the everlasting sky.
Behold old Meant, in kingly pride,
Hold high his head, serene and
Perpetual snows his royal crown,
His wide domain this fruitful state.,
Forever stand, most noble mount,
In adamantine strength and pride,
A witness 'to each human change.
The ebb unci flow of human tide.
Amqng the few who dancer faced,
Along the river of the Wot,
I vet still live, while steep
The sloop of valor's penc-'fiil rest.
A native pioneer with them,
I knew their dangers uud their
And that their lives made Oregon
The hope and pride of future years.
.My dear old mother's face I s?c,
In' modern house, though furnished
Where once the log house sheltered
Beucath'thc locust in the lane.
Though time has wrought in form
and. face
The Huts of sorrow, toll and care,
Her Ipyal love still hovers round
The henrth-stonc fire and vacant
chairs. '
Across the years there, comes the
Of happy voices, time has hushed,
see in dreams the vanished torms,
That .death has met and coldly
crushed. ',
Solemn peals' I hear at St. Johns,
Recalling old friends gone to rest,
.a a f
Where rings tne Deu tor joyoiia
youth, 1 y
And tolls its knell at death's behest.
Beneath a sky where rose and rose
Blend grace and beauty, side by
Some fate ordains that he who
May wait the coming eventide.
And rest and sleep and take no
Of love or war. uud hear no sound,
But see, perhaps, the skein of life
Untangled, straightened and re
Golden Wedding
f h home of Mr. and Mrs. Gur
Ritv at 'Castle Rock was the
scene of a very interesting gather-
- a a a
in; At aotlt. i n uate tuaraea
the 50th anniversary of the star
nt tlies two worthy people.
and all 'the. family were present.
Ur. iieebe was lor men v a weii
unnuin councilman and citizen of
Those uraent at the
golden wedding celebration were
W. A. Scott and wife ot.-at. jobiw;
ir anH Mrs. los. Carter of Van
couver, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Beebe, Missoula, Mont.; Mrs, Mary
Bnntii rhehalis. Wash.: Mr. and
ire ! Huher. Mr. and .Mrs.
Fred Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Beebe. and Miss Lottie Beebe. an
of Castle Rock.
Did You Ever Try It
Fill au okl can of aav Wad with
..tu. Wma aaur im auBokat kero-
seoe to saturate the asbea, aad pat
the caa ia a sate ptaec away
ire, 'A Ubkepoaafal ta pleaty to
. Mm till the wood ia caUKBt,
audit to worth all the patent ire-
- . Ma 1 I. Sl sma
hiaaalial Mil 141 J HMmlVPT n
1mm mo iuc caiMin
nM h talad f t thekeroaeae
- T 1 - - m. 'm l la.
atifth tfta ftsHO Qiitat IttHU FOTMH
high ashael btsttsat
i " '--'- amd Maras
fX" ""liiw Miaihs na
that will tsabattk U oae
oaa" ottisM terass it the "jasa
r -t mmdut aataarviaor. I. V.
MThaa eerteiaJy
Life's a hard battle anyway, no
matter how you take it, but those
who learn to fight it right, arc very
sure to make it. Two hundred
thousand every year, ought well to
make a fellow fear he too may fall
before the plague, which marches
on despite the Hague. If 'twere
the Japs upon, our land, slaying
with pucli a mighty Hand, we d rise
as one against the foe, and off the
map Nippon would go. Then why
so idly sit at ease white creeps upon
us foul disease, to pluck the fairest
from our land, when care can save
us from his hand. '
A tubercle bacillus is said to be of an inch in
measurement, and compared with
an Oregon fir log, is certainly a
mere trine. But two is company,
three is a crowd, and a billion is a
whole lot more. And when these
nfinitcsimal garden thistles get .n
good lodgment in a lazy cavity of
an unused portion of the lung, they
can warm a man up with a P. M
fever and give him a sweat at
night. And the very best time to
cure the infection is before you get
Tight bauds about the waist,
which prevent a free inflation of the
tings at every u renin, were in
vented by the man who wanted to
ntrodtice the bacilli into. the human
economy just to sec how many peo
ple would die of the experiment.
No friend of mankind will aid in
the work of afflicting and constrict-
ng the lung cavity preparatory to
tubercle infection. Every son and
aughtcr of the land should be in
structed to be proud of n large full
chest,, at Its, base as 'well as its apex.
Uvcry school should have regular
drill in full, deep chest and abdomi
nal breathing. The use of the
diaphragm as an organ of inspira
tion should be made as plain as
proper mastication of food.
The mental faculties, the voice,
the blood, will be greatly benefitted,
and (he whole body will be net' in
tunc to laugh at germs. But at
the same time a quickened intelli
gence will take those precautions
agaiuit the geaerat foe which knowl
edge decrees arc essential. The
nubile drinking cud will be avoided
as a" pestiferous evil, the milk sup
ply will be guarded, cleanliness ot
premises uud war on flies will all be
kept in hand, and well, won't
everybody quit bathing that five
lundred square feet 01 ueucaie
ung tissue with deadly nicotine
and empcuramatic oil? It s the
only hope for the boys.
Albert carey, w. u.
A Sudden Death
Tohn Nicholson, ("colored), a
well known character around the
rltu. Hied last Pridav morniiiir in
7V" .. T -t
ats rooms on uarungion sircci 01
heart failure, superinduced by an
attark nfnnelimrtnla. Tohn. as he
was familiarly known by many of
. r . f
our citizens, lor some umc con
ducted a bootblack stand here, but
lately bad been assisting around
the Central Hotel. He was a na
tive 'of Virginia, and was aged
about 45 years at the time of bis
death. His remains were shipped
to Portland, whera a, mother and
two sisters,-reside, for burial.
House Refurnished
Mrs. C. E. Laxtoa. widow of
Reward LaxtM who WBS electro-
rntad in Portlaad recently while on
duty as a lineman, has leased the
avmnnd house oa Tersev 'Street.
She has had the rooming bouse
aewly refurnished and has changed
the Mate to "The Laxtou." At
oe deairiag 8rt-fckua bouse keep-
lag or Msgte rooaw caa ocaecom
madated at this eeatrally located
Mis Another Crasher
'em uMaat at the' isaatsase
iTaNllaaae, laaiaeol the
mlMmT aaausiaasr' IM
HffaJVaWav jWaWaaSBajjafjaawB
alas a dasliaaT
tkut hi ahasU raya weeks.
r- flaatkh at the ahuai
:.LJvw.Ma1 liak Hut Hatha
way reetaeswe. am n r -
mml raeeivad Ma eaaiaiiaaiosi aa
" IIt. --- Wa
HtH Jfaagw aagiaear.
1. 6. '"Miasi.bav. oaatad hie
Mat pMa aa
iaa eaeass aM
...fct1.,'.;. i,;.,; I'-'ihWnr'rTT-lif if if fuTrr 1 1 ir it iffr Tlwiii 1 1 - 11 1 n ' . v-iVaiiWi aiiiaiS - - naai n w
K ifc aaahaak aaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
BLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV '"lafciWf MafHB
HHH.H - :
A errand boxlne carnival will
Tuesday nicht under the auspices of
star event of the evening will be a
of Portland and Prof. Prank lily of
In uo the ladder of nuc Hsm very
ten-round draw with Dannv O'Brien.
has knocked out several cood'meu,
iave his hands fu when the two come together. '1 lirec tirst-ciass pre
liaiinaries are booked to take place.
club and Antolne Peterson of the local club will occupy the boards first.
Jimmy Grant and Wyun Manning, the lormer of Linutou and the latter
of St. Johns, will follow, with J. Hasklns'and Billy Seaburg bringing up
the rear. The' Willamette Four will render several vocal selections. It
will without doubt be the most interesting sporting event ever pulled ott
iu St. Johns, and any one desiring to witness a fine demonstration of the
. . . ....! 1 I I C? 1 1..
mamy art cannot auoru 10 uc buscih.
The. Ladies' Aid
a fine addition on the koo1
old cliurcn at Home, .
1 1 ' lurt the latest kilter, with a gallery
aau iiutac.
It aeatt a thouaand people finest church
in all tue town,
Aud when twa dedicated, why, we
planked ten tliouiaiul down;
That ii, we paid five thoutand every
deacon Old au neii
And the Udiea" Aid Society, it promiwd
au me reat.
We've got an organ in the church tue
hoeK in tue iaaa,
It's got a thousand pipes or more, Its
melody ii grand.
And when we ait in cushioned pew a, oud
bear tue utaster piay,
It carries ua to realms of bliss, unnum
bered milei away. . .
It coat a cool, three thousand, ana ii't
atood'the hardest teat:
We'll pay a thouaand ou it the. Ladies'
Aid we rest.
They'll give a hundred sociable, can-
tataa, too, and feas;
They'll bake a thousand angel cakes,
aad toua of creuoi they'll freeze.
They'll beg aad scrape and toil and
Aad thaa they'll start all o'er ag1
swaai lor kicu mi. m wu.v.
a carpet oa tue aoor.
Na. it Uu't lust like difuclne out
aaoaey iam your vi.
Wba the. Ladies' Aid gets busy auu
aaya, "We'U pay lae re."
Of count, we're proud of our big cuurcu,
fma pulpit up to spire;
It is the darllag of our eyes, the crown of
Aiia AsaaUra
Bat whea.1 see the staters work to raise
taut oauii Utat lacKS.
I uatkow feel the church is built on
maawa'i tlrad hacks:
Aaa, seaaetiMea I caa't help thinking
whea we reach the regions blet.
That'aaea'wiH get the toil and sweat,
aad the Ladies' Aid the rest .
' The, Presbyterian
fllwraMS Collier, a prominent
ilaatlat at Laceatbe. Canada, ana
fassaW ware. Um gaeats.of hU broth
ar, HXl ifrik th P Wk,
be civet) in the skating rink next
the Firemen's Athletic club, lhe
ten - Tound go between Bobby Evans
St. Jolms. livans lias ueen crowi-
rapidly aud only recently lougnt a
During the past few weeks he
so it is likely that the 1'rotessor win
Art Vundolan of Liunton Athletic
occ nub-uiua.
A Mean Rascal
V, I?, Zook has sworn out a war
rant for the arrest of one I'd ward
Durbaud, who left Mrs. Zook's
house and board without paying for
same, and to make the indignity
more excessive, stole $41.50 iu
cash and a 32-calibre rifle belonging
to Mr. Zook. The young rasca
had been employed at the Marine
Iron works and has tarried in St
lohus for the past two months. Of
h s calling, whence lie came, 110
bodv ever seemed to know, but Mr.
Zook does know that he would like
very much to have him by the cuff
of the ueck for just about Jtwo
minutes. Word has been seut to
police officers all along the coast to
keep a sharp lookout for him.
Oregon advertising in metropoll
tan eastern papers has brought a
flood of enquiry which all but
swamped the head office of Oregon
Development i,eague. i'ronauiy tne
record-breaking freeze throughout
the middle West and Kast, which
occurred at. the time this advertise
nieut appeared, had a great effect
upon the number of inquiries.
Never was the- Rose Festival so
uuiversally recognized as this year,
Various railroads have issued won
derfully attractive booklets and are
devoting all their advertising to the
event. Roses promise just
heavy a crop as the"' more substan
tial products such as fruit and
A number of convenient altera
tiousare being made iu the 'city
recorders oficc.
Council met in regular session as
usual Tuesday night with all mem
bers present and Mayor Hendricks
presiding. It was an evening de
voted almost exclusively to strtct
and sewer work, and It was a late
lour when the tired solons decided
to call a halt with business still
upon the table.
The lirst matter taken up was n
petition praying for the improve
ment of North Ivanhoe street, from
Catlin to the Weyerhaeuser tract,
with 6-foot cement walk and macad
am cement surface. The engineer
was directed by resolution to pre
pare the necessary plans, profile
uud estimates for said Improvement.
A petition for the improvement
f North Edison street, Fesscndcii
to St. Johns avenue, in like manner
met with the same treatment.
A plat of 1010 Addition, pre
sented to council for its acceptance
by the 1910 Real Estate Co., was
ircctcd to be signed by the mayor.
This tract is a new one iu,st being
opened up between Oswego street
aud the county road.
A remonstrance against tue im
provement of Tyler street was ac
cepted nml ordered filed, it not
being strong enough to prevent the
mprovemcut proceeding.
mils to the amount ot 5120.04
were allowed.
Councilman J. S. Downey was
elegnted to scenic signers to n
petition fur the improvement of
Brudford street, l'csscmleu to Kicn-
moud, by planking same the entire
istaucc with the exception 01 a
six foot cement walk on the easterly
A resolution to change the grade
of Burlington street met with de
cided opposition, several of the
councllmcu not being Satisfied with
the proposed new grade on account
of not reaching fur enough up hill.
Upon vote Messrs. Iltller, Johnson,
Cook aud Davis voted iu the affirm
ative, and Windle, Downey and
Dobie in the negative. The resolu
tion was declared adopted.
several representatives of tue
Kenton Cement Sewer Pipe Co
were present aud spoke in favor of
their pipe, nud asked lor no favors,
but a fair field. The mayor prom
ised that when the time is ripe for
etting sewer contracts that this
company would be given an oppor
tunity .0 present bids.
A resolution providing for the
aylng of nn adequate sewer main
on Maple street with the necessary
branches or laterals leading thereto
was adopted. This is designated
as Sewer District No. 3.
A spirited discussion was created
by a couple of property owners on
Leonard street asking tor tue privi-
ege of laying a nine-foot parking
along the sidewalk for one block
during the improvement of this
street. A motion to grant the re
quest was lost by lack of support.
The dads arc willing to permit this
ate fancied method of street adorn
ment if several blocks arc willing to
set the pace at one time, but one
block alone did not look good to
A resolution providing for the
relaying of a sewer main on Phila
delphia street with branches aud
laterals pertaining thereto was
adopted. One councilman believed
that the laterals should be laid just
as they were needed, but Council
man Downey rase to his feet at
once anu stated mat ine city 01
St. Johns should do at least one
thing iu a thorough manner, that
the data was all at baud to perfect
this system, and therefore, the city
should have a sewer system all
could point to with a feeling of
pride. It was decided, then, to
make a complete job of it once und
for all. This district is designated
as No. 1. x ue uurungtou street,
or District No. 3 main, was held
over 0 week penditfg a few minor
details to be worked out, but it will
no doubt be adopted next Tuesday
Au ordinance changing the names
of Nicklin and Mears street to
Olvmpia, and Astor to Banks
street, all iu Meringo Addition,
was passed.
Ordinances providing for the
time and manner of improving
Tyler street, Jersey to Crawford,
aud South Hayes. Buchanan to
Polk, were also passed aud appear
ia tlus issuer
Ou motion the street committee
was directed to ascertain the nature
of hard surface the property owners
along Jersey street desired, or if
4hey were unable, to agree the street
committee was requested to mane a
Owing to the lateness of the hour
the data bearing on the telephone
matters was delayed for another
week. It is expected that the mat
ter will be thoroughly threshed out
next Tuesday night, aud if posal
ble, a way found to bring tne re
fractory companies to time,
WjMk for a tkwater M. Jeaaey
II, S. Hewitt and family have
removed to corner of Burr and
Grcsham streets.
P. S. Datighcrty of Seattle has
purchased a house and lot on the
corner of IMllmorc and John street,
and has already moved his family
into same.
Today is pay day, the first in
this month. Will you save a little
from the check? The First National
Bank compounds interest every six
mouths. it
Any parties desiring to carry nn
ad. in Dan's Grill menu cards,
should advise hltu not later than to
morrow. They will be very hand-,
some affairs in which an nd. should
prove effective.
The fire department will give
nuothcr of their enjoyable dances in
the skating rink tomorrow night.
All lovers of dancing and nn all
around good time should not fait to
be in attendance.
For Sale A fifty dollar course
iu the Scranton International Cor
respondence School, any depart
ment, nt 30 per cent discount, at
rate of $5.00 down, $5.00 per
mouth; further discount for cash.
Address "H," this office.
Sunday, May 8th, "The Moth
ers of Men" will be evening topic
at Evangelical church. A special
service iu recognition of day set
apart as Mothers' day. Morning
topic, "Work Near Home." You
are invited. C. P. Gates.
Mary had a little calf beneath
her open-work hose, she took it to
the bathing beach, down where the
snlt sea flows. Mary donned n
bathing suit, the sunbeams wnrmly
kissed her. and now poor Mary's
little calf is one big, painful blister.
It is said that the new mill com
pany at Liuutou intends employing
Hindu labor. No objection would
be raised if St. Johns was relieved
of its supply of the beloved British
subjects. Will the new mill man
agement kindly make a note of
J. E. Touch, former city treas
urer, is now in charge of the St.
John's Land Co.'s offices during a
protracted absence of Clias, J5.
Bailey, who is spending a portion
of his vacation ou his ranch in the
Tualatin valley.
Bring iu your old suit and have
t French dry .cleaned aud Its ap
pearance will surprise you when
we are through with it. We also
do Steam Cleaning, St. Johns
Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing
Works, 116 Philadelphia Street.
Phone Jersey 1 131 .
A cloud of debt will darken nuy
pleasure, "fis a heavy handicap
through life. Stop spending, start
saving. You, at least, will be free
for the race. The I'trst National
Bank ktiows how to help, is eager
to help. Ask them. Interest com
pounded every six months. it
Business had little attention iu
Portland Friday and Saturday of
last week, for the census was the
engrossing subject. Large busi
ness interests volunteered their best
men as special enumerators to assist
in the work without compensation,
and every effort was made to get n
fair couut, the whole to be carefully
checked over for accuracy.
Our agents make $50.00 a week
selling new process water color por
trait and gold frame. Costs go
cents complete with glass, sells for
$1,98, Samples and instructions
free. Young man iu Ohio made
I33.00 in one day. We are the
largest picture and frame house in
the world. Otie general agent
wanted iu each county. Give us
reference and we will extend you
thirty days' credit with steady,
honorable employment at a big in
come. Our business is established
twenty-five years. We are not in
the picture and frame trust. We
waut honorable, trustworthy repre
sentatives ouly, You need no cap
ital to work for us. We teach you
how to make a success. Address
at once Williams Art Company,
3515 W. Taylor Street, Chicago,
111. In auswering state ' 'Saw ad
yertlsmeat iu St. Johns Review."
WANTED. Bright young mau
to learu the primer's trade. Call
at this office.